2 Timothy 1:2
Timothy <5095> [Timothy.]
Grace <5485> [Grace.]
2 Timothy 1:13
<2192> [Hold.]
Hold <5296> [the form.]
with ... faith ...... in <1722 4102> [in faith.]
2 Timothy 1:15
that <3754> [that.]
deserted <654> [be.]
2 Timothy 2:18
from <4012> [concerning.]
resurrection <386> [that.]
they are undermining <396> [overthrow.]
2 Timothy 2:26
they will come to ... senses and escape <366> [recover. Gr. awake.]
<1537> [out.]
are held captive <2221> [who are.]
are held captive <2221> [taken captive. Gr. Taken alive. at.]
2 Timothy 3:14
must continue <3306> [continue.]
are confident <4104> [assured.]
know <1492> [knowing.]
2 Timothy 3:16
Every <3956> [All.]
and useful <2532 5624> [and is.]
for teaching for ... for .... for <4314 1319> [for doctrine.]
for ... for reproof for .... for <4314 1650> [for reproof.]
for ... for ... for .... for training <4314 3809> [for instruction.]
2 Timothy 4:2
Preach <2784> [Preach.]
be ready <2186> [be.]
convenient <2122> [in.]
reprove <1651> [reprove.]
exhort <3870> [exhort.]
complete <3956> [all.]
2 Timothy 4:13
cloak <5341> [cloke.]
Troas <5174> [Troas.]