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Genesis 33:1-20


Esau ... coming <0935 06215> [Esau came.]

divided <02673> [And he.]


Rachel <07354> [Rachel.]


himself went <05674> [passed.]

bowed <07812> [bowed.]

seven times <07651 06471> [seven times.]


embraced <02263> [embraced.]

hugged ... neck <05307 06677> [fell on.]


asked ......... replied <0559> [with. Heb. to. children.]


[What meanest thou by all this drove? Heb. What is all this band to thee?]

find <04672> [to find.]


have plenty <07227 03426> [have enough.]

brother <0251> [my brother.]

[keep that thou hast unto thyself. Heb. be that to thee that is thine.]


found <04672> [if now.]

accept <03947> [receive.]

To accept a present from an inferior was a customary pledge of friendship; but returning it implied disaffection. It was on this ground that Jacob was so urgent with Esau to receive his present.

seen ............... seen <07200> [I have seen.]


present <01293> [my blessing.]

all <03605> [and because.]

all <03605> [enough. Heb. all things.]

take ........................ urged .... took <06484 03947> [urged him.]


children <03206> [the children.]


pace <07272> [according as, etc.]

Heb. according to the foot of the work, etc.; and according to the foot of the children.

pace <07272> [be able.]

Seir <08165> [unto Seir.]


leave <03322> [leave. Heb. set, or place.]

What needeth it? Heb. Wherefore is this?

kind <02580 04672> [find grace.]


Succoth ..................... Succoth <05523> [Succoth.]


Succoth ..................... Succoth <05523> [Succoth. i.e., Booths.]

Succoth was on the east of Jordan, between the brook Jabbok and that river, about 40 miles from Jerusalem, and consequently near Penuel; where a city was afterwards built, which Joshua assigned to the tribe of Gad. Jerome says, that Succoth was in the district of Scythopolis; and the Jews inform us, that the name of Darala was sometime after applied to it.


<08004> [Shalem.]

The word {Shalem,} in the Samaritan {Shalom,} should probably be rendered "in peace," or "in safety;" as it is translated by the Chaldee, Arabic, Coverdale, and Matthewes.

city ... Shechem ............ city <05892 07927> [a city of Shechem.]

Or, rather, "the city Shechem," which was situated in a narrow valley, abounding with springs, between Mounts Ebal and Gerizim, having the former on the north, and the latter on the south; 10 miles from Shiloh, and 34 from Jerusalem. It became the capital of Samaria, after the ruin of the city of that name.


[Sychem. Padan-aram.]


purchased <07069> [bought.]

Hamor <02544> [Hamor.]

[Emmor. pieces of money. or, lambs.]


altar <04196> [altar.]

[El-elohe-Israel. i.e., God, the God of Israel.]

Genesis 8:13


six <08337> [A.M. 1657. B.C. 2347. six.]

Romans 14:13


we must ... pass judgment ... one another .... determine <2919 240> [judge one.]

but <235> [but.]

to place <5087> [put.]

or <2228> [or.]

Romans 14:2


in eating <5315> [that.]

but <1161> [another.]

eats <2068> [eateth.]

Colossians 1:3


give thanks <2168> [give.]

when ... pray <4336> [praying.]

Philippians 1:10


you <5209 5600> [ye.]

so that ... can decide .... best ........ for <1519 1308 2443 1381> [approve things that are excellent. or, try things that differ.]

so that you ............. for <1519 5209 2443 5600> [that ye may be.]

blameless <677> [without.]

so that .............. for <1519> [till.]

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