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Genesis 8:1-22


God remembered .................. God <02142 0430> [God remembered.]

domestic animals <0929> [the cattle.]

wind <07307> [a wind.]


fountains <04599> [fountains.]

rain <01653> [the rain.]


steadily <01980> [continually. Heb. in going and returning. hundred.]


ark <08392> [the ark.]

seventh month <02320 07637> [seventh month.]

That is, of the year, not of the deluge.

Ararat <0780> [Ararat.]

Ararat is generally understood to be Armenia, as it is rendered elsewhere, in which there is a great chain of mountains, like the Alps or the Pyrenees, upon the highest part of which, called by some, "The Finger Mountain," the ark is supposed to have rested.


on receding <02637 01980> [decreased continually. Heb. were in going and decreasing. the tenth.]


opened ... window <06605 02474> [opened the window.]


raven <06158> [a raven.]

flying back ... forth <03318 07725> [went forth to and fro. Heb. in going forth and returning.]


dove <03123> [a dove.]


find <04672> [found.]

returned <07725> [and she.]

brought <0935> [pulled her. Heb. caused her to come.]


waited <02342> [stayed.]

seven <07651> [seven.]


olive <02132> [an olive.]


waited <03176> [And he.]

seven <07651> [seven.]


six <08337> [A.M. 1657. B.C. 2347. six.]


From this, it appears, that Noah was in the ark a complete solar year, or 365 days; for he entered it on the 17th day of the 2nd month, in the 600th year of his life, and continued in it till the 27th day of the 2nd month, in the 601st year of his life, as we see above.



Bring out <03318> [Bring.]

increase <08317> [breed.]



groups <04940> [kinds. Heb. families.]


built <01129> [builded.]

clean animal ... clean <0929 02889> [clean beast.]

burnt offerings <05930> [burnt.]


smelled <07306> [smelled.]

soothing aroma <07381 05207> [sweet savour. Heb. savour of rest. curse.]

humankind ..... inclination .... minds <0120 03336> [for. or, though. the imagination.]

again ....................... again <03254> [neither.]

done <06213> [as I.]


earth continues to exist ............. day <0776 03117> [While the earth remaineth. Heb. as yet all the days of the earth.]

planting time <02233> [seed-time.]

Most of the European nations divide the year into four distinct parts, called quarters or seasons; but there are six divisions in the text, which obtained in Palestine among the Hebrews, and exist among the Arabs to the present day. According to this gracious promise, the heavenly bodies have preserved their courses, the seasons their successions, and the earth its increase for the use of man.

continues to exist ............. day <03117> [day.]

Genesis 6:14


Make ......... Make <06213> [A.M. 1536. B.C. 2468. Make.]

rooms <07064> [rooms. Heb. nests. shalt pitch.]

Genesis 6:16


roof <06672> [window.]

door <06607> [the door.]

lower <08482> [with.]

Leviticus 5:7


afford ...... flock <01767 05060 07716 03027> [he be not able to bring a lamb. Heb. his hand cannot reach to the sufficiency of a lamb.]

two turtledoves ... two <08147 08449> [two turtle-doves.]

one ....... one <0259> [one.]

Leviticus 5:9-10


sprinkle <05137> [sprinkle.]

remainder <07604> [the rest.]


make <06213> [offer.]

regulation <04941> [manner. or, ordinance.]

atonement <03722> [make.]

forgiven <05545> [it.]

Leviticus 8:14


near <05066> [he brought.]

his ... laid their hands <05564> [laid.]

Leviticus 8:18


Leviticus 9:7


make ... sin offering ..................... make <06213 02403> [offer thy.]

make ........................ make .... offering <06213 07133> [offer the.]

Leviticus 14:19-20



Leviticus 14:22


two .... two <08147> [two turtle doves.]

{Tor,} the turtle or ring-dove, so called by an onomatopoeia from its cooing, as in Greek [trugon], Latin, {turtur} and English, turtle. It is a species of the dove or pigeon, here called {yonah,} and in the Syriac {yauno,} from the verb to oppress, afflict, because of its being particularly defenceless, and exposed to rapine and violence. The dove is a genus of birds too well known to need a particular description; and of which there are several species besides the turtle-dove; as the wood pigeon, tame pigeon, and others. The dove is universally allowed to be one of the most beautiful objects in nature. The brilliancy of her plumage, the splendour of her eye, the innocence of her look, the excellence of her dispositions, and the purity of her manners, have been the theme of admiration and praise in every age. To the snowy whiteness of her wings, and the rich golden hues that adorn her neck, the inspired Psalmist alludes in most elegant strains. (Ps 68:13.) The voice of the dove is particularly tender and plaintive, and bears a striking resemblance to the groan of a person in distress; to which the inspired bards frequently allude. (Isa 38:14; 59:11; Eze 7:16.) Her native dwelling is in the caves or hollows of the rock; allusions to which fact also occur in the Sacred Writings, (So 2:14; Jer 48:28.) Her manners are as engaging as her form is elegant, and her plumage rich and beautiful. She is the chosen emblem of simplicity, gentleness, chastity, and feminine timidity, and for this reason, as well as from their abounding in the East, they were probably chosen as offerings by Jehovah.

Hebrews 10:4-10


cannot <102> [not.]

take away <851> [take.]

There were essential defects in these sacrifices. 1st.--They were not of the same nature with those who sinned. 2nd.--They were not of sufficient value to make satisfaction for the affronts done to the justice and government of God. 3rd.--The beasts offered up under the law could not consent to put themselves in the sinner's room and place. The atoning sacrifice must be one capable of consenting, and must voluntarily substitute himself in the sinner's stead: Christ did so.


when ... came <1525> [when.]

Sacrifice <2378> [Sacrifice.]

but <1161> [but.]

you prepared for me <2675 3427> [hast thou prepared me. or, thou hast fitted me.]


burnt offerings <3646> [burnt.]

you took ... delight in <2106> [thou.]


<2400> [Lo.]

in <1722> [in.]

Ge 3:15 *Gr:


Here <2400> [Lo.]

He does away <337> [He taketh.]


<2070> [we.]

offering <4376> [the offering.]

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