Advanced Commentary

Texts -- 1 Corinthians 15:1-46 (NET)

Christ’s Resurrection
15:1 Now I want to make clear for you , brothers and sisters , the gospel that I preached to you , that you received and on which you stand , 15:2 and by which you are being saved , if you hold firmly to the message I preached to you – unless you believed in vain . 15:3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received – that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures , 15:4 and that he was buried , and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures , 15:5 and that he appeared to Cephas , then to the twelve . 15:6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at one time , most of whom are still alive , though some have fallen asleep . 15:7 Then he appeared to James , then to all the apostles . 15:8 Last of all , as though to one born at the wrong time , he appeared to me also . 15:9 For I am the least of the apostles , unworthy to be called an apostle , because I persecuted the church of God . 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am , and his grace to me has not been in vain . In fact , I worked harder than all of them – yet not I , but the grace of God with me . 15:11 Whether then it was I or they , this is the way we preach and this is the way you believed .
No Resurrection?
15:12 Now if Christ is being preached as raised from the dead , how can some of you say there is no resurrection of the dead ? 15:13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead , then not even Christ has been raised . 15:14 And if Christ has not been raised , then our preaching is futile and your faith is empty . 15:15 Also , we are found to be false witnesses about God , because we have testified against God that he raised Christ from the dead, when in reality he did not raise him, if indeed the dead are not raised . 15:16 For if the dead are not raised , then not even Christ has been raised . 15:17 And if Christ has not been raised , your faith is useless ; you are still in your sins . 15:18 Furthermore , those who have fallen asleep in Christ have also perished . 15:19 For if only in this life we have hope in Christ , we should be pitied more than anyone . 15:20 But now Christ has been raised from the dead , the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep . 15:21 For since death came through a man , the resurrection of the dead also came through a man . 15:22 For just as in Adam all die , so also in Christ all will be made alive . 15:23 But each in his own order : Christ , the firstfruits ; then when Christ comes , those who belong to him . 15:24 Then comes the end , when he hands over the kingdom to God the Father , when he has brought to an end all rule and all authority and power . 15:25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet . 15:26 The last enemy to be eliminated is death . 15:27 For he has put everything in subjection under his feet . But when it says “everything ” has been put in subjection , it is clear that this does not include the one who put everything in subjection to him . 15:28 And when all things are subjected to him , then the Son himself will be subjected to the one who subjected everything to him , so that God may be all in all . 15:29 Otherwise , what will those do who are baptized for the dead ? If the dead are not raised at all , then why are they baptized for them ? 15:30 Why too are we in danger every hour ? 15:31 Every day I am in danger of death ! This is as sure as my boasting in you , which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord . 15:32 If from a human point of view I fought with wild beasts at Ephesus , what did it benefit me ? If the dead are not raised , let us eat and drink , for tomorrow we die . 15:33 Do not be deceived : “Bad company corrupts good morals .” 15:34 Sober up as you should, and stop sinning ! For some have no knowledge of God – I say this to your shame !
The Resurrection Body
15:35 But someone will say , “How are the dead raised ? With what kind of body will they come ?” 15:36 Fool ! What you sow will not come to life unless it dies . 15:37 And what you sow is not the body that is to be , but a bare seed – perhaps of wheat or something else . 15:38 But God gives it a body just as he planned , and to each of the seeds a body of its own . 15:39 All flesh is not the same: People have one flesh, animals have another, birds and fish another. 15:40 And there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. The glory of the heavenly body is one sort and the earthly another . 15:41 There is one glory of the sun , and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars , for star differs from star in glory . 15:42 It is the same with the resurrection of the dead . What is sown is perishable , what is raised is imperishable . 15:43 It is sown in dishonor , it is raised in glory ; it is sown in weakness , it is raised in power ; 15:44 it is sown a natural body , it is raised a spiritual body . If there is a natural body , there is also a spiritual body . 15:45 So also it is written , “The first man , Adam , became a living person ”; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit . 15:46 However , the spiritual did not come first , but the natural , and then the spiritual .



Bible Dictionary



(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Aku Dapat di Hatiku [KJ.423]
  • Bumi dan Langit, Pujilah [KJ.286] ( Praise to the Holiest in the Height )
  • Di Malam Yang Gelap [KJ.195] ( Low in the Grave He Lay )
  • Dia Nobatkanlah [KJ.226] ( Crown Him with Many Crowns )
  • Hai Dunia, Lihat Tuhan [KJ.168a]
  • Hai Dunia, Lihat Tuhan [KJ.168b]
  • Hai Dunia, Lihat Tuhan [KJ.168c]
  • Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan [KJ.191]
  • Ketika Tuhanku Disalib [KJ.435]
  • Kini Berakhirlah perang [KJ.201]
  • Kini Sang Putra T'lah Menang [KJ.198]
  • Kristus Sudah Bangkit [KJ.196]
  • KuasaMu dan NamaMulah [KJ.341]
  • Maju, Berjuanglah Terus [KJ.251]
  • Tuhan Melawat UmatNya [KJ.214]
  • [1Co 15:3] To Him For Our Sins Was Slain
  • [1Co 15:4] Again The Lord’s Own Day Is Here
  • [1Co 15:4] Jesus Arose!
  • [1Co 15:4] So Rest—my Rest!
  • [1Co 15:4] Yes, The Redeemer Rose
  • [1Co 15:10] All That I Was
  • [1Co 15:10] Pardoning Grace
  • [1Co 15:20] Asleep In Jesus
  • [1Co 15:20] Awake, Glad Soul
  • [1Co 15:20] Christ The Lord Is Risen Today (2)
  • [1Co 15:20] Hearts To Heaven And Voices Raise
  • [1Co 15:20] Sing With All The Saints In Glory
  • [1Co 15:20] Thou Hallowed Chosen Morn Of Praise
  • [1Co 15:22] Adam, Our Father And Our Head
  • [1Co 15:22] All Mankind Fell In Adam’s Fall
  • [1Co 15:22] And Are We Yet Alive?
  • [1Co 15:22] Hallelujah, Jesus Is Lord
  • [1Co 15:26] Morning Purples All The Sky, The
  • [1Co 15:35] Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense
  • [1Co 15:45] Upon The Sixth Day Of The Week



Sermon Illustrations

1 Corinthians 15:10; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Sequence of Events; Raised from the Dead; A Sign for Unbelievers; Good News; A Transformed Body; 1 Corinthians 15:37; Why We Believe Jesus Rose from the Dead; Until the Rapture; Disclosure of Something Unknown; Salvation Is the Deliverance from Sin; Resurrection Events; Sheep and Goats; Resurrection of Christ Is…; Return of Christ; Resurrections; Christ’s Triumph; Satan Judged; Salvation in Three Tenses; Who Is Jesus Christ?; Passion for Praise; Strength for Ministry (2 Tim. 2:1); Categories of Angels; Greek Words; A Kingdom Implies a King; 1 Corinthians 15:29; Power of Example; The Pull of Sin; What Is Carnality?; What is Carnality?


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The Feast of Firstfruits included the presentation of firstfruits of the spring barley harvest in the Promised Land. The Israelites also offered a lamb, flour, and wine, all representative of God's provisions of spiritual and...
  • This feast (Heb. Sukkot) was another very joyous occasion for the Israelites. It was the third fall festival. It commemorated the Israelites' journey from Egyptian bondage to blessing in Canaan. Its other names were the Feast...
  • The first three verses present Samson sowing "wild oats."Verses 4-21 picture him reaping a bitter harvest (cf. Gal. 6:7).Samson allowed a woman to seduce him again. She lived in the Sorek Valley between Samson's home area of ...
  • The writer evidently chose, under divine inspiration, to open his book with genealogies to help his readers appreciate their heritage and to tie themselves to Adam, Abraham, and David in particular. Adam was important as the ...
  • In view of God's greatness and man's relative lowliness it was marvelous to the psalmist that God would entrust His creation to humankind.8:3-4 In view of the insignificance of mankind compared with the rest of creation, espe...
  • 16:9-10 Evidently David had received a special revelation from the Lord that he would not die then but would escape from whatever distress he was enduring (cf. v. 7a). The phrase "my glory rejoices"(NASB) means David rejoiced...
  • 49:13-14 The writer marvelled at the folly of the proud wicked. How silly it is to live only for the present. Death will end it all. The wicked may dominate the upright in this life, but a new day is coming in which God will ...
  • The psalmist asked God to bless His people in view of life's brevity.The superscription attributes the authorship of this psalm to Moses (cf. Deut. 33:1). It is evidently the only one he wrote that God preserved in this book....
  • The psalmist wrote that he heard a conversation between Yahweh and David's Master. Clearly this distinguishes two members of the Godhead. LORD (Yahweh) refers to God the Father and Lord (adonay) refers to God the Son, the Mes...
  • Messiah would meet certain qualifications (vv. 2-3a) and would rule with absolute justice (vv. 3b-5) with the result that people would live in peace (vv. 6-9)11:1 The prophet had just described Assyria cut down like a forest ...
  • As in the first series of oracles, God's people occupy the fourth place in this second series, which points farther into the future, surrounded by the nations of the world. In the first series the Northern Kingdom was in view...
  • It becomes clear in this stanza of the song that the Servant's sufferings were not His own fault, as onlookers thought. They were for the sins of humankind and resulted in our healing. Furthermore, He would not merely suffer ...
  • This part of Isaiah's lament consists of a review of Israel's relationship with the Lord (vv. 7-10) and a call for Israel to remember who He is (vv. 11-14).63:7 The poetic prophet announced that he would reflect on the loyal ...
  • 13:12 God would not forget Israel's sins. Its iniquities were rolled up (Heb. sarar) in a bundle like a scroll and stored up (Heb. sapan) like a treasure. They stood as hard evidence that condemned the nation.13:13 Israel was...
  • The first part of this oracle focused particularly on the true King who would come and exercise sovereignty over the nations (ch. 9). Now the emphasis changes to the people of the King, the Israelites, who will return to the ...
  • 9:18-19 This incident evidently happened shortly after Jesus and His disciples returned from Gadara on the east side of the lake (cf. Mark 5:21-22; Luke 8:40-41). The name of this Capernium synagogue ruler was Jairus (Mark 5:...
  • Sometime later that day another group of leaders approached Jesus with another question but with the same purpose, to trap Him in a theological controversy that would destroy His reputation.22:23 The Pharisees believed in res...
  • Jesus concluded the Olivet Discourse with further revelation about the judgment that will take place at the end of the present age when He returns. He had referred to it often in the discourse, but now He made it a special su...
  • Normally the Romans let the bodies of crucified criminals rot on their crosses without burial. If family members wanted to bury a crucified loved one, they had to apply for permission to do so. The Romans usually granted thes...
  • The resurrection is central to Christian theology (cf. 1 Cor. 15:12-19). However the Gospel evangelists did not deal with the theological implications of the resurrection but simply recorded the facts. The Apostle Paul wrote ...
  • Matthew presents Jesus in the purple and gold of royalty. Mark portrays Him in the brown and green of a servant who has come to do His Father's will.The message of the book is similar to Matthew's message. A concise statement...
  • This is one of the sections of Mark's Gospel that has a chiastic structure (cf. 3:22-30; 6:14-29; 11:15-19).A The appeal of Jairus for his daughter 5:21-24B The healing of the woman with the hemorrhage 5:25-34A' The raising o...
  • The burial of Jesus was an important part of the preaching of the early church (cf. 1 Cor. 15:3-4). It forms a connection between Jesus' death and His resurrection. More important it demonstrated the reality of Jesus' death.1...
  • Luke introduced his Gospel in a classical literary fashion."It was customary among the great Greek and Hellenistic historians, including the first-century Jewish writer Josephus, to explain and justify their work in a preface...
  • This incident was also relevant for Luke's original Greek readers. The question of the resurrection of the body was important in Greek philosophy (cf. 1 Cor. 15). Luke used this incident in his narrative to bring Jesus' confr...
  • This is another of Luke's exquisite and unique stories. Various students of it have noted its similarity to the stories of the feeding of the 5,000 (9:10-17), the appearance in Jerusalem (vv. 36-49), and the Ethiopian eunuch ...
  • The emphasis here is on the physical reality of Jesus' body after His resurrection whereas in the previous pericope the stress was on His supernatural nature. The incident clarifies that the One who rose from the dead was ind...
  • "John 7 has three time divisions: before the feast (vv. 1-10), in the midst of the feast (vv. 11-36), and on the last day of the feast (vv. 37-52). The responses during each of those periods can be characterized by three word...
  • The difference between this teaching and Jesus' parables in the Synoptics now becomes clearer. Jesus proceeded to compare Himself to the pen gate as well as to the Shepherd. He also described Himself leading His sheep into th...
  • In this pericope John stressed Jesus' deliberate purpose in allowing Lazarus to die and the reality of his death.11:1-2 "Lazarus"probably is a variant of "Eleazar"meaning "God helps."379The Synoptic writers did not mention hi...
  • Jesus proceeded to vindicate His claim that He was the One who would raise the dead and provide life (v. 25).11:38 Jesus again felt the same angry emotion as He approached Lazarus' tomb (cf. v. 33). Tombs cut into the limesto...
  • 17:24 Here Jesus' request clearly included the Eleven with all the elect. He wanted them all to observe (Gr. theorosin) the glory that the Father would restore to the Son following His ascension (v. 5; cf. 1 John 3:2). This a...
  • "If the Gospel of John were an ordinary biography, there would be no chapter 20. I am an incurable reader of biographies, and I notice that almost all of them conclude with the death and burial of the subject. I have yet to r...
  • John omitted the earthquake, the angel rolling away the stone that covered the tomb entrance, and his sitting on the stone (Matt. 28:2-3). He also did not include the appearance of two angels to the women who visited the tomb...
  • This is the first of four of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances that John included in his Gospel.Jesus' Post-resurrection Appearances627Easter morningto Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:10-18)to other women (Matt. 28:9...
  • 21:1 John recorded still another post-resurrection appearance of Jesus to His disciples. It undoubtedly occurred during the 32-day period between Thomas' confession (20:28) and Jesus' ascension (Acts 1:9). Exactly when is uni...
  • 1:12-13 The disciples returned to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit. The short trip from where Jesus ascended on Mt. Olivet to the upper room was only a Sabbath day's journey away (about 2,000 cubits, two-third...
  • 1:15 In view of Peter's leadership gifts, so obvious in the Gospels, it is no surprise that he is the one who took the initiative on this occasion."Undoubtedly, the key disciple in Luke's writings is Peter. He was the represe...
  • "No conversion has been more significant in the history of the Church . . ."389"In this passage we have the most famous conversion story in all history."390"The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch was in a chariot; the convers...
  • 9:19b-20 How verses 19b-20 fit into the chronology of events in Saul's life is not perfectly clear. They could fit in any number of ways. We should probably understand "immediately"in a general sense. As soon as Saul became a...
  • Luke recorded three of Paul's evangelistic messages to unbelievers: here in Pisidian Antioch, in Lystra (14:15-17), and in Athens (17:22-31). This is the longest of the three, though Luke quite certainly condensed all of them...
  • 17:1 Paul, Silas, Timothy, and perhaps others left Philippi and headed southwest on the Egnatian Road. Luke evidently stayed in Philippi since he again described Paul's party as "they"instead of "we"(cf. 20:5-6). Paul and Sil...
  • This incident reveals more about the effects of the gospel on Ephesian society and religion (cf. vv. 13-20)."Luke's purpose in presenting this vignette is clearly apologetic, in line with his argument for the religio licitast...
  • 4:23-24 Paul applied God's dealings with Abraham to his readers in this pericope's final verses. God will credit His righteousness to all who believe Him. As in verse 3, the content of faith is not specific (v. 24). The more ...
  • Paul began his explanation of the believer's relationship to sin by expounding the implications of our union with Christ (6:1-14). He had already spoken of this in 5:12-21 regarding justification, but now he showed how that u...
  • Paul proceeded to expound on the thought that he introduced at the end of verse 17. This passage gives a very wide perspective of God's great plan of redemption, which is the heart of Paul's theology.2648:18 In the light of e...
  • 10:8 Paul quoted Moses again (Deut. 30:14) to reaffirm the fact that the great lawgiver taught that salvation came by faith. The "word of faith"means the message that righteousness comes by faith. Faith is easy compared to a ...
  • Paul's thought moved from identifying responsibilities to urging their practice. What lies before us as Christians provides essential motivation for doing so.13:11 "This"refers to the duties urged earlier, not only in this ch...
  • Corinth had a long history stretching back into the Bronze Age (before 1200 B.C.).1In Paul's day it was a Roman colony and the capital of the province of Achaia. The population consisted of Roman citizens who had migrated fro...
  • A phrase in 1:2 suggests the theme of this great epistle. That phrase is "the church of God which is at Corinth."Two entities are in view in this phrase and these are the two entities with which the whole epistle deals. They ...
  • I. Introduction 1:1-9A. Salutation 1:1-3B. Thanksgiving 1:4-9II. Conditions reported to Paul 1:10-6:20A. Divisions in the church 1:10-4:211. The manifestation of the problem 1:10-172. The gospel as a contradiction to human wi...
  • Paul set up a contrast between cleverness of speech and the Cross in verse 17. Next he developed this contrast with a series of arguments. Boasting in men impacts the nature of the gospel. He pointed out that the gospel is no...
  • Paul's reference to the Holy Spirit's power (vv. 4-5) led him to elaborate on the Spirit's ministry in enlightening the minds of believers and unbelievers alike. The Corinthians needed to view ministry differently. The key to...
  • The apostle now combined the threads of his argument, which began at 1:18, and drew a preliminary conclusion. If his readers insisted on taking the natural view of their teachers and continued to form coteries of followers, t...
  • "The first paragraph (vv. 1-5) leads the way by making an application of the servant model and showing how that relates to their treatment of him [Paul]. He changes images from farm to household and insists that he is God'sse...
  • "With rhetoric full of sarcasm and irony he [Paul] goes for the jugular. His own apostleship, which he portrays in bold relief, contrasting his own shame' with their perceived high station,' is alone consonant with a theology...
  • Paul began by arguing against his recipients' distortion of Christian freedom and their misunderstanding of the nature of the body.6:12 Paul was and is famous as the apostle of Christian liberty. He saw early in his Christian...
  • Paul advised married people not to abstain from normal sexual relations.7:1 Again Paul began what he had to say by citing a general truth. Then he proceeded to qualify it (cf. 6:12-13). The use of the Greek word anthropos(man...
  • Most of the Corinthians had been following Paul's instructions regarding women's head coverings so he commended them (v. 2), but he could not approve their practice at the Lord's Supper. They needed to make some major changes...
  • There was an even more serious dimension to this problem. The Corinthians were sinning against the Lord as well as one another.11:23 What Paul taught here came ultimately from the Lord Jesus Himself. This reminder stresses th...
  • Paul had been dealing with matters related to worship since 8:1. He had forbidden the Corinthians from participating in temple meals but had allowed eating marketplace meat under certain circumstances (8:1-11:1). Then he deal...
  • The Apostle Paul did not introduce the instruction on the resurrection that follows with the formula that identifies it as a response to a specific question from the Corinthians (i.e., peri de). From what he said in this chap...
  • Paul began by reaffirming their commonly held belief: Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. In this section the apostle stressed the objective reality of both Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.15:1 The Corinthians and al...
  • Paul first appealed to the Corinthians' logic.365Here it becomes clear for the first time in the chapter that some of them were saying that there is no resurrection of the dead. If they were correct, they had neither a past n...
  • Paul turned next to show that the resurrection of Christ makes the resurrection of believers both necessary and inevitable. The consequences of this fact are as glorious as the effects of His not being raised are dismal. Thos...
  • Paul turned from Christ's career to the Christian's experience to argue ad hominemfor the resurrection.377The Corinthians' actions, and his, bordered on absurdity if the dead will not rise. This paragraph is something of a di...
  • The apostle proceeded to offer two sets of analogies (seeds, vv. 36-38; and types of bodies, vv. 39-41) that he then applied to the resurrection of the dead (vv. 42-44).15:35 This objection to the resurrection has to do with ...
  • Paul now returned to his analogy between Adam and Christ (cf. vv. 21-22) to reinforce his argument, which he had brought to a head in verse 44.15:45 The natural body is physical, the product of Adam who received life from God...
  • Paul brought his revelation of the resurrection to a climax in this paragraph by clarifying what all this means for the believer in Christ. Here he also dealt with the exceptional case of living believers' transformation at t...
  • As the preceding verse revealed, Paul's plans were tentative to some extent. He wanted the Corinthians to know that he anticipated a return to Corinth and hopefully a stay of several months. Timothy and Apollos might return t...
  • Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1980.Andrews, J. N. "May Women Speak in Meeting?"Review and Herald. January 2, 1879. Reprinted in Advent...
  • This salutation contains the three elements common in all of Paul's epistles and other correspondence of his day: the writer, the addressees, and a greeting."This salutation exhibits undoubted resemblances in form to secular ...
  • Paul presented many paradoxical contrasts involved in the sufferings and supports of the Christian to clarify for his readers the real issues involved in serving Jesus Christ."This passage, which is about suffering and death ...
  • This section and the first two verses of chapter 6 constitute the crux of Paul's exposition of the apostolic office (2:14-7:4) and of the entire letter.1895:18-19 The basis of this total change (new attitudes, v. 16, and new ...
  • The New Testament reveals that Paul was actively collecting money for "the poor among the saints in Jerusalem"(Rom. 15:26) for about five years (52-57 A.D.). He solicited funds from the Christians in Galatia (Acts 18:23; 1 Co...
  • Paul clarified the source of his gospel message in this pericope to convince his readers that the gospel he had preached to them was the true gospel. What the false teachers were presenting was heresy. He began an autobiograp...
  • 4:1-3 Already Paul had compared the Law to a prison warden (3:22) and a baby sitter (3:24). Now he compared it to a trustee appointed to care for a young child and his property, a guardian. The purpose of all three comparison...
  • 1:7 The "Him"in view is the beloved Son (v. 6).Redemption (Gr. apolytrosin) means release from slavery (cf. v. 14; 4:30; Luke 21:28; Rom. 3:24; 8:23; 1 Cor. 1:30; Col. 1:14; Heb. 9:15; 11:35). It involves buying back and sett...
  • 1:17 Paul returned to his concept of God as the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 3; cf. Matt. 6:9). He combined with this fact the idea that all glory belongs to the Father (vv. 6, 12, 14; cf. Acts 7:2; 1 Cor. 2:8).Paul as...
  • "The doxology is plainly the climax of the first half of Ephesians; it may be regarded as the climax of the whole letter, which rises to a spiritual peak at this point and then concentrates on practical outworkings."96The bas...
  • Having described the basis of Christian unity Paul next explained the means by which we can preserve it, namely with the gifts that the Spirit gives.4:7 Whereas each believer has received grace (unmerited favor and divine ena...
  • This paragraph is the most important one in the epistle and the most difficult to interpret."By anyone's reckoning, 2:6-11 constitutes the single most significant block of material in Philippians."582:5 Paul introduced an ill...
  • Another messenger would arrive in Philippi before either Paul or Timothy. Epaphroditus would carry this epistle to its destination. Paul wrote this pericope to prepare for a proper reception of its courier and to draw attenti...
  • 3:8 Paul had regarded his advantages over other people as what put him in a specially good position with God. However, he had come to realize that absolutely nothing apart from Jesus Christ's work on the cross was of any valu...
  • "First-born"(Gr. prototokos) may denote either priority in time or supremacy in rank (cf. v. 18; Exod. 4:22; Ps. 89:27; Rom. 8:29; Heb. 1:6; Rev. 1:15). It may also denote both of these qualities. Both seem to be in view here...
  • So far everything Paul had written about Christ other New Testament writers also revealed, but what follows in verse 18 is uniquely Pauline.In 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and Romans 12:4-8 Paul used the human body to illustrate th...
  • "Verses 6 and 7 occupy a pivotal position in the letter. They serve as the basis of Paul's interaction with the Colossian heresy (vv 8-23) having summarized much of what has already been written in the epistle."1032:6 In part...
  • Paul revealed what his readers enjoyed in Christ in this pericope to encourage them to remain faithful to the true revelation they had received and believed."The apostle now makes his most direct attack against the Colossian ...
  • On the basis of their position in Christ, Paul urged his readers to separate from the practices of their former way of life. He did this to enable them to realize in their experience all that Jesus Christ could produce in and...
  • Paul next turned to another subject on which his readers needed instruction in view of their newness in Christ (cf. 3:10). He outlined the immediate hope of his readers. He did this to explain that those of their number who h...
  • 2:13 In contrast to the wicked unbelievers just referred to (v. 12), Paul was grateful that he could always give thanks for his readers. Moreover he did so.58The ground for his joy was God's choice of them for salvation befor...
  • Paul thanked God for changing him to enable Timothy to appreciate the fact that God can transform even the worst of sinners and enable His saints to accomplish supernatural feats. What precipitated Paul's testimony here was t...
  • In these straightforward verses, which expound verses 1-3, the writer explained further how Melchizedek was superior to Abraham, the ancestor of Levi, the head of the priestly tribe under the Old (Mosaic) Covenant. He said mo...
  • The writer of this epistle was evidently the half-brother of our Lord Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:19) and the brother of Jude, the writer of the epistle that bears his name (cf. Matt. 13:55). This was the opinion of many of the earl...
  • The writer identified himself for the original recipients of this epistle and greeted them to introduce himself to his readers.James (lit. Jacob) was probably the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ who evidently became a b...
  • James now defended God before those who doubted His goodness or reliability or who had given up hope in a time of testing and had concluded that this was their "fate."551:16 James wanted his readers to have no doubt about God...
  • James next introduced an objection to his thesis that faith is dead without works. He put it in the mouth of a hypothetical objector. This literary device of objection and response was a common one that Paul also used (Rom. 9...
  • James concluded this section and his entire epistle by explaining how a brother who had erred could return to fellowship with God and could resume living by faith. These instructions apply directly to what James just explaine...
  • Peter explained what Christian conduct should be negatively (v. 11) and positively (v. 12). Then he expounded more specifically what it should be positively in 2:13-4:11.2:11 "Beloved, I [or we] urge you"frequently marks off ...
  • Peter drew application for his readers and focused their attention on how they should live presently in view of the future.3:11 Peter believed that an understanding of the future should motivate the believer to live a holy li...
  • Traditionally the writer of this epistle was Judas, the half-brother of Jesus Christ (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3) and the brother of James (Jude 1; Acts 15:13). Some scholars have challenged this identification in recent years, bu...
  • "As is true of NT epistles in general, the address of Revelation contains three elements: the writer, the addressees, and the greeting."181:4 John sent this letter to the seven churches mentioned in chapters 2 and 3, which we...
  • John's revelation continued to unfold future events as God revealed these to him in his vision. The scene John saw next was in heaven. The seventh trumpet judgment did not begin immediately (cf. 8:1-5), but John received info...
  • ". . . it is not difficult to see why the early church understood John to be teaching a millennium in Revelation 20. Three arguments support this interpretation: (1) the teaching of two resurrections, (2) the binding of Satan...
  • 20:11 This "And I saw"introduces something else John saw in this vision (cf. 19:11, 17, 19; 20:1, 4, 12; 21:1, 2). The continuation of chronological progression seems clear from the continued use of "And"to introduce new info...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. 17. And when they saw Him, they worshipped Him: but some doubted.'--Matt. 28:16-17.After that, He was seen of above five hundre...
  • We need not discuss the grammatical connection of these verses, nor the relation of Mark 1:2-3 to the following section. However that be settled, the result, for our present purpose, is the same. Mark considers that John's mi...
  • And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did another disciple: that disciple was known unto the high priest, and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest. But Peter stood at the door without. Then went out that oth...
  • He showed Himself alive after His passion by, proofs.'By sight, repeated, to individuals, to companies, to Mary in her solitary sadness, to Peter the penitent, to the two on the road to Emmaus. At all hours: in the evening wh...
  • And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, 2. And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they ...
  • The substance of the narrative coincides, as it could not but do, with Peter's sermons, but yet with differences, partly due to the different audience, partly to Paul's idiosyncrasy. After the preceding historical resume, he ...
  • And it came to pass, that, as I made my journey, and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon, suddenly there shone from heaven a great light round about me. 7. And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul...
  • I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures; 4. And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.'--1 Cor...
  • After that He was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.'--1 Cor. 15:6.THERE were, then, some five-and-twenty years after the Resurrection, ...
  • By the grace of God I am what I am: and His grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain,'--1 Cor. 15:10.THE Apostle was, all his life, under the hateful necessity of vindicating his character and Apostleship. Thus here, ...
  • Whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed.'--1 Cor. 15:11.PARTY spirit and faction were the curses of Greek civic life, and they had crept into at least one of the Greek churches--that in the luxurious and p...
  • But now is Christ risen from the dead … the first fruits of them that slept.' 1 Cor. 15:20.THE Apostle has been contemplating the long train of dismal consequences which he sees would arise if we only had a dead Christ. ...
  • But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first-fruits of them that slept. 21. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 50. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot ...
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