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1 Kings 8:58


<05186> [incline.]

commandments <04687> [his commandments.]

1 Kings 8:1


Solomon <08010> [A.M. 3000. B.C. 1004. Solomon.]

This did not take place, according to Abp. Usher, till the year after the temple was finished, because that year was a jubilee. "The 8th day of the 7th month, viz. the 30th of our October, being Friday, was the first of the seven days of dedication; the 10th day, Saturday, November 1, the fast of expiation or atonement was held; whereon, according to the Levitical law, the jubilee was proclaimed by sound of trumpet. The 15th day, Friday, was the feast of tabernacles, which was always very solemnly kept; and the day following, Nov. 14, being our Saturday, when the Sabbath was ended, the people returned home."

convened <06950> [assembled.]

families <01 05387> [chief of the fathers. Heb. princes.]

transferal <05927> [that they might bring.]

city <05892> [out of the city.]

1 Kings 1:14-18


arrive <0935> [I also.]

verify <04390> [confirm. Heb. fill up.]


very old <02204 03966> [very old.]


bowed down on <06915> [bowed.]

king ... king <04428> [And the.]

[What wouldest thou? Heb. What to thee?]


master <0113> [My lord.]

swore <07650> [thou swarest.]

It is not recorded when or upon what occasion David sware to Bathsheba that Solomon should succeed him; but it is supposed, with some degree of probability, that it took place after Absalom's rebellion; and as God himself had settled the succession, he might very properly give her this assurance.


Adonijah <0138> [Adonijah.]

aware <03045> [thou knowest.]

Ezra 1:1


first <0259> [Now in the.]

Cyrus ..................... Cyrus <03566> [Cyrus.]

Cyrus is said to have been the son of Cambyses, king of Persia, and Mandane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media: he was born about 600 years before Christ, and died at the age of 70, after a reign of 30 years. He was mentioned by name, and his conquests foretold, by the prophet Isaiah, about a century before his birth. Josephus states the partiality he evinced towards the Jews, arose from the circumstance of these prophecies being shown him, probably by Daniel.

spoken <06310> [by the mouth.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

disseminated <05674> [made a proclamation. Heb. caused a voice to pass.]

Ezra 1:5


mind <07307> [whose spirit.]

Ezra 7:27


Blessed <01288> [Blessed.]

There is a most amiable spirit of piety in these reflections. Instead of expatiating on the praises of his munificent patron, or boasting of his own services, he blesses God for "putting such a thing in the king's heart;" and for all the assistance and favour shown him by the king and his counsellors.

so ........ king <05414 04428> [put such.]

heart .... king <03820 04428> [in the king's heart.]

honor <06286> [to beautify.]

Nehemiah 2:4


seeking <01245> [For what.]

prayed <06419> [So I prayed.]

Psalms 110:3


people ......... battle ............ youth <05971 02428 03208> [Thy.]

when <03117> [day.]

hills <01926> [beauties.]

sunrise <07358> [from the womb, etc. or, more than the womb of the morning: thou shalt have, etc. thou hast.]

Psalms 119:36


Give <05186> [Incline.]

unjustly <01215> [and not to.]

Psalms 141:4


participate <05186 03820> [Incline not.]

let me ...... participate <05953> [to practise.]

eat <03898> [and let me.]

Proverbs 21:1


king's <04428> [The king's.]

channels <06388> [as.]

John 6:45


written <1125> [written.]

And ............ and <2532 2071> [And they.]

all ...... Everyone <3956> [Every.]

John 6:65


that no one <3754 3762> [that no.]

Ephesians 2:4-5


<5607> [who.]

of his <846> [his.]


dead <3498> [dead.]

made ... alive together <4806> [quickened.]

by grace <5485 2075> [grace ye. Gr. whose grace ye.]

Ephesians 2:2


formerly <4218> [in time.]

you ... lived according to ...... according to <4043 2596> [walked according.]

ruler <758> [the prince.]

air <109> [of the air.]

spirit <4151> [the spirit.]

sons <5207> [the children.]

Ephesians 2:13-14


in ............... by <1722> [in.]

<5607> [were.]

have been brought <1096> [are.]


our <2257> [our.]

both <297> [both.]

middle wall of partition <3320> [the middle.]

Titus 3:4-5


kindness <5544> [the kindness.]

love for mankind <5363> [love. or, pity. God.]

appeared <2014> [appeared.]


by works ............... through <1537 2041 1223> [by works.]

on the basis <2596> [according.]

washing <3067> [washing.]

renewing <342> [renewing.]

Titus 3:1


Remind <5279> [Put.]

to be subject <5293> [to be subject.]

ready for <1511 2092 4314> [to be ready.]

Titus 1:3


his own <2398> [in.]

he has made .... evident <5319> [manifested.]

<3739> [which.]

of God <2316> [God.]

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