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Genesis 38:1-30


[A.M. 2265. B.C. 1739.]

time <06256> [it came.]

As there cannot be above 23 years from the selling of Joseph, unto Israel's going down into Egypt; and as it is impossible that Judah should take a wife, and by her have three sons successively, and Shelah, the youngest, marriageable when Judah begat Pharez of Tamar, and Pharez be grown up, married, and have two sons, all within so short a period; Mr. Ainsworth conceives that the time here spoken of is soon after Jacob's coming to Shechem, (ch. 33.) We have accordingly adapted the chronology to correspond with that time.

stayed <05186> [turned.]

Adullamite <05726> [Adullamite.]

An inhabitant of Adullam, a city of Canaan, afterwards given to Judah, situated in the southern part of that tribe, west of Hebron.


saw <07200> [saw.]

Shua <07770> [Shuah.]


acquired <03947> [took.]


Er <06147> [A.M. 2266. B.C. 1738. Er.]


Onan <0209> [A.M. 2267. B.C. 1737. Onan.]


[A.M. 2268. B.C. 1736.]

Shelah <07956> [Shelah.]

Kezib <03580> [Chezib.]

Chezib is said, by Eusebius and Jerome, to have been situated near Adullam, and to be then uninhabited.


acquired <03947> [took.]

Tamar <08559> [Tamar.]


Er <06147> [Er.]

evil <07451> [wicked.]

Lord's ..... Lord <03068> [and the.]


[A.M. 2282. B.C. 1722.]


[he is.]

not ... give <01115 05414> [lest that.]


<03415> [displeased. Heb. was evil in the eyes of.]

[him also.]


Shelah <07956> [till Shelah.]

father's ............................ father's <01> [in her.]


time Judah's <03117 07235> [in process of time. Heb. the days were multiplied. comforted.]

sheepshearers <01494> [sheep shearers.]

Timnah <08553> [Timnath.]

Timnath is, in all probability, that in the border of Judah, between Jerusalem and Diospolis, given to Dan, and mentioned in the history of Samson as belonging to the Philistines.




sat <03427> [and sat.]

entrance ... Enaim <05869 06607> [an open place. Heb. the door of eyes, or of Enajim}]

Some think {ainayim} means "the two fountains," or "double fountain;" while others regard it as a proper name, and the same as Enaim, a city of Judah, (Jos 15:34.) So the LXX. render it Enan.

Timnah <08553> [Timnath.]

Shelah <07956> [that Shelah.]


Come on <03051> [Go to.]

give <05414> [What wilt.]


send ................... send <07971> [I will.]

goat <05795> [a kid. Heb. a kid of the goats. Wilt thou.]


seal <02368> [Thy signet.]

{Chothem,} or {chothemeth,} as in ver. 25, is properly a ring-seal, with which impressions were made to ascertain property, etc. From Jer 22:24, we find that it was worn on the hand; though it might also have been suspended from the neck by a ribband, as the Arabs still wear it.

cord <06616> [bracelets.]

{Pathil,} from {pathal,} to twist, wreathe, may denote either a wreath for the arm or neck, a twisted collar, or bracelet. In the former sense the LXX. render it by [ormiskon,] and Aquila and Symmachus by [strepton;] and in the latter sense, the Vulgate renders it by {armillam.} It may have been a collar by which the signet was suspended; though its being used in the plural seems to favour the opinion of its being a bracelet.

give .................. gave ...... had sex <05414 0935> [gave it her.]


removed ... veil <06809 05493> [laid by her vail.]


friend <07453> [his friend.]


road <01870 05869> [openly by the way side. or, in Enajim.]


dishonest <0937> [lest we.]

dishonest <0937> [be shamed. Heb. become a contempt.]


prostitution <02181> [played the harlot.]

burned <08313> [let her.]


Identify <05234> [Discern.]


recognized <05234> [acknowledged.]

upright than ... am <06663> [She hath.]

upright than ... am <06663> [more righteous. Not less to blame, but more righteous. because.]

sexual relations <03045> [And he knew.]


broken out <06555> [A.M. 2283. B.C. 1721. How hast, etc. or, Wherefore hast thou made this breach against thee? his name.]


[Phares. Pharez. i.e., a breach.]


Zerah <02226> [Zarah.]



Genesis 1:1


beginning <07225> [beginning.]

God <0430> [God.]

Genesis 16:1


given birth <03205> [A.M. 2092. B.C. 1912. bare.]

Egyptian <04713> [Egyptian.]

named <08034> [name.]


Genesis 16:1


given birth <03205> [A.M. 2092. B.C. 1912. bare.]

Egyptian <04713> [Egyptian.]

named <08034> [name.]


Genesis 18:3


favor <02580> [favour.]

Genesis 18:1


appeared <07200> [appeared.]

Mamre <04471> [Mamre.]

sitting <03427> [and he sat.]

In these verses we have a delightful picture of genuine and primitive hospitality: a venerable father sits at the tent door, not only to enjoy the current of refreshing air, but that if he saw any weary and exhausted travellers, he might invite them to rest and refresh themselves during the heat of the day, and the same custom still continues in the east. It was not the custom, nor was there any necessity, for strangers to knock at the door, or to speak first, but to stand till they were invited.

Genesis 6:19


The cubit being nearly 22 inches, and the ark being 300 cubits in length, 50 in breadth, and 30 in height, (ver. 15,) its size was equal to 547 feet long, 91 feet broad, and 54 feet high; and it is computed to had been 81,062 tons burthen. These dimensions were sufficient to contain all the persons and animals in it, and food for more than a year.

two <08147> [two.]

Genesis 6:2


sons <01121> [the sons.]

saw <07200> [saw.]

Thus <02007> [that they.]

took <03947> [and they.]

Genesis 6:7


wipe <04229> [I will.]

humankind .............. humankind to animals including <0120 05704 0929> [both man, and beast. Heb. from man unto beast.]

Genesis 6:2


sons <01121> [the sons.]

saw <07200> [saw.]

Thus <02007> [that they.]

took <03947> [and they.]

Genesis 26:16-21


<03212> [Go.]

Dr. A. Clarke observes, that this is the first instance on record of what was termed among the Greeks, ostracism, i.e., the banishment of person from the state, of whose power, influence, or riches, the people were jealous.

much more powerful <06105> [mightier.]


days <03117> [in the days.]

Houbigant contends, that instead of {bimey,} "in the days," we should read, {avdey,} "servants;" agreeably to the Samaritan, Septuagint, Syriac, and Vulgate: "And Isaac digged again the wells of water which the servants of Abraham his father had digged."

gave .......... given <07121> [and he.]


fresh flowing water <04325 02416> [springing water. Heb. living.]


quarreled <07378> [did strive.]

Esek <06230> [Esek. i.e., Contention.]


Sitnah <07856> [Sitnah. i.e., Hatred.]

Ephesians 2:19


foreigners <3581> [strangers.]

but <235> [but.]

members of ... household <3609> [household.]

Hebrews 8:4


<302> [he should.]

a priest <2409 5607> [there are priests. or, they are priests. gifts.]

[Doron <\\See definition 1435\\>,] gifts, or offerings, comprehended propitiatory sacrifices as well as freewill-offerings.


Hebrews 10:19-22


have <2192> [Having.]

confidence <3954> [boldness. or, liberty. to enter.]


fresh <4372> [a new.]

he inaugurated <1457> [consecrated. or, new made. through.]

his <846> [his.]


great <3173> [an.]

house <3624> [the house.]


let us draw near <4334> [draw.]

a sincere <228> [a true.]

in ... assurance <1722 4136> [in full.]

sprinkled clean <4472> [sprinkled.]

an evil <4190> [an evil.]

bodies <4983> [our bodies.]

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