NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Acts 2:1


day <2250> [the day.]

<2258> [they.]

Acts 2:42


<2258> [they.]

fellowship <2842> [fellowship.]

breaking <2800> [in breaking.]

and ......... and ... prayer <1161 2532 4335> [and in prayers.]

Acts 2:46


Every ................. from house to house <2596> [daily.]

breaking <2806> [breaking.]

Every ................. from house to house <2596 3624> [from house to house. or, at home.]

sharing <3335> [did.]

humble <858> [singleness.]

Acts 4:24-31


heard ... they raised <191 142> [they.]

Master <1203> [Lord.]


through <1223> [by.]

Why <2444> [Why.]


kings <935> [kings.]

against ..... against his <2596 846> [against his.]


indeed .................... against <1909 225> [of a.]

your <4675> [thy.]

whom <3739> [whom.]

both <5037> [both.]

Pontius Pilate <4194 4091> [Pontius Pilate.]

people <2992> [the people.]


to do <4160> [to do.]

and <2532> [and.]


pay attention <1896> [behold.]

with <3326> [that.]


extend .............. through <1722 1223 1614> [By stretching.]

and ...... signs and <2532 4592> [and that.]

name <3686> [the name.]


place <5117> [the place.]

they .............. they were all filled <2258 4130 537 846> [they were all.]

began to speak <2980> [spake.]

Acts 6:4


we will devote <4342> [give.]

prayer <4335> [prayer.]

Matthew 18:19-20


if ......... whatever <3754 1437 3739> [That if.]

<1096> [it shall.]


two <1417> [two.]

there <1563> [there.]

Matthew 21:22


Luke 11:13


are <5225> [being.]

know <1492> [know.]

to give ....... how much ... will ..... give <1325 4214> [how.]

heavenly <3772> [heavenly.]

to give .......... will ..... give ... Holy <1325 40> [give the.]

Luke 18:1


should <1163> [that.]

Then .............. and not <1161 2532 3361> [and not.]

Luke 24:53


in <1722> [in.]

<281> [Amen.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON LUKE'S GOSPEL. Luke, to whom this Gospel has been uniformly attributed from the earliest ages of the Christian church, is generally allowed to have been "the beloved physician" mentioned by Paul, (Col 4:14;) and as he was the companion of that apostle, in all his labours and sufferings, for many years, (Ac 16:12; 20:1-6; 27:1,2; 28:13-16. 2Ti 4:11. Phm 24,) and wrote "the Acts of the Apostles," which conclude with a brief account of Paul's imprisonment at Rome, we may be assured that he had the Apostle's sanction to what he did; and probably this Gospel was written some time before that event, about A.D. 63 or 64, as is generally supposed. He would appear, from Col 4:10, 11, and his intimate acquaintance with the Greek language, as well as from his Greek name [Loukas <\\See definition 3065\\>,] to have been of Gentile extraction; and according to Eusebius and others, he was a native of Antioch. But, from the Hebraisms occurring in his writings, and especially from his accurate knowledge of the Jewish rites, ceremonies, and custom, it is highly probable that he was a Jewish proselyte, and afterwards converted to Christianity. Though he may not have been, as some have affirmed, one of the seventy disciples, and an eye-witness of our Saviour's miracles, yet his intercourse with the apostles, and those who were eye-witnesses of the works and ear witnesses of the words of Christ, renders him an unexceptional witness, if considered merely as an historian; and the early and unanimous reception of his Gospel as divinely inspired is sufficient to satisfy every reasonable person.

Ephesians 6:18


pray <4336> [Praying.]

petition ................... requests <1162> [supplication.]

at .... in ... Spirit ........ with <1722 4151> [in the.]

be alert <69> [watching.]

every ....... all ............. all perseverance ..... all <3956 4343> [all perseverance.]

petition ................... requests <1162> [supplication.]

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