NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Daniel 3:17


God <0426> [our God.]

Genesis 18:14


impossible <06381> [Is.]

return <07725> [I will.]

Numbers 11:23


Lord ....... Lord's <03068> [Is the Lord's.]

That is, "Is the power of the Lord diminished?" That power which has been so signally displayed on your behalf, and which is as unchangeable as it is unlimited.

see <07200> [thou shalt.]

Numbers 14:15-16



Jeremiah 32:17


Oh <0162> [Ah.]

make <06213> [thou.]

<01697> [there.]

[to hard for thee. or, hid from thee.]

Luke 1:37


with <3844> [with.]

Luke 1:2


<3588> [which.]

and <2532> [and.]

Colossians 1:10


<5209> [ye.]

all ...... every <3956> [all.]

bearing fruit <2592> [fruitful.]

growing <837> [increasing.]

Colossians 1:2


saints <40> [the saints.]

faithful <4103> [faithful.]

Grace <5485> [Grace.]

Colossians 1:12


giving thanks <2168> [Giving.]

Father <3962> [the Father.]

has qualified <2427> [made.]

share <3310> [partakers.]

inheritance <2819> [inheritance.]

in <1722> [in.]

Colossians 4:16-18



Archippus <751> [Archippus.]

See <991> [Take.]

ministry <1248> [the ministry.]

complete <4137> [fulfil.]


hand <5495 1223> [by.]

Remember <3421> [Remember.]

Grace <5485> [Grace.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE EPISTLE TO THE COLOSSIANS. Colosse was a large and populous city of Phrygia Pacatiana, in Asia Minor, seated on an eminence to the south of the river Meander. It is supposed to have occupied a site now covered with ruins, near the village of Konous or Khonas, and about twenty miles N. W. of Degnizlu. By whom, or at what time, the church at Colosse was founded is wholly uncertain; but it would appear from the apostle's declaration, ch. 2:1, that he was not the honoured instrument. It appears from the tenor of this epistle to have been, upon the whole, in a very flourishing state; but some difficulties having arisen among them, they sent Epaphras to Rome, where the apostle was now imprisoned, (ch. 4:3) to acquaint him with the state of their affairs. It is remarkable for a peculiar pathos and ardour, which is generally ascribed to the extraordinary divine consolations enjoyed by the apostle during his sufferings for the sake of Christ. Whoever, says Michaelis, would understand the Epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians, must read them together. The one is in most places a commentary on the other; the meaning of single passages in one epistle, which, if considered alone, might be variously interpreted, being determined by the parallel passages in the other epistle.

Hebrews 7:25


he is able <1410> [he is.]

completely ............. to <1519 3838> [to the uttermost. or, evermore. come.]

through him ......... them <1223 846> [by him.]

always <3842> [ever.]

to intercede <1519 1793> [to make.]

Jude 1:24


is able <1410> [able.]

stand <2476> [present.]

without blemish <299> [faultless.]

before <2714> [the presence.]

rejoicing <20> [exceeding.]

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