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Exodus 21:1--23:33

Now these [are] the judgments
which thou shalt set
<07760> (8799)
If thou buy
<07069> (8799)
an Hebrew
he shall serve
<05647> (8799)_:
and in the seventh
he shall go out
<03318> (8799)
for nothing
If he came in
<0935> (8799)
by himself
he shall go out
<03318> (8799)
by himself
if he were married
<01167> <0802>_,
then his wife
shall go out
<03318> (8804)
with him. {by himself: Heb. with his body}
If his master
have given
<05414> (8799)
him a wife
and she have born
<03205> (8804)
him sons
or daughters
the wife
and her children
shall be her master's
and he shall go out
<03318> (8799)
by himself
And if the servant
shall plainly
<0559> (8800)
<0559> (8799)_,
I love
<0157> (8804)
my master
my wife
and my children
I will not go out
<03318> (8799)
{shall...: Heb. saying shall say}
Then his master
shall bring
<05066> (8689)
him unto the judges
he shall also bring
<05066> (8689)
him to the door
or unto the door post
and his master
shall bore
<07527> (8804)
his ear
through with an aul
and he shall serve
<05647> (8804)
him for ever
And if a man
<04376> (8799)
his daughter
to be a maidservant
she shall not go out
<03318> (8799)
as the menservants
<03318> (8800)_.
If she please
<07451> <05869>
not her master
who hath betrothed
<03259> (8804)
her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed
<06299> (8689)_:
to sell
<04376> (8800)
her unto a strange
he shall have no power
<04910> (8799)_,
seeing he hath dealt deceitfully
<0898> (8800)
with her. {please...: Heb. be evil in the eyes of, etc}
And if he have betrothed
<03259> (8799)
her unto his son
he shall deal
<06213> (8799)
with her after the manner
of daughters
If he take
<03947> (8799)
him another
[wife]; her food
her raiment
and her duty of marriage
shall he not diminish
<01639> (8799)_.
And if he do
<06213> (8799)
not these three
unto her, then shall she go out
<03318> (8804)
without money
He that smiteth
<05221> (8688)
a man
so that he die
<04191> (8804)_,
shall be surely
<04191> (8800)
put to death
<04191> (8714)_.
And if a man lie not in wait
<06658> (8804)_,
but God
<0579> (8765)
[him] into his hand
then I will appoint
<07760> (8804)
thee a place
whither he shall flee
<05127> (8799)_.
But if a man
come presumptuously
<02102> (8686)
upon his neighbour
to slay
<02026> (8800)
him with guile
thou shalt take
<03947> (8799)
him from mine altar
that he may die
<04191> (8800)_.
And he that smiteth
<05221> (8688)
his father
or his mother
shall be surely
<04191> (8800)
put to death
<04191> (8714)_.
And he that stealeth
<01589> (8802)
a man
and selleth
<04376> (8804)
him, or if he be found
<04672> (8738)
in his hand
he shall surely
<04191> (8800)
be put to death
<04191> (8714)_.
And he that curseth
<07043> (8764)
his father
or his mother
shall surely
<04191> (8800)
be put to death
<04191> (8714)_.
{curseth: or, revileth}
And if men
<07378> (8799)
together, and one
<05221> (8689)
with a stone
with [his] fist
and he die
<04191> (8799)
not, but keepeth
<05307> (8804)
[his] bed
{another: or, his neighbour}
If he rise again
<06965> (8799)_,
and walk
<01980> (8694)
upon his staff
then shall he that smote
<05221> (8688)
[him] be quit
<05352> (8738)_:
only he shall pay
<05414> (8799)
[for] the loss of his time
and shall cause [him] to be thoroughly
<07495> (8763)
<07495> (8762)_.
{the loss...: Heb. his ceasing}
And if a man
<05221> (8686)
his servant
or his maid
with a rod
and he die
<04191> (8804)
under his hand
he shall be surely
<05358> (8800)
<05358> (8735)_.
{punished: Heb. avenged}
if he continue
<05975> (8799)
a day
or two
he shall not be punished
<05358> (8714)_:
for he [is] his money
If men
<05327> (8735)_,
and hurt
<05062> (8804)
a woman
with child
so that her fruit
<03318> (8804)
[from her], and yet no mischief follow
he shall be surely
<06064> (8800)
<06064> (8735)_,
according as the woman's
will lay
<07896> (8799)
upon him; and he shall pay
<05414> (8804)
as the judges
And if [any] mischief follow
then thou shalt give
<05414> (8804)
for life
for eye
for tooth
for hand
for foot
for burning
for wound
for stripe
And if a man
<05221> (8686)
the eye
of his servant
or the eye
of his maid
that it perish
<07843> (8765)_;
he shall let him go
<07971> (8762)
his eye's
And if he smite
<05307> (8686)
out his manservant's
or his maidservant's
he shall let him go
<07971> (8762)
for his tooth's
If an ox
<05055> (8799)
a man
or a woman
that they die
<04191> (8804)_:
then the ox
shall be surely
<05619> (8800)
<05619> (8735)_,
and his flesh
shall not be eaten
<0398> (8735)_;
but the owner
of the ox
[shall be] quit
But if the ox
were wont to push with his horn
in time past
<08543> <08032>_,
and it hath been testified
<05749> (8717)
to his owner
and he hath not kept
<08104> (8799)
him in, but that he hath killed
<04191> (8689)
a man
or a woman
the ox
shall be stoned
<05619> (8735)_,
and his owner
also shall be put to death
<04191> (8714)_.
If there be laid
<07896> (8714)
on him a sum of money
then he shall give
<05414> (8804)
for the ransom
of his life
whatsoever is laid
<07896> (8714)
upon him.
Whether he have gored
<05055> (8799)
a son
have gored
<05055> (8799)
a daughter
according to this judgment
shall it be done
<06213> (8735)
unto him.
If the ox
shall push
<05055> (8799)
a manservant
or a maidservant
he shall give
<05414> (8799)
unto their master
of silver
and the ox
shall be stoned
<05619> (8735)_.
And if a man
shall open
<06605> (8799)
a pit
or if a man
shall dig
<03738> (8799)
a pit
and not cover
<03680> (8762)
it, and an ox
or an ass
<05307> (8804)
The owner
of the pit
shall make [it] good
<07999> (8762)_,
[and] give
<07725> (8686)
unto the owner
of them; and the dead
<04191> (8801)
[beast] shall be his.
And if one man's
<05062> (8799)
that he die
<04191> (8804)_;
then they shall sell
<04376> (8804)
the live
and divide
<02673> (8804)
the money
of it; and the dead
<04191> (8801)
[ox] also they shall divide
<02673> (8799)_.
Or if it be known
<03045> (8738)
that the ox
hath used to push
in time past
<08543> <08032>_,
and his owner
hath not kept
<08104> (8799)
him in; he shall surely
<07999> (8763)
<07999> (8762)
for ox
and the dead
<04191> (8801)
shall be his own.
If a man
shall steal
<01589> (8799)
an ox
or a sheep
and kill
<02873> (8804)
it, or sell
<04376> (8804)
it; he shall restore
<07999> (8762)
for an ox
and four
for a sheep
{or a sheep: or, or a goat}
If a thief
be found
<04672> (8735)
breaking up
and be smitten
<05221> (8717)
that he die
<04191> (8804)_,
[there shall] no blood
[be shed] for him.
If the sun
be risen
<02224> (8804)
upon him, [there shall be] blood
[shed] for him; [for] he should make full
<07999> (8763)
<07999> (8762)_;
if he have nothing, then he shall be sold
<04376> (8738)
for his theft
If the theft
be certainly
<04672> (8736)
<04672> (8735)
in his hand
whether it be ox
or ass
or sheep
he shall restore
<07999> (8762)
If a man
shall cause a field
or vineyard
to be eaten
<01197> (8686)_,
and shall put
<07971> (8765)
in his beast
and shall feed
<01197> (8765)
in another man's
of the best
of his own field
and of the best
of his own vineyard
shall he make restitution
<07999> (8762)_.
If fire
break out
<03318> (8799)_,
and catch
<04672> (8804)
in thorns
so that the stacks of corn
or the standing corn
or the field
be consumed
<0398> (8738)
[therewith]; he that kindled
<01197> (8686)
the fire
shall surely
<07999> (8763)
make restitution
<07999> (8762)_.
If a man
shall deliver
<05414> (8799)
unto his neighbour
or stuff
to keep
<08104> (8800)_,
and it be stolen
<01589> (8795)
out of the man's
if the thief
be found
<04672> (8735)_,
let him pay
<07999> (8762)
If the thief
be not
<04672> (8735)_,
then the master
of the house
shall be brought
<07126> (8738)
unto the judges
[to see] whether he have put
<07971> (8804)
his hand
unto his neighbour's
For all manner
of trespass
[whether it be] for ox
for ass
for sheep
for raiment
[or] for any manner of lost thing
which [another] challengeth
<0559> (8799)
to be his, the cause
of both parties
shall come
<0935> (8799)
before the judges
[and] whom the judges
shall condemn
<07561> (8686)_,
he shall pay
<07999> (8762)
unto his neighbour
If a man
<05414> (8799)
unto his neighbour
an ass
or an ox
or a sheep
or any beast
to keep
<08104> (8800)_;
and it die
<04191> (8804)_,
or be hurt
<07665> (8738)_,
or driven away
<07617> (8738)_,
no man seeing
<07200> (8802)
[Then] shall an oath
of the LORD
be between them both
that he hath not put
<07971> (8804)
his hand
unto his neighbour's
and the owner
of it shall accept
<03947> (8804)
[thereof], and he shall not make [it] good
<07999> (8762)_.
And if it be stolen
<01589> (8800) <01589> (8735)
from him, he shall make restitution
<07999> (8762)
unto the owner
If it be torn in pieces
<02963> (8800) <02963> (8735)_,
[then] let him bring
<0935> (8686)
it [for] witness
[and] he shall not make good
<07999> (8762)
that which was torn
And if a man
<07592> (8799)
[ought] of his neighbour
and it be hurt
<07665> (8738)_,
or die
<04191> (8804)_,
the owner
thereof [being] not with it
he shall surely
<07999> (8763)
make [it] good
<07999> (8762)_.
[But] if the owner
thereof [be] with it, he shall not make [it] good
<07999> (8762)_:
if it [be] an hired
[thing], it came
<0935> (8804)
for his hire
And if a man
<06601> (8762)
a maid
that is not betrothed
<0781> (8795)_,
and lie
<07901> (8804)
with her, he shall surely
<04117> (8800)
<04117> (8799)
her to be his wife
If her father
<03985> (8763)
<03985> (8762)
to give
<05414> (8800)
her unto him, he shall pay
<08254> (8799)
according to the dowry
of virgins
{pay: Heb. weigh}
Thou shalt not suffer a witch
<03784> (8764)
to live
<02421> (8762)_.
Whosoever lieth
<07901> (8802)
with a beast
shall surely
<04191> (8800)
be put to death
<04191> (8714)_.
He that sacrificeth
<02076> (8802)
unto [any] god
unto the LORD
only, he shall be utterly destroyed
<02763> (8714)_.
Thou shalt neither vex
<03238> (8686)
a stranger
nor oppress
<03905> (8799)
him: for ye were strangers
in the land
of Egypt
Ye shall not afflict
<06031> (8762)
any widow
or fatherless child
thou afflict
<06031> (8762)
them in any wise
<06031> (8763)_,
and they cry
<06817> (8799)
at all
<06817> (8800)
unto me, I will surely
<08085> (8800)
<08085> (8799)
their cry
And my wrath
shall wax hot
<02734> (8804)_,
and I will kill
<02026> (8804)
you with the sword
and your wives
shall be widows
and your children
If thou lend
<03867> (8686)
to [any of] my people
[that is] poor
by thee, thou shalt not be to him as an usurer
<05383> (8802)_,
neither shalt thou lay
<07760> (8799)
upon him usury
If thou at all
<02254> (8800)
<02254> (0)
thy neighbour's
to pledge
<02254> (8799)_,
thou shalt deliver
<07725> (8686)
it unto him by
that the sun
goeth down
<0935> (8800)_:
For that [is] his covering
only, it [is] his raiment
for his skin
wherein shall he sleep
<07901> (8799)_?
and it shall come to pass, when he crieth
<06817> (8799)
unto me, that I will hear
<08085> (8804)_;
for I [am] gracious
Thou shalt not revile
<07043> (8762)
the gods
nor curse
<0779> (8799)
the ruler
of thy people
{gods: or, judges}
Thou shalt not delay
<0309> (8762)
[to offer] the first of thy ripe fruits
and of thy liquors
the firstborn
of thy sons
shalt thou give
<05414> (8799)
unto me. {the first...: Heb. thy fulness} {liquors: Heb. tear}
shalt thou do
<06213> (8799)
with thine oxen
[and] with thy sheep
it shall be with his dam
on the eighth
thou shalt give
<05414> (8799)
it me.
And ye shall be holy
unto me: neither shall ye eat
<0398> (8799)
[any] flesh
[that is] torn of beasts
in the field
ye shall cast
<07993> (8686)
it to the dogs
Thou shalt not raise
<05375> (8799)
a false
<07896> (8799)
not thine hand
with the wicked
to be an unrighteous
{raise: or, receive}
Thou shalt not follow
a multitude
to [do] evil
neither shalt thou speak
<06030> (8799)
in a cause
to decline
<05186> (8800)
to wrest
<05186> (8687)
[judgment]: {speak: Heb. answer}
Neither shalt thou countenance
<01921> (8799)
a poor
man in his cause
If thou meet
<06293> (8799)
thine enemy's
<0341> (8802)
or his ass
going astray
<08582> (8802)_,
thou shalt surely
<07725> (8687)
bring it back
<07725> (0)
to him again
<07725> (8686)_.
If thou see
<07200> (8799)
the ass
of him that hateth
<08130> (8802)
thee lying
<07257> (8802)
under his burden
and wouldest forbear
<02308> (8804)
to help
<05800> (8800)
him, thou shalt surely
<05800> (8800)
<05800> (8799)
with him. {and...: or, wilt thou cease to help him? or, and wouldest cease to leave thy business for him: thou shalt surely leave it to join with him}
Thou shalt not wrest
<05186> (8686)
the judgment
of thy poor
in his cause
Keep thee far
<07368> (8799)
from a false
and the innocent
and righteous
<02026> (8799)
thou not: for I will not justify
<06663> (8686)
the wicked
And thou shalt take
<03947> (8799)
no gift
for the gift
<05786> (8762)
the wise
and perverteth
<05557> (8762)
the words
of the righteous
{the wise: Heb. the seeing}
Also thou shalt not oppress
<03905> (8799)
a stranger
for ye know
<03045> (8804)
the heart
of a stranger
ye were strangers
in the land
of Egypt
{heart: Heb. soul}
And six
thou shalt sow
<02232> (8799)
thy land
and shalt gather
<0622> (8804)
in the fruits
But the seventh
[year] thou shalt let it rest
<08058> (8799)
and lie
<05203> (8804)
still; that the poor
of thy people
may eat
<0398> (8804)_:
and what they leave
the beasts
of the field
shall eat
<0398> (8799)_.
In like manner thou shalt deal
<06213> (8799)
with thy vineyard
[and] with thy oliveyard
{oliveyard: or, olive trees}
thou shalt do
<06213> (8799)
thy work
and on the seventh
thou shalt rest
<07673> (8799)_:
that thine ox
and thine ass
may rest
<05117> (8799)_,
and the son
of thy handmaid
and the stranger
may be refreshed
<05314> (8735)_.
And in all [things] that I have said
<0559> (8804)
unto you be circumspect
<08104> (8735)_:
and make no mention
<02142> (8686)
of the name
of other
neither let it be heard
<08085> (8735)
of thy mouth
thou shalt keep a feast
<02287> (8799)
unto me in the year
Thou shalt keep
<08104> (8799)
the feast
of unleavened bread
(thou shalt eat
<0398> (8799)
unleavened bread
as I commanded
<06680> (8765)
thee, in the time appointed
of the month
for in it thou camest out
<03318> (8804)
from Egypt
and none shall appear
<07200> (8735)
me empty
And the feast
of harvest
the firstfruits
of thy labours
which thou hast sown
<02232> (8799)
in the field
and the feast
of ingathering
[which is] in the end
<03318> (8800)
of the year
when thou hast gathered
<0622> (8800)
in thy labours
out of the field
in the year
all thy males
shall appear
<07200> (8735)
the Lord
Thou shalt not offer
<02076> (8799)
the blood
of my sacrifice
with leavened bread
neither shall the fat
of my sacrifice
<03885> (8799)
until the morning
{sacrifice: or, feast}
The first
of the firstfruits
of thy land
thou shalt bring
<0935> (8686)
into the house
of the LORD
thy God
Thou shalt not seethe
<01310> (8762)
a kid
in his mother's
Behold, I send
<07971> (8802)
an Angel
thee, to keep
<08104> (8800)
thee in the way
and to bring
<0935> (8687)
thee into the place
which I have prepared
<03559> (8689)_.
<08104> (8734)
him, and obey
<08085> (8798)
his voice
<04843> (8686)
him not; for he will not pardon
<05375> (8799)
your transgressions
for my name
[is] in him
But if thou shalt indeed
<08085> (8800)
<08085> (8799)
his voice
and do
<06213> (8804)
all that I speak
<01696> (8762)_;
then I will be an enemy
<0340> (8804)
unto thine enemies
<0341> (8802)_,
and an adversary
<06887> (8802)
unto thine adversaries
<06696> (8804)_.
{an adversary...: or, I will afflict them that afflict thee}
For mine Angel
shall go
<03212> (8799)
thee, and bring
<0935> (8689)
thee in unto the Amorites
and the Hittites
and the Perizzites
and the Canaanites
the Hivites
and the Jebusites
and I will cut them off
<03582> (8689)_.
Thou shalt not bow down
<07812> (8691)
to their gods
nor serve
<05647> (8714)
them, nor do
<06213> (8799)
after their works
but thou shalt utterly
<02040> (8763)
<02040> (8762)
them, and quite
<07665> (8763)
break down
<07665> (8762)
their images
And ye shall serve
<05647> (8804)
the LORD
your God
and he shall bless
<01288> (8765)
thy bread
and thy water
and I will take
<05493> (0)
<05493> (8689)
from the midst
of thee.
There shall nothing cast their young
<07921> (8764)_,
nor be barren
in thy land
the number
of thy days
I will fulfil
<04390> (8762)_.
I will send
<07971> (8762)
my fear
thee, and will destroy
<02000> (8804)
all the people
to whom thou shalt come
<0935> (8799)_,
and I will make
<05414> (8804)
all thine enemies
<0341> (8802)
turn their backs
unto thee. {backs: Heb. neck}
And I will send
<07971> (8804)
thee, which shall drive out
<01644> (8765)
the Hivite
the Canaanite
and the Hittite
from before
I will not drive them out
<01644> (8762)
from before
thee in one
lest the land
become desolate
and the beast
of the field
against thee.
By little
and little
I will drive them out
<01644> (8762)
from before
thee, until thou be increased
<06509> (8799)_,
and inherit
<05157> (8804)
the land
And I will set
<07896> (8804)
thy bounds
from the Red
even unto the sea
of the Philistines
and from the desert
unto the river
for I will deliver
<05414> (8799)
the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of the land
into your hand
and thou shalt drive them out
<01644> (8765)
Thou shalt make
<03772> (8799)
no covenant
with them, nor with their gods
They shall not dwell
<03427> (8799)
in thy land
lest they make thee sin
<02398> (8686)
against me: for if thou serve
<05647> (8799)
their gods
it will surely be a snare
unto thee.

Leviticus 1:1--7:38

And the LORD
<07121> (8799)
unto Moses
and spake
<01696> (8762)
unto him out of the tabernacle
of the congregation
<0559> (8800)_,
<01696> (8761)
unto the children
of Israel
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, If any man
of you bring
<07126> (8686)
an offering
unto the LORD
ye shall bring
<07126> (8686)
your offering
of the cattle
[even] of the herd
and of the flock
If his offering
[be] a burnt sacrifice
of the herd
let him offer
<07126> (8686)
a male
without blemish
he shall offer
<07126> (8686)
it of his own voluntary will
at the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
the LORD
And he shall put
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the head
of the burnt offering
and it shall be accepted
<07521> (8738)
for him to make atonement
<03722> (8763)
for him.
And he shall kill
<07819> (8804)
the bullock
<01121> <01241>
the LORD
and the priests
shall bring
<07126> (8689)
the blood
and sprinkle
<02236> (8804)
the blood
round about
upon the altar
that [is by] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
And he shall flay
<06584> (8689)
the burnt offering
and cut
<05408> (8765)
it into his pieces
And the sons
of Aaron
the priest
shall put
<05414> (8804)
upon the altar
and lay the wood
in order
<06186> (8804)
upon the fire
And the priests
shall lay
<06186> (0)
the parts
the head
and the fat
in order
<06186> (8804)
upon the wood
that [is] on the fire
which [is] upon the altar
But his inwards
and his legs
shall he wash
<07364> (8799)
in water
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
all on the altar
[to be] a burnt sacrifice
an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD
And if his offering
[be] of the flocks
[namely], of the sheep
or of the goats
for a burnt sacrifice
he shall bring
<07126> (8686)
it a male
without blemish
And he shall kill
<07819> (8804)
it on the side
of the altar
the LORD
and the priests
shall sprinkle
<02236> (8804)
his blood
round about
upon the altar
And he shall cut
<05408> (8765)
it into his pieces
with his head
and his fat
and the priest
shall lay them in order
<06186> (8804)
on the wood
that [is] on the fire
which [is] upon the altar
But he shall wash
<07364> (8799)
the inwards
and the legs
with water
and the priest
shall bring
<07126> (8689)
[it] all, and burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
it [is] a burnt sacrifice
an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD
And if the burnt sacrifice
for his offering
to the LORD
[be] of fowls
then he shall bring
<07126> (8689)
his offering
of turtledoves
or of young
And the priest
shall bring
<07126> (8689)
it unto the altar
and wring off
<04454> (8804)
his head
and burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] on the altar
and the blood
thereof shall be wrung out
<04680> (8738)
at the side
of the altar
{wring...: or, pinch off the head with the nail}
And he shall pluck away
<05493> (8689)
his crop
with his feathers
and cast
<07993> (8689)
it beside
the altar
on the east part
by the place
of the ashes
{his feathers: or, the filth thereof}
And he shall cleave
<08156> (8765)
it with the wings
thereof, [but] shall not divide [it] asunder
<0914> (8686)_:
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
it upon the altar
upon the wood
that [is] upon the fire
it [is] a burnt sacrifice
an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD
And when any
will offer
<07126> (8686)
a meat
unto the LORD
his offering
shall be [of] fine flour
and he shall pour
<03332> (8804)
upon it, and put
<05414> (8804)
And he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
it to Aaron's
the priests
and he shall take
<07061> (8804)
his handful
<07062> <04393>
of the flour
thereof, and of the oil
thereof, with all the frankincense
thereof; and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
the memorial
of it upon the altar
[to be] an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD
And the remnant
<03498> (8737)
of the meat offering
[shall be] Aaron's
and his sons
[it is] a thing most
of the offerings
<0801> (0)
of the LORD
made by fire
And if thou bring
<07126> (8686)
an oblation
of a meat offering
in the oven
[it shall be] unleavened
of fine flour
<01101> (8803)
with oil
or unleavened
<04886> (8803)
with oil
And if thy oblation
[be] a meat offering
[baken] in a pan
it shall be [of] fine flour
<01101> (8803)
with oil
{in a pan: or, on a flat plate, or, slice}
Thou shalt part
<06626> (8800)
it in pieces
and pour
<03332> (8804)
thereon: it [is] a meat offering
And if thy oblation
[be] a meat offering
[baken] in the fryingpan
it shall be made
<06213> (8735)
[of] fine flour
with oil
And thou shalt bring
<0935> (8689)
the meat offering
that is made
<06213> (8735)
of these things unto the LORD
and when it is presented
<07126> (8689)
unto the priest
he shall bring
<05066> (8689)
it unto the altar
And the priest
shall take
<07311> (8689)
from the meat offering
a memorial
thereof, and shall burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
[it is] an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD
And that which is left
<03498> (8737)
of the meat offering
[shall be] Aaron's
and his sons
[it is] a thing most
of the offerings
<0801> (0)
of the LORD
made by fire
No meat offering
which ye shall bring
<07126> (8686)
unto the LORD
shall be made
<06213> (8735)
with leaven
for ye shall burn
<06999> (8686)
no leaven
nor any honey
in any offering
<0801> (0)
of the LORD
made by fire
As for the oblation
of the firstfruits
ye shall offer
<07126> (8686)
them unto the LORD
but they shall not be burnt
<05927> (8799)
on the altar
for a sweet
{be burnt: Heb. ascend}
And every oblation
of thy meat offering
shalt thou season
<04414> (8799)
with salt
neither shalt thou suffer the salt
of the covenant
of thy God
to be lacking
<07673> (8686)
from thy meat offering
with all thine offerings
thou shalt offer
<07126> (8686)
And if thou offer
<07126> (8686)
a meat offering
of thy firstfruits
unto the LORD
thou shalt offer
<07126> (8686)
for the meat offering
of thy firstfruits
green ears
of corn dried
<07033> (8803)
by the fire
[even] corn beaten
out of full ears
And thou shalt put
<05414> (8804)
upon it, and lay
<07760> (8804)
thereon: it [is] a meat offering
And the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
the memorial
of it, [part] of the beaten corn
thereof, and [part] of the oil
thereof, with all the frankincense
thereof: [it is] an offering made by fire
unto the LORD
And if his oblation
[be] a sacrifice
of peace offering
if he offer
<07126> (8688)
[it] of the herd
whether [it be] a male
or female
he shall offer
<07126> (8686)
it without blemish
the LORD
And he shall lay
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the head
of his offering
and kill
<07819> (8804)
it [at] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
and Aaron's
the priests
shall sprinkle
<02236> (8804)
the blood
upon the altar
round about
And he shall offer
<07126> (8689)
of the sacrifice
of the peace offering
an offering made by fire
unto the LORD
the fat
that covereth
<03680> (8764)
the inwards
and all the fat
that [is] upon the inwards
{fat: or, suet}
And the two
and the fat
that [is] on them, which [is] by the flanks
and the caul
above the liver
with the kidneys
it shall he take away
<05493> (8686)_.
{caul...: or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys}
And Aaron's
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
it on the altar
upon the burnt sacrifice
which [is] upon the wood
that [is] on the fire
[it is] an offering made by fire
of a sweet
unto the LORD
And if his offering
for a sacrifice
of peace offering
unto the LORD
[be] of the flock
or female
he shall offer
<07126> (8686)
it without blemish
If he offer
<07126> (8688)
a lamb
for his offering
then shall he offer
<07126> (8689)
it before
the LORD
And he shall lay
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the head
of his offering
and kill
<07819> (8804)
it before
the tabernacle
of the congregation
and Aaron's
shall sprinkle
<02236> (8804)
the blood
thereof round about
upon the altar
And he shall offer
<07126> (8689)
of the sacrifice
of the peace offering
an offering made by fire
unto the LORD
the fat
thereof, [and] the whole
it shall he take off
<05493> (8686)
by the backbone
and the fat
that covereth
<03680> (8764)
the inwards
and all the fat
that [is] upon the inwards
And the two
and the fat
that [is] upon them, which [is] by the flanks
and the caul
above the liver
with the kidneys
it shall he take away
<05493> (8686)_.
And the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
it upon the altar
[it is] the food
of the offering made by fire
unto the LORD
And if his offering
[be] a goat
then he shall offer
<07126> (8689)
it before
the LORD
And he shall lay
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the head
of it, and kill
<07819> (8804)
it before
the tabernacle
of the congregation
and the sons
of Aaron
shall sprinkle
<02236> (8804)
the blood
thereof upon the altar
round about
And he shall offer
<07126> (8689)
thereof his offering
[even] an offering made by fire
unto the LORD
the fat
that covereth
<03680> (8764)
the inwards
and all the fat
that [is] upon the inwards
And the two
and the fat
that [is] upon them, which [is] by the flanks
and the caul
above the liver
with the kidneys
it shall he take away
<05493> (8686)_.
And the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
them upon the altar
[it is] the food
of the offering made by fire
for a sweet
all the fat
[is] the LORD'S
[It shall be] a perpetual
for your generations
throughout all your dwellings
that ye eat
<0398> (8799)
neither fat
nor blood
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
<01696> (8761)
unto the children
of Israel
<0559> (8800)_,
If a soul
shall sin
<02398> (8799)
through ignorance
against any of the commandments
of the LORD
[concerning things] which ought not to be done
<06213> (8735)_,
and shall do
<06213> (8804)
against any
of them
If the priest
that is anointed
do sin
<02398> (8799)
according to the sin
of the people
then let him bring
<07126> (8689)
for his sin
which he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)_,
a young
<01241> <01121>
without blemish
unto the LORD
for a sin offering
And he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
the bullock
unto the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
the LORD
and shall lay
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the bullock's
and kill
<07819> (8804)
the bullock
the LORD
And the priest
that is anointed
shall take
<03947> (8804)
of the bullock's
and bring
<0935> (8689)
it to the tabernacle
of the congregation
And the priest
shall dip
<02881> (8804)
his finger
in the blood
and sprinkle
<05137> (8689)
of the blood
the LORD
the vail
of the sanctuary
And the priest
shall put
<05414> (8804)
[some] of the blood
upon the horns
of the altar
of sweet
the LORD
which [is] in the tabernacle
of the congregation
and shall pour
<08210> (8799)
all the blood
of the bullock
at the bottom
of the altar
of the burnt offering
which [is at] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
And he shall take off
<07311> (8686)
from it all the fat
of the bullock
for the sin offering
the fat
that covereth
<03680> (8764)
the inwards
and all the fat
that [is] upon the inwards
And the two
and the fat
that [is] upon them, which [is] by the flanks
and the caul
above the liver
with the kidneys
it shall he take away
<05493> (8686)_,
As it was taken off
<07311> (8714)
from the bullock
of the sacrifice
of peace offerings
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
them upon the altar
of the burnt offering
And the skin
of the bullock
and all his flesh
with his head
and with his legs
and his inwards
and his dung
Even the whole bullock
shall he carry forth
<03318> (8689)
the camp
unto a clean
where the ashes
are poured out
and burn
<08313> (8804)
him on the wood
with fire
the ashes
are poured out
shall he be burnt
<08313> (8735)_.
{without...: Heb. to without the camp} {where...: Heb. at the pouring out of the ashes}
And if the whole congregation
of Israel
sin through ignorance
<07686> (8799)_,
and the thing
be hid
<05956> (8738)
from the eyes
of the assembly
and they have done
<06213> (8804)
[somewhat against] any
of the commandments
of the LORD
[concerning things] which should not be done
<06213> (8735)_,
and are guilty
<0816> (8804)_;
When the sin
which they have sinned
<02398> (8804)
against it, is known
<03045> (8738)_,
then the congregation
shall offer
<07126> (8689)
a young
<01241> <01121>
for the sin
and bring
<0935> (8689)
him before
the tabernacle
of the congregation
And the elders
of the congregation
shall lay
<05564> (8804)
their hands
upon the head
of the bullock
the LORD
and the bullock
shall be killed
<07819> (8804)
the LORD
And the priest
that is anointed
shall bring
<0935> (8689)
of the bullock's
to the tabernacle
of the congregation
And the priest
shall dip
<02881> (8804)
his finger
[in some] of the blood
and sprinkle
<05137> (8689)
[it] seven
the LORD
[even] before
the vail
And he shall put
<05414> (8799)
[some] of the blood
upon the horns
of the altar
which [is] before
the LORD
that [is] in the tabernacle
of the congregation
and shall pour out
<08210> (8799)
all the blood
at the bottom
of the altar
of the burnt offering
which [is at] the door
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
And he shall take
<07311> (8686)
all his fat
from him, and burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
And he shall do
<06213> (8804)
with the bullock
as he did
<06213> (8804)
with the bullock
for a sin offering
so shall he do
<06213> (8799)
with this: and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for them, and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
And he shall carry forth
<03318> (8689)
the bullock
the camp
and burn
<08313> (8804)
him as he burned
<08313> (8804)
the first
it [is] a sin offering
for the congregation
When a ruler
hath sinned
<02398> (8799)_,
and done
<06213> (8804)
[somewhat] through ignorance
[against] any
of the commandments
of the LORD
his God
[concerning things] which should not be done
<06213> (8735)_,
and is guilty
<0816> (8804)_;
Or if his sin
wherein he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)_,
come to his knowledge
<03045> (8717)_;
he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
his offering
a kid
of the goats
a male
without blemish
And he shall lay
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the head
of the goat
and kill
<07819> (8804)
it in the place
where they kill
<07819> (8799)
the burnt offering
the LORD
it [is] a sin offering
And the priest
shall take
<03947> (8804)
of the blood
of the sin offering
with his finger
and put
<05414> (8804)
[it] upon the horns
of the altar
of burnt offering
and shall pour out
<08210> (8799)
his blood
at the bottom
of the altar
of burnt offering
And he shall burn
<06999> (8686)
all his fat
upon the altar
as the fat
of the sacrifice
of peace offerings
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him as concerning his sin
and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
And if any
of the common
<02398> (8799)
through ignorance
while he doeth
<06213> (8800)
[somewhat against] any
of the commandments
of the LORD
[concerning things] which ought not to be done
<06213> (8735)_,
and be guilty
<0816> (8804)_;
{any one: Heb. any soul} {common...: Heb. people of the land}
Or if his sin
which he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)_,
come to his knowledge
<03045> (8717)_:
then he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
his offering
a kid
of the goats
a female
without blemish
for his sin
which he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)_.
And he shall lay
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the head
of the sin offering
and slay
<07819> (8804)
the sin offering
in the place
of the burnt offering
And the priest
shall take
<03947> (8804)
of the blood
thereof with his finger
and put
<05414> (8804)
[it] upon the horns
of the altar
of burnt offering
and shall pour out
<08210> (8799)
all the blood
thereof at the bottom
of the altar
And he shall take away
<05493> (8686)
all the fat
thereof, as the fat
is taken away
<05493> (8717)
from off the sacrifice
of peace offerings
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
for a sweet
unto the LORD
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him, and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
And if he bring
<0935> (8686)
a lamb
for a sin
he shall bring
<0935> (8686)
it a female
without blemish
And he shall lay
<05564> (8804)
his hand
upon the head
of the sin offering
and slay
<07819> (8804)
it for a sin offering
in the place
where they kill
<07819> (8799)
the burnt offering
And the priest
shall take
<03947> (8804)
of the blood
of the sin offering
with his finger
and put
<05414> (8804)
[it] upon the horns
of the altar
of burnt offering
and shall pour out
<08210> (8799)
all the blood
thereof at the bottom
of the altar
And he shall take away
<05493> (8686)
all the fat
thereof, as the fat
of the lamb
is taken away
<05493> (8714)
from the sacrifice
of the peace offerings
and the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
them upon the altar
according to the offerings made by fire
unto the LORD
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for his sin
that he hath committed
<02398> (8804)_,
and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
And if a soul
<02398> (8799)_,
and hear
<08085> (8804)
the voice
of swearing
and [is] a witness
he hath seen
<07200> (8804)
or known
<03045> (8804)
[of it]; if he do not utter
<05046> (8686)
[it], then he shall bear
<05375> (8804)
his iniquity
Or if a soul
<05060> (8799)
any unclean
whether [it be] a carcase
of an unclean
or a carcase
of unclean
or the carcase
of unclean
creeping things
and [if] it be hidden
<05956> (8738)
from him; he also shall be unclean
and guilty
<0816> (8804)_.
Or if he touch
<05060> (8799)
the uncleanness
of man
whatsoever uncleanness
[it be] that a man shall be defiled
<02930> (8799)
withal, and it be hid
<05956> (8738)
from him; when he knoweth
<03045> (8804)
[of it], then he shall be guilty
<0816> (8804)_.
Or if a soul
<07650> (8735)_,
<0981> (8763)
with [his] lips
to do evil
<07489> (8687)_,
or to do good
<03190> (8687)_,
whatsoever [it be] that a man
shall pronounce
<0981> (8762)
with an oath
and it be hid
<05956> (8738)
from him; when he knoweth
<03045> (8804)
[of it], then he shall be guilty
<0816> (8804)
in one
of these.
And it shall be, when he shall be guilty
<0816> (8799)
in one
of these [things], that he shall confess
<03034> (8694)
that he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)
in that [thing]:
And he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
his trespass offering
unto the LORD
for his sin
which he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)_,
a female
from the flock
a lamb
or a kid
of the goats
for a sin offering
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him concerning his sin
And if he
be not able
to bring
<05060> (8686)
a lamb
then he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
his trespass
which he hath committed
<02398> (8804)_,
or two
unto the LORD
for a sin offering
and the other
for a burnt offering
{he be...: Heb. his hand cannot reach to the sufficiency of a lamb}
And he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
them unto the priest
who shall offer
<07126> (8689)
[that] which [is] for the sin offering
and wring off
<04454> (8804)
his head
his neck
but shall not divide [it] asunder
<0914> (8686)_:
And he shall sprinkle
<05137> (8689)
of the blood
of the sin offering
upon the side
of the altar
and the rest
<07604> (8737)
of the blood
shall be wrung out
<04680> (8735)
at the bottom
of the altar
it [is] a sin offering
And he shall offer
<06213> (8799)
the second
[for] a burnt offering
according to the manner
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him for his sin
which he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)_,
and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
him. {manner: or, ordinance}
But if he
be not able to bring
<05381> (8686)
or two
then he that sinned
<02398> (8804)
shall bring
<0935> (8689)
for his offering
the tenth
part of an ephah
of fine flour
for a sin offering
he shall put
<07760> (8799)
no oil
upon it, neither shall he put
<05414> (8799)
[any] frankincense
thereon: for it [is] a sin offering
Then shall he bring
<0935> (8689)
it to the priest
and the priest
shall take
<07061> (8804)
his handful
<04393> <07062>
of it, [even] a memorial
thereof, and burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] on the altar
according to the offerings made by fire
unto the LORD
it [is] a sin offering
And the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him as touching his sin
that he hath sinned
<02398> (8804)
in one
of these, and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
him: and [the remnant] shall be the priest's
as a meat offering
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
If a soul
<04603> (8799)
a trespass
and sin
<02398> (8804)
through ignorance
in the holy things
of the LORD
then he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
for his trespass
unto the LORD
a ram
without blemish
out of the flocks
with thy estimation
by shekels
of silver
after the shekel
of the sanctuary
for a trespass offering
And he shall make amends
<07999> (8762)
for the harm
<02398> (8804)
that he hath done in the holy thing
and shall add
<03254> (8686)
the fifth part
thereto, and give
<05414> (8804)
it unto the priest
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8762)
for him with the ram
of the trespass offering
and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
And if a soul
<02398> (8799)_,
and commit
<06213> (8804)
of these things which are forbidden to be done
<06213> (8735)
by the commandments
of the LORD
though he wist
<03045> (8804)
[it] not, yet is he guilty
<0816> (8804)_,
and shall bear
<05375> (8804)
his iniquity
And he shall bring
<0935> (8689)
a ram
without blemish
out of the flock
with thy estimation
for a trespass offering
unto the priest
and the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him concerning his ignorance
wherein he erred
<07683> (8804)
and wist
<03045> (8804)
[it] not, and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
It [is] a trespass offering
he hath certainly
<0816> (8800)
<0816> (8804)
against the LORD
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
If a soul
<02398> (8799)_,
and commit
<04603> (8804)
a trespass
against the LORD
and lie
<03584> (8765)
unto his neighbour
in that which was delivered
him to keep, or in fellowship
<08667> <03027>_,
or in a thing taken away by violence
or hath deceived
<06231> (8804)
his neighbour
{in fellowship: or, in dealing} {fellowship: Heb. putting of the hand}
Or have found
<04672> (8804)
that which was lost
and lieth
<03584> (8765)
concerning it, and sweareth
<07650> (8738)
in any
of all these that a man
<06213> (8799)_,
<02398> (8800)
Then it shall be, because he hath sinned
<02398> (8799)_,
and is guilty
<0816> (8804)_,
that he shall restore
<07725> (8689)
which he took violently away
<01497> (8804)_,
or the thing
which he hath deceitfully gotten
<06231> (8804)_,
or that which was delivered
<06487> <0853>
him to keep
<06485> (8717)_,
or the lost thing
which he found
<04672> (8804)_,
Or all that about which he hath sworn
<07650> (8735)
he shall even restore
<07999> (8765)
it in the principal
and shall add
<03254> (0)
the fifth part
<03254> (8686)
thereto, [and] give
<05414> (8799)
it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day
of his trespass offering
{in the day...: or, in the day of his being found guilty: Heb. in the day of his trespass}
And he shall bring
<0935> (8686)
his trespass offering
unto the LORD
a ram
without blemish
out of the flock
with thy estimation
for a trespass offering
unto the priest
And the priest
shall make an atonement
<03722> (8765)
for him before
the LORD
and it shall be forgiven
<05545> (8738)
him for any thing
of all that he hath done
<06213> (8799)
in trespassing
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
<06680> (8761)
and his sons
<0559> (8800)_,
This [is] the law
of the burnt offering
It [is] the burnt offering
because of the burning
upon the altar
all night
unto the morning
and the fire
of the altar
shall be burning
<03344> (8714)
in it. {because...: or, for the burning}
And the priest
shall put
<03847> (8804)
on his linen
and his linen
shall he put
<03847> (8799)
upon his flesh
and take up
<07311> (8689)
the ashes
which the fire
hath consumed
<0398> (8799)
with the burnt offering
on the altar
and he shall put
<07760> (8804)
them beside
the altar
And he shall put off
<06584> (8804)
his garments
and put on
<03847> (8804)
and carry forth
<03318> (8689)
the ashes
the camp
unto a clean
And the fire
upon the altar
shall be burning
<03344> (8714)
in it; it shall not be put out
<03518> (8799)_:
and the priest
shall burn
<01197> (8765)
on it every morning
and lay the burnt offering
in order
<06186> (8804)
upon it; and he shall burn
<06999> (8689)
thereon the fat
of the peace offerings
The fire
shall ever
be burning
<03344> (8714)
upon the altar
it shall never go out
<03518> (8799)_.
And this [is] the law
of the meat offering
the sons
of Aaron
shall offer
<07126> (8685)
it before
the LORD
the altar
And he shall take
<07311> (8689)
of it his handful
of the flour
of the meat offering
and of the oil
thereof, and all the frankincense
which [is] upon the meat offering
and shall burn
<06999> (8689)
[it] upon the altar
[for] a sweet
[even] the memorial
of it, unto the LORD
And the remainder
<03498> (8737)
thereof shall Aaron
and his sons
<0398> (8799)_:
with unleavened bread
shall it be eaten
<0398> (8735)
in the holy
in the court
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
they shall eat
<0398> (8799)
It shall not be baken
<0644> (8735)
with leaven
I have given
<05414> (8804)
it [unto them for] their portion
of my offerings made by fire
it [is] most
as [is] the sin offering
and as the trespass offering
All the males
among the children
of Aaron
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
of it. [It shall be] a statute
for ever
in your generations
concerning the offerings
<0801> (0)
of the LORD
made by fire
every one that toucheth
<05060> (8799)
them shall be holy
<06942> (8799)_.
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
This [is] the offering
of Aaron
and of his sons
which they shall offer
<07126> (8686)
unto the LORD
in the day
when he is anointed
<04886> (8736)_;
the tenth part
of an ephah
of fine flour
for a meat offering
of it in the morning
and half
thereof at night
In a pan
it shall be made
<06213> (8735)
with oil
[and when it is] baken
<07246> (8716)_,
thou shalt bring
<0935> (8686)
it in: [and] the baken
of the meat offering
shalt thou offer
<07126> (8686)
[for] a sweet
unto the LORD
And the priest
of his sons
that is anointed
in his stead shall offer
<06213> (8799)
it: [it is] a statute
for ever
unto the LORD
it shall be wholly
<06999> (8714)_.
For every meat offering
for the priest
shall be wholly burnt
it shall not be eaten
<0398> (8735)_.
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
<01696> (8761)
unto Aaron
and to his sons
<0559> (8800)_,
This [is] the law
of the sin offering
In the place
where the burnt offering
is killed
<07819> (8735)
shall the sin offering
be killed
<07819> (8735)
the LORD
it [is] most
The priest
that offereth it for sin
<02398> (8764)
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
it: in the holy
shall it be eaten
<0398> (8735)_,
in the court
of the tabernacle
of the congregation
Whatsoever shall touch
<05060> (8799)
the flesh
thereof shall be holy
<06942> (8799)_:
and when there is sprinkled
<05137> (8799)
of the blood
thereof upon any garment
thou shalt wash
<03526> (8762)
that whereon it was sprinkled
<05137> (8799)
in the holy
But the earthen
wherein it is sodden
<01310> (8792)
shall be broken
<07665> (8735)_:
and if it be sodden
<01310> (8795)
in a brasen
it shall be both scoured
<04838> (8795)_,
and rinsed
<07857> (8795)
in water
All the males
among the priests
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
thereof: it [is] most
And no sin offering
whereof [any] of the blood
is brought
<0935> (8714)
into the tabernacle
of the congregation
to reconcile
<03722> (8763)
[withal] in the holy
[place], shall be eaten
<0398> (8735)_:
it shall be burnt
<08313> (8735)
in the fire
Likewise this [is] the law
of the trespass offering
it [is] most
In the place
where they kill
<07819> (8799)
the burnt offering
shall they kill
<07819> (8799)
the trespass offering
and the blood
thereof shall he sprinkle
<02236> (8799)
round about
upon the altar
And he shall offer
<07126> (8686)
of it all the fat
thereof; the rump
and the fat
that covereth
<03680> (8764)
the inwards
And the two
and the fat
that [is] on them, which [is] by the flanks
and the caul
[that is] above the liver
with the kidneys
it shall he take away
<05493> (8686)_:
And the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
them upon the altar
[for] an offering made by fire
unto the LORD
it [is] a trespass offering
Every male
among the priests
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
thereof: it shall be eaten
<0398> (8735)
in the holy
it [is] most
As the sin offering
[is], so [is] the trespass offering
[there is] one
for them: the priest
that maketh atonement
<03722> (8762)
therewith shall have [it].
And the priest
that offereth
<07126> (8688)
any man's
burnt offering
[even] the priest
shall have to himself the skin
of the burnt offering
which he hath offered
<07126> (8689)_.
And all the meat offering
that is baken
<0644> (8735)
in the oven
and all that is dressed
<06213> (8738)
in the fryingpan
and in the pan
shall be the priest's
that offereth
<07126> (8688)
it. {in the pan: or, on the flat plate or, slice}
And every meat offering
<01101> (8803)
with oil
and dry
shall all the sons
of Aaron
have, one
[as much] as another
And this [is] the law
of the sacrifice
of peace offerings
which he shall offer
<07126> (8686)
unto the LORD
If he offer
<07126> (8686)
it for a thanksgiving
then he shall offer
<07126> (8689)
with the sacrifice
of thanksgiving
<01101> (8803)
with oil
and unleavened
<04886> (8803)
with oil
and cakes
<01101> (8803)
with oil
of fine flour
<07246> (8716)_.
Besides the cakes
he shall offer
<07126> (8686)
[for] his offering
with the sacrifice
of thanksgiving
of his peace offerings
And of it he shall offer
<07126> (8689)
out of the whole oblation
[for] an heave offering
unto the LORD
[and] it shall be the priest's
that sprinkleth
<02236> (8802)
the blood
of the peace offerings
And the flesh
of the sacrifice
of his peace offerings
for thanksgiving
shall be eaten
<0398> (8735)
the same day
that it is offered
he shall not leave
<03240> (8686)
any of it until the morning
But if the sacrifice
of his offering
[be] a vow
or a voluntary offering
it shall be eaten
<0398> (8735)
the same day
that he offereth
<07126> (8687)
his sacrifice
and on the morrow
also the remainder
<03498> (8737)
of it shall be eaten
<0398> (8735)_:
But the remainder
<03498> (8737)
of the flesh
of the sacrifice
on the third
shall be burnt
<08313> (8735)
with fire
And if [any] of the flesh
of the sacrifice
of his peace offerings
be eaten
<0398> (8735)
at all
<0398> (8736)
on the third
it shall not be accepted
<07521> (8735)_,
neither shall it be imputed
<02803> (8735)
unto him that offereth
<07126> (8688)
it: it shall be an abomination
and the soul
that eateth
<0398> (8802)
of it shall bear
<05375> (8799)
his iniquity
And the flesh
that toucheth
<05060> (8799)
any unclean
[thing] shall not be eaten
<0398> (8735)_;
it shall be burnt
<08313> (8735)
with fire
and as for the flesh
all that be clean
shall eat
<0398> (8799)
But the soul
that eateth
<0398> (8799)
[of] the flesh
of the sacrifice
of peace offerings
that [pertain] unto the LORD
having his uncleanness
upon him, even that soul
shall be cut off
<03772> (8738)
from his people
Moreover the soul
that shall touch
<05060> (8799)
any unclean
[thing, as] the uncleanness
of man
or [any] unclean
or any abominable
[thing], and eat
<0398> (8804)
of the flesh
of the sacrifice
of peace offerings
which [pertain] unto the LORD
even that soul
shall be cut off
<03772> (8738)
from his people
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
<01696> (8761)
unto the children
of Israel
<0559> (8800)_,
Ye shall eat
<0398> (8799)
no manner of fat
of ox
or of sheep
or of goat
And the fat
of the beast that dieth of itself
and the fat
of that which is torn with beasts
may be used
<06213> (8735)
in any other use
but ye shall in no wise
<0398> (8800)
<0398> (8799)
of it. {beast...: Heb. carcase}
For whosoever eateth
<0398> (8802)
the fat
of the beast
of which men offer
<07126> (8686)
an offering made by fire
unto the LORD
even the soul
that eateth
<0398> (8802)
[it] shall be cut off
<03772> (8738)
from his people
Moreover ye shall eat
<0398> (8799)
no manner of blood
[whether it be] of fowl
or of beast
in any of your dwellings
Whatsoever soul
[it be] that eateth
<0398> (8799)
any manner
of blood
even that soul
shall be cut off
<03772> (8738)
from his people
And the LORD
<01696> (8762)
unto Moses
<0559> (8800)_,
<01696> (8761)
unto the children
of Israel
<0559> (8800)_,
He that offereth
<07126> (8688)
the sacrifice
of his peace offerings
unto the LORD
shall bring
<0935> (8686)
his oblation
unto the LORD
of the sacrifice
of his peace offerings
His own hands
shall bring
<0935> (8686)
the offerings
<0801> (0)
of the LORD
made by fire
the fat
with the breast
it shall he bring
<0935> (8686)_,
that the breast
may be waved
<05130> (8687)
[for] a wave offering
the LORD
And the priest
shall burn
<06999> (8689)
the fat
upon the altar
but the breast
shall be Aaron's
and his sons
And the right
shall ye give
<05414> (8799)
unto the priest
[for] an heave offering
of the sacrifices
of your peace offerings
He among the sons
of Aaron
that offereth
<07126> (8688)
the blood
of the peace offerings
and the fat
shall have the right
for [his] part
For the wave
and the heave
have I taken
<03947> (8804)
of the children
of Israel
from off the sacrifices
of their peace offerings
and have given
<05414> (8799)
them unto Aaron
the priest
and unto his sons
by a statute
for ever
from among the children
of Israel
This [is the portion] of the anointing
of Aaron
and of the anointing
of his sons
out of the offerings
<0801> (0)
of the LORD
made by fire
in the day
[when] he presented
<07126> (8689)
them to minister unto the LORD
in the priest's office
<03547> (8763)_;
Which the LORD
<06680> (8765)
to be given
<05414> (8800)
them of the children
of Israel
in the day
that he anointed
<04886> (8800)
them, [by] a statute
for ever
throughout their generations
This [is] the law
of the burnt offering
of the meat offering
and of the sin offering
and of the trespass offering
and of the consecrations
and of the sacrifice
of the peace offerings
Which the LORD
<06680> (8765)
in mount
in the day
that he commanded
<06680> (8763)
the children
of Israel
to offer
<07126> (8687)
their oblations
unto the LORD
in the wilderness
of Sinai

Psalms 147:19

He sheweth
<05046> (8688)
his word
<01697> (8675) <01697>
unto Jacob
his statutes
and his judgments
unto Israel
{his word: Heb. his words}

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