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Leviticus 8:2


Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]

garments <0899> [garments.]

anointing <04888> [anointing.]

bull <06499> [bullock.]

Leviticus 8:29


Leviticus 7:37


law <08451> [the law.]

grain offering <04503> [meat.]

sin offering <02403> [sin.]

guilt offering <0817> [trespass.]

ordination <04394> [consecrations.]

sacrifice <02077> [sacrifice.]

Exodus 29:19-31


second <08145> [other.]

Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]


put ..... tip .......... tip <08571 05414> [put it upon the tip.]

All this doubtless was intended to signify, that the priest should dedicate all his faculties and powers to the service of God; his ear to the hearing and study of the law; his hands to diligence in the sacred ministry, and to all acts of obedience; and his feet to walking in the way of God's precepts; for the ear is the symbol of obedience, the hand of action, and the foot of the path or conduct in life. And the sprinkling might further teach him, that he could neither hear, work, nor walk profitably, uprightly, and well pleasingly in the sight of God, without the application of the blood of the sacrifice.

splash <02236> [sprinkle.]


anointing oil <08081 04888> [the anointing oil.]

holy <06942> [shall be.]

1 Joh 17:19 Heb 9:22 10:29


take <03947> [Also thou.]

fat tail <0451> [the rump.]

{Alyah} is the large tail of a species of eastern sheep. "This tail," says Dr. Russell, "is very broad and large, terminating in a small appendix that turns back upon it. It is of a substance between fat and marrow, and is not eaten separately, but mixed with lean meat in many of their dishes, and also often used instead of butter. A common sheep of this sort, without the head, feet, skin, and entrails, weighs about twelve or fourteen {Aleppo rotoloes,} (a {rotoloe} is five pounds,) of which the tail is usually three {rotoloes} or upwards; but such as are of the largest breed, and have been fattened, will sometimes weigh about thirty {rotoloes,} and the tails of these ten."

right thigh <07785 03225> [right shoulder.]



put <07760> [put.]

wave ..... wave offering <05130 08573> [wave them. Heb. shake to and fro. a wave.]


take <03947> [thou.]

aroma <05207> [for a sweet.]

burnt offering ............ offering made by fire <05930 0801> [offering.]


breast <02373> [the breast.]

share <04490> [it shall be thy.]


breast <02373> [the breast.]

wave offering <08573> [the wave offering.]

The wave offering and heave offering are thus distinguished by the Jewish writers: the former, called {tenoophah,} from {nooph,} to move, toss, was waved horizontally towards the four cardinal points, to signify that He to whom it was consecrated was the Lord of the whole earth; the latter, called {teroomah,} from room, to be elevated, was lifted perpendicularly upward and downward, in token of its being devoted to the God of heaven.

ram ... consecration <04394 0352> [the ram of the consecration.]

{Ail milluim,} literally, "the ram of filling;" so called, according to some, because at the consecration of the priests, certain pieces of the sacrifice were put into their hands (ver. 24;) on which account their consecration itself is called "filling their hands." (ch. 28:41.) Rabbi Solomon gives a different reason for the ram being so called, from {malai,} to be full, complete; because the sacrifice completed the consecration, and thereupon the priests were fully invested in their office. Accordingly, the LXX. render it by [teleiosis,] consummation.



Aaron <0175> [Aaron's.]

contribution ....... contribution .......... contribution <08641> [is an heave.]

<02077> [sacrifice.]


holy <06944> [holy.]

sons <01121> [his.]

anointed <04888> [anointed.]


sons <01121> [that son. Heb. he of his sons.]

seven days <03117 07651> [seven days.]


ram <0352> [the ram.]

cook ... meat <01320 01310> [seethe his flesh.]

John 17:19


on ... behalf <5228> [for.]

I set ... apart ......... may be ... set apart <1473 37> [I sanctify.]

so that <2443> [that.]

set ... apart ......... may be truly set apart <1722 225 37> [sanctified through the truth. or, truly sanctified.]

John 17:1


looked upward <2532 1869> [and lifted.]

time <5610> [the hour.]

Glorify ........ may glorify <1392> [glorify.]

Colossians 1:1-2


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]


saints <40> [the saints.]

faithful <4103> [faithful.]

Grace <5485> [Grace.]

Colossians 1:21


<4218> [sometime.]

in ... minds <1271 1722> [in your mind by. or, by your mind in.]

Ephesians 5:25


love ....... loved <25> [love.]

love ....... loved <25> [loved.]

Ephesians 5:27


may present <3936> [he.]

glorious <1741> [glorious.]

not <3361> [not.]

but <235> [but.]

Revelation 1:5-6


faithful <4103> [who is.]

firstborn <4416> [and the first.]

and ............... ruler .............. and <2532 758> [and the prince.]

loves <25> [him.]

<3068> [washed.]


has appointed <4160> [made.]

his ..... to him <846> [to him.]

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