NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Numbers 15:3


make ...................................... create <06213> [will make.]

burnt offering <05930> [a burnt.]

sacrifice <02077> [a sacrifice.]

for discharging <06381> [performing. Heb. separating.]

freewill offering <05071> [or in a free-will.]

feasts <04150> [in your.]

aroma <05207> [a sweet.]

herd <01241> [the herd.]

Under the term {bakar,} are comprehended the ox, heifer, etc; and under {tzon,} are included sheep and goats. The animals enjoined in the Levitical law are the very same which commanded Abraham to offer. (Ge 15:9.) Hence it is evident, that God delivered to the patriarchs an epitome of that law which was afterwards given in detail to Moses, the essence of which consisted in its sacrifices; and these sacrifices were of clean animals, the most perfect, useful, and healthy of all that are brought under the immediate government of man. Gross feeding and ferocious animals were all excluded, as well as all birds of prey.

Numbers 15:7

Numbers 15:24


done ............. prepare <06213> [if ought.]

knowledge <05869> [without. Heb. from the eyes. one young bullock.]

grain offering <04503> [with his.]

customary <04941> [manner. or, ordinance. one kid.]

Genesis 8:21


smelled <07306> [smelled.]

soothing aroma <07381 05207> [sweet savour. Heb. savour of rest. curse.]

humankind ..... inclination .... minds <0120 03336> [for. or, though. the imagination.]

again ....................... again <03254> [neither.]

done <06213> [as I.]

Exodus 29:18


burnt offering <05930> [a burnt offering.]

soothing aroma <07381 05207> [sweet savour.]

Leviticus 1:9


entrails <07130> [inwards.]

offer .......... altar <06999 04196> [burn all.]

aroma <05207> [a sweet.]

Leviticus 1:13

Leviticus 1:17


dividing <0914> [shall not.]

burnt offering <05930> [it is.]

Leviticus 3:11


smoke <06999> [burn.]

food <03899> [the food.]

Ezekiel 16:19


food <03899> [meat.]

soothing aroma <07381 05207> [a sweet savour. Heb. a savour of rest.]

Ge 8:21 *marg:

Ezekiel 20:41


aroma <05207> [with your.]

soothing aroma <07381 05207> [sweet savour. Heb. savour of rest. I bring.]

holiness among <06942> [and I will.]

Ezekiel 20:2

Colossians 2:15


Disarming <554> [having.]

rulers <746> [principalities.]

triumphing <2358> [triumphing.]

[in it. or, in himself.]

Ephesians 5:2


live <4043> [walk.]

just as <2531> [as.]

a sacrificial <2378> [a sacrifice.]

for ...... fragrant <5228 1519 2175> [for a.]

Philippians 4:18


[I have all. or, I have received all. abound.]

Epaphroditus <1891> [Epaphroditus.]

offering <3744> [an.]

an acceptable <1184> [acceptable.]

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