John 6
1 Christ feeds five thousand men with five loaves and two fishes.
15 Thereupon the people would have made him king;
16 but withdrawing himself, he walks on the sea to his disciples;
26 reproves the people flocking after him, and all the fleshly hearers of his word;
32 declares himself to be the bread of life to believers.
66 Many disciples depart from him.
68 Peter confesses him.
70 Judas is a devil.
this <5023> [A.M. 4036. A.D. 32. these.]
Sea ....... Sea of Tiberias <2281 5085> [the sea.]
Sea of Tiberias <5085> [which.]
saw <2300> [saw.]
Where can <4159> [Whence.]
to test <3985> [prove.]
Two hundred <1250> [Two.]
This sum, rating the denarius at 7 «d., would amount to 6œ. 5s.: or, reckoning the denarius, with some at 7 3/4d., it would amount to 6œ. 9s. 2d. of our money; which appears to have been more than our Lord and all his disciples were worth of this world's goods.
silver coins <1220> [pennyworth.]
Andrew <406> [Andrew.]
who <3739> [which.]
barley <2916> [barley.]
but <235> [but.]
Have <4160> [Make.]
Now <1161> [Now.]
No wonder, since it was the spring, being near the passover; and, from the plenty of grass, it would be a place much more suitable to the purpose. This circumstance, says Dr. Paley, is plainly the remark of an eye-witness.
had given thanks <2168> [when.]
they were ... satisfied <1705> [they.]
<3363> [that nothing.]
and filled <2532 1072> [and filled.]
that <3754> [This.]
knew <1097> [perceived.]
seize ... by force <726> [take.]
withdrew <402> [he departed.]
started ............... had .... come <2064> [and went.]
when ... had rowed <1643> [had rowed.]
miles <4712> [furlongs.]
walking <4043> [walking.]
It is I <1510> [It is.]
they wanted <2309> [they willingly.]
but <235> [but.]
came to shore <2064> [there.]
Tiberias <5085> [Tiberias.]
Tiberias was a celebrated city of Galilee, on the western shore of the lake to which it gave name, so called because built by Herod Agrippa in honour of the emperor Tiberius; distant 30 furlongs from Hippos, 60 from Gadara, 120 from Scythopolis, and 30 from Tarichea. It is still called Tabaria, or Tabbareeah, by the natives, is situated close to the edge of the lake, has tolerably high but ill-built walls on three of its sides, flanked with circular towers, and is of nearly a quadrangular form, according to Pococke, containing a population estimated at from 2,000 to 4,000 souls.
where <3699> [where.]
his .......... and <846 2532> [they also.]
looking <2212> [seeking.]
Rabbi <4461> [Rabbi.]
solemn truth <281> [Verily.]
you are looking for <2212> [Ye seek.]
[Labour not. or, Work not.]
food ....... food <1035> [the meat.]
remains ....... which <3588 3306 3739> [which endureth.]
which ... Son <3588 3739 5207> [which the.]
For ........... on him <1063 5126> [for him.]
What <5101> [What.]
This <5124> [This.]
what ................ What <5101> [What.]
we may see <1492> [see.]
ancestors <3962> [fathers.]
He gave <1325> [He gave.]
Moses <3475> [Moses.]
true <228> [the true.]
comes down <2597> [cometh.]
all the time <3842> [evermore.]
comes <2064> [he that cometh.]
will ... go hungry <3983 3364> [never hunger.]
that <3754> [That.]
whom .............. comes <3739 2064> [that.]
will come <2240> [shall.]
I will ... send <1544> [I will.]
I have come down <2597> [I came.]
not <3756> [not.]
this <5124> [this.]
he has given <1325> [given.]
I should ... lose <622> [I should.]
but <235> [but.]
looks <2334> [seeth.]
and believes ........ and <1161 2532 4100> [and believeth.]
I will raise ... up <1473 450> [I will.]
began complaining <1111> [murmured.]
Do ... complain <1111> [Murmur.]
No one <3762> [man.]
<3362> [except.]
draws <1670> [draw.]
written <1125> [written.]
And ............ and <2532 2071> [And they.]
all ...... Everyone <3956> [Every.]
anyone <5100> [any.]
has seen ........... he has seen <3778 3708> [he hath.]
believes <4100> [He that.]
ancestors <3962> [fathers.]
and they died <2532 599> [and are.]
bread <740> [the bread.]
<3363> [that.]
living .............. he will live <2198> [living.]
bread ............ bread ....... bread <740 1161> [and the bread.]
This was one of the things which the Jews expected from the Messiah, as we learn from Midrash Koheleth. "Rabbi Berechiah, in the name of Rabbi Issac said, As was the first Redeemer, so also shall be the latter. The first Redeemer made manna descend from heaven, as it is said in Ex 16:4, 'And I will rain bread from heaven for you.' So also the latter Redeemer shall make manna descend, as it is said, Ps 72:16, 'There shall be a handful of corn in the earth.' etc."
my flesh <3450 4561> [my flesh.]
life <2222> [the life.]
began to argue <3164> [strove.]
How <4459> [How.]
solemn truth <281> [Verily.]
<3362> [Except.]
you eat <5315> [eat.]
eats <5176> [eateth.]
has <2192> [hath.]
food <1035> [meat.]
eats <5176> [He that.]
resides <3306> [dwelleth.]
living ....... live ............ will live <2198> [the living.]
living ..... and I live ............ will live <2198 2504> [I live.]
one <2548> [even.]
in ... synagogue in <1722 4864> [in the.]
of his ................. it <1537 846> [of his.]
Spirit ....................... spirit <4151> [the spirit.]
human nature <4561> [the flesh.]
words <4487> [the words.]
<1526> [there.]
For <1063> [For.]
that no one <3754 3762> [that no.]
his .......... him <846> [of his.]
You ... want <2309> [Will.]
to whom <4314 5101> [to whom.]
You have <2192> [thou hast.]
We have come to believe <2249 4100> [we believe.]
<2198> [the living.]
choose <1586> [Have.]
and ... one <2532 1520> [and one.]
devil <1228> [a devil.]
for <1063> [for.]
<5607> [being.]