2 Chronicles 33:11-13
Lord <03068> [A.M. 3327. B.C. 677. the Lord.]
commanders <08269> [the captains.]
[of the king. Heb. which were the king's.]
hooks <02336> [among the thorns.]
The word {bachochim} may possibly her signify with fetters or chains, as the kindred word {chachim} denotes, Eze 19:4, 9. The Syriac and Arabic have alive, probably reading {bechayim}.
bound <0631> [bound him.]
bronze chains <05178> [fetters. or, chains.]
pain <06887> [And when.]
Manasseh <02470> [he besought.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
humbled <03665> [humbled.]
responded <06279> [he was intreated.]
back <07725> [brought him.]
realized <03045> [knew.]
Psalms 50:15
Pray <07121> [call.]
deliver <02502> [deliver.]
honor <03513> [glorify.]
Psalms 91:15
calls <07121> [He shall.]
trouble <06869> [I will be.]
rescue <02502> [deliver.]
honor <03513> [honour.]
Isaiah 26:16
distress <06862> [in trouble.]
[thy poured.]
incantations <03908> [prayer. Heb. secret speech.]
Hosea 5:15--6:3
return <07725> [return.]
punishment <0816> [till.]
punishment <0816> [acknowledge their offence. Heb. be guilty. in their.]
return <07725> [and let.]
torn ... to pieces <02963> [he hath torn.]
very short time <03117> [two.]
restore .................... live <02421> [we.]
acknowledge ....... acknowledge <03045> [we know.]
seek <07291> [if.]
<04161> [his going.]
rain <01653> [as the rain.]
James 5:13
anyone among ........ anyone <5100 1722> [any among.]
anyone ........ Is anyone in good spirits <5100 2114> [any merry.]
He should sing praises <5567> [let him sing.]