Kidung Jemaat
Genesis 1:2-3
- Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
1. Allahkulah kuatku dan mazmurku;
namaNya dan karyaNya mahaagung; segala alam milikNya.
Mzm 118:14
2. Terciptalah semua oleh firman;
yang ada itu pun lenyap dan hilang jikalau dititahkanNya.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 33:6-9
Mzm 104:29-30
3. PakaianNya semarak bercahaya;
Dialah Raja untuk selamaNya; yang adil dasar takhtaNya.
Mzm 104:1-2
Mzm 97:1-2
4. Ya Tuhanku, Engkau selalu hadir;
Allahku tanpa awal, tanpa akhir, siapa menandingiMu?
1 Tim 1:17
Yes 40:25
5. Di tanganMu aku ten'tram dan aman;
Engkau kenal yang bakal kurancangkan, Engkau periksa hatiku.
Mzm 139:4, 23
6. Engkau dekat, jalanku Kaumaklumi
ke batas laut dan ke ujung bumi, di tiap waktu dan tempat.
Mzm 139:7-12
7. Pikiranku dan hasratku Kaubaca;
setiap tindak, yang benar dan salah, terbuka bagi mataMu.
Mzm 139:1-3
8. MilikMulah segala yang 'ku punya;
dengan semua patut kuagungkan namaMu, Tuhan, s'lamanya.
1 Kor 6:19-20
9. Kembang kecil cerminan hikmat Tuhan;
udara, laut, padang, pegunungan memuji Dikau bertahlil.
Mat 6:28-29
Mzm 148:7-10
10. Engkau beri segala keperluan;
Kausiram tanah, padi Kautumbuhkan: Kaubuka sumber rezeki.
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 104:10-18
Mzm 104:27-28
11. Tanpa Engkau tiada pipit jatuh;
hidupku pun berada di tanganMu: rahmatMu, Bapa, tidak jauh.
Mat 10:29-31
12. Pelindungku Engkau, ya Sumber s'lamat;
'ku tak gentar: di dunia dan akhirat Engkau tempatku berteduh.Mzm 142:6
Play - Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4]
O Worship the King
1. Hai mari sembah Yang Maha besar,
Nyanyian syukur dengan bergemar.
Perisai umatNya, Yang Maha esa,
Mulia namaNya, takhtaNya megah
2. Hai masyhurkanlah keagunganNya;
cahaya terang itu jubahNya.
Gemuruh suaraNya di awan kelam;
Berjalanlah Dia di badai kencang.
Mzm 104:1-7
3. Buana penuh mujizat ajaib,
ya Khalik, Engkau membuatnya baik.
Engkau memisahkan daratan dan laut
Dengan kuasa firman : besarlah Engkau!
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 104:7-9
4. PengasuhanMu betapa megah:
udara dan t'rang menyatakannya,
embun bertetesan dan hutan sejuk,
lembah maupun bukit cermin kasihMu!
Mzm 104:10-18
5. UmatMu lemah dan dari debu,
tetap memegang janjiMu teguh.
Kasih setiaMu berlimpah terus,
Ya Khalik, Pembela dan Kawan kudus!
Mzm 103:14-18
6. Ya Mahabesar, kekal kasihMu;
malaikat memb'ri pujian merdu,
pun kami, mahlukMu kecil dan lemah,
mengangkat pujian serta menyembah.Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Play - O Hari Istirahat [KJ.20]
O Day of Rest and Gladness
1. O Hari Istirahat, ceria dan cerah, pelipur hati hasrat,
o hari mulia! Bernyanyilah semua bersatu menyembah:
"Kudus, kudus, kuduslah" kepada Yang Esa.
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:6-8
2. Padamu, Hari Ahad, terciptalah terang
dan Kristus, Jurus'lamat, t'lah bangkit dan menang;
padamu pun terjadi Roh Kudus diberi:
sempurna tiga kali terangmu berseri.
Kej 1:3
Mrk 16:2
3. O Hari perteduhan di badai dunia,
bak taman penghiburan kausambut yang lelah,
bak sungai kau segarkan semangat yang gersang,
bak Nebo kau tempatnya melihat Kanaan.
Ul 32:48-52
4. Pun Hari Minggu ini panggilan terdengar
dan umat menghadiri kumpulan yang besar,
di mana Firma Tuhan menyuar yang gelap;
terhidang roti sorga dan air alhayat.
Yes 55:1
Mat 11:28
2 Ptr 1:19
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 22:17
5. Sentosa Hari Tuhan membimbing umatNya
menuju perhentian, tempat sejahtera.
Terpuji Allah Bapa dan Putra TunggalNya
Dan Roh Pengantar Sabda, - Ketiga yang Esa !Ibr 4:9-10
Why 7:17
Play - Pada Mulanya [KJ.69]
1. Pada mulanya gelap semuanya, sunyi senyaplah samudera.
Allah bersabda: terang bercahya; hari pertama di dunia.
2. Pada mulanya belum ada langit; atas dan bawah tercampurlah.
Allah bersabda: bentangan pun jadi; hari kedua di dunia.
3. Pada mulanya belum ada tanah yang menumbuhkan tanamannya.
Allah bersabda: terciptalah darat; hari ketiga di dunia.
4. Pada mulanya belum ada surya, bulan dan bintang dan masanya.
Allah bersabda membuat semua; hari keempat di dunia.
5. Pada mulanya belum ada ikan, burung bersayap belum pernah.
Allah bersabda: segala tercipta; hari kelima di dunia.
6. Pada mulanya belum ada hewan yang menemani manusia.
Allah bersabda menjadikan insan; hari keenam di dunia.
7. Pada mulanya semua terjadi: langit dan bumi dan isinya.
Allah Pencipta telah memberkati hari ketujuh di dunia.Play - Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
1. Sebelum semua jadi ada Firman Mulia;
Dia Alfa dan Omega, citra Allah BapaNya.
Dia itu Yang Pertama, pun Yang Akhir
Dialah selamanya dan abadi.
Ams 8:23
Yoh 1:1-2
Why 1:8
Why 22:13
2. Oleh Firman diciptakan yang mengisi semesta:
langit, bumi dan samud'ra beserta penghuninya.
Oleh Dia, untuk Dia terbentuk semuanya
selamanya dan abadi.
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 33:6
Yoh 1:3
Ibr 1:2
Kol 1:16
3. Ia ambil rupa insan, rupa Adam yang fana,
menderita sampai mati menebus manusia,
agar kita tak binasa, tapi hidup olehNya
selamanya dan abadi.
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Yoh 3:16
4. Ia pun telah dikandung dar pada Roh Kudus
dan perawan terberkati melahirkan penebus.
Tampak wujud Jurus'lamat di wajahNya yang kudus
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35, 42
2 Kor 4:6
5. Puji, hai malaikat sorga, puji Raja semesta!
Penguasa duniawi, puji Allah Yang Esa!
Biarlah segala lidah mengagungkan Tuhannya
selamanya dan abadi.
Mzm 148
Luk 2:14
Flp 2:9-11
6. Janji pada masa lampau dalam Dia t'lah genap.
Dialah yang disyairkan di halaman Alkitab.
Sudah datang Jurus'lamat; puji syukur menggegap
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:22-23
7. Maha Hakim orang mati, Raja orang hidup pun,
Kau di takhta Allah Bapa mengalahkan lawanMu.
Unsur jahat Kauenyahkan dalam penghakimanMu
selamanya dan abadi.
2 Kor 5:10
Why 20:11-15
Kis 2:33-35
8. Biar kami, tua-muda, umatMu, kecil-besar,
bersyukur memuji Dikau, Raja adil dan benar:
biar madah orang s'lamat silih-ganti terdengar
selamanya dan abadi.Mzm 148:12-13
Why 19:5
Why 15:2-4
9. KepadaMu, Yesus Kristus, dan kepada BapaMu
dan kepada Roh Penghibur layak diberi syukur,
puji, hormat dan kuasa dalam KerajaanMu
selamanya dan abadi.Play - Sungguh Indah Alam [KJ.61]
1. Sungguh indah alam ciptaan Tuhan;
Hewan, burung, ikan, tumbuh-tumbuhan.
Kej 1:3-25
2. Dan angkasa raya, bintang dan bulan;
seg'nap tata surya memuji Tuhan.
3. Tuhanku menjaga sejagat raya;
burung, margasatwa cukup makannya.
Mzm 104:27-28
4. Ajar aku, Tuhan, buka mataku,
b'lajar dari alam lihat hikmatMu.Play - Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
1. Takkah patut 'ku bernyanyi syukur bagi Tuhanku,
kar'na rahmat tak berbanding yang melimpah selalu?
Memang sungguh dan setia, tak terhingga kasihNya
Dan kekal bimbinganNya bagi yang mengabdi Dia.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap.
Ibr 1:11
2. Bagai burung rajawali melindungi anaknya Tuhan pun
berkali-kali t'lah menolong hambaNya. Semenjak dikandung
ibu, waktu aku dibentuk, dan sepanjang umurku ditanganNya
aku hidup. Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
Mzm 139:13-15
3. Bahkan PutraNya sendiri rela diserahkanNya; ditebusNya aku ini
oleh kuasa darahNya. Sungguh aku takkan mampu, wahai Sumber
kurnia, dengan rohku yang lemah mengerti kedalamanMu.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!Yoh 3:16
Rm 8:32
Rm 3:25
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Kor 2:10-11
4. Dalam dunia' ku dikawal oleh Roh dan FirmanNya yang menuntun
dari awal aku dalam t'rang baka, hingga hatiku percaya makin kuat
dan teguh, bahwa kuasa seteru, maut dan Iblis, tak berdaya.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Rm 8:14
Yoh 16:13
1 Kor 15:54-56
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Langit, bumi, segalanya diciptakan bagiku; kutemukan semuanya
menyenangkan hatiku. Hewan, unggas dan tumbuhan, darat, laut,
udara pun jadi rahmat bagiku yang kudapat dari TuhanKej 1-2
Mzm 8:7-9
Play - Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63]
Many and Great, O God
1. Tuhan, karyaMu sungguh besar, ya Khalik semesta:
bintang dan bulan, surya terang, gunung, lembah yang tinggi rendah,
sungai kecil ciptaan firmanMu.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 104
2. Tuhan, curahkanlah kasihMu, lindungi umatMu.
Biarlah RohMu tinggal serta dan memb'ri kami hidup kekal.
Tuhan, dengarlah doa syukur, pujian padaMu.
Play - Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
1. Tuhan, Pencipta semesta, Kaulah Yang Mahamulia;
sungguh besar karunia yang Kauberi.
Why 4:11
2. KasihMu nyata terjelma di sinar surya yang cerah,
di sawah dan tuaiannya yang Kauberi.
Kej 8:22
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
3. Puji syukur terimalah atas berkat anugerah
di rumah yang sejahtera yang Kauberi.
4. Kau merelakan Put'raMu, supaya dunia ditebus;
denganNya kurnia penuh t'lah Kuberi.
Rm 8:32
Ef 1:7, 14
5. Kau mencurahkan Roh Kudus dengan segala
yang perlu: hidup, kuasa, kasihMu Engkau beri.
Gal 5:22-23
6. Tidak terbalas kurnia, ampunan dosa dunia
dan pengharapan yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mzm 116:12
Mi 6:6
1 Yoh 2:2
7. Hilanglah harta yang fana; yang kami cari hanyalah
harta sorgawi yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mat 6:19-21
8. Pemb'rian kami s'lamanya dari tanganMu asalnya;
yang Kauterima itulah yang Kauberi.
1 Taw 29:13-14
9. Terima hormat dan sembah, terima hidup dan kerja
serta sekalian benda yang Kauberi.Why 5:12-13
Play - Ya Roh Kudus Berkurnia [KJ.238]
1. Ya Roh Kudus berkurnia, bagai merpati turunlah,
hidupkan kami, umatMu, dengan percaya yang teguh.
Kej 1:2
Mrk 1:10
Yoh 6:63
2. Tanpa Engkau percumalah usaha kami yang lemah;
tiada arti yang penuh tanpa Engkau, ya Roh Kudus.3. Pada mulanya Kauberi cahaya hidup yang jernih
dan rupa alam terbentuk, diatur kehadiranMu!
Kej 1:3
Mzm 104:30
4. Ya Roh Kudus, diamilah, umatMu dalam dunia,
yang kepadaMu berseru: baruilah ciptaanMu!
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2 Tim 1:14
Yeh 47:1-2
2 Kor 5:17
5. Roh Allah Mahamulia, Roh Kristus Yesus, datanglah,
berkati umatMu penuh dengan limpahan kasihMu!Play
Genesis 1:22
- Allahkulah Kuatku dan Mazmurku [KJ.62]
1. Allahkulah kuatku dan mazmurku;
namaNya dan karyaNya mahaagung; segala alam milikNya.
Mzm 118:14
2. Terciptalah semua oleh firman;
yang ada itu pun lenyap dan hilang jikalau dititahkanNya.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 33:6-9
Mzm 104:29-30
3. PakaianNya semarak bercahaya;
Dialah Raja untuk selamaNya; yang adil dasar takhtaNya.
Mzm 104:1-2
Mzm 97:1-2
4. Ya Tuhanku, Engkau selalu hadir;
Allahku tanpa awal, tanpa akhir, siapa menandingiMu?
1 Tim 1:17
Yes 40:25
5. Di tanganMu aku ten'tram dan aman;
Engkau kenal yang bakal kurancangkan, Engkau periksa hatiku.
Mzm 139:4, 23
6. Engkau dekat, jalanku Kaumaklumi
ke batas laut dan ke ujung bumi, di tiap waktu dan tempat.
Mzm 139:7-12
7. Pikiranku dan hasratku Kaubaca;
setiap tindak, yang benar dan salah, terbuka bagi mataMu.
Mzm 139:1-3
8. MilikMulah segala yang 'ku punya;
dengan semua patut kuagungkan namaMu, Tuhan, s'lamanya.
1 Kor 6:19-20
9. Kembang kecil cerminan hikmat Tuhan;
udara, laut, padang, pegunungan memuji Dikau bertahlil.
Mat 6:28-29
Mzm 148:7-10
10. Engkau beri segala keperluan;
Kausiram tanah, padi Kautumbuhkan: Kaubuka sumber rezeki.
Im 26:4-5
Mzm 104:10-18
Mzm 104:27-28
11. Tanpa Engkau tiada pipit jatuh;
hidupku pun berada di tanganMu: rahmatMu, Bapa, tidak jauh.
Mat 10:29-31
12. Pelindungku Engkau, ya Sumber s'lamat;
'ku tak gentar: di dunia dan akhirat Engkau tempatku berteduh.Mzm 142:6
Play - Hai Mari Sembah [KJ.4]
O Worship the King
1. Hai mari sembah Yang Maha besar,
Nyanyian syukur dengan bergemar.
Perisai umatNya, Yang Maha esa,
Mulia namaNya, takhtaNya megah
2. Hai masyhurkanlah keagunganNya;
cahaya terang itu jubahNya.
Gemuruh suaraNya di awan kelam;
Berjalanlah Dia di badai kencang.
Mzm 104:1-7
3. Buana penuh mujizat ajaib,
ya Khalik, Engkau membuatnya baik.
Engkau memisahkan daratan dan laut
Dengan kuasa firman : besarlah Engkau!
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 104:7-9
4. PengasuhanMu betapa megah:
udara dan t'rang menyatakannya,
embun bertetesan dan hutan sejuk,
lembah maupun bukit cermin kasihMu!
Mzm 104:10-18
5. UmatMu lemah dan dari debu,
tetap memegang janjiMu teguh.
Kasih setiaMu berlimpah terus,
Ya Khalik, Pembela dan Kawan kudus!
Mzm 103:14-18
6. Ya Mahabesar, kekal kasihMu;
malaikat memb'ri pujian merdu,
pun kami, mahlukMu kecil dan lemah,
mengangkat pujian serta menyembah.Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Play - Pada Mulanya [KJ.69]
1. Pada mulanya gelap semuanya, sunyi senyaplah samudera.
Allah bersabda: terang bercahya; hari pertama di dunia.
2. Pada mulanya belum ada langit; atas dan bawah tercampurlah.
Allah bersabda: bentangan pun jadi; hari kedua di dunia.
3. Pada mulanya belum ada tanah yang menumbuhkan tanamannya.
Allah bersabda: terciptalah darat; hari ketiga di dunia.
4. Pada mulanya belum ada surya, bulan dan bintang dan masanya.
Allah bersabda membuat semua; hari keempat di dunia.
5. Pada mulanya belum ada ikan, burung bersayap belum pernah.
Allah bersabda: segala tercipta; hari kelima di dunia.
6. Pada mulanya belum ada hewan yang menemani manusia.
Allah bersabda menjadikan insan; hari keenam di dunia.
7. Pada mulanya semua terjadi: langit dan bumi dan isinya.
Allah Pencipta telah memberkati hari ketujuh di dunia.Play - Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
1. Sebelum semua jadi ada Firman Mulia;
Dia Alfa dan Omega, citra Allah BapaNya.
Dia itu Yang Pertama, pun Yang Akhir
Dialah selamanya dan abadi.
Ams 8:23
Yoh 1:1-2
Why 1:8
Why 22:13
2. Oleh Firman diciptakan yang mengisi semesta:
langit, bumi dan samud'ra beserta penghuninya.
Oleh Dia, untuk Dia terbentuk semuanya
selamanya dan abadi.
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 33:6
Yoh 1:3
Ibr 1:2
Kol 1:16
3. Ia ambil rupa insan, rupa Adam yang fana,
menderita sampai mati menebus manusia,
agar kita tak binasa, tapi hidup olehNya
selamanya dan abadi.
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Yoh 3:16
4. Ia pun telah dikandung dar pada Roh Kudus
dan perawan terberkati melahirkan penebus.
Tampak wujud Jurus'lamat di wajahNya yang kudus
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35, 42
2 Kor 4:6
5. Puji, hai malaikat sorga, puji Raja semesta!
Penguasa duniawi, puji Allah Yang Esa!
Biarlah segala lidah mengagungkan Tuhannya
selamanya dan abadi.
Mzm 148
Luk 2:14
Flp 2:9-11
6. Janji pada masa lampau dalam Dia t'lah genap.
Dialah yang disyairkan di halaman Alkitab.
Sudah datang Jurus'lamat; puji syukur menggegap
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:22-23
7. Maha Hakim orang mati, Raja orang hidup pun,
Kau di takhta Allah Bapa mengalahkan lawanMu.
Unsur jahat Kauenyahkan dalam penghakimanMu
selamanya dan abadi.
2 Kor 5:10
Why 20:11-15
Kis 2:33-35
8. Biar kami, tua-muda, umatMu, kecil-besar,
bersyukur memuji Dikau, Raja adil dan benar:
biar madah orang s'lamat silih-ganti terdengar
selamanya dan abadi.Mzm 148:12-13
Why 19:5
Why 15:2-4
9. KepadaMu, Yesus Kristus, dan kepada BapaMu
dan kepada Roh Penghibur layak diberi syukur,
puji, hormat dan kuasa dalam KerajaanMu
selamanya dan abadi.Play - Sungguh Indah Alam [KJ.61]
1. Sungguh indah alam ciptaan Tuhan;
Hewan, burung, ikan, tumbuh-tumbuhan.
Kej 1:3-25
2. Dan angkasa raya, bintang dan bulan;
seg'nap tata surya memuji Tuhan.
3. Tuhanku menjaga sejagat raya;
burung, margasatwa cukup makannya.
Mzm 104:27-28
4. Ajar aku, Tuhan, buka mataku,
b'lajar dari alam lihat hikmatMu.Play - Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
1. Takkah patut 'ku bernyanyi syukur bagi Tuhanku,
kar'na rahmat tak berbanding yang melimpah selalu?
Memang sungguh dan setia, tak terhingga kasihNya
Dan kekal bimbinganNya bagi yang mengabdi Dia.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap.
Ibr 1:11
2. Bagai burung rajawali melindungi anaknya Tuhan pun
berkali-kali t'lah menolong hambaNya. Semenjak dikandung
ibu, waktu aku dibentuk, dan sepanjang umurku ditanganNya
aku hidup. Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
Mzm 139:13-15
3. Bahkan PutraNya sendiri rela diserahkanNya; ditebusNya aku ini
oleh kuasa darahNya. Sungguh aku takkan mampu, wahai Sumber
kurnia, dengan rohku yang lemah mengerti kedalamanMu.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!Yoh 3:16
Rm 8:32
Rm 3:25
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Kor 2:10-11
4. Dalam dunia' ku dikawal oleh Roh dan FirmanNya yang menuntun
dari awal aku dalam t'rang baka, hingga hatiku percaya makin kuat
dan teguh, bahwa kuasa seteru, maut dan Iblis, tak berdaya.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Rm 8:14
Yoh 16:13
1 Kor 15:54-56
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Langit, bumi, segalanya diciptakan bagiku; kutemukan semuanya
menyenangkan hatiku. Hewan, unggas dan tumbuhan, darat, laut,
udara pun jadi rahmat bagiku yang kudapat dari TuhanKej 1-2
Mzm 8:7-9
Play - Tuhan, karyaMu Sungguh Besar [KJ.63]
Many and Great, O God
1. Tuhan, karyaMu sungguh besar, ya Khalik semesta:
bintang dan bulan, surya terang, gunung, lembah yang tinggi rendah,
sungai kecil ciptaan firmanMu.
Kej 1:3-25
Mzm 104
2. Tuhan, curahkanlah kasihMu, lindungi umatMu.
Biarlah RohMu tinggal serta dan memb'ri kami hidup kekal.
Tuhan, dengarlah doa syukur, pujian padaMu.
Play - Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
1. Tuhan, Pencipta semesta, Kaulah Yang Mahamulia;
sungguh besar karunia yang Kauberi.
Why 4:11
2. KasihMu nyata terjelma di sinar surya yang cerah,
di sawah dan tuaiannya yang Kauberi.
Kej 8:22
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
3. Puji syukur terimalah atas berkat anugerah
di rumah yang sejahtera yang Kauberi.
4. Kau merelakan Put'raMu, supaya dunia ditebus;
denganNya kurnia penuh t'lah Kuberi.
Rm 8:32
Ef 1:7, 14
5. Kau mencurahkan Roh Kudus dengan segala
yang perlu: hidup, kuasa, kasihMu Engkau beri.
Gal 5:22-23
6. Tidak terbalas kurnia, ampunan dosa dunia
dan pengharapan yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mzm 116:12
Mi 6:6
1 Yoh 2:2
7. Hilanglah harta yang fana; yang kami cari hanyalah
harta sorgawi yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mat 6:19-21
8. Pemb'rian kami s'lamanya dari tanganMu asalnya;
yang Kauterima itulah yang Kauberi.
1 Taw 29:13-14
9. Terima hormat dan sembah, terima hidup dan kerja
serta sekalian benda yang Kauberi.Why 5:12-13
John 14:17
- Damai Sejahtera Kutinggalkan Bagimu [KJ.163]
1. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
2. Janganlah hatimu gemetar dan gelisah;
Tuhan kasihilah dan percayalah Dia!
Ia telah pergi, Ia datang kembali.
Ingat amanatnya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
3. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
4. DisediakanNya dalam rumah BapaNya
bagi sahabatNya tempat tinggal s'lamanya.
Sambil menanti Dia, kuatkanlah hati.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
5. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
6. Kamu, jemaatNya, tahu jalan ke situ:
Dialah Jalan dan Kebenaran dan Hidup!
Lakukanlah sabdaNya seraya menanti.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
7. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
8. Kamu pun bukanlah bagai yatim piatu:
Roh Mahasucilah yang menghiburkan kamu!
Sampai TuhanMu datang amalkanlah kasih.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.Play
John 14:22
- Damai Sejahtera Kutinggalkan Bagimu [KJ.163]
1. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
2. Janganlah hatimu gemetar dan gelisah;
Tuhan kasihilah dan percayalah Dia!
Ia telah pergi, Ia datang kembali.
Ingat amanatnya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
3. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
4. DisediakanNya dalam rumah BapaNya
bagi sahabatNya tempat tinggal s'lamanya.
Sambil menanti Dia, kuatkanlah hati.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
5. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
6. Kamu, jemaatNya, tahu jalan ke situ:
Dialah Jalan dan Kebenaran dan Hidup!
Lakukanlah sabdaNya seraya menanti.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
7. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
8. Kamu pun bukanlah bagai yatim piatu:
Roh Mahasucilah yang menghiburkan kamu!
Sampai TuhanMu datang amalkanlah kasih.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.Play
John 20:1--21:25
- 'Ku Mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.305]
1. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku, Penghibur kalau hatiku
gelisah, Yang melepaskan orang dari susah. Wahai jiwaku,
puji Tuhanmu!Mzm 116:1-6
Yoh 21:15-17
Ef 6:24
2 Tim 4:18
2. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Penebus: olehNya taurat tak mengutuk lagi;
lunaslah sudah utang yang ditagih; dosa dihapus darah Yang Kudus.
Rm 5:16-19
Gal 3:13
1 Kor 7:23
Kol 1:20
3. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus s'lamanya: Sabda dan RohNya menyucikan daku;
aib dosaku sudah Ia basuh; 'ku dibarui turut citraNya.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
4. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Sobatku: ketika aku, bagai kanak-kanak
jalan tertatih waktu mau melangkah, 'ku dipegang tanganNya yang teguh.
Mzm 73:23
Hos 11:3
5. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus tak henti: rela kupikul salib dan bebanNya
dan kulakukan titah dan pesanNya; jangan olehku Tuhanku sedih.
Mat 11:28-30
Mrk 8:34
6. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus yang teguh memimpin daku sampai aku mati;
di saat itu dosa tiada lagi dan 'ku lega memuji Tuhanku.
Rm 6:7
7. Yang kukasihi, HariNya dekat. Nanti kulihat kemuliaan Tuhan
dan di terangNya Dia kuagungkan. Pujilah Tuhan, segenap jemaat.Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 3:2
Why 22:4
Play - 'KuTahu,Tuhanku [KJ.306]
1. 'Ku tahu, Tuhanku, Engkau milikku, Engkau pilihanku,
bersih hatiku. Pengasih, Pengampun, Juruselamatku,
Engkaulah kucinta kini tekadku.
Ef 6:24
2. Kucinta padaMu kar'na kasihMu. Kauhapus dosaku
dengan wafatMu; mahkota berduri t'lah melukaiMu.
Engkaulah kucinta: kini tekadku!
Kol 2:14
3. Tetap Kau kucinta sampai ajalku; kupuji namaMu
s'lama hayatku. Pun saat sang maut renggutkan nyawaku,
Engkaulah kucinta: kini tekadku!
Ibr 9:11-14
Mrk 15:17
Yoh 21:15-17
4. Di rumah mulia kekal abadi kupuji namaMu tiada henti;
dengan sukacita 'ku akan berseru:
Engkaulah kucinta: kini tekadku!Rm 8:38-39
Play - Asal Yesus Jua Tuhan Hidupku [KJ.380]
1. Asal Yesus jua Tuhan hidupku, oleh janjiNya semua
rasa jiwaku teduh. Sampai waktu mati aku bersyukur, bersuka hati.
Rm 8:35-39
2. Asal Yesus jua Tuhan hidupku, oleh sabdaNya semua
suka-citaku penuh. Biar 'ku setia dan di jalanNya kuikut Dia.
Mrk 8:34
Yoh 21:19, 22
1 Ptr 2:21
3. Asal Yesus jua Tuhan hidupku, penghiburanNya semua
meringankan susahku. Apa yang kubuat, dalam Dia juga aku kuat.
4. Oleh Yesus jua dunia sembuh. Hai saudaraku semua,
Yesus juga Tuhanmu! Mari ikut Dia: s'lamat KerajaanNya sedia.Play - Bumi dan Langit, Pujilah [KJ.286]
Praise to the Holiest in the Height
1. Bumi dan langit, pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus:
FirmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Mzm 69:35
2. Betapa kasih hikmatNya! Kendati kita aib:
Sang Adam Baru menjelma, Penolong yang ajaib.
Rm 5:18-19
1 Kor 15:45-47
3. O hikmat kasih! Dialah tak jatuh diserang:
di dalam darah-daging pun berjuang dan menang.
Mat 4:1-11
1 Ptr 2:24
4. Tak sekedar karunia yang dimilikiNya:
hakekat Allah yang kekal yaitu kodratNya.
Yoh 1:1-3
5. Dialah Insan yang benar: set'ru dibantingNya.
Hukuman bagi insan pun ditanggung olehNya.
Kol 1:15
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
Yes 53:5
6. DukaNya di Getsemani, wafatNya di salib
teladan bagi muridNya menanggung yang pedih.
Mrk 14:32-42
Yoh 21:19
2 Tim 2:3
1 Ptr 2:21-24
7. Bumi dan langit pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus;
firmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Play - Di Muka Tuhan Yesus [KJ.29]
1. Di muka Tuhan Yesus betapa hina diriku.
Kubawa dosa-dosaku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
Luk 15:21
Luk 22:61-62
Yoh 21:17
2. Di muka Tuhan Yesus tersungkur kar'na dosaku,
kubuka kerinduanku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
Luk 7:38
3. Di muka Tuhan Yesus 'ku insaf akan salahku;
bertobat kini hatiku di muka Tuhan Yesus.
4. Di muka Tuhan Yesus kudapat kasih sayangNya;
hatiku pasrah berserah di muka Tuhan Yesus.Luk 7:47-48
Play - Dikau Yang Bangkit, Mahamulia [KJ.194]
1. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
Turun malak sorga putih cemerlang; kubur ia buka, tanda Kau menang.
Mat 28:2
Kol 2:15
2. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
3. Lihatlah Dia, Yesus, Tuhanmu! Dialah Mesias; yakinlah teguh!
Mari, umat Tuhan, bergembiralah! Bertekun maklumkan kemenanganNya!
Mat 28:9
Luk 24:30-31
Yoh 20:16, 19-20
Yoh 20:26-29
Mat 28:18-20
4. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah!
5. Tuhanku hidup takut pun lenyap. Dia Junjunganku, Damaiku tetap.
Yesuslah Kuatku, Kemenanganku, Yesus Hidupku, Kemuliaanku!
Mzm 18:47
Ef 2:14
Yoh 11:25
6. Dikau, Yang Bangkit, mahamulia! Dikaulah abadi jaya dan megah! Play - Hai Umat Tuhan, Nyanyilah [KJ.199]
1. Hai umat Tuhan, nyanyilah: hari ini Raja mulia t'lah bangkit
dari kuburNya. Haleluya!
2. Di pagi hari yang sedih ketiga ibu t'lah pergi melihat
kubur yang sepi. Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1
3. Maria dari Magdala, Salome dan Maria lain membawa
minyak dan rempah. Haleluya!
4. Malaikat sorga menegur "Di Galilea Tuhanmu menunggu
kedatanganmu" Haleluya!
Mrk 16:7
5. Sesudah tiba kabarnya, Yohanes lari segera dan Petrus
di belakangnya. Haleluya!
Yoh 20:3-4
6. Berkumpul para murid pun dan Yesus datang bertemu,
bersabda: "Salam bagimu!" Haleluya!
Yoh 20:19
7. Tetapi Tomas Didimus menaruh syak wasangka t'rus;
belum lihat Penebus. Haleluya!
Yoh 20:24
8. "Hai Tomas, taruh jarimu ke dalam luka tubuhKu:
percayalah dengan teguh!" Haleluya!
Yoh 20:27
9. Tak lagi Tomas bersendu dan yakin ia berseru:
"Ya Tuhanku, ya Allahku!" Haleluya!
Yoh 20:28
10. Bahagia merekahlah yang tak melihat Tuhannya,
namun percaya padaNya! Haleluya!
Yoh 20:28
11. Bersukacita, marilah, nyanyian Paskah angkatlah
dan puji Tuhan s'lamanya! Haleluya!
12. Demi karunia Penebus, Sang Anakdomba yang kudus,
Syukur kepada Allah t'rus! Haleluya!Play - Lihatlah Sekelilingmu [KJ.428]
1. Lihatlah sekelilingmu, pandanglah ke ladang-ladang
yang menguning dan sudah matang, sudah matang
untuk dituai!
Yoh 4:35-38
2. Lihatlah sekelilingmu, pandanglah ke ladang-ladang
yang menguning dan sudah matang, sudah matang
untuk dituai!
3. Apa arti ladang-ladang, apa yang perlu dituai?
Ladang itu seluruh dunia, manusialah tuaiannya.
Mat 13:38
4. Lihatlah sekelilingmu, pandanglah ke ladang-ladang
yang menguning dan sudah matang, sudah matang
untuk dituai!
5. Milik siapa ladang itu? Untuk siapa tuaiannya?
Milik Allah dan untuk Allah isi dunia kerajaanNya.
6. Lihatlah sekelilingmu, pandanglah ke ladang-ladang
yang menguning dan sudah matang, sudah matang
untuk dituai!
7. Bukankah seisi dunia dicemarkan oleh dosa?
Tapi Allah mengutus Jurus'lamat untuk semua.
8. Lihatlah sekelilingmu, pandanglah ke ladang-ladang
yang menguning dan sudah matang, sudah matang
untuk dituai!
9. Memang banyaklah tuaian; pekerja hanya sedikit.
Minta Dia yang punya ladang mengirimkan penuai lagi.
Mat 9:37-38
10. Lihatlah sekelilingmu, pandanglah ke ladang-ladang
yang menguning dan sudah matang, sudah matang
untuk dituai!
11. Apa kita pun terpilih mengerjakan tugas itu?
Kita juga dipilih Tuhan dan diutus ke dalam dunia.
Mat 28:19
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Yoh 17:18
Yoh 20:21
Kis 1:8
12. Lihatlah sekelilingmu, pandanglah ke ladang-ladang
yang menguning dan sudah matang, sudah matang
untuk dituai!Play - Sang Kristus Bangkit, Nyanyilah [KJ.204]
1. Sang Kristus bangkit, nyanyilah Haleluya, Haleluya, Penghibur
isi dunia. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Andaikan Ia tak menang, Haleluya, Haleluya, harapan dunia
terbenam. Haleluya, Haleluya!
3. Menanglah Ia yang kudus; Haleluya, Haleluya, terpuji
Kristus Penebus. Haleluya, Haleluya!
4. Ketiga ibu bersedih, Haleluya, Haleluya,
menengok kubur yang sepi. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-2
5. Di kubur itu tampaklah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
telah terguling batunya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:3-4
6. Hai jangan takut dan sedih, Haleluya, Haleluya,
yang kamu cari t'lah pergi. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mrk 16:5-6
7. Katakanlah kepadaku, Haleluya, Haleluya,
dimana kini Tuhanku? Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yoh 20:13-15
8. Tuhanmu bangkit mulia, Haleluya, Haleluya,
berita Paskah t'rimalah. Haleluya, Haleluya!
9. Tunjukkanlah di manakah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
yang bangkit dari kuburNya? Haleluya, Haleluya!
10. Lebih dahulu lihatlah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
yang bangkit dari kuburNya? Haleluya, Haleluya,
Mat 28:6
11. Jikalau kosong kuburNya, Haleluya, Haleluya,
ke mana kepergianNya? Haleluya, Haleluya!
12. Ke Galilea pulanglah, Haleluya, Haleluya,
temui Dia segera! Haleluya, Haleluya,
bersukacita tak henti. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mat 28:7
13. Tak lagi kami bersedih, Haleluya, Haleluya,
bersukacita tak henti. Haleluya, Haleluya!
14. Berita Paskah bergema, Haleluya, Haleluya,
Penghibur isi dunia, Haleluya, Haleluya!Play - Saya Mau Ikut Yesus [KJ.375]
1. Saya mau ikut Yesus, saya mau ikut Yesus sampai
s'lama-lamanya. Meskipun saya susah, menderita
dalam dunia, saya mau ikut Yesus sampai s'lama-lamanya.Mrk 8:34
Yoh 21:19, 22
1 Ptr 2:21
Play - Sungguh Indah Kabar Mulia [KJ.383]
Yesterday, Today, Forever
R:Ibr 13:8
1. Sungguh indah kabar mulia; hai percayalah! Yesus Kristus
tak berubah s'lama-lamanya! DarahNya tetap menghapus
dosa dan cela. Ia hibur yang berduka. Puji namaNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
Yesus Kristus tak berubah, puji namaNya!
3. Ia cari yang berdosa, cari dikau pun. Datanglah, rendahkan hati,
s'rahkan dirimu! Dulukala Ia sambut orang bercela;
kini dikau pun disambut, diampuniNya.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
5. Badai dan gelora laut tunduk padaNya; kini juga badai hati
ditenangkanNya. Ia yang telah bergumul di Getsemani,
mendampingi kita dalam saat yang pedih.
Mrk 4:35-41
Mrk 14:32-42
6. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
7. Yesus yang telah ampuni Petrus yang sesat dan menghapus
kebimbangan Tomas yang bersyak dan selalu mengasihi
murid-muridNya Ia mau menyambut dikau dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 2:15-19
Yoh 20:24-29
8. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!
9. Waktu murid ke Emaus Yesus beserta; kita pun di jalan
hidup disertaiNya. Yang terangkat dan kembali,Yesus inilah!
Kita 'kan melihat Dia datang segera!
Luk 24:13-25
Kis 1:9-11
10. Baik kemarin, hari ini, s'lama-lamanya Yesus Kristus
tak berubah, puji namaNya! Puji namaNya, puji namaNya!Play - Yesus, Kini Kataku [KJ.215]
- Yesus, Pimpinlah [KJ.419]
1. Yesus, pimpinlah kami s'lamanya:
hanya Dikau kami ikut di sepanjang jalan hidup.
Tuntun umatMu masuk rumahMu.
Mzm 23
Ibr 12:3
Yoh 21:19, 22
2. B'rilah kami pun iman yang teguh,
agar jangan ditaklukkan oleh susah dan
keluhan, tapi bertekun ikut jalanMu.
3. Bila ditekan duka dan beban,
bagi kami dan sesama, o, berilah ketabahan
dan tunjukkanlah akhir yang cerah.
Rm 5:3-4
Yak 1:3
4. Aturlah terus langkah umatMu
dan berilah pertolongan di setiap pencobaan,
hingga kami pun masuk rumahMu.Play
Genesis 1:2-3
[Gen 1:2] Father, Whose Creating Hand
Father, whose creating hand
Made the ocean and the land;
All Thy creatures are Thy care,
Thou art present everywhere.
Hear us, we beseech Thee.Christ, who didst of old appear
On the waters, drawing near;
Thou art able still to save,
Calmly ruling wind and wave.
Hear us, we beseech Thee.Holy Ghost, whose presence shed
Life where all was dark and dead,
By Thy breath we move and live,
Thou dost light and order give.
Hear us, we beseech Thee.God, to Whom our life we owe,
God, whose blood for man did flow,
God, who dost within us dwell,
Keep us Thine, and all is well.
Hear us, we beseech Thee.When the deep in slumber lies
Under bright and peaceful skies,
When the winds in fury rave,
Lifting high the rushing wave,
Hear us, we beseech Thee.All our honest labor bless,
Give each lawful aim success;
In our time of need draw nigh,
Saying, “Fear not, it is I.”
Hear us, we beseech Thee.Guard the loves ones left behind,
Give them peace in heart and mind;
Keep us all in union sweet,
At our Father’s mercy seat.
Hear us, we beseech Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:2] Hear Us, Thou That Broodest
Hear us, Thou that broodest o’er the watery deep,
Waking all creation from its primal sleep;
Holy Spirit, breathing breath of life divine,
Breathe into our spirits, blending them with Thine.Refrain
Light and life immortal, hear us as we raise,
Hearts, as well as voices, mingling prayer with praise.When the sun ariseth in a cloudless sky,
May we feel Thy presence, Holy Spirit, nigh;
Shed Thy radiance o’er us, keep it cloudless still,
Through the day before us, perfecting Thy will.Refrain
When the fight is fiercest, in the noontide heat,
Bear us, Holy Spirit, to our Savior’s feet;
There to find a refuge, till our work is done,
There to fight the battle, till the battle’s won.Refrain
If the day be falling sadly as it goes,
Slowly in its sadness sinking to its close,
May Thy love in mercy kindling, ere it die,
Cast a ray of glory o’er our evening sky.Refrain
Morning, noon, and evening, whensoe’er it be,
Grant us, gracious Spirit, quickening life in Thee;
Life that gives us, living, life of heavenly love,
Life that brings us, dying, life from Heaven above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:2] O Lord, Be Us When We Sail
O Lord, be with us when we sail
Upon the lonely deep,
Our Guard, when on the silent deck
The midnight watch we keep.We need not fear, though all around
’Mid rising winds we hear
The multitude of waters surge;
For Thou, O God, art near.The calm, the breeze, the gale, the storm,
That pass from land to land,
All, all are Thine, are held within
The hollow of Thy hand.If duty calls from threatened strife
To guard our native shore,
And shot and shell are answering
The booming cannon’s roar,Be Thou the Mainguard of our host,
Till war and dangers cease;
Defend the right, put up the sword,
And through the world make peace.Across this troubled tide of life
Thyself our Pilot be,
Until we reach that better land,
The land that knows no sea.To Thee the Father, Thee the Son,
Whom earth and sky adore,
And Spirit moving on the deep,
Be praise forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:3] Blest Creator Of The Light
Blest Creator of the light,
Making day with radiance bright,
Thou didst o’er the forming earth
Give the golden light its birth.Shade of eve with morning ray
Took from Thee the name of day;
Darkness now is drawing nigh;
Listen to our humble cry.May we ne’er by guilt depressed
Lose the way to endless rest;
Nor with idle thoughts and vain
Bind our souls to earth again.Rather may we heavenward rise
Where eternal treasure lies;
Purified by grace within,
Hating every deed of sin.Holy Father, hear our cry,
Through Thy Son our Lord most high,
Whom our thankful hearts adore
With the Spirit evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:3] God Of The Morning, At Whose Voice
God of the morning, at Whose voice
The cheerful sun makes haste to rise,
And like a giant doth rejoice
To run his journey through the skies.From the fair chambers of the east
The circuit of his race begins,
And, without weariness or rest,
Round the whole earth he flies and shines.O like the sun may I fulfill
Th’appointed duties of the day,
With ready mind and active will
March on and keep my heav’nly way.But I shall rove and lose the race,
If God, my Sun, should disappear,
And leave me in this world’s wild maze,
To follow every wand’ring star.Lord, Thy commands are clean and pure,
Enlight’ning our beclouded eyes;
Thy threat’nings just, Thy promise sure,
Thy Gospel makes the simple wise.Give me Thy counsel for my guide,
And then receive me to Thy bliss;
All my desires and hopes beside
Are faint and cold compared with this.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:3] God, Our Father, Made The Daylight
God, our Father, made the daylight;
God, our Father, made the night;
God made mountains, sea, and sky,
And the white clouds floating high.God, we thank Thee for the showers;
God, we thank Thee for the dew,
Mighty trees and flowers small;
God, our Father, gave them all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:3] Let There Be Light, Lord God Of Hosts
Let there be light, Lord God of hosts,
Let there be wisdom on the earth;
Let broad humanity have birth,
Let there be deeds, instead of boasts.Within our passioned hearts instill
The calm that endeth strain and strife;
Make us thy ministers of life;
Purge us from lusts that curse and kill.Give us the peace of vision clear
To see our brothers’ good our own,
To joy and suffer not alone,
The love that casteth out all fear.Let woe and waste of warfare cease,
That useful labor yet may build
Its homes with love and laughter filled;
God give thy wayward children peace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:3] O Blest Creator Of The Light
O blest Creator of the light,
Who mak’st the day with radiance bright,
And o’er the forming world didst call
The light from chaos first of all.Whose wisdom joined in meet array
The morn and eve, and named them day:
Night comes with all its darkling fears;
Regard Thy people’s prayers and tears.Lest, sunk in sin, and whelmed with strife,
They lose the gift of endless life;
While thinking but the thoughts of time,
They weave new chains of woe and crime.But grant them grace that they may strain
The heavenly gate and prize to gain:
Each harmful lure aside to cast,
And purge away each error past.O Father, that we ask be done,
Through Jesus Christ, Thine only Son;
Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,
Doth live and reign eternally.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:3] O Trinity Of Blessed Light
O Trinity of blessèd light,
O Unity of princely might,
The fiery sun now goes his way;
Shed Thou within our hearts a ray.To Thee our morning song of praise,
To Thee our evening prayer we raise;
O grant us with Thy saints on high
To praise Thee through eternity.All laud to God the Father be,
All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,
All glory, as is ever meet,
To God the holy Paraclete.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gen 1:3] Thou, Whose Almighty Word
Thou, whose almighty Word
[or Thou, whose eternal word]
Chaos and darkness heard,
And took their flight;
Hear us, we humbly pray,
And, where the Gospel’s day
Sheds not its glorious ray,
Let there be light!Thou, who didst come to bring
On Thy redeeming wing
Healing and sight,
Health to the sick in mind,
Sight to the inly blind,
O now, to all mankind,
Let there be light!Spirit of truth and love,
Life giving, holy Dove,
Speed forth Thy flight;
Move on the water’s face
Bearing the lamp of grace,
And, in earth’s darkest place,
Let there be light!Blessèd and holy Three,
Glorious Trinity,
Wisdom, love, might!
Boundless as ocean’s tide,
Rolling in fullest pride,
Through the world far and wide,
Let there be light!Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 14:17
[Joh 14:17] Dwell In Me, O Blessèd Spirit
Dwell in me, O blessèd Spirit,
How I need Thy help divine!
In the way of life eternal,
Keep, oh, keep this heart of mine.Refrain
Dwell in me, oh, dwell in me;
Hear and grant my prayer to Thee;
Spirit, now from Heav’n descending,
Come, oh, come and dwell in me.Let me feel Thy sacred presence;
Then my faith will ne’er decline;
Comfort Thou and help me onward,
Fill with love this heart of mine.Refrain
Round the cross where Thou hast led me,
Let my purest feelings twine;
With the blood from sin that cleansed me,
Seal anew this heart of mine.Refrain
Dwell in me, O blessèd Spirit,
Gracious Teacher, Friend divine,
For the home of bliss that waits me
O prepare this heart of mine.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 20:1--21:25
[Joh 20:1] Mary To Her Savior’s Tomb
Mary to her Savior’s tomb
Hasted at the early dawn;
Spice she brought, and sweet perfume,
But the Lord, the Loved, was gone.For awhile she weeping stood,
Struck with sorrow and surprise;
Shedding tears, a plenteous flood,
For her heart supplied her eyes.Jesus, who is always near,
Though too often unperceived
Came, His drooping child to cheer,
And inquired, Why she grieved?Though at first she knew Him not,
When He called her by her name,
Then her griefs were all forgot,
For she found He was the same.Grief and sighing quickly fled
When she heard His welcome voice;
Just before she thought Him dead,
Now He bids her heart rejoice:What a change His Word can make,
Turning darkness into day!
You who weep for Jesus’ sake;
He will wipe your tears away.He Who came to comfort her,
When she thought her all was lost;
Will for your relief appear,
Though you now are tempest-tossed:On His Word your burden cast,
On His love your thoughts employ;
Weeping for awhile may last,
But the morning brings the joy.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:15] In The Garden
I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.Refrain
And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.Refrain
I’d stay in the garden with Him
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:15] Morning Red
Morning red, morning red,
Now the shadows all are fled;
Now the Sabbath’s cloudless glory,
Tells anew the wondrous story,
Christ is risen from the dead.All around, all around,
Solemn silence reigned profound;
When, with blaze and sudden thunder,
Angels burst the tomb asunder,
And the Savior was unbound.Forth He came! Forth He came!
Robed in white, celestial flame!
Mary, at the empty prison,
Knew not her Redeemer risen
Till He called her by her name.Morning red! Morning red!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Still He walketh in the garden,
Speaking words of love and pardon.
Though the crown is on His head.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:19] When Sinners See Their Lost Condition
When sinners see their lost condition
And feel the pressing load of sin,
And Jesus cometh on His mission
To heal the sin-sick heart within,
All grief must flee before His grace,
And joy divine will take its place.When Jesus enters meek and lowly
To fill the home with sweetest peace;
When hearts have felt His blessing holy
And found from sin complete release,
Then light and calm within shall reign
And hearts divided love again.When Jesus enters land and nation
And moves the people with His love;
When, yielding to His kind persuasion,
Our hearts His truth and blessing prove,
Then shall our life on earth be blest,
The peace of God on us shall rest.When Jesus comes—O blessèd story!—
He works a change in heart and life;
God’s kingdom comes with pow’r and glory
To young and old, to man and wife;
Thro’ sacrament and living Word,
Faith, love, and hope are now conferred.Then stilled are cries and lamentation,
Then loosed is Satan’s every band;
In death is hope and consolation,
The soul is safe in Jesus’ hand.
When we shall walk through death’s dark vale,
His rod and staff shall never fail.Oh, may He soon to every nation
Find entrance where He is unknown,
With life and light and full salvation,
That heathendom may be o’erthrown
And healing to the hearts may come
In heathen land and Christian home!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:21] Christ Is Gone Up
Christ is gone up; yet ere He passed
From earth, in Heav’n to reign,
He formed one holy Church to last
Till He should come again.His twelve Apostles first He made
His ministers of grace;
And they their hands on others laid,
To fill in turn their place.So age by age, and year by year,
His grace was handed on;
And still the holy Church is here,
Although her Lord is gone.Let those find pardon, Lord, from Thee,
Whose love to her is cold:
Bring wanderers in, and let there be
One Shepherd and one fold.And now we haste with thankful feet
To seek our Savior’s face;
And in the holy Church to meet,
His chosen dwelling place.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:21] Dear Lord, Ascended Savior
Dear Lord, ascended Savior,
Here once again
We make our consecration,
In Thy dear Name.Christ Jesus, our Redeemer,
Behold us now;
O breathe on us Thy Spirit—
Lowly we bow.We turn from all our wanderings,
To seek Thy face;
Heal Thou our hearts and strengthen,
By Thy sweet grace.O may this consecration,
In Thee complete,
Be evermore enduring,
Till Thee we meet.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:21] I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go
It may not be on the mountain’s height, or over the stormy sea;
It may not be at the battle’s front my Lord will have need of me;
But if by a still, small voice He calls to paths I do not know,
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Yours,
I’ll go where You want me to go.Refrain
I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,
O’er mountain, or plain, or sea;
I’ll say what You want me to say, dear Lord,
I’ll be what You want me to be.Perhaps today there are loving words which Jesus would have me speak;
There may be now, in the paths of sin, some wand’rer whom I should seek.
O Savior, if You will be my Guide, though dark and rugged the way,
My voice shall echo the message sweet,
I’ll say what You want me to say.Refrain
There’s surely somewhere a lowly place in earth’s harvest fields so wide,
Where I may labor through life’s short day for Jesus, the Crucified.
So, trusting my all unto Your care, I know You always love me!
I’ll do Your will with a heart sincere,
I’ll be what You want me to be.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:21] Lord, Send Us Forth
Lord, send us forth to preach the Word
Wherever man is found;
Till every soul of Thee has heard
The whole wide world around.Refrain
Lord, send us forth, O send today;
Baptize us with Thy might;
As heralds speed us on our way,
To those who grope for light.Lord, send us forth as those who bear
Glad tidings from the throne;
With joy the message to declare
Till earth Thy sway shall own.Refrain
Lord, send us forth, nor staff nor scrip,
But only in Thy might;
Thy Spirit touching heart and lip
To guide and keep aright.Refrain
Lord, send us forth, the faith supply,
The sowing time is ours;
Thine be the harvest by and by,
Beyond the gracious showers.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:22] Breath Of The Spirit, The
Long years we have yearned for the showers of blessing,
Have earnestly prayed for abundance of rain;
Praise God, some are singing the new song of Heaven,
The breath of the Spirit brings power again.Refrain
Power again, power again,
Our hearts have been tuned to the sweet refrain,
The breath of the Spirit brings power again.The life has been fruitless, the heart dry and thirsty,
The task of the Master seemed given in vain;
But now ev’ry day is a day of rich blessing,
The breath of the Spirit brings power again.Refrain
No tithes have been brought to the storehouse of Heaven,
Our powers for service long dormant have lain;
But now ev’ry impulse is used in God’s glory,
The breath of the Spirit brings power again.Refrain
No souls have been won for the kingdom of glory,
But power for service we now may obtain;
Then gladly as reapers we enter the harvest,
The breath of the Spirit brings power again.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:22] Breathe Upon Us
Breathe upon us, Lord, from Heaven,
Fill us with the Holy Ghost;
Promise of the Father given,
Send us now a Pentecost.Refrain
Breathe upon us, breathe upon us,
With Thy love our hearts inspire.
Breathe upon us, breathe upon us,
Lord, baptize us now with fire.While the Spirit hovers o’er us,
Open all our hearts, we pray;
To Thine image, Lord, restore us,
Witness in our souls today.Refrain
Lift us, Lord, O lift us higher,
From the carnal mind set free;
Fill us with refining fire,
Give us perfect liberty.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:22] O Breath Of God, Breathe On Us Now
O breath of God, breathe on us now,
And move within us while we pray:
The Spring of our new life art Thou,
The very light of our new day.O strangely art Thou with us, Lord,
Neither in height nor depth to seek:
In nearness shall Thy voice be heard;
Spirit to spirit Thou dost speak.Christ is our Advocate on high;
Thou art our Advocate within.
O plead the truth, and make reply
To every argument of sin.But ah, this faithless heart of mine,
The way I know, I know my Guide:
Forgive me, O my Friend divine,
That I so often turn aside.Be with me when no other friend
The mystery of my heart can share;
And be Thou known, when fears transcend,
By Thy best name of Comforter.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:26] Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands
Amidst us our Belovèd stands,
And bids us view His piercèd hands;
Points to the wounded feet and side,
Blest emblems of the Crucified.What food luxurious loads the board,
When at His table sits the Lord!
The wine how rich, the bread how sweet,
When Jesus deigns the guests to meet!If now, with eyes defiled and dim,
We see the signs, but see not Him;
O may His love the scales displace,
And bid us see Him face to face!Our former transports we recount,
When with Him in the holy mount,
These cause our souls to thirst anew,
His marred but lovely face to view.Thou glorious Bridegroom of our hearts,
Thy present smile a heav’n imparts!
Oh lift the veil, if veil there be,
Let every saint Thy beauties see!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:27] How Oft, O Lord, Thy Face Hath Shone
How oft, O Lord, Thy face hath shone
On doubting souls whose wills were true!
Thou Christ of Cephas and of John,
Thou art the Christ of Thomas, too.He loved Thee well, and calmly said
“Come, let us go, and die with Him”;
Yet when Thine Easter news was spread,
’Mid all its light his eyes were dim.His brethren’s word he would not take
But craved to touch those hands of Thine:
The bruisèd reed Thou didst not break;
He saw, and hailed his Lord divine.He saw Thee ris’n; at once he rose
To full belief’s unclouded height;
And still through his confession flows
To Christian souls Thy life and light.O Savior, make Thy presence known
To all who doubt Thy Word and Thee;
And teach them in that Word alone
To find the truth that sets them free.And we who know how true Thou art,
And Thee as God and Lord adore,
Give us, we pray, a loyal heart,
To trust and love Thee more and more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:27] O Thou, Who Didst With Love Untold
O Thou, who didst with love untold
Thy doubting servant chide,
Bidding the eye of sense behold
Thy wounded hands and side.Grant us, like him, with heartfelt awe
To own Thee God and Lord,
And from this hour of darkness draw
Faith in the incarnate Word.And while that wondrous record now
Of unbelief we hear,
O let us only lowlier bow
In self-distrusting fear.And grant that we may never dare
Thy loving heart to grieve,
But, at the last, their blessing share
Who see not, yet believe.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:28] Come, Holy Ghost, God And Lord!
Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord!
Be all Thy graces now outpoured
On each believer’s mind and heart;
Thy fervent love to them impart.
Lord, by the brightness of Thy light
Thou in the faith dost men unite
Of every land and every tongue;
This to Thy praise, O Lord, our God, be sung.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Thou holy Light, Guide divine,
Oh, cause the Word of Life to shine!
Teach us to know our God aright
And call Him Father with delight.
From every error keep us free;
Let none but Christ our Master be
That we in living faith abide,
In Him, our Lord, with all our might confide.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Thou holy Fire, Comfort true,
Grant us the will Thy work to do
And in Thy service to abide;
Let trials turn us not aside.
Lord, by Thy power prepare each heart
And to our weakness strength impart
That bravely here we may contend,
Through life and death to Thee, our Lord, ascend.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:28] Come, Holy Spirit, God And Lord!
Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord!
Let all your graces be outpoured
On each believer’s mind and heart;
Your fervent love to us impart.Lord, by the brightness of Your light,
You in the faith do men unite
Of every land and every tongue;
This to Your praise, O Lord, be sung.From every error keep us free;
Let none but Christ our Master be,
That we in living faith abide,
In Him with all our might confide.Lord, by Your power prepare each heart
And to the weakness strength impart,
That bravely here we may contend,
Through life and death to You ascend.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:28] He Is Mine
There is a Shepherd Who cares for His own, and He is mine;
Nothing am I, He’s a King on a throne, but He is mine;
How can He love such a sinner as I, though He is mine,
I cannot fathom though often I try, but He is mine.Refrain
He is mine; He is mine;
Though it is wonderful, yet it is true,
That He is mine.Jesus left Heaven my Savior to be, and He is mine;
I am not worth all He suffered for me, but He is mine;
Though I’m not worthy He dwells in my heart, and He is mine;
From Him I’ll never, no, never depart, for He is mine.Refrain
There is a Comforter come from above, He, too, is mine,
Coming to me to reveal Jesus’ love, and that is mine;
Shepherd and Savior, and Comforter, too, They all are mine;
That’s why I know the old story is true, They all are mine.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:28] If Christ Is Mine
If Christ is mine, then all is mine,
And more than angels know;
Both present things and things to come,
And grace and glory, too.If He is mine, then, though He frown,
He never will forsake;
His chastisements all work for good,
And but His love bespeak.If He is mine, I need not fear,
The rage of earth and hell;
He will support my feeble frame,
And all their power repel.If He is mine, let friends forsake,
And earthly comforts flee;
He, the Dispenser of all good,
Is more than these to me.If He is mine, I’ll fearless pass
Through death’s tremendous vale;
He’ll be my Comfort and my Stay
When heart and flesh shall fail.Let Jesus tell me He is mine,
I nothing want beside:
My soul shall at the Fountain live
When all the streams are dried.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:28] Jesus Is Mine
Fade, fade, each earthly joy, Jesus is mine!
Break every tender tie, Jesus is mine!
Dark is the wilderness, Earth has no resting place,
Jesus alone can bless, Jesus is mine!Tempt not my soul away, Jesus is mine!
Here would I ever stay, Jesus is mine!
Perishing things of clay, born but for one brief day,
Pass from my heart away, Jesus is mine!Farewell, ye dreams of night, Jesus is mine!
Lost in this dawning bright, Jesus is mine!
All that my soul has tried left but a dismal void;
Jesus has satisfied, Jesus is mine!Farewell, mortality, Jesus is mine!
Welcome, eternity, Jesus is mine!
Welcome, oh, loved and blest, welcome sweet scenes of rest,
Welcome, my Savior’s breast, Jesus is mine!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:28] Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All,
Hear me, blest Savior, when I call;
Hear me, and from Thy dwelling place
Pour down the riches of Thy grace;
Jesus, my Lord, I Thee adore;
O make me love Thee more and more.Jesus, too late I Thee have sought;
How can I love Thee as I ought?
And how extol Thy matchless fame,
The glorious beauty of Thy Name?
Jesus, my Lord, I Thee adore;
O make me love Thee more and more.Jesus, what didst Thou find in me
That Thou hast dealt so lovingly?
How great the joy that Thou hast brought,
So far exceeding hope or thought!
Jesus, my Lord, I Thee adore;
O make me love Thee more and more.Jesus, of Thee shall be my song;
To Thee my heart and soul belong;
All that I have or am is Thine;
And Thou, blest Savior, Thou art mine;
Jesus, my Lord, I Thee adore;
O make me love Thee more and more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:28] O Christ, Our King, Creator, Lord
O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord,
Savior of all who trust Thy Word,
To them who seek Thee ever near,
Now to our praises bend Thine ear.In Thy dear cross a grace is found,
It flows from every streaming wound,
Whose power our inbred sin controls,
Breaks the firm bond, and frees our souls.Thou didst create the stars of night,
Yet Thou hast veiled in flesh Thy light,
Hast deigned a mortal form to wear,
A mortal’s painful lot to bear.When Thou didst hang upon the tree,
The quaking earth acknowledged Thee,
When Thou didst there yield up Thy breath
The world grew dark as shades of death.Now in the Father’s glory high
Great Conqueror, never more to die,
Us by Thy mighty power defend,
And reign through ages without end.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:29] Blessed Are They That Believe
Come to the fountain of mercy and live,
Come, and a pardon receive;
Drink of the water that Jesus will give,
Freely to those that believe;
Weary and burdened with sorrow,
Sweet is the message to thee,
Learn of the meek and the lowly,
Come, heavy laden to Me.Refrain
Come to the clear flowing river,
Drink of its waters forever,
Hungry and thirsty, O! never,
Blessèd are they that believe!Happy the nation whose God is the Lord;
Hearing in meekness and love
Counsels of wisdom and truth in His Word,
Looking for comfort above;
He is their Rock and Salvation,
He is their Strength and their Song,
Onward from glory to glory,
Leading them gently along.Refrain
Look unto Jesus, ye regions of earth,
Victor of death and the grave,
Though He was humble, and lowly His birth
He is the mighty to save.
Why should we wander in darkness?
Why to the world should we cling?
Hope, like a bird, is before us,
Pluming her beautiful wing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 20:29] We Have Not Seen, We Cannot See
We have not seen, we cannot see,
The happy land above,
From sin and death and suffering free,
Where all is peace and love.We only see the path is long
By which we have to go;
We only feel the foes are strong
Who seek to work us woe.We have not seen, we cannot see
The cross our Master bore,
With all its pains, that we might be
The slaves of sin no more.We only think it hard to part
With every pleasant sin,
And give to God a perfect heart,
And make Him Lord within.We walk by faith, and not by sight;
And, blessèd saint, like thee,
We sometimes doubt if faith tells right,
Because we cannot see.Upon the promise we would lean
Thy doubting heart received;
Blessèd are they that have not seen,
And that have yet believed.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:12] Come And Dine
Jesus has a table spread
Where the saints of God are fed,
He invites His chosen people, “Come and dine”;
With His manna He doth feed
And supplies our every need:
O ’tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time!Refrain
“Come and dine,” the Master calleth, “Come and dine”;
You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time;
He Who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now, “Come and dine.”The disciples came to land,
Thus obeying Christ’s command,
For the Master called unto them, “Come and dine”;
There they found their heart’s desire,
Bread and fish upon the fire;
Thus He satisfies the hungry every time.Refrain
Soon the Lamb will take His bride
To be ever at His side,
All the host of Heaven will assembled be;
O ’twill be a glorious sight,
All the saints in spotless white;
And with Jesus they will feast eternally.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:15] My God, I Love Thee
My God, I love Thee; not because
I hope for Heav’n thereby,
Nor yet because who love Thee not
May eternally die.Thou, O my Jesus, Thou didst me
Upon the cross embrace;
For me didst bear the nails and spear,
And manifold disgrace.And griefs and torments numberless,
And sweat of agony;
E’en death itself; and all for man
Who was Thine enemy.Then why, O blessèd Jesus Christ
Should I not love Thee well?
Not for the hope of winning Heaven,
Nor of escaping hell.Not with the hope of gaining aught,
Nor seeking a reward,
But as Thyself hast lovèd me,
O everlasting Lord!E’en so I love Thee, and will love,
And in Thy praise will sing,
Solely because Thou art my God,
And my eternal King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:15] O God, I Love Thee
O God, I love Thee; not that my poor love
May win me entrance to Thy Heaven above,
Nor yet that strangers to Thy love must know
The bitterness of everlasting woe.But, Jesus, Thou art mine, and I am Thine;
Clasped to Thy bosom by Thy arms divine,
Who on the cruel cross for me hast borne
The nails, the spear, and man’s unpitying scorn.No thought can fathom and no tongue express
Thy griefs, Thy toils, Thy anguish measureless,
Thy death, O Lamb of God the undefiled;
And all for me, Thy wayward sinful child.How can I choose but love Thee, God’s dear Son,
O Jesus, loveliest, and most loving One!
Were there no Heaven to gain, no Hell to flee,
For what Thou art alone I must love Thee.Not for the hope of glory or reward,
But even as Thyself hast loved me, Lord,
I love Thee, and will love Thee and adore,
Who art my King, my God, for evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:15] O Jesus, Jesus
O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord!
Forgive me if I say,
For very love, Thy sacred Name
A thousand times a day.Refrain
O Jesus, Lord, with me abide;
I rest in Thee, whate’er betide;
Thy gracious smile is my reward;
I love, I love Thee, Lord!I love Thee so I know not how
My transports to control;
Thy love is like a burning fire
Within my very soul.Refrain
Burn, burn, O love, within my heart,
Burn fiercely night and day,
Till all the dross of earthly loves
Is burned, and burned away.Refrain
O light in darkness, joy in grief,
O heav’n begun on earth;
Jesus, my Love, my Treasure, who
Can tell what Thou art worth?Refrain
What limit is there to this love?
Thy flight, where wilt Thou stay?
On, on! our Lord is sweeter far
Today than yesterday.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:15] She Loved Her Savior
She loved her Savior, and to Him
Her costliest present brought;
To crown His head, or grace His Name,
No gift too rare she thought.And though the prudent worldling frowned,
And thought the poor bereft;
Christ’s humble friend sweet comfort found,
For He approved the gift.The poor are always with us here,
’Tis our great Father’s plan
That mutual wants and mutual care
May bind us man to man.So let the Savior be adored,
And not the poor despised,
Give to the hungry from your hoard,
But all, give all to Christ.Go, clothe the naked, lead the blind,
Give to the weary rest;
For sorrow’s children comfort find,
And help for all distressed.But give to Christ alone Thy heart,
Thy faith, Thy love supreme,
Then for His sake Thine alms impart,
And so give all to Him.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:16] Beautiful Witness
Jimmie, said his kind protector,
Long his faithful friend and guide,
Jimmie, do you love the Savior?
Yes, the happy child replied.
Can you tell how much you love Him?
All my heart to Him I give;
Love my Savior? Yes, forever,
I will try for Him to live.Refrain
Beautiful witness for God is he,
The tears of the orphan are wiped away,
I love Jesus, and Jesus loves me;
And that is all I’ve got to say.’Twas the Holy Spirit led him
In the pleasant way of truth,
And he sought and found the Savior
In the early days of youth.
Should he live till years have sprinkled
O’er his brow the frost of age,
Sweet to him the words of comfort,
From the Bible’s sacred page.Refrain
Children, we may love the Savior;
If we seek Him, we shall find;
Are we ready now to serve Him
With our heart, our strength, and mind?
Think of all His tender mercies,
All the wonders He has done.
Little Jimmie’s bright example
Let us follow, every one.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:16] Forsaken Once, And Thrice Denied
Forsaken once, and thrice denied,
The risen Lord gave pardon free,
Stood once again at Peter’s side,
And asked him, “Lov’st thou Me?”How many times with faithless word
Have we denied His holy Name,
How oft forsaken our dear Lord,
And shrunk when trial came?Saint Peter, when the cock crew clear,
Went out, and wept his broken faith;
Strong as a rock through strife and fear,
He served his Lord till death.How oft his cowardice of heart
We have without his love sincere,
The sin without the sorrow’s smart,
The shame without the tear!O oft forsaken, oft denied,
Forgive our shame, wash out our sin;
Look on us from Thy Father’s side
And let that sweet look win.Hear when we call Thee from the deep,
Still walk beside us on the shore,
Give hands to work, and eyes to weep,
And hearts to love Thee more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:16] Old Time Way, The
Do you love the blessèd Savior
In the old time way?
Is your heart aglow with rapture
In the old time way?Refrain
In the old time way,
In the old time way,
We must claim the old time blessing,
In the old time way.Are you keeping close to Jesus
In the old time way?
Daily walking in His presence
In the old time way?Refrain
Have you made a full surrender
In the old time way?
Given all to follow Jesus
In the old time way?Refrain
Are you working for His kingdom
In the old time way?
Are you leading others to Him
In the old time way?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:17] I Love Jesus
I love Jesus, for He saved my soul;
From His cross the tides of mercy roll;
Long and far He sought me, when astray;
Now, He leads me in His own right way.Refrain
I love Jesus; He’s my King;
Of His mercy I will sing;
I will follow in His paths of light,
Till I see Him in His glory bright.I love Jesus, for He’s always near,
Ever ready with a word of cheer;
Ev’ry day, and ev’ry passing hour,
I will trust Him for His keeping pow’r.Refrain
I love Jesus when the joybeams glow;
Love Him, when the stormy tempests blow;
I will praise Him while the ages roll;
Hallelujah! for He saved my soul.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:17] I Love My Jesus Quite Alone
I love my Jesus quite alone.
The Bride, the Bridegroom of my spirit;
No others shall my heart, no, none,
Through love, through loving more inherit.
No man can do at once for two.
For one’s, for one’s will and for t’others:
Therefore I’ll leave all others.The magnet needle erring goes,
When from, when from the pole distracted.
And take before quite no repose,
Till he, till he has her attracted.
And since my heart with Thy love dart
Is touched, is touched by its flaming ether,
Therefore, they haste together.And though Thou art like the north star
In Heav…in Heaven altified
And I on earth so distant far
I’ll fol…I’ll follow undenied.
Still Thee my Light, and my eyesight.
Shall still, shall still be turned to Thee,
From every place, and woo Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 21:19] Come And Dine
Jesus has a table spread
Where the saints of God are fed,
He invites His chosen people, “Come and dine”;
With His manna He doth feed
And supplies our every need:
O ’tis sweet to sup with Jesus all the time!Refrain
“Come and dine,” the Master calleth, “Come and dine”;
You may feast at Jesus’ table all the time;
He Who fed the multitude, turned the water into wine,
To the hungry calleth now, “Come and dine.”The disciples came to land,
Thus obeying Christ’s command,
For the Master called unto them, “Come and dine”;
There they found their heart’s desire,
Bread and fish upon the fire;
Thus He satisfies the hungry every time.Refrain
Soon the Lamb will take His bride
To be ever at His side,
All the host of Heaven will assembled be;
O ’twill be a glorious sight,
All the saints in spotless white;
And with Jesus they will feast eternally.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal