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Genesis 45:1-28


able ... control <03201 0662> [could not.]

Make ... go out <03318> [Cause.]


wept loudly <05414 06963> [wept aloud. Heb. gave forth his voice in weeping.]

"This," says Sir J. Chardin, "is exactly the genius of the people of Asia; their sentiments of joy or grief are properly transports, and their transports are ungoverned, excessive, and truly outrageous. When anyone returns from a long journey or dies, his family burst into cries that may be heard twenty doors off; and this is renewed at different times, and continues many days, according to the vigour of the passion. Sometimes they cease all at once, and then begin as suddenly, with a greater shrillness and loudness than one could easily imagine."


Joseph ........ Joseph <03130> [I am Joseph.]

dumbfounded <0926> [for they.]

dumbfounded <0926> [troubled. or, terrified.]


Joseph ................... Joseph <03130> [I am Joseph.]


upset <06087> [be not grieved.]

angry <02734 05869> [nor angry with yourselves. Heb. neither let there be anger in your eyes. God.]


years ............. years <08141> [two years.]

plowing <02758> [earing.]

Earing means ploughing or seed-time from the Anglo-Saxon {erian,} probably from {aro,} to plough; and agrees with [aroo <\\See definition 723\\>,] Greek, {charatha,} Arabic, and {charash,} Hebrew.


preserve <07760 07611> [to preserve you a posterity. Heb. to put for you a remnant. to save.]


sent <07971> [it was not.]

adviser <01> [father.]


tell <0559> [Thus saith.]

down <03381> [come.]


land <0776> [in the land.]

Goshen <01657> [Goshen.]

Goshen was the most eastern district of Lower Egypt, and the frontier of that country and Arabia, not far from the Arabian gulf, and lying next to Canaan; for Jacob went directly thither when he came into Egypt, from which it was about eighty miles distant, though Hebron was distant from the Egyptian capital about three hundred miles.

near <07138> [be near.]



can ....... eyes <05869> [your eyes.]

speaks <06310> [my mouth.]

[Not as.]


honor <03519> [my glory.]

down <03381> [bring.]



kissed <05401> [Moreover.]

talked <01696> [talked.]


Pharaoh ....... pleased Pharaoh <06547 03190> [it pleased Pharaoh well. Heb. was good in the eyes of]



Load ... animals <02943 01165> [lade your.]


best <02459> [the fat.]


commanded <06680> [commanded.]


little ones ..... wives <02945 0802> [for your.]


worry .... belongings <02347 03627> [regard not. Heb. let not your eye spare, etc.]

belongings <03627> [stuff.]

best <02898> [the good.]



instructed <06310> [commandment. Heb. mouth.]


gave .............. gave <05414> [To all.]

It is a common custom with all the Asiatic sovereigns to give both garments and money to ambassadors and persons of distinction, whom they particularly wish to honour. De La Motraye says, "that they then clothed them (the ambassadors) with {caffetans} (long vests of gold or silver brocade) with large silk flowers."

<0376> [each.]

Benjamin <01144> [to Benjamin.]


loaded ..... products ........ loaded ... grain <05375 02898 01250> [laden with. Heb. carrying.]

products <02898> [good things.]

provisions <04202> [meat.]

As {mazon} is derived from {zoon,} to prepare, provide, Dr. A. Clarke thinks it may mean here prepared meat; some made-up dish, delicacies, confectionaries, etc. In Asiatic countries they have several curious methods of preserving flesh by potting, by which it may be kept, for any length of time, sweet and wholesome. Some delicacy, similar to the savoury meat which Isaac loved, may here be intended; sent to Jacob in consideration of his age, and to testify the respect of his son; for of other kinds of meat he could have no need, as he had large flocks and herds, and could kill a lamb, kid, etc. when he pleased.


overcome <07264> [See that.]


Joseph <03130> [Joseph.]

ruler <04910> [and he is.]

stunned <03820> [And Jacob's. Heb. And his.]

believe <0539> [he believed.]


spirit <07307> [the spirit.]


Enough <07227> [It is enough.]

Genesis 18:1


appeared <07200> [appeared.]

Mamre <04471> [Mamre.]

sitting <03427> [and he sat.]

In these verses we have a delightful picture of genuine and primitive hospitality: a venerable father sits at the tent door, not only to enjoy the current of refreshing air, but that if he saw any weary and exhausted travellers, he might invite them to rest and refresh themselves during the heat of the day, and the same custom still continues in the east. It was not the custom, nor was there any necessity, for strangers to knock at the door, or to speak first, but to stand till they were invited.

Genesis 18:1


appeared <07200> [appeared.]

Mamre <04471> [Mamre.]

sitting <03427> [and he sat.]

In these verses we have a delightful picture of genuine and primitive hospitality: a venerable father sits at the tent door, not only to enjoy the current of refreshing air, but that if he saw any weary and exhausted travellers, he might invite them to rest and refresh themselves during the heat of the day, and the same custom still continues in the east. It was not the custom, nor was there any necessity, for strangers to knock at the door, or to speak first, but to stand till they were invited.

Genesis 4:1


marital relations <03045> [knew.]

Cain <07014> [Cain.]

That is, gotten or acquired.

I ... created <07069> [I have.]

Job 36:15-16


delivers <02502> [delivereth.]


afflicted <06041> [poor. or, afflicted. openeth.]


wide place <07338> [a broad.]

comfort .... table <07979 05183> [that which should be set on thy table. Heb. the rest of thy table. full.]

Isaiah 60:5


look <07200> [thou shalt see.]

your <07337> [be enlarged.]

riches .... lands <03220 02015 01995> [abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee. or, noise of the sea shall be turned towards thee.]

wealth <02428> [forces. or, wealth.]

Isaiah 61:1


spirit <07307> [Spirit.]

chosen <04886> [anointed.]

<01319> [to preach.]

encourage <02280> [to bind.]

decree <07121> [to proclaim.]

The proclaiming of perfect liberty to the bound, and the year of acceptance with Jehovah, is a manifest allusion to the proclaiming of the year of the jubilee by sound of trumpet; and our Saviour, by applying this text to himself, plainly declares the typical design of that institution.

Luke 1:74-75


being rescued <4506> [that we.]


John 8:32


you will know <1097> [ye shall.]

and ...... truth and ... truth <2532 225> [and the.]

John 8:36


John 8:2


Early in the morning <3722> [early.]

and ... sat down <1161 2532 2523> [and he.]

Colossians 3:17


<3748> [whatsoever.]

in word ....... in <1722 3056> [in word.]

in ........ in ... name <1722 3686> [in the.]

giving thanks <2168> [giving.]

God <2316> [God.]

Colossians 1:11


strengthened <1412> [Strengthened.]

his <846> [his.]

<1519> [unto.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

Colossians 2:16


do ... let ... judge <2919> [judge.]

[in meat, etc. or, for eating and drinking.]

with respect to ...... in ... matter <1722 3313> [in respect. or, in part. of an.]

new moon <3561> [the new.]

or .......... or Sabbath days <2228 4521> [or of the sabbath.]

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