Kidung Jemaat
John 1:29
- AnakDomba Allah [KJ.312a]
1. Anakdomba Allah, Kauhapus dosa dunia; kasihani kami! (2x)
Anak domba Allah, Kau hapus dosa dunia; b'rilah kami damai!
Amin.Yoh 1:29
Kis 8:32
1 Ptr 2:22-25
- AnakDomba Allah [KJ.312b]
1. Anakdomba Allah, yang menghapus dosa dunia, kasihanilah kami! (2x)
Anak domba Allah, yang menghapus dosa dunia, berilah kami damai!Yoh 1:29
Kis 8:32
1 Ptr 2:22-25
- Bernyanyilah Merdu [KJ.106]
Good Christian Men, Rejoice /
In dulci jubilo
1. Bernyanyilah merdu, lambungkanlah syukur!
Jurus'lamat dunia dan Surya hidupmu
terbaring di palungan di malam yang kudus:
Yesus, Penebus, Yesus, Penebus.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Luk 2:6, 12
2. O Bayi yang lemah, hatiku hiburlah;
b'rikanlah berkatMu, curahkan kurnia
dan bimbinglah jalanku di dalam dunia,
Raja mulia, Raja mulia.
3. PadaMu yang lembut 'ku datang bertelut.
Kau menanggung dosa seluruh umatMu
Dan kauberi sentosa mengganti kemelut.
'Ku sembah sujud, 'ku sembah sujud.
Yes 53:12
Yoh 1:29
1 Ptr 2:24
4. Di sorga bergema nyanyian Gloria:
segenap malaikat memuji Tuhannya.
Sejahtera dan s'lamat mengisi dunia
S'lamanya, s'lamanya.Luk 2:14
Yes 9:6
Yes 11:6-9
Mi 4:3-4
Ef 2:17
Play - Dari Terbitnya Surya T'rang [KJ.137]
1. Dari terbitnya surya t'rang sampai dibarat terbenam
Sang Kristus dimuliakanlah, yang dilahirkan Maria.
Mzm 113:3
Mal 1:11
2. Maha Pencipta dunia menjadi hamba terendah
dan menebus manusia dari bencana dosanya.
Flp 2:6-8
3. T'lah lahir Sang Imanuel yang diwartakan Gabriel;
Yohanes mengelukanNya dalam kandungan bundanya.
Mat 1:32Luk 1:26-38
Luk 1:41, 44
4. Walaupun Raja semesta, palungan tak ditolakNya;
Yang menghidupi burung pun, kini menyusu tersenyum.
Mzm 147:9
Luk 2:7
5. Biduan sorga mulia memuji Allah, BapaNya,
dan kaum gembala mendengar tentang Gembala yang Besar.
Luk 2:8-14
6. Orang Majusi dari jauh melihat bintang Putra Daud,
pergi memandang T'rang Baka, mempersembahkan hartanya.
Mat 2:1-11
7. Herodes, kau mengapakah cemas menyambut datangNya
yang sungguh tidak akan mau berkuasa seperti engkau?
Mat 2:3
8. Ratapan ibu terdengar di pembunuhan yang besar
oleh Herodes yang kejam terhadap tunas Betlehem.
Yer 31:15
Mat 2:16-18
9. Para sarjana Alkitab menguji Dia yang berhak
bermukim s'lama-lamanya di dalam rumah BapaNya.
Luk 2:46-49
10. Berdiri, putih cemerlang, Sang Anakdomba di Yordan:
pertanda kerelaanNya menghapus dosa dunia.
Mrk 1:9-11
Yoh 1:29
11. Air jadi anggur yang terbaik mukjizat kuasaNya ajaib:
yang kosong dipenuhiNya dengan berkat karunia!Yoh 2:1-11
Play - Insan, Tangisi Dosamu [KJ.157]
1. Insan, tangisi dosamu! Ingatlah, Kristus menempuh jalan
penuh sengsara dan bagai hamba terendah Ia kosongkan diriNya
menjadi Perantara. Yang mati dihidupkanNya, yang sakit disembuhkanNya,
yang hilang Ia cari, berkurban diri akhirnya, memikul dosa dunia diatas kayu salib.
Rat 3:39
Yak 4:9
Flp 2:7
Ibr 12:24
Mat 11:5
Luk 15:3-10
Yoh 1:29
2. Syukur, pujian dan sembah kepada Dia angkatlah yang mati bagi kita.
Ikutlah Dia yang menang, pikullah salib dan beban dengan bersukacita!
KasihNya perkenankanlah dan dalam kuasa namaNya kalahkanlah yang jahat.
Ingat darahNya yang kudus, yang bagi Allah, Bapamu, berharga tinggi amat!Why 5:12
Mrk 8:34
Play - Lihat Anak domba Allah [KJ.143]
- Lihat Salib di atas Bukit Golgota [KJ.182]
1. Lihat salib diatas bukit Golgota, tempat tergantung Jurus'lamat dunia;
dalam sengsara jiwa raga yang pedih Ia menanggung dosa kita yang keji.
Mrk 15:22-26
Yoh 1:29
2. Yesus yang taat sampai mati di salib menjadi Anakdomba yang tersembelih;
Kar'nanya kasihNya yang sempurna dan kudus, kuasa jahat dikalahkan Penebus.
Mrk 1:14-15
Ibr 2:14
1 Yoh 3:8
3. Yesus yang taat sampai mati di salib menjadi Anakdomba yang tersembelih;
kar'nanya sangat diagungkan namaNya di dalam sorga dan di dalam dunia.Flp 6:8Why 5:12
4. Dari salibMu Kau memanggil dunia agar melihat kasihMu yang mulia
dan mengikuti Dikau, pasrah dan teguh, mempersembahkan hidup kami padaMu!Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 2:21
Rm 12:1
Play - Lihatlah Kayu Salib [KJ.180]
1. Lihatlah kayu salib,
tempat Yesus yang tergantung menebus dunia.
Mrk 15:22-26
2. Lihatlah kayu salib,
tempat Yesus melaksanakan perintah Bapa.
3. Lihatlah kayu salib,
tempat Sumber kes'lamatan bagi bangsa-bangsa.
4. Lihatlah kayu salib,
tempat Yesus yang tergantung mengampuni dosa.
Yoh 1:29
5. Lihatlah kayu salib,
tempat Yesus menyerahkan hidup bagi kita.
Yoh 10:1
Yoh 15:13
6. Lihatlah kayu salib,
tanda cinta Putra Allah bagi manusia.
7. Lihatlah kayu salib,
tanda cinta Allah Bapa bagi ciptaanNya.
Yoh 3:16
8. Lihatlah kayu salib
yang menjadi tanda cinta dalam hidup kita.Play - O Anakdomba Allah [KJ.311a]
1. O Anakdomba Allah, tersembelih di salib, sabar setiap
kala, walau ditimpa aib. Kautanggung dosa dunia, sengsara
seluruhnya. Ampuni kami, o Yesus!
Yoh 1:29
Kis 8:32
1 Ptr 2:22-25
2. O Anakdomba Allah, tersembelih di salib, sabar setiap
kala, walau ditimpa aib. Kautanggung dosa dunia, sengsara
seluruhnya. Ampuni kami, o Yesus!
3. O Anakdomba Allah, tersembelih di salib, sabar setiap
kala, walau ditimpa aib. Kautanggung dosa dunia, sengsara
seluruhnya. B'ri kami damai, o Yesus! - O Anakdomba Allah [KJ.311b]
1. O Anakdomba Allah, tersembelih di salib, sabar setiap
kala, walau ditimpa aib. Kautanggung dosa dunia, sengsara
seluruhnya. Ampuni kami, o Yesus!
2. O Anakdomba Allah, tersembelih di salib, sabar setiap
kala, walau ditimpa aib. Kautanggung dosa dunia, sengsara
seluruhnya. Ampuni kami, o Yesus!
3. O Anakdomba Allah, tersembelih di salib, sabar setiap
kala, walau ditimpa aib. Kautanggung dosa dunia, sengsara
seluruhnya. B'ri kami damai, o Yesus! - Sang Anak domba yang Kudus [KJ.160]
1. Sang Anakdomba yang kudus memikul dosa dunia,
rela dan sabar menebus hutang besar manusia.
Lihatlah Dia menempuh jalan sengsara dan keluh,
Menurut dan setia. Ia dihina, disesah, mati di salib Golgota,
Berkata: "Ku sedia."
Yes 53:7
Yoh 1:29
1 Ptr 2:24
Yoh 19:17
2. Dialah Jurus'lamatku, Kawan yang tak bertara,
Pembawa damai yang penuh, disuruh Allah Bapa:
"Pergilah Kau, hai anakKu, terimalah di pundakMu
akibat dosa dunia; bebaskanlah manusia dari hukuman dan cela:
Engkaulah Penebusnya."
Yoh 15:13
3. "Ya Bapa, Aku HambaMu, yang Kau pesan Kutanggung;
sabdaMu niat hatiKu dan maksudMu Kusanjung."
O kuasa kasih tak terp'ri Yang Mahakuasa memberi
PutraNya yang tercinta! Kasih Ilahi yang kudus,
Ke dalam maut kau tembus: kuasamu tak terhingga!
Yoh 3:16
4. Sepanjang umur hidupku kuingat Dikau, Tuhan;
ya Yesus, di rangkulanMu hatiku Kausembuhkan.
Dalam gelap Engkau Terang, di malam duka Kau Teman
Yang menabahkan hati. Inilah yang menghiburku,
Bahwa 'ku jadi milikMu baik hidup maupun mati.
Yoh 8:12
Rm 14:8
5. Kau, Anakdomba yang lembut, kupuji siang-malam
dan diriku dengan syukur padaMu kuserahkan.
Biarlah daya hidupku melimpah-ruah bagiMu
Mengungkap t'rimakasih, hingga pahala karyaMu
Yang Kauperoleh bagiku kuingat tiap hari.
6. Hendak kuminum cawanMu dalam KerajaanMu;
darahMu kemegahanku dan pembersih jubahku.
Mahkota hidup yang baka akan kupakai menyembah
menghadap takhta Bapa. Kaulah kekal Pengantinku:
tak bercela di sisiMu 'ku masuk rumah Allah.Mrk 14:25
Why 2:10
Ef 5:25-27
Play - Siapa Tergantung di Salib di Sana [KJ.173]
1. Siapa tergantung di salib di sana, tertimpa siksaan dan bencana,
penuh dengan luka, dirundung hukuman? Apakah yang sudah
Mrk 15:22-26
2. Di salib di sana, menanggung sengsara, tergantunglah Anakdomba Allah.
Tiada salahNya selain mengasihi, dan itu di tolak dunia ini.Yoh 1:29
3. Jikalau kasihNya sempurna sejati, mengapakah Ia harus mati?
Mengapakah Ia menyangkal diriNya sehingga dipandang hina dina?
4. UpahNya yaitu pahala sentosa yang datang dengan tebusan dosa.
Curahan darahNya menutup semua; o lihat nestapa dan bilurNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
5. Ya Yesus, ya Tuhan yang maharahmani, kasihMu tak dapat diimbangi!
Di sorga, di bumi, terima kiranya pujian dan hormat selamanya!Play - Tersalib dan Sengsara [KJ.166]
1. Tersalib dan sengsara Kau, Yesus, Tuhanku,
terkulai menderita akibat salahku; dengan hati yang pilu,
sedih tak terperi kulihat siksaanMu yang dashyat dan keji.
Mrk 15:22-26
2. Alam berdukacita dan langit menggelap saksikan Putra Allah
membuat Firman g'nap; ditanggung s'gala siksa
yang sakit dan pedih demi tebusan dosa manusia di bumi.
Mrk 15:33
Yoh 19:30
1 Ptr 2:4
3. Tertumpah darah Yesus di bukit Kalvari;
dipikul dengan tulus durhaka insani.
Bertobatlah, manusia, memohon ampunNya,
Supaya di sucikan di dalam darahNya!Yoh 1:29
1 Yoh 1:7
Play - Ya Allahku, di Cah'yaMu [KJ.25]
1. Ya Allahku, di cah'yaMu tersingkap tiap noda.
Kau lihatlah manusia penuh lumuran dosa.
1 Yoh 1:5
2. Di cah'yamu mesti redup semarak bintang-bintang;
kemanakah manusia? Dosanya tak terbilang.
Ayb 25:5-6
Ams 20:9
3. KepadaMu tujuanku! Kau tak membuang aku.
PutraMulah selamanya Jalanku ke takhtaMu.
4. Ya amin, ya, di Golgota ditanggungNya dosaku
dan darahNya yang mulia menghapus aib jiwaku.
Yoh 1:29
1 Yoh 1:7
5. Ya Tuhanku, percayaku kiranya Kautumbuhkan,
hingga teguh di kasihMu yang baik kulakukan.Play - Ya Tuhan, pada Saat Dibaptiskan [KJ.307]
1. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan, kami terima tanda kasihMu;
air bah pernah membawa kematian, tetapi s'lamat isi baht'ra Nuh.
Kej 7-8
Ibr 11:7
2 Ptr 2:5
2. Firaun yang melawan tujuanMu di Laut Merah sudah tenggelam,
tapi umatMu dapat hidup baru dan bersyukur di pantai seberang.
Kel 14-15
Why 15:2-4
3. Dan Yunus yang menyangkal panggilannya Kau tenggelamkan di gelora laut,
namun firmanMu mengembalikannya menjadi tanda hidup dari maut.
Yun 1-2
Mat 12:40
4. Dan Yesus juga rela dibaptiskan, di sungai Yordan nyata artinya:
ketika itu Dia Kautahbiskan untuk menghapus dosa dunia.
Mat 3:13-17
Yoh 1:29-34
5. Ya Tuhan, pada saat dibaptiskan kami beroleh pengasihanMu:
Kristus t'lah bangkit dari kematian; dalamNya Kaubangkitkan kami pun.Rm 6:34Kol 2:12
John 12:32
- Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya [KJ.297]
1. Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
TakhtaMulah palungan saja, kandang rendah istanaMu.
Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
Flp 2:6-8
2 Kor 8:9
Luk 2:7, 12
2. Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yang Kautebus di dalam dunia hidup kekal bersamamu.
Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yoh 1:14
Yoh 12:32
Yoh 14:2-3
Yoh 17:24
Rm 6:8
1 Tes 4:17
2 Tim 2:11
3. Kau, Surya Kasih Mahatinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah
Imanuel, hatiku ini buatlah suci berserah. Kau, Surya Kasih
Maha tinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah.
Mal 4:2
Yoh 8:12
Yes 7:14
Mat 1:23
Luke 2:32
- Hai Malaikat dari Sorga [KJ.97]
1. Hai malaikat dari sorga, sayapmu bentangkanlah;
nyanyi di seluruh dunia: lahir Kristus, Rajanya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:8-14
2. Hai gembala yang menjaga dombamu di efrata,
Allah beserta manusia; mari menyaksikannya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
3. Hai Majusi dari Timur, karyamu tinggalkanlah;
carilah Harapan Dunia, ikut sinar bintangNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Mat 2:1-11
4. Hai kaum saleh yang menunggu dalam dunia yang resah,
lihat, Allahmu sendiri turun dalam PutraNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:25-38
5. Langit, bumi, mari ikut muliakanlah terus
Khalik, Penebus, Pembaru: Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!Play - Sekarang, Tuhanku [KJ.128]
Revelation 5:9
- Aku Gereja, Kau Pun Gereja [KJ.257]
1. Aku Gereja, kau pun Gereja, kita sama-sama Gereja dan
pengikut Yesus di seluruh dunia kita sama-sama Gereja.
2. Gereja bukanlah gedungnya, dan bukan pula menaranya;
Bukalah pintunya, lihat di dalamnya, Gereja adalah orangnya.
Kembali ke Reff.
Yoh 2:21
3. Aku Gereja, kau pun Gereja, kita sama-sama Gereja dan
pengikut Yesus di seluruh dunia kita sama-sama Gereja.
4. Berbagai macam manusia, terdiri dari bangsa-bangsa,
lain bahasanya dan warna kulitnya, tempatnya pun berbeda juga.
Kembali ke Reff.
Kis 2:5-11
Kol 3:11
Why 5:9
Why 7:9
5. Aku Gereja, kau pun Gereja, kita sama-sama Gereja dan
pengikut Yesus di seluruh dunia kita sama-sama Gereja.
6. Di waktu hari Pentakosta Roh Kudus turunlah ke dunia;
G'reja disuruhNya membawa berita kepada umat manusia.
Kembali ke Reff.Play - Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
1. Batu penjuru G'reja dan Dasar yang esa, yaitu
Yesus Kristus, Pendiri umatNya. Dengan kurban darahNya
Gereja ditebus; baptisan dan firmanNya membuatNya kudus.Mzm 118:22
Yes 28:16
1 Kor 3:10-11
Ef 2:20
1 Ptr 2:6-7
Ibr 9:14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Why 5:9
Ef 5:25-27
2. Terpanggil dari bangsa seluruh dunia, manunggallah Gereja
ber-Tuhan Yang Esa. Aneka kurnianya, esa baptisannya,
esa perjamuannya, esa harapannya.
Rm 12:4-5
1 Kor 12:4
Ef 4:3-7
1 Kor 10:16-17
3. Dilanda perpecahan dan faham yang sesat. Jemaat diresahkan
tekanan yang berat. Kaum kudus menyerukan, "Berapa lamakah?"
Akhirnya malam duka diganti t'rang cerah.
1 Kor 11:18-19
Ef 4:14
Why 6:9-10
4. Gereja takkan punah selama-lamanya, dibimbing tangan Tuhan,
dibela kasihNya. Ditantang pengkhianat dan banyak musuhnya,
dan bertahanlah jemaat dan jaya mulia.
Mzm 46
Mat 16:18
5. Di dalam pencobaan dan perjuangannya dinantikan zaman
sejahtera baka. Di mata tercerminkan Gereja yang menang
mencapai perhentian sentosa cemerlang.
Tit 2:13
Yak 5:7-8
2 Ptr 3:10-13
Why 12:11
Ibr 4:9-10
6. Gereja yang di sorga dan yang di dunia bersatu dalam Tuhan,
Ketiga Yang Esa Ya Tuhan, b'ri anug'rah supaya kami pun
Engkau tempatkan juga kekal dirumahMu.Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play - Bila Sangkakala Menggegap [KJ.278]
1. Bila sangkakala menggegap dan zaman berhenti, fajar baru
yang abadi merekah; bila nanti dibacakan nama orang tertebus,
pada saat itu aku pun serta.
1 Kor 15:52
1 Tes 4:16
Why 3:5
Why 5:1-9
Why 8:6
Luk 10:20
Ibr 12:23
Why 3:5
Why 21:27
2. Bila nama dibacakan, bila nama dibacakan, bila nama dibacakan,
Pada saat itu aku pun serta.
3. Bila orang yang telah meninggal dalam Tuhannya dibangkitkan
pada pagi mulia dan berkumpul dalam rumah lestari dan megah,
pada saat itu aku pun serta.
Why 14:13
Why 20:11-15
4. Bila nama dibacakan, bila nama dibacakan, bila nama dibacakan,
Pada saat itu aku pun serta.
5. Dari pagi hingga malam, mari kita bekerja mewartakan kasih
Tuhan yang mesra. Bila dunia berakhir dan tugasku selesai,
Nun di rumah Tuhan aku pun serta.
2 Tim 4:6-8
6. Bila nama dibacakan, bila nama dibacakan, bila nama dibacakan,
Pada saat itu aku pun serta.Play - Di Dalam Kristus Bertemu [KJ.259]
In Christ There is No East Or West
1. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
terpadu umat Penebus di dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 17:21-23
Rm 12:5
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
Why 5:9
Why 7:9
2. Semua hati terlebur di dalam TubuhNya,
berkarya akrab dan tekun di pelayananNya.
Ef 4:3-6
3. Bergandeng tanganlah erat apapun bangsamu:
pengabdi Bapa yang kudus, tentulah kawanku.
Kol 3:11
Mrk 3:35
4. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
cerminan kasih Penebus umatNya yang esa.Play - Di Seluruh Dunia [KJ.255]
1. Di seluruh dunia satu umatNya, satu dalam baptis
dan satu Jalannya; menuju sejahtera sorga yang senang
kita maju dalam cah'ya sinar yang terang.
Yoh 17:11-23
Rm 12:5
Ef 4:3-6
Kol 3:11
Yoh 14:6
2. Beda bangsa, bahasa, kulit dan tempat, namun satu iman
kita dalam kasihNya. Di dunia yang t'rus resah ada harapan:
Yesus-Kebenaran kita-Tuhan Dialah!
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
Kol 3:11
Why 5:9
Flp 2:11
3. Manusia berlelah dalam dunia, tapi damai yang sentosa
tak didapatnya. Kenallah Pelindungmu, Damai yang benar:
Yesus-Jalan, Kebenaran, Hidup yang kekal!Ef 2:14
Yoh 14:6
Play - Muliakan Allah Bapa [KJ.242]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Bapa, muliakan Putr'aNya, muliakan
Roh Penghibur, Ketiganya Yang Esa! Haleluya, puji Dia
Kini dan selamanya!
Why 5:13
1 Yoh 5:7
2. Muliakan Raja Kasih yang menjadi Penebus,
yang membuat kita waris KerajaanNya terus.
Haleluya, puji Dia, Anakdomba yang kudus!
Mat 5:3, 10
Kol 1:12
Yak 2:5
Why 5:9, 11
3. Muliakan Raja sorga, Raja G'reja yang esa,
Raja bangsa-bangsa dunia; langit-bumi nyanyilah!
Haleluya, puji Dia, Raja Mahamulia!
Ef 1:20-23
Why 17:14
4. Kemuliaan selamanya dalam sorga bergema.
Hormat dan syukur dan kuasa diberi ciptaanNya.
Haleluya, puji Dia, Raja agung semesta!Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Why 4:8-11
Play - Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Yang Esa di sorga maha tinggi,
sebab kekal selamanya selamat kita ini;
yang berkenan kepadaNya beroleh damai yang baka,
dendam pun tiada lagi.
Luk 2:14
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujian, hormat dan sembah terimalah, ya Bapa.
Engkaulah Raja semesta kekal segala abad.
KuasaMu tiada bandingnya di sorga dan di dunia;
Engkaulah Allah kami!
Why 4:11
Mzm 95-99
3. Ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, ya Putra Tunggal Allah,
dengan darahMu yang kudus Kauhapus aib dan salah;
ya Anakdomba mulia, seruan doa t'rimalah dan kasihani kami!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Why 5:9, 11
4. Ya roh Kudus berkurnia, Penghibur yang terkarib,
kawananMu kuatkanlah di dalam Yang Tersalib,
supaya kami pun teguh terhadap goda dan keluh;
diami hati kami!Yoh 14:26
Rm 15:13
1 Kor 2:4-6
Play - Yerusalem, Mulia dan Kudus [KJ.261]
1. Yerusalem, mulia dan kudus, rinduan hatiku!
'Ku tergerak hendak terbang terus ke puncak bukitmu,
diatas hutan rimba dan gunung dan lembah,
supaya aku tiba di negeri baka.
Mzm 48
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Ibr 11:10
Why 3:12
Why 21:2, 9-11
2. Bila kelak bersinar cahyamu, o hari cemerlang,
waktunyalah kus'rahkan nyawaku gembira dan senang
ke dalam tangan Bapa yang t'lah memilihnya dan
kuperoleh s'lamat di Sion s'lamanya.
Mzm 31:6
3. Kota emas, gerbangmu bukalah, terima salamku!
Di dunia alangkah lamanya 'ku rindu padamu,
Tatkala aku susah di alam yang fana dan
kudambakan sorga pusaka yang baka.
Mat 5:3, 10
4. O lihatlah kumpulan yang kudus, berlaksa banyaknya!
Jumlah besar yang sudah ditebus, pilihan mulia,
Telah diutus Tuhan menyambut diriku
Di saat 'ku berjuang di kancah kemelut.
Why 5:11
Why 7:9
1 Tes 3:13
5. Nabi besar, leluhur mulia, jemaat beriman, yang t'lah
pernah memikul salibnya, disiksa, ditekan, sekarang
aku lihat berwajah yang cerah di cahya yang gemilang
yang tiada habisnya.
Why 18:20
1 Ptr 2:21
Ibr 11:35-40
Why 7:9-12
6. Wahai Firdaus, nyanyianmu merdu dan warnamu segar,
udaramu dan tamanmu penuh bahagia benar.
Kemuliaan sorga t'lah masuk hatiku dan 'ku menyanyi
Juga menurut lagumu.
Why 21:1-2
7. Madah besar gempita cemerlang di sana menggegap;
gambus, gendang, kecapi dan serdam membuatnya lengkap:
berlaksa-laksa lidah bersuara bergema di dalam gita indah
di sorga s'lamanya.Why 4:8-11
Why 5:9-14
Why 7:9-12
Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 19:1-8
Play - Yesus Kristus Memerintah [KJ.220]
1. Yesus Kristus memerintah tak terbatas, tak terhingga:
alam semesta sujud. Dunia patut memaklumkan:
"Yesus Kristus itu Tuhan!" Bangsa-bangsa, bertelut!
Yes 9:6
Ef 1:20-22
Mzm 96:10
Flp 2:9-11
2. Raja-raja yang perkasa dan segala yang berkuasa
mengagungkan namaNya; baik di sorga, baik di bumi
kehendakNya dipenuhi; tiap mahluk menyembah!
Mat 28:18
Why 5:13-14
3. Mahakuasa hanya Allah, tidak ada yang setara:
Ia Tuhan Yang Esa. Yang setara hanya Kristus,
Putra Tunggal Allah itu: KerajaanNya baka!
Yer 10:6-7
Flp 2:6
4. Ia Raja yang bertakhta beserta dengan BapaNya,
dikitari kerubim, dan kuasa yang sempurna
atas bumi maupun sorga kepadaNya diberi.
Ibr 1:3-4
Ibr 12:2
Why 5:6
Why 22:1, 3
5. Kita s'lamat dalam Dia, ditebus dengan kasihNya
dan darahNya yang kudus. Pendamaian yang lestari,
t'rang dan hidup yang abadi disampaikan Penebus.
Ibr 9:11-14
Why 5:9
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
6. Hanya Yesus Kristus saja yang menjadi dasar G'reja
dan Kepala umatNya. Dibeli dengan darahNya
dan dibaptis dengan RohNya, kita hidup s'lamanya!
1 Kor 3:10-11
Kol 1:18
1 Kor 6:20
1 Kor 7:23
Kis 1:4-5
Kis 11:16
7. Hai pedosa, buka hati, orang sakit, harap lagi
dan yang miskin, bangunlah! Lubuk hati dibersihkan
dan yang sakit dipulihkan, adil hukum rahmatNya.
Yes 35:3-6
8. Walau salib dunia ini sementara mengiringi hidup
orang beriman, takkan dapat memisahkan kita dari
kasih Tuhan, hingga ringanlah beban.
2 Kor 1:5-7
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 4:13
Rm 8:37-39
9. Bersyukur, bersukaria, umat Tuhan, puji Dia
di seluruh dunia! Persiapkanlah jalanNya
dan lambaikan daun palma: Ia datang segera!
Yes 40:3
Mrk 1:3
Yoh 12:13
Why 7:9
Why 22:7, 12, 20
10. Aku pun tak ketinggalan mengelukanNya di jalan,
aku pun mengikutNya.Yesus Kristus memerintah
tak terbatas, tak terhingga! Puji Raja mulia!Play
Revelation 7:9-10
- Aku Gereja, Kau Pun Gereja [KJ.257]
1. Aku Gereja, kau pun Gereja, kita sama-sama Gereja dan
pengikut Yesus di seluruh dunia kita sama-sama Gereja.
2. Gereja bukanlah gedungnya, dan bukan pula menaranya;
Bukalah pintunya, lihat di dalamnya, Gereja adalah orangnya.
Kembali ke Reff.
Yoh 2:21
3. Aku Gereja, kau pun Gereja, kita sama-sama Gereja dan
pengikut Yesus di seluruh dunia kita sama-sama Gereja.
4. Berbagai macam manusia, terdiri dari bangsa-bangsa,
lain bahasanya dan warna kulitnya, tempatnya pun berbeda juga.
Kembali ke Reff.
Kis 2:5-11
Kol 3:11
Why 5:9
Why 7:9
5. Aku Gereja, kau pun Gereja, kita sama-sama Gereja dan
pengikut Yesus di seluruh dunia kita sama-sama Gereja.
6. Di waktu hari Pentakosta Roh Kudus turunlah ke dunia;
G'reja disuruhNya membawa berita kepada umat manusia.
Kembali ke Reff.Play - Berlaksa-laksa Orang [KJ.270]
Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
1. Berlaksa-laksa orang berdandan cemerlang, barisan laskar
kaum kudus mendaki tangga t'rang. T'lah kalah maut dan dosa
dan tamatlah perang. Bukakanlah gapura mas menyambut yang menang!Why 5:11
Why 7:9
Why 1:18
Mzm 118:19-20
2. Bahana Haleluya mengisi semesta. Ribuan harpa terdengar berpadu
menggema. Bagimu, akhir zaman, tercipta dunia;
pengganti duka dan keluh bahagia baka.
Why 15:2
3. Bayangkan pertemuan di Kanaan permai: ikatan persaudaraan tak lagi
tercerai. Terhapus air mata dan wajah berseri; baik anak piatu, janda
pun tak lagi bersedih.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
4. Ya Anakdomba Allah, s'lamatkan umatMu! Kaum pilihanMu
himpunlah, bertakhtalah teguh! Engkau, Harapan dunia,
umatMu tuntunlah! Bubungkan tanda jayaMu, ya datang segera!Why 22:20
Play - Di Dalam Kristus Bertemu [KJ.259]
In Christ There is No East Or West
1. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
terpadu umat Penebus di dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 17:21-23
Rm 12:5
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
Why 5:9
Why 7:9
2. Semua hati terlebur di dalam TubuhNya,
berkarya akrab dan tekun di pelayananNya.
Ef 4:3-6
3. Bergandeng tanganlah erat apapun bangsamu:
pengabdi Bapa yang kudus, tentulah kawanku.
Kol 3:11
Mrk 3:35
4. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
cerminan kasih Penebus umatNya yang esa.Play - Gapuramu Lapangkanlah [KJ.87]
1. Gapuramu lapangkanlah menyambut Raja mulia,
Sang Maharaja semesta dan Jurus'lamat dunia;
Sejahtera dibawahNya. Dengan meriah nyanyilah,
"Terpuji Penebus, Gembala yang kudus."
Mzm 24:7-10
2. Benar dan adil hukumNya, dan rahmat lambang kuasaNya!
MahkotaNya kekal kudus, keretaNya lemah lembut.
Berakhirlah keluh kesah. Dengan meriah soraklah,
"Terpuji Penebus, Penolong yang kudus."
Zkh 9:9
Mat 21:5
3. Selamat berbahagia neg'ri yang memilikiNya.
Selamat hati yang rendah yang sudah dimasukiNya.
Selaku Surya yang benar dib'riNya nikmat yang besar.
Terpuji Penebus, Pelipur yang kudus.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
4. Gapuramu lapangkanlah, hatimu jadi rumahNya;
lambaikan daun di tanganmu menyongsong Raja Agungmu.
Sang Jurus'lamat t'lah dekat membawa hidup dan berkat.
Terpuji Penebus, Pendamai yang kudus.
Ef 3:17
Yoh 12:13
Why 7:9
5. Ya Kristus, Jurus'lamatku, kubuka hati bagiMu.
Ya Tuhan, masuk dan beri pengasihanMu tak henti
Dan Roh Kudus jadikanlah Penunjuk jalan yang baka.
NamaMu, Penebus terpujilah terus!Play - Kar'na Jemaat di Sorga Mulia [KJ.264]
For All the Saints
1. Kar'na jemaat di sorga mulia, yang t'lah bersaksi dalam
dunia, namaMu, Yesus, dimuliakanlah! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Ibr 12:1
Why 7:9-17
Why 14:13
2. Kaulah tempat mereka berteduh, Kaulah Panglima laskar
yang kudus. Engkau Terang di malam yang sendu. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yoh 8:12
3. Jadikan kami juga beriman bagai umatMu yang telah menang
demi mahkota jaya cemerlang. Haleluya, Haleluya!
1 Tim 6:12
2 Tim 4:6-8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
4. Indah benar serikat yang kudus: kita lemah, mereka jaya t'rus,
tetapi satu dalam Penebus. Haleluya, Haleluya!
5. Walau perang semakin menggegar, nyanyian jaya sayup terdengar;
kembali tabah hati yang gentar. Haleluya, Haleluya!
6. Teja emas kemilau di senja, tanda sentosa bagi yang lelah:
perlambang firdaus yang sejahtera. Haleluya, Haleluya!
7. Terbitlah fajar yang lebih cerlang: bangkitlah laskar di dalam terang.
Menyambut Yesus, Raja Pemenang. Haleluya, Haleluya!
8. Segala bangsa yang t'lah ditebus masuk ke Sion sambil bersyukur,
memuji Bapa, Putra, Roh kudus. Haleluya, Haleluya!Mzm 87
Yes 60:1-5
Why 21:24-27
Play - Kibarkan Panji RajaMu [KJ.206]
Fling out the Banner
1. Kibarkan panji Rajamu setinggi langit yang cerah,
sehingga salib Penebus terpampang bagi dunia.
2. Kibarkan panji Rajamu! Malaikat takjub menyembah
melihat salib Penebus, betapa agung kasihNya.
Why 5:11-12
Why 7:9-12
3. Kibarkan panji Rajamu! Semua bangsa dunia
melihat kasih Penebus dan dihidupkan olehNya.
Rm 15:9-12
4. Kibarkan panji Rajamu, supaya orang yang sesat
di dalam iman bertelut dan minum air alhayat.
Yoh 7:37
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
5. Kibarkan panji Rajamu setinggi langit yang cerah!
Saliblah kemegahanmu dan Kristus harapanmulah!
Kol 1:27
6. Kibarkan panji Rajamu! Tinggikan panji cemerlang!
Andalan lain tak perlu: di dalam salib 'kau menang!Rm 8:37
1 Kor 15:57
2 Kor 2:14
Play - Tuhan Allah, NamaMu [KJ.5]
Grosser Gott, wir loben dich /
Holy God, We praise Thy Name /
Te Deum laudamus
1. Tuhan Allah, namaMu kami puji dan masyhurkan;
isi dunia sujud di hadapanMu, ya Tuhan!
Bala sorga menyembah Dikau, khalik semesta!
Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Why 4:6-11
Why 15:3-4
2. Kerubim dan serafim memuliakan Yang Trisuci;
para rasul dan nabi, martir yang berjubah putih,
G'reja yang kudus, esa, kepadaMu menyembah.
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:6-8
Ibr 12:1
Why 18:20
Ef 3:21
Why 7:9-12
3. Bapa agung dan kudus, mahamurah dan rahmani,
Putra Tunggal, Penebus, Roh, Penghibur yang sejati,
Langit-bumiMu penuh kemuliaan namaMu!
Yes 6:3
4. Kristus, Raja mulia, Putra Bapa yang abadi,
Kau tebus manusia oleh kurbanMu di salib.
Kuasa maut menyerah, sorga pun terbukalah!
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 1:7
Ibr 9:12
5. TakhtaMu kekal teguh pada sisi kanan Bapa;
dalam penghakimanMu, tolong umatMu yang papa:
diri kami yang lemah dalam Dikau s'lamatlah!
Mrk 12:36
Kis 7:56
Rm 8:34
Ibr 10:12
Kis 10:42
2 Kor 5:10
6. Tiap hari namaMu kami puji dan muliakan,
kini dan selalu t'rus sampai kesudahan zaman.
Buat kami bertekun hingga Hari DatangMu.
1 Kor 1:8
2 Ptr 3:14
7. Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kasihani kami ini;
dalam cahya kurnia tuntun yang telah Kaupilih.
Kau Harapan umatMu : kasihMu kekal teguh!Mzm 28:9
Mzm 33:22
Play - Ya Tuhan, Kami Puji NamaMu Besar [KJ.7]
1. Ya Tuhan, kami puji namaMu besar.
Ya Bapa, makhlukMu menyanyi bergemar.
Langit, buana, laut bersyukur semua
Malaikat segenap memuji Dikau jua.
KemuliaanMu tetap senantiasa.
Kudus, kudus, kuduslah Tuhan Mahakuasa!
Mzm 103:20-22
Mzm 148
Why 4:6-11
Why 15:3-4
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:6-8
2. Para rasul di sorga kemuliaanMu
serta nabi dan martir mengagungkanMu.
G'reja yang t'lah menang dan yang diperjuangan
Mengaku namaMu, madahnya berkumandang.
Terpuji rahmatMu di bawah dan di atas.
Ya Bapa yang kekal, kasihMu tak terbatas!
Ibr 12:1
Why 18:20
Ef 3:21
Why 7:9-12
3. Kristus di sisi kanan Allah, BapaMu,
di hari sangkakala akan menderu
memanggil kami pun menghadap arasy Tuhan,
o tolong, agar kami jangan di hukumkan,
kar'na telah Kau tanggung dosa semuanya;
olehMu kami damai dengan Allah Bapa.
Mrk 12:36
Kis 7:56
Rm 8:34
Ibr 10:12
Kis 10:42
2 Kor 5:10
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 1:7
Ibr 9:12
4. Ya Roh Kudus, berilah iman yang teguh,
sucikan kami di persekutuanMu,
supaya kami jangan mengandalkan diri
dan janganlah sesat ke kanan dan ke kiri.
Ya Bapa, Putra, Roh, kiranya Kauberikan
Kepenuhan harapan yang kami nantikan.Ef 1:4
2 Ptr 3:14
Mzm 33:22
Tit 2:13
Play - Yerusalem, Mulia dan Kudus [KJ.261]
1. Yerusalem, mulia dan kudus, rinduan hatiku!
'Ku tergerak hendak terbang terus ke puncak bukitmu,
diatas hutan rimba dan gunung dan lembah,
supaya aku tiba di negeri baka.
Mzm 48
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Ibr 11:10
Why 3:12
Why 21:2, 9-11
2. Bila kelak bersinar cahyamu, o hari cemerlang,
waktunyalah kus'rahkan nyawaku gembira dan senang
ke dalam tangan Bapa yang t'lah memilihnya dan
kuperoleh s'lamat di Sion s'lamanya.
Mzm 31:6
3. Kota emas, gerbangmu bukalah, terima salamku!
Di dunia alangkah lamanya 'ku rindu padamu,
Tatkala aku susah di alam yang fana dan
kudambakan sorga pusaka yang baka.
Mat 5:3, 10
4. O lihatlah kumpulan yang kudus, berlaksa banyaknya!
Jumlah besar yang sudah ditebus, pilihan mulia,
Telah diutus Tuhan menyambut diriku
Di saat 'ku berjuang di kancah kemelut.
Why 5:11
Why 7:9
1 Tes 3:13
5. Nabi besar, leluhur mulia, jemaat beriman, yang t'lah
pernah memikul salibnya, disiksa, ditekan, sekarang
aku lihat berwajah yang cerah di cahya yang gemilang
yang tiada habisnya.
Why 18:20
1 Ptr 2:21
Ibr 11:35-40
Why 7:9-12
6. Wahai Firdaus, nyanyianmu merdu dan warnamu segar,
udaramu dan tamanmu penuh bahagia benar.
Kemuliaan sorga t'lah masuk hatiku dan 'ku menyanyi
Juga menurut lagumu.
Why 21:1-2
7. Madah besar gempita cemerlang di sana menggegap;
gambus, gendang, kecapi dan serdam membuatnya lengkap:
berlaksa-laksa lidah bersuara bergema di dalam gita indah
di sorga s'lamanya.Why 4:8-11
Why 5:9-14
Why 7:9-12
Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 19:1-8
Play - Yesus Kristus Memerintah [KJ.220]
1. Yesus Kristus memerintah tak terbatas, tak terhingga:
alam semesta sujud. Dunia patut memaklumkan:
"Yesus Kristus itu Tuhan!" Bangsa-bangsa, bertelut!
Yes 9:6
Ef 1:20-22
Mzm 96:10
Flp 2:9-11
2. Raja-raja yang perkasa dan segala yang berkuasa
mengagungkan namaNya; baik di sorga, baik di bumi
kehendakNya dipenuhi; tiap mahluk menyembah!
Mat 28:18
Why 5:13-14
3. Mahakuasa hanya Allah, tidak ada yang setara:
Ia Tuhan Yang Esa. Yang setara hanya Kristus,
Putra Tunggal Allah itu: KerajaanNya baka!
Yer 10:6-7
Flp 2:6
4. Ia Raja yang bertakhta beserta dengan BapaNya,
dikitari kerubim, dan kuasa yang sempurna
atas bumi maupun sorga kepadaNya diberi.
Ibr 1:3-4
Ibr 12:2
Why 5:6
Why 22:1, 3
5. Kita s'lamat dalam Dia, ditebus dengan kasihNya
dan darahNya yang kudus. Pendamaian yang lestari,
t'rang dan hidup yang abadi disampaikan Penebus.
Ibr 9:11-14
Why 5:9
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
6. Hanya Yesus Kristus saja yang menjadi dasar G'reja
dan Kepala umatNya. Dibeli dengan darahNya
dan dibaptis dengan RohNya, kita hidup s'lamanya!
1 Kor 3:10-11
Kol 1:18
1 Kor 6:20
1 Kor 7:23
Kis 1:4-5
Kis 11:16
7. Hai pedosa, buka hati, orang sakit, harap lagi
dan yang miskin, bangunlah! Lubuk hati dibersihkan
dan yang sakit dipulihkan, adil hukum rahmatNya.
Yes 35:3-6
8. Walau salib dunia ini sementara mengiringi hidup
orang beriman, takkan dapat memisahkan kita dari
kasih Tuhan, hingga ringanlah beban.
2 Kor 1:5-7
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 4:13
Rm 8:37-39
9. Bersyukur, bersukaria, umat Tuhan, puji Dia
di seluruh dunia! Persiapkanlah jalanNya
dan lambaikan daun palma: Ia datang segera!
Yes 40:3
Mrk 1:3
Yoh 12:13
Why 7:9
Why 22:7, 12, 20
10. Aku pun tak ketinggalan mengelukanNya di jalan,
aku pun mengikutNya.Yesus Kristus memerintah
tak terbatas, tak terhingga! Puji Raja mulia!Play
John 1:29
[Joh 1:29] Behold! Behold The Lamb Of God
Behold! behold the Lamb of God,
On the cross;
For us He sheds His precious blood
On the cross.
O hear His all important cry,
Why perish, blood bought sinner, why?
Draw near and see your Savior die
On the cross.Behold His arms extended wide
On the cross;
Behold His bleeding hands and side
On the cross.
The sun withholds his rays of light,
The heav’ns are clothed in shades of night,
While Jesus does with devils fight
On the cross.Come, sinners, see Him lifted up
On the cross;
He drinks for you the bitter cup
On the cross.
The rocks do rend, the mountains quake,
While Jesus doth atonement make,
While Jesus suffers for our sake
On the cross.And now the mighty deed is done
On the cross;
The battle’s fought, the victory’s won
On the cross.
To Heav’n he turns His dying eyes;
’Tis finished! now the Conqueror cries;
Then bows His sacred head and dies
On the cross.Where’er I go I’ll tell the story
Of the cross;
In nothing else my soul shall glory
Save the cross.
Yes, this my constant theme shall be
Through time and eternity,
That Jesus tasted death for me
On the cross.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Behold Him Now On Yonder Tree
Behold Him now on yonder tree,
The Prince of Peace, the heavenly King;
O what can His transgression be
Such shameful punishment to bring?
And lo, a thief hangs on each side;
Who justly suffers for his crime.
But why should Christ be crucified,
The One so holy, so divine?Refrain
It was for me, yes, even me,
That Jesus died on Calvary;
My soul to cleanse from all its guilt,
His precious blood my Savior spilt.O sinner, see, for you and me
He freely suffers in our stead;
And lo, He dies upon the tree;
Behold, He bows His sacred head!
So pure, yet He has borne our guilt,
By death our ransom He has paid;
It was for us His blood was spilt;
Our every sin on Him was laid.Refrain
O loving Savior, take my heart,
No longer can I live from Thee!
With all unlike Thee now I part;
Thy wondrous love has conquered me.
I yield to Thee my little all;
Accept me now, Lord, as Thine own;
I’ll be obedient to Thy call
And spend my life for Thee alone.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Behold The Glories Of The Lamb
Behold the glories of the Lamb
Amidst His Father’s throne.
Prepare new honors for His Name,
And songs before unknown.Let elders worship at His feet,
The Church adore around,
With vials full of odors sweet,
And harps of sweeter sound.Those are the prayers of the saints,
And these the hymns they raise;
Jesus is kind to our complaints,
He loves to hear our praise.Eternal Father, who shall look
Into Thy secret will?
Who but the Son should take that Book
And open every seal?He shall fulfill Thy great decrees,
The Son deserves it well;
Lo, in His hand the sovereign keys
Of Heav’n, and death, and hell!Now to the Lamb that once was slain
Be endless blessings paid;
Salvation, glory, joy remain
Forever on Thy head.Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood,
Hast set the prisoner free;
Hast made us kings and priests to God,
And we shall reign with Thee.The worlds of nature and of grace
Are put beneath Thy power;
Then shorten these delaying days,
And bring the promised hour.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Behold The Lamb Of God
Behold the Lamb of God!
O Thou for sinners slain,
Let it not be in vain
That Thou hast died:
Thee for my Savior let me take,
My only refuge let me make
Thy piercèd side.Behold the Lamb of God!
Into the sacred flood
Of Thy most precious blood
My soul I cast:
Wash me and make me clean within,
And keep me pure from every sin,
Till life be past.Behold the Lamb of God!
All hail, incarnate Word,
Thou everlasting Lord,
Savior most blessed;
Fill us with love that never faints,
Grant us with all Thy blessèd saints
Eternal rest.Behold the Lamb of God!
Worthy is He alone
To sit upon the Throne
Of God above;
One with the Ancient of all days,
One with the Comforter in praise,
All Light and Love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Holy Lamb, Who Thee Confess
Holy Lamb, who Thee confess,
Followers of Thy holiness,
Thee they ever keep in view,
Ever ask, “What shall we do?”Governed by Thy only will,
All Thy words we would fulfill,
Would in all Thy footsteps go,
Walk as Jesus walked below.While Thou didst on earth appear,
Servant to Thy servants here,
Mindful of Thy place above,
All Thy life was prayer and love.Such our whole employment be,
Works of faith and charity;
Works of love on man bestowed,
Secret intercourse with God.Early in the temple met,
Let us still our Savior greet;
Nightly to the mount repair,
Join our praying pattern there.There by wrestling faith obtain
Power to work for God again,
Power His image to retrieve,
Power, like Thee, our Lord, to live.Vessels, instruments of grace,
Pass we thus our happy days
’Twixt the mount and multitude,
Doing or receiving good;Glad to pray and labor on,
Till our earthly course is run,
Till we, on the sacred tree,
Bow the head and die like Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Jesus, Lamb Of God, For Me
Jesus, Lamb of God, for me
Thou, the Lord of life, didst die;
Whither—whither, but to Thee,
Can a trembling sinner fly?
Death’s dark waters o’er me roll,
Save, O save, my sinking soul.Never bowed a martyr’s head
Weighed with equal sorrow down;
Never blood so rich was shed,
Never king wore such a crown;
To Thy cross and sacrifice
Faith now lifts her tearful eyes.All my soul by love subdued,
Melts in deep contrition there;
By Thy mighty grace renewed,
New-born hope forbids despair:
Lord! Thou canst my guilt forgive,
Thou has bid me look and live.While with broken heart I kneel
Sinks the inward storm to rest;
Life—immortal life—I feel
Kindled in my throbbing breast
Thine—for ever Thine—I am!
Glory to the bleeding Lamb!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Just As I Am, Without One Plea
Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.Just as I am, Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.Just as I am, of that free love
The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,
Here for a season, then above,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Lamb Of God! Our Souls Adore Thee
Lamb of God! Our souls adore Thee
While upon Thy face we gaze;
There the Father’s love and glory
Shine in all their brightest rays;
Thine almighty power and wisdom
All creation’s works proclaim;
Heaven and earth alike confess Thee
As the ever great “I AM.”Lamb of God! Thy Father’s bosom
Ever was Thy dwelling place;
His delight, in Him rejoicing,
One with Him in power and grace;
Oh, that wondrous love and mercy—
Thou didst lay Thy glory by,
And for us didst come from Heaven,
As the Lamb of God, to die!Lamb of God! When we behold Thee
Lowly in the manger laid,
Wandering as a homeless stranger
In the world Thy hands had made;
When we see Thee in the garden,
In Thine agony of blood,
At Thy grace we are confounded,
Holy, spotless, Lamb of God!When we see Thee, as the Victim,
Bound for us upon the tree,
For our guilt and folly stricken,
All our judgment born by Thee—
Lord, we own, with hearts adoring,
Thou hast loved us unto blood:
Glory, glory everlasting,
Be to Thee, Thou Lamb of God!Lamb of God, Thou soon in glory
Will to this sad earth return;
All Thy foes shall quake before Thee,
All that now despise Thee mourn;
Then Thy saints all gathered to Thee,
With Thee in Thy kingdom reign;
Thine the praise and Thine the glory,
Lamb of God, for sinners slain.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] O Jesus, Lamb Of God, Thou Art
O Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou art
The Life and Comfort of my heart.
A sinner poor I come to Thee
And bring my many sins with me.O God, my sin indeed is great;
I groan beneath the dreadful weight;
Be merciful to me, I pray;
Take guilt and punishment away.Saint John the Baptist points to Thee
And bids me cast my sin on Thee;
For Thou hast left Thy throne on high
To suffer for the world and die.Help me to mend my ways, O Lord,
And gladly to obey Thy Word.
While here I live, abide with me;
And when I die, take me to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] O Lamb Of God Most Holy (olsson)
O Lamb of God most holy,
On Calvary an off’ring,
Despisèd, meek and lowly,
Thou in Thy death and suff’ring
Our sins didst bear, our anguish;
The might of death didst vanquish;
Give us Thy peace, O Jesus!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] O Lamb Of God Most Holy (russell)
O Lamb of God most holy!
Who on the cross didst suffer,
And patient still and lowly,
Thyself to scorn didst offer;
Our sins by Thee were taken,
Or hope had us forsaken:
Have mercy on us, Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] O Lord Jesus, Lamb Of God
O Lord Jesus, Lamb of God,
Bearing such a heavy load;
Pain and suffering was Your fate—
Anguish, ridicule and hate.Crown of thorns and staff of spite,
Must you mock our Sovereign’s might?
Know you not whom Pilate brings?
Jesus Christ, the King of kings!Road of sorrow, lead the way
To redeeming love today.
Let me see my Savior’s face;
Let me taste this gift of grace.Tree of anguish, bear my sin;
Heart of Jesus, let me in.
O Lord, may Your wounds make whole
Body, spirit and my soul.Cross of triumph lifted high;
Christ becomes the victory:
Priest and sacrifice today,
Washing all our guilt away.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 1:29] Look To The Lamb Of God
If you from sin
Are longing to be free,
Look to the Lamb of God.
He to redeem you died on Calvary,
Look to the Lamb of God.Refrain
Look to the Lamb of God.
Look to the Lamb of God.
For He alone is able to save you,
Look to the Lamb of God.When Satan tempts
And doubts and fears assail,
Look to the Lamb of God.
You in His strength
Shall over all prevail,
Look to the Lamb of God.Refrain
Are you aweary?
Does the way seem long?
Look to the Lamb of God.
His love will cheer
And fill your heart with song.
Look to the Lamb of God.Refrain
Fear not when shadows on your pathway fall,
Look to the Lamb of God.
In joy or sorrow Christ is all in all.
Look to the Lamb of God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 12:32
[Joh 12:32] Above The Trembling Elements
Above the trembling elements,
Above life’s restless sea,
Dear Savior, lift my spirit up,
O lift me up to Thee!Great calmness there, sweet patience, too,
Upon Thy face I see;
I would be calm and patient, Lord,
O lift me up to Thee!I am not weary of Thy work,
From earth I would not flee;
But while I walk and while I serve,
O lift me up to Thee!That I may bless my tender friends,
And those who love not me;
But while I walk and while I serve,
O lift me up to Thee!Whatever falls of good or ill,
Thy hand, Thy care I see,
And while these varied dealings pass,
O lift me up to Thee!And when my eyes close for the last,
Still this my prayer shall be:
Dear Savior, lift my spirit up,
And lift me up to Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:32] Draw Thou My Soul, O Christ
Draw Thou my soul, O Christ, closer to Thine;
Breathe into every wish Thy will divine;
Raised my low self above, won by Thy deathless love,
Ever, O Christ, through mine let Thy life shine.Lead forth my soul, O Christ, one with Thine own,
Joyful to follow Thee through paths unknown;
In Thee my strength renew; give me Thy work to do;
Through me Thy truth be shown, Thy love made known.Not for myself alone may my prayer be;
Lift Thou Thy world, O Christ, closer to Thee;
Cleanse it from guilt and wrong; teach it salvation’s song
Till earth, as Heaven, fulfills God’s holy will.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:32] Drawn To The Cross
Drawn to the cross, which Thou has blest
With healing gifts for souls distressed,
To find in Thee my life, my rest,
Christ Crucified, I come.Thou knowest all my griefs and fears,
Thy grace abused, my misspent years;
Yet now to Thee with contrite tears,
Christ Crucified, I come.Wash me and take away each stain;
Let nothing of my sin remain.
For cleansing, tho’ it be thro’ pain,
Christ Crucified, I come.And then for work to do for Thee,
Which shall so sweet a service be
That angels well might envy me,
Christ Crucified, I come.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:32] Lift Him Up (oatman)
How to reach the masses, men of every birth,
For an answer, Jesus gave the key:
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
Will draw all men unto Me.”Refrain
Lift Him up, Lift Him up,
Still He speaks from eternity:
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth,
Will draw all men unto Me.”Oh! the world is hungry for the Living Bread,
Lift the Savior up for them to see;
Trust Him, and do not doubt the words that He said,
“I’ll draw all men unto Me.”Refrain
Don’t exalt the preacher, don’t exalt the pew,
Preach the Gospel simple, full and free;
Prove Him and you will find that promise is true,
“I’ll draw all men unto Me.”Refrain
Lift Him up by living as a Christian ought,
Let the world in you the Savior see;
Then men will gladly follow Him Who once taught,
“I’ll draw all men unto Me.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:32] Lift Him Up (warren)
Lift Him up, ’tis He that bids you,
Let the dying look and live,
To all weary, thirsting sinners,
Living waters will He give;
And though once so meek and lowly,
Yet the Prince of Heav’n was He;
And the blind, who grope in darkness,
Through the blood of Christ shall see.Refrain
Lift Him up, the risen Savior,
High amid the waiting throng;
Lift Him up, ’tis He that speaketh,
Now He bids you flee from wrong.Lift Him up, this precious Savior,
Let the multitude behold;
They with willing hearts shall seek Him,
He will draw them to His fold;
They shall gather from the wayside,
Hastening on with joyous feet,
And shall bear the cross of Jesus,
And shall find salvation sweet.Refrain
Lift Him up in all His glory,
’Tis the Son of God on high;
Lift Him up, His love shall draw them,
E’en the careless shall draw nigh;
Let them hear again the story
Of the cross, the death of shame;
And from tongue to tongue repeat it;
Mighty throngs shall bless His Name.Refrain
O then lift Him up in singing,
Lift the Savior up in prayer;
He, the glorious Redeemer,
All the sins of men did bear;
Yes, the young shall bow before Him,
And the old their voices raise;
All the deaf shall hear hosannah;
And the dumb shall shout His praise.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:32] O My Savior, Lifted
O my Savior, lifted
From the earth for me,
Draw me, in Thy mercy,
Nearer unto Thee.Lift my earthbound longings,
Fix them, Lord, above;
Draw me with the magnet
Of Thy mighty love.Lord, Thine arms are stretching
Ever far and wide,
To enfold Thy children
To Thy loving side.And I come, O Jesus;
Dare I turn away?
No! Thy love hath conquered,
And I come today.Bringing all my burdens,
Sorrow, sin, and care,
At Thy feet I lay them
And I leave them there.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 22:27
[Psa 22:27] Ends Of All The Earth Shall Hear, The
The ends of all the earth shall hear
And turn unto the Lord in fear;
All kindreds of the earth shall own
And worship Him as God alone.Refrain
All earth to Him her homage brings,
The Lord of lords, the King of kings.For His the kingdom, His of right,
He rules the nations by His might;
All earth to Him her homage brings,
The Lord of lords, the King of kings.Refrain
Both rich and poor, both bond and free
Shall worship Him on bended knee,
And children’s children shall proclaim
The glorious honor of His Name.Refrain
The Lord’s unfailing righteousness
All generations shall confess,
From age to age shall all be taught
What wondrous works the Lord has wrought.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 22:27] Now Before Thee, Lord, We Gather
Now before Thee, Lord, we gather
To receive Thy precious Word;
Let Thy grace in showers, O Father,
On our parchèd hearts be poured.
Send Thy Holy Spirit o’er us,
With Thy quick’ning fire restore us,
At Thy table spread before us
Fill our hung’ring souls, dear Lord.May Thy Word, to us now given,
Be retained in hearts contrite;
On the narrow way to Heaven
Lead us in Thy perfect light.
Hush, within us, all commotion,
Silence each disturbing notion;
May we, Lord, with true devotion
Use this hour of grace aright.Of the time may we avail us,
When to seek us Thou art near;
Soon the day of grace may fail us,
And no message more we hear.
Turn our minds to meditation
On our need of Thy salvation;
Urge on all Thine invitation—
To our prayer incline Thine ear.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 22:27] O Master Of The Waking World
O Master of the waking world,
Who hast the nations in Thy heart,
The heart that bled and broke to send
God’s love to earth’s remotest part:
Show us anew in Calvary
The wondrous power that makes us free.On every side the walls are down,
The gates swing wide to every land,
The restless tribes and races feel
The pressure of Thy piercèd hand;
Thy way is in the sea and air,
Thy world is open everywhere.We hear the throb of surging life,
The clank of chains, the curse of greed,
The moan of pain, the futile cries
Of superstition’s cruel creed;
The peoples hunger for Thee, Lord,
The isles are waiting for Thy Word.Thy witness in the souls of men,
Thy Spirit’s ceaseless, brooding power,
In lands where shadows hide the light,
Await a new creative hour:
O mighty God, set us aflame
To show the glory of Thy Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 72:19
[Psa 72:19] Heavenly Father, Sovereign Lord
Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord,
Ever faithful to Thy word,
Humbly we our seal set to,
Testify that Thou art true.
Lo! for us the wilds are glad,
All in cheerful green arrayed,
Opening sweets they all disclose,
Bud and blossom as the rose.Hark! the wastes have found a voice,
Lonely deserts now rejoice,
Gladsome hallelujahs sing,
All around with praises ring.
Lo! abundantly they bloom,
Lebanon is hither come,
Carmel’s stores the heavens dispense,
Sharon’s fertile excellence.See, these barren souls of ours
Bloom, and put forth fruits and flowers,
Flowers of Eden, fruits of grace,
Peace, and joy, and righteousness.
We behold (the abjects we!)
Christ, the incarnate Deity,
Christ, in whom Thy glories shine,
Excellence of strength divine.Ye that tremble at his frown,
He shall lift your hands cast down;
Christ, who all your weakness sees,
He shall prop your feeble knees.
Ye of fearful hearts, be strong;
Jesus will not tarry long;
Fear not lest his truth should fail,
Jesus is unchangeable.God, your God, shall surely come,
Quell your foes, and seal their doom,
He shall come and save you too;
We, O Lord, have found thee true!
Blind we were, but now we see,
Deal; we hearken now to thee,
Dumb, for thee our tongues employ,
Lame, and, lo! we leap for joy.Faint we were, and parched with drought,
Water at Thy word gushed out,
Streams of grace our thirst repress,
Starting from the wilderness;
Still we gasp Thy grace to know,
Here for ever let it flow,
Make the thirsty land a pool;
Fix the Spirit in our soul.Heavenly Father, sovereign Lord,
Be Thy glorious Name adored!
Lord, Thy mercies never fail;
Hail, celestial Goodness, hail!Though unworthy of Thine ear,
Deign our humble songs to hear;
Purer praise we hope to bring,
When around Thy throne we sing.While on earth ordained to stay,
Guide our footsteps in Thy way,
Till we come to dwell with Thee,
Till we all Thy glory see.When, with angel harps again,
We will wake a nobler strain;
There, in joyful songs of praise,
Our triumphant songs we raise.Grateful notes and numbers bring;
While Jehovah’s praise we sing:
Holy, holy, holy, Lord!
Be Thy glorious name adored.Men on earth, and saints above,
Sing the great Redeemer’s love:
Lord, Thy mercies never fail!
Hail, celestial goodness, hail!Though unworthy, Lord, Thine ear,
Our humble hallelujahs hear;
Purer praise hope to bring
When with saints we stand and sing.Lead us to that blissful state,
Where Thou reignest supremely great;
Look with pity from Thy throne,
And send Thy Holy Spirit down.While on earth ordained to stay
Guide our footsteps in Thy way;
Till we come to reign with Thee,
And all Thy glorious greatness see.Then with angels we’ll again
Wake a louder, louder strain;
There, in joyful songs of praise,
We’ll our grateful voices raise.There no tongue shall silent be:
There all shall join sweet harmony;
That through heaven’s all spacious round,
Thy praise, O God, may ever sound!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:19] Lord Of The Harvest! It Is Right And Meet
Lord of the harvest! it is right and meet
That we should lay our first-fruits at Thy feet
With joyful Alleluia.Sweet is the soul’s thanksgiving after prayer;
Sweet is the worship that with Heav’n we share,
Who sing the Alleluia!Lowly we prayed, and Thou didst hear on high—
Didst lift our hearts and change our suppliant cry
To festal Alleluia.So sing we now in tune with that great song,
That all the age of ages shall prolong,
The endless Alleluia.To Thee, O Lord of Harvest, who hast heard,
And to Thy white robed reapers giv’n the word,
We sing our Alleluia.O Christ, who in the wide world’s ghostly sea
Hast bid the net be cast anew, to Thee
We sing our Alleluia.To Thee, eternal Spirit, who again
Hast moved with life upon the slumbrous main,
We sing our Alleluia.Yea, West and East the companies go forth;
“We come!” is sounding to the South and North;
To God sing Alleluia.The fishermen of Jesus far away
Seek in new waters an immortal prey;
To Christ the Alleluia.The Holy Dove is brooding o’er the deep,
And careless hearts are waking out of sleep;
To Him sing Alleluia.Yea, for sweet hope new-born—blest work begun—
Sing Alleluia to the Three in One,
Adoring Alleluia.Glory to God! the Church in patience cries;
Glory to God! the Church at rest replies,
With endless Alleluia.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 72:19] To Our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
To our Redeemer’s glorious Name
Awake the sacred song:
O may His love—immortal flame—
Tune every heart and tongue.His love, what mortal tongue can reach?
What mortal tongue display?
Imagination’s utmost stretch
In wonder dies away.Let wonder still with love unite,
And gratitude and joy;
Be Jesus our supreme delight,
His praise our best employ.Jesus, who left His throne on high,
Left the bright realms of bliss,
And came on earth to bleed and die—
Was ever love like this?Dear Lord, while we adoring pay
Our humble thanks to Thee,
May every heart with rapture say,
The Savior died for me.O may the sweet, the blissful theme
Fill every heart and tongue,
Till strangers love Thy charming Name,
And join the sacred song.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 2:32
[Luk 2:32] It Is Glory Just To Walk With Him
It is glory just to walk with Him Whose blood has ransomed me;
It is rapture for my soul each day.
It is joy divine to feel Him near where’er my path may be.
Bless the Lord, it’s glory all the way!Refrain
It is glory just to walk with Him,
It is glory just to walk with Him,
He will guide my steps aright
Through the vale and o’er the height,
It is glory just to walk with Him.It is glory when the shadows fall to know that He is near.
O what joy to simply trust and pray!
It is glory to abide in Him when skies above are clear.
Yes, with Him, it’s glory all the way!Refrain
’Twill be glory when I walk with Him on Heaven’s golden shore,
Never from His side again to stray.
’Twill be glory, wondrous glory with the Savior evermore,
Everlasting glory all the way!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 2:32] Lord Jesus, In The Days Of Old
Lord Jesus, in the days of old
Two walked with Thee in waning light;
And love’s blind instinct made them bold
To crave Thy presence through the night.
As night descends, we too would pray,
O leave us not at close of day.Did not their hearts within them burn?
And though their Lord they failed to know,
Did not their spirits inly yearn?
They could not let the Stranger go.
Much more must we who know Thee pray,
O leave us not at close of day.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 5:9
[Rev 5:9] All Mortal Vanities, Begone
All mortal vanities, begone,
Nor tempt my eyes, nor tire my ears;
Behold, amidst th’eternal throne,
A vision of the Lamb appears.Glory His fleecy robe adorns,
Marked with the bloody death He bore;
Seven are His eyes, and seven His horns,
To speak His wisdom and His power.Lo! He receives a sealèd book
From Him that sits upon the throne;
Jesus, my Lord, prevails to look
On dark decrees and things unknown.All the assembling saints around
Fall worshipping before the Lamb,
And in new songs of Gospel sound
Address their honors to His Name.The joy, the shout, the harmony,
Flies o’er the everlasting hills
“Worthy art Thou alone,” they cry,
“To read the book, to loose the seals.”Our voices join the heav’nly strain,
And with transporting pleasure sing,
“Worthy the Lamb that once was slain,
To be our Teacher and our King!”His words of prophecy reveal
Eternal counsels, deep designs;
His grace and vengeance shall fulfill
The peaceful and the dreadful lines.Thou hast redeemed our souls from hell
With Thine invaluable blood;
And wretches that did once rebel
Are now made favorites of their God.Worthy forever is the Lord,
That died for treasons not His own,
By every tongue to be adored,
And dwell upon His Father’s throne!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 5:9] Lord, I Am Thine, Entirely Thine
Lord, I am Thine, entirely Thine,
Purchased and saved by blood divine;
With full consent Thine I would be,
And own Thy sovereign right in me.Grant one poor sinner more a place
Among the children of Thy grace—
A wretched sinner, lost to God,
But ransomed by Immanuel’s blood.Thine would I live, Thine would I die,
Be Thine through all eternity;
The vow is past beyond repeal,
And now I set the solemn seal.Here, at that cross where flows the blood
That bought my guilty soul for God,
Thee my new Master now I call,
And consecrate to Thee my all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 5:9] New Song (best), The
There are songs of joy that I loved to sing,
When my heart was blithe as a bird in spring,
But the song I have learned is so full of cheer,
That the dawn shines out in the darkness drear.Refrain
O the new, new song! O the new, new song!
I can sing it now with the ransomed throng:
Power and dominion to Him that shall reign,
Glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain.There are strains of home that are dear as life,
And I list to them oft ’mid the din of strife;
But I know of a home that is wondrous fair,
And I sing the psalm they are singing there.Refrain
Can my lips be mute, or my heart be sad,
When the gracious Master hath made me glad?
When He points where the many mansions be,
And sweetly says, “There is one for thee”?Refrain
I shall catch the gleam of its jasper wall
When I come to the gloom of the even fall,
For I know that the shadows, dreary and dim,
Have a path of light that will lead to Him.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 5:9] Redeemed, And With The Price Of Blood
Redeemed, and with the price of blood,
Which Thou hast shed for me,
I stand, a monument of grace,
A witness, Lord, for Thee.Refrain
Redeemed, and made by simple faith
An heir of heaven above!
Oh, love surpassing human thought!
Oh, vast, unmeasured love!Redeemed, no longer dead in sin,
But raised by pow’r divine,
My tongue, rejoicing, cries aloud,
All glory, Lord, be Thine.Refrain
Redeemed, my heart is filled with praise,
My soul true comfort knows,
And daily feels the calm of peace
That like a river flows.Refrain
Redeemed, I’ll tell it o’er and o’er;
Redeemed my song shall be,
My watchword through the vale of death,
My passport home to Thee.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 5:9] There’s A Chorus Ever Ringing
There’s a chorus ever ringing
From the portals of the blest,
’Tis the chorus of redeemed ones,
Who have entered into rest.Refrain
Hallelujah to the Father,
Hallelujah to the Son,
Hallelujah to the Spirit,
Everlasting Three in One!There’s a chorus ever ringing,
When before His throne they fall,
Where they hail Him King of Glory,
And adore the Lord of all.Refrain
There’s a chorus ever ringing,
We shall sing it o’er and o’er,
When our labor shall be ended,
And we meet to part no more.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 5:9] Worthy The Lamb
“Worthy is the Lamb,” the hosts of Heaven sing,
As before the throne they make His praises ring;
“Worthy is the Lamb the book to open wide,
Worthy is the Lamb Who once was crucified.”Refrain
Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb,
Oh, this dying Lamb, He was found worthy;
Oh, this bleeding Lamb, oh, this bleeding Lamb,
Oh, this dying Lamb, He was found worthy.Worthy is the Lamb, who shed His precious blood
To restore a world to happiness and God;
“When no eye could pity and no arm could save,”
Jesus for our ransom, Himself freely gave.Refrain
Worthy is the Lamb, the bleeding sacrifice
Who for Adam’s race paid such a fearful price;
Worthy is the Lamb, the Paschal Lamb of God,
For the world received “Redemption thro’ His blood.”Refrain
“Worthy is the Lamb,” let men and angels sing,
“Worthy is the Lamb,” let hallelujahs ring;
And when life is past, upon the golden shore,
“Worthy is the Lamb,” we’ll shout forevermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 7:9-10
[Rev 7:9] Beautiful Robes
We shall walk with Him in white,
In that country pure and bright,
Where shall enter naught that may defile;
Where the day-beam ne’er declines,
For the blessèd light that shines
Is the glory of a Savior’s smile.Refrain
Beautiful robes, beautiful robes,
Beautiful robes we then shall wear;
Garments of light, lovely and bright,
Walking with Jesus in white,
Beautiful robes we shall wear.We shall walk with Him in white,
Where faith yields to blissful sight,
When the beauty of the King we see;
Holding converse full and sweet,
In a fellowship complete;
Waking songs of holy melody.Refrain
We shall walk with Him in white,
By the fountains of delight,
Where the Lamb His ransomed ones shall lead,
For His blood shall wash each stain,
Till no spot of sin remain,
And the soul forevermore is freed.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:9] Come, Let Us Join Our Friends Above
Come, let us join our friends above, who have obtained the prize,
And on the eagle wings of love to joys celestial rise.
Let saints on earth unite to sing with those to glory gone,
For all the servants of our King in earth and Heaven are one.One family we dwell in Him, one church above, beneath,
Though now divided by the stream, the narrow stream of death;
One army of the living God, to His command we bow;
Part of His host have crossed the flood, and part are crossing now.Ten thousand to their endless home this solemn moment fly,
And we are to the margin come, and we expect to die.
His militant embodied host, with wishful looks we stand,
And long to see that happy coast, and reach the heavenly land.Our old companions in distress we haste again to see,
And eager long for our release, and full felicity:
Even now by faith we join our hands with those that went before;
And greet the blood besprinkled bands on the eternal shore.Our spirits too shall quickly join, like theirs with glory crowned,
And shout to see our Captain’s sign, to hear His trumpet sound.
O that we now might grasp our Guide! O that the word were given!
Come, Lord of Hosts, the waves divide, and land us all in Heaven.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:9] I Am On My Way To Heaven
I am on my way to Heaven where the saints are robed in white
Shouting glory, shouting glory!
To that blessèd land immortal where can never come the night,
Shouting glory all the way!Refrain
O glory, hallelujah!
I am on the way to Heaven,
Shouting glory, shouting glory
O glory, hallelujah!
I am on the way to Heaven,
Shouting glory, all the way!I am on my way to Heaven where the streets are paved with gold,
Shouting glory, shouting glory!
To the place of many mansions and of glories yet untold,
Shouting glory all the way!Refrain
I am on my way to Heaven, blessèd land of pure delight,
Shouting glory, shouting glory!
Where the blest of every nation are forever clothed in white,
Shouting glory all the way!Refrain
I am on my way to Heaven where I’ll see my Savior’s face
Shouting glory, shouting glory!
There I’ll sing redemption’s story, blessèd song of saving grace,
Shouting glory all the way!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:9] Look For Me!
When you get to Heaven, as you surely will,
If the Savior’s Name you own,
After you have greeted those you love the best,
Who are standing round the throne—Refrain
You may look for me, for I’ll be there,
I’ll be there, I’ll be there!
You may look for me, for I’ll be there!
Glory to His Name!When you roam with friends across the heav’nly fields,
Ever finding treasures new;
When you stand in rapture on some starry height,
Gazing on some glorious view—Refrain
When you hear them singing, round the great white throne,
Songs of praise unto the Lamb;
When you hear the ransomed, with their harps of gold,
Shouting, “Glory to His Name!”—Refrain
When you kneel in worship to the King of kings,
Who has saved you by His grace;
When you see that Savior Who has brought you there,
And with joy behold His face—Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:9] Palms Of Glory
Palms of glory, raiment bright,
Crowns that never fade away,
Gird and deck the saints in light,
Priests, and kings, and conquerors they.Yet the conquerors bring their palms
To the Lamb amidst the throne,
And proclaim in joyful psalms
Victory through His cross alone.Kings for harps their crowns resign,
Crying, as they strike the chords,
“Take the kingdom, it is Thine,
King of kings, and Lord of lords.”Round the altar priests confess,
If their robes are white as snow,
’Twas the Savior’s righteousness
And His blood that made them so.They were mortal too like us;
O, when we like them shall die,
May our souls translated thus
Triumph, reign, and shine on high.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:9] Who The Multitudes Can Number
Who the multitudes can number
In the mansions of the blest,
He can weigh the joys eternal
By those ransomed ones possessed;
Exiled now on earth no longer,
They have gained the Home of Rest.Happily at last delivered
From the mournful vale of tears,
Sweet is now their recollection
Of the sad and troubled years;
While fulfilled in all perfection
God’s eternal plan appears.They behold their tempter fallen,
Bound in everlasting chain;
Praising Christ their gracious Savior,
All unite in joyful strain,
Christ the great Reward and Portion
Which adoring spirits gain.Now in shadow and in figure,
Mirrored in imperfect light;
Then, as we are known, our knowledge
Shall be clear, unveiled, and bright;
For on God’s unclouded glory
We shall gaze with cleansèd sight.Then the Trinity of Persons
We shall face to face behold,
And the Unity of Substance
Shall its mystery unfold;
As the wondrous Triune Godhead
We adore in bliss untold.Courage, man, be strong, be faithful,
Whatsoe’er thy burden be,
For unbounded are the glories
Which thy sorrows work for thee;
Soon the light of light forever
Shall thine eyes with rapture see.God the Father, Fount of being,
Thee, most Highest, we adore;
God the Son, our praise and homage
We present Thy throne before;
Glorious Paraclete, we worship,
And we bless Thee evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal