NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Numbers 3:7-8


responsible <08104> [keep.]

attending .... service <05647 05656> [to do the.]


Numbers 3:25


responsibilities <04931> [the charge.]

From this and the next chapter, we see the very severe labour which the Levites were to perform, while the journeyings of the Israelites lasted. When we consider, that there was not less than 14 tons 266 lbs. of metal employed in the tabernacle, (see note on Ex 38:24,) besides the immense weight of the skins, hangings, cords, boards, and posts, we shall find it was no easy matter to transport this moveable temple from place to place. The Gershonites, who were 7,500 in number had to carry the tent, coverings, vail, hangings of the court, cords, etc. (ver. 25, 26); the Kohathites, who were 8,600, the ark, table, candlestick, altars, and instruments of the sanctuary (ver. 31); and the Merarites, who were 6,200, the boards, bars, sockets, and all matters connected with these belonging to the tabernacle, with the pillars of the court, their sockets, pins, and cords (ver. 36, 37).

tent ........ tent ............ tent <0168> [the tabernacle and.]

curtain <04539> [and the hanging.]

Numbers 3:31


ark <0727> [the ark.]

altars <04196> [the altars.]

curtain <04539> [and the hanging.]

Numbers 3:36-39


appointed responsibilities <04931 06486> [under the custody and charge. Heb. the office of the charge. the boards.]


east <06924> [toward.]

responsible <08104> [keeping.]

needs ........ needs <04931> [for the charge.]


Aaron <0175> [and Aaron.]

The word [w'hrn,] {we„haron,} and "Aaron," has a point over each of its letters, probably designed as a mark of spuriousness. The word is wanting in the Samaritan, Syriac, and Coptic, and also in eight of Dr. Kennicott's and in four of De Rossi's MSS. Moses alone, as Houbigant observes, was commanded to number the Levites, (ver. 5, 11, 40, 44, 51:) for as the money with which the first-born were redeemed was to be paid to Aaron and his sons, (ver. 48,) it was decent that he, whose advantage it was that the number of the first-born should exceed, should not be authorized to take that number himself. twenty and two thousand. This total does not agree with the particulars; for the Gershonites were 7,500, the Kohathites 8,600, and the Merarites 6,200, which make a total of 22,300. Several methods of solving this difficulty have been proposed by learned men. Houbigant supposes there is an error in the enumeration of the Kohathites in ver. 28; the numeral {shesh,} "six," being written instead of {shalosh,} "three," before "hundred." Dr. Kennicott's mode of reconciling the discrepancy, however, is the most simple. He supposes that an error has crept into the number of the Gershonites in ver. 22, where instead of 7,500 we should read 7,200, as [k,] {caph} final, which stands for 500, might have been easily mistaken for [r,] resh, 200. (Dr. Kennicott on the Hebrew Text, vol. II. p. 212.) Either of these modes will equally reconcile the difference.

Numbers 18:1-5


Aaron ..... sons .................. sons <0175 01121> [Aaron, Thou.]

bear ............... bear <05375> [shall bear.]

To counterbalance the high honour conferred on Aaron and his family, and to allay the fears and abate the envy of the people, it is here declared, that the priest must bear the blame of everything which was not properly conducted in the sanctuary.


join ..... minister <03867 08334> [joined unto thee.]

There is a fine paronomasia in the original. Levi is desired from {lawah,} to join, couple, associate; hence Moses says, the Levites {yillawoo,} "shall be joined," or associated, with the priests: they shall conjointly perform the sacred office, but the priests shall be principal, the Levites their associates or assistants.

minister ............ before <08334 06440> [minister.]

sons <01121> [but thou.]


near <07126> [only they.]

die <04191> [neither.]


unauthorized <02114> [a stranger.]


You ... be responsible <08104> [And ye.]

wrath <07110> [no wrath.]

Numbers 18:23


But ..... perform ... service <05656 05647> [do the service.]

among <08432> [among.]

Numbers 18:1


Aaron ..... sons .................. sons <0175 01121> [Aaron, Thou.]

bear ............... bear <05375> [shall bear.]

To counterbalance the high honour conferred on Aaron and his family, and to allay the fears and abate the envy of the people, it is here declared, that the priest must bear the blame of everything which was not properly conducted in the sanctuary.

Numbers 9:1


[A.M. 2514. B.C. 1490. An. Ex. Is. 2. Abib. in the first month.]

The fourteen first verses of this chapter evidently refer to a time previous to the commencement of this book; but as there is no evidence of a transposition, it is better to conclude with Houbigant, that "it is enough to know, that these books contain an account of things transacted in the days of Moses, though not in their regular or chronological order."

Numbers 23:1


Build ... seven ......... seven .... seven <01129 07651> [Build me.]

seven altars ........ seven .... seven <04196 07651> [seven altars.]

seven ......... seven bulls ... seven <06499 07651> [seven oxen.]

Numbers 26:20-27


Shelah <07956> [Shelah.]

Perez <06557> [Pharez.]


[Phares. Zerah.]




Issacharites <01121> [the sons.]

Puah <06312> [Pua. or, Phuvah.]


Jashub <03437> [Jashub. or, Job.]


64,300 <08346> [threescore.]



Acts 20:28


Watch out <4337> [Take.]

for all <3956> [all.]

<1722> [over.]

overseers <1985> [overseers.]

[Greek. to feed.]

church <1577> [the church.]

which ............... that he obtained <3739 4046> [which he.]

Acts 20:1


After <3326> [after.]

saying farewell <782> [embraced.]

to go <4198> [to go.]

Colossians 4:2


Be devoted <4342> [Continue.]

keeping alert <1127> [watch.]

thanksgiving <2169> [thanksgiving.]

Colossians 4:17


Archippus <751> [Archippus.]

See <991> [Take.]

ministry <1248> [the ministry.]

complete <4137> [fulfil.]

Hebrews 13:17


Obey <3982> [Obey.]

your leaders ........... your <2233 5216> [have the rule over. or, guide. submit.]

they keep watch <69> [watch.]

will give an account <3056 591> [give account.]

with joy <3326 5479> [with joy.]

with complaints <4727> [with grief.]

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