Advanced Commentary

Texts -- 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28 (NET)

5:4 But you , brothers and sisters , are not in the darkness for the day to overtake you like a thief would. 5:5 For you all are sons of the light and sons of the day . We are not of the night nor of the darkness . 5:6 So then we must not sleep as the rest , but must stay alert and sober . 5:7 For those who sleep , sleep at night and those who get drunk are drunk at night . 5:8 But since we are of the day , we must stay sober by putting on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet our hope for salvation . 5:9 For God did not destine us for wrath but for gaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ . 5:10 He died for us so that whether we are alert or asleep we will come to life together with him . 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build up each other , just as you are in fact doing .
Final Instructions
5:12 Now we ask you , brothers and sisters , to acknowledge those who labor among you and preside over you in the Lord and admonish you , 5:13 and to esteem them most highly in love because of their work . Be at peace among yourselves . 5:14 And we urge you , brothers and sisters , admonish the undisciplined , comfort the discouraged , help the weak , be patient toward all . 5:15 See that no one pays back evil for evil to anyone , but always pursue what is good for one another and for all . 5:16 Always rejoice , 5:17 constantly pray , 5:18 in everything give thanks . For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus . 5:19 Do not extinguish the Spirit . 5:20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt . 5:21 But examine all things ; hold fast to what is good . 5:22 Stay away from every form of evil .
5:23 Now may the God of peace himself make you completely holy and may your spirit and soul and body be kept entirely blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ . 5:24 He who calls you is trustworthy , and he will in fact do this. 5:25 Brothers and sisters , pray for us too . 5:26 Greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss . 5:27 I call on you solemnly in the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers and sisters . 5:28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you .



Bible Dictionary



(Note: In "active" or "on" condition, the hymns music will be played automatically when mouse hover on a hymns title)
  • Bersukacitalah ..... [KJ.399]
  • Dunia Dalam Rawa Paya [KJ.343]
  • Hai Bangun, Kau yang Tidur [KJ.213]
  • Hidup Kita yang Benar [KJ.450]
  • Kulihat SalibMu [KJ.32] ( My Faith Looks Up to Thee )
  • Lawanlah Godaan [KJ.436] ( Yield Not to Temptation )
  • Mari, Lihatlah Semua [KJ.114]
  • Mengucap Syukurlah [KJ.444]
  • O Yesus Kristus, T'rang Baka [KJ.140]
  • Puji Tuhan, Haleluya [KJ.391]
  • S'lamat di Tangan Yesus [KJ.388] ( Safe in the Arms of Jesus )
  • Serahkan pada Tuhan [KJ.417]
  • Yesus Berpesan [KJ.422]
  • Yesus Menginginkan Daku [KJ.424]
  • Yesus Segala-galanya [KJ.396] ( Jesus Is All the World to Me )
  • [1Th 5:5] Father, Who The Light This Day
  • [1Th 5:5] Press On, Press On, Ye Sons Of Light
  • [1Th 5:6] Hark! ’tis The Watchman’s Cry
  • [1Th 5:10] They Whose Course On Earth Is O’er
  • [1Th 5:17] Did You Think To Pray?
  • [1Th 5:17] Keep On Praying
  • [1Th 5:17] Praying Always
  • [1Th 5:17] Prayer Is Appointed To Convey
  • [1Th 5:17] Sweet Hour Of Prayer
  • [1Th 5:17] ’tis The Blessed Hour Of Prayer
  • [1Th 5:17] Won’t You Pray?
  • [1Th 5:18] Ten Thousand Thanks To Jesus
  • [1Th 5:18] Thanks To God
  • [1Th 5:23] O Very God Of Very God
  • [1Th 5:23] Sanctifying Power
  • [1Th 5:23] Wholly Thine
  • [1Th 5:25] I Need The Prayers
  • [1Th 5:28] O Jesus, Lord Of Heavenly Grace


Sermon Illustrations

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Resources; Guidelines for Workers and Those Under Authority; The Will of God, Nothing More, Nothing Less, Nothing Else; Guidelines for Managers and Others in Authority; Salvation in Three Tenses; All from the Lord; Deliverence of Various Kinds; He Must Punish Sin; R. A. Torry; A Privilege and an Obligation; Pray - Praise - Preach; Survival Kit; Blanket Immunity?; Romans 14; 1 Corinthians 10:23ff; Perfect and Progressive; Descriptions of the Second Advent; Trinity Explained


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The words of Joseph's brothers may or may not have been true (vv. 16-17). Jacob may have left such a message even though Moses did not record it in Genesis. Since Moses did not record it, he probably intended the reader to co...
  • Each morning a priest would put on his robes, approach the altar of burnt offerings, and clean out the ashes. Correct clothing was essential so that it would cover his "flesh"(i.e., his private parts, v. 10; cf. Exod. 20:26; ...
  • Nehemiah prayed for four months about conditions in Jerusalem before he spoke to Artaxerxes about them (cf. 1:1; 2:1). Artaxerxes' reign began in the seventh Jewish month, Tishri (late September and early October), of 464 B.C...
  • What this book is all about has been the subject of considerable debate. Many people think God gave it to us to provide His answer to the age-old problem of suffering. In particular, many believe it is in the Bible to help us...
  • 13:3 This caution applies to transparent sharing as well as verbose communication. Both can bring ruin to the speaker.13:4 The "soul"stands for the whole person (cf. Matt. 16:24-27; Mark 3:4; Luke 6:9; 9:56; Rom. 13:1; 1 Thes...
  • There are two more "woes"that deal with Jerusalem in this chapter (vv. 1-14, 15-24) in addition to the one in chapter 28. The first of these is similar to the previous "woe"(cf. vv. 1-8 with 28:1-6, and vv. 9-14 with 28:7-13)...
  • Matthew recorded much more of what Jesus taught the disciples following His statement in verse 32 than Mark or Luke did. They just included the essence of His exhortation to be vigilant.13:33 For the fourth time, Jesus urged ...
  • 6:20 Clearly Jesus' disciples were the primary objects of His instruction in this sermon (cf. vv. 13-19)."Blessed"(Gr. makarios) in this context describes the happy condition of someone whom God has blessed with His special f...
  • Luke concluded his account of the Olivet Discourse with Jesus' exhortation to remain ready for what He had predicted. Jesus' words presupposed an interval before His coming, but He allowed that His coming might occur in the l...
  • 12:27 Anticipation of the death that had to precede the glory troubled Jesus deeply (Gr. tataraktai, cf. 11:33; 14:1; Mark 14:32-42). It troubled Him because His death would involve separation from His Father and bearing God'...
  • 17:1 Paul, Silas, Timothy, and perhaps others left Philippi and headed southwest on the Egnatian Road. Luke evidently stayed in Philippi since he again described Paul's party as "they"instead of "we"(cf. 20:5-6). Paul and Sil...
  • 18:5 Maybe Paul was able to stop practicing his trade and give full time to teaching and evangelizing if Silas returned from Philippi with a monetary gift, as seems likely (cf. Phil. 4:14-16; 2 Cor. 11:9). Timothy had returne...
  • In contrasting chapters 1-11 with chapters 12-16 of Romans, perhaps the most important distinction is that the first part deals primarily with God's actions for humanity, and the last part deals with people's actions in respo...
  • Verses 1 and 2 of chapter 12 deal with the Christian's most important relationship, his or her relationship to God. These verses are both parallel to the sections to follow that deal with the Christian's conduct, and they int...
  • Paul's thought moved from identifying responsibilities to urging their practice. What lies before us as Christians provides essential motivation for doing so.13:11 "This"refers to the duties urged earlier, not only in this ch...
  • Paul had been somewhat critical of the strong and the weak in the Roman church (14:1-15:13). He now balanced those comments by pointing out other strengths in the church beside the faith of his Roman brethren (1:8).15:14 Paul...
  • Paul followed his salutation with an expression of gratitude for his original readers, as he usually did in his epistles. In this case the focus of his thanksgiving was on God's grace in giving the Corinthians such great spir...
  • Paul proceeded to deal with the larger issue of the believer's relationship to fornicators inside and outside the church. He did this so his readers would understand their responsibility in this area of their lives in their i...
  • 12:4 Although there is only one Holy Spirit He gives many different abilities to different people. Everything in this pericope revolves around these two ideas. "Gifts"(Gr. charismata, from charismeaning "grace") are abilities...
  • Paul moved on to point out that Christian love (agape) characterizes our existence now and forever, but gifts (charismata) are only for the present. The Corinthians were apparently viewing the gifts as one evidence that they ...
  • "Labors"or "hard work"encompasses all the strenuous activities of life including manual labor."Watchings"are "sleepless nights.""Fastings"or "hunger"refers to missed meals.6:6-7a Paul now named various graces that God had pro...
  • Paul began this section with a basic admonition (vv. 15-21). Then he applied this instruction to various groups of Christians (5:22-6:9).5:15 The word order and usage in the Greek text suggest that "careful"modifies "walk"rat...
  • That this section is distinct from the five that precede it is evident from two facts. Paul introduced it differently, and the emphasis in it is on God's resources. Earlier Paul urged the strengthening and growth of the body ...
  • The apostle proceeded to express his sincere gratitude to God for his friends in Philippi. He did this to assure them of God's continuing working for them and his satisfaction with their partnership in the work of the gospel....
  • 3:20 The reason we should follow Paul's example and not that of these sensualists is that as Christians we have a citizenship in heaven as well as one on earth. Our heavenly citizenship and destiny are far more important than...
  • On the basis of their position in Christ, Paul urged his readers to separate from the practices of their former way of life. He did this to enable them to realize in their experience all that Jesus Christ could produce in and...
  • 3:22 Paul probably made this section longer than the preceding two because he sent this epistle to Colosse with the Epistle to Philemon. Onesimus, Philemon's run-away slave, carried them.166Moreover there may well have been m...
  • Thessalonica was an important city. Cassander, the Macedonian king, founded it in 315 B.C. and named it for his wife, who was a half-sister of Alexander the Great. It was the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia, and it...
  • In view of this epistle's contents, Paul had at least three purposes in mind when he wrote it. First, he wanted to encourage the Christians in Thessalonica who were making good progress in their new faith (1:2-10). Second, he...
  • In this epistle there is evidence that Paul had conflicting emotions regarding the new church in Thessalonica. On the one hand he was joyful and satisfied with what God had accomplished. On the other hand he felt concern abou...
  • I. Salutation and greeting 1:1II. Personal commendations and explanations 1:2-3:13A. Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians 1:2-101. Summary statement 1:2-32. Specific reasons 1:4-10B. Reminders for the Thessalonians 2:1-161. How...
  • 1:4-5 Paul's favorite appellation for the Thessalonians was "brothers."He used it 15 times in this epistle and seven times in 2 Thessalonians. It emphasizes the equality of Christians in the family of God, Jews and Gentiles. ...
  • This prayer illustrates Paul's genuine concern for the Thessalonians, and it bridges the narrative material in chapters 1-3 and the parenetic material in chapters 4-5.633:11 Paul summarized the content of his prayer in the fo...
  • Paul next turned to another subject on which his readers needed instruction in view of their newness in Christ (cf. 3:10). He outlined the immediate hope of his readers. He did this to explain that those of their number who h...
  • In view of the imminency of Christ's return Paul exhorted the Thessalonians to be ready to prepare them to meet the Lord at any time."The former [paragraph, i.e., 4:13-18] offered instruction concerning the dead in Christ; th...
  • The leaders in view were probably the elders in the Thessalonian church and possibly the deacons and others in positions of leadership (cf. Phil. 1:1; 1 Tim. 5:17). His readers were to appreciate these leaders (plural) for th...
  • Paul now gave stronger commands (cf. v. 12). Not only the leaders but all the believers were responsible to minister to one another. Those who neglected their daily duties needed stirring up to action. Those who were timid or...
  • 5:16 This is one of approximately 70 New Testament commands to rejoice. This volitional choice is extremely important for the Christian. We can always rejoice if we remember what God has given us in Christ.5:17 Greek writers ...
  • 5:19 Quenching the Spirit is a figurative expression used to illustrate the possibility of hindering the Spirit's work in and through the believer. The image is that of water thrown on a fire. The proper response is to follow...
  • 5:23 Peace in the assembly was very important to Paul. The "spirit"is the part of us that enables us to communicate with God. The "soul"makes us conscious of ourselves. The "body"is the physical part that expresses the inner ...
  • Paul added this final postscript to encourage three more actions and to stress one basic attitude.5:25 Paul believed that intercessory prayer would move God to do things that He would not do otherwise (cf. James 4:2)."The min...
  • Askwith, E. H. "I' and We' in the Thesalonian Epistles."Expositor. Series 8:1 (1911):149-59.Barclay, William. The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians. Daily Study Bible series. 2nd ed. and reprint ed. Edi...
  • 2:1-2 Paul introduced his teaching by urging his readers not to be shaken from their adherence to the truth he had taught them by what they were hearing from others. The issue centered on Paul's instructions concerning the Ra...
  • 2:13 In contrast to the wicked unbelievers just referred to (v. 12), Paul was grateful that he could always give thanks for his readers. Moreover he did so.58The ground for his joy was God's choice of them for salvation befor...
  • 3:1 "Finally"introduces the last major section of the epistle. As was so often his custom, Paul first exhorted his readers to pray (1 Tim. 2:1-2; cf. 1 Thess. 5:25; et al.). He realized that God will work in response to the r...
  • 3:6 Paul introduced the words that follow to help the readers realize that obedience was essential. This was a command given with the full authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. The faithful majority in the church were to separa...
  • Paul wrote these positive directions to enable Timothy to overcome the influences of the ascetic apostates that threatened the church at Ephesus. He also wrote to remind him of the importance of his personal life and public m...
  • To encourage Timothy further to endure hardship Paul cited a commonly accepted and used quotation that encouraged believers to remain faithful to their Christian profession (cf. 1 Tim. 1:15; 3:1; 4:9; Titus 3:8). It may have ...
  • Even though the danger his readers faced was great, the writer believed they could avoid it. Consequently he concluded this warning as he did the ones in 2:1-4 and 3:1-4:16 with a word of hope to encourage his audience.6:9 Th...
  • The writer now focused on the issue of sacrifice."The argument moves a stage further as the author turns specifically to what Christ has done. The sacrifices of the old covenant were ineffectual. But in strong contrast Christ...
  • "Within the structure of 13:7-19, vv 7-9 and vv 17-19 constitute the literary frame for the central unit of explanatory parenesis in vv 10-16."43713:7 The example of our spiritual leaders is one we should follow (cf. 12:1; 13...
  • Peter explained what Christian conduct should be negatively (v. 11) and positively (v. 12). Then he expounded more specifically what it should be positively in 2:13-4:11.2:11 "Beloved, I [or we] urge you"frequently marks off ...
  • Peter concluded this section of instructions concerning respect for others with a discussion of the importance of loving our enemies.3:8 "To sum up"concludes the section on respect for others (2:13-3:12). This verse deals wit...
  • To prepare his readers to meet the Lord soon Peter urged them to make the best use of their time now that they understood what he had written about suffering.4:7 Like the other apostles Peter believed the return of Jesus Chri...
  • Peter concluded this epistle with a final exhortation and greetings from those with him and himself to encourage his readers further.5:12 Silvanus is the Roman form of the Greek name Silas. This Silas may very well have been ...
  • Peter next described the consequences that follow false teaching to help his readers see the importance of avoiding it."Verses 4-10a form one long, complex conditional sentence; verses 4-8 form the conditional statement, and ...
  • Jesus Christ gave no rebuke to this church, as was true of the church in Smyrna. He gave the Christians five promises instead.1. Their Jewish antagonists would eventually have to acknowledge that the Christians were the true ...
  • 4:2 As soon as John heard this invitation, he entered another ecstatic state (cf. 1:10). His body remained on the earth, but he saw a throne and someone sitting on it in heaven (cf. Ezek. 11:1, 5). "Throne"occurs 45 times in ...
  • John's revelation continued to unfold future events as God revealed these to him in his vision. The scene John saw next was in heaven. The seventh trumpet judgment did not begin immediately (cf. 8:1-5), but John received info...

Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)

  • He is faithful, worthy to be trusted, as His deeds show. Faith is our attitude corresponding to His faithfulness. Faith is the germ of all that He requires from us. How much we need it! How firm it might be! How blessed it wo...
  • Let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet the hope of salvation.'--1 Thess. 5:8.THIS letter to the Thessalonians is the oldest book of the New Testament. It was proba...
  • Jesus Christ, who died for us. that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.'--1 Thess. 5:10.IN these Words the Apostle concludes a section of this, his earliest letter, in which he has been dealing with t...
  • Edify one another.'--1 Thess. 5:11.I DO not intend to preach about that clause only, but I take it as containing, in the simplest form, one of the Apostle's favourite metaphors which runs through all his letters, and the sign...
  • Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks--1 Thess. 5:16-18.THE peculiarity and the Stringency of these three precepts is the unbroken continuity which they require. To rejoice, to pray, to give thanks...
  • I charge you, by the Lord, that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.'--1 Thess. 5:27.IF the hooks of the New Testament were arranged according to the dates of their composition, this epistle would stand first. It ...
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