Kidung Jemaat
1 John 4:9-10
'Ku Heran, Jurus'lamatku [KJ.174a]
1. 'Ku heran, Jurus'lamatku bagiku tersalib?
Tertumpah darah Rajaku bagiku yang keji?
Rm 5:6-10
2. Menanggung kejahatanku tersiksa Almasih?
Betapa agung rahmatNya, kasihNya tak terp'ri!
Yoh 10:11
Yoh 15:13
1 Yoh 4:10
3. Tak heran surya jadi g'lap menutup mukanya,
ketika mati Khaliknya demi manusia.
Mrk 15:33
4. Pun aku tutup wajahku menghadap salibNya;
tercucur air mataku bersyukur padaNya.
5. Tak dapat air mataku membalas kasihNya.
Seluruh jiwa ragaku ya Tuhan, t'rimalah.Rm 12:1
'Ku Heran, Jurus'lamatku [KJ.174b]
1. 'Ku heran, Jurus'lamatku bagiku tersalib?
Tertumpah darah Rajaku bagiku yang keji?
Pada kayu salib 'ku melihat terang dan beban hidupku
Hilang lenyap; mataku celik karena iman dan aku bahagia tetap.Andaikan Yesus, Kau Bukan Milikku [KJ.300]
1. Andaikan, Yesus, Kau bukan milikku dan tak Kaub'rikan darahMu
bagiku, ke mana aku mohon pengampunan dan perlindungan?
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Yoh 6:68
2. 'Ku tahu sungguh siapa Penghiburku; tak ada hati seperti hatiMu.
Kaulah, ya Tuhan, kau Yang Mahakasih; lain tiada lagi.
Mrk 10:45
Yoh 15:13
3. Aku sadari, bahwa aku ini mahluk terhina yang telah Kaupilih.
Itu semua murahMu belaka yang tak bertara.
1 Kor 1:28
Ef 2:8-9
4. Andaikan Tuhan tidak meraihku, tak mungkin aku akan mencariMu;
kar'na kasihMu Kaupeluk diriku dalam tanganMu.
Yoh 15:16
1 Yoh 4:10, 19
5. Aku bersyukur dan memuji Tuhan, kar'na diriku ikut Kaumasukkan
dalam kawanan domba tebusanMu oleh darahMu.Yoh 10:15-16
Play Berlutut di PalunganMu [KJ.115]
1. Berlutut di palunganMu, ya Yesus, Sumber Hidup,
kubawa persembahanku yang memang hak milikMu:
hatiku, roh dan jiwaku, seluruh isi hidupku, padaMu berkenanlah!
2. Dahulu dari lahirku, Kau Yesus, sudah lahir;
dan 'ku terpilih olehMu, meski belum 'ku jadi;
Kau sudah mengasihiku dan Kaurelakan diriMu
Supaya kumiliki.
Ef 1:4
1 Yoh 4:10
3. Di malam maut yang kelam, ya Yesus, Kau Suryaku:
Kaubawa hidup dan terang dan damai kepadaku.
O Surya kasih yang besar, Pemancar iman yang benar,
CahyaMu sungguh indah!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
4. Dengan memandang wajahMu yang suci tak bernoda
tak kunjung puas mataku; padaMu 'ku berdoa.
Andaikan lubuk hatiku seluas laut, Tuhanku,
Hendak kurangkum Dikau!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
5. Setiap kali hatiku berduka tak terhibur,
sabdaMu: "Aku Kawanmu, bebanmu Aku pikul.
Mengapa tersedu-sedan? Kubuat jalanmu terang:
Dosamu Kuampuni!"
Mat 11:28
6. Palungan ini bagiMu terlampau sederhana
dan rumput alas tidurMu tak pantas bagi Raja.
Yang layak bagi Tuhanku: istana, sutra, beledu,
Ayunan mas kencana.
7. Tetapi nikmat dunia, ya Tuhan, tak Kaucari.
Kau datang miskin dan lemah, sengsara Kauhadapi;
Engkau memikul salibMu demi keselamatanku;
Terima kasih, Tuhan!
Yes 53:5
Kol 1:20
8. Yang aku mohon padaMu, ya Yesus, hanya satu:
berdiamlah di hatiku sekarang dan selalu.
Jadikanlah nuraniku palunganMu dan takhtaMu;
Limpahkan sukacita!Ef 3:17
Play Kusongsong Bagaimana [KJ.85]
1. Kusongsong bagaimana, ya Yesus, datangMu?
Engkau Terang buana, Kau Surya hidupku!
Kiranya Kau sendiri Penyuluh jalanku,
Supaya kuyakini tujuan janjiMu.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
2. Kaum Sion menaburkan kembang di JalanMu;
'ku ikut mengelukan Dikau di hatiku.
Kunyanyi Hosiana, ya Raja, tolonglah!
PadaMulah kiranya hambaMu berserah.
Mrk 11:8-10
3. Betapa Kau berkorban hendak menghiburku
di kala 'ku di jurang sengsara kemelut.
Kau datang, Jurus'lamat dengan sejahtera:
Keluh-kesahku tamat dan hatiku cerah.
4. Di saat 'ku terpasung, Kau membebaskanku;
segala aib dan malu terhapus olehMu.
Padaku Kautambahi mahkota mulia,
Bahagia abadi, pusaka yang baka!
Rm 5:8-10
Rm 6:12-23
1 Ptr 5:4
5. Sebabnya Kautinggalkan takhtaMu yang megah,
kasihMulah belaka terhadap dunia.
Kau rela menderita sengsara dan cela,
Segala dukacita dengan manusia.
Flp 2:6-8
1 Yoh 4:10
6. Hai insan yang berduka, tabahkan hatimu,
dan pandanglah ke muka. Hai kamu yang lesu:
telah di ambang pintu Penolong mulia;
dengan harapan itu jiwamu pun lega.
Yes 61:1-3
Yak 5:8-9
7. Tak usah cari jalan, tak usah berlelah,
bersusah siang-malam mengatur datangNya.
Sengaja Ia datang melipur laramu,
Menaruh kasih sayang, membuka belenggu.
8. Kendati hutang dosa membuatmu gentar,
padaNya kau sentosa, anug'rahNya besar!
Bagimu Ia datang menjadi Penebus;
Sejaht'ra kerajaan warisanmu terus!
Yak 2:5
9. Tak lagi menakutkan kuasa yang gelap:
semua lawan Tuhan menghilang serempak.
Seg'ra Rajamu datang penuh karunia
Membawa kemenangan selama-lamanya!
10. Yang datang menghakimi seisi dunia,
rahmani dan rahimi membela umatNya.
Ya datang, Matahari, sinari umatMu;
PadaMu kami cari bahagia penuh.Kis 10:42
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
Play Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31a]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31b]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Rm 7:24-25
Mrk 15:15
Flp 2:6-8
2. Para malak sekalipun tiada dapat mengerti
apa sebabnya Yang Kudus menanggung siksa yang keji.
KasihNyalah alasannya menanggung dosa dunia.
1 Ptr 1:12
1 Yoh 4:9-10
3. DitinggalkanNya takhtaNya dan masuk kedunia yang cemar;
ditinggalkanNya kuasaNya, terdorong kasih yang besar
dan aku pun tertolonglah terpilih jadi milikNya.
Ef 2:4-5
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
4. Jiwaku lama menjerit, dipasung dosa yang seram.
SuryaMu bagiku terbit; penjaraku pun benderang.
Terbukalah pasunganku ; 'ku bangkit dan mengikutMu.
Rm 6:12-23
Rm 7:13-26
Yes 42:7
5. Di dalam Yesus Penebus hukuman dosa hilanglah.
Kudapat hidup yang kudus, jubahku kebenaranNya;
'ku mendekat ke takhtaMu hendak terima tajukku.Yes 53:5
Why 7:14
1 Ptr 5:4
PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku [KJ.367]
1. PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku, kupersembahkan hidupku:
dariMu jiwa dan ragaku, hanya dalamMu 'ku teduh.
Hatiku yang Engkau pulihkan padaMu juga kuberikan.
Rm 12:1
2. Di dalam Yesus Kaunyatakan, ya Bapa, isi hatiMu:
curahan kasih, kesukaan Engkau limpahkan bagiku.
Andaikan orang menyadari, niscaya, Tuhan, Kau dicari.
Yoh 1:14, 18
Tit 2:11
Tit 3:4
3. Kumuliakan kuasa kasih, yang dalam Yesus terjelma;
'ku berserah sebulat hati di dalam arus rahmatNya.
Diriku tak kuingat lagi, lautan kasih kuselami.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:9-10
4. Betapa Kau mencari aku, hatiMu rindu padaku.
Kauraih aku kepadaMu membuat aku milikMu.
Diriku sudah Kaukasihi, Kau jualah yang aku pilih.
Rm 8:29
Ef 1:4
5. NamaMu, Yesus, suci agung, ya Sumber kasih kurnia;
padamu datanglah umatMu mencari hidup yang baka.
Yang bertelut bertadah-tangan, berlimpah-limpah Kaukenyangkan.
Yoh 6:68
6. Ya Yesus, namaMu kiranya dalam hatiku tertera, supaya
dalam hidupku nyatalah: Seluruh kata dan
kerjaku biar penuh dengan namaMu.Kol 3:17
Play Pujilah Tuhan, Muliakan Dia [KJ.315]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, muliakan Dia yang telah menjamu kita:
Tubuh kudusNya sudah dipecahkan dan darahNya dicurahkan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kau menjadi insan dilahirkan
oleh Maria, tubuhMu, darahMu kes'lamatan umatMu.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mrk 14:22-25
1 Kor 11:23-26
Mrk 10:47-48
Gal 4:4
2. Tubuh kudusNya mati disalibkan; kita hidup kar'na Dia.
Dialah Roti kurnia sorgawi, Dia kita peringati, Tuhan,
kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kauberi darahMu yang menghapus
dosa umatMu; olehMu nyatalah kasih Allah yang baka.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mat 20:28
Yoh 6:32-58
Rm 5:8-10
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
1 Yoh 1:7
2 Tim 2:11
1 Yoh 4:9
3. Allah kiranya memberkati kita, hingga kita ikut Dia,
sungguh terpadu dalam kasih Tuhan, satu oleh Perjamuan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, jangan Roh KudusMu
Meninggalkan kami, umatMu. B'rikanlah slamanya
Damai sejahtera. Tuhan, kasihanilah!Mzm 51:13
Bil 6:24-26
Rm 15:33
Flp 4:7
Play Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
1. Yang Mahakasih ya itu Allah; Allah Pengasih pun bagiku.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:8, 16
2. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
3. Walau dirantai oleh dosaku, walau dirantai tak terlepas,
Rm 6:15-23
4. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
5. Walaupun maut upah dosaku, walaupun maut mengancamku,
Rm 6:23
6. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
7. Allah mengutus Yesus, Tuhanku; Allah mengutus Sang Penebus.
Kis 3:26
1 Yoh 4:9
8. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
9. Yesuslah Kurban Tebusan dosa; Yesuslah Kurban pun bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
10. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
11. Sabda dan RohNya penuh anug'rah; Sabda dan RohNya mengundangku.
12. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
13. Sabda kasihNya penawar haus; Sabda KasihNya air hidupku.
Yoh 4:10-14
Yoh 7:37-38
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:17
14. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
15. Kasih sorgawi sumber selamat; Kasih sorgawi penghiburku.
16. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
17. O Kasih Allah, pelipur lara; o Kasih Allah, bahagiaku!
18. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
19. Hati dan jiwa bersukacita; hati dan jiwa sejahtera.
Flp 4:4, 7
20. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
21. Akulah waris suka sorgawi; akulah waris tempat kekal.
Rm 8:17
Yak 2:5
22. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
23. Engkau kupuji kasih abadi; Engkau kupuji selamanya.
24. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku. Play
1 John 3:1
Allah Bapa Melindungi [KJ.384] ( Children of the Heavenly Father )
1. Allah Bapa melindungi anak-anakNya di bumi;
burung-burung dalam sarang tak kenal naungan seimbang.
1 Yoh 3:1
Mzm 147:9
Mat 6:26
2. Suara anak-anak Bapa siang-malam didengarNya;
tiap kali m'reka minta, pertolongan diberiNya.
3. Anak-anak milik Bapa disertai, diasuhNya;
tanganNya lembut dan kuat mencegah niat si jahat.
4. Anak-anak melik Bapa tak pernah ditinggalkanNya;
dilimpahkan cinta kasih, agar m'reka baik dan suci.Play Dunia Kedinginan [KJ.121] ( In The Bleak Midwinter )
1. Dunia kedinginan, kaku membeku:
damai yang sejati tiada bertemu.
Wabah kekerasan, siksa tirani
Sampai masa kini tidak berhenti.
2. Tapi Firman Allah tak terbelenggu:
Kasih mencairkan hati yang beku.
Dalam dunia dingin kandang cukuplah
Untuk mengenali Khalik semesta.
2 Tim 2:9
3. Segenap malaikat memuliakanNya
dan gembala miskin sujud menyembah;
Yusuf dan Maria saleh bersyukur;
Pemberian Majus: mas, menyan dan mur.
Luk 2:14-16
Mat 2:11
4. Kuberikan apa, Yesus bagiMu?
Andai 'ku gembala, kub'ri dombaku;
Andai 'ku Majusi: mas,menyan dan mur.
Kuberikan apa? Hati bersyukur!Play Kini Sang Putra T'lah Menang [KJ.198]
1. Kini Sang Putra t'lah menang, yang oleh maut tak terkekang.
Haleluya, Haleluya! KuasaNya agung dan megah; kekal terpuji
Namanya! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Kis 2:34
Why 1:18
2. Dan kuasa Iblis, penentang dengan sempurna direjang.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Pahlawan, tiada bandingNya,
Telah menumpas musuhNya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Luk 10:18
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
3. Ya Jurus'lamat dunia, yang menebus manusia,
Haleluya, Haleluya, kiranya pimpin kami pun
Ke dalam kemuliaanMu! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yoh 14:2-3
4. Musuh terakhir dibekuk: hai maut, dimana kuasamu?
Haleluya, Haleluya! Di tangan Allah s'lamatlah
Kembali kita anakNya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yes 25:8
1 Kor 15:26
1 Kor 15:54-56
Rm 8:16
Gal 3:26-27
1 Yoh 3:1-2
5. Kami bersama bersyukur dan merindukan sorgaMu.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Di sana berkumandanglah
pujian kami s'lamanya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Why 19:6-8
6. Ya Allah Bapa, t'rimalah syukur, pujian dan sembah,
Haleluya, Haleluya, bersama Kristus, Penebus, dan Roh
Penghibur yang Kudus. Haleluya, Haleluya!Play Tuhan, Betapa Banyaknya [KJ.393]
1. Tuhan, betapa baiknya berkat yang Kauberi,
istimewa rahmatMu dan hidup abadi.
2. T'rima kasih, ya Tuhanku atas keselamatanku!
Padaku telah Kauberi hidup bahagia abadi.
3. Sanak saudara dan teman Kaub'ri kepadaku;
berkat terindah ialah 'ku jadi anakMu.
Rm 8:14-17
1 Yoh 3:1-2
4. T'rima kasih, ya Tuhanku atas keselamatanku!
Padaku telah Kauberi hidup bahagia abadi.
5. Setiap hari rahmatMu tiada putusnya:
hendak kupuji namaMu tetap selamanya.
Rat 3:22-23
6. T'rima kasih, ya Tuhanku atas keselamatanku!
Padaku telah Kauberi hidup bahagia abadi.Play
1 John 3:16
Yesus, Tuhanku, Apakah Dosaku [KJ.167]
1. Yesus, Tuhanku, apakah dosaMu, hingga hukuman bagiMu berlaku?
Durhaka apa sudah dituduhkan padaMu Tuhan?
Mi 6:3
Mat 27:4
Luk 23:22, 47
2 Kor 5:21
2. Kau didera, dihina kaum prajurit, Kau dicerca, dib'ri mahkota duri
dan minumMu pada kayu salib anggur yang pahit.
Mat 27:26-31
Mat 27:34
3. Apa sebabnya Kauterima siksa? Tak lain kar'na dosa manusia:
aku sendiri dan kesalahanku jadi bebanMu!
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-24
4. Siapa menduga jalan hukum ini: bahwa Gembala mengurbankan diri,
jadi tebusan domba yang bersalah terhadap Allah.
Yoh 10:11-18
Yoh 15:13
1 Yoh 3:16
5. Kau harus mati walau tak berdosa, orang bersalah hidup dan sentosa.
Bebaskanlah kami yang t'lah mengaminkan Kau disalibkan.
Rm 5:6-10
6. Kasih sempurna, rahmat tak terhingga, Kau menjalani siksa maut hina.
Aku terbawa dunia sukacita, kau menderita!
7. Raja abadi, apa kulakukan, agar kasihMu dapat kumasyhurkan?
Apa yang layak aku persembahkan jadi imbalan?
8. Tiada yang sanggup untuk mengimbangi rahmat kasihMu suci dan ilahi.
Baik berusaha maupun beribadah, takkan setara!
9. Namun yang tinggal berkenan padaMu hanyalah bila kusalibkan nafsu;
hati yang hancur yang hendak bertobat tidak Kautolak.
Mzm 51:19
10. Kar'na 'ku tahu aku tak berkuasa dan agar jangan aku putus asa,
b'ri Roh KudusMu memerintah aku ikut jejakMu!
1 Ptr 2:21
11. Jadikan daku taat dan setia demi namaMu yang mahamulia,
agar kupikul salibMu ke muka tanpa berduka.
Mrk 8:34
12. Walau karyaku tak bersifat jasa, namun, ya Tuhan, Kau senantiasa
mau menerima persembahan hati dan Kauberkati.
13. Ya Tuhan Yesus yang di takhta Allah, Kau yang terpuji untuk selamanya;
aku pun ikut memberi selalu syukur padaMu!Why 5:12-13
Psalms 18:1-3
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250a]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
Mzm 18
Mzm 46
Mzm 144:1-2
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Luk 10:18
Yoh 12:31
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Ptr 5:8
Why 13
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!Yoh 16:33
Mzm 24:10
Ef 1:20-22
Kol 2:15
Why 17:14
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Mzm 118:6
Rm 8:31
Mat 5:3, 10
Ibr 12:28
Yak 2:5
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250b]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!BagiMu Tuhan, Nyanyianku [KJ.8]
1. BagiMu, Tuhan, nyanyianku, kar'na setaraMu siapakah ?
Hendak kupuji Kau selalu; padaku Roh Kudus berikanlah,
Supaya dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
kidungku berkenan kepadaMu.
Mzm 89:7
Yes 40:25
Ef 5:18-20
2. O tuntun aku ke PutraMu,
agar padaMu 'ku dituntunNya:
dan RohMu diam dalam rohku,
membuat mata hatiku cerah,
sehingga kurasakan damaiMu
dan kuungkapkan dalam kidungku.
Ef 1:17-18
3. Beri berkatMu, Maha Tuhan,
gar benar kudus puianku,
dan doa juga kulagukan
di dalam Roh dan kebenaranMu,
jiwaku pun padaMu bersyukur,
bersama bala sorga bermazmur.
Yoh 4:23
Mzm 103:20-22
4. Doaku yang tak terucapkan,
Roh kudusMu yang mengungkapkannya
Dan bahwa aku anak Allah,
Roh kudus juga mengatakannya,
sehingga dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
'ku berseru, "Ya Abba, Bapaku!"
Rm 8:26
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
5. Padaku RohMu mengajarkan
berdoa yang sesuai maksudMu;
ya Bapa, pasti Kaudengarkan
doaku dalam nama PutraMu:
di dalam Dia kuterimalah
karunia demi karunia.
Rm 8:26-27
Yoh 16:23-27
Yoh 1:16
6. Betapa aku bahagia
dan sukacita hatiku penuh:
'ku yakin, Kau memperhatikan
semua yang kumohon padaMu.
Berkelimpahan pemberianMu,
Jauh melebihi perkiraanku.
Ef 3:20
7. Di dalam Kristus 'ku terjamin:
Ia sendiri Perantaraku;
di dalam Dia "ya" dan "amin"
yang dalam Roh kuminta padaMu.
Kupuji Dikau kini dan kekal
kar'na bahagia itu kukenal.1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 1:20
Play Di Badai Topan Dunia [KJ.440] ( A Shelter in the Time of Storm / The Lords Our Rock )
1. Di badai topan dunia Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu;
kendati goncang semesta, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu!
Mzm 18:3
Mzm 46
Mzm 91
Mzm 93
2. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.
3. Baik siang maupun malam g'lap, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu;
niscaya takutmu lenyap, Tuhanlah perlindunganmu!
Mzm 121:6
4. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.
5. Dan biar badai menyerang, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu;
padaNya kau tetap tent'ram, Tuhanlah Perlindunganmu!
6. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.
7. Ya Gunung Batu yang tetap, Engkaulah Perlindunganku;
di tiap waktu dan tempat Engkaulah Perlindunganku!
8. Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, di dunia, di dunia;
Ya, Yesus Gunung Batu di dunia, tempat berlindung yang teguh.Play Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya Hidupku [KJ.405] ( Be Thou My Vision )
1. Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku; asal Kau ada, yang lain
tak perlu. Siang dan malam Engkau kukenang; di hadiratMu
jiwaku tenang!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
2. Kaulah Hikmatku, Firman hidupku; Kau besertaku dan 'ku
besertaMu. Engkau Bapaku, aku anakMu; denganMu, Tuhan,
'ku satu penuh.
Yoh 6:68
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
Yoh 17:21
3. Kaulah bagiku tempat berteduh; Kaulah perisai dan benteng
teguh. Sukacitaku kekal dalamMu; Kuasa sorgawi,
Engkau kuasaku!
Mzm 18:3
Mzm 46:8, 12
Mzm 91:2
4. Tak kuhiraukan pujian fana; hanya Engkaulah pusaka
baka! Raja di sorga, Engkau bagiku harta abadi, bahagia penuh!
Flp 3:7
Mzm 16:5
Mzm 73:26
5. Bila saatnya 'ku menang, t'rimalah daku di sorga cerlang!
Apa pun kini hendak kutemu, Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku!Why 22:4
Psalms 36:7-9
Di Gunung dan Di Lurah [KJ.66]
1. Di gunung dan di lurah, di tiap jalanku,
di padang dan di hutan, dekatlah Tuhanku.
Di darat dan angkasa Tuhanku beserta;
Dimana-mana saja Tuhanku hadirlah.
Mzm 73:23
2. Tetaplah mata Bapa menilik dunia:
terlindung barang siapa yang harap kasihNya.
Pun burung dan tanaman terjamin hidupnya;
Ya, segenap ciptaan dirawat olehNya.
2 Taw 16:9
Mzm 36:8
Mat 6:26, 28
Mzm 104:27-28
Mzm 136:25
3. Hai mahluk semuanya di gunung dan lembah,
di laut, di udara, di mana sajalah,
hayati siang-malam segala kurnia
pemb'rian Khalik alam, pertanda kasihNya.
Mzm 104:10-18
4. Percaya, hai saudara, dan puji Tuhanmu.
Kendati kau sengsara, dekatlah Tuhanmu,
Penolong yang setia tiada taraNya:
Pun dalam kematian Tuhanmu beserta.Mzm 73:23
Rm 8:38-39
Play Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja [KJ.10]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja yang Mahamulia!
Segenap hati dan jiwaku, pujilah Dia!
Datang berkaum, brilah musikmu bergaung,
Angkatlah puji - pujian !
Mzm 103:1-2
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujilah Tuhan; segala kuasa padaNya!
Sayap kasihNya yang aman mendukung AnakNya!
Tiada ter'pri yang kepadamu dib'ri;
Tidakkah itu kaurasa?
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
3. Pujilah Tuhan yang bijak menggubah tubuhmu;
dalam kasihNya seluruh hidupmu tertuntun;
hatimu tahu: berulang kali engkau
oleh sayapNya terlindung.
Mzm 139:13-15
Mzm 17:8
Mzm 36:8
Mzm 57:2
4. Pujilah Tuhan yang dapat dan mau melakukan
jauh melebihi doamu dan yang kau rindukan.
Ingat teguh: Ia berkuasa penuh!
KasihNya t'rus kautemukan.
Ef 3:20
5. Pujilah Tuhan! Hai jiwaku, mari bernyanyi!
Semua mahluk bernafas, iringilah kami!
Puji terus Nama Yang Maha Kudus!
Padukan suaramu: Amin.Mzm 150
Play Sinar Fajar Yang Baka [KJ.323]
1. Sinar fajar yang baka, Sinar dari T'rang Ilahi, pagi ini
biarlah Kauterangi hidup kami dan halaukan segenap yang gelap.
Mzm 36:10
2. Bak embun di pagi t'rang membasahi tetumbuhan, o, segarkan yang
gersang: hati kami Kauhiburkan. UmatMu hidupkanlah s'lamanya.
Hos 14:6
Mzm 68:10
3. Oleh nyala kasihMu hati dingin jadi hangat. Dalam batin yang
beku, o, nyalakanlah semangat, hingga kami tak lelap dalam g'lap.
4. Surya pagi mulia pada saat Kau kembali, kami pun bangkitkanlah
pada fajar yang terakhir dalam sukacitaMu yang penuh.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 6:39-40
1 Kor 6:14
5. SinarMu pancarkanlah, Surya Rahmat mahaindah, langkah kami
tuntunlah lewat duka dan derita ke tempat bahagia, t'rang baka!Yoh 8:12
Yoh 12:46
Isaiah 64:1
Kiranya Langit Terbelah [KJ.80]
1. Kiranya langit terbelah; ya Jurus'lamat, datanglah,
bukalah sorga segera, buanglah palang pintunya.
Yes 64:1
Mrk 1:10
2. O, turun seperti embun, sirami ladang bumiMu;
curahkanlah anugerah, Raja yang adil, datanglah!
Yes 45:8
Hos 14:6
3. Hai bumi, kau terbukalah! Gunung, lembah, menghijaulah,
agar darimu bersemi Bunga selamat abadi.
Mzm 85:12
4. Engkau dinanti dunia. KedatanganMu kapankah?
Dari takhtaMu turunlah; hiburkan kami yang resah.
Yes 51:5
5. Ya Surya Pagi yang cerah, biar fajarMu merekah;
mari, terbitlah cemerlang, halaulah kabut yang kelam.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
6. Dirundung duka kemelut, kami menghadap pintu maut.
UmatMu, Tuhan, tuntunlah ke negeri sejahtera.
Mzm 55:5-6
Mzm 107:10, 18
7. Di sana kami bersyukur memuliakan namaMu,
ya Penebus manusia, sampai selama-lamanya!Play
Colossians 2:9
Yesus T'lah Datang [KJ.138]
1. Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita;
Alfa, Omega dan Firman kekal. Allah sejati dan Maha Pencipta
Bagaimana manusia kita kenal! Sorga dan bumi, siarkan berita:
Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita!
Why 1:8
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Kol 1:19
Kol 2:9
2. Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan
yang dalam dosa dan maut menjerat! Rantai diganti dengan kelepasan
dari kungkungan kuasa gelap. Habislah duka, lenyap kecemasan:
Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan!
Mzm 107:10-16
Yes 42:7
Yes 61:1
Rm 6:12-23
3. Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa;
Ia mendobrak penjara teguh! Benteng neraka pun porak poranda,
Jalan merdeka terbuka penuh! Sudahkah kini, hai Iblis, kaurasa?
Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa!
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 9:12
4. Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia;
puji kuasaNya, seg'nap mahlukNya! Juruselamatmu hanyalah Dia;
pintu hatimu bukakan seg'ra! Lihat, mahkotamu sudah sedia;
Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia!2 Tim 4:8
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
1 John 3:1
[1Jo 3:1] Behold The Amazing Gift Of Love
Behold th’amazing gift of love
The Father hath bestowed
On us, the sinful sons of men,
To call us sons of God!Concealed as yet this honor lies,
By this dark world unknown,
A world that knew not when He came,
Even God’s eternal Son.High is the rank we now possess;
But higher we shall rise;
Though what we shall hereafter be
Is hid from mortal eyes.Our souls, we know, when He appears,
Shall bear His image bright;
For all His glory, full disclosed,
Shall open to our sight.A hope so great, and so divine,
May trials well endure;
And purge the soul from sense and sin,
As Christ Himself is pure.Behold what wondrous grace
The Father hath bestow’d
On sinners of a mortal race
To call them Sons of God!’Tis no surprising thing,
That we should be unknown;
The Jewish world knew not their King,
God’s everlasting Son.Nor doth it yet appear
How great we must be made;
But when we see our Saviour here,
We shall be like our Head.A hope so much divine
May trials well endure,
May purge our souls from sense and sin
As Christ the Lord is pure.If in my Father’s love
I share a filial part,
Send down Thy Spirit like a dove,
To rest upon my heart.We would no longer lie
Like slaves beneath the throne;
My faith shall Abba, Father, cry,
And Thou the kindred own.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Behold, What Love!
Behold, what love, what boundless love,
The Father hath bestowed
On sinners lost, that we should be
Now called “the sons of God!”Refrain
Behold, what manner of love!
What manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us,
That we, that we should be called,
Should be called the sons of God!No longer far from Him but now
By “precious blood” made nigh,
Accepted in the “Well beloved,”
Near to God’s heart we lie.Refrain
What we in glory soon shall be,
It doth not yet appear;
But when our precious Lord we see,
We shall His image bear.Refrain
With such a blessèd hope in view,
We would more holy be,
More like our risen, glorious Lord,
Whose face we soon shall see.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Behold What Wondrous Grace
Behold what wondrous grace
The Father has bestowed
On sinners of a mortal race,
To call them sons of God!’Tis no surprising thing
That we should be unknown;
The Jewish world knew not their King,
God’s everlasting Son.Nor doth it yet appear
How great we must be made;
But when we see our Savior here,
We shall be like our Head.A hope so much divine
May trials well endure;
May purge our souls from sense and sin,
As Christ the Lord is pure.If in my Father’s love
I share a filial part,
Send down Thy Spirit like a dove,
To rest upon my heart.We would no longer lie
Like slaves beneath the throne;
My faith shall Abba, Father, cry,
And thou the kindred own.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Behold, What Wondrous Love And Grace
Behold, what wondrous love and grace!
When we were wretched and undone,
To save our ruined, helpless race,
The Father gave His only Son!
Of twice ten thousand gifts divine,
No gift like this could ever shine.Jesus, to save us from our fall,
Was made incarnate here below;
This was the greatest gift of all—
Heaven could no greater gift bestow:
On Him alone our sins were laid;
He died, and now the ransom’s paid.O gift of love unspeakable!
O gift of mercy all divine!
We once were slaves of death and hell,
But now we in His image shine.
For other gifts our songs we raise,
But this demands our highest praise.Praise shall employ these tongues of ours
Till we, with all the hosts above,
Extol His Name with nobler powers,
Lost in the ocean of His love:
While angel choirs with wonder gaze,
We’ll fill the heavens with shouts of praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Blessed Are The Sons Of God
Blessèd are the sons of God,
They are bought with Christ’s own blood;
They are ransomed from the grave,
Life eternal they shall have:
With them numbered may we be,
Here and in eternity.They are justified by grace,
They enjoy the Savior’s peace;
All their sins are washed away,
They shall stand in God’s great day;
With them numbered may we be,
Here and in eternity.They are lights upon the earth,
Children of a heavenly birth;
One with God, with Jesus one;
Glory is in them begun:
With them numbered may we be,
Here and in eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Children Of The Heavenly Father
Children of the heav’nly Father
Safely in His bosom gather;
Nestling bird nor star in Heaven
Such a refuge e’er was given.God His own doth tend and nourish;
In His holy courts they flourish;
From all evil things He spares them;
In His mighty arms He bears them.Neither life nor death shall ever
From the Lord His children sever;
Unto them His grace He showeth,
And their sorrows all He knoweth.Though He giveth or He taketh,
God His children ne’er forsaketh;
His the loving purpose solely
To preserve them pure and holy.Lo, their very hairs He numbers,
And no daily care encumbers
Them that share His ev’ry blessing
And His help in woes distressing.Praise the Lord in joyful numbers:
Your Protector never slumbers.
At the will of your Defender
Ev’ry foeman must surrender.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Come, Let Us A Sing Of A Wonderful Love
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love,
Tender and true, tender and true,
Out of the heart of the Father above,
Streaming to me and to you:
Wonderful love, wonderful love,
Dwells in the heart of the Father above.Jesus the Savior this Gospel to tell
Joyfully came, joyfully came,
Came with the helpless and hopeless to dwell,
Sharing their sorrow and shame:
Seeking the lost, seeking the lost,
Saving, redeeming at measureless cost.Jesus is seeking the wanderers yet;
Why do they roam? Why do they roam?
Love only waits to forgive and forget;
Home, weary wanderers, home!
Wonderful love, wonderful love,
Dwells in the heart of the Father above.Come to my heart, O thou wonderful love!
Come and abide, come and abide,
Lifting my life till it rises above
Envy and falsehood and pride:
Seeking to be, seeking to be,
Lowly and humble, a learner of thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Father, Loving Father
Father, loving Father,
Hear Thy children’s call;
With Thy love enfold us,
And protect us all.From the dawn’s first glimmer,
To the close of day
May we feel Thee near us
On our earthly way.And from evening prayer time
Through the dark of night,
Let us rest in quietness
Until morn brings light.Teach our tongues to praise Thee
In the hymns we sing;
Teach our hearts to love Thee
As our voices ring.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] I Belong To The King
I belong to the King; I’m a child of His love,
I shall dwell in His palace so fair,
For He tells of its bliss in yon heaven above,
And His children in splendor shall share.Refrain
I belong to the King; I’m a child of His love,
And he never forsaketh His own.
He will call me some day to His palace above;
I shall dwell by His glorified throne.I belong to the King, and He loves me I know,
For His mercy and kindness so free
Are unceasingly mine wheresoever I go,
And my Refuge unfailing is He.Refrain
I belong to the King, and His promise is sure:
That we all shall be gathered at last
In His kingdom above, by life’s waters so pure,
When this life with its trials is past.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] It’s Just Like His Great Love
A friend I have called Jesus, whose love is strong and true,
And never fails howe’er ’tis tried, no matter what I do;
I’ve sinned against this love of His, but when I knelt to pray,
Confessing all my guilt to Him, the sin clouds rolled away.Refrain
It’s just like Jesus to roll the clouds away,
It’s just like Jesus to keep me day by day,
It’s just like Jesus all along the way,
It’s just like His great love.Sometimes the clouds of trouble bedim the sky above,
I cannot see my Savior’s face, I doubt His wondrous love;
But He, from Heaven’s mercy seat, beholding my despair,
In pity bursts the clouds between, and shows me He is there.Refrain
When sorrow’s clouds o’ertake me, and break upon my head,
When life seems worse than useless, and I were better dead;
I take my grief to Jesus then, nor do I go in vain,
For heavenly hope He gives that cheers like sunshine after rain.Refrain
O, I could sing forever of Jesus’ love divine,
Of all His care and tenderness for this poor life of mine;
His love is in and over all, and wind and waves obey,
When Jesus whispers “Peace, be still!” and rolls the clouds away.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] O Father, We Would Thank Thee
O Father, we would thank Thee
For all Thy love has given,
Our present joy of sonship,
Our future joy in Heaven;
The life which sin had blighted
So wondrously restored
By our mysterious union
With Jesus Christ our Lord.Rich gifts of life and gladness—
A new and heav’nly birth,
Baptismal waters flowing
To cleanse the sons of earth;
The strength in which to follow
The steps that Jesus trod;
And love beyond all knowledge
Which calls us sons of God.O mercy all abundant
Bestowed on us today!
O hope of future glory
Which fadeth not away!
By God’s great love begotten
To living hope and sure,
May we at Christ’s appearing
Be pure as He is pure.For all Thy gifts, O Father,
Our hymns of praise arise—
The love which calls us children,
The hope which purifies;
The grace by which we offer
A service glad and free;
The earnest of perfection,
Of fuller life with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Our Father’s Love
Our Father’s love, so vast and boundless—
His arms of mercy opened wide—
Has sent His Son on earth to save us
Through nail-pierced hands and wounded side.Lord Jesus Christ, the Cross You’ve taken
Has lifted up and set us free
To live in oneness with each other
In perfect peace and harmony.Fill me, Lord, with Your Holy Spirit
That I may know and do Your will;
Grant me the grace to trust You daily,
And love within my heart instill.And at the time when I am dying,
May Jesus come and life restore,
Calling me from my grave to meet Him
To live with Him for evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Wonderful Message
Tell it to others as onward you go,
Wonderful message of love;
Send it from hearts that with joy overflow,
Wonderful message of love.Refrain
Wonderful message, beautiful message,
Sent by the Father above;
Wonderful message, life giving message,
Marvelous message of love.Tell how it brightens each step of the way,
Wonderful message of love;
Tell it to those who from God are astray,
Wonderful message of love.Refrain
Sweeter it seems every time it is told,
Wonderful message of love;
Tell it, till safe in the city of gold,
Wonderful message of love.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[1Jo 3:1] Wonderful Story Of Love
Wonderful story of love;
Tell it to me again;
Wonderful story of love;
Wake the immortal strain!
Angels with rapture announce it,
Shepherds with wonder receive it;
Sinner, O won’t you believe it?Refrain
Wonderful story of love,
Wonderful! Wonderful!
Wonderful, wonderful story of love.Wonderful story of love;
Though you are far away;
Wonderful story of love;
Still He doth call today;
Calling from Calvary’s mountain,
Down from the crystal bright fountain,
E’en from the dawn of creation,Refrain
Wonderful story of love;
Jesus provides a rest;
Wonderful story of love;
For all the pure and blest,
Rest in those mansions above us,
With those who’ve gone on before us,
Singing the rapturous chorus,Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
1 John 3:16
[1Jo 3:16] O Perfect Life Of Love
O perfect life of love!
All, all is finished now;
All that He left His throne above
To do for us below.No work is left undone
Of all the Father willed;
His toil, His sorrows, one by one,
The Scripture have fulfilled.No pain that we can share
But He has felt its smart;
All forms of human grief and care
Have pierced that tender heart.And on His thorn crowned head,
And on His sinless soul,
Our sins in all their guilt were laid,
That He might make us whole.In perfect love He dies;
For me He dies, for me;
O all atoning Sacrifice,
I cling by faith to Thee.In every time of need,
Before the judgment throne,
Thy work, O Lamb of God, I’ll plead,
Thy merits, not my own.Yet work, O Lord, in me,
As Thou for me hast wrought;
And let my love the answer be
To grace Thy love has brought.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 18:1-3
[Psa 18:1] I Love The Lord, His Strength Is Mine
I love the Lord, His strength is mine;
He is my God, I trust His grace;
My Fortress high, my Shield divine,
My Savior and my Hiding Place.From God the victory I receive;
Most perfect is His holy way;
His Word is tried, they who believe
Will find the Lord their Shield and Stay.For who is God, and strong to save,
Beside the Lord, our God of might?
’Tis He that makes me strong and brave,
The Lord Who guides my steps aright.Thy free salvation is my shield,
My sure defense in every strait;
Thy hand upholds me, lest I yield;
Thy gentleness has made me great.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:1] I Never Will Cease To Love Him
For all the Lord has done for me,
I never will cease to love Him;
And for His grace so rich and free,
I never will cease to love Him.Refrain
I never will cease to love Him,
My Savior, my Savior;
I never will cease to love Him,
He’s done so much for me.He gives me strength for every day,
I never will cease to love Him;
He leads and guides me all the way,
I never will cease to love Him.Refrain
Though all the world His love neglect,
I never will cease to love Him;
I could not such a Friend reject,
I never will cease to love Him.Refrain
While on my journey here below,
I never will cease to love Him;
And when to that bright world I go,
I never will cease to love Him.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:1] O God, My Strength And Fortitude
O God, my strength and fortitude
In truth I will love Thee;
Thou art my castle and defense
In my necessity.My God, my Rock, in whom I trust,
The Worker of my wealth,
My Refuge, Buckler, and my Shield,
The Horn of all my health.When I, beset with pain and grief,
Prayed to my God for grace;
Forthwith my God heard my complaint,
Out of His holy place.The Lord descended from above,
And bowed the heavens high,
And underneath His feet He cast
The darkness of the sky.On cherub and on cherubim
Full royally He rode;
And on the wings of all the winds
Came flying all abroad.He brought me forth in open place,
That so I might be free;
And kept me safe, because He had
A favor unto me.Unspotted are the ways of God,
His Word is truly tried;
He is a sure defense to such
As in His ways abide.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:1] Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower (wesley)
Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower,
Thee will I love, my Joy, my Crown,
Thee will I love with all my power,
In all Thy works, and Thee alone;
Thee will I love, till the pure fire
Fill my whole soul with chaste desire.Ah, why did I so late Thee know,
Thee, lovelier than the sons of men!
Ah, why did I no sooner go
To Thee, the only ease in pain!
Ashamed, I sigh, and inly mourn,
That I so late to Thee did turn.In darkness willingly I strayed,
I sought Thee, yet from Thee I roved;
Far wide my wandering thoughts were spread,
Thy creatures more than Thee I loved;
And now if more at length I see,
’Tis through Thy light and comes from Thee.I thank Thee, uncreated Sun,
That Thy bright beams on me have shined;
I thank Thee, who hast overthrown
My foes, and healed my wounded mind;
I thank Thee, whose enlivening voice
Bids my freed heart in Thee rejoice.Uphold me in the doubtful race,
Nor suffer me again to stray;
Strengthen my feet with steady pace
Still to press forward in Thy way;
My soul and flesh, O Lord of might,
Fill, satiate, with Thy heavenly light.Give to mine eyes refreshing tears,
Give to my heart chaste, hallowed fires,
Give to my soul, with filial fears,
The love that all Heaven’s host inspires;
That all my powers, with all their might,
In Thy sole glory may unite.Thee will I love, my joy, my crown,
Thee will I love, my Lord, my God;
Thee will I love, beneath Thy frown,
Or smile, Thy scepter, or Thy rod;
What though my flesh and heart decay?
Thee shall I love in endless day!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:1] Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower (winkworth)
Thee will I love, my Strength, my Tower;
Thee will I love, my Hope, my Joy;
Thee will I love with all my power,
With ardor time will ne’er destroy.
Thee will I love, O Light Divine,
So long as life is mine.Thee will I love, my Life, my Savior,
Who art my best and truest Friend;
Thee will I love and praise forever,
For never shall Thy kindness end;
Thee will I love with all my heart,
Thou my Redeemer art.I thank Thee, Jesus, Sun from Heaven,
Whose radiance hath brought light to me;
I thank Thee, who hast richly given
All that could make me glad and free;
I thank Thee that my soul is healed
By what Thy lips revealed.Oh, keep me watchful, then, and humble
And suffer me no more to stray;
Uphold me when my feet would stumble,
Nor let me loiter by the way.
Fill all my nature with Thy light,
O Radiance strong and bright!Oh, teach me, Lord, to love Thee truly
With soul and body, head and heart,
And grant me grace that I may duly
Practice fore’er love’s sacred art.
Grant that my every thought may be
Directed e’er to Thee.Thee will I love, my Crown of gladness;
Thee will I love, my God and Lord,
Amid the darkest depths of sadness,
Nor for the hope of high reward—
For Thine own sake, O Light Divine,
So long as life is mine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:1] Thee Will I Love, O Lord, My Strength
Thee will I love, O Lord, my strength,
My rock, my tower, my high defense;
Thy mighty arm shall be my trust,
For I have found salvation thence.Death, and the terrors of the grave,
Stood round me with their dismal shade;
While floods of high temptations rose,
And made my sinking soul afraid.I saw the opening gates of hell,
With endless pains and sorrows there,
Which none but they that feel can tell;
While I was hurried to despair.In my distress I called my God,
When I could scarce believe Him mine:
He bowed His ear to my complaint,
Then did His grace appear divine.With speed He flew to my relief,
As on a cherub’s wing He rode;
Awful and bright as lightning shone
The face of my Deliverer, God.Temptations fled at His rebuke,
The blast of His almighty breath;
He sent salvation from on high,
And drew me from the deeps of death.Great were my fears, my foes were great,
Much was their strength, and more their rage;
But Christ, my Lord, is conqueror still,
In all the wars that devils wage.My song for ever shall record
That terrible, that joyful hour;
And give the glory to the Lord,
Due to His mercy and His power.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:1] We Love, Thee Lord, And We Adore
We love Thee, Lord, and we adore;
Now is Thine arm revealed:
Thou art our strength, our heav’nly tower,
Our bulwark and our shield.We fly to our eternal Rock,
And find a sure defense;
His holy Name our lips invoke,
And draw salvation thence.When God, our Leader, shines in arms,
What mortal heart can bear
The thunder of His loud alarms,
The lightning of His spear?He rides upon the wingèd wind,
And angels in array
In millions wait to know His mind,
And swift as flames obey.He speaks, and at His fierce rebuke
Whole armies are dismayed;
His voice, His frown, His angry look,
Strikes all their courage dead.He forms our generals for the field,
With all their dreadful skill;
Gives them His awful sword to wield,
And makes their hearts of steel.He arms our captains to the fight,
Though there His name’s forgot;
He girded Cyrus with His might,
But Cyrus knew Him not.Oft has the Lord whole nations blessed
For His own church’s sake;
The powers that give His people rest,
Shall of His care partake.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:2] Come, Great Deliverer, Come
O hear my cry, be gracious now to me,
Come, Great Deliverer, come;
My soul bowed down is longing now for Thee,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
I’ve wandered far away o’er mountains cold,
I’ve wandered far away from home;
O take me now, and bring me to Thy fold,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.I have no place, no shelter from the night,
Come, Great Deliverer, come;
One look from Thee would give me life and light,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
My path is lone, and weary are my feet,
Come, Great Deliverer, come;
Mine eyes look up Thy loving smile to meet,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
Thou wilt not spurn contrition’s broken sigh,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.
Regard my prayer, and hear my humble cry,
Come, Great Deliverer, come.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 18:2] Rock Of Ages
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the blood,
From Thy wounded side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure;
Save from wrath and make me pure.Not the labor of my hands
Can fulfill Thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou alone.Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to the cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eyes shall close in death,
[originally When my eye-strings break in death]
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See Thee on Thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 31:19
[Psa 31:19] How Great The Goodness Kept In Store
How great the goodness kept in store
For those who fear Thee and adore
In meek humility.
How great the deeds with mercy fraught
Which openly Thy hand has wrought
For those who trust in Thee,
For those who trust in Thee.Secured by Thine unfailing grace,
In Thee they find a hiding place
When foes their plots devise;
A sure retreat Thou will prepare,
And keep them safely sheltered there,
When strife of tongues shall rise,
When strife of tongues shall rise.Blest be the Lord, for He has showed
While giving me a safe abode,
His love beyond compare;
Although His face He seemed to hide,
He ever heard me when I cried;
And made my wants His care,
And made my wants His care.Ye saints, Jehovah love and serve,
For He the faithful will preserve,
And shield from men of pride;
Be strong, and let your hearts be brave,
All ye that wait for Him to save,
In God the Lord confide,
In God the Lord confidePlay source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:19] Indulgent Lord, Thy Goodness Reigns
Indulgent Lord, Thy goodness reigns
Through all the wide, celestial plains;
And thence its streams redundant flow,
And cheer th’abodes of men below.Oh, give to every human heart
To taste and feel how good Thou art!
With grateful love and holy fear,
To know how blest Thy children are.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 36:7-9
[Psa 36:7] Brood O’er Us With Thy Sheltering Wing
Brood o’er us with Thy sheltering wing,
’Neath which our spirits blend
Like brother birds, that soar and sing,
And on the same branch bend.
The arrow that doth wound the dove
Darts not from those who watch and love.If thou the bending reed would break
By thought or word unkind,
Pray that His Spirit you partake,
Who loved and healed mankind:
Seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain,
That make men one in love remain.Learn, too, that wisdom’s rod is given
For faith to kiss, and know;
That greetings glorious from high heaven,
Whence joys supernal flow,
Come from that Love, divinely near,
Which chastens pride and earthborn fear.Through God, who gave that word of might
Which swelled creation’s lay:
“Let there be light, and there was light.”
What chased the clouds away?
’Twas Love whose finger traced aloud
A bow of promise on the cloud.Thou to whose power our hope we give,
Free us from human strife.
Fed by Thy love divine we live,
For Love alone is life;
And life most sweet, as heart to heart
Speaks kindly when we meet and part.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 36:9] After The Life-paths
After the lifepaths we’re treading
End upon time’s solemn shore,
There will be light at the river
While the redeemed ones pass o’er.Refrain
There will be light at the river,
There will be light at the river,
There will be light at the river,
While the redeemed ones pass o’er.There will be light for the spirits
Who thro’ deep shadows have come—
Fadeless light shining glad welcome
Out from the windows of home.Refrain
There will be light for the weary
Who thro’ sore trials have passed—
Radiant light as they enter,
Peace that for ever shall last.Refrain
There will be light for the faithful,
Whate’er the way they have trod—
Glorious light sent to guide them
Safe to the city of God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 36:9] Come To The Fountain
Come with thy sins to the fountain,
Come with thy burden of grief;
Bury them deep in its waters,
There thou wilt find a relief.Refrain
Haste thee away, why wilt thou stay?
Risk not thy soul on a moment’s delay;
Jesus is waiting to save thee,
Mercy is pleading today.Come as thou art to the fountain,
Jesus is waiting for thee;
What though thy sins are like crimson,
White as the snow they shall be.Refrain
These are the words of the Savior;
They who repent and believe,
They who are willing to trust Him,
Life at His hand shall receive.Refrain
Come and be healed at the fountain,
List to the peace speaking voice;
Over a sinner returning
Now let the angels rejoice.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 36:9] Morn Of Morns, And Day Of Days
Morn of morns, and day of days!
Beauteous were thy newborn rays:
Brighter yet from death’s dark prison
Christ, the Light of lights, is risen.He commanded, and His Word
Death and the dread chaos heard;
Oh, shall we, more deaf than they,
In the chains of darkness stay?Nature yet in shadow lies;
Let the sons of light arise,
And present the morning rays
With sweet canticles of praise.While the dead world sleeps around,
Let the sacred temples sound
Law, and prophet, and blest psalm
Lit with holy light so calm.Unto hearts in slumber weak
Let the heavenly trumpet speak;
And a newer walk express
Their new life to righteousness.Grant us this, and with us be,
O Thou Fount of charity,
Thou Who dost the Spirit give,
Bidding the dead letter live.Glory to the Father, Son,
And to Thee, O Holy One,
By Whose quickening breath divine
Our dull spirits turn and shine.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 36:9] Thou Art, O God, The Life And Light
Thou art, O God, the Life and Light
Of all this wondrous world we see;
Its glow by day, its smile by night,
Are but reflections caught from Thee;
Where’er we turn, Thy glories shine,
And all things fair and bright are Thine.When day, with farewell beam, delays
Among the opening clouds of even,
And we can almost think we gaze
Through golden vistas into Heaven,
Those hues, that make the sun’s decline
So soft, so radiant, Lord, are Thine.When night with wings of starry gloom
O’ershadows all the earth and skies,
Like some dark beauteous bird whose plume
Is sparkling with unnumbered eyes—
That sacred gloom, those fires divine,
So grand, so countless, Lord, are Thine.When youthful spring around us breathes,
Thy Spirit warms her fragrant sigh,
And every flower the summer wreathes
Is born beneath that kindling eye—
Where’er we turn, Thy glories shine,
And all things fair and bright are Thine.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Colossians 2:9
[Col 2:9] Celebrate Immanuel’s Name
Celebrate Immanuel’s Name, the Prince of life and peace.
God with us, our lips proclaim, our faithful hearts confess.
God is in our flesh revealed; Heav’n and earth in Jesus join.
Mortal with Immortal filled, and human with Divine.Fullness of the Deity in Jesus’ body dwells,
Dwells in all His saints and me when God His Son reveals.
Father, manifest Thy Son; breathe the true incarnate Word.
In our inmost souls make known the presence of the Lord.Let the Spirit of our Head through every member flow;
By our Lord inhabited, we then Immanuel know.
Then He doth His Name express; God in us we truly prove,
Find with all the life of grace and all the power of love.Play source: Cyberhymnal