NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Samuel 8:1--12:25


appointed ... sons <07760 01121> [A.M. 2892. B.C. 1112. An. Ex. Is. 379. made his.]

sons ... judges <08199 01121> [sons judges.]


Joel <03100> [Joel.]



sons <01121> [his sons.]

dishonestly ..... perverted <05186> [but turned.]


elders <02205> [the elders.]


appoint <07760> [now make.]


<03415> [displeased. Heb. was evil in the eyes of.]

prayed <06419> [prayed.]


Do <08085> [Hearken.]

rejected ......... rejected <03988> [they have not.]



say <08085 06963> [hearken unto. or, obey. howbeit, etc. or, notwithstanding when thou hast solemnly protested against them, then thou shalt shew, etc.]

policies <04941> [the manner.]


policies <04941> [This will.]

conscript <03947> [He will take.]

run <07323> [run.]


appoint <07760> [appoint.]

plow <02790> [and will set.]



administrators <05631> [officers. Heb. eunuchs.]


cry <02199> [cry out.]

Lord <03068> [and the Lord.]

"Hitherto," says Puffendorf, "the people of Israel had lived under governors raised up by God, who had exacted no tribute of them, nor put them to any charge; but little content with this form of government, they desire to have a king like other nations, who should live in magnificence and pomp, keep armies, and be able to resist any invasion. Samuel informs them what it was they desired; that, when they understood it, they might consider whether they would persist in their choice. If they would have a king splendidly attended, he tells them that he would take their sons for his chariots, etc.: if they would have him keep up constant forces, then he would appoint them for colonels and captains, and employ those in his wars who were accustomed to follow their family business; and since, after the manner of other kings, he must keep a stately court, they must be content that their daughters should serve in several offices, which the king would think below the dignity of his wives and daughters. (ver. 13.) In one word, that, to sustain his dignity, their king would exact the tenth of all they possessed, and be maintained in a royal manner out of their estates."

answer <06030> [will not hear.]


refused ... heed <03985 08085> [refused to obey.]



said <01696> [he rehearsed.]



Kish <07027> [Kish.]

[Cis. a Benjamite. or, the son of a man of Jemini. power. or, substance.]


young man <0970> [choice.]

shoulders <07926> [from his shoulders.]



hill country <02022> [mount.]

Shalisha <08031> [Shalisha.]

Shaalim <08171> [Shalim.]


Zuph <06689> [Zuph.]

becomes anxious <01672> [take thought.]


town <05892> [city.]

respected <03513> [an honourable.]

says <01696> [all that he saith.]


bring .................. take <0935> [what shall.]

bags ... used up <0235 03627> [spent in. Heb. gone out of, etc. there is not.]

We are not to suppose from this that the prophets took money to predict future events: Saul only refers to an invariable custom, that no man approached a superior without some present or another, however small in value. Dr. Pococke tells us of a present of fifty radishes! Other authors mention a flower, an orange, or similar trifles; and Mr. Bruce says, that one who wished to solicit a favour from him, presented him with about a score of dates! "I mention this trifling circumstance," says Mr. B. "to shew how essential to human and civil intercourse presents are considered to be in the East; whether it be dates, or whether it be diamonds, they are so much a part of their manners, that without them, an inferior will never be at peace in his own mind, or think that he has hold of his superior for protection. But superiors give no presents to their inferiors." Presents then are tokens of honour; not intended as offers of payment or enrichment.

[have we. Heb. is with us.]


happen to have .... hand <03027 04672> [I have here at hand. Heb. there is found in my hand.]



inquire <01875> [enquire.]

<07200> [a Seer.]


[Well said. Heb. Thy word is good.]


ascent .... town <04608 05892> [the hill to the city. Heb. in the ascent of the city. found.]


sacrifice <02077> [sacrifice. or, feast.]

high place <01116> [the high place.]


bless <01288> [he doth bless.]

time <03117> [this time. Heb. to-day.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

told Samuel <08050 0241 01540> [told Samuel in his ear. Heb. revealed the ear of Samuel.]


consecrate <04886> [thou shalt.]

people ....... people ........... looked ...... people <07200 05971> [looked upon.]


man <0376> [Behold.]

[reign over. Heb. restrain in.]


<07200> [the seer.]

The word {roaih} literally signifies one who sees; particularly preternatural sights. A seer and a prophet were the same in most cases; only with this difference, the seer was always a prophet, but the prophet was not always a seer. A seer seems to imply one who frequently met with and saw some symbolical representation of God. All prophets, true or false, profess to see God, (see Nu 24:4, 16. Jer 14:4;) and diviners, in their enthusiastic flights, boasted that they had those things exhibited to their sight which should come to pass.

tell <05046> [and will tell.]


three days <07969 03117> [three days ago. Heb. to-day three days.]


concerned <07760 03820> [set not.]

desire <02532> [on whom.]


Benjaminite <01145> [a Benjamite.]

family clan <04940> [my family.]

way <01697> [so to me. Heb. according to this word.]


head <07218> [in the chiefest.]


Give ......... gave <05414> [Bring.]


leg <07785> [the shoulder.]

Probably the shoulder was set before Saul, not because it was the best part, but because it was an emblem of the government to which he was now called. (See Isa 9:6.)

was kept <07604> [left. or, reserved.]


down <03381> [And when.]

roof <01406> [the top.]


Samuel ............................. Samuel <08050> [Samuel.]

Saul had no doubt slept there all night, as is usual in the East; and now, being the break of day, "Samuel called to Saul on the top of the house:" there was no calling him to the top of the house a second time; he was sleeping there, and Samuel called him up.

Get ............. got <06965> [Up.]


Tell ... servant <0559 05288> [Bid the servant.]

awhile <03117> [a while. Heb. to-day. that I may.]


container <06378> [a vial.]

kissed .... said <05401 0559> [kissed him.]

leader <05057> [captain.]

inheritance <05159> [his inheritance.]


Rachel's <07354> [Rachel's.]

Zelzah <06766> [Zelzah.]

donkeys .................. donkeys <0860> [The asses.]

concerned about <01697> [care. Heb. business.]


Tabor <08396> [Tabor.]

Bethel <01008> [Beth-el.]

three .................... three young goats ........ three <07969 01423> [three kids.]


give <07965 05414> [salute thee. Heb. ask thee of peace.]


Gibeah ... God <0430 01389> [hill of God.]

company <02256> [a company.]

harps <05035> [a psaltery.]


spirit <07307> [Spirit.]

different person <0376 0312> [another man.]


signs <0226> [let it be. Heb. it shall come to pass that, etc. signs.]

do ..... finds <04672 06213> [that thou do as occasion, etc. Heb. do for thee as thine hand shall find.]

God <0430> [God.]


Gilgal <01537> [to Gilgal.]


turned <07926> [back. Heb. shoulder. gave. Heb. turned. another heart.]


signs <0226> [and all those signs.]

The following history of Saul is given by the Afghans, a people generally supposed to be of Jewish origin: "In a war which raged between the children of Israel and the Amalekites, the latter being victorious, plundered the Jews, and obtained possession of the ark of the covenant. Considering this [as] the God of the Jews, they threw it into the fire, which did not affect it. They afterwards attempted to cleave it with axes, but without success: every individual who treated it with indignity, was punished for his temerity. They then placed it in their temple; but all their idols bowed to it. At length they fastened it upon a cow, which they turned loose in the wilderness. When the prophet Samuel arose, the children of Israel said to him, 'We have been totally subdued by the Amalekites, and have no king. Raise to us a king, that we may be enabled to contend for the glory of God.' Samuel said, 'In case you are led out to battle, are you determined to fight?' They answered, 'What has befallen us, that we should not fight against infidels? That nation has banished us from our country and children.' At this time the angel Gabriel descended, and delivering a wand, said, 'It is the command of God, that the person whose stature shall correspond with this wand, shall be king of Israel.' Melec T l£t was at that time a man of inferior condition, and performed the humble employment of feeding the goats and cows of others. One day, a cow under his charge was accidentally lost. Being disappointed in his searches, he was greatly distressed, and applied to Samuel saying, 'I have lost a cow, and I do not possess the means of satisfying the owner. Pray for me that I may be extricated from this difficulty.' Samuel perceiving that he was a man of lofty stature, asked his name. He answered, T l£t. Samuel then said, 'Measure T l£t with the wand which the angel Gabriel brought.' His stature was equal to it. Samuel then said, 'God has raised T l£t to be your king.' The children of Israel answered, 'We are greater than our king. We are men of dignity, and he is of inferior condition. How shall he be our king?' Samuel informed them, they should know that God had constituted T l£t king, by his restoring the ark of the covenant. He accordingly restored it, and they acknowledged him their sovereign." Asiatic Researches, vol. ii. p. 119, et seq.


arrived <0935> [they came.]


known <03045> [when all.]

one another <0376 07453> [one to another. Heb. a man to his neighbour. What is this.]

Saul <07586> [Is Saul.]


<06030> [of the same place. Heb. from thence. who is their.]


asked ........... replied <0559> [And he said.]

lost <0369> [no where.]


matter <01697> [matter.]


Lord <03068> [unto the Lord.]


said <0559> [Thus saith.]


today .................. said <03117 0559> [And ye have.]

tribes <07626> [by your tribes.]


tribes ....... tribe <07626> [caused.]


inquired <07592> [enquired.]

hidden <02244> [hid.]


When <01361> [he was higher.]


see ...... Lord <07200 03068> [See ye him.]

live ... king <02421 04428> [God save the king. Heb. Let the king live.]



Gibeah <01390> [Gibeah.]

hearts <03820> [whose hearts.]


men <01121> [children.]

bring .... gift <0935 04503> [brought him.]

nothing <02790> [he held his peace. or, he was as though he had been deaf.]


Nahash ................ Nahash <05176> [Nahash.]

In the Vulgate this chapter begins thus: {Et factum est quasi post mensem,} "And it came to pass about a month after;" which is also the reading of the principal copies of the Septuagint; and is also found in Josephus, though it appears to be of little authority.

Jabesh ....... Jabesh <03003> [Jabesh-gilead.]

Make <03772> [Make.]


<02063> [On this.]

gouge <05365> [thrust.]

humiliate <02781> [reproach.]


seven <07651> [Give us. Heb. Forbear us.]


Gibeah <01390> [to Gibeah.]

loudly <05375> [lifted up.]


behind ... oxen <0310 01241> [after the herd.]

people <05971> [What aileth.]


Spirit ... God <0430 07307> [Spirit of God.]

angry <0639> [his anger.]


took <03947> [he took.]

The sending the pieces of the oxen was an act similar to that of the Levite, Jud 19:29, where see the Note. An eminent Scotch writer describes the rites, incantations, and imprecations used prior to the fiery cross being circulated, to summon the rough warriors of ancient times to the service of their chief; and he alludes to this ancient custom, which in comparatively modern times, has been practised in Scotland; and proves that a similar punishment of death, or destruction of their houses, for disobeying the summons, was inflicted by the ancient Scandinavians, as recorded by Olaus Magnus, in his History of the Goths. This bears a striking similarity to the ancient custom of the Israelites. With the Highlanders, a goat was slain; with the Israelites, an ox. The exhibition of a cross, stained with the blood of the sacrificed animal, was the summons of the former, while part of the animal, was the mandate of the latter. Disobedience in one nation was punished with the death of themselves or oxen, and burning of their dwellings in the other.

cut <05408> [hewed.]

out ............................. out <03318> [Whosoever.]

terror <06343> [the fear.]

one <0259 0376> [with one consent. Heb. as one man.]


Bezek <0966> [Bezek.]

Israelites <01121> [the children.]


deliverance <08668> [help. or, deliverance.]


Tomorrow <04279> [To-morrow.]


next day <04283> [on the morrow.]

three <07969> [in three.]

morning <01242> [morning.]

struck ... down <05221> [slew.]

two <08147> [so that two.]


<0559> [Who is he.]


<0376> [There shall.]

Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


<03212> [let us go.]

renew <02318> [renew.]


Lord's presence .......... Lord's presence <06440 03068> [before the Lord.]

offered up <02076> [sacrificed.]

very happy <08055 03966> [rejoiced greatly.]


done <08085> [Behold.]

given <04427> [have made.]


walks ..................... walked <01980> [walketh.]

old <02204> [I am old.]

sons <01121> [my sons.]

walks ..................... walked <01980> [I have walked.]


chosen king <04899> [his anointed.]

ox <07794> [whose ox.]

bribe <03724> [bribe. Heb. ransom. blind mine eyes. or, that I should hide mine eyes at him.]

return <07725> [I will.]



Lord <03068> [The Lord.]

chosen king <04899> [his anointed.]

found <04672> [ye have.]

<03027> [in my hand.]


Lord <03068> [It is the Lord.]

chose <06213> [advanced. or, made.]


confront <08199> [reason.]

just <06666> [righteous acts. Heb. righteousnesses or benefits.]

ancestors <01> [to. Heb. with.]


Jacob <03290> [Jacob.]

cried <02199> [cried.]

sent Moses <07971 04872> [sent Moses.]

led <03318> [brought.]

settled <03427> [made them.]


forgot <07911> [forgat.]

gave <04376> [he sold.]

Philistines <06430> [of the Philistines.]

hand .............. hand ........ hand <03027> [into the.]


cried <02199> [And they.]

Baals <01168> [Baalim.]

deliver <05337> [deliver.]


Jerub-Baal <03378> [Jerubbaal.]

Barak <0917> [Bedan.]

Bedan, whose name occurs no where else as a judge of Israel, Bp. Patrick and others suppose to be a contraction of {ben Dan,} "the son of Dan;" by which they suppose Samson is meant, as the Targum reads. The LXX., Syriac, and Arabic, however, instead of Bedan read Barak; and the two latter versions, instead of Samuel have Samson. These readings are adopted by Houbigant, and appear to be genuine; for it is not probable that Samuel would enumerate himself.

Jephthah <03316> [Jephthah.]

Samuel <08050> [Samuel.]


Nahash <05176> [Nahash.]

King ................ king .............. king <04428> [Nay.]

Lord <03068> [when the Lord.]


king ............. Lord ...... king <04428 03068> [behold.]

chosen ...... asked <0977 07592> [whom ye.]

asked <07592> [have desired.]


fear <03372> [If ye will.]

says <06310> [commandment. Heb. mouth. continue. Heb. be after.]


obey <08085> [But if ye.]

says .............. king <06310 01> [against.]



positions <03320> [stand.]


wheat <02406> [Is it.]

In northern latitudes, thunder and rain are far from being un-common during harvest. But rain is hardly ever known in Palestine during that season, which commences about the end of June, or beginning of July. This fact is abundantly confirmed by modern travellers, and is demonstrative to every unprejudiced reader of the Holy Scriptures, that the thunder and rain, which at Samuel's invocation, was sent at this season of the year, was a miraculous interposition of the power of God; for we read in ver. 16, it was a "great thing which the Lord will do." Thus were the Israelites warned of their sin in having asked a king, and of the omnipotence of that God, whose gracious promises they virtually neglected by this act.

call <07121> [I will call.]

sin <07451> [your wickedness.]


made ... thunder <05414 06963> [sent thunder.]

afraid <03372> [feared.]


Pray ............ servants <06419 05650> [Pray for thy.]


afraid <03372 06213> [Fear not.]

turn <05493> [turn not.]


empty ..... profit ........ empty <08414 03276> [vain things.]

profit <03276> [cannot profit.]


Lord ................ Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

great <01419> [for his great.]

uphold <02974> [it hath.]


far be it from me <02486> [God forbid.]

ceasing <02308> [in ceasing. Heb. from ceasing. I will teach.]

good <02896> [the good.]


fear ... Lord <03068 03372> [fear the Lord.]

faithfully <0571> [in truth.]

look <07200> [consider.]

great <01431> [how great things. or, what a great thing, etc.]


evil <07489> [But if.]

king <04428> [ye and.]

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