Acts 13:50
Jews <2453> [the Jews.]
God-fearing <4576> [devout.]
high social standing <2158> [honourable.]
and ........ stirred up ..... and ... and <2532 1892> [and raised.]
and ............. and ... and threw <2532 1544> [and expelled.]
Acts 14:19
came <1904> [Cir. A.M. 4051. A.D. 47. there.]
after winning .... over <3982> [persuaded.]
stoned <3034> [having.]
dragged <4951> [drew.]
presuming <3543> [supposing.]
Jude 1:18
<2071> [there.]
propelled <4198> [who.]
Jude 1:1
[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]
Jude <2455> [Jude.]
[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]
a slave <1401> [the servant.]
<37> [them.]
kept <5083> [preserved.]
called <2822> [and called.]
Colossians 1:1-2
an apostle <652> [an.]
Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]
saints <40> [the saints.]
faithful <4103> [faithful.]
Grace <5485> [Grace.]
Colossians 1:23-27
you remain <1961> [ye continue.]
established <2311> [grounded.]
shifting <3334> [moved.]
hope <1680> [the hope.]
in <1722> [to.]
under <5259> [under.]
that <3739> [whereof.]
I rejoice <5463> [rejoice.]
I fill up <466> [fill.]
for ............. sake <5228> [for.]
according to <2596> [according.]
to complete <4137> [to fulfil. or, fully to preach.]
mystery <3466> [the mystery.]
<3570> [now.]
<3739> [whom.]
riches <4149> [the riches.]
Christ <5547> [Christ.]
among ....... in you <1722 5213> [in you. or, among you. the hope.]
Philippians 2:29-30
welcome <4327> [Receive.]
with <3326> [with.]
and <2532> [and.]
in ........ honor ... like <1722 2192 5108 1784> [hold such in reputation. or, honour such.]
work <2041> [the work.]
risked <1448> [nigh.]
so <2443> [to.]