Acts 2:22-47
Men ........... a man <435> [men.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
Men ........... a man <435> [a man.]
that <3739> [which.]
<1560> [being.]
<2983> [ye have.]
God <2316> [God.]
having released <3089> [loosed.]
because <2530> [because.]
David <1138> [David.]
<4308> [I foresaw.]
I will ... be shaken <4531 3363> [I should not.]
my ...... my tongue ... my <3450 1100> [my tongue.]
you will ... leave <1459> [leave.]
your <4675> [thine.]
to experience <1492> [to see.]
have made known <1107> [made.]
you will make ... full <4137> [make.]
[let me. or, I may. freely.]
forefather <3966> [the patriarch.]
David <1138> [David.]
was <5225> [being.]
knew <1492> [knowing.]
with an oath <3727> [with.]
<450> [he.]
by foreseeing <4275> [seeing.]
spoke <2980> [spake.]
<3739> [whereof.]
right hand <1188> [by.]
having received <2983> [having.]
he has poured out <1632> [he.]
Lord ..... lord <2962> [The Lord.]
your enemies ..... your <4675 2190> [thy foes.]
all <3956> [all.]
this <5126> [that same.]
when ... heard ... they were acutely distressed <191 2660> [they.]
brothers <435> [Men.]
What <5101> [what.]
Repent <3340> [Repent.]
be baptized <907> [be.]
<1909> [in.]
and .................... and you will receive <2532 2983> [and ye.]
promise <1860> [the promise.]
and .... and for all <2532 3956> [and to all.]
as many as <3745> [as many.]
many <4119> [with.]
he testified <1263> [did.]
Save yourselves <4982> [Save.]
perverse <4646> [untoward.]
<780> [gladly.]
were baptized <907> [were baptized.]
were added <4369> [added.]
<2258> [they.]
fellowship <2842> [fellowship.]
breaking <2800> [in breaking.]
and ......... and ... prayer <1161 2532 4335> [and in prayers.]
Reverential awe <5401> [fear.]
many <4183> [many.]
<2192> [had.]
they began selling <4097> [sold.]
distributing <1266> [parted.]
Every ................. from house to house <2596> [daily.]
breaking <2806> [breaking.]
Every ................. from house to house <2596 3624> [from house to house. or, at home.]
sharing <3335> [did.]
humble <858> [singleness.]
having <2192> [having.]
Lord <2962> [the Lord.]