Hebrews 1:3
radiance <541> [the brightness.]
representation <5481> [image.]
sustains <5342> [upholding.]
word <4487> [the word.]
he sat down <2523> [sat.]
Majesty <3172> [Majesty.]
Hebrews 2:9-10
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
[for the. or, by the. crowned.]
grace <5485> [by.]
he would experience <1089> [taste.]
on behalf of everyone <1223 5228 3956> [for every.]
it was fitting <4241> [it.]
For ....... for .... through .................... through <1063 1223> [for.]
many <4183> [many.]
glory <1391> [glory.]
pioneer <747> [the captain.]
to make ....... perfect <5048> [perfect.]
Hebrews 2:17
he had <3784> [it.]
a merciful <1655> [a merciful.]
to make atonement <1519 2433> [to make.]
Hebrews 3:6
as <5613> [as.]
<3739> [whose.]
if <1437> [if.]
pride <2745> [rejoicing.]
Hebrews 6:1
move on <863> [leaving.]
elementary instructions <3056 746> [principles of the doctrine. or, word of the beginning.]
we must progress <5342> [let.]
laying <2598> [laying.]
repentance <3341> [repentance.]
dead <3498> [dead.]
faith <4102> [faith.]
Hebrews 7:1
this <3778> [this.]
Salem <4532> [Salem.]
most high <5310> [the most.]
defeating <2871> [the slaughter.]
Hebrews 7:5
<3588> [who.]
to collect a tithe <586> [to take.]
are descendants <1831> [come.]
Hebrews 7:11
perfection <5050> [perfection.]
[Teleiosis <\\See definition 5050\\>,] completion, or fulfilment of the plan and purpose of God.
what <5101> [what.]
another <2087> [another.]
Hebrews 8:5
a sketch <5262> [unto.]
[Hupodeigmati kai <\\See definition 2532\\> skia <\\See definition 4639\\>,] or, "with the representation and shadow," as Dr. Macknight renders.
a sketch <5262> [the example.]
See <3708> [See.]
design <5179> [pattern.]
[Tupos <\\See definition 5179\\>,] type, plan, or form.
Hebrews 9:15
mediator <3316> [the mediator.]
of a new <2537> [the new.]
<1096> [means.]
first <4413> [the first.]
are called <2564> [they which.]
promised <1860> [promise.]
eternal <166> [eternal.]
Hebrews 10:16
Hebrews 11:4-5
By faith <4102> [faith.]
a greater <4119> [a more.]
he was commended ...... commended <3140> [he obtained.]
through ................ And through <1223 2532> [and by.]
he still speaks <2089 2980> [yet speaketh. or, is yet spoken of.]
Enoch <1802> [Enoch.]
was taken up .................. took ... up <3346> [translated.]
and he was ... to be found <2532 2147> [and was.]
he had been commended <3140> [this testimony.]
see ....................... as having pleased <1492 2100> [that he.]
Hebrews 11:7
Noah <3575> [Noah.]
when ... was warned <5537> [warned.]
not yet <3369> [things.]
with reverent regard <2125> [moved with fear. or, being wary.]
constructed <2680> [prepared.]
he condemned <2632> [he condemned.]
righteousness <1343> [righteousness.]
Hebrews 12:2
keeping ... eyes fixed <872> [Looking.]
pioneer <747> [the author. or, the beginner.]
perfecter <5051> [finisher.]
For <473> [for.]
he endured <5278> [endured.]
disregarding <2706> [despising.]
and ..................... has taken ... seat <2532 5037 2523> [and is.]
Hebrews 12:15
See <1983> [Looking.]
one ........... one <5100> [any man.]
comes short of <5302 575> [fail of. or, fall from.]
one ........... one ...... root <5100 4491> [any root.]
causing trouble <1776> [trouble.]
and through <1223 2532> [and thereby.]