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Ezekiel 25:1--35:15

The word
of the LORD
came again unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<07760> (8798)
thy face
against the Ammonites
<01121> <05983>_,
and prophesy
<05012> (8734)
against them;
And say
<0559> (8804)
unto the Ammonites
<01121> <05983>_,
<08085> (8798)
the word
of the Lord
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Because thou saidst
<0559> (8800)_,
against my sanctuary
when it was profaned
<02490> (8738)_;
and against the land
of Israel
when it was desolate
<08074> (8738)_;
and against the house
of Judah
when they went
<01980> (8804)
into captivity
Behold, therefore I will deliver
<05414> (8802)
thee to the men
of the east
for a possession
and they shall set
<03427> (8765)
their palaces
in thee, and make
<05414> (8804)
their dwellings
in thee: they shall eat
<0398> (8799)
thy fruit
and they shall drink
<08354> (8799)
thy milk
{men: Heb. children}
And I will make
<05414> (8804)
a stable
for camels
and the Ammonites
<01121> <05983>
a couchingplace
for flocks
and ye shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Because thou hast clapped
<04222> (8763)
[thine] hands
and stamped
<07554> (8800)
with the feet
and rejoiced
<08055> (8799)
in heart
with all thy despite
against the land
of Israel
{hands: Heb. hand} {feet: Heb. foot} {heart: Heb. soul}
Behold, therefore I will stretch out
<05186> (8804)
mine hand
upon thee, and will deliver
<05414> (8804)
thee for a spoil
<0957> (8675) <0897>
to the heathen
and I will cut thee off
<03772> (8689)
from the people
and I will cause thee to perish
<06> (8689)
out of the countries
I will destroy
<08045> (8686)
thee; and thou shalt know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
{a spoil: or, meat}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
that Moab
and Seir
do say
<0559> (8800)_,
Behold, the house
of Judah
[is] like unto all the heathen
Therefore, behold, I will open
<06605> (8802)
the side
of Moab
from the cities
from his cities
[which are] on his frontiers
the glory
of the country
and Kiriathaim
{side...: Heb. shoulder of Moab}
Unto the men
of the east
with the Ammonites
<01121> <05983>_,
and will give
<05414> (8804)
them in possession
that the Ammonites
<01121> <05983>
may not be remembered
<02142> (8735)
among the nations
{with...: or, against the children of Ammon}
And I will execute
<06213> (8799)
upon Moab
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Because that Edom
hath dealt
<06213> (8800)
against the house
of Judah
by taking
<05358> (8800)
and hath greatly
<0816> (8800)
<0816> (8799)_,
and revenged
<05358> (8738)
himself upon them; {by...: Heb. by revenging revengement}
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
I will also stretch out
<05186> (8804)
mine hand
upon Edom
and will cut off
<03772> (8689)
and beast
from it; and I will make
<05414> (8804)
it desolate
from Teman
and they of Dedan
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
by the sword
{they...: or, they shall fall by the sword unto Dedan}
And I will lay
<05414> (8804)
my vengeance
upon Edom
by the hand
of my people
and they shall do
<06213> (8804)
in Edom
according to mine anger
and according to my fury
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
my vengeance
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Because the Philistines
have dealt
<06213> (8800)
by revenge
and have taken
<05358> (8735)
with a despiteful
to destroy
[it] for the old
{for the...: or, with perpetual hatred}
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I will stretch out
<05186> (8802)
mine hand
upon the Philistines
and I will cut off
<03772> (8689)
the Cherethims
and destroy
<06> (8689)
the remnant
of the sea
{sea coast: or, haven of the sea}
And I will execute
<06213> (8804)
upon them with furious
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
when I shall lay
<05414> (8800)
my vengeance
upon them. {great vengeance: Heb. great vengeances}
And it came to pass in the eleventh
<06249> <06240>
in the first
[day] of the month
[that] the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
because that Tyrus
hath said
<0559> (8804)
against Jerusalem
she is broken
<07665> (8738)
[that was] the gates
of the people
she is turned
<05437> (8738)
unto me: I shall be replenished
<04390> (8735)_,
[now] she is laid waste
<02717> (8717)_:
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I [am] against thee, O Tyrus
and will cause many
to come up
<05927> (8689)
against thee, as the sea
causeth his waves
to come up
<05927> (8687)_.
And they shall destroy
<07843> (8765)
the walls
of Tyrus
and break down
<02040> (8804)
her towers
I will also scrape
<05500> (8765)
her dust
from her, and make
<05414> (8804)
her like the top
of a rock
It shall be [a place for] the spreading
of nets
in the midst
of the sea
for I have spoken
<01696> (8765)
[it], saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
and it shall become a spoil
to the nations
And her daughters
which [are] in the field
shall be slain
<02026> (8735)
by the sword
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I will bring
<0935> (8688)
upon Tyrus
of Babylon
a king
of kings
from the north
with horses
and with chariots
and with horsemen
and companies
and much
He shall slay
<02026> (8799)
with the sword
thy daughters
in the field
and he shall make
<05414> (8804)
a fort
against thee, and cast
<08210> (8804)
a mount
against thee, and lift up
<06965> (8689)
the buckler
against thee. {cast...: or, pour out the engine of shot}
And he shall set
<05414> (8799)
of war
against thy walls
and with his axes
he shall break down
<05422> (8799)
thy towers
By reason of the abundance
of his horses
their dust
shall cover
<03680> (8762)
thee: thy walls
shall shake
<07493> (8799)
at the noise
of the horsemen
and of the wheels
and of the chariots
when he shall enter
<0935> (8800)
into thy gates
as men enter
into a city
wherein is made a breach
<01234> (8794)_.
{as men...: Heb. according to the enterings of a city broken up}
With the hoofs
of his horses
shall he tread down
<07429> (8799)
all thy streets
he shall slay
<02026> (8799)
thy people
by the sword
and thy strong
shall go down
<03381> (8799)
to the ground
And they shall make a spoil
<07997> (8804)
of thy riches
and make a prey
<0962> (8804)
of thy merchandise
and they shall break down
<02040> (8804)
thy walls
and destroy
<05422> (8799)
thy pleasant
and they shall lay
<07760> (8799)
thy stones
and thy timber
and thy dust
in the midst
of the water
{thy pleasant...: Heb. houses of thy desire}
And I will cause the noise
of thy songs
to cease
<07673> (8689)_;
and the sound
of thy harps
shall be no more heard
<08085> (8735)_.
And I will make
<05414> (8804)
thee like the top
of a rock
thou shalt be [a place] to spread
<04894> (0)
thou shalt be built
<01129> (8735)
no more: for I the LORD
have spoken
<01696> (8765)
[it], saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
to Tyrus
Shall not the isles
<07493> (8799)
at the sound
of thy fall
when the wounded
<0602> (8800)_,
when the slaughter
is made
<02026> (8736)
in the midst
of thee?
Then all the princes
of the sea
shall come down
<03381> (8804)
from their thrones
and lay away
<05493> (8689)
their robes
and put off
<06584> (8799)
their broidered
they shall clothe
<03847> (8799)
themselves with trembling
they shall sit
<03427> (8799)
upon the ground
and shall tremble
<02729> (8804)
at [every] moment
and be astonished
<08074> (8804)
at thee. {trembling: Heb. tremblings}
And they shall take up
<05375> (8804)
a lamentation
for thee, and say
<0559> (8804)
to thee, How art thou destroyed
<06> (8804)_,
[that wast] inhabited
<03427> (8737)
of seafaring men
the renowned
<01984> (8794)
which wast strong
in the sea
she and her inhabitants
<03427> (8802)_,
which cause
<05414> (8804)
their terror
[to be] on all that haunt
<03427> (8802)
it! {of...: Heb. of the seas}
Now shall the isles
<02729> (8799)
in the day
of thy fall
yea, the isles
that [are] in the sea
shall be troubled
<0926> (8738)
at thy departure
<03318> (8800)_.
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
When I shall make
<05414> (8800)
thee a desolate
<02717> (8737)
like the cities
that are not inhabited
<03427> (8738)_;
when I shall bring up
<05927> (8687)
the deep
upon thee, and great
shall cover
<03680> (8765)
When I shall bring thee down
<03381> (8689)
with them that descend
<03381> (8802)
into the pit
with the people
of old time
and shall set
<03427> (8689)
thee in the low parts
of the earth
in places desolate
of old
with them that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the pit
that thou be not inhabited
<03427> (8799)_;
and I shall set
<05414> (8804)
in the land
of the living
I will make
<05414> (8799)
thee a terror
and thou [shalt be] no [more]: though thou be sought for
<01245> (8792)_,
yet shalt thou never
be found
<04672> (8735)
again, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
{a terror: Heb. terrors}
The word
of the LORD
came again unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
Now, thou son
of man
take up
<05375> (8798)
a lamentation
for Tyrus
And say
<0559> (8804)
unto Tyrus
O thou that art situate
<03427> (8802)
at the entry
of the sea
[which art] a merchant
<07402> (8802)
of the people
for many
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
O Tyrus
thou hast said
<0559> (8804)_,
I [am] of perfect
{of perfect...: Heb. perfect of beauty}
Thy borders
[are] in the midst
of the seas
thy builders
<01129> (8802)
have perfected
<03634> (8804)
thy beauty
{midst: Heb. heart}
They have made
<01129> (8804)
all thy [ship] boards
of fir trees
of Senir
they have taken
<03947> (8804)
from Lebanon
to make
<06213> (8800)
for thee. {made: Heb. built}
[Of] the oaks
of Bashan
have they made
<06213> (8804)
thine oars
the company
of the Ashurites
have made
<06213> (8804)
thy benches
[of] ivory
[brought] out of the isles
of Chittim
{the company...: or, they have made thy hatches of ivory well trodden} {company: Heb. daughter}
Fine linen
with broidered work
from Egypt
was that which thou spreadest forth
to be thy sail
and purple
from the isles
of Elishah
was that which covered
thee. {blue...: or, purple and scarlet}
The inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Zidon
and Arvad
were thy mariners
<07751> (8801)_:
thy wise
[men], O Tyrus
[that] were in thee, were thy pilots
The ancients
of Gebal
and the wise
[men] thereof were in thee thy calkers
<0919> <02388> (8688)_:
all the ships
of the sea
with their mariners
were in thee to occupy
<06148> (8800)
thy merchandise
{calkers: or, stoppers of chinks: Heb. strengtheners, etc}
They of Persia
and of Lud
and of Phut
were in thine army
thy men
of war
they hanged
<08518> (8765)
the shield
and helmet
in thee; they set forth
<05414> (8804)
thy comeliness
The men
of Arvad
with thine army
[were] upon thy walls
round about
and the Gammadims
were in thy towers
they hanged
<08518> (8765)
their shields
upon thy walls
round about
they have made
<03634> (0)
thy beauty
<03634> (8804)_.
[was] thy merchant
<05503> (8802)
by reason of the multitude
of all [kind of] riches
with silver
and lead
they traded
<05414> (8804)
in thy fairs
and Meshech
they [were] thy merchants
<07402> (8802)_:
they traded
<05414> (8804)
the persons
of men
and vessels
of brass
in thy market
{market: or, merchandise}
They of the house
of Togarmah
<05414> (8804)
in thy fairs
with horses
and horsemen
and mules
The men
of Dedan
[were] thy merchants
<07402> (8802)_;
[were] the merchandise
of thine hand
they brought
<07725> (8689)
thee [for] a present
of ivory
and ebony
[was] thy merchant
<05503> (8802)
by reason of the multitude
of the wares of thy making
they occupied
<05414> (8804)
in thy fairs
with emeralds
and broidered work
and fine linen
and coral
and agate
{the wares...: Heb. thy works} {agate: or, chrysoprase}
and the land
of Israel
they [were] thy merchants
<07402> (8802)_:
they traded
<05414> (8804)
in thy market
of Minnith
and Pannag
and honey
and oil
and balm
{balm: or, rosin}
[was] thy merchant
<05503> (8802)
in the multitude
of the wares of thy making
for the multitude
of all riches
in the wine
of Helbon
and white
<02051> (8676) <01835>
also and Javan
going to and fro
<0235> (8794)
<05414> (8804)
in thy fairs
and calamus
were in thy market
{going...: or, Meuzal}
[was] thy merchant
<07402> (8802)
in precious
for chariots
{precious...: Heb. clothes of freedom}
and all the princes
of Kedar
they occupied
<05503> (0)
with thee
in lambs
and rams
and goats
in these [were they] thy merchants
<05503> (8802)_.
{they occupied...: Heb. they were the merchants of thy hand}
The merchants
<07402> (8802)
of Sheba
and Raamah
they [were] thy merchants
<07402> (8802)_:
they occupied
<05414> (8804)
in thy fairs
with chief
of all spices
and with all precious
and gold
and Canneh
and Eden
the merchants
<07402> (8802)
of Sheba
[and] Chilmad
[were] thy merchants
<07402> (8802)_.
These [were] thy merchants
<07402> (8802)
in all sorts
[of things], in blue
and broidered work
and in chests
of rich apparel
<02280> (8803)
with cords
and made of cedar
among thy merchandise
{all...: or, excellent things} {clothes: Heb. foldings}
The ships
of Tarshish
did sing
<07788> (8802)
of thee in thy market
and thou wast replenished
<04390> (8735)_,
and made very
<03513> (8799)
in the midst
of the seas
Thy rowers
<07751> (8801)
have brought
<0935> (8689)
thee into great
the east
hath broken
<07665> (8804)
thee in the midst
of the seas
{midst: Heb. heart}
Thy riches
and thy fairs
thy merchandise
thy mariners
and thy pilots
thy calkers
<0919> <02388> (8688)_,
and the occupiers
<06148> (8802)
of thy merchandise
and all thy men
of war
that [are] in thee, and in all thy company
which [is] in the midst
of thee, shall fall
<05307> (8799)
into the midst
of the seas
in the day
of thy ruin
{and in...: or, even with all} {midst of the seas: Heb. heart, etc}
The suburbs
shall shake
<07493> (8799)
at the sound
of the cry
of thy pilots
{suburbs: or, waves}
And all that handle
<08610> (8802)
the oar
the mariners
[and] all the pilots
of the sea
shall come down
<03381> (8804)
from their ships
they shall stand
<05975> (8799)
upon the land
And shall cause their voice
to be heard
<08085> (8689)
against thee, and shall cry
<02199> (8799)
and shall cast up
<05927> (8686)
upon their heads
they shall wallow
<06428> (8691)
themselves in the ashes
And they shall make themselves utterly
<07139> (8689)
for thee, and gird
<02296> (8804)
them with sackcloth
and they shall weep
<01058> (8804)
for thee with bitterness
of heart
[and] bitter
And in their wailing
they shall take up
<05375> (8804)
a lamentation
for thee, and lament
<06969> (8790)
over thee, [saying], What [city is] like Tyrus
like the destroyed
in the midst
of the sea
When thy wares
went forth
<03318> (8800)
out of the seas
thou filledst
<07646> (8689)
thou didst enrich
<06238> (8689)
the kings
of the earth
with the multitude
of thy riches
and of thy merchandise
In the time
[when] thou shalt be broken
<07665> (8737)
by the seas
in the depths
of the waters
thy merchandise
and all thy company
in the midst
of thee shall fall
<05307> (8804)_.
All the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of the isles
shall be astonished
<08074> (8804)
at thee, and their kings
shall be sore
<08175> (8804)_,
they shall be troubled
<07481> (8804)
in [their] countenance
The merchants
<05503> (8802)
among the people
shall hiss
<08319> (8804)
at thee; thou shalt be a terror
and never [shalt be] any more
<05704> <05769>_.
{a terror: Heb. terrors} {never...: Heb. shalt not be for ever}
The word
of the LORD
came again unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<0559> (8798)
unto the prince
of Tyrus
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Because thine heart
[is] lifted up
<01361> (8804)_,
and thou hast said
<0559> (8799)_,
I [am] a God
I sit
<03427> (8804)
[in] the seat
of God
in the midst
of the seas
yet thou [art] a man
and not God
though thou set
<05414> (8799)
thine heart
as the heart
of God
{midst: Heb. heart}
Behold, thou [art] wiser
than Daniel
there is no secret
<05640> (8803)
that they can hide
<06004> (8804)
from thee:
With thy wisdom
and with thine understanding
thou hast gotten
<06213> (8804)
thee riches
and hast gotten
<06213> (8799)
and silver
into thy treasures
By thy great
[and] by thy traffick
hast thou increased
<07235> (8689)
thy riches
and thine heart
is lifted up
<01361> (8799)
because of thy riches
{thy great...: Heb. the greatness of thy wisdom}
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Because thou hast set
<05414> (8800)
thine heart
as the heart
of God
Behold, therefore I will bring
<0935> (8688)
<02114> (8801)
upon thee, the terrible
of the nations
and they shall draw
<07324> (8689)
their swords
against the beauty
of thy wisdom
and they shall defile
<02490> (8765)
thy brightness
They shall bring thee down
<03381> (8686)
to the pit
and thou shalt die
<04191> (8804)
the deaths
of [them that are] slain
in the midst
of the seas
Wilt thou yet
<0559> (8800)
<0559> (8799)
him that slayeth
<02026> (8802)
thee, I [am] God
but thou [shalt be] a man
and no God
in the hand
of him that slayeth
<02490> (8764)
thee. {of him that slayeth: or, of him that woundeth}
Thou shalt die
<04191> (8799)
the deaths
of the uncircumcised
by the hand
of strangers
<02114> (8801)_:
for I have spoken
<01696> (8765)
[it], saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
Moreover the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
take up
<05375> (8798)
a lamentation
upon the king
of Tyrus
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto him, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Thou sealest up
<02856> (8802)
the sum
of wisdom
and perfect
in beauty
Thou hast been in Eden
the garden
of God
every precious
[was] thy covering
the sardius
and the diamond
the beryl
the onyx
and the jasper
the sapphire
the emerald
and the carbuncle
and gold
the workmanship
of thy tabrets
and of thy pipes
was prepared
<03559> (8797)
in thee in the day
that thou wast created
<01254> (8736)_.
{sardius: or, ruby} {beryl: or, chrysolite} {emerald: or, chrysoprase}
Thou [art] the anointed
that covereth
<05526> (8802)_;
and I have set
<05414> (8804)
thee [so]: thou wast upon the holy
of God
thou hast walked up and down
<01980> (8694)
in the midst
of the stones
of fire
Thou [wast] perfect
in thy ways
from the day
that thou wast created
<01254> (8736)_,
till iniquity
was found
<04672> (8738)
in thee.
By the multitude
of thy merchandise
they have filled
<04390> (8804)
the midst
of thee with violence
and thou hast sinned
<02398> (8799)_:
therefore I will cast thee as profane
<02490> (8762)
out of the mountain
of God
and I will destroy
<06> (8762)
thee, O covering
<05526> (8802)
from the midst
of the stones
of fire
Thine heart
was lifted up
<01361> (8804)
because of thy beauty
thou hast corrupted
<07843> (8765)
thy wisdom
by reason of
thy brightness
I will cast
<07993> (8689)
thee to the ground
I will lay
<05414> (8804)
thee before
that they may behold
<07200> (8800)
Thou hast defiled
<02490> (8765)
thy sanctuaries
by the multitude
of thine iniquities
by the iniquity
of thy traffick
therefore will I bring forth
<03318> (8686)
a fire
from the midst
of thee, it shall devour
<0398> (8804)
thee, and I will bring
<05414> (8799)
thee to ashes
upon the earth
in the sight
of all them that behold
<07200> (8802)
All they that know
<03045> (8802)
thee among the people
shall be astonished
<08074> (8804)
at thee: thou shalt be a terror
and never
[shalt] thou [be] any more
<05704> <05769>_.
{a terror: Heb. terrors}
Again the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<07760> (8798)
thy face
against Zidon
and prophesy
<05012> (8734)
against it,
And say
<0559> (8804)_,
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I [am] against thee, O Zidon
and I will be glorified
<03513> (8738)
in the midst
of thee: and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
when I shall have executed
<06213> (8800)
in her, and shall be sanctified
<06942> (8738)
in her.
For I will send
<07971> (8765)
into her pestilence
and blood
into her streets
and the wounded
shall be judged
<05307> (8768)
in the midst
of her by the sword
upon her on every side
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
And there shall be no more a pricking
<03992> (8688)
unto the house
of Israel
nor [any] grieving
<03510> (8688)
of all [that are] round about
them, that despised
<07590> (8801)
them; and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the Lord
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
When I shall have gathered
<06908> (8763)
the house
of Israel
from the people
among whom they are scattered
<06327> (8738)_,
and shall be sanctified
<06942> (8738)
in them in the sight
of the heathen
then shall they dwell
<03427> (8804)
in their land
that I have given
<05414> (8804)
to my servant
And they shall dwell
<03427> (8804)
therein, and shall build
<01129> (8804)
and plant
<05193> (8804)
yea, they shall dwell
<03427> (8804)
with confidence
when I have executed
<06213> (8800)
upon all those that despise
<07590> (8801)
them round about
them; and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
their God
{safely: or, with confidence} {despise: or, spoil}
In the tenth
in the tenth
[month], in the twelfth
<08147> <06240>
[day] of the month
the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<07760> (8798)
thy face
against Pharaoh
of Egypt
and prophesy
<05012> (8734)
against him, and against all Egypt
<01696> (8761)_,
and say
<0559> (8804)_,
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I [am] against thee, Pharaoh
of Egypt
the great
that lieth
<07257> (8802)
in the midst
of his rivers
which hath said
<0559> (8804)_,
My river
[is] mine own, and I have made
<06213> (8804)
[it] for myself.
But I will put
<05414> (8804)
<02397> (8676) <02397>
in thy jaws
and I will cause the fish
of thy rivers
to stick
<01692> (8689)
unto thy scales
and I will bring thee up
<05927> (8689)
out of the midst
of thy rivers
and all the fish
of thy rivers
shall stick
<01692> (8799)
unto thy scales
And I will leave
<05203> (8804)
thee [thrown] into the wilderness
thee and all the fish
of thy rivers
thou shalt fall
<05307> (8799)
upon the open
thou shalt not be brought together
<0622> (8735)_,
nor gathered
<06908> (8735)_:
I have given
<05414> (8804)
thee for meat
to the beasts
of the field
and to the fowls
of the heaven
{open...: Heb. face of the field}
And all the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Egypt
shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
because they have been a staff
of reed
to the house
of Israel
When they took hold
<08610> (8800)
of thee by thy hand
thou didst break
<07533> (8735)_,
and rend
<01234> (8804)
all their shoulder
and when they leaned
<08172> (8736)
upon thee, thou brakest
<07665> (8735)_,
and madest all their loins
to be at a stand
<05976> (8689)_.
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I will bring
<0935> (8688)
a sword
upon thee, and cut off
<03772> (8689)
and beast
out of thee.
And the land
of Egypt
shall be desolate
and waste
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
because he hath said
<0559> (8804)_,
The river
[is] mine, and I have made
<06213> (8804)
Behold, therefore I [am] against thee, and against thy rivers
and I will make
<05414> (8804)
the land
of Egypt
[and] desolate
from the tower
of Syene
even unto the border
of Ethiopia
{utterly...: Heb. wastes of waste} {from...: or, from Migdol to Syene} {Syene: Heb. Seveneh}
No foot
of man
shall pass through
<05674> (8799)
it, nor foot
of beast
shall pass through
<05674> (8799)
it, neither shall it be inhabited
<03427> (8799)
And I will make
<05414> (8804)
the land
of Egypt
in the midst
of the countries
[that are] desolate
<08074> (8737)_,
and her cities
the cities
[that are] laid waste
<02717> (8716)
shall be desolate
and I will scatter
<06327> (8689)
the Egyptians
among the nations
and will disperse
<02219> (8765)
them through the countries
Yet thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
At the end
of forty
will I gather
<06908> (8762)
the Egyptians
from the people
whither they were scattered
<06327> (8738)_:
And I will bring again
<07725> (8804)
the captivity
of Egypt
and will cause them to return
<07725> (8689)
[into] the land
of Pathros
into the land
of their habitation
and they shall be there a base
{habitation: or, birth} {base: Heb. low}
It shall be the basest
of the kingdoms
neither shall it exalt
<05375> (8691)
itself any more above the nations
for I will diminish
<04591> (8689)
them, that they shall no more rule
<07287> (8800)
over the nations
And it shall be no more the confidence
of the house
of Israel
which bringeth
<02142> (0)
[their] iniquity
to remembrance
<02142> (8688)_,
when they shall look
<06437> (8800)
them: but they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the Lord
And it came to pass in the seven
and twentieth
in the first
[month], in the first
[day] of the month
the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
of Babylon
<05647> (0)
his army
to serve
<05647> (8689)
a great
against Tyrus
every head
[was] made bald
<07139> (8716)_,
and every shoulder
[was] peeled
<04803> (8803)_:
yet had he no wages
nor his army
for Tyrus
for the service
that he had served
<05647> (8804)
against it:
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I will give
<05414> (8802)
the land
of Egypt
unto Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
and he shall take
<05375> (8804)
her multitude
and take
<07997> (8804)
her spoil
and take
<0962> (8804)
her prey
and it shall be the wages
for his army
{take her spoil...: Heb. spoil her spoil, and prey her prey}
I have given
<05414> (8804)
him the land
of Egypt
[for] his labour
wherewith he served
<05647> (8804)
against it, because they wrought
<06213> (8804)
for me, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
{for his...: or, for his hire}
In that day
will I cause
<06779> (0)
the horn
of the house
of Israel
to bud forth
<06779> (8686)_,
and I will give
<05414> (8799)
thee the opening
of the mouth
in the midst
of them; and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
The word
of the LORD
came again unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<05012> (8734)
and say
<0559> (8804)_,
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
<03213> (8685)
ye, Woe worth
the day
For the day
[is] near
even the day
of the LORD
[is] near
a cloudy
it shall be the time
of the heathen
And the sword
shall come
<0935> (8804)
upon Egypt
and great pain
shall be in Ethiopia
when the slain
shall fall
<05307> (8800)
in Egypt
and they shall take away
<03947> (8804)
her multitude
and her foundations
shall be broken down
<02040> (8738)_.
{pain: or, fear}
and Libya
and Lydia
and all the mingled
people, and Chub
and the men
of the land
that is in league
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
with them by the sword
{Libya: Heb. Phut} {men: Heb. children}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
They also that uphold
<05564> (8802)
shall fall
<05307> (8804)_;
and the pride
of her power
shall come down
<03381> (8804)_:
from the tower
of Syene
shall they fall
<05307> (8799)
in it by the sword
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
{from...: or, from Migdol to Syene}
And they shall be desolate
<08074> (8738)
in the midst
of the countries
[that are] desolate
<08074> (8737)_,
and her cities
shall be in the midst
of the cities
[that are] wasted
<02717> (8737)_.
And they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
when I have set
<05414> (8800)
a fire
in Egypt
and [when] all her helpers
<05826> (8802)
shall be destroyed
<07665> (8738)_.
{destroyed: Heb. broken}
In that day
shall messengers
go forth
<03318> (8799)
from me
in ships
to make the careless
<02729> (8687)_,
and great pain
shall come upon them, as in the day
of Egypt
for, lo, it cometh
<0935> (8802)_.
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
I will also make the multitude
of Egypt
to cease
<07673> (8689)
by the hand
of Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
He and his people
with him, the terrible
of the nations
shall be brought
<0935> (8716)
to destroy
<07843> (8763)
the land
and they shall draw
<07324> (8689)
their swords
against Egypt
and fill
<04390> (8804)
the land
with the slain
And I will make
<05414> (8804)
the rivers
and sell
<04376> (8804)
the land
into the hand
of the wicked
and I will make the land
<08074> (8689)_,
and all that is therein
by the hand
of strangers
<02114> (8801)_:
I the LORD
have spoken
<01696> (8765)
[it]. {dry: Heb. drought} {all...: Heb. the fulness thereof}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
I will also destroy
<06> (8689)
the idols
and I will cause [their] images
to cease
<07673> (8689)
out of Noph
and there shall be no more a prince
of the land
of Egypt
and I will put
<05414> (8804)
a fear
in the land
of Egypt
And I will make Pathros
<08074> (8689)_,
and will set
<05414> (8804)
in Zoan
and will execute
<06213> (8804)
in No
{Zoan: or, Tanis}
And I will pour
<08210> (8804)
my fury
upon Sin
the strength
of Egypt
and I will cut off
<03772> (8689)
the multitude
of No
{Sin: or, Pelusium}
And I will set
<05414> (8804)
in Egypt
shall have great
<02342> (8800)
<02342> (8799)_,
and No
shall be rent asunder
<01234> (8736)_,
and Noph
[shall have] distresses
The young men
of Aven
and of Pibeseth
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
by the sword
and these [cities] shall go
<03212> (8799)
into captivity
{Aven: or, Heliopolis} {Pibeseth: or, Pubastum}
At Tehaphnehes
also the day
shall be darkened
<02821> (8804) (8676) <02820> (8804)_,
when I shall break
<07665> (8800)
there the yokes
of Egypt
and the pomp
of her strength
shall cease
<07673> (8738)
in her
as for her, a cloud
shall cover
<03680> (8762)
her, and her daughters
shall go
<03212> (8799)
into captivity
{darkened: or, restrained}
Thus will I execute
<06213> (8804)
in Egypt
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
And it came to pass in the eleventh
<0259> <06240>
in the first
[month], in the seventh
[day] of the month
[that] the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
I have broken
<07665> (8804)
the arm
of Pharaoh
of Egypt
and, lo, it shall not be bound up
<02280> (8795)
to be healed
<07499> <05414> (8800)_,
to put
<07760> (8800)
a roller
to bind
<02280> (8800)
it, to make it strong
<02388> (8800)
to hold
<08610> (8800)
the sword
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I [am] against Pharaoh
of Egypt
and will break
<07665> (8804)
his arms
the strong
and that which was broken
<07665> (8737)_;
and I will cause the sword
to fall
<05307> (8689)
out of his hand
And I will scatter
<06327> (8689)
the Egyptians
among the nations
and will disperse
<02219> (8765)
them through the countries
And I will strengthen
<02388> (8765)
the arms
of the king
of Babylon
and put
<05414> (8804)
my sword
in his hand
but I will break
<07665> (8804)
and he shall groan
<05008> (8804)
him with the groanings
of a deadly wounded
But I will strengthen
<02388> (8689)
the arms
of the king
of Babylon
and the arms
of Pharaoh
shall fall down
<05307> (8799)_;
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
when I shall put
<05414> (8800)
my sword
into the hand
of the king
of Babylon
and he shall stretch it out
<05186> (8804)
upon the land
of Egypt
And I will scatter
<06327> (8689)
the Egyptians
among the nations
and disperse
<02219> (8765)
them among the countries
and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
And it came to pass in the eleventh
<0259> <06240>
in the third
[month], in the first
[day] of the month
[that] the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<0559> (8798)
unto Pharaoh
of Egypt
and to his multitude
Whom art thou like
<01819> (8804)
in thy greatness
Behold, the Assyrian
[was] a cedar
in Lebanon
with fair
and with a shadowing
<06751> (8688)
and of an high
and his top
was among the thick boughs
{with fair branches: Heb. fair of branches}
The waters
made him great
<01431> (8765)_,
the deep
set him up on high
<07311> (8790)
with her rivers
<01980> (8802)
round about
his plants
and sent out
<07971> (8765)
her little rivers
unto all the trees
of the field
{made...: or, nourished him} {set...: or, brought him up} {little rivers: or, conduits}
Therefore his height
was exalted
<01361> (8804)
above all the trees
of the field
and his boughs
were multiplied
<07235> (8799)_,
and his branches
became long
<0748> (8799)
because of the multitude
of waters
when he shot forth
<07971> (8763)_.
{when...: or, when it sent them forth}
All the fowls
of heaven
made their nests
<07077> (8765)
in his boughs
and under his branches
did all the beasts
of the field
bring forth their young
<03205> (8804)_,
and under his shadow
<03427> (8799)
all great
Thus was he fair
<03302> (8799)
in his greatness
in the length
of his branches
for his root
was by great
The cedars
in the garden
of God
could not hide
<06004> (8804)
him: the fir trees
were not like
<01819> (8804)
his boughs
and the chesnut trees
were not like his branches
nor any tree
in the garden
of God
was like
<01819> (8804)
unto him in his beauty
I have made
<06213> (8804)
him fair
by the multitude
of his branches
so that all the trees
of Eden
that [were] in the garden
of God
<07065> (8762)
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Because thou hast lifted up
<01361> (8804)
thyself in height
and he hath shot up
<05414> (8799)
his top
among the thick boughs
and his heart
is lifted up
<07311> (8804)
in his height
I have therefore delivered
<05414> (8799)
him into the hand
of the mighty one
of the heathen
he shall surely
<06213> (8800)
<06213> (8799)
with him: I have driven him out
<01644> (8765)
for his wickedness
{he...: Heb. in doing he shall do unto him}
And strangers
<02114> (8801)_,
the terrible
of the nations
have cut him off
<03772> (8799)_,
and have left
<05203> (8799)
him: upon the mountains
and in all the valleys
his branches
are fallen
<05307> (8804)_,
and his boughs
are broken
<07665> (8735)
by all the rivers
of the land
and all the people
of the earth
are gone down
<03381> (8799)
from his shadow
and have left
<05203> (8799)
Upon his ruin
shall all the fowls
of the heaven
<07931> (8799)_,
and all the beasts
of the field
shall be upon his branches
To the end that none of all the trees
by the waters
<01361> (8799)
themselves for their height
neither shoot up
<05414> (8799)
their top
among the thick boughs
neither their trees
stand up
<05975> (8799)
in their height
all that drink
<08354> (8802)
for they are all delivered
<05414> (8738)
unto death
to the nether parts
of the earth
in the midst
of the children
of men
with them that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the pit
{their trees...: or, stand upon themselves for their height}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
In the day
when he went down
<03381> (8800)
to the grave
I caused a mourning
<056> (8689)_:
I covered
<03680> (8765)
the deep
for him, and I restrained
<04513> (8799)
the floods
thereof, and the great
were stayed
<03607> (8735)_:
and I caused Lebanon
to mourn
<06937> (8686)
for him, and all the trees
of the field
for him. {to mourn: Heb. to be black}
I made the nations
to shake
<07493> (8689)
at the sound
of his fall
when I cast him down
<03381> (8687)
to hell
with them that descend
<03381> (8802)
into the pit
and all the trees
of Eden
the choice
and best
of Lebanon
all that drink
<08354> (8802)
shall be comforted
<05162> (8735)
in the nether parts
of the earth
They also went down
<03381> (8804)
into hell
with him unto [them that be] slain
with the sword
and [they that were] his arm
[that] dwelt
<03427> (8804)
under his shadow
in the midst
of the heathen
To whom art thou thus like
<01819> (8804)
in glory
and in greatness
among the trees
of Eden
yet shalt thou be brought down
<03381> (8717)
with the trees
of Eden
unto the nether parts
of the earth
thou shalt lie
<07901> (8799)
in the midst
of the uncircumcised
with [them that be] slain
by the sword
This [is] Pharaoh
and all his multitude
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
And it came to pass in the twelfth
<08147> <06240>
in the twelfth month
in the first
[day] of the month
[that] the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
take up
<05375> (8798)
a lamentation
for Pharaoh
of Egypt
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto him, Thou art like
<01819> (8738)
a young lion
of the nations
and thou [art] as a whale
<08577> (8676) <08565>
in the seas
and thou camest forth
<01518> (8799)
with thy rivers
and troubledst
<01804> (8799)
the waters
with thy feet
and fouledst
<07515> (8799)
their rivers
{whale: or, dragon}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
I will therefore spread out
<06566> (8804)
my net
over thee with a company
of many
and they shall bring thee up
<05927> (8689)
in my net
Then will I leave
<05203> (8804)
thee upon the land
I will cast thee forth
<02904> (8686)
upon the open
and will cause all the fowls
of the heaven
to remain
<07931> (8689)
upon thee, and I will fill
<07646> (8689)
the beasts
of the whole earth
with thee.
And I will lay
<05414> (8804)
thy flesh
upon the mountains
and fill
<04390> (8765)
the valleys
with thy height
I will also water
<08248> (8689)
with thy blood
the land
wherein thou swimmest
[even] to the mountains
and the rivers
shall be full
<04390> (8735)
of thee. {the land wherein...: or, the land of thy swimming}
And when I shall put thee out
<03518> (8763)_,
I will cover
<03680> (8765)
the heaven
and make
<06937> (0)
the stars
thereof dark
<06937> (8689)_;
I will cover
<03680> (8762)
the sun
with a cloud
and the moon
shall not give
<0215> (8686)
her light
{put...: or, extinguish thee}
All the bright
of heaven
will I make dark
<06937> (8686)
over thee, and set
<05414> (8804)
upon thy land
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
{bright...: Heb. lights of the light in heaven} {dark: Heb. them dark}
I will also vex
<03707> (8689)
the hearts
of many
when I shall bring
<0935> (8687)
thy destruction
among the nations
into the countries
which thou hast not known
<03045> (8804)_.
{vex: Heb. provoke to anger, or, grief}
Yea, I will make many
<08074> (8689)
at thee, and their kings
shall be horribly
<08175> (8799)
for thee, when I shall brandish
<05774> (8788)
my sword
before them
and they shall tremble
<02729> (8804)
at [every] moment
every man
for his own life
in the day
of thy fall
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
The sword
of the king
of Babylon
shall come
<0935> (8799)
upon thee.
By the swords
of the mighty
will I cause thy multitude
to fall
<05307> (8686)_,
the terrible
of the nations
all of them: and they shall spoil
<07703> (8804)
the pomp
of Egypt
and all the multitude
thereof shall be destroyed
<08045> (8738)_.
I will destroy
<06> (8689)
also all the beasts
thereof from
beside the great
neither shall the foot
of man
<01804> (8799)
them any more, nor the hoofs
of beasts
<01804> (8799)
Then will I make their waters
<08257> (8686)_,
and cause their rivers
to run
<03212> (8686)
like oil
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
When I shall make
<05414> (8800)
the land
of Egypt
and the country
shall be destitute
<08074> (8737)
of that whereof it was full
when I shall smite
<05221> (8687)
all them that dwell
<03427> (8802)
therein, then shall they know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
{destitute...: Heb. desolate from the fulness thereof}
This [is] the lamentation
wherewith they shall lament
<06969> (8790)
her: the daughters
of the nations
shall lament
<06969> (8787)
her: they shall lament
<06969> (8787)
for her, [even] for Egypt
and for all her multitude
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
It came to pass also in the twelfth
<08147> <06240>
in the fifteenth
<02568> <06240>
[day] of the month
[that] the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<05091> (8798)
for the multitude
of Egypt
and cast them down
<03381> (8685)_,
[even] her, and the daughters
of the famous
unto the nether parts
of the earth
with them that go down
<03381> (8802)
into the pit
Whom dost thou pass in beauty
<05276> (8804)_?
go down
<03381> (8798)_,
and be thou laid
<07901> (8713)
with the uncircumcised
They shall fall
<05307> (8799)
in the midst
of [them that are] slain
by the sword
she is delivered
<05414> (8738)
to the sword
<04900> (8798)
her and all her multitudes
{she...: or, the sword is laid}
The strong
among the mighty
shall speak
<01696> (8762)
to him out of the midst
of hell
with them that help
<05826> (8802)
him: they are gone down
<03381> (8804)_,
they lie
<07901> (8804)
by the sword
[is] there and all her company
his graves
[are] about
him: all of them slain
<05307> (8802)
by the sword
Whose graves
are set
<05414> (8738)
in the sides
of the pit
and her company
is round about
her grave
all of them slain
<05307> (8802)
by the sword
which caused
<05414> (8804)
in the land
of the living
{terror: or, dismaying}
There [is] Elam
and all her multitude
round about
her grave
all of them slain
<05307> (8802)
by the sword
which are gone down
<03381> (8804)
into the nether parts
of the earth
which caused
<05414> (8804)
their terror
in the land
of the living
yet have they borne
<05375> (8799)
their shame
with them that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the pit
They have set
<05414> (8804)
her a bed
in the midst
of the slain
with all her multitude
her graves
[are] round about
him: all of them uncircumcised
by the sword
though their terror
was caused
<05414> (8737)
in the land
of the living
yet have they borne
<05375> (8799)
their shame
with them that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the pit
he is put
<05414> (8738)
in the midst
of [them that be] slain
There [is] Meshech
and all her multitude
her graves
[are] round about
him: all of them uncircumcised
<02490> (8794)
by the sword
though they caused
<05414> (8804)
their terror
in the land
of the living
And they shall not lie
<07901> (8799)
with the mighty
[that are] fallen
<05307> (8802)
of the uncircumcised
which are gone down
<03381> (8804)
to hell
with their weapons
of war
and they have laid
<05414> (8799)
their swords
under their heads
but their iniquities
shall be upon their bones
though [they were] the terror
of the mighty
in the land
of the living
{with their...: Heb. with weapons of their war}
Yea, thou shalt be broken
<07665> (8735)
in the midst
of the uncircumcised
and shalt lie
<07901> (8799)
with [them that are] slain
with the sword
There [is] Edom
her kings
and all her princes
which with their might
are laid
<05414> (8738)
by [them that were] slain
by the sword
they shall lie
<07901> (8799)
with the uncircumcised
and with them that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the pit
{laid: Heb. given, or, put}
There [be] the princes
of the north
all of them, and all the Zidonians
which are gone down
<03381> (8804)
with the slain
with their terror
they are ashamed
<0954> (8802)
of their might
and they lie
<07901> (8799)
with [them that be] slain
by the sword
and bear
<05375> (8799)
their shame
with them that go down
<03381> (8802)
to the pit
shall see
<07200> (8799)
them, and shall be comforted
<05162> (8738)
over all his multitude
[even] Pharaoh
and all his army
by the sword
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
For I have caused
<05414> (8804)
my terror
in the land
of the living
and he shall be laid
<07901> (8717)
in the midst
of the uncircumcised
with [them that are] slain
with the sword
[even] Pharaoh
and all his multitude
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
Again the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<01696> (8761)
to the children
of thy people
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, When I bring
<0935> (8686)
the sword
upon a land
if the people
of the land
<03947> (8804)
of their coasts
and set
<05414> (8804)
him for their watchman
<06822> (8802)_:
{When...: Heb. A land when I bring a sword upon her}
If when he seeth
<07200> (8804)
the sword
<0935> (8802)
upon the land
he blow
<08628> (8804)
the trumpet
and warn
<02094> (8689)
the people
Then whosoever
<08085> (8802)
<08085> (8804)
the sound
of the trumpet
and taketh not warning
<02094> (8737)_;
if the sword
<0935> (8799)_,
and take him away
<03947> (8799)_,
his blood
shall be upon his own head
{whosoever...: Heb. he that hearing heareth}
He heard
<08085> (8804)
the sound
of the trumpet
and took not warning
<02094> (8737)_;
his blood
shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning
<02094> (8737)
shall deliver
<04422> (8765)
his soul
But if the watchman
<06822> (8802)
<07200> (8799)
the sword
<0935> (8802)_,
and blow
<08628> (8804)
not the trumpet
and the people
be not warned
<02094> (8737)_;
if the sword
<0935> (8799)_,
and take
<03947> (8799)
[any] person
from among them, he is taken away
<03947> (8738)
in his iniquity
but his blood
will I require
<01875> (8799)
at the watchman's
<06822> (8802)
So thou, O son
of man
I have set
<05414> (8804)
thee a watchman
<06822> (8802)
unto the house
of Israel
therefore thou shalt hear
<08085> (8804)
the word
at my mouth
and warn
<02094> (8689)
them from me.
When I say
<0559> (8800)
unto the wicked
O wicked
[man], thou shalt surely
<04191> (8800)
<04191> (8799)_;
if thou dost not speak
<01696> (8765)
to warn
<02094> (8687)
the wicked
from his way
that wicked
[man] shall die
<04191> (8799)
in his iniquity
but his blood
will I require
<01245> (8762)
at thine hand
Nevertheless, if thou warn
<02094> (8689)
the wicked
of his way
to turn
<07725> (8800)
from it; if he do not turn
<07725> (8804)
from his way
he shall die
<04191> (8799)
in his iniquity
but thou hast delivered
<05337> (8689)
thy soul
Therefore, O thou son
of man
<0559> (8798)
unto the house
of Israel
Thus ye speak
<0559> (8804)_,
<0559> (8800)_,
If our transgressions
and our sins
[be] upon us, and we pine away
<04743> (8737)
in them, how should we then live
<02421> (8799)_?
<0559> (8798)
unto them, [As] I live
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
I have no pleasure
<02654> (8799)
in the death
of the wicked
but that the wicked
<07725> (8800)
from his way
and live
<02421> (8804)_:
<07725> (8798)
ye, turn
<07725> (8798)
ye from your evil
for why will ye die
<04191> (8799)_,
O house
of Israel
Therefore, thou son
of man
<0559> (8798)
unto the children
of thy people
The righteousness
of the righteous
shall not deliver
<05337> (8686)
him in the day
of his transgression
as for the wickedness
of the wicked
he shall not fall
<03782> (8735)
thereby in the day
that he turneth
<07725> (8800)
from his wickedness
neither shall the righteous
be able
<03201> (8799)
to live
<02421> (8800)
for his [righteousness] in the day
that he sinneth
<02398> (8800)_.
When I shall say
<0559> (8800)
to the righteous
[that] he shall surely
<02421> (8800)
<02421> (8799)_;
if he trust
<0982> (8804)
to his own righteousness
and commit
<06213> (8804)
all his righteousnesses
shall not be remembered
<02142> (8735)_;
but for his iniquity
that he hath committed
<06213> (8804)_,
he shall die
<04191> (8799)
for it.
Again, when I say
<0559> (8800)
unto the wicked
Thou shalt surely
<04191> (8800)
<04191> (8799)_;
if he turn
<07725> (8804)
from his sin
and do
<06213> (8804)
that which is lawful
and right
{that...: Heb. judgment and justice}
[If] the wicked
<07725> (8686)
the pledge
give again
<07999> (8762)
that he had robbed
<01980> (8804)
in the statutes
of life
without committing
<06213> (8800)
he shall surely
<02421> (8800)
<02421> (8799)_,
he shall not die
<04191> (8799)_.
None of his sins
that he hath committed
<02398> (8804)
shall be mentioned
<02142> (8735)
unto him: he hath done
<06213> (8804)
that which is lawful
and right
he shall surely
<02421> (8800)
<02421> (8799)_.
Yet the children
of thy people
<0559> (8804)_,
The way
of the Lord
is not equal
<08505> (8735)_:
but as for them, their way
is not equal
<08505> (8735)_.
When the righteous
<07725> (8800)
from his righteousness
and committeth
<06213> (8804)
he shall even die
<04191> (8804)
But if the wicked
<07725> (8800)
from his wickedness
and do
<06213> (8804)
that which is lawful
and right
he shall live
<02421> (8799)
Yet ye say
<0559> (8804)_,
The way
of the Lord
is not equal
<08505> (8735)_.
O ye house
of Israel
I will judge
<08199> (8799)
you every one
after his ways
And it came to pass in the twelfth
<08147> <06240>
of our captivity
in the tenth
[month], in the fifth
[day] of the month
[that] one that had escaped
out of Jerusalem
<0935> (8804)
unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
The city
is smitten
<05221> (8717)_.
Now the hand
of the LORD
was upon me in the evening
he that was escaped
<0935> (8800)_;
and had opened
<06605> (8799)
my mouth
until he came
<0935> (8800)
to me in the morning
and my mouth
was opened
<06605> (8735)_,
and I was no more dumb
<0481> (8738)_.
Then the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
they that inhabit
<03427> (8802)
those wastes
of the land
of Israel
<0559> (8802)_,
<0559> (8800)_,
was one
and he inherited
<03423> (8799)
the land
but we [are] many
the land
is given
<05414> (8738)
us for inheritance
Wherefore say
<0559> (8798)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Ye eat
<0398> (8799)
with the blood
and lift up
<05375> (8799)
your eyes
toward your idols
and shed
<08210> (8799)
and shall ye possess
<03423> (8799)
the land
Ye stand
<05975> (8804)
upon your sword
ye work
<06213> (8804)
and ye defile
<02930> (8765)
every one
his neighbour's
and shall ye possess
<03423> (8799)
the land
<0559> (8799)
thou thus unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
[As] I live
surely they that [are] in the wastes
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
by the sword
and him that [is] in the open
will I give
<05414> (8804)
to the beasts
to be devoured
<0398> (8800)_,
and they that [be] in the forts
and in the caves
shall die
<04191> (8799)
of the pestilence
{to be...: Heb. to devour him}
For I will lay
<05414> (8804)
the land
and the pomp
of her strength
shall cease
<07673> (8738)_;
and the mountains
of Israel
shall be desolate
<08074> (8804)_,
that none shall pass through
<05674> (8802)_.
{most...: Heb. desolation and desolation}
Then shall they know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
when I have laid
<05414> (8800)
the land
because of all their abominations
which they have committed
<06213> (8804)_.
Also, thou son
of man
the children
of thy people
still are talking
<01696> (8737)
thee by the walls
and in the doors
of the houses
and speak
<01696> (8765)
to another
every one
to his brother
<0559> (8800)_,
<0935> (8798)_,
I pray you, and hear
<08085> (8798)
what is the word
that cometh forth
<03318> (8802)
from the LORD
{against thee: of, of thee}
And they come
<0935> (8799)
unto thee as the people
and they sit
<03427> (8799)
thee [as] my people
and they hear
<08085> (8804)
thy words
but they will not do
<06213> (8799)
them: for with their mouth
they shew
<06213> (8802)
much love
[but] their heart
<01980> (8802)
their covetousness
{as the...: Heb. according to the coming of the people} {they sit...: or, my people sit before thee} {they shew...: Heb. they make loves, or, jests}
And, lo, thou [art] unto them as a very lovely
of one that hath a pleasant
and can play well
<02895> (8688)
on an instrument
<05059> (8763)_:
for they hear
<08085> (8804)
thy words
but they do
<06213> (8802)
them not. {a very...: Heb. a song of loves}
And when this cometh to pass
<0935> (8800)_,
(lo, it will come
<0935> (8802),)
then shall they know
<03045> (8804)
that a prophet
hath been among
And the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<05012> (8734)
against the shepherds
<07462> (8802)
of Israel
<05012> (8734)_,
and say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
unto the shepherds
<07462> (8802)_;
[be] to the shepherds
<07462> (8802)
of Israel
that do feed
<07462> (8802)
themselves! should not the shepherds
<07462> (8802)
<07462> (8799)
the flocks
Ye eat
<0398> (8799)
the fat
and ye clothe
<03847> (8799)
you with the wool
ye kill
<02076> (8799)
them that are fed
[but] ye feed
<07462> (8799)
not the flock
The diseased
<02470> (8737)
have ye not strengthened
<02388> (8765)_,
neither have ye healed
<07495> (8765)
that which was sick
<02470> (8802)_,
neither have ye bound up
<02280> (8804)
[that which was] broken
<07665> (8737)_,
neither have ye brought again
<07725> (8689)
that which was driven away
<05080> (8737)_,
neither have ye sought
<01245> (8765)
that which was lost
<06> (8802)_;
but with force
and with cruelty
have ye ruled
<07287> (8804)
And they were scattered
<06327> (8799)_,
because [there is] no shepherd
<07462> (8802)_:
and they became meat
to all the beasts
of the field
when they were scattered
<06327> (8799)_.
{because...: or, without a shepherd}
My sheep
<07686> (8799)
through all the mountains
and upon every high
<07311> (8802)
yea, my flock
was scattered
<06327> (8738)
upon all the face
of the earth
and none did search
<01875> (8802)
or seek
<01245> (8764)
[after them].
Therefore, ye shepherds
<07462> (8802)_,
<08085> (8798)
the word
of the LORD
[As] I live
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
surely because my flock
became a prey
and my flock
became meat
to every beast
of the field
because [there was] no shepherd
<07462> (8802)_,
neither did my shepherds
<07462> (8802)
<01875> (8804)
for my flock
but the shepherds
<07462> (8802)
<07462> (8799)
themselves, and fed
<07462> (8804)
not my flock
{because...: or, without a shepherd}
Therefore, O ye shepherds
<07462> (8802)_,
<08085> (8798)
the word
of the LORD
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I [am] against the shepherds
<07462> (8802)_;
and I will require
<01875> (8804)
my flock
at their hand
and cause them to cease
<07673> (8689)
from feeding
<07462> (8800)
the flock
neither shall the shepherds
<07462> (8802)
<07462> (8799)
themselves any more; for I will deliver
<05337> (8689)
my flock
from their mouth
that they may not be meat
for them.
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I, [even] I, will both search
<01875> (8804)
my sheep
and seek them out
<01239> (8765)_.
As a shepherd
<07462> (8802)
seeketh out
his flock
in the day
that he is among
his sheep
[that are] scattered
<06567> (8737)_;
so will I seek out
<01239> (8762)
my sheep
and will deliver
<05337> (8689)
them out of all places
where they have been scattered
<06327> (8738)
in the cloudy
and dark
{As...: Heb. According to the seeking}
And I will bring them out
<03318> (8689)
from the people
and gather
<06908> (8765)
them from the countries
and will bring
<0935> (8689)
them to their own land
and feed
<07462> (8804)
them upon the mountains
of Israel
by the rivers
and in all the inhabited places
of the country
I will feed
<07462> (8799)
them in a good
and upon the high
of Israel
shall their fold
be: there shall they lie
<07257> (8799)
in a good
and [in] a fat
shall they feed
<07462> (8799)
upon the mountains
of Israel
I will feed
<07462> (8799)
my flock
and I will cause them to lie down
<07257> (8686)_,
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
I will seek
<01245> (8762)
that which was lost
<06> (8802)_,
and bring again
<07725> (8686)
that which was driven away
<05080> (8737)_,
and will bind up
<02280> (8799)
[that which was] broken
<07665> (8737)_,
and will strengthen
<02388> (8762)
that which was sick
<02470> (8802)_:
but I will destroy
<08045> (8686)
the fat
and the strong
I will feed
<07462> (8799)
them with judgment
And [as for] you
O my flock
thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, I judge
<08199> (8802)
between cattle
and cattle
between the rams
and the he goats
{cattle: Heb. small cattle of lambs and kids} {he goats: Heb. great he goats}
[Seemeth it] a small thing
unto you to have eaten up
<07462> (8799)
the good
but ye must tread down
<07429> (8799)
with your feet
the residue
of your pastures
and to have drunk
<08354> (8799)
of the deep
but ye must foul
<07515> (8799)
the residue
<03498> (8737)
with your feet
And [as for] my flock
they eat
<07462> (8799)
that which ye have trodden
with your feet
and they drink
<08354> (8799)
that which ye have fouled
with your feet
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
unto them; Behold, I, [even] I, will judge
<08199> (8804)
between the fat
and between the lean
Because ye have thrust
<01920> (8799)
with side
and with shoulder
and pushed
<05055> (8762)
all the diseased
<02470> (8737)
with your horns
till ye have scattered
<06327> (8689)
them abroad
Therefore will I save
<03467> (8689)
my flock
and they shall no more be a prey
and I will judge
<08199> (8804)
between cattle
and cattle
And I will set up
<06965> (8689)
<07462> (8802)
over them, and he shall feed
<07462> (8804)
them, [even] my servant
he shall feed
<07462> (8799)
them, and he shall be their shepherd
<07462> (8802)_.
And I the LORD
will be their God
and my servant
a prince
them; I the LORD
have spoken
<01696> (8765)
And I will make
<03772> (8804)
with them a covenant
of peace
and will cause the evil
to cease
<07673> (8689)
out of the land
and they shall dwell
<03427> (8804)
in the wilderness
and sleep
<03462> (8804)
in the woods
<03293> (8675) <03264>_.
And I will make
<05414> (8804)
them and the places round about
my hill
a blessing
and I will cause the shower
to come down
<03381> (8689)
in his season
there shall be showers
of blessing
And the tree
of the field
shall yield
<05414> (8804)
her fruit
and the earth
shall yield
<05414> (8799)
her increase
and they shall be safe
in their land
and shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
when I have broken
<07665> (8800)
the bands
of their yoke
and delivered
<05337> (8689)
them out of the hand
of those that served
<05647> (8802)
themselves of them.
And they shall no more be a prey
to the heathen
neither shall the beast
of the land
<0398> (8799)
them; but they shall dwell
<03427> (8804)
and none shall make [them] afraid
<02729> (8688)_.
And I will raise up
<06965> (8689)
for them a plant
of renown
and they shall be no more consumed
<0622> (8803)
with hunger
in the land
neither bear
<05375> (8799)
the shame
of the heathen
any more. {of renown: or, for renown} {consumed: Heb. taken away}
Thus shall they know
<03045> (8804)
that I the LORD
their God
[am] with them, and [that] they, [even] the house
of Israel
[are] my people
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
And ye
my flock
the flock
of my pasture
[are] men
[and] I [am] your God
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
Moreover the word
of the LORD
came unto me, saying
<0559> (8800)_,
of man
<07760> (8798)
thy face
against mount
and prophesy
<05012> (8734)
against it,
And say
<0559> (8804)
unto it, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Behold, O mount
I [am] against thee, and I will stretch out
<05186> (8804)
mine hand
against thee, and I will make
<05414> (8804)
thee most
{most...: Heb. desolation and desolation}
I will lay
<07760> (8799)
thy cities
and thou shalt be desolate
and thou shalt know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
Because thou hast had a perpetual
and hast shed
<05064> (8686)
[the blood of] the children
of Israel
by the force
of the sword
in the time
of their calamity
in the time
[that their] iniquity
[had] an end
{perpetual...: or, hatred of old} {shed...: Heb. poured out the children} {force: Heb. hands}
Therefore, [as] I live
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
I will prepare
<06213> (8799)
thee unto blood
and blood
shall pursue
<07291> (8799)
thee: sith
thou hast not hated
<08130> (8804)
even blood
shall pursue
<07291> (8799)
Thus will I make
<05414> (8804)
and cut off
<03772> (8689)
from it him that passeth out
<05674> (8802)
and him that returneth
<07725> (8802)_.
{most...: Heb. desolation and desolation}
And I will fill
<04390> (8765)
his mountains
with his slain
[men]: in thy hills
and in thy valleys
and in all thy rivers
shall they fall
<05307> (8799)
that are slain
with the sword
I will make
<05414> (8799)
thee perpetual
and thy cities
shall not return
<07725> (8799) (8675) <03427> (8799)_:
and ye shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
Because thou hast said
<0559> (8800)_,
These two
and these two
shall be mine, and we will possess
<03423> (8804)
it; whereas the LORD
was there: {whereas...: or, though the LORD was there}
Therefore, [as] I live
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
I will even do
<06213> (8804)
according to thine anger
and according to thine envy
which thou hast used
<06213> (8804)
out of thy hatred
against them; and I will make myself known
<03045> (8738)
among them, when I have judged
<08199> (8799)
And thou shalt know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD
[and that] I have heard
<08085> (8804)
all thy blasphemies
which thou hast spoken
<0559> (8804)
against the mountains
of Israel
<0559> (8800)_,
They are laid desolate
<08074> (8804) (8675) <08077>_,
they are given
<05414> (8738)
us to consume
{to consume: Heb. to devour}
Thus with your mouth
ye have boasted
<01431> (8686)
against me, and have multiplied
<06280> (8689)
your words
against me: I have heard
<08085> (8804)
[them]. {boasted: Heb. magnified}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
When the whole earth
<08055> (8800)_,
I will make
<06213> (8799)
thee desolate
As thou didst rejoice
at the inheritance
of the house
of Israel
because it was desolate
<08074> (8804)_,
so will I do
<06213> (8799)
unto thee: thou shalt be desolate
O mount
and all Idumea
[even] all of it: and they shall know
<03045> (8804)
that I [am] the LORD

Jeremiah 25:9

Behold, I will send
<07971> (8802)
and take
<03947> (8804)
all the families
of the north
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
and Nebuchadrezzar
the king
of Babylon
my servant
and will bring
<0935> (8689)
them against this land
and against the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
thereof, and against all these nations
round about
and will utterly destroy
<02763> (8689)
them, and make
<07760> (8804)
them an astonishment
and an hissing
and perpetual

Jeremiah 25:15-29

For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of Israel
unto me; Take
<03947> (8798)
the wine
of this fury
at my hand
and cause all the nations
to whom I send
<07971> (8802)
thee, to drink
<08248> (8689)
And they shall drink
<08354> (8804)_,
and be moved
<01607> (8707)_,
and be mad
<01984> (8703)_,
of the sword
that I will send
<07971> (8802)
among them.
Then took
<03947> (8799)
I the cup
at the LORD'S
and made all the nations
to drink
<08248> (8686)_,
unto whom the LORD
had sent
<07971> (8804)
[To wit], Jerusalem
and the cities
of Judah
and the kings
thereof, and the princes
thereof, to make
<05414> (8800)
them a desolation
an astonishment
an hissing
and a curse
as [it is] this day
of Egypt
and his servants
and his princes
and all his people
And all the mingled
people, and all the kings
of the land
of Uz
and all the kings
of the land
of the Philistines
and Ashkelon
and Azzah
and Ekron
and the remnant
of Ashdod
and Moab
and the children
of Ammon
And all the kings
of Tyrus
and all the kings
of Zidon
and the kings
of the isles
which [are] beyond
the sea
{isles: or, region by the sea side}
and Tema
and Buz
and all [that are] in the utmost
<07112> (8803)
{that...: Heb. cut off into corners, or, having the corners of the hair polled}
And all the kings
of Arabia
and all the kings
of the mingled people
that dwell
<07931> (8802)
in the desert
And all the kings
of Zimri
and all the kings
of Elam
and all the kings
of the Medes
And all the kings
of the north
and near
with another
and all the kingdoms
of the world
which [are] upon the face
of the earth
and the king
of Sheshach
shall drink
<08354> (8799)
Therefore thou shalt say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
<08354> (8798)
ye, and be drunken
<07937> (8798)_,
and spue
<07006> (8798)_,
and fall
<05307> (8798)_,
and rise
<06965> (8799)
no more, because
of the sword
which I will send
<07971> (8802)
among you.
And it shall be, if they refuse
<03985> (8762)
to take
<03947> (8800)
the cup
at thine hand
to drink
<08354> (8800)_,
then shalt thou say
<0559> (8804)
unto them, Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
Ye shall certainly
<08354> (8800)
<08354> (8799)_.
For, lo, I begin
<02490> (8688)
to bring evil
<07489> (8687)
on the city
which is called
<07121> (8738)
by my name
and should ye be utterly
<05352> (8736)
<05352> (8735)_?
Ye shall not be unpunished
<05352> (8736)_:
for I will call
<07121> (8802)
for a sword
upon all the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of the earth
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
of hosts
{which...: Heb. upon which my name is called}

Jeremiah 47:1--51:64

The word
of the LORD
that came to Jeremiah
the prophet
against the Philistines
before that Pharaoh
<05221> (8686)
{Gaza: Heb. Azzah}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, waters
rise up
<05927> (8802)
out of the north
and shall be an overflowing
<07857> (8802)
and shall overflow
<07857> (8799)
the land
and all that is therein
the city
and them that dwell
<03427> (8802)
therein: then the men
shall cry
<02199> (8804)_,
and all the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of the land
shall howl
<03213> (8689)_.
{all that...: Heb. the fulness thereof}
At the noise
of the stamping
of the hoofs
of his strong
[horses], at the rushing
of his chariots
[and at] the rumbling
of his wheels
the fathers
shall not look back
<06437> (8689)
to [their] children
for feebleness
of hands
Because of the day
that cometh
<0935> (8802)
to spoil
<07703> (8800)
all the Philistines
[and] to cut off
<03772> (8687)
from Tyrus
and Zidon
every helper
<05826> (8802)
that remaineth
for the LORD
will spoil
<07703> (8802)
the Philistines
the remnant
of the country
of Caphtor
{the country: Heb. the isle}
is come
<0935> (8804)
upon Gaza
is cut off
<01820> (8738)
[with] the remnant
of their valley
how long wilt thou cut
<01413> (8704)
thou sword
of the LORD
how long [will it be] ere
thou be quiet
<08252> (8799)_?
put up
<0622> (8734)
thyself into thy scabbard
<07280> (8734)_,
and be still
<01826> (8798)_.
{put...: Heb. gather thyself}
How can it be quiet
<08252> (8799)_,
seeing the LORD
hath given it a charge
<06680> (8765)
against Ashkelon
and against the sea
there hath he appointed
<03259> (8804)
it. {How...: Heb. How canst thou}
Against Moab
thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
unto Nebo
for it is spoiled
<07703> (8795)_:
is confounded
<03001> (8689)
[and] taken
<03920> (8738)_:
is confounded
<03001> (8689)
and dismayed
<02865> (8804)_.
{Misgab: or, the high place}
[There shall be] no more praise
of Moab
in Heshbon
they have devised
<02803> (8804)
against it; come
<03212> (8798)_,
and let us cut it off
<03772> (8686)
from [being] a nation
Also thou shalt be cut down
<01826> (8735)_,
O Madmen
the sword
shall pursue
<03212> (8799)
{be cut...: or, be brought to silence} {pursue...: Heb. go after thee}
A voice
of crying
[shall be] from Horonaim
and great
is destroyed
<07665> (8738)_;
her little ones
have caused a cry
to be heard
<08085> (8689)_.
For in the going up
of Luhith
shall go up
<05927> (8799)_;
for in the going down
of Horonaim
the enemies
have heard
<08085> (8804)
a cry
of destruction
{continual...: Heb. weeping with weeping}
<05127> (8798)_,
<04422> (8761)
your lives
and be
<01961> (8799)
like the heath
in the wilderness
{the heath: or, a naked tree}
For because thou hast trusted
<0982> (8800)
in thy works
and in thy treasures
thou shalt also be taken
<03920> (8735)_:
and Chemosh
shall go forth
<03318> (8804)
into captivity
[with] his priests
and his princes
And the spoiler
<07703> (8802)
shall come
<0935> (8799)
upon every city
and no city
shall escape
<04422> (8735)_:
the valley
also shall perish
<06> (8804)_,
and the plain
shall be destroyed
<08045> (8738)_,
as the LORD
hath spoken
<0559> (8804)_.
<05414> (8798)
unto Moab
that it may flee
<05323> (8800)
and get away
<03318> (8799)_:
for the cities
thereof shall be desolate
without any to dwell
<03427> (8802)
<0779> (8803)
[be] he that doeth
<06213> (8802)
the work
of the LORD
and cursed
<0779> (8803)
[be] he that keepeth back
<04513> (8802)
his sword
from blood
{deceitfully: or, negligently}
hath been at ease
<07599> (8768)
from his youth
and he hath settled
<08252> (8802)
on his lees
and hath not been emptied
<07324> (8717)
from vessel
to vessel
neither hath he gone
<01980> (8804)
into captivity
therefore his taste
<05975> (8804)
in him, and his scent
is not changed
<04171> (8738)_.
{remained: Heb. stood}
Therefore, behold, the days
<0935> (8802)_,
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
that I will send
<07971> (8765)
unto him wanderers
<06808> (8802)_,
that shall cause him to wander
<06808> (8765)_,
and shall empty
<07324> (8686)
his vessels
and break
<05310> (8762)
their bottles
And Moab
shall be ashamed
<0954> (8804)
of Chemosh
as the house
of Israel
was ashamed
<0954> (8804)
of Bethel
their confidence
How say
<0559> (8799)
ye, We [are] mighty
and strong
for the war
is spoiled
<07703> (8795)_,
and gone up
<05927> (8804)
[out of] her cities
and his chosen
young men
are gone down
<03381> (8804)
to the slaughter
<05002> (8803)
the King
whose name
[is] the LORD
of hosts
{his...: Heb. the choice of}
The calamity
of Moab
[is] near
to come
<0935> (8800)_,
and his affliction
<04116> (8765)
All ye that are about
him, bemoan
<05110> (8798)
him; and all ye that know
<03045> (8802)
his name
<0559> (8798)_,
How is the strong
<07665> (8738)_,
[and] the beautiful
Thou daughter
that dost inhabit
<03427> (8802)
come down
<03381> (8798)
from [thy] glory
and sit
<03427> (8798)
in thirst
for the spoiler
<07703> (8802)
of Moab
shall come
<05927> (8804)
upon thee, [and] he shall destroy
<07843> (8765)
thy strong holds
O inhabitant
<03427> (8802)
of Aroer
<05975> (8798)
by the way
and espy
<06822> (8761)_;
<07592> (8798)
him that fleeth
<05127> (8801)_,
and her that escapeth
<04422> (8737)_,
[and] say
<0559> (8798)_,
What is done
<01961> (8738)_?
{inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress}
is confounded
<03001> (8689)_;
for it is broken down
<02865> (8804)_:
<03213> (8685)
and cry
<02199> (8798)_;
<05046> (8685)
ye it in Arnon
that Moab
is spoiled
<07703> (8795)_,
And judgment
is come
<0935> (8804)
upon the plain
upon Holon
and upon Jahazah
and upon Mephaath
And upon Dibon
and upon Nebo
and upon Bethdiblathaim
And upon Kiriathaim
and upon Bethgamul
and upon Bethmeon
And upon Kerioth
and upon Bozrah
and upon all the cities
of the land
of Moab
or near
The horn
of Moab
is cut off
<01438> (8738)_,
and his arm
is broken
<07665> (8738)_,
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
Make ye him drunken
<07937> (8685)_:
for he magnified
<01431> (8689)
[himself] against the LORD
also shall wallow
<05606> (8804)
in his vomit
and he also shall be in derision
For was not Israel
a derision
unto thee? was he found
<04672> (8738)
among thieves
for since
thou spakest
of him, thou skippedst
<05110> (8709)
for joy. {skippedst...: or, movedst thyself}
O ye that dwell
<03427> (8802)
in Moab
<05800> (8798)
the cities
and dwell
<07931> (8798)
in the rock
and be like the dove
[that] maketh her nest
<07077> (8762)
in the sides
of the hole's
We have heard
<08085> (8804)
the pride
of Moab
(he is exceeding
his loftiness
and his arrogancy
and his pride
and the haughtiness
of his heart
I know
<03045> (8804)
his wrath
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
but [it shall] not [be] so; his lies
shall not so effect
<06213> (8804)
[it]. {his lies...: or, those on whom he stayeth (Heb. his bars) do not right}
Therefore will I howl
<03213> (8686)
for Moab
and I will cry out
<02199> (8799)
for all Moab
[mine heart] shall mourn
<01897> (8799)
for the men
of Kirheres
O vine
of Sibmah
I will weep
<01058> (8799)
for thee with the weeping
of Jazer
thy plants
are gone over
<05674> (8804)
the sea
they reach
<05060> (8804)
[even] to the sea
of Jazer
the spoiler
<07703> (8802)
is fallen
<05307> (8804)
upon thy summer fruits
and upon thy vintage
And joy
and gladness
is taken
<0622> (8738)
from the plentiful field
and from the land
of Moab
and I have caused wine
to fail
<07673> (8689)
from the winepresses
none shall tread
<01869> (8799)
with shouting
[their] shouting
[shall be] no shouting
From the cry
of Heshbon
[even] unto Elealeh
[and even] unto Jahaz
have they uttered
<05414> (8804)
their voice
from Zoar
[even] unto Horonaim
[as] an heifer
of three years old
for the waters
also of Nimrim
shall be desolate
{desolate: Heb. desolations}
Moreover I will cause to cease
<07673> (8689)
in Moab
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
him that offereth
<05927> (8688)
in the high places
and him that burneth incense
<06999> (8688)
to his gods
Therefore mine heart
shall sound
<01993> (8799)
for Moab
like pipes
and mine heart
shall sound
<01993> (8799)
like pipes
for the men
of Kirheres
because the riches
[that] he hath gotten
<06213> (8804)
are perished
<06> (8804)_.
For every head
[shall be] bald
and every beard
<01639> (8803)_:
upon all the hands
[shall be] cuttings
and upon the loins
{clipped: Heb. diminished}
[There shall be] lamentation
generally upon all the housetops
of Moab
and in the streets
thereof: for I have broken
<07665> (8804)
like a vessel
wherein [is] no pleasure
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
They shall howl
<03213> (8685)_,
[saying], How is it broken down
<02865> (8804)_!
how hath Moab
<06437> (8689)
the back
with shame
<0954> (8804)_!
so shall Moab
be a derision
and a dismaying
to all them about
him. {back: Heb. neck}
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, he shall fly
<01675> (8799)
as an eagle
and shall spread
<06566> (8804)
his wings
over Moab
is taken
<03920> (8738)_,
and the strong holds
are surprised
<08610> (8738)_,
and the mighty men's
in Moab
at that day
shall be as the heart
of a woman
in her pangs
<06887> (8688)_.
{Kerioth: or, The cities}
And Moab
shall be destroyed
<08045> (8738)
from [being] a people
because he hath magnified
<01431> (8689)
[himself] against the LORD
and the pit
and the snare
[shall be] upon thee, O inhabitant
<03427> (8802)
of Moab
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
He that fleeth
<05127> (8801) (8675) <05211>
the fear
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
into the pit
and he that getteth up
<05927> (8802)
out of the pit
shall be taken
<03920> (8735)
in the snare
for I will bring
<0935> (8686)
upon it, [even] upon Moab
the year
of their visitation
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
They that fled
<05127> (8801)
<05975> (8804)
under the shadow
of Heshbon
because of the force
but a fire
shall come forth
<03318> (8804)
out of Heshbon
and a flame
from the midst
of Sihon
and shall devour
<0398> (8799)
the corner
of Moab
and the crown of the head
of the tumultuous
{tumultuous...: Heb. children of noise}
be unto thee, O Moab
the people
of Chemosh
<06> (8804)_:
for thy sons
are taken
<03947> (8795)
and thy daughters
{captives, and: Heb. in captivity, etc}
Yet will I bring again
<07725> (8804)
the captivity
of Moab
in the latter
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
Thus far
[is] the judgment
of Moab
Concerning the Ammonites
<01121> <05983>_,
thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Hath Israel
no sons
hath he no heir
<03423> (8802)_?
why [then] doth their king
<03423> (8804)
and his people
<03427> (8804)
in his cities
{Concerning: or, Against} {their king: or, Melcom}
Therefore, behold, the days
<0935> (8802)_,
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
that I will cause an alarm
of war
to be heard
<08085> (8689)
in Rabbah
of the Ammonites
<01121> <05983>_;
and it shall be a desolate
and her daughters
shall be burned
<03341> (8799)
with fire
then shall Israel
be heir
<03423> (8804)
unto them that were his heirs
<03423> (8802)_,
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
<03213> (8685)_,
O Heshbon
for Ai
is spoiled
<07703> (8795)_:
<06817> (8798)_,
ye daughters
of Rabbah
<02296> (8798)
you with sackcloth
<05594> (8798)_,
and run to and fro
<07751> (8708)
by the hedges
for their king
shall go
<03212> (8799)
into captivity
[and] his priests
and his princes
{their king: or, Melcom}
Wherefore gloriest
<01984> (8691)
thou in the valleys
thy flowing
<02100> (8802)
O backsliding
that trusted
<0982> (8802)
in her treasures
[saying], Who shall come
<0935> (8799)
unto me? {thy...: or, thy valley floweth away}
Behold, I will bring
<0935> (8688)
a fear
upon thee, saith
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
of hosts
from all those that be about
thee; and ye shall be driven out
<05080> (8738)
every man
right forth
and none shall gather up
<06908> (8764)
him that wandereth
<05074> (8802)_.
And afterward
I will bring again
<07725> (8686)
the captivity
of the children
of Ammon
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
Concerning Edom
thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
[Is] wisdom
no more in Teman
is counsel
<06> (8804)
from the prudent
<0995> (8801)_?
is their wisdom
<05628> (8738)_?
<05127> (8798)
ye, turn back
<06437> (8717)_,
<03427> (8800)
<06009> (8689)_,
O inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Dedan
for I will bring
<0935> (8689)
the calamity
of Esau
upon him, the time
[that] I will visit
<06485> (8804)
him. {turn...: or, they are turned back}
If grapegatherers
<01219> (8802)
<0935> (8804)
to thee, would they not leave
<07604> (8686)
[some] gleaning grapes
if thieves
by night
they will destroy
<07843> (8689)
till they have enough
{till...: Heb. their sufficiency}
But I have made Esau
<02834> (8804)_,
I have uncovered
<01540> (8765)
his secret places
and he shall not be able
<03201> (8799)
to hide
<02247> (8736)
himself: his seed
is spoiled
<07703> (8795)_,
and his brethren
and his neighbours
and he [is] not.
<05800> (8798)
thy fatherless children
I will preserve [them] alive
<02421> (8762)_;
and let thy widows
<0982> (8799)
in me.
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, they whose judgment
[was] not to drink
<08354> (8800)
of the cup
have assuredly
<08354> (8800)
<08354> (8799)_;
and [art] thou he [that] shall altogether
<05352> (8800)
go unpunished
<05352> (8735)_?
thou shalt not go unpunished
<05352> (8735)_,
but thou shalt surely
<08354> (8800)
<08354> (8799)
[of it].
For I have sworn
<07650> (8738)
by myself, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
that Bozrah
shall become a desolation
a reproach
a waste
and a curse
and all the cities
thereof shall be perpetual
I have heard
<08085> (8804)
a rumour
from the LORD
and an ambassador
is sent
<07971> (8803)
unto the heathen
[saying], Gather ye together
<06908> (8690)_,
and come
<0935> (8798)
against her, and rise up
<06965> (8798)
to the battle
For, lo, I will make
<05414> (8804)
thee small
among the heathen
[and] despised
<0959> (8803)
among men
Thy terribleness
hath deceived
<05377> (8689)
thee, [and] the pride
of thine heart
O thou that dwellest
<07931> (8802)
in the clefts
of the rock
that holdest
<08610> (8802)
the height
of the hill
though thou shouldest make thy nest
as high
<01361> (8686)
as the eagle
I will bring thee down
<03381> (8686)
from thence, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
Also Edom
shall be a desolation
every one that goeth
<05674> (8802)
by it shall be astonished
<08074> (8799)_,
and shall hiss
<08319> (8799)
at all the plagues
As in the overthrow
of Sodom
and Gomorrah
and the neighbour
[cities] thereof, saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
no man
shall abide
<03427> (8799)
there, neither shall a son
of man
<01481> (8799)
in it.
Behold, he shall come up
<05927> (8799)
like a lion
from the swelling
of Jordan
against the habitation
of the strong
but I will suddenly
<07280> (8686)
make him run away
<07323> (8686)
from her: and who [is] a chosen
<0977> (8803)
[man, that] I may appoint
<06485> (8799)
over her? for who [is] like me? and who will appoint me the time
<03259> (8686)_?
and who [is] that shepherd
<07462> (8802)
that will stand
<05975> (8799)
me? {appoint me...: or, convent me in judgment?}
Therefore hear
<08085> (8798)
the counsel
of the LORD
that he hath taken
<03289> (8804)
against Edom
and his purposes
that he hath purposed
<02803> (8804)
against the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Teman
Surely the least
of the flock
shall draw them out
<05498> (8799)_:
surely he shall make their habitations
<08074> (8686)
with them.
The earth
is moved
<07493> (8804)
at the noise
of their fall
<05307> (8800)_,
at the cry
the noise
thereof was heard
<08085> (8738)
in the Red
{Red sea: Heb. Weedy sea}
Behold, he shall come up
<05927> (8799)
and fly
<01675> (8799)
as the eagle
and spread
<06566> (8799)
his wings
over Bozrah
and at that day
shall the heart
of the mighty men
of Edom
be as the heart
of a woman
in her pangs
<06887> (8688)_.
Concerning Damascus
is confounded
<0954> (8804)_,
and Arpad
for they have heard
<08085> (8804)
they are fainthearted
<04127> (8738)_;
[there is] sorrow
on the sea
it cannot
<03201> (8799)
be quiet
<08252> (8687)_.
{fainthearted: Heb. melted} {on...: or, as on the sea}
is waxed feeble
<07503> (8804)_,
[and] turneth
<06437> (8689)
herself to flee
<05127> (8800)_,
and fear
hath seized
<02388> (8689)
on [her]: anguish
and sorrows
have taken
<0270> (8804)
her, as a woman in travail
<03205> (8802)_.
How is the city
of praise
not left
<05800> (8795)_,
the city
of my joy
Therefore her young men
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
in her streets
and all the men
of war
shall be cut off
<01826> (8735)
in that day
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
of hosts
And I will kindle
<03341> (8689)
a fire
in the wall
of Damascus
and it shall consume
<0398> (8804)
the palaces
of Benhadad
Concerning Kedar
and concerning the kingdoms
of Hazor
which Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
shall smite
<05221> (8689)_,
thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
<06965> (8798)
ye, go up
<05927> (8798)
to Kedar
and spoil
<07703> (8798)
the men
of the east
Their tents
and their flocks
shall they take away
<03947> (8799)_:
they shall take
<05375> (8799)
to themselves their curtains
and all their vessels
and their camels
and they shall cry
<07121> (8804)
unto them, Fear
[is] on every side
<05127> (8798)_,
<05110> (8798)
you far off
<03427> (8800)
<06009> (8689)_,
O ye inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Hazor
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
for Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
hath taken counsel
<06098> <03289> (8804)
against you, and hath conceived
<02803> (8804)
a purpose
against you. {get...: Heb. flit greatly}
<06965> (8798)_,
get you up
<05927> (8798)
unto the wealthy
that dwelleth
<03427> (8802)
without care
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
which have neither gates
nor bars
[which] dwell
<07931> (8799)
{wealthy: or, that is at ease}
And their camels
shall be a booty
and the multitude
of their cattle
a spoil
and I will scatter
<02219> (8765)
into all winds
them [that are] in the utmost
<07112> (8803)
and I will bring
<0935> (8686)
their calamity
from all sides
thereof, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
{in...: Heb. cut off into corners, or, that have the corners of their hair polled}
And Hazor
shall be a dwelling
for dragons
[and] a desolation
there shall no man
<03427> (8799)
there, nor [any] son
of man
<01481> (8799)
in it.
The word
of the LORD
that came to Jeremiah
the prophet
against Elam
in the beginning
of the reign
of Zedekiah
of Judah
<0559> (8800)_,
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
Behold, I will break
<07665> (8799)
the bow
of Elam
the chief
of their might
And upon Elam
will I bring
<0935> (8689)
the four
from the four
of heaven
and will scatter
<02219> (8765)
them toward all those winds
and there shall be no nation
whither the outcasts
<05080> (8737)
of Elam
<05867> (8675) <05769>
shall not come
<0935> (8799)_.
For I will cause Elam
to be dismayed
<02865> (8689)
their enemies
<0341> (8802)_,
and before
them that seek
<01245> (8764)
their life
and I will bring
<0935> (8689)
upon them, [even] my fierce
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
and I will send
<07971> (8765)
the sword
them, till I have consumed
<03615> (8763)
And I will set
<07760> (8804)
my throne
in Elam
and will destroy
<06> (8689)
from thence the king
and the princes
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
But it shall come to pass in the latter
[that] I will bring again
<07725> (8686) (8675) <07725> (8799)
the captivity
<07622> (8675) <07622>
of Elam
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
The word
that the LORD
<01696> (8765)
against Babylon
[and] against the land
of the Chaldeans
the prophet
{by...: Heb. by the hand of Jeremiah}
<05046> (8685)
ye among the nations
and publish
<08085> (8685)_,
and set up
<05375> (8798)
a standard
<08085> (8685)_,
[and] conceal
<03582> (8762)
not: say
<0559> (8798)_,
is taken
<03920> (8738)_,
is confounded
<03001> (8689)_,
is broken in pieces
<02865> (8804)_;
her idols
are confounded
<03001> (8689)_,
her images
are broken in pieces
<02865> (8804)_.
{set up: Heb. lift up}
For out of the north
there cometh up
<05927> (8804)
a nation
against her, which shall make
<07896> (8799)
her land
and none shall dwell
<03427> (8802)
therein: they shall remove
<05110> (8804)_,
they shall depart
<01980> (8804)_,
both man
and beast
In those days
and in that time
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
the children
of Israel
shall come
<0935> (8799)_,
they and the children
of Judah
<01980> (8800)
and weeping
<01058> (8800)_:
they shall go
<03212> (8799)_,
and seek
<01245> (8762)
the LORD
their God
They shall ask
<07592> (8799)
the way
to Zion
with their faces
[saying], Come
<0935> (8798)_,
and let us join
<03867> (8738)
ourselves to the LORD
in a perpetual
[that] shall not be forgotten
<07911> (8735)_.
My people
hath been lost
<06> (8802)
their shepherds
<07462> (8802)
have caused them to go astray
<08582> (8689)_,
they have turned them away
<07725> (8790) (8675) <07726>
[on] the mountains
they have gone
<01980> (8804)
from mountain
to hill
they have forgotten
<07911> (8804)
their restingplace
{restingplace: Heb. place to lie down in}
All that found
<04672> (8802)
them have devoured
<0398> (8804)
them: and their adversaries
<0559> (8804)_,
We offend
<0816> (8799)
not, because they have sinned
<02398> (8804)
against the LORD
the habitation
of justice
even the LORD
the hope
of their fathers
<05110> (8798)
out of the midst
of Babylon
and go forth
<03318> (8798) (8675) <03318> (8799)
out of the land
of the Chaldeans
and be as the he goats
the flocks
For, lo, I will raise
<05782> (8688)
and cause to come up
<05927> (8688)
against Babylon
an assembly
of great
from the north
and they shall set themselves in array
<06186> (8804)
against her; from thence she shall be taken
<03920> (8735)_:
their arrows
[shall be] as of a mighty
expert man
<07919> (8688) (8676) <07921> (8688)_;
none shall return
<07725> (8799)
in vain
{expert...: or, destroyer}
And Chaldea
shall be a spoil
all that spoil
<07997> (8802)
her shall be satisfied
<07646> (8799)_,
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
Because ye were glad
<08055> (8799)_,
because ye rejoiced
<05937> (8799)_,
O ye destroyers
<08154> (8802)
of mine heritage
because ye are grown fat
<06335> (8799)
as the heifer
at grass
<01877> (8676) <01758> (8801)_,
and bellow
<06670> (8799)
as bulls
{fat: Heb. big, or, corpulent} {bellow...: or, neigh as steeds}
Your mother
shall be sore
<0954> (8804)_;
she that bare
<03205> (8802)
you shall be ashamed
<02659> (8804)_:
behold, the hindermost
of the nations
[shall be] a wilderness
a dry land
and a desert
Because of the wrath
of the LORD
it shall not be inhabited
<03427> (8799)_,
but it shall be wholly desolate
every one that goeth
<05674> (8802)
by Babylon
shall be astonished
<08074> (8799)_,
and hiss
<08319> (8799)
at all her plagues
Put yourselves in array
<06186> (8798)
against Babylon
round about
all ye that bend
<01869> (8802)
the bow
<03034> (8798)
at her, spare
<02550> (8799)
no arrows
for she hath sinned
<02398> (8804)
against the LORD
<07321> (8685)
against her round about
she hath given
<05414> (8804)
her hand
her foundations
are fallen
<05307> (8804)_,
her walls
are thrown down
<02040> (8738)_:
for it [is] the vengeance
of the LORD
take vengeance
<05358> (8734)
upon her; as she hath done
<06213> (8804)_,
<06213> (8798)
unto her.
Cut off
<03772> (8798)
the sower
<02232> (8802)
from Babylon
and him that handleth
<08610> (8802)
the sickle
in the time
of harvest
for fear
of the oppressing
<03238> (8802)
they shall turn
<06437> (8799)
every one
to his people
and they shall flee
<05127> (8799)
every one
to his own land
{sickle; or, scythe}
[is] a scattered
<06340> (8801)
the lions
have driven [him] away
<05080> (8689)_:
the king
of Assyria
hath devoured
<0398> (8804)
him; and last
this Nebuchadrezzar
of Babylon
hath broken his bones
<06105> (8765)_.
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
Behold, I will punish
<06485> (8802)
the king
of Babylon
and his land
as I have punished
<06485> (8804)
the king
of Assyria
And I will bring
<07725> (0)
<07725> (8790)
to his habitation
and he shall feed
<07462> (8804)
on Carmel
and Bashan
and his soul
shall be satisfied
<07646> (8799)
upon mount
and Gilead
In those days
and in that time
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
the iniquity
of Israel
shall be sought for
<01245> (8792)_,
and [there shall be] none; and the sins
of Judah
and they shall not be found
<04672> (8735)_:
for I will pardon
<05545> (8799)
them whom I reserve
<07604> (8686)_.
Go up
<05927> (8798)
against the land
of Merathaim
[even] against it, and against the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Pekod
<02717> (8798)
and utterly destroy
<02763> (8687)
them, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
and do
<06213> (8798)
according to all that I have commanded
<06680> (8765)
thee. {of Merathaim: or, of the rebels} {Pekod: or, Visitation}
A sound
of battle
[is] in the land
and of great
How is the hammer
of the whole earth
cut asunder
<01438> (8738)
and broken
<07665> (8735)_!
how is Babylon
become a desolation
among the nations
I have laid a snare
<03369> (8804)
for thee, and thou art also taken
<03920> (8738)_,
O Babylon
and thou wast not aware
<03045> (8804)_:
thou art found
<04672> (8738)_,
and also caught
<08610> (8738)_,
because thou hast striven
<01624> (8694)
against the LORD
hath opened
<06605> (8804)
his armoury
and hath brought forth
<03318> (8686)
the weapons
of his indignation
for this [is] the work
of the Lord
of hosts
in the land
of the Chaldeans
<0935> (8798)
against her from the utmost border
<06605> (8798)
her storehouses
cast her up
<05549> (8798)
as heaps
and destroy her utterly
<02763> (8685)_:
let nothing of her be left
{from...: Heb. from the end} {cast...: or, tread her}
<02717> (8798)
all her bullocks
let them go down
<03381> (8799)
to the slaughter
unto them! for their day
is come
<0935> (8802)_,
the time
of their visitation
The voice
of them that flee
<05127> (8801)
and escape out
of the land
of Babylon
to declare
<05046> (8687)
in Zion
the vengeance
of the LORD
our God
the vengeance
of his temple
Call together
<08085> (8685)
the archers
against Babylon
all ye that bend
<01869> (8802)
the bow
<02583> (8798)
against it round about
let none thereof escape
<07999> (8761)
her according to her work
according to all that she hath done
<06213> (8804)_,
<06213> (8798)
unto her: for she hath been proud
<02102> (8804)
against the LORD
against the Holy One
of Israel
Therefore shall her young men
<05307> (8799)
in the streets
and all her men
of war
shall be cut off
<01826> (8735)
in that day
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
Behold, I [am] against thee, [O thou] most proud
<05002> (8803)
the Lord
of hosts
for thy day
is come
<0935> (8802)_,
the time
[that] I will visit
<06485> (8804)
thee. {most...: Heb. pride}
And the most proud
shall stumble
<03782> (8804)
and fall
<05307> (8804)_,
and none shall raise him up
<06965> (8688)_:
and I will kindle
<03341> (8689)
a fire
in his cities
and it shall devour
<0398> (8804)
all round about
him. {the...: Heb. pride}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
The children
of Israel
and the children
of Judah
[were] oppressed
<06231> (8803)
and all that took them captives
<07617> (8802)
held them fast
<02388> (8689)_;
they refused
<03985> (8765)
to let them go
<07971> (8763)_.
Their Redeemer
<01350> (8802)
[is] strong
the LORD
of hosts
[is] his name
he shall throughly
<07378> (8800)
<07378> (8799)
their cause
that he may give rest
<07280> (8689)
to the land
and disquiet
<07264> (8689)
the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Babylon
A sword
[is] upon the Chaldeans
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
and upon the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Babylon
and upon her princes
and upon her wise
A sword
[is] upon the liars
and they shall dote
<02973> (8738)_:
a sword
[is] upon her mighty men
and they shall be dismayed
<02865> (8804)_.
{liars: or, chief stays: Heb. bars}
A sword
[is] upon their horses
and upon their chariots
and upon all the mingled people
that [are] in the midst
of her; and they shall become as women
a sword
[is] upon her treasures
and they shall be robbed
<0962> (8795)_.
A drought
[is] upon her waters
and they shall be dried up
<03001> (8804)_:
for it [is] the land
of graven images
and they are mad
<01984> (8704)
upon [their] idols
Therefore the wild beasts of the desert
with the wild beasts of the islands
shall dwell
<03427> (8799)
[there], and the owls
<01323> <03284>
shall dwell
<03427> (8804)
therein: and it shall be no more inhabited
<03427> (8799)
for ever
neither shall it be dwelt
<07931> (8799)
in from generation
to generation
As God
and Gomorrah
and the neighbour
[cities] thereof, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
[so] shall no man
<03427> (8799)
there, neither shall any son
of man
<01481> (8799)
Behold, a people
shall come
<0935> (8802)
from the north
and a great
and many
shall be raised up
<05782> (8735)
from the coasts
of the earth
They shall hold
<02388> (8686)
the bow
and the lance
they [are] cruel
and will not shew mercy
<07355> (8762)_:
their voice
shall roar
<01993> (8799)
like the sea
and they shall ride
<07392> (8799)
upon horses
[every one] put in array
<06186> (8803)_,
like a man
to the battle
against thee, O daughter
of Babylon
The king
of Babylon
hath heard
<08085> (8804)
the report
of them, and his hands
waxed feeble
<07503> (8804)_:
took hold
<02388> (8689)
of him, [and] pangs
as of a woman in travail
<03205> (8802)_.
Behold, he shall come up
<05927> (8799)
like a lion
from the swelling
of Jordan
unto the habitation
of the strong
but I will make
<07323> (0)
them suddenly
<07280> (8686)
run away
<07323> (8686) (8675) <07323> (8799)
from her: and who [is] a chosen
<0977> (8803)
[man, that] I may appoint
<06485> (8799)
over her? for who [is] like me? and who will appoint me the time
<03259> (8686)_?
and who [is] that shepherd
<07462> (8802)
that will stand
<05975> (8799)
me? {appoint me...: or, convent me to plead?}
Therefore hear
<08085> (8798)
ye the counsel
of the LORD
that he hath taken
<03289> (8804)
against Babylon
and his purposes
that he hath purposed
<02803> (8804)
against the land
of the Chaldeans
Surely the least
of the flock
shall draw them out
<05498> (8799)_:
surely he shall make [their] habitation
<08074> (8686)
with them.
At the noise
of the taking
<08610> (8738)
of Babylon
the earth
is moved
<07493> (8735)_,
and the cry
is heard
<08085> (8738)
among the nations
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, I will raise up
<05782> (8688)
against Babylon
and against them that dwell
<03427> (8802)
in the midst
of them that rise up
<06965> (8801)
against me, a destroying
<07843> (8688)
{midst: Heb. heart}
And will send
<07971> (8765)
unto Babylon
<02114> (8801)_,
that shall fan
<02219> (8765)
her, and shall empty
<01238> (8787)
her land
for in the day
of trouble
they shall be against her round about
Against [him that] bendeth
<01869> (0)
let the archer
<01869> (8802)
<01869> (8799)
his bow
and against [him that] lifteth himself up
<05927> (8691)
in his brigandine
and spare
<02550> (8799)
ye not her young men
destroy ye utterly
<02763> (8685)
all her host
Thus the slain
shall fall
<05307> (8804)
in the land
of the Chaldeans
and [they that are] thrust through
<01856> (8794)
in her streets
For Israel
[hath] not [been] forsaken
nor Judah
of his God
of the LORD
of hosts
though their land
was filled
<04390> (8804)
with sin
against the Holy One
of Israel
Flee out
<05127> (8798)
of the midst
of Babylon
and deliver
<04422> (8761)
every man
his soul
be not cut off
<01826> (8735)
in her iniquity
for this [is] the time
of the LORD'S
he will render
<07999> (8764)
unto her a recompence
[hath been] a golden
in the LORD'S
that made all the earth
<07937> (8764)_:
the nations
have drunken
<08354> (8804)
of her wine
therefore the nations
are mad
<01984> (8704)_.
is suddenly
<05307> (8804)
and destroyed
<07665> (8735)_:
<03213> (8685)
for her; take
<03947> (8798)
for her pain
if so be she may be healed
<07495> (8735)_.
We would have healed
<07495> (8765)
but she is not healed
<07495> (8738)_:
<05800> (8798)
her, and let us go
<03212> (8799)
every one
into his own country
for her judgment
<05060> (8804)
unto heaven
and is lifted up
<05375> (8738)
[even] to the skies
hath brought forth
<03318> (8689)
our righteousness
<0935> (8798)_,
and let us declare
<05608> (8762)
in Zion
the work
of the LORD
our God
Make bright
<01305> (8685)
the arrows
<04390> (8798)
the shields
the LORD
hath raised up
<05782> (8689)
the spirit
of the kings
of the Medes
for his device
[is] against Babylon
to destroy
<07843> (8687)
it; because it [is] the vengeance
of the LORD
the vengeance
of his temple
{bright: Heb. pure}
Set up
<05375> (8798)
the standard
upon the walls
of Babylon
make the watch
<02388> (8685)_,
set up
<06965> (8685)
the watchmen
<08104> (8802)_,
<03559> (8685)
the ambushes
<0693> (8802)_:
for the LORD
hath both devised
<02161> (8804)
and done
<06213> (8804)
that which he spake
<01696> (8765)
against the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Babylon
{ambushes: Heb. liers in wait}
O thou that dwellest
<07931> (8802) (8675) <07931> (8804)
upon many
in treasures
thine end
is come
<0935> (8802)_,
[and] the measure
of thy covetousness
of hosts
hath sworn
<07650> (8738)
by himself
[saying], Surely I will fill
<04390> (8765)
thee with men
as with caterpillers
and they shall lift up
<06030> (8804)
a shout
against thee. {by himself: Heb. by his soul} {lift up: Heb. utter}
He hath made
<06213> (8802)
the earth
by his power
he hath established
<03559> (8688)
the world
by his wisdom
and hath stretched out
<05186> (8804)
the heaven
by his understanding
When he uttereth
<05414> (8800)
[his] voice
[there is] a multitude
of waters
in the heavens
and he causeth the vapours
to ascend
<05927> (8686)
from the ends
of the earth
he maketh
<06213> (8804)
with rain
and bringeth forth
<03318> (8686)
the wind
out of his treasures
{multitude: or, noise}
Every man
is brutish
<01197> (8738)
by [his] knowledge
every founder
<06884> (8802)
is confounded
<03001> (8689)
by the graven image
for his molten image
[is] falsehood
and [there is] no breath
in them. {is brutish...: or, is more brutish than to know}
They [are] vanity
the work
of errors
in the time
of their visitation
they shall perish
<06> (8799)_.
The portion
of Jacob
[is] not like them; for he [is] the former
<03335> (8802)
of all things: and [Israel is] the rod
of his inheritance
the LORD
of hosts
[is] his name
Thou [art] my battle axe
[and] weapons
of war
for with thee will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
the nations
and with thee will I destroy
<07843> (8689)
{with thee: or, in thee, or, by thee}
And with thee will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
the horse
and his rider
<07392> (8802)_;
and with thee will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
the chariot
and his rider
<07392> (8802)_;
With thee also will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
and woman
and with thee will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
and young
and with thee will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
the young man
and the maid
I will also break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
with thee the shepherd
<07462> (8802)
and his flock
and with thee will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
the husbandman
and his yoke of oxen
and with thee will I break in pieces
<05310> (8765)
and rulers
And I will render
<07999> (8765)
unto Babylon
and to all the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Chaldea
all their evil
that they have done
<06213> (8804)
in Zion
in your sight
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
Behold, I [am] against thee, O destroying
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
which destroyest
<07843> (8688)
all the earth
and I will stretch out
<05186> (8804)
mine hand
upon thee, and roll thee down
<01556> (8773)
from the rocks
and will make
<05414> (8804)
thee a burnt
And they shall not take
<03947> (8799)
of thee a stone
for a corner
nor a stone
for foundations
but thou shalt be desolate
for ever
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
{desolate...: Heb. everlasting desolations}
Set ye up
<05375> (8798)
a standard
in the land
<08628> (8798)
the trumpet
among the nations
<06942> (8761)
the nations
against her, call together
<08085> (8685)
against her the kingdoms
of Ararat
and Ashchenaz
<06485> (8798)
a captain
against her; cause the horses
to come up
<05927> (8685)
as the rough
<06942> (8761)
against her the nations
with the kings
of the Medes
the captains
thereof, and all the rulers
thereof, and all the land
of his dominion
And the land
shall tremble
<07493> (8799)
and sorrow
<02342> (8799)_:
for every purpose
of the LORD
shall be performed
<06965> (8804)
against Babylon
to make
<07760> (8800)
the land
of Babylon
a desolation
without an inhabitant
<03427> (8802)_.
The mighty men
of Babylon
have forborn
<02308> (8804)
to fight
<03898> (8736)_,
they have remained
<03427> (8804)
in [their] holds
their might
hath failed
<05405> (8804)_;
they became as women
they have burned
<03341> (8689)
her dwellingplaces
her bars
are broken
<07665> (8738)_.
One post
<07323> (8801)
shall run
<07323> (8799)
to meet
<07125> (8800)
<07323> (8801)_,
and one messenger
<05046> (8688)
to meet
<07125> (8800)
<05046> (8688)_,
to shew
<05046> (8687)
the king
of Babylon
that his city
is taken
<03920> (8738)
at [one] end
And that the passages
are stopped
<08610> (8738)_,
and the reeds
they have burned
<08313> (8804)
with fire
and the men
of war
are affrighted
<0926> (8738)_.
For thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
The daughter
of Babylon
[is] like a threshingfloor
[it is] time
to thresh
<01869> (8687)
her: yet a little while
and the time
of her harvest
shall come
<0935> (8804)_.
{it is...: or, in the time that he thresheth her}
the king
of Babylon
hath devoured
<0398> (8804)
me, he hath crushed
<02000> (8804)
me, he hath made
<03322> (8689)
me an empty
he hath swallowed me up
<01104> (8804)
like a dragon
he hath filled
<04390> (8765)
his belly
with my delicates
he hath cast me out
<01740> (8689)_.
The violence
done to me and to my flesh
[be] upon Babylon
shall the inhabitant
<03427> (8802)
of Zion
<0559> (8799)_;
and my blood
upon the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of Chaldea
shall Jerusalem
<0559> (8799)_.
{The violence...: Heb. My violence} {flesh: or, remainder} {inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress}
Therefore thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
Behold, I will plead
<07378> (8801)
thy cause
and take vengeance
<05358> (8765)
for thee
and I will dry up
<02717> (8689)
her sea
and make her springs
<03001> (8689)_.
And Babylon
shall become heaps
a dwellingplace
for dragons
an astonishment
and an hissing
without an inhabitant
<03427> (8802)_.
They shall roar
<07580> (8799)
like lions
they shall yell
<05286> (8804)
as lions
{yell: or, shake themselves}
In their heat
I will make
<07896> (8799)
their feasts
and I will make them drunken
<07937> (8689)_,
that they may rejoice
<05937> (8799)_,
and sleep
<03462> (8804)
a perpetual
and not wake
<06974> (8686)_,
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
I will bring them down
<03381> (8686)
like lambs
to the slaughter
<02873> (8800)_,
like rams
with he goats
How is Sheshach
<03920> (8738)_!
and how is the praise
of the whole earth
<08610> (8735)_!
how is Babylon
become an astonishment
among the nations
The sea
is come up
<05927> (8804)
upon Babylon
she is covered
<03680> (8738)
with the multitude
of the waves
Her cities
are a desolation
a dry
and a wilderness
a land
wherein no man
<03427> (8799)_,
neither doth [any] son
of man
<05674> (8799)
And I will punish
<06485> (8804)
in Babylon
and I will bring forth
<03318> (8689)
out of his mouth
that which he hath swallowed up
and the nations
shall not flow together
<05102> (8799)
any more unto him: yea, the wall
of Babylon
shall fall
<05307> (8804)_.
My people
go ye out
<03318> (8798)
of the midst
of her, and deliver
<04422> (8761)
ye every man
his soul
from the fierce
of the LORD
And lest your heart
<07401> (8735)_,
and ye fear
<03372> (8799)
for the rumour
that shall be heard
<08085> (8737)
in the land
a rumour
shall both come
<0935> (8804)
[one] year
and after
that in [another] year
[shall come] a rumour
and violence
in the land
<04910> (8802)
against ruler
<04910> (8802)_.
{lest: or, let not}
Therefore, behold, the days
<0935> (8802)_,
that I will do judgment
<06485> (8804)
upon the graven images
of Babylon
and her whole land
shall be confounded
<0954> (8799)_,
and all her slain
shall fall
<05307> (8799)
in the midst
of her. {do...: Heb. visit upon}
Then the heaven
and the earth
and all that [is] therein, shall sing
<07442> (8765)
for Babylon
for the spoilers
<07703> (8802)
shall come
<0935> (8799)
unto her from the north
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
[hath caused] the slain
of Israel
to fall
<05307> (8800)_,
so at Babylon
shall fall
<05307> (8804)
the slain
of all the earth
{As...: or, Both Babylon is to fall, O ye slain of Israel, and with Babylon, etc} {the earth: or, the country}
Ye that have escaped
the sword
go away
<01980> (8798)_,
stand not still
<05975> (8799)_:
<02142> (8798)
the LORD
afar off
and let Jerusalem
<05927> (8799)
into your mind
We are confounded
<0954> (8804)_,
because we have heard
<08085> (8804)
hath covered
<03680> (8765)
our faces
for strangers
<02114> (8801)
are come
<0935> (8804)
into the sanctuaries
of the LORD'S
Wherefore, behold, the days
<0935> (8802)_,
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
that I will do judgment
<06485> (8804)
upon her graven images
and through all her land
the wounded
shall groan
<0602> (8799)_.
Though Babylon
should mount up
<05927> (8799)
to heaven
and though she should fortify
<01219> (8762)
the height
of her strength
from me shall spoilers
<07703> (8802)
<0935> (8799)
unto her, saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
A sound
of a cry
[cometh] from Babylon
and great
from the land
of the Chaldeans
Because the LORD
hath spoiled
<07703> (8802)
and destroyed
<06> (8765)
out of her the great
when her waves
do roar
<01993> (8804)
like great
a noise
of their voice
is uttered
<05414> (8738)_:
Because the spoiler
<07703> (8802)
is come
<0935> (8804)
upon her, [even] upon Babylon
and her mighty men
are taken
<03920> (8738)_,
every one of their bows
is broken
<02865> (8765)_:
for the LORD
of recompences
shall surely
<07999> (8763)
<07999> (8762)_.
And I will make drunk
<07937> (8689)
her princes
and her wise
[men], her captains
and her rulers
and her mighty men
and they shall sleep
<03462> (8804)
a perpetual
and not wake
<06974> (8686)_,
<05002> (8803)
the King
whose name
[is] the LORD
of hosts
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
of hosts
The broad
of Babylon
shall be utterly
<06209> (8771)
<06209> (8698)_,
and her high
shall be burned
<03341> (8799)
with fire
and the people
shall labour
<03021> (8799)
in vain
and the folk
the fire
and they shall be weary
<03286> (8804)_.
{The broad...: or, The walls of broad Babylon} {broken: or, made naked}
The word
which Jeremiah
the prophet
<06680> (8765)
the son
of Neriah
the son
of Maaseiah
when he went
<03212> (8800)
with Zedekiah
the king
of Judah
into Babylon
in the fourth
of his reign
<04427> (8800)_.
And [this] Seraiah
[was] a quiet
{with: or, on the behalf of} {quiet...: or, prince of Menucha, or, chief chamberlain}
So Jeremiah
<03789> (8799)
in a
all the evil
that should come
<0935> (8799)
upon Babylon
[even] all these words
that are written
<03789> (8803)
against Babylon
And Jeremiah
<0559> (8799)
to Seraiah
When thou comest
<0935> (8800)
to Babylon
and shalt see
<07200> (8804)_,
and shalt read
<07121> (8804)
all these words
Then shalt thou say
<0559> (8804)_,
thou hast spoken
<01696> (8765)
against this place
to cut it off
<03772> (8687)_,
that none shall remain
<03427> (8802)
in it, neither man
nor beast
but that it shall be desolate
for ever
{desolate: Heb. desolations}
And it shall be, when thou hast made an end
<03615> (8763)
of reading
<07121> (8800)
this book
[that] thou shalt bind
<07194> (8799)
a stone
to it, and cast
<07993> (8689)
it into the midst
of Euphrates
And thou shalt say
<0559> (8804)_,
Thus shall Babylon
<08257> (8799)_,
and shall not rise
<06965> (8799)
the evil
that I will bring
<0935> (8688)
upon her: and they shall be weary
<03286> (8804)_.
Thus far [are] the words
of Jeremiah

Amos 1:1-15

The words
of Amos
who was among the herdmen
of Tekoa
which he saw
<02372> (8804)
concerning Israel
in the days
of Uzziah
of Judah
and in the days
of Jeroboam
the son
of Joash
of Israel
two years
the earthquake
And he said
<0559> (8799)_,
will roar
<07580> (8799)
from Zion
and utter
<05414> (8799)
his voice
from Jerusalem
and the habitations
of the shepherds
<07462> (8802)
shall mourn
<056> (8804)_,
and the top
of Carmel
shall wither
<03001> (8804)_.
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
For three
of Damascus
and for four
I will not turn away
<07725> (8686)
[the punishment] thereof; because they have threshed
<01758> (8800)
with threshing instruments
of iron
{and...: or, yea, for four} {turn...: or, convert it, or, let it be quiet}
But I will send
<07971> (8765)
a fire
into the house
of Hazael
which shall devour
<0398> (8804)
the palaces
of Benhadad
I will break
<07665> (8804)
also the bar
of Damascus
and cut off
<03772> (8689)
the inhabitant
<03427> (8802)
from the plain
of Aven
and him that holdeth
<08551> (8802)
the sceptre
from the house
of Eden
<05731> (8677) <01040>_:
and the people
of Syria
shall go into captivity
<01540> (8804)
unto Kir
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
{the plain...: or, Bikathaven} {the house...: or, Betheden}
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
For three
of Gaza
and for four
I will not turn away
<07725> (8686)
[the punishment] thereof; because they carried away captive
<01540> (8687)
the whole
to deliver [them] up
<05462> (8687)
to Edom
{away captive...: or, them away with an entire}
But I will send
<07971> (8765)
a fire
on the wall
of Gaza
which shall devour
<0398> (8804)
the palaces
And I will cut off
<03772> (8689)
the inhabitant
<03427> (8802)
from Ashdod
and him that holdeth
<08551> (8802)
the sceptre
from Ashkelon
and I will turn
<07725> (8689)
mine hand
against Ekron
and the remnant
of the Philistines
shall perish
<06> (8804)_,
<0559> (8804)
the Lord
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
For three
of Tyrus
and for four
I will not turn away
<07725> (8686)
[the punishment] thereof; because they delivered up
<05462> (8687)
the whole
to Edom
and remembered
<02142> (8804)
not the brotherly
{the brotherly...: Heb. the covenant of brethren}
But I will send
<07971> (8765)
a fire
on the wall
of Tyrus
which shall devour
<0398> (8804)
the palaces
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
For three
of Edom
and for four
I will not turn away
<07725> (8686)
[the punishment] thereof; because he did pursue
<07291> (8800)
his brother
with the sword
and did cast off
<07843> (8765)
all pity
and his anger
did tear
<02963> (8799)
and he kept
<08104> (8804)
his wrath
for ever
{did cast...: Heb. corrupted his compassions}
But I will send
<07971> (8765)
a fire
upon Teman
which shall devour
<0398> (8804)
the palaces
of Bozrah
Thus saith
<0559> (8804)
the LORD
For three
of the children
of Ammon
and for four
I will not turn away
<07725> (8686)
[the punishment] thereof; because they have ripped up
<01234> (8800)
the women with child
of Gilead
that they might enlarge
<07337> (8687)
their border
{ripped...: or, divided the mountains}
But I will kindle
<03341> (8689)
a fire
in the wall
of Rabbah
and it shall devour
<0398> (8804)
the palaces
thereof, with shouting
in the day
of battle
with a tempest
in the day
of the whirlwind
And their king
shall go
<01980> (8804)
into captivity
he and his princes
<0559> (8804)
the LORD

Zephaniah 2:1-15

Gather yourselves together
<07197> (8703)_,
yea, gather together
<07197> (8798)_,
O nation
not desired
<03700> (8737)_;
{not...: or, not desirous}
Before the decree
bring forth
<03205> (8800)_,
[before] the day
<05674> (8804)
as the chaff
the fierce
of the LORD
<0935> (8799)
upon you, before the day
of the LORD'S
<0935> (8799)
upon you.
<01245> (8761)
ye the LORD
all ye meek
of the earth
which have wrought
<06466> (8804)
his judgment
<01245> (8761)
<01245> (8761)
it may be
ye shall be hid
<05641> (8735)
in the day
of the LORD'S
For Gaza
shall be forsaken
<05800> (8803)_,
and Ashkelon
a desolation
they shall drive out
<01644> (8762)
at the noon day
and Ekron
shall be rooted up
<06131> (8735)_.
unto the inhabitants
<03427> (8802)
of the sea
the nation
of the Cherethites
the word
of the LORD
[is] against you; O Canaan
the land
of the Philistines
I will even destroy
<06> (8689)
thee, that there shall be no inhabitant
<03427> (8802)_.
And the sea
shall be dwellings
[and] cottages
for shepherds
<07462> (8802)_,
and folds
for flocks
And the coast
shall be for the remnant
of the house
of Judah
they shall feed
<07462> (8799)
thereupon: in the houses
of Ashkelon
shall they lie down
<07257> (8799)
in the evening
for the LORD
their God
shall visit
<06485> (8799)
them, and turn away
<07725> (8804)
their captivity
<07622> (8675) <07622>_.
{for the LORD: or, when, etc}
I have heard
<08085> (8804)
the reproach
of Moab
and the revilings
of the children
of Ammon
whereby they have reproached
<02778> (8765)
my people
and magnified
<01431> (8686)
[themselves] against their border
Therefore [as] I live
<05002> (8803)
the LORD
of hosts
the God
of Israel
Surely Moab
shall be as Sodom
and the children
of Ammon
as Gomorrah
[even] the breeding
of nettles
and saltpits
<04379> <04417>_,
and a perpetual
<05704> <05769>
the residue
of my people
shall spoil
<0962> (8799)
them, and the remnant
of my people
shall possess
<05157> (8799)
This shall they have for their pride
because they have reproached
<02778> (8765)
and magnified
<01431> (8686)
[themselves] against the people
of the LORD
of hosts
[will be] terrible
<03372> (8737)
unto them: for he will famish
<07329> (8804)
all the gods
of the earth
and [men] shall worship
<07812> (8691)
him, every one
from his place
[even] all the isles
of the heathen
{famish: Heb. make lean}
Ye Ethiopians
also, ye
[shall be] slain
by my sword
And he will stretch out
<05186> (8799)
his hand
against the north
and destroy
<06> (8762)
and will make
<07760> (8799)
a desolation
[and] dry
like a wilderness
And flocks
shall lie down
<07257> (8804)
in the midst
of her, all the beasts
of the nations
both the cormorant
and the bittern
shall lodge
<03885> (8799)
in the upper lintels
of it; [their] voice
shall sing
<07891> (8787)
in the windows
[shall be] in the thresholds
for he shall uncover
<06168> (8765)
the cedar work
{cormorant: or, pelican} {upper...: or, knops, or, chapiters} {for...: or, when he hath uncovered}
This [is] the rejoicing
that dwelt
<03427> (8802)
that said
<0559> (8802)
in her heart
I [am], and [there is] none beside
me: how is she become a desolation
a place for beasts
to lie down in
every one that passeth by
<05674> (8802)
her shall hiss
<08319> (8799)_,
[and] wag
<05128> (8686)
his hand

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