NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Genesis 29:34


named <08034> [A.M. 2254. B.C. 1750. was.]

Levi <03878> [Levi. that is, joined.]

Genesis 49:5-7


Simeon <08095> [Simeon.]

weapons <03627> [instruments, etc. or, their swords are weapons of violence.]


soul <05315> [O my soul.]

come <0935> [come.]

council <05475> [secret.]

assembly <06951> [unto their.]

heart <03519> [honour.]

men <0376> [a man.]

hamstrung oxen <07794 06131> [digged down a wall. or, houghed oxen.]


Cursed <0779> [Cursed.]

divide <02505> [I will divide.]

Exodus 6:16


sons <01121> [sons.]

Kohath <06955> [Kohath.]

137 <03967> [an hundred.]

Numbers 3:17-22







month old <02320 01121> [from a month old.]

The males of all the other tribes were numbered from twenty years old and upwards; but, had the Levites been numbered in this way, they would not have been nearly equal in number to the first-born of the twelve tribes. Add to this, that as there must have been first-born of all ages in the other tribes, it was necessary that the Levites, who were to be their substitutes, should also be of all ages; and it appears to have been partly on this ground, that the Levites were numbered from a month old and upwards.

Numbers 4:1-49





thirty years ....... years <08141 07970> [thirty years.]

enter <0935> [enter.]

do <06213> [to do.]



camp <04264> [And when.]

Aaron ...... come <0175 0935> [Aaron shall come.]

The law prohibiting any person, except the high priest on one day in the year, to enter into the most holy place, must have admitted an exception while the Israelites were in the wilderness: that exception, therefore, is here expressly made; and the directions given respecting it must be religiously observed, or the service could not be safely performed. While the cloud rested on the tabernacle, the general rule was in force; but when it was removed, then the priests might enter to prepare the sacred vessels for removal.

down <03381> [they shall.]

cover <03680> [and cover.]


fine leather <05785 08476> [badgers' skins.]

This was not the covering of badgers' skins made for the tabernacle, which was carried by the Gershonites, (ver. 24, 25,) but one made for the purpose of concealing and sheltering the ark when it was to be carried.

cloth <0899> [a cloth.]

put ...................... insert <05414 07760> [and shall put.]

{Wesamoo baddaiv,} rather, "and adjust the staves thereof;" i.e., dispose them rightly under the covering, that they might be laid on their shoulders: for the staves were never taken out of the rings.

poles <0905> [the staves.]


table <07979> [the table.]

pouring <05262> [cover withal. or, pour out withal. the continual.]

The Israelites, without doubt, were able to procure corn enough from the adjacent countries, even when in the wilderness, to make the shewbread, and to present the daily meat offerings.







The embers of the sacred fire seem to have been removed in the grate, which was carried apart from the brazen altar; both being covered from view by purple cloths.


implements ..... serve ............... utensils <03627 08334> [all the vessels thereof.]

basins <04219> [basons. or, bowls.]


sons .................. ready ...... Kohathites ......................... Kohathites <0310 01121> [after that.]

touch <05060> [they shall.]

responsibilities <04853> [These things.]


responsibility .................................. responsibility <06486> [the office.]

Eleazar himself, perhaps with the other priests, was required to carry the oil for the light, the incense, and the flour for the daily meat offering, and the holy ointment; besides superintending the Levites. It may be supposed, that he himself carried no more of the oil than for present use. (see ver. 9.)

oil ................. oil <08081> [the oil.]

spiced <05561> [the sweet.]

daily <08548> [the daily.]

anointing <04888> [the anointing.]

responsibility .................................. responsibility <06486> [the oversight.]


Eleazar and the priests would be chargeable with the death of the Kohathites, if they failed to give them proper cautions and directions; or permitted them to gaze with irreverence or curiosity upon the holy things, which they might carry, but not see. (ver. 20.)


most holy things <06944> [the most holy.]



go <0935> [they shall.]

holy <06944> [the holy things.]

{Hakkodesh,} "the holy," or "sanctuary," i.e., the ark, as the Jews generally understand it; and with good reason, as any one may be convinced, who compares 1 Ki 8:8 with 2 Ch 5:9, where that which is called the holy in the former, is called the ark in the latter.



thirty years ....... years <08141 07970> [thirty years.]


company <06633 06635> [to perform the service. Heb. to war the warfare.]


carry <04853> [burdens. or, carriage.]


curtains <03407> [the curtains.]

covering ... covering <04372> [the covering.]


hangings <07050> [the hangings.]

ropes <04340> [and their cords.]


<06310> [appointment. Heb. mouth.]

The Levites were under the command of the priests. Eleazar exercised this authority in general, as next in succession to Aaron: and he in particular was placed over the Kohathites; while Ithamar, his younger brother, commanded the Gershonites and Merarites. (ver. 33.)




company <06635> [service. Heb. warfare.]


responsible <04931> [the charge.]

frames <07175> [the boards.]


names <08034> [and by name.]

An inventory was taken of every particular, even to the very pins belonging to each part, that nothing might be wanting when the tabernacle was set up.

furnishings .............. items <03627> [the instruments.]


authority <03027> [under the hand.]



In the third chapter we have an account of the whole number of the Levites; and here of those only who were able to serve the Lord in the sanctuary. By comparing the two places, we find the number of the effective and ineffective males to stand thus:-- Kohathites. Effective men . . . . . . . 2,750 Ineffective . . . . . . . . 5,850 ----- Total 8,600 Gershonites. Effective men . . . . . . . 2,630 Ineffective . . . . . . . . 4,870 ----- Total 7,500 Merarites. Effective men . . . . . . . 3,200 Ineffective . . . . . . . . 3,000 ----- Total 6,200 Thus we find that the whole number of the Levites amounted to 22,300; of whom 8,580 were fit for service and 13,720 unfit, being either too old or too young. What an astonishing number of men, all performing some service by which God was glorified, and the congregation at large benefited!



The family of Merari, though smaller than either of the other families of Levi, yet had a greater number of able men than any of them; for out of 6,200 males of a month old and upwards, we find 3,200 who were neither too young nor too old for the service of the sanctuary; which was more than one-half of their whole number. In this the wisdom and providence of God appear most conspicuously; for the Merarites were charged with the heaviest part of the sanctuary, as the boards, bars, sockets, etc; and though waggons were afterwards provided for them, yet the loading and unloading of the sockets, and other things of great weight, would require much strength, both bodily and numerical. (Compare ver. 36, 40, with ch. 3:22, 28, 24.) Thus God ever manifests his wisdom, in fitting men for the work to which they are appointed, whether with respect to number or gifts: "For to one is given, by the Spirit, the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit; to another faith, by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing, by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: but all these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will."


thirty <07970> [From thirty.]

entered <0935> [every one.]



word <06310> [According to the.]

each <0376> [every one.]

Lord ............................... Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]

Numbers 8:1-26


When this was spoken, says Bp. Patrick, is not certain. If Moses went into the tabernacle immediately after the princes had offered, (ch. 7:89,) it may be thought he then spake these things unto him; but both this and what follows, concerning the Levites, seem rather to have been delivered after the order for giving them to the priests, and appointing their several charges. (ch. 3; 4.) But some other things intervening, which depended upon what had been ordered respecting their camp, and that of the Israelites, Moses omits this until he had stated them, and some other matters which he had received from God. (See ch. 7:11.)




work <04639> [this work.]

beaten ............. beaten work <04749> [beaten work.]

pattern <04758> [the pattern.]


purify <02891> [cleanse them.]


Sprinkle <05137> [Sprinkle.]

water <04325> [water.]

shave <08593> [let them shave. Heb. let them cause a razor to pass over, etc.]

wash ... clothes <03526 0899> [wash their.]


young ..................... young <01121> [a young.]

grain offering <04503> [his meat.]

second <08145> [another.]


bring <07126> [thou shalt bring.]

assemble .... community <06950 05712> [shalt gather the whole.]

The words, {kol Æ’dath,} which are rendered "the whole assembly," often signify all the elders, or principal persons in the several tribes. (ch. 15:4; 25:7; 35:12.) And they cannot well have any other sense here; for it would be impossible for all the children of Israel to put their hands on the Levites, as stated in the next verse.



offer <05130> [offer. Heb. wave. offering. Heb. wave-offering.]

Not that they were actually waved, but they were presented to God, as the God of heaven, and the Lord of the whole earth, as the wave offerings were; and in calling them wave-offerings, it was intimated to them that they must move to and fro with readiness in the business of their profession.

they may <05647> [they may execute. Heb. they may be to execute, etc.]


Levites .................................. Levites <03881> [Levites.]

one ........ other <0259> [the one.]

atonement <03722> [atonement.]


then offer them .... wave offering <05130 08573> [offer them.]

{Wehainaphta othom tenoophath,} literlly, as in ver. 11, "and thou shalt wave them for a wave-offering;" manifestly in allusion to the ancient sacrificial rite of waving the sacrifices before the Lord; and it is probable, that some significant action, analogous to the waving of the sacrifice, was employed on this occasion; for the Levites were considered as an offering to the Lord, to whose service they were wholly dedicated. To this the apostle Paul manifestly alludes, when, in writing to the Romans, he says, (ch. 12:1,) "I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."


separate <0914> [separate.]

Levites ........ Levites <03881> [and the Levites.]


go <0935> [go in.]

them ... offer them like <05130> [and offer.]


entirely given <05414> [wholly given.]

{Nethunim, nethunim,} "given; given;" The word being repeated, "because," says Bp. Patrick, "the children of Israel had devoted them to him, by laying their hands upon them, (ver. 10,) and Aaron had waved them as a wave-offering to the Lord." (ver. 11.)

open <06363> [instead of such.]

Houbigant, on the authority of the Samaritan, reads, "instead of every first-born of the children of Israel, who openeth the womb."


firstborn males ................ firstborn <01060> [all the.]

when <03117> [on the day.]

apart <06942> [I sanctified.]


given <05414> [I have given.]

given <05414> [a gift. Heb. given. that there.]


purified <02398> [were purified.]

then ... presented them like <05130> [offered.]

Aaron ............ Aaron ... atonement <0175 03722> [Aaron made.]


After ..... went <0310 0935> [after that.]

Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]


twenty-five <06242> [from twenty.]

In ch. 4:3, the Levites are appointed to the service of the tabernacle at the age of 30 years; and in 1 Ch 23:24, they are ordered to commence their work at 20 years of age. In order to reconcile this apparent discrepancy, it is to be observed, 1. At the time of which Moses speaks in ch. 4:3, the Levitical service was exceedingly severe, and consequently required full grown, robust men, to perform it; the age of 30 was therefore appointed as the period for commencing this service, the weightier part of which was probably there intended. 2. In this place God seems to speak of the service in a general way: hence the age of 25 is fixed. 3. In David's time, and afterwards, in the fixed tabernacle and temple, the laboriousness of the service no longer existed, and hence 20 years was the age appointed.

company .... work <06633 05656> [wait upon. Heb. war the warfare of, etc.]


must retire ... performing ... work <06635 05656 07725> [cease waiting upon the service thereof. Heb. return from the warfare of the service.]

The Levites, above fifty years of age, might superintend and assist their junior brethren in the ordinary offices, and give them and the people counsel and instruction; but they were exempted from carrying the tabernacle and from other laborious services. It is remarkable, that no law was made concerning the age at which the priests should begin to officiate, and though various blemishes disqualified them for the service of the sanctuary, yet they continued their ministrations till death, if capable. On the other hand, nothing is said concerning any bodily defects or blemishes disqualifying the Levites; but the time of their service is expressly settled. Their work was far more laborious than that of the priests; it is therefore likely that the priests would not begin very early to officiate; and the wisdom and experience of age would increase, rather than diminish, their fitness for the sacred duties of their office.


attend <08104> [to keep.]

work <05647> [and shall.]

Numbers 26:57-58


numbered <06485> [these are.]

Gershon <01648> [of Gershon.]


Deuteronomy 33:8-11


Thummim <08550> [Let thy.]

godly <02623> [with thy.]

challenged ... Massah <05254 04532> [prove at.]


said <0559> [Who said.]

seen <07200> [I have not.]

kept <08104> [for they.]


teach <03384> [They shall teach. or, Let them teach, etc.]

offer incense <07760 06988> [they shall put incense. or, let them put incense.]

whole offering <0639 03632> [before thee. Heb. at thy nose. whole.]


goods <02428> [his substance.]

be pleased with <07521> [accept.]

undercut ....... attack <04272> [smite.]

Deuteronomy 33:1


blessing <01293> [the blessing.]

man <0376> [the man.]

Deuteronomy 2:1


turned <06437> [we turned.]

detouring <05437> [we compassed.]

Deuteronomy 2:11


Anakites <06062> [as the Anakims.]

Deuteronomy 2:16

Deuteronomy 6:1-3


commandments <04687> [the commandments.]

headed <03423 05674> [go to possess it. Heb. pass over.]


revere <03372> [fear.]

children .... grandchildren <01121> [and thy son.]

days <03117> [thy days.]


careful <08104> [and observe.]

increase <07235> [that ye may.]

land <0776> [in the land.]

Deuteronomy 22:1--26:1


see ............... return ... without fail <07200 07725> [Thou shalt.]

ignore ..... return ... without fail <05956 07725> [hide thyself.]


return <07725> [thou shalt restore.]


help ... get <06965> [thou shalt surely.]


woman ...... clothing ......... women's <0802 03627> [woman shall not.]

offensive <08441> [abomination.]


chicks ....... bird <0667> [young ones.]

take <03947> [thou shalt not]


be sure ... let .... go <07971> [But thou shalt.]

The extirpation of any species of birds, whether edible or birds of prey, is often attended with serious consequences, and is always productive of evil; to prevent which was the object of this law. Palestine is situated in a climate producing poisonous snakes and scorpions, and between deserts and mountains, from which it would be inundated by them, as well as with immense swarms of flies, locusts, and mice, if the birds which feed upon them were extirpated. In a moral point of view, it may have been intended to inculcate a spirit of mercy and kindness, and to prevent the exercise of cruelty even towards a sparrow; for he who is guilty of such cruelty will, if circumstances be favourable, be cruel to his fellow-creatures.

well <03190> [that it may.]

long <0748> [thou mayest.]


construct <06213> [then thou shalt.]

The eastern houses being built with flat roofs, which were used for various purposed, as walking, sleeping, etc., it was therefore necessary to have a sort of battlement, or balustrade, to prevent accidents, by people falling off.

roof <01406> [thy roof.]

avoid <07760> [thou bring.]


plant .................. plant <02232> [shalt not sow.]

[fruit of thy seed. Heb. fulness of thy seed.]


Two different species cannot associate comfortably together, nor pull pleasantly either in cart or plough; and the ass being lower than the ox, when yoked, he must bear the principal part of the weight.



tassels <01434> [fringes.]

corners <03671> [quarters. Heb. wings.]




never divorce <03201 07971> [he may not put.]


stone <05619 068> [stone her.]

done <06213> [she hath wrought.]

purge <01197> [shalt thou.]




stone <05619> [and ye shall stone.]

In these laws, the betrothed damsel was considered as the wife of the man to whom she was engaged, though they had not come together; and therefore the crime was adjudged adultery. But a charitable supposition is admitted in the damsel's favour, in case she was found in a solitary place.

violated <06031> [he hath humbled.]

purge <01197> [so thou shalt put.]


overpowered .... raped ...... rapist <02388 07901> [force her. or, take strong hold of her.]


<02399> [no sin.]


cried out <06817> [cried.]



violated <06031> [because he hath humbled.]


man .... marry <0376 03947> [a man shall.]

This is to be understood as referring to the case of a stepmother. A man in his old age may have married a young woman, and on his dying, his son by another, or a former wife, may desire to espouse her; which is here forbidden.

dishonor <01540> [discover.]


man <06481> [wounded.]

enter <0935> [shall not enter.]

It is evident that his law was not meant to exclude such Israelites either from the common benefits of civil society, or any essential religious advantages; but merely to lay them under a disgraceful distinction. This would tend to discourage parents from thus treating their children; a practice which was exceedingly common in those ages and countries. To this they were induced by the custom which prevailed, of employing such in the houses of the great and the courts of princes; so that they often rose to the highest posts of honour and authority. Some expositors therefore consider the phrase, "shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord," as meaning, that they should be incapable of bearing any office in that government which was placed over the people of God, who must thus enter a protest against this custom, and deliver selfish parents from this temptation.



Ammonite <05984> [Ammonite.]

These nations were subjected for their impiety, wickedness, and enmity to Israel, (ver. 4, 5,) to peculiar disgrace; and on this account were not permitted to hold any office among the Israelites. This did not, however, disqualify them from becoming proselytes; for Ruth, who was a Moabitess, was married to Boaz, and became one of the progenitors of our Lord.


meet <01697 06923> [Because they met.]

hired <07936> [because they hired.]


Lord .......... changed ......... Lord <03068> [Nevertheless.]

Lord .......... changed ......... Lord <03068> [because the.]


seek <01875> [Thou shalt.]

prosperity <02896> [prosperity. Heb. good.]


relative <0251> [he is thy.]

foreigner <01616> [because thou.]


enter ... assembly <0935 06951> [enter into.]

third generation <01755 07992> [third generation.]




evening <06153> [when evening.]

arrives <06437> [cometh on. Heb. turneth toward. wash himself.]


In such a vast camp as that of the Israelites, (See Notes on Nu ch. 1; 2,) and indeed, as Scheuchzer remarks, in every well regulated camp, cleanliness is considered as indispensably necessary.


relieve yourself outside <03427 02351> [wilt ease thyself. Heb. sittest down. cover that.]


walks <01980> [walketh.]

anything indecent <01697 06172> [unclean thing. Heb. nakedness of any thing.]


We cannot suppose that this law required the Israelites to entertain slaves who had robbed their masters, or left their service without cause; but such only as were cruelly treated, and fled to them for protection, especially from the neighbouring nations. To such they were commanded to afford shelter, and shew great kindness.


live <03427> [shall dwell.]

prefers <02896> [liketh him best. Heb. is good for him. thou shalt not.]


sacred prostitute <06948> [There shall be, etc.]

The prohibition in the text, like many others, has no direct application to practices that were common among the Israelites at that time; but was intended to guard them against the enormities which were practised among the surrounding nations.

sacred prostitute <06948> [whore. or, sodomitess.]

sacred male prostitute <06945> [sodomite.]


pay <0868> [hire.]

male prostitute <03611> [dog.]

vow <05088> [any vow.]



lend ..... a foreigner <05237> [a stranger.]

Lord <03068> [that the.]



vow <04161> [That which.]

vowed <05087> [hast vowed.]


eat <0398> [thou mayest.]


pluck <06998> [then thou mayest.]


<03947> [hath taken.]

offensive <06172> [uncleanness. Heb. matter of nakedness. then let him.]

divorce <03748> [divorcement. Heb. cutting off.]

evict ..... house <07971 01004> [send her.]


go <01980> [she may go.]


first <07223> [Her former.]

land <0776> [thou shalt.]


man <0376> [a man.]

obligated <05674> [neither, etc. Heb. not any thing shall pass upon him. cheer up.]


take ....... as security ......... taking ..... as security <02254> [shall take.]

Small hand-mills, which ground at one time only a sufficient quantity for a day's consumption; hence they were forbidden to take either of the stones to pledge, because if they did, they would be deprived of the means of preparing their necessary food, and the family be without bread. On this account they are called in the text, a man's life. The same reason holds good against receiving in pledge, or distraining for debt, any instrument of labour, by which men earn their livelihood.

life <05315> [life.]


found <04672> [found.]

kidnapper <01590> [then that.]

purge <01197> [and thou shalt.]



Remember <02142> [Remember.]

Miriam <04813> [Miriam.]


<05383> [When.]

loan .... neighbor <07453 03972 04859 05383> [lend thy brother any thing. Heb. lend the loan of any thing to thy brother.]



return <07725> [deliver.]

sunset <08121> [the sun.]

garment <08008> [in his own raiment.]

The raiment here referred to was most likely the same as the {hyke} of the Arabs, a long kind of blanket, resembling a Highland plaid, generally about six yards in length, and five or six feet broad; in which they often carry their provisions, as well as wrap themselves in, in the day, and sleep in at night, it being their only substitute for a bed. How necessary, then, it was to restore the {hyke} to a poor man before the going down of the sun, that he might have something to repose on, will sufficiently appear from these considerations.

just deed <06666> [shall be.]



day <03117> [At his.]

life depends <05315 05375> [setteth his heart upon it. Heb. lifteth his soul unto it.]

cry out <07121> [lest he.]



pervert <05186> [pervert.]

take ..... as security for a loan <02254> [nor take.]



reap <07114> [When thou.]

resident foreigner <01616> [it shall be.]

bless <01288> [may bless.]


repeat ... procedure <0310 06286> [go over the boughs again. Heb. bough it after thee.]


grapes <01219> [gatherest.]

<0310> [afterward. Heb. after thee.]





more ....... more <03254> [not exceed.]

view <07034> [vile unto thee.]

That is, be beaten so cruelly, that, by retaining the marks, he become contemptible in the eyes of his brethren. Amendment, and not this, was the object of the punishment. We should hate and despise the sin, but not the sinner.


muzzle <02629> [shalt not.]

In Judea, as well as in Egypt, Greece, and Italy, they made use of beeves to tread out the corn; and the same mode of threshing still obtains in Arabia, Barbary, and other eastern countries, to the present day. The sheaves lie open and expanded on the threshing floors, and the cattle continually move round them, and thus tread out the grain. The natives of Aleppo still religiously observe the ancient humane practice, inculcated by this law, of permitting the oxen to remain unmuzzled when treading out the corn.

muzzle <02629> [muzzle.]

<01778> [treadeth out. Heb. thresheth.]


brothers <0251> [brethren.]

husband's brother .............. brother-in-law <02993 02992> [husband's brother. or, next kinsman.]


first son <01060> [the first-born.]

name ......... name <08034> [that his name.]

[brother's wife. or, next kinsman's wife. go up.]


want ... marry <02654 03947> [I like not.]


sandal <05275 02502> [loose his shoe.]

Pulling off the shoe seems to express his being degraded to the situation of slaves, who generally went barefoot; and spitting in or rather before, (biphney) his face, was a mark of the utmost ignominy.

spit <03417> [spit.]

done <06213> [So shall.]


two men ............... involved ..... husband <0376 05337> [to deliver her husband.]



bag <03599> [in thy bag.]

stone weights <068> [divers weights. Heb. a stone and a stone.]

{Aivenw„aiven;} because weights were anciently made of stone. Hence the expression, a stone weight, which is still in use, though the matter of which it is made be lead or iron, and the name itself shews us that a stone of a certain weight was formerly used.


different measuring containers <0374> [divers measures. Heb. an ephah and an ephah.]

{Aiphah w„aiphah;} for this was the cost common measure among the Israelites, by which all the others were made and adjusted. They are not only forbidden to use divers weights and measures, one large or heavy to buy with, and another small and light to sell with, but they were not even allowed to keep such in the house. It is observable also, that these too common but dishonest actions are branded as "an abomination to the Lord," equally with idolatry, and other scandalous crimes.


life <03117> [that thy days.]


acts <06213> [all that do.]



unafraid <03373> [feared.]


Lord <03068> [when the.]

wipe out ............ forget <04229 07911> [thou shalt.]


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