John 1:18
has ... seen <3708> [seen.]
only one <3439> [the only.]
in closest fellowship <1519 2859> [in the.]
has made ... known <1565 1834> [he hath.]
John 6:44-46
No one <3762> [man.]
<3362> [except.]
draws <1670> [draw.]
written <1125> [written.]
And ............ and <2532 2071> [And they.]
all ...... Everyone <3956> [Every.]
anyone <5100> [any.]
has seen ........... he has seen <3778 3708> [he hath.]
John 10:15
just as <2531> [As.]
and I ..... and I lay down <2504 2532 5087> [and I.]
John 17:5
glorify <1392> [glorify.]
before <4253> [before.]
John 17:26
I made known ....... I will continue to make ... known <1107> [I have.]
so that <2443> [that.]
and I <2504> [and I.]
John 17:2
just as ........ all ........... everyone <2531 3956> [As.]
you have given ......... he may give ...... you have given <1325> [give.]
all ........... everyone <3956> [many.]
Colossians 4:6
your <5216> [your.]
seasoned <741> [seasoned.]
how <4459> [how.]
Colossians 4:1
treat <3930> [give.]
you <5210> [ye.]
Colossians 1:20
by making peace <1517> [having made peace. or making peace.]
to reconcile <604> [reconcile.]
all things ................. on earth .... in <1093 1722 3956 1909> [things in earth.]
Colossians 1:2
saints <40> [the saints.]
faithful <4103> [faithful.]
Grace <5485> [Grace.]
Colossians 1:9
from <575> [since.]
you have ... ceased <3973> [do.]
his <846> [of his.]
wisdom <4678> [wisdom.]
spiritual <4152> [spiritual.]