Kidung Jemaat
John 14:3
'Ku Berseru, Hai Dunia [KJ.207]
1. 'Ku berseru, hai dunia, "T'lah bangkit Tuhanku!"
Ia pun hadir s'lamanya, tinggal, bersamamu.
Mat 28:20
2. Hai kawanku, teruskanlah berita mulia,
yaitu kerajaanNya sekarang merekah.
3. Dunia sekarang berseri penuh anugerah
dan hidup baru diberi kepada umatNya.
4. Maut 'kan habis tenggelam, seramnya hilanglah;
kini terlihat di depan zaman bahagia.
Why 20:14
5. Jalan sengsara Tuhanku menuju t'rang baka;
Ia mengajak kita pun ke rumah BapaNya.
Yoh 14:2-3
6. Orang berkabung, marilah, tabahkan hatimu;
di rumah Bapa kau kelak kembali bertemu.
7. Tiap taburan kasihmu bertumbuh dan mekar,
sehingga dunia penuh buahnya yang segar.
8. Tuhan bersama umatNya, dan duka t'lah lenyap.
Ia Pembaru dunia sekarang dan tetap.Why 7:17
Why 21:4
Play Batu Penjuru G'reja [KJ.252]
1. Batu penjuru G'reja dan Dasar yang esa, yaitu
Yesus Kristus, Pendiri umatNya. Dengan kurban darahNya
Gereja ditebus; baptisan dan firmanNya membuatNya kudus.Mzm 118:22
Yes 28:16
1 Kor 3:10-11
Ef 2:20
1 Ptr 2:6-7
Ibr 9:14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
Why 5:9
Ef 5:25-27
2. Terpanggil dari bangsa seluruh dunia, manunggallah Gereja
ber-Tuhan Yang Esa. Aneka kurnianya, esa baptisannya,
esa perjamuannya, esa harapannya.
Rm 12:4-5
1 Kor 12:4
Ef 4:3-7
1 Kor 10:16-17
3. Dilanda perpecahan dan faham yang sesat. Jemaat diresahkan
tekanan yang berat. Kaum kudus menyerukan, "Berapa lamakah?"
Akhirnya malam duka diganti t'rang cerah.
1 Kor 11:18-19
Ef 4:14
Why 6:9-10
4. Gereja takkan punah selama-lamanya, dibimbing tangan Tuhan,
dibela kasihNya. Ditantang pengkhianat dan banyak musuhnya,
dan bertahanlah jemaat dan jaya mulia.
Mzm 46
Mat 16:18
5. Di dalam pencobaan dan perjuangannya dinantikan zaman
sejahtera baka. Di mata tercerminkan Gereja yang menang
mencapai perhentian sentosa cemerlang.
Tit 2:13
Yak 5:7-8
2 Ptr 3:10-13
Why 12:11
Ibr 4:9-10
6. Gereja yang di sorga dan yang di dunia bersatu dalam Tuhan,
Ketiga Yang Esa Ya Tuhan, b'ri anug'rah supaya kami pun
Engkau tempatkan juga kekal dirumahMu.Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Bila Nanti Yesus Datang [KJ.274] ( When He Cometh )
1. Bila nanti Yesus datang menata intanNya,
tiap orang yang percaya, kepunyaanNya.
2. Tiap orang percaya kelak bercahaya bagai
Intan permata di mahkotaNya.
3. Dikumpulkan, disatukan permata tercinta
yang dibasuh, disucikan dengan darahNya.
1 Yoh 1:7
4. Tiap orang percaya kelak bercahaya bagai
Intan permata di mahkotaNya.
5. Anak-anak yang percaya dirangkul olehNya
dan menjadi mutiara kesayanganNya.
6. Tiap orang percaya kelak bercahaya bagai
Intan permata di mahkotaNya.
7. Hai semua, tua muda, terimalah Dia!
Bagi kita tersedia tempat mulia.
Yoh 14:2-3
8. Tiap orang percaya kelak bercahaya bagai
Intan permata di mahkotaNya.Play Damai Sejahtera Kutinggalkan Bagimu [KJ.163]
1. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
2. Janganlah hatimu gemetar dan gelisah;
Tuhan kasihilah dan percayalah Dia!
Ia telah pergi, Ia datang kembali.
Ingat amanatnya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
3. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
4. DisediakanNya dalam rumah BapaNya
bagi sahabatNya tempat tinggal s'lamanya.
Sambil menanti Dia, kuatkanlah hati.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
5. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
6. Kamu, jemaatNya, tahu jalan ke situ:
Dialah Jalan dan Kebenaran dan Hidup!
Lakukanlah sabdaNya seraya menanti.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.
7. "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!
Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu,
damai sentosaKu Kuberi kepadamu!"
8. Kamu pun bukanlah bagai yatim piatu:
Roh Mahasucilah yang menghiburkan kamu!
Sampai TuhanMu datang amalkanlah kasih.
Ingat amanatNya, berpegang pada janji:
Kembali ke Reff.Play Dari Terbitnya Surya T'rang [KJ.137]
1. Dari terbitnya surya t'rang sampai dibarat terbenam
Sang Kristus dimuliakanlah, yang dilahirkan Maria.
Mzm 113:3
Mal 1:11
2. Maha Pencipta dunia menjadi hamba terendah
dan menebus manusia dari bencana dosanya.
Flp 2:6-8
3. T'lah lahir Sang Imanuel yang diwartakan Gabriel;
Yohanes mengelukanNya dalam kandungan bundanya.
Mat 1:32Luk 1:26-38
Luk 1:41, 44
4. Walaupun Raja semesta, palungan tak ditolakNya;
Yang menghidupi burung pun, kini menyusu tersenyum.
Mzm 147:9
Luk 2:7
5. Biduan sorga mulia memuji Allah, BapaNya,
dan kaum gembala mendengar tentang Gembala yang Besar.
Luk 2:8-14
6. Orang Majusi dari jauh melihat bintang Putra Daud,
pergi memandang T'rang Baka, mempersembahkan hartanya.
Mat 2:1-11
7. Herodes, kau mengapakah cemas menyambut datangNya
yang sungguh tidak akan mau berkuasa seperti engkau?
Mat 2:3
8. Ratapan ibu terdengar di pembunuhan yang besar
oleh Herodes yang kejam terhadap tunas Betlehem.
Yer 31:15
Mat 2:16-18
9. Para sarjana Alkitab menguji Dia yang berhak
bermukim s'lama-lamanya di dalam rumah BapaNya.
Luk 2:46-49
10. Berdiri, putih cemerlang, Sang Anakdomba di Yordan:
pertanda kerelaanNya menghapus dosa dunia.
Mrk 1:9-11
Yoh 1:29
11. Air jadi anggur yang terbaik mukjizat kuasaNya ajaib:
yang kosong dipenuhiNya dengan berkat karunia!Yoh 2:1-11
Play Di Jalanku 'Ku Diiring [KJ.408]
1. Di jalanku 'ku diiring oleh Yesus Tuhanku.
Apakah yang kurang lagi, jika Dia Panduku?
Diberi damai sorgawi, asal imanku teguh.
Suka-duka dipakaiNya untuk kebaikanku;
Suka-duka dipakaiNya untuk kebaikanku.
Ul 31:6, 8
Yos 1:5, 9
Mzm 23:1-4
Mzm 73:23
Rm 8:28
2. Di jalanku yang berliku dihiburNya hatiku;
bila tiba pencobaan dikuatkan imanku.
Jika aku kehausan dan langkahku tak tetap,
dari cadas didepanku datang air yang sedap;
dari cadas didepanku datang air yang sedap.
Kel 17:6
3. Di jalanku nyata sangat kasih Tuhan yang mesra.
Dijanjikan perhentian di rumahNya yang baka.
Jika jiwaku membubung meninggalkan dunia,
Kunyanyikan tak hentinya kasih dan pimpinanNya;
Kunyanyikan tak hentinya kasih dan pimpinanNya.Ibr 4:9-10
Mzm 23:6
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Hai Musafir, Mau ke Mana [KJ.269]
1. Hai musafir, mau kemana kau arahkan langkahmu?
Kami ikut titah Raja dan berjalan tak lesu:
Lewat gunung dan dataran arah kami ke istana,
Arah kami ke istana kota Raja yang kudus.
Arah kami ke istana kota Raja yang kudus.
Yoh 14:1-6
2. Apa kamu dapat tahan dalam badai yang seru?
Tangan Tuhan yang menuntun: hati kami pun teguh.
Apa pun yang dihadapi, Yesuslah membimbing kami,
Yesuslah membimbing kami, kekotaNya yang kudus.
Yesuslah membimbing kami kekotaNya yang kudus.
3. Di neg'ri yang kamu tuju apakah harapanmu?
Jubah putih dan mahkota pemberian Penebus,
Minum air kehidupan dan kekal bersama Tuhan,
Dan kekal bersama Tuhan di neg'riNya yang kudus.
Dan kekal bersama Tuhan di neg'riNya yang kudus.
Why 2:10
Why 3:5
Why 7:13-14
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
1 Tes 4:17
4. Apa kami boleh ikut ke neg'ri tujuanmu?
Tentu saja, ayo mari, mari ikutlah terus!
Mari ikut sungguh-sungguh: oleh Yesus kau ditunggu,
Oleh Yesus kau ditunggu di kotaNya yang kudus.
Oleh Yesus kau ditunggu di kotaNya yang kudus.Zkh 8:23
Play Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya [KJ.297]
1. Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
TakhtaMulah palungan saja, kandang rendah istanaMu.
Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
Flp 2:6-8
2 Kor 8:9
Luk 2:7, 12
2. Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yang Kautebus di dalam dunia hidup kekal bersamamu.
Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yoh 1:14
Yoh 12:32
Yoh 14:2-3
Yoh 17:24
Rm 6:8
1 Tes 4:17
2 Tim 2:11
3. Kau, Surya Kasih Mahatinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah
Imanuel, hatiku ini buatlah suci berserah. Kau, Surya Kasih
Maha tinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah.
Mal 4:2
Yoh 8:12
Yes 7:14
Mat 1:23
Play Kini Sang Putra T'lah Menang [KJ.198]
1. Kini Sang Putra t'lah menang, yang oleh maut tak terkekang.
Haleluya, Haleluya! KuasaNya agung dan megah; kekal terpuji
Namanya! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Kis 2:34
Why 1:18
2. Dan kuasa Iblis, penentang dengan sempurna direjang.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Pahlawan, tiada bandingNya,
Telah menumpas musuhNya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Luk 10:18
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
3. Ya Jurus'lamat dunia, yang menebus manusia,
Haleluya, Haleluya, kiranya pimpin kami pun
Ke dalam kemuliaanMu! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yoh 14:2-3
4. Musuh terakhir dibekuk: hai maut, dimana kuasamu?
Haleluya, Haleluya! Di tangan Allah s'lamatlah
Kembali kita anakNya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yes 25:8
1 Kor 15:26
1 Kor 15:54-56
Rm 8:16
Gal 3:26-27
1 Yoh 3:1-2
5. Kami bersama bersyukur dan merindukan sorgaMu.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Di sana berkumandanglah
pujian kami s'lamanya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Why 19:6-8
6. Ya Allah Bapa, t'rimalah syukur, pujian dan sembah,
Haleluya, Haleluya, bersama Kristus, Penebus, dan Roh
Penghibur yang Kudus. Haleluya, Haleluya!Play Masyhurkan RajaMu [KJ.224] ( Rejoice, the Lord Is King )
1. Masyhurkan Rajamu, Allah Maha besar;
ucapkan syukurmu, bernyanyi bergemar!
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mzm 47
2. Tuhanmu Penebus, yang melepaskan kau,
memb'rikan darahNya pembasuh dosamu.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 26:28
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Buana, langit pun di bawah kuasaNya.
Kunci neraka, maut, dib'rikan padaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Kol 1:16
Why 1:18
4. Di muka takhtaNya semua bertelut;
musuhNya menyembah tersungkur bersujud.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Rm 14:11
Flp 2:9-11
5. Nantikan bersyukur Sang Hakim semesta,
yang datang menjemput semua hambaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!Mat 25:31-33
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Yang Sengsara Itulah [KJ.181]
1. "Yang Sengsara" itulah Putra Allah mulia, Penebus manusia.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
Mrk 15:9
2. Ganti aku Dialah yang dihukum, disesah. Bebas aku olehNya.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
Yes 53:3-7
Mrk 15:15
3. Kita salah dan lemah; Ia tidak bercela. Damai pulih olehNya.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
1 Ptr 2:22-25
2 Kor 5:18-19
4. Di salib di Golgota "Selesailah!" sabdaNya. Kini sorga arasyNya.
Haleluya, puji Dia!
Yoh 19:30
Mrk 16:19
5. Bila Raja mulia menjemput jemaatNya, kidung kita bergema,
"Haleluya, puji Dia!Yoh 14:2-3
Why 19:6-7
Play Yesus Sayang Padaku [KJ.184] ( Jesus Loves Me )
1. Yesus sayang padaku; Alkitab mengajarku.
Walau 'ku kecil, lemah, aku ini milikNya.
Ef 5:2
Mrk 10:16
2. Yesus Tuhanku sayang padaku;
Itu firmanNya di dalam Alkitab.
3. Yesus sayang padaku, Ia mati bagiku;
dosaku dihapusNya, sorga pun terbukalah.
2 Kor 5:15
Ibr 9:11-14
4. Yesus Tuhanku sayang padaku;
Itu firmanNya di dalam Alkitab.
5. Yesus sayang padaku, waktu sakit badanku
aku ditungguiNya dari sorga mulia.
6. Yesus Tuhanku sayang padaku;
Itu firmanNya di dalam Alkitab.
7. Yesus sayang padaku, dan tetap bersamaku;
nanti 'ku bersamaNya tinggal dalam rumahNya.
Mat 28:20
Yoh 14:2-3
8. Yesus Tuhanku sayang padaku;
Itu firmanNya di dalam Alkitab.Play
Luke 23:43
Tercurah Darah Tuhanku [KJ.35] ( There is a Fountain Filled with Blood )
1. Tercurah darah Tuhanku di bukit Golgota;
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya,
terhapus dosanya, terhapus dosanya
yang mau bertobat, ditebus, terhapus dosanya.
Za 13:1
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Penyamun yang di sisiNya di b'ri anugerah;
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya,
dibasuh darahNya, dibasuh darahNya,
pun aku yang penuh cela dibasuh darahNya.
Luk 23:40-43
3. Ya Anakdomba, darahMu tak hilang kuasanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya,
dan suci s'lamanya, dan suci s'lamanya,
sehingga s'lamat umatMu dan suci s'lamanya.
4. Sejak kupandang salibMu dengan iman teguh,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku,
seumur hidupku, seumur hidupku,
kasihMulah kupuji t'rus seumur hidupku.
5. Dan jika nanti lidahku tak lagi bergerak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak,
di sorgaMu kelak, di sorgaMu kelak,
tetap kupuji kuasaMu di sorgaMu kelak.Play Ya Yesus, Tolonglah [KJ.28] ( Lord Jesus, Think on Me / Mnooeo Khriste )
1. Ya Yesus, tolonglah, hapuskan dosaku
dan dari nafsu dunia lepaskan hambaMu.
Tit 2:12
Tit 3:3-5
2. Ya Yesus, dengarlah seruan hatiku,
lengkapi aku yang lemah sebagai laskarMu.
Ef 6:11
3. Ya Yesus, yang menang, sertai hambaMu
b'ri di sengsara dan perang percaya yang teguh.
4. Ya Yesus, pimpinlah, tetaplah Kau dekat,
supaya ke neg'ri baka jalanku tak sesat.
Mzm 73:23
5. Ya Yesus, lihatlah serangan seteru,
lumpuhkanlah senjataNya dengan kuasaMu.
1 Ptr 5:8
6. Ya Yesus Penebus, berilah akhirnya
kesukaanMu yang kudus di negeri baka.Luk 23:42-43
Luke 23:2
Jurus'lamat Dunia [KJ.165]
1. Jurus'lamat dunia, walau tak bersalah,
bagai maling disergap pada waktu malam
dan dihina, dicela didepan mahkamah,
diludahi, dicerca oleh kaum ulama.
Luk 22:47-53
Luk 22:63-71
2. Waktu fajar merekah,Yesus pun dibawa
ke Pilatus, dan seg'ra tak terbukti salah.
Ke Herodes yang kejam Yesus pun diseret;
Raja dan pengawalnya tak segan mengejek.
Luk 23:1-7
Luk 23:8-12
3. Jam sembilan paginya, balik ke Pilatus,
Tuhan kita disesah oleh kaum serdadu;
Jubah ungu diberi dan mahkota duri;
Olokannya: "Hai tabik, Raja kaum Yahudi!"
Luk 23:13-16
Yoh 19:1-3
4. Palang dihelakanNya pada tengah hari
dan di bukit Golgota Ia pun disalib,
menderita tiga jam; ada yang menghujat.
Matahari pun kelam dan menutup muka.
Yoh 19:17-19
Mat 27:45
5. Pukul tiga yang sepi, Yesus, hampir mati,
berseru: "Eli, Eli, lamma sabakhtani?"
Lalu putus nyawaNya dan di Bait Suci
Tabir koyak terbelah; ada gempa bumi.
Mat 27:46
Mzm 22:2
Mat 27:50-51
6. Waktu menjelang senja, yang kena hukuman
dipatahkan tulangnya agar diturunkan.
Yesus tak demikian, kar'na sudah mati:
Nampak dari lukaNya darah campur air.
Yoh 19:31-37
7. Surya hampir terbenam waktu datang Yusuf
yang termasuk muridNya, minta mayat Yesus;
tubuh diturunkannya, dikapankan lenan
dan di kubur miliknya Yesus dibaringkan.
Yoh 19:38-42
8. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah kami mendalami
aniaya dan cela yang Engkau alami,
agar kami olehMu meninggalkan dosa
kepadaMu bersyukur, jiwa pun sentosa.Play
Revelation 3:21
Dari Kubur yang Kelam [KJ.190]
1. Dari kubur yang kelam Kristus bangkit megah;
dari kuasa yang seram kita pun bebaslah!
Mrk 16:1-8
Kol 1:13-14
Ibr 2:14-15
2. Diberi kepadaNya takhta Allah kekal.
Isi sorga, dunia, nyanyi puji sembah.Why 3:21
Why 5:12-13
Play Yang T'lah Menang [KJ.263]
1. Yang t'lah menang disambut di Firdaus dan makan
buah pohon Alhayat, tak lagi ingat duka atau maut:
Kristus yang hidup Tuhannya tetap. Ia alami nikmat
Sorgawi dan merasai kasih kekal, dan merasai kasih kekal.
Why 2:7
2. Yang t'lah menang kelak mendapat juga roti sorgawi,
jadi pangannya; kesaksiannya tak pernah terlupa dan nama
baru diterimanya, yang diukirkan di atas intan
tanda jaminan Sang Penebus, tanda jaminan Sang Penebus.
Why 2:17
Why 3:12
3. Yang t'lah menang tak akan mengalami maut kedua
di gelap ngeri, tapi melihat Bapa Mahakasih, ikut
ber-Haleluya tak henti. Habis bertahan di perjuangan
ia bawakan kurban syukur, ia bawakan kurban syukur.
Why 2:11
4. Yang t'lah menang, namanya 'kan tertulis di kitab
kehidupan yang baka; ia pun tampil dalam jubah putih,
mengaku: "Kau Tuhanku s'lamanya!" Dan dari ia terima
tajuk mulia s'lamat kudus, tajuk mulia s'lamat kudus.
Why 3:5
Why 2:10
5. Yang t'ah menang menjadi sokoguru di rumah Allah
s'lama-lamanya. Padanya dituliskan nama baru,
nama Yerusalem dan Allahnya: yang ia raih,
tanda abadi di dahinya, tanda abadi di dahinya.
Why 3:12
Why 14:1
Why 22:4
6. Yang t'lah menang dib'ri tempat di sorga,
takhta yang pantas jadi miliknya, habis berjuang
di gelanggang dunia, di sisi Allah ia jayalah!
Yang t'lah berlaga dalam percaya
Dib'ri sejaht'ra habis perang, dib'ri sejaht'ra habis perang.
Why 3:21
Why 20:4
1 Tim 6:12
2 Tim 4:6-8
Ibr 12:1-3
7. Ya Yesus, tolong! B'rilah kemenangan! Lihat betapa banyak
musuhku: Iblis dan dosaku terus mengancam; aku perlukan
pertolonganMu! Nanti, ya Tuhan, di dalam sorga
aku serukan puji syukur, aku serukan puji syukur!1 Ptr 5:8
Revelation 7:14-17
'Ku Berseru, Hai Dunia [KJ.207]
1. 'Ku berseru, hai dunia, "T'lah bangkit Tuhanku!"
Ia pun hadir s'lamanya, tinggal, bersamamu.
Mat 28:20
2. Hai kawanku, teruskanlah berita mulia,
yaitu kerajaanNya sekarang merekah.
3. Dunia sekarang berseri penuh anugerah
dan hidup baru diberi kepada umatNya.
4. Maut 'kan habis tenggelam, seramnya hilanglah;
kini terlihat di depan zaman bahagia.
Why 20:14
5. Jalan sengsara Tuhanku menuju t'rang baka;
Ia mengajak kita pun ke rumah BapaNya.
Yoh 14:2-3
6. Orang berkabung, marilah, tabahkan hatimu;
di rumah Bapa kau kelak kembali bertemu.
7. Tiap taburan kasihmu bertumbuh dan mekar,
sehingga dunia penuh buahnya yang segar.
8. Tuhan bersama umatNya, dan duka t'lah lenyap.
Ia Pembaru dunia sekarang dan tetap.Why 7:17
Why 21:4
Play Angin Ribut Menyerang [KJ.30a] ( Jesus, Lover of My Soul )
1. Angin ribut menyerang menggetarkan hatiku;
ombak ganas menerjang; aku lari padaMu.
Jurus'lamat, tolonglah dan pandukan bidukku,
Hingga aku sampailah di labuhan yang teduh.
Mat 14:22-23
Mrk 4:35-41
Mzm 107:30-31
2. Hanya Tuhan sajalah Perlindungan yang tent'ram.
B'rikan daku yang lemah hati kuat dan tenang.
Dikau saja yang tetap Sumber pengharapanku:
Biar aku Kaudekap di naungan sayapMu.
Yes 25:4
3. Kristus, Kau andalanku, Sumber hidup yang esa.
Kaupulihkan yang sendu, buta, sakit dan lemah.
Dikau suci dan benar, aku ini bercela;
Walau hidupku cemar, Kau penuh anugerah.
Mat 11:5
4. Kelimpahan kasihMu jadi sungai yang segar
menghapuskan dosaku dan membuatku benar.
Air hayat mulia, puaskanlah anakMu,
Hingga Kau selamanya memenuhi batinku.Yeh 47:1-12
Why 7:14, 17
Why 22:1-2, 17
Angin Ribut Menyerang [KJ.30b] ( Jesus, Lover of My Soul )
1. Angin ribut menyerang menggetarkan hatiku;
Ombak ganas menerjang; aku lari padaMu.
Jurus'lamat, tolonglah dan pandukan bidukku,
Hingga aku sampailah di labuhan yang teduh.Berlaksa-laksa Orang [KJ.270] ( Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand )
1. Berlaksa-laksa orang berdandan cemerlang, barisan laskar
kaum kudus mendaki tangga t'rang. T'lah kalah maut dan dosa
dan tamatlah perang. Bukakanlah gapura mas menyambut yang menang!Why 5:11
Why 7:9
Why 1:18
Mzm 118:19-20
2. Bahana Haleluya mengisi semesta. Ribuan harpa terdengar berpadu
menggema. Bagimu, akhir zaman, tercipta dunia;
pengganti duka dan keluh bahagia baka.
Why 15:2
3. Bayangkan pertemuan di Kanaan permai: ikatan persaudaraan tak lagi
tercerai. Terhapus air mata dan wajah berseri; baik anak piatu, janda
pun tak lagi bersedih.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
4. Ya Anakdomba Allah, s'lamatkan umatMu! Kaum pilihanMu
himpunlah, bertakhtalah teguh! Engkau, Harapan dunia,
umatMu tuntunlah! Bubungkan tanda jayaMu, ya datang segera!Why 22:20
Play Gembalaku Tuhan [KJ.283]
1. Gembalaku Tuhan! DombaNya senang: di rumput yang subur
kenyang 'ku tertidur; dibimbingNya aku ke air tenang.
Mzm 23
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
2. Gembalaku Tuhan! Jiwaku segar: demi harga tinggi namaNya
sendiri dituntunNya aku di jalan yang benar.
3. Gembalaku Tuhan! Gentarku lenyap: kendati ancaman lembah
kekelaman, petunjuk Tuhanku menghibur tetap.
4. Gembalaku Tuhan! Di gurun sepi diriku dijamu dimuka lawanku:
baik roti, baik anggur padaku dib'ri.
5. Gembalaku Tuhan! Kudapat tempat di dalam rumahNya selama-lamanya;
di sana selalu kut'rima berkat.Play Hai Jangan Sendirian [KJ.352]
1. Hai, jangan sendirian jalanmu kautempuh: bebanmu jadi
ringan bersama Tuhanmu! Jikalau kau bersusah dan berkeluh-kesah
hai, pikullah semua bersamaNya! Hai, pikullah semua bersamaNya!
Mat 11:28-30
2. Tuhanmu bersedia menjadi Kawanmu; dengan menyambut Dia,
hatimu pun sembuh. Air mata Ia hapus dan jiwamu lega:
arahkanlah matamu kepadaNya! Arahkanlah matamu kepadaNya!
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
Ibr 12:2
3. Hai, marilah semua yang susah dan penat, ikuti Yesus jua:
bebanNya tak berat. Derita yang kautanggung berakhir segera:
serahkan keluhanmu ditanganNya! Serahkanlah keluhanmu di tanganNya!
Mat 11:28-30
4. Akhirnya duka dunia tak lagi dikenal dan sukacita sorga warisanmu kekal.
Di sana kau berjumpa dengan umat kudus, bersama mengagungkan
Sang Penebus. Bersama mengagungkan sang Penebus.Tit 3:7
Yak 2:5
Why 5:11-13
Play Hai Musafir, Mau ke Mana [KJ.269]
1. Hai musafir, mau kemana kau arahkan langkahmu?
Kami ikut titah Raja dan berjalan tak lesu:
Lewat gunung dan dataran arah kami ke istana,
Arah kami ke istana kota Raja yang kudus.
Arah kami ke istana kota Raja yang kudus.
Yoh 14:1-6
2. Apa kamu dapat tahan dalam badai yang seru?
Tangan Tuhan yang menuntun: hati kami pun teguh.
Apa pun yang dihadapi, Yesuslah membimbing kami,
Yesuslah membimbing kami, kekotaNya yang kudus.
Yesuslah membimbing kami kekotaNya yang kudus.
3. Di neg'ri yang kamu tuju apakah harapanmu?
Jubah putih dan mahkota pemberian Penebus,
Minum air kehidupan dan kekal bersama Tuhan,
Dan kekal bersama Tuhan di neg'riNya yang kudus.
Dan kekal bersama Tuhan di neg'riNya yang kudus.
Why 2:10
Why 3:5
Why 7:13-14
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
1 Tes 4:17
4. Apa kami boleh ikut ke neg'ri tujuanmu?
Tentu saja, ayo mari, mari ikutlah terus!
Mari ikut sungguh-sungguh: oleh Yesus kau ditunggu,
Oleh Yesus kau ditunggu di kotaNya yang kudus.
Oleh Yesus kau ditunggu di kotaNya yang kudus.Zkh 8:23
Play Hai Waris Kerajaan [KJ.88]
1. Hai waris Kerajaan, Rajamu sambutlah!
Siapkan kedatangan Penghibur dunia!
Dan tampil ke depan, nyanyikan Hosiana;
Berharaplah padaNya, penuh dengan iman!
Yes 60:1-3
Mat 5:3, 10
Kol 1:12
Yak 2:5
2. Hai insan yang berduka, Rajamu t'lah dekat:
Pelindung kaum penat. Besarkan hatimu
Dengan penghiburanNya:
Firman dan SakramenNya membuatmu teguh!
Yes 35:3-4
3. Hai kamu yang merana, Rajamu tak lemah.
Tengadahlah: di sana bersinar bintangNya!
Di dalam kemelut kasihNya tak berkurang
Dan sungguh menghiburkan melawan kuasa maut.
4. Hai mari, fakir miskin, Rajamu tak lelah
merawat yang merintih, mengangkat yang rendah.
Kembang dan burung pun dib'riNya sandang-pangan:
Seluruh Kerajaan kekal warisanmu.
Mzm 113:7-8
Mat 6:25, 34
Mat 5:3, 10
5. Hai umat yang sengsara, Rajamu tidak jauh:
keluh-kesah dan lara niscaya Ia tahu.
Lenyap selamanya cemas dan dukacita:
Ternyata Allah kita mengingat anakNya.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
6. Hai, bangunlah, saudara, Rajamu songsonglah,
yang datang berkendara lembut dan mulia!
Arahkan langkahmu menyambut Jurus'lamat
Yang mau menaruh rahmat selaku Penebus.
Zkh 9:9
Mat 21:5
7. Ya Yesus, Raja agung, Kaub'rikan diriMu;
cela dan aib Kautanggung dan dosa Kautebus.
Seluruh umatMu menyanyi Hosiana
Dan sampai selamanya padaMu bersyukur.Gal 2:20
Ibr 12:2
Mrk 11:8-10
Play Haruskah Hanya Penebus [KJ.430]
1. Haruskah hanya hanya Penebus memikul salib b'rat?
O, tidak, tapi kita pun tak luput berpenat.
Kol 1:24
Ibr 13:13
1 Ptr 4:13
2. Kupikul salibku terus sehingga akhirnya kudapat
dari Penebus mahkota yang baka.
Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:1
3. Kelak di pinggir laut kristal mahkota itu pun
kus'rahkan sambil bersyukur di kaki Penebus.
Why 4:6, 10
4. Betapa orang yang kudus, sehabis berlelah,
di sorga berbahagia terhapus d'ritanya.
Why 7:17
5. O, salib, kau junjunganku, mahkota mulia.
Kau, Yesus, kebangkitanku, hidupku s'lamanya.Yoh 11:25
Rm 6:6
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 1:3
Play Kabar Yang Indah Benar [KJ.271]
1. Kabar yang indah benar, kidung besar mengegar,
sabda Rajamu dengar! Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra.
2. Datang seg'ra, datang seg'ra! Mungkin malam saatnya,
Pagi, siang, entah senja. Hari gemilang berlimpah berkat:
Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
3. Gunung, lembah, soraklah; padang kembang, nyanyilah;
maklumkanlah, semesta: Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
Mzm 96:10-13
Mzm 98:7-9
4. Datang seg'ra, datang seg'ra! Mungkin malam saatnya,
Pagi, siang, entah senja. Hari gemilang berlimpah berkat:
Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
5. Di hadapanNya kelak duka nestapa lenyap,
kita sujud menyembah: Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
6. Datang seg'ra, datang seg'ra! Mungkin malam saatnya,
Pagi, siang, entah senja. Hari gemilang berlimpah berkat:
Yesus 'kan datang seg'ra!Play Kar'na Jemaat di Sorga Mulia [KJ.264] ( For All the Saints )
1. Kar'na jemaat di sorga mulia, yang t'lah bersaksi dalam
dunia, namaMu, Yesus, dimuliakanlah! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Ibr 12:1
Why 7:9-17
Why 14:13
2. Kaulah tempat mereka berteduh, Kaulah Panglima laskar
yang kudus. Engkau Terang di malam yang sendu. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yoh 8:12
3. Jadikan kami juga beriman bagai umatMu yang telah menang
demi mahkota jaya cemerlang. Haleluya, Haleluya!
1 Tim 6:12
2 Tim 4:6-8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
4. Indah benar serikat yang kudus: kita lemah, mereka jaya t'rus,
tetapi satu dalam Penebus. Haleluya, Haleluya!
5. Walau perang semakin menggegar, nyanyian jaya sayup terdengar;
kembali tabah hati yang gentar. Haleluya, Haleluya!
6. Teja emas kemilau di senja, tanda sentosa bagi yang lelah:
perlambang firdaus yang sejahtera. Haleluya, Haleluya!
7. Terbitlah fajar yang lebih cerlang: bangkitlah laskar di dalam terang.
Menyambut Yesus, Raja Pemenang. Haleluya, Haleluya!
8. Segala bangsa yang t'lah ditebus masuk ke Sion sambil bersyukur,
memuji Bapa, Putra, Roh kudus. Haleluya, Haleluya!Mzm 87
Yes 60:1-5
Why 21:24-27
Play Kibarkan Panji RajaMu [KJ.206] ( Fling out the Banner )
1. Kibarkan panji Rajamu setinggi langit yang cerah,
sehingga salib Penebus terpampang bagi dunia.
2. Kibarkan panji Rajamu! Malaikat takjub menyembah
melihat salib Penebus, betapa agung kasihNya.
Why 5:11-12
Why 7:9-12
3. Kibarkan panji Rajamu! Semua bangsa dunia
melihat kasih Penebus dan dihidupkan olehNya.
Rm 15:9-12
4. Kibarkan panji Rajamu, supaya orang yang sesat
di dalam iman bertelut dan minum air alhayat.
Yoh 7:37
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
5. Kibarkan panji Rajamu setinggi langit yang cerah!
Saliblah kemegahanmu dan Kristus harapanmulah!
Kol 1:27
6. Kibarkan panji Rajamu! Tinggikan panji cemerlang!
Andalan lain tak perlu: di dalam salib 'kau menang!Rm 8:37
1 Kor 15:57
2 Kor 2:14
Play Kota Sion, Kota Allah [KJ.262] ( Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken )
1. Kota Sion, kota Allah, puri agung dan tenar,
kau dipilih tempat tinggal oleh Yang Maha Besar.
Kau berdiri atas Cadas yang abadi dan teguh,
Tiada tertembus musuhmu tembok kes'lamatanmu.
Mzm 48
Mzm 78:13
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Mzm 132:13
Yes 25:6-8
Yes 33:20-21
Yes 60:14
Yl 3:17
Why 3:12
Yes 28:16
Mat 16:18
2. Putera serta putrimu cukup akan air sejuk.
Yang bersumber pada kasih, pantang takut dan keluh.
Siapa akan haus lagi, bila ada air sedap?
Rahmat, seperti Sumbernya tak henti, akan tetap.
Yeh 47:1-12
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:1-2
Why 22:17
3. Tiap rumah terselubung oleh awan yang pekat.
Ada api menerangi Allah pun tetap dekat.
B'ri naungan pada siang, b'ri terang dalam gelap;
Manna pun dib'ri makanan atas doa yang tetap.
Bil 14:14
Kel 13:21-22
Kel 16:15
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 2:17
4. Yesus, bila k'lak pun aku jadi warga kotaMu,
walau dunia menekanku, 'ku kupuji namaMu.
Kebesaran anak dunia akan hilang dan lenyap.
Hanya harta warga Sion dan sukanya yang tetap.Mzm 87:6
Flp 3:20
Ibr 12:23
1 Yoh 2:16-17
Play Kudengar BerkatMu Turun [KJ.235] ( Even Me / Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessmg )
1. Kudengar berkatMu turun bagai hujan yang lebat,
menghidupkan padang gurun dan menghibur yang penat.
Aku pun, aku pun, ya, berkati aku pun!
Yes 32:15
Yes 44:3
Yl 2:23, 28
Kis 2:17-18
2. Bapa, jangan Kaulewati aku, walau 'ku cemar;
'ku tak layak Kaudekati namun rahmatMu besar.
Aku pun, aku pun, kasihani aku pun!
Mat 8:8
Mrk 10:48
3. Mampirlah, ya, Jurus'lamat, kau dambaan hatiku;
aku rindu amat sangat mendengar panggilanMu.
Aku pun, aku pun, Yesus, panggil aku pun!
4. Mampirlah, ya Roh perkasa, t'rangi mata hatiku;
sabda Kristus b'ri berkuasa, dalam diri hambaMu.
Aku pun, aku pun, ya, terangi aku pun!
Ef 1:17-18
5. Amat lama tak 'ku sadar menyedihkan hatiMu;
pada dunia 'ku bersandar, o, s'lamatkan diriku!
Aku pun, aku pun, o, s'lamatkan aku pun!
6. Kasih Allah yang sempurna, darah Kristus yang kudus,
kuasa Roh yang tak terduga, biar jaya dalamku.
Aku pun, aku pun, sempurnakan aku pun!
7. Ikatlah hatiku, Tuhan, selamanya padaMu;
b'rilah air kehidupan melimpahi diriku.
Aku pun, aku pun, ya, berkati aku pun!Yeh 47:1-12
Yoh 7:37-39
Why 7:17
Why 22:1-2
Play Lahir Putera Mulia [KJ.132] ( Puer nobis nascitur / Unto Us a Boy Is Born )
1. Lahir Putra mulia, Raja bala sorga; Tuhan dalam
dunia kena sengsara juga, kena sengsara juga.
Yes 9:6
2. Sorga ditinggalkanNya, walau Ia Tuhan;
kandang domba rumahNya dan ranjangNya palungan,
dan ranjangNya palungan.
Flp 2:6-8
Luk 2:7, 12
3. Sang Herodes menggeram kar'na iri hati,
menggeledah Betlehem, dan banyak anak mati,
dan banyak anak mati.
Mat 2:16-18
4. Lahir dari Maria Putera Ilahi
yang menuntun umatNya ke damai yang abadi,
ke damai yang abadi.
Why 7:17
5. Mari kita bersyukur nyanyilah semua,
kumandangkanlah mazmur memuji nama Tuhan,
memuji nama Tuhan.Play Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31a]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31b]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Rm 7:24-25
Mrk 15:15
Flp 2:6-8
2. Para malak sekalipun tiada dapat mengerti
apa sebabnya Yang Kudus menanggung siksa yang keji.
KasihNyalah alasannya menanggung dosa dunia.
1 Ptr 1:12
1 Yoh 4:9-10
3. DitinggalkanNya takhtaNya dan masuk kedunia yang cemar;
ditinggalkanNya kuasaNya, terdorong kasih yang besar
dan aku pun tertolonglah terpilih jadi milikNya.
Ef 2:4-5
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
4. Jiwaku lama menjerit, dipasung dosa yang seram.
SuryaMu bagiku terbit; penjaraku pun benderang.
Terbukalah pasunganku ; 'ku bangkit dan mengikutMu.
Rm 6:12-23
Rm 7:13-26
Yes 42:7
5. Di dalam Yesus Penebus hukuman dosa hilanglah.
Kudapat hidup yang kudus, jubahku kebenaranNya;
'ku mendekat ke takhtaMu hendak terima tajukku.Yes 53:5
Why 7:14
1 Ptr 5:4
Nyanyian Malaikat Nyaring Bergema [KJ.223] ( Golden Harps Are Sounding )
1. Nyanyian malaikat nyaring bergema, sorga t'lah terbuka
bagi Rajanya. Kristus Raja mulia, jaya dan megah,
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Mat 16:27
1 Tim 3:16
2. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!
3. Dia yang tersalib bagi dunia pada sisi Bapa kini mulia
tak sengsara lagi, hidup s'lamanya.
Yesus, Raja mulia, naik takhtaNya!
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Why 5:6
Mat 25:31
Kis 7:55-56
Ef 1:20-22
Ibr 1:3-4, 13
Why 7:17
4. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!
5. Yesus dalam sorga, agung kasihNya: Ia mendoakan
kita umatNya; kasi dan anug'rah dicurahkanNya;
tempat bagi kita disiapkanNya.
Yesus, Raja kasih, naik takhtaNya.
Rm 8:34
1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 13:13
Ef 4:7-8
Yoh 14:2
6. Sudahlah sempurna karya s'lamatNya;
Yesus naik ke sorga. Puji namaNya!Play O Hari Istirahat [KJ.20] ( O Day of Rest and Gladness )
1. O Hari Istirahat, ceria dan cerah, pelipur hati hasrat,
o hari mulia! Bernyanyilah semua bersatu menyembah:
"Kudus, kudus, kuduslah" kepada Yang Esa.
Yes 6:2-3
Why 4:6-8
2. Padamu, Hari Ahad, terciptalah terang
dan Kristus, Jurus'lamat, t'lah bangkit dan menang;
padamu pun terjadi Roh Kudus diberi:
sempurna tiga kali terangmu berseri.
Kej 1:3
Mrk 16:2
3. O Hari perteduhan di badai dunia,
bak taman penghiburan kausambut yang lelah,
bak sungai kau segarkan semangat yang gersang,
bak Nebo kau tempatnya melihat Kanaan.
Ul 32:48-52
4. Pun Hari Minggu ini panggilan terdengar
dan umat menghadiri kumpulan yang besar,
di mana Firma Tuhan menyuar yang gelap;
terhidang roti sorga dan air alhayat.
Yes 55:1
Mat 11:28
2 Ptr 1:19
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 22:17
5. Sentosa Hari Tuhan membimbing umatNya
menuju perhentian, tempat sejahtera.
Terpuji Allah Bapa dan Putra TunggalNya
Dan Roh Pengantar Sabda, - Ketiga yang Esa !Ibr 4:9-10
Why 7:17
Play Pada Kaki SalibMu [KJ.368]
1. Pada kaki salibMu, Yesus, 'ku berlindung;
Air hayat Golgota pancaran yang agung.
Why 7:17
2. SalibMu, salibMu yang kumuliakan
Hingga dalam sorga k'lak ada perhentian.
3. Pada kaki salibMu kasihMu kut'rima;
Sinar Bintang Fajar t'rang yang memb'ri cahaya.
4. SalibMu, salibMu yang kumuliakan
Hingga dalam sorga k'lak ada perhentian
5. Pada kaki salibMu kuingat kurbanMu,
dalam jalan hidupku kukenang selalu.
6. SalibMu, salibMu yang kumuliakan
Hingga dalam sorga k'lak ada perhentian
7. Pada kaki salibMu 'ku tetap percaya,
hingga dalam sorga k'lak jiwaku bahagia.
8. SalibMu, salibMu yang kumuliakan
Hingga dalam sorga k'lak ada perhentianPlay S'lamat di Tangan Yesus [KJ.388] ( Safe in the Arms of Jesus )
1. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia. Lagu merdu malaikat
olehku terdengar dari neg'ri mulia: damai sejahtera.
2. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia.
3. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aku tent'ram penuh; dosa pun
dan cobaan jauh dari diriku. Duka, cemas dan bimbang,
kuasanya tak tetap; goda dan air mata akan seg'ra lenyap.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
4. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia.
5. Yesus, Perlindunganku, t'lah mati bagiku; padaNya
'ku percaya: Yesus kekal teguh. Biar bertabah hati
'ku menantikanNya sampai hariNya tiba dan fajar merekah.
Yoh 15:13
Gal 2:20
1 Tes 5:10
1 Kor 1:7
Flp 3:20
2 Ptr 3:10-13
6. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia.Play Saat Sedih [KJ.186]
1. Saat sedih, tak terperi; air mata bercucuran:
Putra tunggal BapaNya kini dikuburkan.
Mrk 15:42-47
2. Terbaringlah di kuburNya Yang mati pada salib,
agar kurnia firdaus diberi kembali.
3. Manusia, dosamulah yang menyebabkan ini:
semestinya kamulah yang rebah disini
4. O, lihatlah di wajahNya bekas keluh nestapa;
patut isi dunia insaf dan meratap.
5. Bahagialah manusia yang sadar merenungkan
bahwa Raja mulia rela dikuburkan.
6. Ya Yesusku, Harapanku, hapuslah air mataku
dan di KerajaanMu ingat akan daku!
Why 7:17
Luk 23:42
Play Sang Rajalah Gembalaku [KJ.377]
1. Sang Rajalah gembalaku yang baik dan Penyayang.
Tak kurang aku apapun selama 'ku milikNya.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11, 14
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
2. Ke sumber air yang tenang, ke padang rumput subur
selalu 'ku dibimbingNya dan jiwaku terhibur.
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
3. Di kala aku tersesat, olehNya 'ku dicari;
di dalam kasih dan rahmat dibawa 'ku kembali.
Mzm 119:176
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
4. Di bayang maut yang gelap tiada aku takut.
Engkau bersamaku tetap; salibMu yang memandu.
5. Engkau hidangkan bagiku karunia Roh berlimpah;
kudapat dalam kasihMu segala sukacita.
6. Sepanjang jalan hidupku kebaikanMu sertaku;
kekal 'ku mau memujiMu di rumahMu, Tuhanku.Play Sekawanan yang Esa [KJ.272]
1. Sekawanan yang esa dan Gembala satu jua,
bumi pun sejahtera, bila tiba hari Tuhan.
Bangkit dalam fajarNya: Yesus datang segera!
Yoh 10:16
2. Hai pengawal, tengoklah: masih jauhkah siang hari?
Hari Tuhan merekah; nanti tiada malam lagi!
Bangsa-bangsa, yakinlah: Yesus datang segera!
Yes 21:11-12
3. Tuhan, halaulah gelap, gembalakan kawananMu,
banyak domba tersesat dar Dikau dan UmatMu.
Umat Tuhan, tabahlah: Yesus datang segera!
Mzm 28:9
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Mi 7:14
4. Kabut hilang melenyap oleh fajar Hari Tuhan.
Akan Sumber Alhayat orang harus merindukan.
Pagi makin mencerah: Yesus datang segera!
1 Yoh 2:8
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
5. Isi kubur, siaplah bagi Raja Kebangkitan:
Hari KemuliaanNya di atasmu diterbitkan.
Tunggulah panggilanNya: Yesus datang segera!6. Hari Tuhan mulia! Yesus Kristus, Kaulah Surya,
Kau beri sejahtera dan bahagia sempurna.
Maranata, marilah, Yesus datang segera!Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
1 Kor 16:22
Play Sukacita Hatiku [KJ.398]
1. Sukacita hatiku: aku domba Tuhanku dan selalu
'ku diasuh oleh Yesus, Gembalaku. Ia sayang padaku,
dikenalNya namaku.
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Luk 15:3-7
Yoh 10:11
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Gembalaku, tongkatMu yang menjaga jalanku,
dan terus kuikut Dikau ke tegalan rumput hijau;
di telaga yang tenang aku puas dan tent'ram.
3. Sungguh, aku dombaNya yang kekal bahagia:
nanti 'ku dipanggul pulang arah ke pangkuan Tuhan.
Dalam rumah Bapaku sukacitaku penuh.Play Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
1. Sungguh, Kerajaan Allah di bumi tak kalah.
Yesus yang bangkit dilantik menjadi kepala.
Ia menang; g'lapmu menjadi terang:
Lihatlah fajar menyala.
Mat 28:18
Ef 1:22
Kol 2:10
Why 19:16
Yoh 8:12
Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Sambil menyangkal dirimu tetaplah percaya.
Jangan pengharapan hilang di p'rang dan bahaya.
Biar gentar, hatimu pun berdebar,
Akhirnya kamu berjaya.
Mrk 8:34
Ef 6:10-20
Kol 1:23
1 Ptr 5:8-11
3. Akhirnya Yesus memulihkan orang terluka,
kaumnya lepas dari nista, sengsara dan duka.
Nantikanlah hari kedatanganNya:
Langit gemilang terbuka!Why 7:17
1 Kor 1:7
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Play T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Mzm 45; Kdg. Agung
1. T'rang Bintang Fajar berseri, cerminan sorga memberi karunia, kebenaran.
Ya Anak Daud, Rajaku, Engkau Pengantin umatMu; hatiku Kau besarkan!
Mahamurah dan mulia, Kau sedia melimpahkan sukacita pengharapan.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16-17
Ef 5:25-27
2. Engkaulah mutiaraku, Putra mahkota BapaMu, Pangeran Mahamulia!
Kau bunga bakung hatiku; betapa harum InjilMu, lipuran yang sempurna!
Hosiana! Kau dandanan dan santapan yang sorgawi: Kau sertaku tiap hari!
Mat 13:44-46
Kid 2:1
Yoh 6:32-58
3. Pancarkanlah di batinku cahaya sinar kasihMu, Permata yang abadi!
Ya Pokok-anggur yang benar, buatlah rantingMu segar berbuah yang sejati!
Kaulah Nyala pengasihan, kebajikan dalam hati: rindu lama Kauobati!
Yoh 15:1-8
4. WajahMu mencerminkan t'rus pribadi Allah yang kudus penuh kemurahanNya.
Ya Yesus, b'rilah sabdaMu dan Roh KudusMu yang teguh sertaku selamanya!
Lihat, ingat akan daku dan Kauhapus air mataku: t'rima aku di mejaMu!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
5. Ya Bapa mahamulia, sebelum ada dunia telah Kaupilih aku.
Di dalam Putra TunggalMu Kau menerima diriku: padaNya 'ku terpadu.
Haleluya! Hidup sorga yang sempurna diberiNya: sukacita tak terhingga!
Ef 1:4
Gal 4:4-6
6. Pujianmu, hai dunia, dengan musik iringilah demi PerjamuanNya!
Muliakanlah Sang Mempelai di singgasana yang permai; bersuka, hai umatNya!
Nyanyi, tari bergiliran, bergembira puji Tuhan, Maharaja Keagungan!
Why 19:6-9
7. Alangkah riang hatiku, sebab 'ku jadi milikMu, ya Alfa dan Omega!
Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Kau dan Pohon Hidup di firdaus, Engkau harapan g'reja!
Amin, amin, Kurindukan Dikau, Tuhan; 'ku berkata: oleh Rohmu:"Maranata!"Why 1:8, 17
Why 22:13
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
1 Kor 16:22
Why 22:20
Play Tuhan Melawat UmatNya [KJ.214]
1. Tuhan melawat umatNya; malam menjadi pagi!
Dalam terang hadiratNya kita dihibur lagi!
Luk 1:78-79
Luk 7:16
2. Habis menanggung mautNya di atas kayu salib,
kuburNya ditinggalkanNya: Ia telah kembali!
3. Murid-muridNya tercengang, kar'na tak menyadari
bahwa Mesias t'lah menang atas set'ru terakhir.
Luk 24:12, 37
1 Kor 15:26
4. Sion penuh keluh-kesah, kidung diganti tangis;
duka menimpa jiwanya awan menutup langit.Yes 3:26
Rat 1:4
Amos 8:10
5. Hai putri Sion, nyanyilah! Janganlah susah hati:
dalam cahaya hidupNya dukamu diobati!
Yes 52:9
Zef 3:14
Zkh 2:10
Yes 61:2-3
6. Puji-pujian mulutmu kini segar kembali:
oleh kuasa Roh Kudus kubur dibuka lagi!
7. Nyanyi seputar dunia bahwa Tuhanmu bangkit!
FirmanNya tinggal beserta dan mengobarkan hati!
Luk 24:32
8. Umat percaya, bangunlah, nyanyi tiap hari;
hiduplah bersejahtera, t'rima berkat ilahi!
9. Takhta mengganti salibNya dalam terang sorgawi;
kita di KerajaanNya hidup kekal abadi!Mat 25:31
Why 5:6
Why 7:17
Play Tuhan, Kau Gembala Kami [KJ.407]
1. Tuhan, Kau Gembala kami, tuntun kami dombaMu;
b'rilah kami menikmati hikmat pengorbananMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu,
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami ini milikMu.
Mzm 23:1
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Why 7:17
2. Kau Pengawal yang setia, Kawan hidup terdekat.
Jauhkan kami dari dosa, panggil pulang yang sesat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon b'ri berkat.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kami mohon, b'ri berkat.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 19:10
3. JanjiMu, Kaut'rima kami, walau hina bercela;
yang berdosa Kausucikan, Kaubebaskan yang lemah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, kini kami berserah.
4. KehendakMu kami cari, ingin turut maksudMu.
Tuhan, isi hati kami dengan kasihMu penuh.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.
Tuhan Yesus, Jurus'lamat, tak terhingga kasihMu.Ef 5:17
Kol 1:9
Play Tuhanku Seg'ra 'kan Kembali Ke Dunia [KJ.277]
R:Why 6:10
1. Tuhanku seg'ra 'kan kembali ke dunia. Tak satu pun tahu
akan waktu tibaNya: di pagi cerlang pada saat buana
ditinggalkan sang malam pekat.
Mat 24:42-44
Mrk 13:32
1 Tes 5:2
2 Ptr 3:10
Why 3:3
2. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
3. Dan mungkin datangNya 'kan di tengah hari dan mungkin
di saat menurun mentari, di malam gelap, waktu
orang tak nyana Kristus datang ke dunia.
4. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
5. Dan k'lak membahanalah riuh "Hosana". Malaikat pun
turun mengiring Rajanya. Parasnya cerlang dan penuh
kemuliaan serta kasih 'kan umatNya.
Mrk 11:9-10
Why 1:16
Why 22:4
6. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
7. Enyahlah derita, lenyap ratap tangis dan hilanglah maut,
tanda kuasa Iblis. Hatiku penuh mengenang 'kan detiknya
milik Yesus dit'rimaNya.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
8. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.Play Tuhankulah Gembalaku [KJ.285]
1. Tuhankulah Gembalaku; oleh Nya 'ku tent'ram di padang
hijau yang segar, di pinggir air tenang.
Mzm 23
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Yoh 10:11
Ibr 13:20
1 Ptr 2:25
Yes 49:10
Why 7:17
2. Jiwaku disegarkanNya dan kar'na namaNya ditunjukkanNya
jalanku yang lurus dan baka.
3. Tak usah takut hatiku di jurang maut gelap; Engkau sertaku,
tongkatMu menghiburku tetap.
4. Engkau beri hidanganku di muka lawanku; Engkau urapi
diriku dan cawanku penuh!
5. KebajikanMu Kauberi seumur hidupku; kelak 'ku tinggal
s'lamanya di rumah Allahku.Play Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
1. Yang Mahakasih ya itu Allah; Allah Pengasih pun bagiku.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:8, 16
2. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
3. Walau dirantai oleh dosaku, walau dirantai tak terlepas,
Rm 6:15-23
4. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
5. Walaupun maut upah dosaku, walaupun maut mengancamku,
Rm 6:23
6. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
7. Allah mengutus Yesus, Tuhanku; Allah mengutus Sang Penebus.
Kis 3:26
1 Yoh 4:9
8. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
9. Yesuslah Kurban Tebusan dosa; Yesuslah Kurban pun bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
10. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
11. Sabda dan RohNya penuh anug'rah; Sabda dan RohNya mengundangku.
12. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
13. Sabda kasihNya penawar haus; Sabda KasihNya air hidupku.
Yoh 4:10-14
Yoh 7:37-38
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:17
14. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
15. Kasih sorgawi sumber selamat; Kasih sorgawi penghiburku.
16. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
17. O Kasih Allah, pelipur lara; o Kasih Allah, bahagiaku!
18. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
19. Hati dan jiwa bersukacita; hati dan jiwa sejahtera.
Flp 4:4, 7
20. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
21. Akulah waris suka sorgawi; akulah waris tempat kekal.
Rm 8:17
Yak 2:5
22. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
23. Engkau kupuji kasih abadi; Engkau kupuji selamanya.
24. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku. Play
John 12:26
[Joh 12:26] Christ Will Gather In His Own
Christ will gather in His own
To the place where He is gone,
Where their heart and treasure lie,
Where our life is hid on high.Day by day the voice saith, “Come,
Enter thine eternal home”;
Asking not if we can spare
This dear soul it summons there.Had He asked us, well we know
We should cry, “O spare this blow!”
Yes, with streaming tears should pray,
“Lord, we love him, let him stay.”
[substitute her if appropriate]But the Lord doth naught amiss,
And, since He hath ordered this,
We have naught to do but still
Rest in silence on His will.Many a heart no longer here,
Ah! was all too inly dear,
Yet, O Love, ’tis Thou dost call,
Thou wilt be our All in all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] He Who Would Valiant Be
He who would valiant be ’gainst all disaster,
Let him in constancy follow the Master.
There’s no discouragement shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent to be a pilgrim.Who so beset him round with dismal stories
Do but themselves confound—his strength the more is.
No foes shall stay his might; though he with giants fight,
He will make good his right to be a pilgrim.Since, Lord, Thou dost defend us with Thy Spirit,
We know we at the end, shall life inherit.
Then fancies flee away! I’ll fear not what men say,
I’ll labor night and day to be a pilgrim.Who would true valour see,
Let him come hither;
One here will constant be,
Come wind, come weather
There’s no discouragement
Shall make him once relent
His first avowed intent
To be a pilgrim.Whoso beset him round
With dismal stories
Do but themselves confound;
His strength the more is.
No lion can him fright,
He’ll with a giant fight,
He will have a right
To be a pilgrim.Hobgoblin nor foul fiend
Can daunt his spirit,
He knows he at the end
Shall life inherit.
Then fancies fly away,
He’ll fear not what men say,
He’ll labor night and day
To be a pilgrim.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] How Shall I Follow Him I Serve?
How shall I follow Him I serve?
How shall I copy Him I love?
Not from the blessèd footsteps swerve,
Which lead me to His seat above?Privations, sorrows, bitter scorn,
The life of toil, the mean abode,
The faithless kiss, the crown of thorn,
Are these the consecrated road?’Twas thus He suffered, though a Son,
Foreknowing, choosing, feeling all,
Until the perfect work was done,
And drunk the bitter cup of gall.Lord, should my path through suffering lie
Forbid it I should e’er repine;
Still let me turn to Calvary,
Nor heed my griefs, remembering Thine.O let me think how Thou didst leave
Untasted every pure delight,
To fast, to faint, to watch, to grieve,
The toilsome day, the homeless night.To faint, to grieve, to die for me!
Thou camest, not Thyself to please;
And, dear as earthly comforts be,
Shall I not love Thee more than these?Yes, I would count them all but loss,
To gain the notice of Thine eye:
Flesh shrinks and trembles at the cross,
But Thou canst give the victory.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] How Blessed, From The Bonds Of Sin
How blessèd, from the bonds of sin
And earthly fetters free,
In singleness of heart and aim,
Thy servant, Lord, to be;
The hardest toil to undertake
With joy at Thy command,
The meanest office to receive
With meekness at Thy hand.With willing heart and longing eyes
To watch before Thy gate,
Ready to run the weary race,
To bear the heavy weight;
No voice of thunder to expect,
But follow calm and still;
For love can easily divine
The One Belovèd’s will.Thus may I serve Thee, gracious Lord;
Thus ever Thine alone,
My soul and body given to Thee,
The purchase Thou hast won;
Through evil or through good report
Still keeping by Thy side;
And by my life or by my death
Let Christ be magnified.How happily the working days
In this dear service fly,
How rapidly the closing hour,
The time of rest, draws nigh,
When all the faithful gather home,
A joyful company;
And ever where the Master is
Shall His blest servants be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] It Pays To Serve Jesus
The service of Jesus true pleasure affords,
In Him there is joy without an alloy;
’Tis Heaven to trust Him and rest on His words;
It pays to serve Jesus each day.Refrain
It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day,
It pays every step of the way,
Though the pathway to glory may sometimes be drear,
You’ll be happy each step of the way.It pays to serve Jesus whate’er may betide,
It pays to be true whate’er you may do;
’Tis riches of mercy in Him to abide;
It pays to serve Jesus each day.Refrain
Though sometimes the shadows may hang o’er the way,
And sorrows may come to beckon us home,
Our precious Redeemer each toil will repay;
It pays to serve Jesus each day.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] Leaving All To Follow Jesus
Leaving all to follow Jesus,
Turning from the world away,
Stepping out upon the promise,
All I have is His today.Refrain
Leaving all to follow Jesus,
Turning from the world away,
Stepping out upon His promise,
All I have is His today.Naught reserving, on the altar
All I lay, and wait the hour
When the fire from Heaven descending
Shall attest His glorious pow’r.Refrain
Taking up the cross of Jesus,
Glad for Him to suffer shame,
All my gain I count but losses
For the glory of His Name.Refrain
Praise His precious Name forever
That His blood hath made me free!
Now my soul shall joy to tell it,
Thro’ the long eternity.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] There Will I Follow Thee
Whithersoever Thou goest
Let me Thy footsteps attend;
Jesus, my wonderful Savior,
Loving Redeemer and Friend.Refrain
There would I be, there would I be,
Thou Who hast labored and sorrowed for me;
Whithersoever Thou goest,
There will I follow Thee.Over the snow covered mountain,
Out on the wild desert track,
Seeking to rescue the lost ones,
Tenderly calling them back.Refrain
Telling of hope to the friendless,
Cheering the homes where they dwell;
Going with light and salvation
Into the dark prison cell.Refrain
Giving relief to the stranger,
Plodding his journey alone;
Sharing the trials of others,
Patiently bearing my own.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 12:26] Thine For Service
I have made my choice to follow Christ each day,
I am Thine for service, Lord;
Tho’ I sometimes falter on the thorny way,
I am Thine for service, Lord.Refrain
Thine for service when the days are drear,
Thine for service when the skies are clear;
Yes, Thine for service thro’ the coming years,
I am Thine for service, Lord.Let me idle not the precious hours away,
I am Thine for service, Lord;
As Thy voice shall bid me, I will go or stay,
I am Thine for service, Lord.Refrain
I will never ask Thee “How,” or “Where,” or “Why?”
For I’ve cast my lot with Thee
Till the glory gates shall open by and by,
With a “Welcome Home” for me.Refrain
I am Thine for service till the last glad hour
Shall have passed on earth from me;
And I wake to service of a greater pow’r,
Thro’ a glad eternity.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
John 14:3
[Joh 14:3] God Will Take Care Of You
Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
God will take care of you;
Beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of you.Refrain
God will take care of you,
Through every day, over all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail,
God will take care of you.Refrain
All you may need He will provide,
God will take care of you;
Nothing you ask will be denied,
God will take care of you.Refrain
No matter what may be the test,
God will take care of you;
Lean, weary one, upon His breast,
God will take care of you.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Joh 14:3] Lord Jesus, Come
Lord Jesus, come! Nor let us longer roam
Afar from Thee, and that bright place
Where we shall see Thee face to face.
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!Lord Jesus, come! Thine absence here we mourn:
No joy we know apart from Thee,
No sorrow in Thy presence see.
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!Lord Jesus, Come!
And claim us as Thine own;
With longing hearts the path we tread,
Which Thee on high to glory led,
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!Lord Jesus, come! And take Thy people home:
That all Thy flock, so scattered here,
With Thee in glory may appear.
Lord Jesus, come! Lord Jesus, come!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 25:21
[Mat 25:21] Hark! A Voice Divides The Sky
Hark! A voice divides the sky, happy are the faithful dead!
In the Lord who sweetly die, they from all their toils are freed;
Them the Spirit hath declared blessed, unutterably blessed;
Jesus is their great reward, Jesus is their endless rest.Followed by their works, they go where their Head has gone before;
Reconciled by grace below, grace has opened mercy’s door;
Justified through faith alone, here they knew their sins forgiven,
Here they laid their burden down, hallowed, and made fit for heaven.Who can now lament the lot of a saint in Christ deceased?
Let the world, who know us not, call us hopeless and unblessed:
When from flesh the spirit freed hastens homeward to return,
Mortals cry, “A man is dead!” Angels sing, “A child is born!”Born into the world above, they our happy brother greet,
Bear him to the throne of love, place him at the Savior’s feet;
Jesus smiles, and says, “Well done, good and faithful servant thou;
Enter, and receive thy crown, reign with Me triumphant now.”Angels catch the approving sound, bow, and bless the just award;
Hail the heir with glory crowned, now rejoicing with his Lord:
Fuller joys ordained to know, waiting for the general doom,
When the archangel’s trump shall blow, “Rise, ye dead, to judgment come!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:21] Is He Satisfied With Me?
I am satisfied with Jesus,
But a question comes to me
As I ponder o’er His goodness,
Is He satisfied with me?Refrain
Is my Master satisfied,
Is He satisfied with Me?
I am satisfied with Jesus;
Is He satisfied with me?Am I kind in word, and tender,
Am I all I ought to be,
Am I always His defender:
Is He satisfied with me?Refrain
Do I tell the blessèd story
Of the Christ on Calvary,
Doing all for His own glory:
Is He satisfied with me?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:21] Servant Of God, Well Done! (montgomery)
“Servant of God, well done!
Rest from thy loved employ;
The battle fought, the victory won,
Enter thy Master’s joy.”
The voice at midnight came;
He started up to hear;
A mortal arrow pierced his frame:
He fell, but felt no fear.Tranquil amid alarms,
It found him on the field,
A veteran, slumbering on his arms,
Beneath his red cross shield.
His sword was in his hand,
Still warm with recent fight,
Ready that moment, at command,
Through rock and steel to smite.The pains of death are past,
Labor and sorrow cease;
And, life’s long warfare closed at last,
His soul is found in peace.
Soldier of Christ, well done!
Praise be thy new employ;
And while eternal ages run,
Rest in thy Savior’s joy.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Matthew 25:23
[Mat 25:23] Come, Labor On
Come, labor on!
Who dares stand idle, on the harvest plain
While all around him waves the golden grain?
And to each servant does the Master say,
“Go work today.”Come, labor on!
Claim the high calling angels cannot share—
To young and old the Gospel gladness bear;
Redeem the time; its hours too swiftly fly.
The night draws nigh.Come, labor on!
The enemy is watching night and day,
To sow the tares, to snatch the seed away;
While we in sleep our duty have forgot, He slumbered not.Come, labor on!
Away with gloomy doubts and faithless fear!
No arm so weak but may do service here:
By feeblest agents may our God fulfill
His righteous will.Come, labor on!
No time for rest, till glows the western sky,
Till the long shadows o’er our pathway lie,
And a glad sound comes with the setting sun,
“Well done, well done!”Come, labor on!
The toil is pleasant, the reward is sure;
Blessèd are those who to the end endure;
How full their joy, how deep their rest shall be,
O Lord, with Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:23] Servant Of God, Well Done! (wesley)
Servant of God, well done!
Thy glorious warfare’s past;
The battle’s fought, the race is won,
And thou art crowned at last.Of all thy heart’s desire
Triumphantly possessed;
Lodged by the ministerial choir
In thy Redeemer’s breast.In condescending love,
Thy ceaseless prayer He heard;
And bade thee suddenly remove
To thy complete reward.Ready to bring the peace,
Thy beauteous feet were shod,
When mercy signed thy soul’s release,
And caught thee up to God.With saints enthroned on high,
Thou dost thy Lord proclaim,
And still to God salvation cry,
Salvation to the Lamb!O happy, happy soul!
In ecstasies of praise,
Long as eternal ages roll,
Thou seest Thy Savior’s face.Redeemed from earth and pain,
Ah! when shall we ascend,
And all in Jesus’ presence reign
With our translated friend?Come, Lord, and quickly come!
And, when in Thee complete,
Receive Thy longing servants home,
To triumph at Thy feet.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 12:37
[Luk 12:37] How Are Thy Servants Blest, O Lord!
How are Thy servants blest, O Lord!
How sure is their defense!
Eternal wisdom is their guide,
Their help Omnipotence.In foreign realms, and lands remote,
Supported by Thy care,
Through burning climes they pass unhurt,
And breathe in tainted air.When by the dreadful tempest borne
High on the broken wave,
They know Thou art not slow to her,
Nor impotent to save.The storm is laid, the winds retire,
Obedient to Thy will,
The sea, that roars at Thy command,
At Thy command is still.From all our griefs and fears, O Lord,
Thy mercy sets us free;
While in the confidence of prayer
Our hearts take hold on Thee.In midst of dangers, fears and death,
Thy goodness we adore;
We praise Thee for Thy mercies past,
And humbly hope for moreOur life, while Thou preservest life,
A sacrifice shall be;
And death, when death shall be our lot,
Shall join our souls to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 12:37] Ye Servants Of The Lord
Ye servants of the Lord,
Each in his office wait,
Observant of His heavenly Word,
And watchful at His gate.Let all your lamps be bright,
And trim the golden flame,
Gird up your loins, as in His sight,
For awful is His Name.Watch: ’tis your Lord’s command,
And while we speak He’s near;
Mark the first signal of His hand,
And ready all appear.O happy servant he,
In such a posture found!
He shall His Lord with rapture see,
And be with honor crowned.Christ shall the banquet spread
With His own royal hand,
And raise that faithful servant’s head
Amid the angelic band.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 22:28-30
[Luk 22:29] Captains Of The Saintly Band
Captains of the saintly band,
Lights who lighten every land,
Princes who with Jesus dwell,
Judges of His Israel:On the nations sunk in night
Ye have shed the Gospel light;
Sin and error flee away;
Truth reveals the promised day.Not by warrior’s spear and sword,
Not by art of human word,
Preaching but the Cross of shame,
Rebel hearts for Christ ye tame.Earth, that long in sin and pain
Groaned in Satan’s deadly chain,
Now to serve its God is free
In the law of liberty.Distant lands with one acclaim
Tell the honor of your name,
Who, wherever man has trod,
Teach the mysteries of God.Glory to the Three in One
While eternal ages run,
Who from deepest shades of night
Called us to His glorious light.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Luke 23:43
[Luk 23:43] Dying Robber Raised His Aching Brow, The
The dying robber raised his aching brow
To claim the dying Lord for company;
And heard, in answer to his trembling bow,
The promise of the King: Thou—even thou—
Today shalt be in Paradise with me.We, too, the measure of our guilt confess,
Knowing Thy mercy, Lord, our only plea;
That we, like him, through judgment and distress,
For all the weight of our unworthiness
May win our way to Paradise with Thee.But so bewildered is our failing heart,
So dim the luster of Thy royalty,
We hardly know Thee, Lord, for what Thou art,
Till we begin to take the better part
And lose ourselves in Paradise with Thee.Then lift our eyes, dear Lord, from this poor dross,
To see Thee reigning in humility,
The King of love; that, wresting gain from loss,
We, too, may climb the ladder of the cross,
To find our home in Paradise with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Father Of Spirits, Whose Divine Control
Father of spirits, whose divine control
Doth bind the soul and body into one;
Thou wilt restore this body now undone;
For once it was the mansion of a soul,
Where dwelt the glowing wisdom of Thy Son.Thou, Maker of the body, dost ordain
That this Thine image, molded by Thy will,
Our every hope in glory shall fulfill;
So, till the body Thou dost build again,
Thou wilt preserve the spirit freed from ill.In that blest region shall this spirit dwell
Where flowers undying bloom on every side:
For lo, we trust Thy Word, O Crucified,
When in Thy triumph over death and hell,
The thief forgiven took Thee for his Guide.Our brother goeth by the shining way,
That ever to the faithful open lies:
Lord, train Thy servant now in Paradise,
And bless him in his fatherland, we pray,
Till Thou shalt bid his body to arise.Our sister goeth by the shining way,
That ever to the faithful open lies:
Lord, train Thy servant now in Paradise,
And bless her in her fatherland, we pray,
Till Thou shalt bid her body to arise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Hand That Was Nailed To The Cross, The
The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe,
In love reaches out to the world below;
’Tis beckoning now to the souls that roam,
And pointing the way to the heav’nly home.Refrain
The hand of my Savior I see,
The hand that was wounded for me;
’Twill lead me in love to the mansions above,
The hand that was wounded for me!E’en now I can see, through a mist of tears,
That hand still outstretched o’er the gulf of years,
With healing and hope for my sin sick soul,
One touch of its finger will make me whole!Refrain
The hand that wrought wonders in days of old,
Holds treasure more precious than gems or gold,
The price of redemption from sin and shame,
The gift of salvation through Jesus’ Name.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] It Is Finished! Blessed Jesus
It is finished! Blessèd Jesus,
Thou hast breathed Thy latest sigh,
Teaching us the sons of Adam
How the Son of God can die.Lifeless lies the broken body,
Hidden in its rocky bed,
Laid aside like folded garment:
Where is now the Spirit fled?In the gloomy realms of darkness
Shines a light unknown before,
For the Lord of dead and living
Enters at the open door.See! He comes, a willing Victim,
Unresisting hither led;
Passing from the cross of sorrow
To the mansions of the dead.Lo! the heavenly light around Him
Ad He draws His people near;
All amazed they stand rejoicing
At the gracious words they hear.For Himself proclaims the story
Of His own incarnate life,
And the death He died to save us,
Victor in that awful strife.Patriarch and priest and prophet
Gather round Him as He stands,
In adoring faith and gladness,
Hearing of the piercèd hands.Oh, the bliss to which He calls them,
Ransomed by His precious blood,
From the gloomy realms of darkness
To the paradise of God!There in lowliest joy and wonder
Stands the robber at His side,
Reaping now the blessèd promise
Spoken by the Crucified.Jesus, Lord of dead and living,
Let Thy mercy rest on me;
Grant me, too, when life is finished,
Rest in paradise with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Luk 23:43] Saints Of God! Their Conflict Past, The
The saints of God! their conflict past,
And life’s long battle won at last,
No more they need the shield or sword,
They cast them down before their Lord:
O happy saints! forever blest,
At Jesus feet’ how safe your rest!The saints of God! their wand’rings done,
No more their weary course they run,
No more they faint, no more they fall,
No foes oppress, no fears appall:
O happy saints! forever blest,
In that dear home how sweet your rest!The saints of God! life’s voyage o’er,
Safe landed on that blissful shore,
No stormy tempests now they dread,
No roaring billows lift their head:
O happy saints! forever blest,
In that calm haven of your rest!The saints of God their vigil keep,
While yet their mortal bodies sleep,
Till from the dust they too shall rise
And soar triumphant to the skies:
O happy saints! rejoice and sing:
He quickly comes, your Lord and King!O God of saints! to Thee we cry;
O Savior! plead for us on high;
O Holy Ghost! our Guide and Friend,
Grant us Thy grace till life shall end;
That with all the saints our rest may be
In that bright paradise with Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Philippians 1:23
[Phi 1:23] While On The Verge Of Life I Stand
While on the verge of life I stand,
And view the scene on either hand,
My spirit struggles with my clay,
And longs to wing its flight away.Where Jesus dwells my soul would be,
And faints my much loved Lord to see:
Earth, twine no more about my heart,
For ’tis far better to depart.Come, ye angelic envoys, come,
And lead the willing pilgrim home!
Ye know the way to Jesus’ throne—
Source of my joys and of your own.That blissful interview, how sweet,
To fall transported at His feet:
Raised in His arms to view His face,
Thro’ the full beamings of His grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 3:21
[Rev 3:21] Ruler Of The Hosts Of Light
Ruler of the hosts of light,
Death hath yielded to Thy might;
And Thy blood hath marked a road
Which will lead us back to God.From Thy dwelling place above,
From Thy Father’s throne of love,
With Thy look of mercy bless
Those without Thee comfortless.Bitter were Thy throes on earth,
Giving to the Church her birth
From the spear wound opening wide
In Thine own life giving side.Now in glory Thou dost reign
Won by all Thy toil and pain;
Thence the promised Spirit send
While our prayers to Thee ascend.Jesu, praise to Thee be giv’n
With the Father high in Heav’n;
Holy Spirit, praise to Thee,
Now and through eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 3:21] Soldiers, Who Are Christ’s Below
Soldiers, who are Christ’s below,
Strong in faith resist the foe:
Boundless is the pledged reward
Unto them who serve the Lord.’Tis no palm of fading leaves
That the conqueror’s hand receives;
Joys are his, serene and pure,
Light that ever shall endure.For the souls that overcome,
Waits the beauteous heavenly home,
Where the blessèd evermore
Tread, on high, the starry floor.Passing soon and little worth
Are the things that tempt on earth;
Heavenward lift thy soul’s regard;
God Himself is thy Reward.Father, who the crown dost give,
Savior, by whose death we live,
Spirit, who our hearts dost raise,
Three in One, Thy Name we praise.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 3:21] They That Overcome
Overcoming evil day by day,
This our warfare on the Christian way;
Yet unto those that faithful endure,
God has declared that His promise is sure.Refrain
They that overcome, thus saith He,
They that overcome, blessèd shall be;
They that overcome the world and sin,
Life and a crown in His kingdom shall win.Tho’ we suffer tribulation here,
Tho’ our crosses oft may seem severe,
Think of the joy when trials are past,
Strong in the Lord we shall conquer at last.Refrain
Overcoming, O my soul, arise,
Overcoming, thou must reach the skies;
Still journey on, and still overcome,
Rest by and by with the Savior at home.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Revelation 7:14-17
[Rev 7:14] Are You Washed In The Blood?
Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?Refrain
Are you washed in the blood,
In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb?
Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?Are you walking daily by the Savior’s side?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Do you rest each moment in the Crucified?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?Refrain
When the Bridegroom cometh will your robes be white?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Will your soul be ready for the mansions bright,
And be washed in the blood of the Lamb?Refrain
Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin,
And be washed in the blood of the Lamb;
There’s a fountain flowing for the soul unclean,
O be washed in the blood of the Lamb!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] Behold A Host, Arrayed In White
Behold a host, arrayed in white,
Like thousand snow clad mountains bright,
With palms they stand. Who is this band
Before the throne of light?
Lo, these are they of glorious fame
Who from the great affliction came
And in the flood of Jesus’ blood
Are cleansed from guilt and blame.
Now gathered in the holy place
Their voices they in worship raise,
Their anthems swell where God doth dwell,
Mid angels’ song of praise.Despised and scorned, they sojourned here;
But now, how glorious they appear!
Those martyrs stand a priestly band,
God’s throne forever near.
So oft, in troubled days gone by,
In anguish they would weep and sigh.
At home above the God of Love
For aye their tears shall dry.
They now enjoy their Sabbath rest,
The paschal banquet of the blest;
The Lamb, their Lord, at festal board
Himself is Host and Guest.Then hail, ye mighty legions, yea,
All hail! Now safe and blest for aye,
And praise the Lord, who with His Word
Sustained you on the way.
Ye did the joys of earth disdain,
Ye toiled and sowed in tears and pain.
Farewell, now bring your sheaves and sing
Salvation’s glad refrain.
Swing high your palms, lift up your song,
Yea, make it myriad voices strong.
Eternally shall praise to Thee,
God, and the Lamb belong.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] Blood-washed Throng, The
There is a blood-washed multitude, a mighty army strong;
The Lord of hosts their righteousness, redeeming love their song.
They follow Christ Whose Name they bear, to yonder portals bright,
Where He has said His faithful ones shall walk with Him in white.That precious Name their guiding star, its beams will o’er them cast,
And through its power their trusting souls shall overcome at last.
The glory cloud will bring them safe to yonder palace bright,
Where they shall see Him eye to eye and walk with Him in white.March on! O blood-washed multitude, for lo! the hour draws nigh,
When we shall hail the King of kings triumphant in the sky.
When songs of praise to Him we love, shall fill the courts of light,
And they that overcome the world, shall walk with Him in white.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] Exalted High At God’s Right Hand
Exalted high at God’s right hand,
Nearer the throne than cherubs stand,
With glory crowned, in white array,
My wondering soul says, “Who are they?”These are the saints beloved of God,
Washed are their robes in Jesus’ blood;
More spotless than the purest white,
They shine in uncreated light.Brighter than angels, lo! they shine
Their glories great, and all divine;
Tell me their origin, and say
Their order what, and whence they came.Through tribulation great they came;
They bore the cross, and scorned the shame;
Within the living temple blest,
In God they dwell, and on Him rest.Hunger they ne’er shall feel again,
Nor burning thirst shall they sustain;
To wells of living waters led
By God, the Lamb, forever fed.Unknown to mortal ears, they sing
The secret glories of their King;
Tell me the subject of their lays,
And whence their loud exalted praise.Jesus, the Savior, is their theme;
They sing the wonders of His Name;
To Him ascribing power and grace,
Dominion and eternal praise.“Amen” they cry to Him alone,
Who dares to fill His Father’s throne;
They give Him glory, and again
Repeat His praise, and say “Amen.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] Hark! The Sound Of Holy Voices
Hark! the sound of holy voices, chanting at the crystal sea,
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Lord, to Thee;
Multitude, which none can number, like the stars in glory stand
Clothed in white apparel, holding palms of victory in their hand.Patriarch, and holy prophet, who prepared the way of Christ
King, apostle, saint, confessor, martyr and evangelist;
Saintly maiden, godly matron, widows who have watched to prayer
Joined in holy concert, singing to the Lord of all, are there.They have come from tribulation, and have washed their robes in blood,
Washed them in the blood of Jesus; tried they were, and firm they stood;
Mocked, imprisoned, stoned, tormented, sawn asunder, slain with sword;
They have conquered death and Satan by the might of Christ the Lord.Marching with Thy cross their banner, they have triumphed, following
Thee, the Captain of salvation, Thee, their Savior and their King;
Gladly, Lord, with Thee they suffered; gladly, Lord, with Thee they died;
And by death to life immortal they were born and glorified.Now they reign in heav’nly glory, now they walk in golden light,
Now they drink, as from a river, holy bliss and infinite:
Love and peace they taste forever, and all truth and knowledge see
In the beatific vision of the blessèd Trinity.God of God, the One begotten, Light of light, Emmanuel,
In Whose body joined together all the saints forever dwell;
Pour upon us of Thy fullness that we may forevermore
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost adore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] How Bright These Glorious Spirits Shine
These glorious minds, how bright they shine!
Whence all their white array?
How came they to the happy seats
Of everlasting day?From torturing pains to endless joys
On fiery wheels they rode,
And strangely washed their raiment white
In Jesus’ dying blood.Now they approach a spotless God,
And bow before His throne
Their warbling harps and sacred songs
Adore the Holy One.The unveiled glories of His face
Amongst His saints reside,
While the rich treasure of His grace
Sees all their wants supplied.Tormenting thirst shall leave their souls,
And hunger flee as fast;
The fruit of life’s immortal tree
Shall be their sweet repast.The Lamb shall lead His heav’nly flock
Where living fountains rise;
And love divine shall wipe away
The sorrows of their eyes.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] Lo! Round The Throne A Glorious Band
Lo! round the throne, a glorious band,
The saints in countless myriads stand;
Of every tongue redeemed to God,
Arrayed in garments washed in blood,
Arrayed in garments washed in blood.Through tribulation great they came;
They bore the cross, despised the shame;
But now from all their labors rest,
In God’s eternal glory blest,
In God’s eternal glory blest.They see the Savior face to face;
They sing the triumph of His grace;
And day and night, with ceaseless praise,
To Him their loud hosannas raise,
To Him their loud hosannas raise.“Worthy the Lamb, for sinners slain,
Through endless years to live and reign;
Thou hast redeemed us by Thy blood,
And made us kings and priests to God.”O may we tread the sacred road
That holy saints and martyrs trod;
Wage to the end the glorious strife,
And win, like them, a crown of life,
And win, like them, a crown of life!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] Lo! Round The Throne At God’s Right Hand
Lo! round the throne at God’s right hand
The saints in countless myriads stand,
Of every tongue redeemed to God,
Arrayed in garments washed in blood.Through tribulation great they came;
They bore the cross, despised the shame;
From all their labors now they rest,
In God’s eternal glory blest.Hunger and thirst they feel no more;
Nor sin, nor pain, nor death deplore;
The tears are wiped from every eye,
And sorrow yields to endless joy.They see their Savior face to face,
And sing the triumphs of His grace,
Him, day and night they ceaseless praise,
To Him their loud hosannas raise.Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain,
Through endless years to live and reign;
Thou hast redeemed us by Thy blood,
And made us kings and priests to God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:14] There Is Power In The Blood
Would you be free from the burden of sin?
There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you o’er evil a victory win?
There’s wonderful power in the blood.Refrain
There is power, power, wonder working power
In the blood of the Lamb;
There is power, power, wonder working power
In the precious blood of the Lamb.Would you be free from your passion and pride?
There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;
Come for a cleansing to Calvary’s tide;
There’s wonderful power in the blood.Refrain
Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;
Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow.
There’s wonderful power in the blood.Refrain
Would you do service for Jesus your King?
There’s power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you live daily His praises to sing?
There’s wonderful power in the blood.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] All The Way My Savior Leads Me
All the way my Savior leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my Guide?
Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well.All the way my Savior leads me,
Cheers each winding path I tread;
Gives me grace for every trial,
Feeds me with the living Bread.
Though my weary steps may falter,
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see;
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see.All the way my Savior leads me
O the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised
In my Father’s house above.
When my spirit, clothed immortal,
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way;
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] At The Breaking Of The Day
Oh, how oft amid our labor
Do we think of what will be
When the boat shall drop its anchor
In the haven o’er the sea!
And our hearts, with joy expanding,
From our trials look away,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Refrain
At the breaking of the day,
When we anchor on the shore,
At the breaking of the day,
When the storms of life are o’er,
When our sorrow and our sighing,
Like a dream will pass away,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Oh, how oft amid the conflict
And the battle raging high,
With a faith as clear as noonday
We behold the vict’ry nigh,
And we know that with the righteous
We shall stand in bright array,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Refrain
Endless praise to our Redeemer
For His all atoning love,
That prepares for us a mansion
And a crown of life above,
Where our eyes shall see the beauty
Of the flow’rs that ne’er decay,
When we all shall meet together,
At the breaking of the day!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Deem Not That They Are Blest Alone
Deem not that they are blest alone
Whose days a peaceful tenor keep;
Th’anointed Son of God makes known
A blessing for the eyes that weep.The light of smiles shall fill again
The lids that overflow with tears;
And weary hours of woe and pain
Are promises of happier years.There is a day of sunny rest
For every dark and troubled night;
And grief shall bide an evening guest,
But joy shall come with early light.Nor let the good man’s trust depart,
Though life its common gifts deny,
Though with a pierced and broken heart,
And spurned of men, he goes to die.For God has marked each sorrowing day,
And numbered every secret tear;
And heaven’s long age of bliss shall pay
For all His children suffer here.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Gathering Out Of Tears
Steer our bark away to the homeland,
Spread the sails of hope o’er the sea;
Think of all the friends that await us,
When anchored safely there we shall be.Refrain
Gathering out of tears into sunshine,
Gathering out of labor into rest;
Hear the ransomed throng shouting forth their joy in song,
Gathering to the mansions of the blest.Steer our bark away to the homeland,
On without a fear let us go;
When the port of peace we are nearing,
The blessèd harbor lights we shall know.Refrain
Bright and fair the hills of the homeland,
Clad in all the bloom of the spring;
There to Him Who loved and redeemed us,
Our joyful, joyful praise we will sing.Refrain
Soft the winds that blow from the homeland,
Sweet the morn that breaks on the shore;
Soon we’ll meet again our beloved ones,
Where sorrow’s plaintive moan comes no more.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] I Love To Sing Of Heaven
I love to sing of Heav’n,
Where white robed angels are;
Where many a friend is gathered safe
From fear, and toil, and care.Refrain
There’ll be no sorrow there,
There’ll be no sorrow there;
In Heav’n above, where all is love,
There’ll be no sorrow there.I love to think of Heav’n,
Where my Redeemer reigns;
Where rapturous songs of triumph rise,
In endless, joyous strains.Refrain
I love to think of Heav’n,
That promised land so fair;
Oh, how my raptured spirit longs
To be forever there.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Lost Chord, The
Seated one day at the organ,
I was weary and ill at ease,
And my fingers wandered idly
Over the noisy keys;
I know not what I was playing,
Or what I was dreaming then,
But I struck one chord of music,
Like the sound of a great Amen,
Like the sound of a great Amen.It flooded the crimson twilight,
Like the close of an angel’s psalm,
And it lay on my fevered spirit,
With a touch of infinite calm,
It quieted pain and sorrow,
Like love overcoming strife,
It seemed the harmonious echo
From our discordant life,
It linked all the perplexed meanings
Into one perfect peace,
And trembled away into silence,
As if it were loth to cease;
I have sought but I seek it vainly,
That one lost chord divine,
Which came from the soul of the organ,
And entered into mine.It may be that death’s bright angel
Will speak in that chord again;
It may be that only in Heav’n
I shall hear that great Amen.
It may be that death’s bright angel
Will speak in that chord again;
It may be that only in Heav’n
I shall hear that great Amen.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] Loved One, Farewell
Birds are rejoicing,
O’er hill and dell;
Hushed is thy voicing,
Sweeter that fell.
Friend of our happy days,
Brother of prayer and praise,
Thine own sweet music says,
Loved one, farewell!Thou hast ascended,
Where angels dwell;
Where, earth songs ended,
Heav’n’s anthems swell.
Safe, all the saints among,
Blest with the praising throng,
Singing the new made songs,
Loved one, farewell!Salvation’s story
Then thou wilt tell;
Triumphs of glory,
Thy voice shall swell.
Rest thou, oh, friend so dear,
Thy precious Savior near,
Where God shall wipe each tear,
Loved one, farewell!Safe from thee turning,
Grief’s tones will knell;
Hard, hard the learning,
God doeth well!
Till, be it soon or late,
Up, at the pearly gate,
We meet, oh watch and wait,
Loved one, farewell!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] There’ll Be No Sorrow There
There’ll be no night in Heav’n,
In that blest world above;
No anxious toil, no weary hours;
For labor there is love.Refrain
There’ll be no sorrow there,
There’ll be no sorrow there,
In Heav’n above, where all is love,
There’ll be no sorrow there.There’ll be no grief in Heav’n,
For life is one glad day,
And tears are those of former things
Which all have passed way.Refrain
There’ll be no sin in Heav’n;
Behold that blessèd throng,
All holy in their spotless robes,
All holy in their song.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 7:17] When Gathering Clouds Around I View
When gathering clouds around I view,
And days are dark, and friends are few,
On Him I lean, who not in vain
Experienced every human pain;
He sees my wants, allays my fears,
And counts and treasures all my tears.If aught should tempt my soul to stray
From heavenly wisdom’s narrow way,
To fly the good I would pursue,
Or do the sin I would not do,
Still He, who felt temptation’s power,
Shall guard me in that dangerous hour.If wounded love my bosom swell,
Deceived by those I prized too well,
He shall His pitying aid bestow,
Who felt on earth severer woe,
At once betrayed, denied, or fled,
By those who shared His daily bread.If vexing thoughts within me rise
And, sore dismayed, my spirit dies,
Still He, who once vouchsafed to bear
The sickening anguish of despair,
Shall sweetly soothe, shall gently dry,
The throbbing heart, the streaming eye.When, sorrowing, o’er some stone I bend,
Which covers what was once a friend,
And from his voice, his hand, his smile,
Divides me for a little while,
Thou, Savior, mark’st the tears I shed,
For Thou didst weep o’er Lazarus dead.And O, when I have safely past,
Through every conflict but the last;
Still, still unchanging, watch beside
My painful bed, for Thou hast died;
Then point to realms of cloudless day,
And wipe the latest tear way.Play source: Cyberhymnal