Romans 15:18-20
I will ... dare <5111> [I will.]
<3739> [which.]
<1519> [to make.]
by word <3056> [by word.]
power ........ power <1411> [mighty.]
in ... power ...... in ... power <1722 1411> [by the.]
Illyricum <2437> [Illyricum.]
Illyricum, or Illyria, was a country of Europe, lying N. and N. W. of Macedonia, on the eastern coast of the Adriatic gulf, opposite Italy. It was distinguished into two parts; Liburnia north, now Croatia; and Dalmatia south, still retaining the same name. The account of Paul's second visit to the peninsula of Greece, Ac 20:1, 2, says Dr. Paley, leads us to suppose that, in going over Macedonia, he had passed so far to the west, as to come into those parts of the country which were contiguous to Illyricum, if he did not enter Illyricum itself. The history and the Epistle therefore so far agree; and the agreement is much strengthened by a coincidence of time; for much before the time when this epistle was written, he could not have said so, as his route, in his former journey, confined him to the eastern side of the peninsula, a considerable distance from Illyricum.
I have fully preached <4137> [fully.]
in this way <3779> [so.]
to build <3618> [build.]
Acts 14:27
and gathered .... together ............ and <1161 2532 4863> [and had.]
they reported <312> [they rehearsed.]
he had opened <455> [opened.]
Acts 15:12
while ... explained <1834> [declaring.]
Acts 21:19
he began to explain <1834> [he declared.]
through <1223> [by.]
Acts 21:1
tore ... away .... we <2248 645> [we were.]
put out to sea <321> [and had.]
Cos <2972> [Coos.]
Coos, Cos, or Co, now Zia, is an island in the Aegean sea, one of those called Cyclades, near the south-west point of Asia Minor, and about fifteen miles from Halicarnassus. Rhodes. Rhodes is a celebrated island in the same sea, southward of Caria, from which it is distant about twenty miles, next to Cyprus and Lesbos in extent, being 120 miles in circumference. It was remarkable for the clearness of the air, and its pleasant and healthy climate, and chiefly for its Colossus of brass, seventy cubits high, with each finger as large as an ordinary man, standing astride over the mouth of the harbour, so that ships in full sail passed between its legs.
Colossians 1:2
saints <40> [the saints.]
faithful <4103> [faithful.]
Grace <5485> [Grace.]
Colossians 1:2
saints <40> [the saints.]
faithful <4103> [faithful.]
Grace <5485> [Grace.]
Colossians 2:14
has destroyed <1813> [Blotting.]
a certificate of indebtedness <5498> [the handwriting.]
He has taken ... away <142> [took.]
Colossians 1:13-16
He delivered <4506> [delivered.]
power <1849> [the power.]
and <2532> [and.]
kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]
Son he loves <26 5207 846> [his dear Son. Gr. the Son of his love.]
whom <3739> [whom.]
forgiveness <859> [the.]
image <1504> [the image.]
invisible <517> [the invisible.]
firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]
all <3956> [of every.]
in ...... were created by him .................. were created through him .... him <1722 846 2936 1223> [by him were.]
in heaven ....... by <3772 1722> [in heaven.]
thrones <2362> [thrones.]
in ........ by ..................... through <1722 1223> [by.]
Colossians 1:1
an apostle <652> [an.]
Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]
Colossians 1:9-10
from <575> [since.]
you have ... ceased <3973> [do.]
his <846> [of his.]
wisdom <4678> [wisdom.]
spiritual <4152> [spiritual.]
<5209> [ye.]
all ...... every <3956> [all.]
bearing fruit <2592> [fruitful.]
growing <837> [increasing.]
Colossians 2:13-14
dead <3498> [dead.]
uncircumcision <203> [the uncircumcision.]
he ... made ... alive <4806> [he.]
having forgiven <5483> [having.]
has destroyed <1813> [Blotting.]
a certificate of indebtedness <5498> [the handwriting.]
He has taken ... away <142> [took.]
Colossians 2:2
their <846> [their.]
having been knit together <4822> [being.]
all <3956> [all.]
assurance <4136> [of the full.]
understanding <4907> [understanding.]
knowledge <1519 1922> [to the.]
<3962> [of the Father.]
Colossians 4:17
Archippus <751> [Archippus.]
See <991> [Take.]
ministry <1248> [the ministry.]
complete <4137> [fulfil.]