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1 Samuel 23:1--26:25


Keilah <07084> [Keilah.]

Keilah was a city of Judah, situated, according to Eusebius, eight miles from Eleutheropolis, towards Hebron. Sozomen says that the prophet Habakkuk's tomb was shewn there.

looting ... threshing floors <08154 01637> [rob the.]


asked <07592> [enquired.]

In what way David made this enquiry we are not told; but it was probably by means of Abiathar; and therefore it would seem, that with Houbigant, we should read the sixth verse immediately after the first.--This adventure was truly noble and patriotic. Had not David loved his country, and been above all motives of private and personal revenge, he would have rejoiced in this invasion of Judea, as producing a strong diversion in his favour, and embroiling his inveterate enemy. In most cases, a man with David's wrongs would have joined with the enemies of his country, and avenged himself on the author of his calamities; but he thinks of nothing but succouring Keilah, and using his power and influence in behalf of his brethren.


<03373> [Behold.]


again <03254> [yet again.]

give <05414> [for I will.]


Abiathar <054> [when Abiathar.]

ephod <0646> [an ephod.]


God ... delivered <0430 05234> [A.M. 2943. B.C. 1061. An. Ex. Is. 430. God hath.]

delivered him ........ boxed <05462> [he is shut.]


David <01732> [David.]

Bring <05066> [Bring.]


destroy ... city <05892 07843> [destroy the city.]


Lord ........... Lord <03068> [And the Lord.]


deliver .............. deliver <05462> [deliver. Heb. shut up.]

deliver .............. deliver <05462> [They will.]


six hundred <03967 08337> [six hundred.]


hill country <02022> [a mountain.]

desert ......... desert <04057> [the wilderness.]

Ziph is mentioned in Joshua with Carmel and Maon, near which it seems to have been situated; and as we have mention of Carmel and Maon in the history of David, as adjoining to Ziph, it cannot be doubted that by the Ziph, in the wilderness of which David now lay, and where was the hill of Hachilah, is to be understood Ziph near Carmel and Maon.

Saul <07586> [Saul.]

God <0430> [but God.]


encouraged him <02388> [strengthened.]


afraid .... hand <03372 03027> [Fear not.]

find <04672> [shall not.]

rule <04427> [thou shalt be.]

second <04932> [I shall be.]

Saul ..................... Saul <07586> [that also Saul.]



Ziphites <02130> [the Ziphites.]

Hakilah <02444> [Hachilah.]

Calmet states, that Hachilah was a mountain about ten miles south of Jericho, where Jonathan Maccab‘us built the castle of Massada, west of the Dead Sea, and not far from En-gedi.

south <03225> [on the south. Heb. on the right hand. Jeshimon. or, the wilderness.]

Eusebius places Jeshimon ten miles south of Jericho, near the Dead Sea; which agrees extremely well with the position of Hachilah, as stated by Calmet.


discretion <0185> [all the desire.]

Delivering him <05462> [our part.]



Determine precisely ........ seen <07272 07200> [haunt is. Heb. foot shall be.]


precisely <03045> [take knowledge.]

find <02664> [I will search.]

thousands <0505> [the thousands.]


desert <04057> [the wilderness.]

Maon, from which the adjoining mountainous district derived its name, was city in the most southern parts of the tribe of Judah, and a neighbouring town to Carmel. Hence Nabal (ch. 25:2) is described as a man of Maon, whose possessions were in Carmel; and though he might dwell generally in Maon, yet he is styled Nabal the Carmelite, from the place where his estate lay. Calmet supposes it to be the city Mino‹s, which Eusebius places in the vicinity of Gaza; and the Moenoemi Castrum, which the Theodosian code places near Beersheba.

Maon <04584> [Maon.]

south <03225> [the south.]


rock <05553> [into a rock. or, from the rock.]


David ............. David ... hurrying .............. David <02648 01732> [David made haste.]

<03212> [away.]


came <0935> [there came.]

Philistines <06430> [the Philistines.]

raided <06584> [invaded. Heb. spread themselves upon.]


Sela Hammahlekoth <05555> [Sela-hammahlekoth. that is, the rock of divisions.]

Because, says the Targum, "the heart of the king was divided to go hither and thither." Here Saul was obliged to separate himself from David, in order to go and oppose the invading Philistines; which deliverance of David was of such a nature as made the Divine interposition fully visible.


The district around En-gedi, near the western coast of the Dead Sea, is reported by travellers to be a mountainous territory, filled with caverns; and consequently, proper for David in his present circumstances. Dr. Lightfoot thinks this was the wilderness of Judah, in which David was when he penned the 63rd Psalm, which breathes as much pious and devout affection as almost any of his Psalms; for in all places and in all conditions he still kept up his communion with God.--If Christians knew their privileges better, and acted up thereto, there would be less murmuring at the dark dispensations of Divine Providence.


Saul <07586> [when Saul.]

pursuing <0310> [following. Heb. after. it was told.]

desert <04057> [the wilderness.]


Saul took <03947 07586> [Saul took.]

<03212> [and went.]

rocks <06697> [the rocks.]


sheepfolds <01448> [the sheepcotes.]

Caves in the rocks, in which it is still common for shepherds and their flocks to lodge. Dr. Pococke observes, "Beyond the valley [of Tekoa,] there is a very large grotto, which the Arabs call El-Maamah, a hiding place: the high rocks on each side of the valley are almost perpendicular; and the way to the grotto is by a terrace formed in the rock, which is very narrow. There are two entrances into it; we went by the farthest, which leads by a narrow passage into a very large grotto, the rock being supported by natural pillars; the top of it rises in several places like domes; the grotto is perfectly dry. There is a tradition, that the people of the country, to the number of 30,000, retired into this grotto, to avoid a bad air. This place is so strong, that one would imagine it to be one of the strong holds of En-gedi, to which David and his men fled from Saul: and possibly it may be that very cave in which he cut off Saul's skirt; for David and his men might, with good ease, lie hid there and not be seen by him." Travels, vol. ii. P. 1. p. 41.

Saul <07586> [and Saul.]

relieve <05526> [to cover.]

David <01732> [David.]

Ps 57:1 142:1 *titles [All]


<0582> [the men.]

give <05414> [I will deliver.]

Saul's robe <04598 07586> [Saul's robe. Heb. the robe which was Saul's.]


David's ... bothered <03820 01732> [David's heart.]


keep me far away from <03068 02486> [the Lord forbid.]


restrained <08156> [stayed. Heb. cut off.]

allow <05414> [suffered.]


lord <0113> [My lord.]

David ........................ David kneeled <01732 06915> [David stooped.]



told .... kill .......... said <0559 02026> [bade me.]

Lord ........................................ Lord's <03068> [the Lord's.]


father <01> [my father.]

evil <07451> [neither evil.]

waiting <06658> [thou huntest.]


Lord judge .......... Lord <08199 03068> [Lord judge.]

hand <03027> [but mine hand.]


evil <07562> [Wickedness.]


king <04428> [the king.]

dead dog ... single <04191 03611 0259> [a dead dog.]

single flea <0259 06550> [a flea.]


arbiter <01781> [be judge.]

arbitrate <07378> [plead.]

judge ............ deliver <08199> [deliver. Heb. judge.]


voice ........ loudly <06963> [Is this.]

Saul Saul .......... Then Saul <07586 05375> [Saul lifted.]


innocent <06662> [Thou art.]

treated ........ tried <01580> [thou hast.]


Lord <03068> [Lord.]

delivered ..... hand <05462 03027> [delivered me. Heb. shut me up.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


realize <03045> [I know well.]


swear <07650> [Swear.]

not ....... or destroy <0518 08045> [that thou.]


David .............. David <01732 0582> [David and.]

stronghold <04686> [the hold.]


Samuel <08050> [A.M. 2944. B.C. 1060. An. Ex. Is 431. Samuel.]

mourned <05594> [lamented.]

[in this house.]

desert <04057> [the wilderness.]


Maon <04584> [Maon.]

business .... Carmel ......................... Carmel <04639 03760> [possessions were. or, business was. Carmel.]

Not the famous mount Carmel, in the north of Canaan, and in the tribe of Asher; but a city, on a mountain of the same name, in the south of Judah, which seems to have given name to the surrounding territory. Eusebius and Jerome inform us, that there was in their time a town called Carmelia, ten miles east from Hebron, where the Romans kept a garrison, whose position well agrees with this Carmel.

man .......... man <0376> [man.]

three thousand ..... thousand <0505 07969> [three thousand.]

shearing <01494> [shearing.]

This was a very ancient custom, and appears to have been always attended with festivity. The ancient Romans, however, used to pluck off the wool from the sheep's backs; and hence a fleece was called {vellus,} a {vellendo,} from plucking it off. Pliny says, that in his time sheep were not shorn every where, but in some places the wool was still plucked off.

Carmel ......................... Carmel <03760> [Carmel.]


wise <02896> [good.]

harsh <07186> [was churlish.]

<03614> [and he was.]

{Wehoo calibbee,} literally, "and he was a Calebite;" but as the word {cailev} signifies a dog, the Septuagint has understood it as implying a man of canine disposition, and translated it, [kai anthropov kunikos,] "and he was a doggish man." It is understood in the same way by the Syriac and Arabic.


shearing <01494> [did shear.]


give ...... name <07592 08034> [greet him, etc. Heb. ask him in my name of peace.]


brother <02416> [liveth.]

Peace ....... Peace <07965> [Peace be both.]


shepherds <07462> [thy shepherds.]

In those times, and at the present day, wandering Arabs, under their several chiefs, think that they have a right to exact contributions of provisions, etc., wherever they come. But David, though he lived in the wilderness like the Arab emirs, had not adopted their manners: one of them, at the head of 600 men, would have demanded, from time to time, some provision or present from Nabal's servants, for permitting them to feed at quiet; and would have driven them away from the watering place upon any dislike. David had done nothing of this kind; but had protected them against those who would.

insulted <03637> [we hurt. Heb. we shamed.]


time .... holiday <03117 02896> [a good day.]

son <01121> [thy son.]


paused <05117> [ceased. Heb. rested. or, became quiet.]


David's ..... David <01732> [Who is David.]

<07231> [there be.]


take <03947> [Shall I then.]

meat <02878> [flesh. Heb. slaughter. give it.]

know <03045> [whom.]


came <0935> [came.]


strap ........ strapped ........ strapped <02296> [Gird ye.]

David ........ strap ........ strapped ...... David ... strapped .......... David <01732 02296> [David also.]

hundred ........ hundred <03967> [two hundred.]


screamed <05860> [railed on them. Heb. flew upon them.]


very good <02896 03966> [very good.]

insult <03637> [hurt. Heb. shamed.]


wall <02346> [a wall.]


disaster <07451> [evil.]

wicked person <01100 01121> [a son of Belial.]

tells <01696> [that a man.]


quickly <04116> [made haste.]

took ... hundred .................. hundred ....... hundred <03947 03967> [took two.]

The Eastern bread is generally both thin and small; and answers to our cakes.

two containers <05035 08147> [two bottles.]

That is, two goatskins' full.

five ... sheep five <06629 02568> [five sheep.]

Not one sheep to one hundred men.

bunches of raisins <06778> [clusters. Heb. lumps. Raisins dried in the sun.]

lumps .... figs ... loaded <01690 07760> [cakes of figs.]

Figs cured and then pressed together. Now all this provision was a matter of little worth; and had it been granted in the first instance, it would have perfectly satisfied David, and secured his good offices.


Go <05674> [Go.]

tell <05046> [But.]


Riding <07392> [rode.]

down ............. down <03381> [she came down.]

David was coming down mount Paran; Abigail was coming down from Carmel.


vain <08267> [Surely.]

from <07725> [he hath requited.]


severely <03541 03254> [So and more.]

Nothing can justify this conduct of David, which was rash, unjust, and cruel in the extreme. David himself condemns it, and thanks God for being prevented from executing this evil. (ver. 32-34.)

leave <07604> [if I leave.]

male <08366> [any that pisseth, etc.]

This seems to have been a proverbial expression among the Israelites; and may with the utmost propriety be read "any male."


down <03381> [lighted.]

threw <05307> [fell.]


Falling <05307> [fell.]

lord ...... guilt <0113 05771> [Upon.]

female servant ............. servant <0519> [let thine.]

<0241> [audience. Heb. ears.]


attention <03820> [regard. Heb. lay it to his heart.]

wicked man <01100 0376> [man of Belial.]

Nabal ................. foolish <05037> [Nabal. that is, fool.]


surely .... Lord ........ live ..... Lord <03068 02416> [as the Lord liveth.]

lives <05315> [and as thy.]

Lord ............ Lord .... kept <03068 04513> [the Lord hath.]

shedding .... taking matters <0935 03467> [from.]

taking matters ..... hands <03467 03027> [avenging thyself. Heb. saving thyself.]

enemies <0341> [now let.]


present <01293> [blessing. or, present.]

follow <01980> [follow. Heb. walk at the feet of.]


forgive <05375> [forgive.]

Lord .................. Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

fights <03898> [fighteth.]

evil ... found <07451 04672> [evil hath.]


wrapped <06887> [bound.]

The metaphors in this verse are derived from the consideration, that things of value are collected together, and often tied up in bundles, like sheaves of corn, to prevent their being scattered and lost, and that whatever is put into a sling is not intended to be preserved, but to be thrown away.

Lord <03068> [with the Lord.]

sling away <07049> [sling out.]

from ... sling's <08432 07050> [as out of the middle of a sling. Heb. in the midst of the bow of a sling.]


<02896> [according.]


overwhelmed <06330> [grief. Heb. staggering, or, stumbling.]

taken matters <03467> [avenged.]

remember <02142> [remember.]


David overlooks the rich and seasonable present of Abigail, though pressed with hunger and wearied with travel; but her advice, which disarmed his rage, and calmed his revenge, draws forth these high and affectionate gratulations. These were his joyful and glorious trophies; not over his enemies, but over himself.


Praised .......... rewarded <01288> [blessed.]

prevented <03607> [which hast.]

taking matters <03467> [avenging.]


prevented <04513> [kept me back.]

so quickly <04116> [hasted.]

remained <03498> [there had.]


Go <05927> [Go up.]

responded <05375> [accepted.]


banquet <04960> [a feast.]

good <02896> [merry.]

told .... nothing <05046 01697> [she told him.]


told ..... matters <05046 01697> [had told him.]

stroke <03820> [his heart.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]


Praised <01288> [Blessed.]

vindicated <07378> [pleaded.]

kept ... servant <05650 02820> [kept his servant.]

repaid <07725> [hath returned.]

asked ...... wife <03947 0802> [to take her.]

It is probable that David had heard that Saul, to cut off his pretensions to the throne, had married Michal to Phalti; and this justified him in taking Abigail, it not being then unlawful for a man to have several wives. This conduct of David's corresponds with the manner in which the Oriental princes generally form their matrimonial alliances. "The king of Abyssinia," says Mr. Bruce, "sends an officer to the house where the lady lives, who announces to her that it is the king's pleasure she should remove instantly to the palace. She then dresses herself in the best manner, and immediately obeys. Thenceforward he assigns her an apartment in the palace, and gives her a house elsewhere in any part she chooses."


David ........... David ... sent <01732 07971> [David sent.]


female servant <0519> [thine.]

wash <07364> [to wash.]


Abigail <026> [Abigail.]

[after her. Heb. at her feet.]


Jezreel <03157> [Jezreel.]

two <08147> [both.]

wives <0802> [his wives.]


Saul <07586> [But Saul.]

Rather, "For Saul," etc., as the particle [VÆ’v,] {wav,} frequently signifies; this being the cause why David took another wife.

Michal <04324> [Michal.]

Paltiel <06406> [Phalti.]

[Phaltiel. Gallim.]

This town appears to have been situated in the tribe of Benjamin, as it is mentioned in Isa 10:30, with Michmash, Geba, etc.


Ziphites <02130> [Ziphites.]

David <01732> [Doth not.]


Saul arose <06965 07586> [Saul arose.]

three thousand <0505 07969> [three thousand.]


Hakilah <02444> [Hachilah.]



Abner <074> [Abner.]

entrenchment <04570> [trench. or, midst of his carriages.]

The word {magal} never signifies a ditch or rampart, but a chariot or waggon way. Nor does it seem to denote a ring of carriages, as Buxtorf and others interpret the word; for it is not probable that Saul would encumber his army with baggage in so rapid a pursuit, nor that so mountainous a country was practicable for waggons. It appears simply to mean here, the circular encampment (from {agal,} "round") which these troops formed, in the midst of which, as being the place of honour, Saul reposed. An Arab camp, D'Arvieux informs us, is always circular, when the disposition of the ground will permit, the prince being in the middle, and the troops at a respectful distance around him. Add to which, their lances are fixed near them in the ground all the day long, ready for action.


Hittite <02850> [Hittite.]

Abishai .................. Abishai <052> [to Abishai.]

Zeruiah <06870> [Zeruiah.]

down .............. down <03381> [Who will go.]


asleep <03463> [sleeping.]


God <0430> [God.]

delivered <05462> [delivered. Heb. shut up.]

necessary <08138> [the second time.]


extend <07971> [who can stretch.]


Lord lives ... Lord <02416 03068> [the Lord liveth.]

day <03117> [his day.]

down <03381> [he shall descend.]


extending <07971> [that I should.]


David <01732> [So David.]

deep sleep <08639> [a deep sleep.]


top <07218> [the top.]

David, by retiring to a place of safety before he called to Abner, seems to have manifested more distrust of Saul than he had done on a former occasion. Yet he desired that Saul and all Israel should be informed of his conduct at this time. Abner and his soldiers, by neglecting to guard Saul when he slept, had exposed his life, and merited to be treated as his enemies, though he confided in them as friends; for, although their sound sleep was undoubtedly supernatural, yet there might be a neglect of placing sentinels, arising from contempt of David's small company. Saul also deemed David his enemy, though he had before spared and protected his life.


came <0935> [there came.]



[worthy to die. Heb. the sons of death.]

Lord ............ Lord's <03068> [Lord's.]


voice ....... voice .......... voice <06963> [Is this thy.]


lord <0113> [Wherefore.]

done <06213> [what have I.]


lord <0113> [let my lord.]

incited <05496> [stirred.]

take delight <07306> [accept. Heb. smell.]

cursed <0779> [cursed.]

driven ... away <01644> [they have driven.]

united <05596> [abiding. Heb. cleaving. the inheritance.]


blood <01818> [let not my.]

king <04428> [the king.]

flea .... one <0259 06550> [a flea.]

{Parosh,} (in Arabic {borghooth,} Syriac, {poorthano,}) the well known little contemptible and troublesome insect, the flea, seems to be so called from its agility in leaping and skipping, from {para,} "free," and {raash,} "to leap, bound." David, by comparing himself to this insect, seems to import, that while it would cost Saul much pains to catch him, he would obtain but very little advantage from it.

partridge <07124> [a partridge.]

{Korai} certainly denotes the partridge, which is called in Arabic, {kir„a.} It seems to be so called from the cry or {cur} which it utters when calling its young.


sinned <02398> [I have sinned.]

harm <07489> [I will no.]

life <05315> [my soul.]


<07725> [render.]

willing ... extend <014 07971> [I would not.]


life ......... life <05315> [as thy life.]

deliver <05337> [let him deliver.]


rewarded <01288> [Blessed.]

without question ... successful <03201> [prevail.]

David ........ David ......... David <01732> [So David.]

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