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Leviticus 22:20


Numbers 19:2-21


ordinance <02708> [the ordinance.]

red heifer <06510 0122> [a red heifer.]

The following curious particulars have been remarked in this ordinance: 1. A heifer was appointed for sacrifice, in opposition to the Egyptian superstition, which held these sacred, and worshipped their goddess Isis under this form; and this appears the more likely, because males only were chosen for sacrifice. So Herodotus says, they sacrifice males, both old and young; but it is not lawful for them to offer females. 2. It was to be a red heifer, because the Egyptians sacrificed red bulls to the evil demon Typhon. 3. It was to be without spot, having no mixture of any other colour. Plutarch says, the Egyptians "sacrifice red bulls, and select them with such scrupulous attention, that if the animal has a single black or white hair, they reckon it [athuton,] unfit to be sacrificed." 4. Without blemish. (See note on Le 22:21.) 5. On which never came yoke: because an animal which had been used for a common purpose was deemed improper for sacrifice.

defect <03971> [no blemish. See on]

never <03808> [upon which.]


outside ... camp <02351 04264> [without the camp.]


sprinkle <05137> [sprinkle.]





clean ................. clean <02889> [clean.]

put <03240> [lay them up.]

water ... purification <05079 04325> [a water of separation.]

That is, water prepared by being mixed with the ashes of the heifer, and set apart for the special purpose of being sprinkled on those who had contracted any legal defilement. To this rite the apostle Paul, in his epistle to the Hebrews. (ch. 9:13, 14,) pointedly alludes: "For if," says he, "the blood of bulls and of goats," alluding, probably, to the sin-offerings and the scape-goat, "and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh; how much more shall the blood of Christ, who, through the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot unto God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God."


wash ... clothes <03526 0899> [wash his.]

Israelites <01121> [it shall be.]


touches ... corpse <04191 05060> [toucheth the dead.]

He who touched a dead beast was only unclean for one day, (Le 11:12, 27, 39;) but he who touches a dead man is unclean for seven days. This was certainly designed to show the peculiar impurity and sinfulness of man, and the hatefulness of sin, seven times worse than the vilest animal!

person <0120> [man. Heb. soul of man.]


purify ........................ purify <02398> [He shall purify.]

"Yithchatta," literally, "he shall sin himself," i.e., not add sin, but take it away, purify. So we say to fleece, and to skin, which do not signify to add a fleece, or a skin, but to take one away.

on ... third day ... on .... day .............. on ... third day ..... day <03117 07992> [third day.]


purify <02398> [purifieth.]

water <04325> [the water.]

uncleanness <02932> [his uncleanness.]



touches <05060> [toucheth.]

bone <06106> [a bone.]

grave <06913> [a grave.]


ashes <06083> [ashes. Heb. dust.]


fresh running water <04325 05414 02416> [running water shall be put thereto. Heb. living waters shall be given.]



sprinkle <05137> [shall sprinkle.]

on .... day ... on ... seventh day ... on ... seventh day <03117 07637> [on the seventh day he.]


purify <02398> [shall not.]


Numbers 28:3


two ... lambs <08147 03532> [two lambs.]

day <03117> [day by day. Heb. in a day.]

Numbers 28:9


Numbers 28:11


first <07218> [in the beginnings.]

two young <08147 01241> [two young.]

Deuteronomy 15:21


Deuteronomy 17:1


sacrifice <02076> [Thou shalt.]

[See on]

sheep <07716> [sheep. or, goat. any evil favouredness.]

offensive <08441> [for that.]

Isaiah 53:9


bury <05414> [made.]

ended up <04194> [death. Heb. deaths. deceit.]

Daniel 9:24-26


Seventy weeks <07657 07620> [Seventy weeks.]

That is, seventy weeks of years, or 490 years, which reckoned from the seventh year of Artaxerxes, coinciding with the 4,256th year of the Julian period, and in the month {Nisan,} in which Ezra was commissioned to restore the Jewish state and polity, (Ezr 7:9-26) will bring us to the month of Nisan of the 4,746th year of the same period, or A.D. 33, the very month and year in which our Lord suffered, and completed the work of our salvation.

atone <03607> [finish. or, restrain.]

bring ...... atone for .... bring ...... seal ........ anoint <08552 03722 0935 02856 04886> [and to.]

sin <08552 02403> [make an end of. or, seal up.]

atone for <08552 03722> [to make.]

bring <0935> [to bring.]

bring ...... atone .......... seal <02856> [seal up.]

prophetic <05030> [prophecy. Heb. prophet.]

anoint <04886> [and to anoint.]

holy ................................. most holy <06944> [the most.]


understand <07919> [and understand.]

issuing <04161> [from.]

restore ... rebuild Jerusalem ...................... again ... built <01129 03389 07725> [restore and to build Jerusalem. or, build again Jerusalem: as.]

anointed one <04899> [the Messiah.]

prince <05057> [the Prince.]

seven weeks .... weeks <07620 07651> [seven weeks.]

The seventy weeks are here divided into three periods. 1. Seven weeks, or 49 years, for the restoration of Jerusalem. 2. Sixty-two weeks, or 434 years, from that time to the announcement of the Messiah by John the Baptist. 3. One week, or seven years, for the ministry of John and of CHRIST himself to the crucifixion.

restore ... rebuild ....................... again ... built <07725 01129> [be built again. Heb. return and be builded. wall. or, breach, or, ditch. even.]

distressful times <06256 06695> [troublous times. Heb. strait of times.]


anointed one <04899> [Messiah.]

people <05971> [but not. or, and shall have nothing.]

people <05971> [and the people, etc. or, and (the Jews) shall be no more his people.]

[or, and the Prince's (Messiah's, ver. 25,) future people.]

The Romans, who under Titus, after the expiration of the 70 weeks, destroyed the temple and the city, and dispersed the Jews.

prince <05057> [the prince.]

end .......... end <07093> [and the end.]

flood <07858> [with.]

decreed ..... destruction <08074 02782> [desolations are determined. or, it shall be cut off by desolations]

Daniel 9:2


understand <0995> [understood.]

Jeremiah <03414> [to Jeremiah.]

desolation <02723> [the desolations.]

Colossians 1:21


<4218> [sometime.]

in ... minds <1271 1722> [in your mind by. or, by your mind in.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

Colossians 1:19


Colossians 2:22


to <1519> [to.]

on <2596> [after.]

Colossians 2:1


how great <2245> [what.]

a struggle <73> [conflict. or, fear, or, care. at.]

not <3756> [not.]

Colossians 3:5


put to death <3499> [Mortify.]

<3196> [members.]

sexual immorality <4202> [fornication.]

shameful passion <3806> [inordinate.]

evil <2556> [evil.]

greed <4124> [covetousness.]

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