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Exodus 27:20--30:38


pure oil ... pressed olives <08081 02132 03795 02134> [pure oil olive beaten.]

That is, such oil as could be easily expressed from the olives, after they had been bruised in a mortar; and which is much purer than that obtained after the olives are put under the press.

light <03974> [for the light.]

lamps <05216> [to cause the lamp.]

Josephus says, that the whole of the seven lamps burned all night; and that in the morning four were extinguished, and three burned the whole of the day. Such might have been the practice in his time; but it appears sufficiently evident from ch. 30:8, and 1 Sa 3:3, that they were anciently extinguished in the morning.

burn <05927> [to burn. Heb. to ascend up.]


tent ... meeting <04150 0168> [the tabernacle of the congregation.]

outside ... curtain <02351 06532> [without the vail.]

testimony <05715> [testimony.]

Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]

evening <06153> [evening.]

lasting ordinance <05769 02708> [a statute for ever.]


near <07126> [take.]

among <08432> [among.]

Nadab <05070> [Nadab.]


holy garments <06944 0899> [holy garments.]

glory <03519> [glory.]


specially skilled <03820 02450> [wise hearted.]

filled <04390> [filled.]


breastpiece <02833> [a breastplate.]

{Choshen,} in Hebrew is used for the square breast-plate of the high priest, in which were set twelve precious stones, each being engraved with the name of one of the sons of Jacob.

ephod <0646> [ephod.]

The ephod seems to have been a short cloak, without sleeves.

robe <04598> [a robe.]

The word {meil,} from {Æ’lah,} to ascend, go up on, may be considered as an upper garment that goes up or over the rest, a surtout.

fitted <08665> [broidered.]

turban <04701> [a mitre.]

sash <073> [a girdle.]


gold <02091> [gold.]


fine ... linen <08336> [linen.]



waistband <02805> [curious. or, embroidered.]


onyx <07718> [onyx.]

engrave <06605> [grave.]


order of their birth <08435> [according to their birth.]


engravings .... seal <02368 06603> [engravings of a signet.]

[ounces of gold.]


shoulders ......................... shoulders <03802> [the shoulders.]

Aaron ... bear <05375 0175> [Aaron shall bear.]

memorial ...................... memorial <02146> [for a memorial.]


braided chains ... pure ......... chains <08333 02889> [chains of.]

cord ..... chains <05688> [of wreathen.]


breastpiece <02833> [the breastplate.]

work <04639> [after.]


set <04390> [thou shalt.]

set ..... setting ... stones ..... stones <04396 068 04390> [set in it settings of stones. Heb. fill in its fillings of stone. the first row.]

ruby <0124> [a sardius, or, ruby.]

The Hebrew {odem,} from {adam,} to be red, ruddy, seems to denote the ruby; as {adam} does in Persian a beautiful gem, of a fine deep red colour, with a mixture of purple.

topaz <06357> [a topaz.]

{Pitdah,} is constantly rendered by the LXX. [topazion,] and Vulgate, {topazius,} with which agrees Josephus. The topaz is a precious stone, of a pale, dead green, with a mixture of yellow, sometimes of a fine yellow; and hence called chrysolyte by the moderns, from its gold colour.

beryl <01304> [a carbuncle.]

{Bareketh,} from {barak,} to lighten, glitter, a very elegant gem, of a deep red colour, with a mixture of scarlet.


turquoise <05306> [emerald.]

{Nophech,} an emerald, the same with the ancient {smaragdus;} one of the most beautiful of all the gems, and of a bright green colour, without any mixture.

sapphire <05601> [sapphire.]

emerald <03095> [diamond.]


jacinth <03958> [a ligure.]

agate <07618> [an agate.]


chrysolite <08658> [a beryl.]

onyx <07718> [an onyx. See on ver.]


jasper <03471> [a jasper.]

filigree settings <04396> [inclosings. Heb. fillings.]


twelve .............. twelve <08147> [twelve.]

twelve .............. twelve <08147> [according to the twelve.]



chains .... attach ........ attach them <05688 05414> [wreathen chains.]

[on the shoulder pieces.]


ephod <0646> [of the ephod.]


waistband <02805> [the curious girdle.]



cord <06616> [a lace.]


breastpiece <02833> [in the.]

heart <03820> [upon.]

memorial <02146> [a.]


Urim <0224> [the Urim and Thummim.]

[\^Mymth taw Myrwa ta\^] the Urim and Thummim, lights and perfections; rendered by the LXX. [\~dhlwsiv kai alhyeia\~,] manifestation and truth; and, by the Vulgate, {doctrina et veritas,} doctrine and truth. Among the various and contradictory opinions respecting the form and substance of these mysterious appendages, the most probable seems to be that of Josephus, Philo, Bp. Patrick, Parkhurst, and the Jewish writers generally; who state, that they were no other than the twelve precious stones of the high priest's breastplate. In support of this statement, it is observed, 1. That in the description of the high priest's breastplate, Exod. 39:8, et seq., the Urim and Thummim are not mentioned, but only the rows of stones; and on the contrary, in Lev. 8:8, the Urim and Thummim are expressly mentioned, but not a word is said of the four rows of stones. 2. As Moses has given such a particular description of every thing relative to the high priest's dress, these would certainly have been described had they been different from what was previously mentioned.

decision .................... bear ... decisions <04941 05375> [bear the judgment.]

heart .................... heart <03820> [upon his heart.]



opening ................ opening ......... opening <06310> [as it were.]

torn <07167> [that it be not rent.]


purple ... scarlet ..... hem ... bells <07757 0713 08144 06472> [And.]

hem <07757> [hem. or, skirts. pomegranates.]

bells <06472> [bells.]



when ... enters ... Holy <0935 06944> [goeth in.]


plate ... pure gold <06731 02889 02091> [a plate of pure gold.]

The word {tzitz,} which we translate a plate, properly signifies a flower. It is rendered by the LXX. [petalon,] a leaf, and is called {nezer,} a crown in ch. 29:6 and [diadema,] a diadem, by the author of the book of Wisdom, ch. 28:24. Josephus says that it was adorned with three rows of the flower which the Greeks call [kyanos.] It was two fingers broad, of a circular form, suited to the shape of the head, and so long that it reached from ear to ear, and was fastened upon a blue lace or ribband, which was tied behind the head; and as the plate reached only half round the head, the remaining part of the ribband was highly ornamented with artificial flowers.

engrave <06605 06603> [grave upon it.]

Holiness <06944> [HOLINESS.]


blue <08504> [blue.]

turban ........... turban <04701> [the mitre it.]


bear ... iniquity <05771 05375> [bear the iniquity.]

acceptance <07522> [accepted.]


weave <07660> [embroider.]


sash <073> [the girdle.]


embroiderer <07551> [needlework.]


Aaron's <0175> [Aaron's.]

headbands <04021> [bonnets.]

glory <03519> [glory.]


anoint .... ordain <04886 04390> [anoint them.]

ordain ...... apart <04390 06942> [and consecrate them. Heb. fill their hand.]

minister <03547> [minister.]


undergarments <04370> [breeches.]

bodies <01320> [their nakedness. Heb. flesh of their nakedness. reach.]

Heb. be.


altar <04196> [unto the altar.]

bear ... iniquity <05771 05375> [bear not iniquity.]

ordinance <02708> [a statute.]


[An. Ex. Is. 1. Thammuz. hallow them.]

priests <03547> [to minister.]

Take <03947> [Take.]

blemish <08549> [without.]


bread <03899> [bread.]

mixed <01101> [tempered.]

wafers <07550> [wafers.]


basket ....... basket <05536> [in the basket.]


entrance <06607> [unto the door.]

wash .... water <07364 04325> [wash them.]


garments <0899> [garments.]

waistband <02805> [curious.]

The word {cheshev,} translated curious girdle, simply signifies a kind of diaper or embroidered work, of the same texture as the ephod itself.


turban ............ turban <04701> [mitre.]

{Mitznepheth,} from {tzanaph,} to wrap round, evidently means that covering of the head so universal in eastern countries, which we call turband, which consists of a cap, and a sash of fine linen or silk wound round its bottom.




headbands <02280> [put. Heb. bind. the priest's.]

consecrate <04390> [consecrate. Heb. fill the hand of.]


bull ......................... bull <06499> [cause.]


<05564> [put.]


kill <07819> [And.]

entrance <06607> [door.]


blood ...................... blood <01818> [the blood.]

horns <07161> [the horns.]

blood ...................... blood ..... pour <08210 01818> [pour all.]


fat .................... fat <02459> [all the fat.]

lobe <03508> [and the caul.]

It seemeth by anatomy, and the Hebrew doctors, to be the midriff.

burn ..... altar <06999 04196> [burn them.]


meat <01320> [flesh.]

purification <02403> [it is a.]


one <0259> [one.]

lay <05564> [put.]



wash ... entrails <07364 07130> [wash the.]

pieces .............. pieces ..... head <05409 07218> [unto. or, upon.]


burnt offering <05930> [a burnt offering.]

soothing aroma <07381 05207> [sweet savour.]


second <08145> [other.]

Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]


put ..... tip .......... tip <08571 05414> [put it upon the tip.]

All this doubtless was intended to signify, that the priest should dedicate all his faculties and powers to the service of God; his ear to the hearing and study of the law; his hands to diligence in the sacred ministry, and to all acts of obedience; and his feet to walking in the way of God's precepts; for the ear is the symbol of obedience, the hand of action, and the foot of the path or conduct in life. And the sprinkling might further teach him, that he could neither hear, work, nor walk profitably, uprightly, and well pleasingly in the sight of God, without the application of the blood of the sacrifice.

splash <02236> [sprinkle.]


anointing oil <08081 04888> [the anointing oil.]

holy <06942> [shall be.]

1 Joh 17:19 Heb 9:22 10:29


take <03947> [Also thou.]

fat tail <0451> [the rump.]

{Alyah} is the large tail of a species of eastern sheep. "This tail," says Dr. Russell, "is very broad and large, terminating in a small appendix that turns back upon it. It is of a substance between fat and marrow, and is not eaten separately, but mixed with lean meat in many of their dishes, and also often used instead of butter. A common sheep of this sort, without the head, feet, skin, and entrails, weighs about twelve or fourteen {Aleppo rotoloes,} (a {rotoloe} is five pounds,) of which the tail is usually three {rotoloes} or upwards; but such as are of the largest breed, and have been fattened, will sometimes weigh about thirty {rotoloes,} and the tails of these ten."

right thigh <07785 03225> [right shoulder.]



put <07760> [put.]

wave ..... wave offering <05130 08573> [wave them. Heb. shake to and fro. a wave.]


take <03947> [thou.]

aroma <05207> [for a sweet.]

burnt offering ............ offering made by fire <05930 0801> [offering.]


breast <02373> [the breast.]

share <04490> [it shall be thy.]


breast <02373> [the breast.]

wave offering <08573> [the wave offering.]

The wave offering and heave offering are thus distinguished by the Jewish writers: the former, called {tenoophah,} from {nooph,} to move, toss, was waved horizontally towards the four cardinal points, to signify that He to whom it was consecrated was the Lord of the whole earth; the latter, called {teroomah,} from room, to be elevated, was lifted perpendicularly upward and downward, in token of its being devoted to the God of heaven.

ram ... consecration <04394 0352> [the ram of the consecration.]

{Ail milluim,} literally, "the ram of filling;" so called, according to some, because at the consecration of the priests, certain pieces of the sacrifice were put into their hands (ver. 24;) on which account their consecration itself is called "filling their hands." (ch. 28:41.) Rabbi Solomon gives a different reason for the ram being so called, from {malai,} to be full, complete; because the sacrifice completed the consecration, and thereupon the priests were fully invested in their office. Accordingly, the LXX. render it by [teleiosis,] consummation.



Aaron <0175> [Aaron's.]

contribution ....... contribution .......... contribution <08641> [is an heave.]

<02077> [sacrifice.]


holy <06944> [holy.]

sons <01121> [his.]

anointed <04888> [anointed.]


sons <01121> [that son. Heb. he of his sons.]

seven days <03117 07651> [seven days.]


ram <0352> [the ram.]

cook ... meat <01320 01310> [seethe his flesh.]


Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]

bread <03899> [and the bread.]


eat ...... atonement ................ eat <0398 03722> [eat those.]

else <02114> [a stranger.]

holy <06944> [they are holy.]


meat <01320> [flesh.]

burn up <08313> [burn.]


do <06213> [thus shalt thou do.]

commanded <06680> [according.]

seven days <03117 07651> [seven days.]


day <03117> [every day.]

purge <02398> [cleanse.]

anoint ...... apart <04886 06942> [anoint it.]


altar ..... apart ...... altar .......... altar .... holy <06942 04196> [and sanctify it.]

altar .......... altar .......... altar <04196> [it shall be an.]


two lambs <08147 03532> [two lambs.]


morning <01242> [in the morning.]

sundown <06153> [at even.]


tenth of an ephah <06241> [a tenth.]

fine flour <05560> [deal.]

{Deal} signifies a part, from the Anglo-Saxon {d‘l,} a part, or portion, taken from the whole, from {d‘lan,} to divide. From Nu 28:5, we learn, that this tenth {deal} was the tenth part of an {ephah,} which constituted an {omer,} about three quarts English.

hin ............ hin <01969> [hin.]

drink offering <05262> [a drink.]


are ... offer <06213> [offer.]


regular <08548> [a continual.]

meet <03259> [where.]


apart <06942> [the tabernacle. or, Israel. sanctified.]


apart ............... apart .... Aaron <06942 0175> [sanctify also.]



Lord ....................... Lord <03068> [that I am.]

[them: I am.]


[The Samaritan inserts the first ten verses of this chapter after ver. 32 of chap. 26.]

altar <04196> [an altar.]

burning incense <04729 07004> [to burn incense.]

Where so many sacrifices were offered, it was essentially necessary to have some pleasing perfume to counteract the disagreeable smells that must have arisen from the slaughter of so many animals, the burning of so much flesh, the sprinkling of the blood. No blood was ever sprinkled on this altar, except once a year, on the grand day of expiation. It was called also the golden altar (Nu 4:11); and the incense was as constantly burnt on it every day, as the morning and evening sacrifice of a lamb was burnt on the brazen altar.


horns <07161> [the horns.]


overlay .... pure <06823 02889> [overlay it.]

top <01406> [top. Heb. roof. sides. Heb. walls.]


rings <02885> [rings.]

two ........... two flanks ......... two <06763 08147> [two corners. Heb. ribs.]



curtain <06532> [vail.]

front ............ testimony before ... atonement lid ...... testimony <06440 03727 05715> [before the mercy seat that is over the testimony.]

The words [lpny hkprt ashr `l h`dt,] {liphney haccapporeth asher Æ’l haaiduth,} "before the mercy-seat that is over the testimony," are thought to be a repetition of the preceding clause, [lpn` hprkt 'sha `l 'rn h`dt,] {liphney happarocheth asher Æ’l aron haaiduth,} "before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony; the word [hprkt,] <\\See definition 06532\\>,] {happarocheth,} "the vail," being corrupted, by transposing the letters into [hkprt,] <\\See definition 03727\\>,] {hacapporeth,} "the mercy-seat," and the word ['rn,] <\\See definition 0727\\>,] {aron,} "ark," omitted. This repetition, as Dr. Kennicott observes, places the altar of incense before the mercy-seat, and consequently in the Holy of Holies! Now this could not be, as the altar of incense was attended every day, and the Holy of Holies entered only once in the year. The five words which appear to be a repetition are wanting in twenty-six of Kennicott's and Rossi's MSS. and in the Samaritan Text.

meet <03259> [I will.]


[sweet incense. Heb. incense of spices.]

attends <03190> [dresseth.]


up <05927> [lighteth. or, setteth up. Heb. causeth to ascend. at even.]

Heb. between the two evens.

12:6 *marg:

regular <08548> [a perpetual.]



Aaron <0175> [Aaron.]

sin offering <02403> [sin offering.]


take <05375> [takest.]

number ................ when ... number them ............. number <06485> [their number. Heb. them that are to be numbered. a ransom.]

plague <05063> [no plague.]


shekel ..... shekel ...... shekel ... twenty ..... shekel <08255 06242> [a shekel is.]

half shekel ..... shekel ...... shekel ...... half shekel <04276 08255> [an half shekel.]


twenty <06242> [from twenty.]


rich <06223> [rich.]

increase <07235> [give more. Heb. multiply. give less than. Heb. diminish. an atonement.]


give <05414> [appoint.]

memorial <02146> [a memorial.]


basin <03595> [a laver.]

put ..... tent ........ put <05414 0168> [put it.]



die ..... approach <04191 05066> [die not.]


ordinance <02706> [a statute.]


choice <07218> [thee principal.]

free-flowing myrrh <04753 01865> [pure myrrh.]

Myrrh is a white gum, issuing from the trunk and larger branches of a thorny tree resembling the acacia, growing in Arabia, Egypt, and Abyssinia. Its taste is extremely bitter; but its smell, though strong, is agreeable; and it entered into the composition of the most costly ointments among the ancients. The epithet {deror,} rendered pure, properly denotes fluid, from the Arabic {darra,} to flow; by which is meant the finest and most excellent kind, called {stacte,} which issues of itself from the bark without incision.

cinnamon <07076> [cinnamon.]

{Kinnamon bosem,} odoriferous or spicy cinnamon, is the bark of the canella, a small tree of the size of a willow growing in the island of Ceylon.

spices ................... sweet-smelling ......... sweet-smelling cane <07070 01314> [sweet calamus.]

{Kenaih bosem,} {calamus aromaticus,} or odoriferous cane, is a reed growing in Egypt, Syria, and India, about two feet in height, bearing from the root a knotted stalk, quite round, containing in its cavity a soft white pith. It is said to scent the air while growing; and when cut down, dried, and powdered, makes an ingredient in the richest perfumes.


cassia <06916> [cassia.]

shekel <08255> [the shekel.]

four quarts <01969> [hin.]


perfumer <07543> [apothecary. or, perfumer.]

sacred ............... sacred <06944> [an holy.]



touches <05060> [whatsoever.]


anoint <04886> [anoint.]

sanctify <06942> [consecrate.]


sacred <06944> [an holy.]


people's <0120> [man's.]

holy ...... holy <06944> [it is.]


perfume <07543> [compoundeth.]

puts ...... someone not <02114> [a stranger.]

cut off .... people <03772 05971> [cut off.]


spices <05561> [unto thee.]

gum <05198> [stacte. Heb. nataph.]

The Jews and others suppose it to be what was afterwards called the balm of Jericho, or Gilead.

onycha <07827> [onycha.]

The word {shechaileth} is generally allowed to denote onycha, (nail-fish, from its form,) as it is rendered by the LXX. and Vulgate. It is the shell of the purpura, and of the whole class of murex; and serves as the basis of the principal perfumes in India.

galbanum <02464> [galbanum.]

{Chelbenah,} (probably from {chalay,} milk or gum, and {lavan,} white,) is the gummy, resinous juice of an umbelliferous plant, the {bubon gumniferum} of Linn‘us, growing in Syria, Persia, and Africa. It rises with a ligneous stalk from eight to ten feet, and is garnished with leaves at every joint. The top of the stalk is terminated by an umbel of yellow flowers which are succeeded by oblong channelled seeds, which have a thin membrane or wing on their border. When any part of the plant is broken, there issues out a little thin juice, of a cream colour, of a fat, tough substance, like gum ammoniac, composed of many small, shining grains, of a strong, piercing smell and a sharp, warm taste.

frankincense <03828> [frankincense.]


incense <07004> [perfume.]

work <04639> [after the.]

finely <04414> [tempered. Heb. salted.]


testimony <05715> [the testimony.]

meet <03259> [where I will.]


are ... make ..... make <06213> [ye shall.]

holy <06944> [it shall.]


cut off <03772> [be cut off.]

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