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Ezekiel 43:1--46:24


gate ... faced <08179 06437> [the gate that.]


glory ........................ glory <03519> [the glory.]

coming <0935> [came.]

sound ...... rushing <06963> [and his voice.]

earth <0776> [the earth.]


like ... vision ............. vision <04758> [according to the appearance.]

destroy ... city <07843 05892> [to destroy the city. or, to prophesy that the city should be destroyed.]

River <05104> [the river.]


glory <03519> [the glory.]

Though the personal presence of Immanuel in the second temple rendered it more glorious than that of Solomon, (Hag 2:5-9,) yet this part of the vision rather relates to the times predicted in the whole of this description, those which shall succeed the conversion of the Jews, and their restoration to their own land.

came <0935> [came.]


wind <07307> [the spirit.]

brought <0935> [and brought.]

glory <03519> [the glory.]


heard <08085> [I heard.]

man <0376> [the man.]


place .... throne .... place <04725 03678> [the place of my throne.]

place ....... place <04725> [and the place.]

live <07931> [where I.]

profane <02930> [no more.]

pillars <06297> [by the carcases.]


placed <05414> [setting.]

wall ....... profaned <07023 02930> [and the wall between me and them. or, for there was but a wall between me and them.]


put away ... spiritual ......... far ... me <07368> [Now let.]

Rather, "Now shall they put away their whoredom and the carcases of their kings far from me, and I will dwell in the midst of them for ever." It is a prediction and promise, and not an exhortation.

pillars <06297> [the carcases.]

live <07931> [and I.]


describe <05046> [shew.]

ashamed <03637> [that they.]

pattern <08508> [pattern. or, sum, or number.]


design .............. design ....... design .................... design <03045 06699> [shew them.]

statutes ........................... statutes <02708> [all the ordinances.]

done ................................................... do <06213> [and do.]


top <07218> [Upon.]


measurements <04060> [the measures.]

1¾ feet .... 1¾ feet <0520> [The cubit.]

base <02436> [bottom. Heb. bosom. edge. Heb. lip.]


lower edge .............. ledge ..... edge <05835 08481> [the lower settle.]

These settles were ledges by which the altar was narrowed towards the top; and the whole of it may thus be computed:-- Height Cubits Base, ver. 13. . . . . . . . . . 1 To first ledge, ver. 14. . . . . . . 1 To upper ledge, ver. 14. . . . . . . 4 To hearth, ver. 15.. . . . . . . . 4 --- In all 10 Breadth Cubits Upper ledge, ver. 17. . . . . . . . 14 For higher ledge, ver. 14. . . . . . 2 For lower ledge, ver. 14.. . . . . . 2 For base, ver. 13. . . . . . . . . 2 --- In all 20 Hence the upper part of the altar was only twelve cubits square (ver. 16,) the upper settle, or ledge, being in all fourteen cubits, (ver. 17,) deducting two cubits from its dimensions. Though this altar was the same in height, and breadth with that of Solomon, yet it differed materially from it in having settles or ledges; on which the priests walked round the altar, to officiate in offering sacrifices.


altar hearth ....... altar hearth <0741> [the altar. Heb. Harel, that is, the mountain of God.]

Probably so called in opposition to the idolatrous high places.

altar hearth ....... altar hearth <0741> [the altar. Heb. Ariel, that is, the lion of God.]

Rather, "the hearth of God," from the Arabic {irat,} or {iryat,} a hearth, and {ail,} God.

7 feet ....... four horns <07161 0702> [four horns.]


21 ... long ... 21 <08147 0753> [twelve cubits.]

square <07251> [square.]


border <01366> [and the border.]

steps <04609> [his stairs.]

Rather, "its ascents," {m„ƒlothehoo,} probably an inclined plane; for the law ordained that the priest should not ascend by stairs.

face east <06437 06921> [look toward.]


up <05927> [to offer.]


priests <03548> [the priests.]

approach <07138> [which approach.]

young <01121> [a young.]


take <03947> [take.]

four ........ four <0702> [and on the four.]

cleanse <02398> [thus shalt.]


burned <08313> [burn.]


male <08163> [a kid.]

purify ....... purified <02398> [and they.]


them ......... scatter salt ... them .... them <04417 07993> [cast salt.]



consecrate <04390> [they shall.]

consecrate <04390> [consecrate themselves. Heb. fill their hands.]


eighth <08066> [that upon.]

offer up <06213> [make.]

peace offerings <08002> [peace offerings. or, thank offerings. I will accept.]


outer <02435> [the outward.]

So called in opposition to the temple itself, which was the inner sanctuary.

faces <06437> [looketh.]


Lord ........................ Lord <03068> [because.]


prince <05387> [for.]

prince <05387> [the prince.]

It is probable that the prince mentioned here and elsewhere, does not mean the Messiah, but the ruler of the Jewish nation for the time being. For it is not only directed where he should sit in the temple, and eat his portion of the sacrifices, and when and how he should go out; but it is also ordered (ch. 45:22,) that at the passover he shall offer a bullock, a sin offering for himself and the people; and to guard him against any temptation of oppressing the people, he had a provision of land allotted to him, (ch. 45:8,) out of which he is to give an inheritance for his sons, (ch. 46:18.) These appear plainly to be political rules for common princes, and for a succession of them; but as no such rules were observed under the second temple, the fulfilment of it must still be future.

eat .... meal <0398> [to eat.]

enter <0935> [he shall enter.]


way <01870> [the way.]

glory <03519> [the glory.]

threw <05307> [and I fell.]


[mark well. Heb. set thine heart.]

statutes <02708> [concerning.]

pay attention ........................ Pay attention <07760 03820> [and mark well.]

entrances <03996> [the entering.]


Say <0559> [thou shalt say.]

Enough <07227> [let it suffice.]


bring <0935> [ye have brought.]

foreigners <01121> [strangers. Heb. children of a stranger.]

uncircumcised ... heart <06189 03820> [uncircumcised in heart.]

The introduction of uncircumcised persons to eat of the peace offerings and oblations, would have been a gross violation of the Mosaic law; but, as there was no law to exclude "the uncircumcised of heart," who were circumcised and ritually clean, this seems to point out a new and different constitution.

offer <07126> [when.]

fat <02459> [the fat.]

broken <06565> [broken.]


kept ............. keep <08104> [ye have not.]

charge ............. charge <04931> [charge. or, ward, or ordinance, and so ver.]



Levites <03881> [the Levites.]

<05375> [bear.]


ministers .............. serving ....................... minister <08334> [they shall be.]

As few, if any, of those who, before the captivity, had been guilty in these respects, lived to witness the restoration of the temple service; and as it does not appear that their descendants were thus degraded for the idolatry of their ancestors; it is probable that a thorough reformation of the whole church, or the prevalence of pure religion among the converted Jews, is here predicted.

oversight <06486> [having charge.]

slaughter <07819> [shall slay.]

stand <05975> [and they.]


minister <08334> [they ministered.]

sinful obstacle .... house ... Israel ..................... sin <03478 04383 05771 01004> [caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity. Heb. were for a stumbling-block of iniquity unto, etc.]

consequently .............. they .... responsible <05375> [therefore.]

consequently .............. they .... responsible <05375> [and they shall.]


come near ........... come near <05066> [they shall not.]

They ... bear <05375> [bear.]



descendants ............. people <01121> [the sons.]

descendants ............. people <01121> [when.]

stand <05975> [they shall stand.]

fat <02459> [the fat.]

blood <01818> [the blood.]


enter <0935> [They shall enter.]

table <07979> [to my table.]

To place the shew-bread there. It is observable, that the table in the sanctuary is mentioned rather than the altar of incense; perhaps intimating the change in the external institutions of Divine worship which should take place before the accomplishment of the prophecy. It is not easy to determine, whether any external regulations, with respect to Divine ordinances, answerable to these predictions, will be made among the converted Jews, when reinstated in their own land, or not.

keep <08104> [keep.]


wear <03847> [they shall.]


turbans <06287> [bonnets.]

Linen ......... linen undergarments <04370 06593> [linen breeches.]

[with anything that causeth sweat. or, in sweating places.]

Heb. in, or with sweat.


remove ................. put on <06584 03847> [they shall put.]

transmit holiness <06942> [sanctify.]


shave <01548> [shave.]

hair <06545> [nor suffer.]



marry <03947> [Neither.]

This was prohibited only to the high priest under the law; but is here extended to all the priests, perhaps to intimate the superior sanctity of the times to which it refers.

widow .................. widow <0490> [a widow.]

divorcee <01644> [put away. Heb. thrust forth.]

priest's <03548> [that had a priest before. Heb. from a priest.]



controversy <07379> [in controversy.]

This seems to intimate, that controversies, in the period predicted, will be generally decided by arbitration, according to the law of God; and not by litigations before human tribunals, according to the laws of man.

observe <08104> [they shall keep.]

festivals <04150> [in all.]

<06942> [and they shall hallow.]




inner <06442> [unto the inner.]

offer <07126> [he shall offer.]


inheritance ..... inheritance <05159> [I am their inheritance.]


eat <0398> [eat]

devoted <02764> [dedicated. or, devoted.]

Le 27:21,28 *compared with: Nu 18:14 [All]


first .......................... first portion <07225> [first. or, chief. all the first-fruits.]

blessing <01293> [that he may.]



When ... allot ... land .................. land <05307 0776> [shall divide by lot. Heb. cause the land to fall by lot.]

offer <07311> [ye shall offer.]

holy ........................... holy <06944> [an holy portion. Heb. holiness.]

length ........ miles <0753> [the length.]

That our translators rightly added the word reeds, is evident from the length and breadth of the sanctuary being exactly the same as before, (comp. ver. 2, with ch. 42:16-19.) Estimating the reed at 3« yards, this holy oblation would constitute a square of nearly fifty miles on every side. From the north side a portion of nearly twenty miles in width, and nearly fifty in length, was appointed for the priests; and in the midst of this portion, the area of the sanctuary, about a mile square, to be enclosed by a wall, (ver. 1, 2.) Next to this, on the south, was the Levites' portion, of the same dimensions as that of the priests', (ver. 5;) and south of this was the portion for the city, of the same length as those of the priests and Levites, but only half the width, (ver. 6.) These three formed the square of 25,000 reeds, or nearly fifty miles; and that set apart for the prince, the breadth of which is not mentioned, extended in length from north to south, along the east and west sides of the square. As Canaan would not admit of so large a portion for the sanctuary, etc., this was no doubt intended to intimate the large extent of the church in the glorious times predicted.


875 <02568 03967> [five hundred in length.]

open space <04054> [suburbs. or, void places.]


sanctuary <04720> [and in it.]


holy ..... land <06944 0776> [holy portion.]

approach <07131> [which.]


eight and a quarter miles <02568> [the five.]

minister <08334> [the ministers.]

place <0272> [for a possession.]


city <05892> [the city.]



princes <05387> [and my princes.]

In the predicted period, not only shall the ministers and worshippers of God be liberally provided for, but the princes will be both able and willing to defray the expenses of government, without oppressing their subjects, and will rule over them with equity and clemency, as the vicegerents of God; while the people will submit to them conscientiously, and live in peace, prosperity, and holiness. These things seem to be represented in language taken from the customs of the times in which the prophet wrote. Tithes are not mentioned in part of the vision, which shows that the ritual Mosaic law will not be in force.

tribes <07626> [according.]


Enough <07227> [Let it.]

Put away <05493> [remove.]

do <06213> [execute.]

Put an end <07311> [take away.]

evictions <01646> [exactions. Heb. expulsions.]



dry .................... ephah <0374> [ephah.]

The {ephah} was a dry measure, and the {bath} a liquid measure, containing about seven gallons, four pints, or three pecks, three pints; and the {homer} about seventy-five gallons, five pints.


shekel ...... Sixty shekels <08255> [the shekel.]

shekel .... twenty ... Sixty shekels <06242 08255> [twenty shekels.]

That is, 20 + 25 + 15 = 60; for the {maneh} as a weight was equal to sixty shekels, though as a coin it was only equal to fifty, weighing about 2 lb. 6 oz.; and reckoning the shekel at 2s. 6d. being in value 6Å“. 5s.


one tenth <04643> [the tenth.]


sheep <07716> [lamb. or, kid. out of the fat.]

peace offering <08002> [peace offerings. or, thank offerings.]

atonement <03722> [to make.]


people <05971> [the people.]

offering <08641> [shall give this. Heb. shall be for. for. or, with.]


prince <05387> [the prince's.]

The prince is never mentioned in the ritual appointments of Moses, but here he is required to provide the oblations; and the variations in the Mosaic law, in the number of the several sacrifices, and the proportion of the meat offering to each, being ten times as much as the law prescribed, with several other circumstances, seem more like enacting a new law, than enforcing that of Moses. These variations may intimate a change in the external constitution of the church; and it is probable that they are to be understood emblematically.

festivals <02282> [in the feasts.]

provide <06213> [he shall prepare.]

peace offerings <08002> [peace offerings. or, thank offerings.]


first ..... first <07223 0259> [In the first month.]

This seems to enjoin, not a mere dedication, but an annual purification of the sanctuary; of which there is nothing said in the Mosaic law.

unblemished <08549> [without blemish.]

purify <02398> [and cleanse.]


four corners <0702 06438> [and upon the four corners.]


anyone <0376> [every one.]

ignorance <06612> [that is simple.]

Who wants understanding to conduct himself properly.

atonement <03722> [so shall.]


Passover <06453> [ye shall.]


prince <05387> [the prince.]

bull <06499> [bullock.]


during ... seven days ............... seven .... seven ...... on each .... seven days ...... daily <03117 07651> [seven days.]

burnt offering <05930> [a burnt.]

seven ................ seven bulls ... seven .......... seven <07651 06499> [seven bullocks.]



seventh ................................... seven <07651> [In the seventh.]

The prince shall do at the feast of tabernacles the same thing he was desired to do on the passover.


<0559> [Thus saith.]

Whether the rules for public worship here laid down were designed to be observed in those things wherein they differed from the law of Moses, in the ministrations of the second temple, is not certain. In the latter history of the Jewish church, the law of Moses only was followed, except in the corruption of following the traditions of the fathers.

gate <08179> [The gate.]

The prophet had before observed that the east gate of the outer court was shut, and was told that it must only be opened for the prince; and now he is informed that the gate of the inner court on the east was also shut, and is to be opened only on the sabbath and new moons, till the evening.

closed <05462> [shall be shut.]

six working <04639 08337> [six working.]

Sabbath <07676> [on the sabbath.]


porch <0197> [the porch.]

doorpost <04201> [by the post.]

priests <03548> [the priests.]

provide <06213> [prepare.]

Or, "offer," as the word {Æ’sah} frequently denotes. The whole of this seems to intimate the constant, reverential, and exemplary attendance of kings on the pure ordinances of religion, in the approaching flourishing days of the church.

bow <07812> [he shall worship.]

gate ............. gate ....................... gate ........ gate <08179> [but the gate.]



burnt offering <05930> [the burnt.]

The proportions of the burnt offerings, and also of the meat and drink offerings, are very different here form those prescribed in the Mosaic law. The meat offering, under the law, was only three tenths of an {ephah} to a bullock, two tenths for a ram, and one tenth for a lamb, with the fourth part of a {hin} of oil.


grain offering ........... grain offering <04503> [the meat.]

able ... give <03027 04991> [as he shall be able to give. Heb. the gift of his hand.]


enters .... come ............ go out <0935 03318> [he shall go.]


people <05971> [when the people.]

This may intimate, that every thing should be regulated, in divine worship, so as to prevent disorder and interruption, and also that men should go forward and make progress in religion, and not turn their backs upon God.

come before ......... enters .................... enters ........................... entered <06440 0935> [come before.]

come .......... enters ... way ............ way ....... enters ... way .......... way ........... way ...... entered <0935 01870> [he that entereth in.]



festivals <02282> [in the feasts.]

grain offering <04503> [the meat.]


freewill offering .......... voluntary offering <05071> [a voluntary.]

gate ...... opened ............................. gate <06605 08179> [open him.]

provide ............ did <06213> [as he did.]


daily <03117> [Thou shalt daily.]

It is observable, that there is nothing said about the evening sacrifice, or the additional lamb, morning and evening, on the sabbath, which makes an important difference between this and the old laws; and is probably an intimation of that change in the external forms of religion which the coming of the Messiah should introduce.

a year <01121 08141> [of the first year. Heb. a son of his year.]

morning ... morning <01242> [every morning. Heb. morning by morning.]


sixth <08345> [the sixth.]


perpetual <08548> [a continual.]


prince <05387> [If the prince.]


year <08141> [to the year.]

That is, the year of Jubilee, called the year of liberty, because there was then a general release: all servants had their liberty; and all alienated estates returned to their former owners.


prince <05387> [the prince.]

oppressively <03238> [thrust.]

inheritance ...... from their property ........ inheritance .... own possessions .............. property <05159 05157 0272> [inheritance out.]

people's ........................ people <05971> [my people.]


entrance <03996> [the entry.]

This entry was at the west side of the north gate of the inner court.

place <04725> [a place.]

This place was at the west corners of the inner court, or court of the priests; where they prepared the most holy things, the trespass and sin offering, which none but the priests might eat; that they might not "bear them out into the utter court, to sanctify the people," that is, by touching them incapacitate them from discharging their ordinary occupations.


boil ... guilt offering <01310 0817> [boil the trespass.]

bake ... grain offering <0644 04503> [bake the meat.]

holiness <06942> [to sanctify.]


court ........ corners .... court ....... every corner .... court ..... court <02691 04740> [in every corner of the court there was a court. Heb. a court in the corner of a court; and a court in a corner of a court.]


court .... courts <02691> [courts.]

These courts in the corners of the outer court, or court of the people, appear to have been a kind of uncovered apartments, surrounded with little chambers for the cooks, and used for dressing the peace offerings of the people. On these their families and friends feasted; and portions were sent to the poor, the widow, and the orphan; and thus the spirit of devotion preserved the spirit of mercy, charity, and benevolence, in the land.

small <07000> [joined. or, made with chimneys. corners. Heb. cornered.]


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