John 3:22--4:42
this <5023> [these.]
and ........ and ........ and was baptizing <2532 907> [and baptized.]
near <1451> [near.]
plentiful <4183> [much.]
also ............ and ... were coming .... and <1161 2532 3854> [and they.]
concerning <4012> [about.]
who .............. whom <3739 2258> [he that.]
who .............. whom <3739> [to whom.]
So ...... and ............................ and everyone <2532 3956> [and all.]
one <444> [A man.]
receive <2983> [receive. or, take unto himself.]
from <1537> [from.]
said <2036> [I said.]
but rather <235> [but.]
has <2192> [hath.]
friend <5384> [the friend.]
This <3778> [this.]
must become more important <1163 837> [must increase.]
<1161> [but.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [that cometh.]
superior ........................... superior <2076 1883> [is above.]
<5607> [he that is.]
who comes .......................... who comes <2064> [he that cometh.]
what <3739> [what.]
and ... but no one <2532 3762> [and no.]
has confirmed clearly <4972> [hath set.]
whom <3739> [he.]
For ..... God ........ God for <1063 2316> [for God.]
Father <3962> [Father.]
and <2532> [and.]
believes in ..................... on <1519 1909 4100> [that believeth on.]
will ... see <3700> [see.]
but <235> [but.]
Jesus <2962> [the Lord.]
that ...... that he <3754 2424> [that Jesus.]
he left <863> [left.]
once more <3825> [again.]
of land <5564> [the parcel.]
Jacob's well .................. well <2384 4077> [Jacob's well.]
Over Jacob's well the empress Helena is said to have built a church, in the form of a cross, of which "nothing but a few foundations" remained in the time of Maundrell. He states that is situated about one-third of an hour, or, about a mile, east of Naplosa, the ancient Sychar; and Mr. Buckingham says it is called Beer Samareea, or the well of Samaria, and "stands at the commencement of the round vale which is thought to be the parcel of ground bought by Jacob, and which, like the narrow valley east of Nablous, is rich and fertile. The mouth of the well itself had an arched or vaulted building over it; and the only passage down to it at this moment is by a small hole in the roof." "It is," says Maundrell, "dug in the firm rock, and contains about three yards in diameter, and thirty-five in depth; five of which we found full of water."
was tired <2872> [being.]
sat ... down <2516> [sat.]
noon <1623> [the sixth.]
Give <1325> [Give.]
ask <154> [askest.]
For <1063> [for.]
If <1487> [If.]
and who ................... and <2532 5101> [and who.]
you would <4771 302> [thou wouldest.]
living <2198> [living.]
you have ........... do you get <2192> [thou hast.]
Everyone <3956> [Whosoever.]
will ... be thirsty ..................... to <1372 1519> [shall never.]
will become <1096> [shall be.]
give <1325> [give.]
Go <5217> [Go.]
I see <2334> [I perceive.]
a prophet <4396> [a prophet.]
fathers <3962> [fathers.]
and you people <2532 5210> [and ye.]
said <3004> [saith.]
when <3753> [when.]
you will worship <4352> [worship.]
you do ... know ..... we know <1492> [ye know.]
worship ....... We worship <4352 2249> [we worship.]
because <3754> [for.]
a time <5610> [the hour.]
true <228> [true.]
in spirit <1722 4151> [in spirit.]
truth <225> [in truth.]
Father ........ Father seeks <3962 2212> [the Father seeketh.]
spirit ........... spirit <4151> [a Spirit.]
must <1163> [must.]
Messiah <3323> [Messias.]
whenever <3752> [when.]
I .... speaking <1473 2980> [I that.]
They were shocked <2296> [marvelled.]
Rabbi <4461> [Master.]
that <3739> [that.]
My food <1699 1033> [My meat.]
and <2532> [and.]
that <3754> [for.]
reaps receives ......... so that .......... reaps <2325 2983 2443> [he that reapeth receiveth.]
and ....... so that ..... sows <2443 2532 4687> [both he that.]
another <243> [One.]
sent <649> [sent.]
others <243> [other.]
many <4183> [many.]
because of <1223> [for.]
they began asking <2065> [they.]
to stay ..... stayed <3306> [he abode.]
many <4183> [many.]
because of <1223> [because.]
for <1063> [for.]
and ... know <5037 2532 1492> [and know.]