Kidung Jemaat
Mark 3:33-35
Di Dalam Kristus Bertemu [KJ.259] ( In Christ There is No East Or West )
1. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
terpadu umat Penebus di dalam kasihNya.
Yoh 17:21-23
Rm 12:5
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
Why 5:9
Why 7:9
2. Semua hati terlebur di dalam TubuhNya,
berkarya akrab dan tekun di pelayananNya.
Ef 4:3-6
3. Bergandeng tanganlah erat apapun bangsamu:
pengabdi Bapa yang kudus, tentulah kawanku.
Kol 3:11
Mrk 3:35
4. Di dalam Kristus bertemu seluruh dunia;
cerminan kasih Penebus umatNya yang esa.Play Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
1. Seluruh umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal: besar kecil semua, sekarang
kekal. Mereka dijagai di dalam dunia; baik hidup maupun mati mereka
milikNya. Baik hidup maupun mati mereka milikNya.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
Mrk 10:13-16
Rm 14:8
2. Mereka dikenalNya yang hidup beriman, yang patuh dan percaya
berdasarkan Firman. Firmanlah yang menjadi santapan baka,
Firmanlah yang menjamin bertahan s'lamanya.
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Mat 4:4
3. Mereka dikenalNya yang harapnya teguh, mengaku Yesus saja
Tuhannya yang kudus. Mereka disinari sabdaNya yang benar dan
Tumbuh tiap hari menghijau dan segar.
Mzm 52:10
Mzm 92:13-16
4. Mereka dikenalNya yang kasihnya penuh, yang ikut kehendakNya
dan hidup dalam Roh, berjalan dalam kasih dengan sesamanya dan
suka memberkati menurut contohNya.
Mrk 3:35
Mrk 12:31
Yoh 13:34
Rm 12:10
Flp 2:1-6
Mat 5:44
Rm 12:14
5. Begitu umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal besar-kecil semua, sekarang dan
kekal; mereka menghayati kuasa Roh Kudus iman, harapan, kasih
pegangannya terus.
Mrk 10:13-16
6. Berikanlah, ya Tuhan, iman tetap teguh, harapan tak berkurang dan
kasih yang penuh. Di saat Kau kembali, tempatkan umatMu yang
sudah Kaukenali di sisi kananMu.1 Kor 13:13
Mat 25:33-34
Romans 8:29
PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku [KJ.367]
1. PadaMu, Tuhan dan Allahku, kupersembahkan hidupku:
dariMu jiwa dan ragaku, hanya dalamMu 'ku teduh.
Hatiku yang Engkau pulihkan padaMu juga kuberikan.
Rm 12:1
2. Di dalam Yesus Kaunyatakan, ya Bapa, isi hatiMu:
curahan kasih, kesukaan Engkau limpahkan bagiku.
Andaikan orang menyadari, niscaya, Tuhan, Kau dicari.
Yoh 1:14, 18
Tit 2:11
Tit 3:4
3. Kumuliakan kuasa kasih, yang dalam Yesus terjelma;
'ku berserah sebulat hati di dalam arus rahmatNya.
Diriku tak kuingat lagi, lautan kasih kuselami.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:9-10
4. Betapa Kau mencari aku, hatiMu rindu padaku.
Kauraih aku kepadaMu membuat aku milikMu.
Diriku sudah Kaukasihi, Kau jualah yang aku pilih.
Rm 8:29
Ef 1:4
5. NamaMu, Yesus, suci agung, ya Sumber kasih kurnia;
padamu datanglah umatMu mencari hidup yang baka.
Yang bertelut bertadah-tangan, berlimpah-limpah Kaukenyangkan.
Yoh 6:68
6. Ya Yesus, namaMu kiranya dalam hatiku tertera, supaya
dalam hidupku nyatalah: Seluruh kata dan
kerjaku biar penuh dengan namaMu.Kol 3:17
Play Ya Tuhan, Isi Hidupku [KJ.466a] ( Fill Thou My Life )
1. Ya Tuhan, isi hidupku dengan anugerah,
supaya dalam diriku citraMu nyatalah.
Rm 8:29
2. Janganlah hanya bibirku atau pun hatiku,
seluruh hidup jadilah pujian bagiMu.
Rm 12:1
3. Kiranya tiap langkahku dan pekerjaanku
pun yang biasa dan kecil memuji namaMu.
4. Biar seluruh hidupku pujian bagiMu,
sehingga dari aku pun terpancar kasihMu.
5. Begitulah sekarang pun anakMu yang lemah
mulai memuji namaMu dengan sesungguhnya.6. Maka setiap saatku mulia dan kudus
dan hidupku seluruhnya bersamaMu terus.Ya Tuhan, Isi Hidupku [KJ.466b] ( Fill Thou My Life )
1. Ya Tuhan, isi hidupku dengan anugerah,
supaya dalam diriku citraMu nyatalah.
Hebrews 2:11-18
Aku MilikMu, Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.362] ( I Am Thine, O Lord )
1. Aku milikMu, Yesus, Tuhanku; kudengar suaraMu.
'Ku merindukan datang mendekat dan diraih olehMu.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
2. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.
3. Aku hambaMu, Kausucikanlah oleh kasih kurnia,
hingga jiwaku memegang teguh kehendakMu yang mulia.
Ibr 2:11
1 Ptr 1:2
4. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.
5. Sungguh indahnya walau sejenak besertaMu, Allahku;
dalam doaku sungguh akrabnya bersekutu denganMu.
6. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.
7. Dalam dunia tak seutuhnya kupahami kasihMu,
sukacita pun barulah lengkap, bila 'ku di rumahMu.
1 Kor 13:12
8. Raih daku dan dekatkanlah pada kaki salibMu. Raih
Daku, raih dan dekatkanlah ke sisiMu, Tuhanku.Play AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250a]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
Mzm 18
Mzm 46
Mzm 144:1-2
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Luk 10:18
Yoh 12:31
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Ptr 5:8
Why 13
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!Yoh 16:33
Mzm 24:10
Ef 1:20-22
Kol 2:15
Why 17:14
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Mzm 118:6
Rm 8:31
Mat 5:3, 10
Ibr 12:28
Yak 2:5
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250b]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Bagi Yesus Kuserahkan [KJ.363]
1. Bagi Yesus kuserahkan hidupku seluruhnya; hati dan
perbuatanku, pun waktuku milikNya. Bagi Yesus semuanya,
pun waktuku milikNya. Bagi Yesus semuanya, pun
waktuku milikNya.
Rm 12:1
1 Kor 6:19-20
2. Tanganku kerja bagiNya, kakiku mengikutNya; mataku
memandang Yesus; yang kupuji Dialah! Bagi Yesus semuanya,
yang kupuji Dialah! Bagi Yesus semuanya, yang kupuji Dialah!
Rm 6:13, 19
3. Ya, sejak kupandang Yesus, kutinggalkan dosaku; pada Dia 'ku terpaut,
Dia Jurus'lamatku. Bagi Yesus semuanya, Dia Jurus'lamatku.
Bagi Yesus semuanya, Dia Jurus'lamatku.
4. O, betapa mengagumkan! Maharaja semesta mau memanggilku
sahabat; aku dilindungiNya! Bagi Yesus semuanya aku dilindungiNya!
Bagi Yesus semuanya; aku dilindungiNya!Yoh 15:13-15
Ibr 2:11
Play Beribu Lidah Patutlah [KJ.294] ( O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing )
1. Beribu lidah patutlah memuji Tuhanku. Dan mewartakan
kuasaNya dengan kidung merdu.
2. Yesus, namaMu cukuplah menghibur yang sedih,
membuat hati yang tenteram, merawat yang pedih.
3. Dosa, betapapun besar, dibasuh darahNya.
Kuasa Iblis pun lenyap, lepas tawanannya.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
4. Yang bisu-tuli, soraklah memuji Tabibmu;
yang buta, lumpuh dan lemah, berbangkitlah sembuh!
Mat 11:5
Mat 15:30
5. Tolonglah aku, ya Tuhan, mengangkat suaraku.
'Kan kusebar di dunia agungnya namaMu.Play Bumi dan Langit, Pujilah [KJ.286] ( Praise to the Holiest in the Height )
1. Bumi dan langit, pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus:
FirmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Mzm 69:35
2. Betapa kasih hikmatNya! Kendati kita aib:
Sang Adam Baru menjelma, Penolong yang ajaib.
Rm 5:18-19
1 Kor 15:45-47
3. O hikmat kasih! Dialah tak jatuh diserang:
di dalam darah-daging pun berjuang dan menang.
Mat 4:1-11
1 Ptr 2:24
4. Tak sekedar karunia yang dimilikiNya:
hakekat Allah yang kekal yaitu kodratNya.
Yoh 1:1-3
5. Dialah Insan yang benar: set'ru dibantingNya.
Hukuman bagi insan pun ditanggung olehNya.
Kol 1:15
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
Yes 53:5
6. DukaNya di Getsemani, wafatNya di salib
teladan bagi muridNya menanggung yang pedih.
Mrk 14:32-42
Yoh 21:19
2 Tim 2:3
1 Ptr 2:21-24
7. Bumi dan langit pujilah Yang Tinggi dan Kudus;
firmanNya mahamulia dan jalanNya tentu.Play Dari Kubur yang Kelam [KJ.190]
1. Dari kubur yang kelam Kristus bangkit megah;
dari kuasa yang seram kita pun bebaslah!
Mrk 16:1-8
Kol 1:13-14
Ibr 2:14-15
2. Diberi kepadaNya takhta Allah kekal.
Isi sorga, dunia, nyanyi puji sembah.Why 3:21
Why 5:12-13
Play Di Malam Yang Gelap [KJ.195] ( Low in the Grave He Lay )
R:Mrk 16:1-8; 1 Kor 15:26; 2 Tim 1:10; Ibr 2:14-15; Why 1:18; Kol 2:15
1. Di makam yang gelap Yesus terbaring menanti merekah fajar terang.
Bangkitlah Dia megah kuasa Iblis patah menyerah. Alam maut sudah dikalahkanNya.
Ia hidup dan berkuasa s'lamanya! T'lah menang, t'lah menang!
Kristus bangkit dan menang!
Mrk 15:46
2. Dan sia-sialah kubur dijaga, pun tiada gunanya batu besar.
Bangkitlah Dia megah kuasa Iblis patah menyerah. Alam maut sudah dikalahkanNya.
Ia hidup dan berkuasa s'lamanya! T'lah menang, t'lah menang!
Kristus bangkit dan menang!
Mat 27:62-66
3. Maut dan Iblis pun tidak berdaya menahan Tuhanku, Sang Penebus.
Bangkitlah Dia megah kuasa Iblis patah menyerah. Alam maut sudah dikalahkanNya.
Ia hidup dan berkuasa s'lamanya! T'lah menang, t'lah menang!
Kristus bangkit dan menang!Luk 10:18
1 Yoh 3:8
Play Dia Nobatkanlah [KJ.226] ( Crown Him with Many Crowns )
1. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja Penebus;
bahana sorga bergema memuji Dia t'rus.
Hai bangun, jiwaku, bernyanyilah serta,
Memuji Jurus'lamatmu kekal selamanya.
Ef 1:20-22
Flp 2:9-11
Ibr 2:9
Why 17:14
Why 19:12
2. Dia nobatkanlah Pengasih abadi;
di dalam darah lukaNya kasihNya berseri.
Malaikat tercengang melihat dashyatnya
Rahasia Allah terbentang demi manusia.
1 Ptr 1:12
3. Dia nobatkanlah Raja sejahtera,
yang memerintah dunia, perang pun mereda.
Di bumi terdengar pujian mulia kepada
Dia yang besar kekal kuasaNya.
Yes 9:3-6
Mat 28:18
4. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja hidupmu;
sang maut dikalahkanNya demi selamatmu.
Muliakan namaNya yang mati dan menang,
Memb'rikan hidup yang kekal menghalau maut kejam.
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja yang baka,
Pencipta alam semesta sempurna dan megah.
Hormati Penebus yang agung mulia;
Sang Anakdomba yang kudus terpuji s'lamanya.Ef 1:20-22
Kol 1:16
Why 5:12
Play Fajar Hidup Merekah [KJ.208]
1. Fajar Hidup merekah, muncul sinar sakti.
Maut kalah menyerah: tak berkuasa lagi.
Ibr 2:14-15
2. Kubur kosong dan lengang, pintunya terbuka.
Yesus bangkit dan menang, sirna awan duka!
Mrk 16:1-8
3. Jangan takut dan sedih, ibu yang setia;
Yang kaucari t'lah pergi tuju Galilea
4. Tuturkanlah segera bagi para murid
dan seluruh dunia: Kristus, Tuhan, bangkit!
Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
5. Hidup baru diberi bagi yang percaya
dan sejaht'ra abadi. Sorak "Haleluya"Play Gembira dan Bernyanyilah [KJ.205]
1. Gembira dan bernyanyilah menyambut Paskah
yang cerah dan kes'lamatan yang baka.
2. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Terpuji K'ristus s'lamanya!
3. T'lah bangkit Yesus, Penebus.
Yang di salibkan bagimu. Agungkan namaNya terus!
4. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Terpuji K'ristus s'lamanya!
5. Gapura maut hancurlah, dan oleh Tuhan bebaslah semua
semua orang milikNya.
Ibr 2:14-15
6. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Terpuji K'ristus s'lamanya!
7. Segala puji dan syukur ya Putra Allah, bagiMu;
Firdaus kaubuka bagiku!
8. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Terpuji K'ristus s'lamanya!
9. Seluruh umat, nyanyilah! Tritunggal Kudus pujilah
sekarang dan selamanya.
10. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Terpuji K'ristus s'lamanya!Play Hai Anak Semua [KJ.117]
1. Hai anak semua, cepat marilah!
Masukilah kandang yang amat rendah dan lihatlah
Bayi yang tidur nyenyak, tergolek dalam palungan ternak.Luk 2:16
2. O, lihatlah Dia bersinar terang,
lembut bercahaya di malam kelam meski dalam lampin,
lebih mulia dibanding malaikat di sorga cerah.
3. Terbaringlah Ia di rumput kering;
Maria dan Yusuf tenang dan hening dan para gembala
Sujud menyembah, malaikat di atas memuliakanNya.
Luk 2:14
4. Sekarang pun kita hendak bertelut
di muka palungan Sang Bayi lembut; marilah semua
bernyanyi senang bersama malaikat yang putih terang.
5. Dan kita berdoa: ya Yesus kudus,
kesalahan kami hendak Kautebus; Kau lahir di kandang
yang hina rendah dan rela menanggung salib Golgota.
Kol 1:20
Ibr 12:2
6. Terimalah hati yang kami beri,
dan buatlah kami pun suci bersih, supaya beroleh
sentosa penuh, bersatu abadi dengan diriMu!Ibr 2:11
Play Haleluya, Bernyanyilah [KJ.203]
1. Haleluya, bernyanyilah: Haleluya! Dengan merdu
lagukanlah: Haleluya!
2. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
3. Kemana saja 'ku pergi, Haleluya,
jiwaku nyanyi tak henti: Haleluya!
Mzm 118:24
4. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
5. Inilah Hari yang kudus, Haleluya,
yang dijadikan Tuhanku, Haleluya!
6. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
7. Langit dan bumi, bersyukur, Haleluya;
Gereja, angkatlah mazmur: Haleluya!
8. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
9. Agungkan Raja mulia, Haleluya,
yang bangkit dari kuburNya, Haleluya!
10. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
11. Di atas bukit Golgota, Haleluya,
Sang Kristus Raja yang menang, Haleluya!
12. Haleluya! Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
13. Kendati Iblis pun geram, Haleluya,
Sang Kristus Raja yang menang, Haleluya!
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
14. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
15. Bersama-sama nyanyilah, Haleluya,
di sorga dan di dunia, Haleluya!
16. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya! Play Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan [KJ.191]
1. Hari Minggu, Hari Kebangkitan, kami sambut fajarmu.
Di terangmu daya maut hilang, kalah sudah seteru.
Kristus, Matahari Kehidupan, o, pancarkan sinar
penghiburan dan harapan yang penuh akan damai Sabatmu.
Mrk 16:2
1 Kor 15:26
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Mal 4:2
2. Atas panggilanMu kami bangkit, hidup dalam hidupMu.
Dari kubur-dosa kami tampil, dibebaskan Roh Kudus.
Ajar kami tiap-tiap hari di kematianMu turut mati,
agar bangkit dan teguh ikut jalan jayaMu.
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
1 Kor 15:22
Rm 6:18, 22
Rm 6:6
Gal 2:19-20
Gal 5:24-25
Ef 5:14
3. Hidup, mati, kami mengalami perlindunganMu tetap.
Nanti gurun dunia dijalani, masa duka pun genap.
Sungguh indah Hari Perhentian menyudahi malam kematian,
Saat kami menyembah Dikau di terang baka.Rm 14:8
Ibr 4:9-10
1 Tes 4:14
Play Kini Berakhirlah perang [KJ.201]
1. Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Kini berakhirlah perang; sambutlah Dia yang menang
Dengan pujian cemerlang: Haleluya!
2. Kuasa maut menyerah: Kristus telah menumpasnya.
Hai umat Tuhan, soraklah: Haleluya!
Yes 25:8
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
Why 19:1-8
3. Berakhir hari yang sedih; Yang Bangkit patut diberi
hormat dan puji tak henti: Haleluya!
4. Benteng neraka direjang, gapura sorga terbentang.
Pujilah Kristus yang menang: Haleluya!
Ibr 2:14-15
5. Ya Tuhan, oleh salibMu Engkau hidupkan umatMu;
mahamulia namaMu! Haleluya!Play Kini Sang Putra T'lah Menang [KJ.198]
1. Kini Sang Putra t'lah menang, yang oleh maut tak terkekang.
Haleluya, Haleluya! KuasaNya agung dan megah; kekal terpuji
Namanya! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Kis 2:34
Why 1:18
2. Dan kuasa Iblis, penentang dengan sempurna direjang.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Pahlawan, tiada bandingNya,
Telah menumpas musuhNya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Luk 10:18
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
3. Ya Jurus'lamat dunia, yang menebus manusia,
Haleluya, Haleluya, kiranya pimpin kami pun
Ke dalam kemuliaanMu! Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yoh 14:2-3
4. Musuh terakhir dibekuk: hai maut, dimana kuasamu?
Haleluya, Haleluya! Di tangan Allah s'lamatlah
Kembali kita anakNya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Yes 25:8
1 Kor 15:26
1 Kor 15:54-56
Rm 8:16
Gal 3:26-27
1 Yoh 3:1-2
5. Kami bersama bersyukur dan merindukan sorgaMu.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Di sana berkumandanglah
pujian kami s'lamanya. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Why 19:6-8
6. Ya Allah Bapa, t'rimalah syukur, pujian dan sembah,
Haleluya, Haleluya, bersama Kristus, Penebus, dan Roh
Penghibur yang Kudus. Haleluya, Haleluya!Play Kristus Bangkit! Soraklah' [KJ.188]
1. Kristus bangkit! Soraklah: Haleluya!
Bumi, sorga bergema: Haleluya!
Berbalasan bersyukur: Haleluya!
Muliakan Tuhanmu! Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Karya kasihNya genap, kemenanganNya tetap.
Surya s'lamat jadi t'rang takkan lagi terbenam.
Yoh 19:30
Yes 60:20
3. Kuasa kubur menyerah dan neraka takluklah.
Kristus jaya atas maut dan terbukalah Firdaus.
Ibr 2:14
Why 1:18
4. Hidup Raja mulia: kita s'lamat OlehNya.
Maut, di mana jayamu? Kubur, mana kuasamu?
1 Kor 15:54-56
5. Hai tinggalkan maut kelam; ikut Dia yang menang!
Bangkitlah, manusia, dalam kebangkitanNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
6. Raja agung, t'rimalah sorak puji semesta!
Hormat kami bergema: Kaulah Hidup yang baka.Flp 2:9-11
Yoh 11:25
Play Kristus Sudah Bangkit [KJ.196]
1. Kristus sudah bangkit, jaya atas salib. Bersukaria nyanyilah:
Kristus Penghibur dunia! Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Tanpa iman paskah dunia binasa. Syukurlah, kita mendengar
kabar gembira yang besar. Haleluya!
3. Mari kita ikut di belakang memikul salib dan beban
dalam setia beriman. Haleluya!
Mat 11:28
Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 2:21
4. Kristus menderita menggantikan kita. Sang Maut kalah
olehNya: musuh terakhir menyerah. Haleluya!
Yes 53:5
Rm 5:6-10
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Kristus bersedia dicerca, dihina; sekarang Raja mulia
yang membebaskan umatNya. Haleluya!
Ibr 12:2
1 Ptr 2:22-25
6. Sungguh, Kristus bangkit: Kuasa maut berakhir.
Bersorak-sorailah terus: kita semua ditebus! Haleluya!1 Yoh 2:2
Play Lihat Salib di atas Bukit Golgota [KJ.182]
1. Lihat salib diatas bukit Golgota, tempat tergantung Jurus'lamat dunia;
dalam sengsara jiwa raga yang pedih Ia menanggung dosa kita yang keji.
Mrk 15:22-26
Yoh 1:29
2. Yesus yang taat sampai mati di salib menjadi Anakdomba yang tersembelih;
Kar'nanya kasihNya yang sempurna dan kudus, kuasa jahat dikalahkan Penebus.
Mrk 1:14-15
Ibr 2:14
1 Yoh 3:8
3. Yesus yang taat sampai mati di salib menjadi Anakdomba yang tersembelih;
kar'nanya sangat diagungkan namaNya di dalam sorga dan di dalam dunia.Flp 6:8Why 5:12
4. Dari salibMu Kau memanggil dunia agar melihat kasihMu yang mulia
dan mengikuti Dikau, pasrah dan teguh, mempersembahkan hidup kami padaMu!Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 2:21
Rm 12:1
Play Maju, Laskar Kristus [KJ.339] ( Onward, Christian Soldiers )
1. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap! Rajamu sendiri jalan di depan; majulah,
iringi panji cemerlang!
2 Kor 2:14
Ul 31:8
Yes 45:2
2. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!3. Saat dianjungkan panji Penebus, kuasa Iblis mundur, dikalahkan
t'rus. Goncanglah neraka, kar'na mendengar sorak-soraianmu
nyaring menggegar.
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Why 12:9
Yes 14:9
4. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
5. Bagai laskar jaya G'reja maju t'rus di jejak teladan saksi yang kudus.
Kita satu tubuh yang kudus dan am; satu pengharapan, satu pun iman.
Ibr 12:1
Ibr 13:7
Ef 4:3-6
6. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
7. Kuasa duniawi timbul-tenggelam, tapi G'reja Kristus takkan terbenam!
Alam maut tak sanggup menjatuhkannya: Kristus memenuhi isi janjiNya.
Mzm 46:7-8
Dan 2:37-44
Mat 16:18
8. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!
9. Kar'na itu, maju! Ikut salib t'rus, turutlah memuji Raja Penebus:
"Hormat, kemuliaan, Tuhan, t'rimalah!" Insan dan malaikat sujud menyembah.
Why 5:11-13
10. Maju, laskar Kristus, lawan kuasa g'lap! Ikut salib Yesus,
sungguh dan tetap!Play Sang Kristus T'lah Bangkit [KJ.216] ( Our Lord Christ Hath Risen )
1. Sang Kristus t'lah bangkit dan Dia menang,
kuasa si jahat telah di kekang.
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Why 1:18
2. Nyanyikan pujian, nyanyikan pujian,
Nyanyikan pujian gempita, gemar.
Sang Putralah Raja perkasa benar.
3. Di manakah kini kuasamu, hai maut?
Sengatmu tercabut, memang Putra Daud.
1 Kor 15:54-55
4. Nyanyikan pujian, nyanyikan pujian,
Nyanyikan pujian gempita, gemar.
Sang Putralah Raja perkasa benar.
5. Hai dosa, kau kalah, kuasamu lenyap,
kendati kaucoba mengganggu tetap.
6. Nyanyikan pujian, nyanyikan pujian,
Nyanyikan pujian gempita, gemar.
Sang Putralah Raja perkasa benar.
7. Akhirnya menyingsinglah fajar cerlang,
harapan pun timbul: Rajaku menang!
8. Nyanyikan pujian, nyanyikan pujian,
Nyanyikan pujian gempita, gemar.
Sang Putralah Raja perkasa benar.Play Takkah Patut Ku Bernyanyi [KJ.290]
1. Takkah patut 'ku bernyanyi syukur bagi Tuhanku,
kar'na rahmat tak berbanding yang melimpah selalu?
Memang sungguh dan setia, tak terhingga kasihNya
Dan kekal bimbinganNya bagi yang mengabdi Dia.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap.
Ibr 1:11
2. Bagai burung rajawali melindungi anaknya Tuhan pun
berkali-kali t'lah menolong hambaNya. Semenjak dikandung
ibu, waktu aku dibentuk, dan sepanjang umurku ditanganNya
aku hidup. Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
Mzm 139:13-15
3. Bahkan PutraNya sendiri rela diserahkanNya; ditebusNya aku ini
oleh kuasa darahNya. Sungguh aku takkan mampu, wahai Sumber
kurnia, dengan rohku yang lemah mengerti kedalamanMu.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!Yoh 3:16
Rm 8:32
Rm 3:25
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Kor 2:10-11
4. Dalam dunia' ku dikawal oleh Roh dan FirmanNya yang menuntun
dari awal aku dalam t'rang baka, hingga hatiku percaya makin kuat
dan teguh, bahwa kuasa seteru, maut dan Iblis, tak berdaya.
Biar dunia lenyap, kasih Allah 'kan tetap!
Rm 8:14
Yoh 16:13
1 Kor 15:54-56
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Langit, bumi, segalanya diciptakan bagiku; kutemukan semuanya
menyenangkan hatiku. Hewan, unggas dan tumbuhan, darat, laut,
udara pun jadi rahmat bagiku yang kudapat dari TuhanKej 1-2
Mzm 8:7-9
Play Tiap Hari Bergembira [KJ.150]
1. Tiap hari bergembira 'ku membaca Alkitab:
Jurus'lamat yang setia jadi Kawanku tetap!
2 Tim 3:15-17
2. Anak-anak diberkati dan dirangkul olehNya;
Kerajaan yang sorgawi nyata dalam dunia.
Mrk 10:13-15
3. Orang sakit disembuhkan orang miskin pun lega,
disebut saudara Tuhan kar'na kasih sayangNya.
Mrk 1:32-34
Ibr 2:11
4. Bahkan orang yang berdosa diterima Tuhanku,
dan mereka yang bertobat diampuniNya penuh.
Mrk 2:5
Luk 15:1-2
Luk 5:32
5. Tuhan Yesuslah Gembala yang menuntun dombaNya
masuk Kerajaan Allah yang penuh karunia.
Yoh 10:11-18
1 Ptr 2:25
6. 'Ku membaca tiap hari dalam Kitab yang kudus
dan semakin kusadari pengasihan Penebus.Play Tuhanku Bangkit, Pusara Terbuka [KJ.212]
1. Tuhanku bangkit, pusara terbuka: Ia menang atas maut
dan duka. Goncanglah benteng neraka yang gelap:
Yesus Pahlawan yang hidup tetap! Yesus Pahlawan hidup yang tetap!
Mrk 16:1-8
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
2. Sudah tersingkap rahasia kubur: dosa dan Iblis
t'lah kalah tersungkur. Aku percaya, gentarku lenyap:
Yesus Pahlawan yang hidup tetap! Yesus Pahlawan hidup yang tetap!
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
3. Di dunia ini tak lagi 'ku takut: Tuhan yang bangkit
berjuang sertaku; tak kuhiraukan kuasa gelap:
Yesus Pahlawan yang hidup tetap! Yesus Pahlawan hidup yang tetap!Mat 28:20
Play Tuhanku Seg'ra 'kan Kembali Ke Dunia [KJ.277]
R:Why 6:10
1. Tuhanku seg'ra 'kan kembali ke dunia. Tak satu pun tahu
akan waktu tibaNya: di pagi cerlang pada saat buana
ditinggalkan sang malam pekat.
Mat 24:42-44
Mrk 13:32
1 Tes 5:2
2 Ptr 3:10
Why 3:3
2. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
3. Dan mungkin datangNya 'kan di tengah hari dan mungkin
di saat menurun mentari, di malam gelap, waktu
orang tak nyana Kristus datang ke dunia.
4. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
5. Dan k'lak membahanalah riuh "Hosana". Malaikat pun
turun mengiring Rajanya. Parasnya cerlang dan penuh
kemuliaan serta kasih 'kan umatNya.
Mrk 11:9-10
Why 1:16
Why 22:4
6. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.
7. Enyahlah derita, lenyap ratap tangis dan hilanglah maut,
tanda kuasa Iblis. Hatiku penuh mengenang 'kan detiknya
milik Yesus dit'rimaNya.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
8. Masih lamakah, Tuhanku? UmatMu berseru menyanyikan
Kristus datang. Haleluya! Amin. Haleluya! Amin.Play Yerusalem [KJ.189]
1. Yerusalem, bersoraklah menyambut fajar mulia!
Terbitlah hari yang terang: Tuhanmu bangkit dan menang!
Zkh 2:10
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Kuasa kubur, alam maut tak menaklukkan Putra Daud:
Sang Bapa membangkitkanNya; abadilah kuasaNya!
Kis 2:24
Why 1:18
Ef 1:20-22
3. OlehNya kita pun lepas, tak lagi takut dan cemas:
dengan percaya padaNya sang maut hilang dashyatnya!
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Kor 15:54-56
4. KebangkitanNya memberi hidup yang baru tak henti.
Terbitlah dari matiNya hidup kekal dan mulia.Rm 6:3-4
1 Kor 6:14
2 Tim 1:10
Play Yesus T'lah Datang [KJ.138]
1. Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita;
Alfa, Omega dan Firman kekal. Allah sejati dan Maha Pencipta
Bagaimana manusia kita kenal! Sorga dan bumi, siarkan berita:
Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita!
Why 1:8
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Kol 1:19
Kol 2:9
2. Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan
yang dalam dosa dan maut menjerat! Rantai diganti dengan kelepasan
dari kungkungan kuasa gelap. Habislah duka, lenyap kecemasan:
Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan!
Mzm 107:10-16
Yes 42:7
Yes 61:1
Rm 6:12-23
3. Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa;
Ia mendobrak penjara teguh! Benteng neraka pun porak poranda,
Jalan merdeka terbuka penuh! Sudahkah kini, hai Iblis, kaurasa?
Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa!
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 9:12
4. Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia;
puji kuasaNya, seg'nap mahlukNya! Juruselamatmu hanyalah Dia;
pintu hatimu bukakan seg'ra! Lihat, mahkotamu sudah sedia;
Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia!2 Tim 4:8
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Play Yesus, Sumber Penghiburan [KJ.217]
1. Yesus, Sumber Penghiburan, yang disalib,
dikuburkan, kini bangkit dan menang,
Raja Hidup dan Terang. Kubur tak menahan lagi
Sang Pahlawan yang Ilahi. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Kis 2:24
2. Oleh Dia yang perkasa kuasa Iblis t'lah binasa,
ya, setiap lawanNya kini sudah menyerah.
Hai, bernyanyi, Putri sion, bersyukur dengan pujian.
Haleluya, Haleluya!
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Why 1:18
Yes 52:17Zef 3:14
Zkh 2:10
3. Dalam siang kemenangan ditelanlah maut dan malam.
Maut, di mana jayamu dan sengat ancamanmu?
Sorgalah warisan kami, Kristus t'lah membawa damai.
Haleluya, Haleluya!1 Kor 15:54-56
Play Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248a]
1. Yesuslah Raja yang menang sejauh edaran surya t'rang,
seputar bola dunia, menghalau g'lap selamanya.Yesuslah Raja yang Menang [KJ.248b]
1. Yesuslah Raja yang menang sejauh edaran surya t'rang,
seputar bola dunia, menghalau g'lap selamanya.
Mzm 72:8
Mzm 133:3
Yoh 16:33
Why 17:14
2. Rangkaian doa dan sembah tak putus naik kepadaNya;
namaNya harum dan kudus, dipuji umatNya terus.
Mal 1:11
3. Segala bangsa dunia memuliakan kasihNya;
dan suara anak berseru, "Ya, Tuhan, agung namaMu!"
Mat 21:15-16
4. K'rajaanNya penuh berkat; terhibur orang yang penat,
tawanan dosa bebaslah, ditinggikanNya yang rendah.
Yes 61:1
Mzm 75:7-8
Mzm 113:7-8
Luk 1:52
5. Dalam terang kuasaNya kutukan maut terhapuslah;
turunan Adam diberi warisan baru tak terp'ri.
Yes 25:8
2 Tim 1:10
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 22:3
Efe 1:18
1 Ptr 1:4
Why 21:1-2
6. Mahluk semua, bangkitlah memuji Raja semesta!
Malaikat pun bernyanyilah dan bumi pun ikut bergema.Why 5:11-13
Matthew 25:40
[Mat 25:40] Dear Lord, Who Dwellest With Us Now
Dear Lord, who dwellest with us now
In sad humanity,
Give us beneath the cross to bow
Which men have laid on Thee.When hunger calls to us for bread
With childhood’s piteous plea,
Make us to know what Thou hast said
Of those who give to Thee.When stranger knocketh at our door
For cheer and sympathy,
Our hearts would warmest greetings pour,
That we may welcome Thee.When sick and sore distressed appeal
In man’s infirmity,
We’d haste the broken heart to heal
That we may comfort Thee.When captive lives in mortal pains
Are clamoring to be free,
We’d strike away the heavy chains
That we may succor Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Fountain Of Good, To Own Thy Love
Fountain of good, to own Thy love,
Our thankful hearts incline;
What can we render, Lord, to Thee,
When all the worlds are Thine?But Thou hast needy brethren here,
Partakers of Thy grace,
Whose names Thou wilt Thyself confess
Before the Father’s face.And in their accents of distress
Thy pleading voice is heard;
In them Thou may’st be clothed and fed
And visited and cheered.Thy face with rev’rence and with love
We in Thy poor would see;
O may we minister to them,
And in them, Lord, to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] God, How Can We Comprehend?
God, how can we comprehend—though we’ve seen them times before—
Lines of people without end fleeing danger, want, and war?
They seek safety anywhere, hoping for a welcome hand!
Can we know the pain they bear? Help us, Lord, to understand!You put music in their souls; now they struggle to survive.
You gave each one gifts and goals; now they flee to stay alive.
God of outcasts, may we see how you value everyone,
For each homeless refugee is your daughter or your son.Lord, your loving knows no bounds; you have conquered death for all.
May we hear beyond our towns to our distant neighbors’ call.
Spirit, may our love increase; may we reach to all your earth,
Till your whole world lives in peace; till we see each person’s worth.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Heaven Is Here, Where Hymns Of Gladness
Heaven is here, where hymns of gladness
Cheer the toilers’ rugged way,
In this world where clouds of sadness
Often change to night our day;
Heaven is here, where misery lightened
Of its heavy load is seen,
Where the face of sorrow brightened,
By the deed of love hath been.Where the sad, the poor, despairing,
Are uplifted, cheered, and blest,
Where in others’ labors sharing,
We can find our surest rest;
Where we heed the voice of duty,
Tread the path that Jesus trod;
This is Heaven, its peace, its beauty,
Radiant with the love of God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Inasmuch
When saw we Thee a-hungered, Lord,
And ministered unto Thee?
Inasmuch as ye have done it to the least of these,
Ye have done it unto Me.Refrain
Blessèd lesson that we all may learn,
Blessèd plaudit that we all may earn.When saw we Thee athirst, O Lord,
And ministered unto Thee?
Inasmuch as ye have done it to the least of these,
Ye have done it unto Me.Refrain
When saw we Thee a stranger, sick,
Or in prison, and came to Thee?
Inasmuch as ye have done it to the least of these,
Ye have done it unto Me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Jesus, My Lord, How Rich Thy Grace!
Jesus, my Lord, how rich Thy grace!
Thy bounties, how complete!
How shall I count the matchless sum!
How pay the mighty debt!High on a throne of radiant light
Dost Thou exalted shine;
What can my poverty bestow,
When all the worlds are Thine?But Thou hast brethren here below,
The partners of Thy grace,
And wilt confess their humble names
Before Thy Father’s face.In them Thou mayst be clothed and fed,
And visited and cheered,
And in their accents of distress
My Savior’s voice is heard.Thy face with reverence and with love,
I in Thy poor would see;
O rather let me beg my bread,
Than hold it back from Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Jesus, Thou Divine Companion
Jesus, Thou divine Companion,
By Thy lowly human birth
Thou hast come to join the workers,
Burden bearers of the earth.
Thou, the Carpenter of Nazareth,
Toiling for Thy daily food,
By Thy patience and Thy courage,
Thou hast taught us toil is good.They who tread the path of labor
Follow where Thy feet have trod;
They who work without complaining
Do the holy will of God.
Thou, the Peace that passeth knowledge,
Dwellest in the daily strife;
Thou, the Bread of heaven, broken
In the sacrament of life.Every task, however simple,
Sets the soul that does it free;
Every deed of love and kindness
Done to man is done to Thee.
Jesus, Thou divine Companion,
Help us all to do our best;
Bless in our daily labor,
Lead us to the Sabbath rest.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Just A Little
Just a little kindness shown along the weary road;
Just a little lifting of another’s heavy load;
Just a little pity that is tenderly bestowed,
May win a soul for Jesus.Refrain
In the name of Him Who died for you,
To your vow of service are you true?
Never, then, neglect it,
For when you least expect it,
You may win a soul for Jesus.Just a little sacrifice of ease that we have earned;
Just a little sharing of a lesson we have learned;
Just a little stirring of the flame that low has burned,
May win a soul for Jesus.Refrain
Just a little pleading in the name of Him Who died;
Just a little earnestness, like His, who is your Guide;
Just a little longing for someone lost at your side,
May win a soul for Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Lord, Lead The Way The Savior Went
Lord, lead the way the Savior went,
By lane and cell obscure;
And let love’s treasures still be spent,
Like His, upon the poor.Like Him, through scenes of deep distress,
Who bore the world’s sad weight,
We, in their crowded loneliness,
Would seek the desolate.For Thou hast placed us side by side
In this wide world of ill;
And, that Thy followers may be tried,
The poor are with us still.Mean are all offerings we can make;
Yet Thou hast taught us, Lord,
If given for the Savior’s sake,
They lose not their reward.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Lord Of Glory, Who Hast Bought Us
Lord of Glory, who hast bought us with Thy lifeblood as the price,
Never grudging for the lost ones that tremendous sacrifice;
And with that hast freely given blessings countless as the sand,
To the unthankful and the evil with Thine own unsparing hand.Grant us hearts, dear Lord, to yield Thee gladly, freely, of Thine own.
With the sunshine of Thy goodness melt our thankless hearts of stone.
Till our cold and selfish natures, warmed by Thee, at length believe
That more happy and more blessed ’tis to give than to receive.Wondrous honor hast Thou given to our humblest charity.
In Thine own mysterious sentence, “Ye have done it unto Me.”
Can it be, O gracious Master, Thou dost deign for alms to sue,
Saying by Thy poor and needy, “Give as I have given you”?Yes: the sorrow and the suffering, which on every hand we see,
Channels are for tithes and offerings due by solemn right to Thee;
Right of which we may not rob Thee, debt we may not choose but pay,
Lest that face of love and pity turn from us another day.Lord of Glory, who hast bought us with Thy lifeblood as the price,
Never grudging for the lost ones that tremendous sacrifice;
Give us faith, to trust Thee boldly; hope, to stay our souls on Thee;
But O, best of all Thy graces, give us Thine own charity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] O Do Some Good Deed Every Day
O do some good deed ev’ry day,
And speak kind words along the way;
O sing a glad and cheerful song,
For it may make some weak heart strong.Refrain
O do some good deed ev’ry day,
Then will the loving Master say:
“Your deeds wrought in My Name shall be
Recorded as done unto Me.”O help a brother bear his load
O’er life’s uphill and dreary road;
With those who need, share ev’ry day
The blessings God has sent your way.Refrain
O seek, and you will always find
The sheaves of good to reap and bind;
There’s something you can do or say
For Christ the Master’s sake each day.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] O God Of Mercy! Hearken Now
O God of mercy! hearken now
Before Thy throne we humbly bow;
With heart and voice to Thee we cry
For all on earth who suffering lie.We seek Thee where Thou dwell’st on high;
Beyond the glittering, starry sky:
We find Thee where Thou dwell’st below
Beside the beds of want and woe.O let the healing waters spring,
Touched by Thy pitying angel’s wing;
With quick’ning pow’r new strength impart
To palsied will, to withered heart.Where poverty in pain must lie,
Where little suffering children cry,
Bid us haste forth as called by Thee,
And in Thy poor Thyself to see.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] O God Of Mercy, God Of Might
O God of mercy, God of might,
In love and pity infinite,
Teach us, as ever in Thy sight,
To live our life to Thee.And Thou Who cam’st on earth to die,
That fallen man might live thereby,
O hear us, for to Thee we cry
In hope, O Lord, to Thee.Teach us the lesson Thou hast taught,
To feel for those Thy blood hath bought;
That every word and deed and thought
May work a work for Thee.For all are brethren, far and wide,
Since Thou, O Lord, for all hast died;
Then teach us, whatsoe’er betide,
To love them all in Thee.In sickness, sorrow, want or care,
Whate’er it be, ’tis ours to share;
May we, when help is needed, there
Give help as unto Thee.And may Thy Holy Spirit move
All those who live, to live in love,
Till Thou shalt greet in Heaven above
All those who live to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] O, Sing We A Carol
O, sing we a carol all blithe and free,
And fit for our Christmas morn,
For the world is as cold as the cold can be,
Though its Lord on this day was born;
Though its Lord on this day was born:
’Tis a wintry time for the rich and poor,
And who should be driv’n from a Christian’s door?Refrain
’Tis a wintry time for the rich and poor,
And who should be driven from a Christian’s door?
And who should be driv’n from a Christian’s door?For the angel’s song at the birth of Christ,
With tidings of joy began;
And it rang with a glory to God in the highest,
And a brotherhood true for man;
Yet ’twas winter time for rich and poor,
When the shepherds came to the stable door.
Yet ’twas winter time for the rich and poor,Refrain
True sages were they who to Bethlehem led,
Brought frankincense, myrrh, and gold,
Which they offered to Christ on His manger bed,
With a reverent love untold.
Yet ’twas winter time for rich and poor,
When the wise men knelt at the stable door.
Yet ’twas winter time for the rich and poor,Refrain
Cannot we make our offerings now to Christ’s need,
When His poor all around we see?
“Inasmuch as to them we have done the deed,”
He will say, “Ye have done to Me.”
He will say, “Ye have done to Me.”
’Tis a wintry time for the rich and poor,
And who should be driv’n from a Christian’s door?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] O Jesus, Master, When Today
O Jesus, Master, when today,
I meet, along the crowded way,
My burdened brothers—mine and Thine—
May then through me Thy Spirit shine.To cheer them in their onward way,
Till evening ends the varied day,
To kindle so a growing light,
Where else might be but gloom and night.Grant, too, that they my need may know,
As side by side we onward go—
An equal need of kindly thought,
And love like that which Thou hast taught.Then give our hands a touch divine,
And to our voices tones like Thine,
As side by side we onward go,
Nor need each other’s name to know.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Others
Lord, help me live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way
That even when I kneel to pray
My prayer shall be for—Others.Refrain
Others, Lord, yes others,
Let this my motto be,
Help me to live for others,
That I may live like Thee.Help me in all the work I do
To ever be sincere and true
And know that all I’d do for You
Must needs be done for—Others.Refrain
Let “Self” be crucified and slain
And buried deep: and all in vain
May efforts be to rise again,
Unless to live for—Others.Refrain
And when my work on earth is done,
And my new work in Heav’n’s begun,
May I forget the crown I’ve won,
While thinking still of—Others.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Poor Wayfaring Man Of Grief, A
A poor wayfaring Man of grief
Hath often crossed me on my way,
Who sued so humbly for relief
That I could never answer nay.
I had not power to ask his name,
Whereto he went, or whence he came;
Yet there was something in his eye
That won my love; I knew not why.Once, when my scanty meal was spread,
He entered; not a word he spake,
Just perishing for want of bread.
I gave him all; he blessed it, brake,
And ate, but gave me part again.
Mine was an angel’s portion then,
For while I fed with eager haste,
The crust was manna to my taste.I spied him where a fountain burst
Clear from the rock; his strength was gone.
The heedless water mocked his thirst;
He heard it, saw it hurrying on.
I ran and raised the suff’rer up;
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
Dipped and returned it running o’er;
I drank and never thirsted more.’Twas night; the floods were out; it blew
A winter hurricane aloof.
I heard his voice abroad and flew
To bid him welcome to my roof.
I warmed and clothed and cheered my guest
And laid him on my couch to rest;
Then made the earth my bed, and seemed
In Eden’s garden while I dreamed.Stripped, wounded, beaten nigh to death,
I found him by the highway side.
I roused his pulse, brought back his breath,
Revived his spirit, and supplied
Wine, oil, refreshment—he was healed.
I had myself a wound concealed,
But from that hour forgot the smart,
And peace bound up my broken heart.In pris’n I saw him next, condemned
To meet a traitor’s doom at morn.
The tide of lying tongues I stemmed,
And honored him ’mid shame and scorn.
My friendship’s utmost zeal to try,
He asked if I for him would die.
The flesh was weak; my blood ran chill,
But my free spirit cried, “I will!”Then in a moment to my view
The stranger started from disguise.
The tokens in His hands I knew;
The Savior stood before mine eyes.
He spake, and my poor name He named,
“Of Me thou hast not been ashamed.
These deeds shall thy memorial be;
Fear not, thou didst them unto Me.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] Somebody Else Needs A Blessing
We’re “counting” the blessings, our joys we record,
The wonderful mercies like sunbeams outpoured;
But let us remember while praising the Lord,
Somebody else needs a blessing.Refrain
Somebody else needs a blessing,
Somebody else needs a blessing;
We’ll let our lights shine to His glory divine,
Somebody else needs a blessing.We’ll go, like the Savior, to comfort the sad;
With love’s healing portion we’ll make others glad,
Until, with fresh verdure, life’s deserts are clad;
Somebody else needs a blessing.Refrain
We’ll tell the old story again and again;
Salvation for sinners, good will unto men,
Till Gospel songs echo from mountain to glen;
Somebody else needs a blessing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] This Is Our Endeavor
Lonely hearts to comfort,
Weary lives to cheer—
This is our endeavor,
This our mission here;
Seeking out the lost ones
On the mountains cold,
We would gladly bring them
To the Shepherd’s fold.Pressing on together,
Doing good to all,
In the name of Jesus,
Lifting those who fall;
To the poor and friendless
Give with open hand—
This is our endeavor,
This the Lord’s command.Onward, ever onward,
Trusting in the Lord,
Look we for the promise
Of a blest reward,
Robes and palms of glory,
Mansions bright and fair,
Welcome from the Savior,
Rest for ever there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] We All Can Do Something For Jesus
Our school is a vineyard, a garden of truth,
Where all can do something for Jesus;
And though we are just in the morning of youth,
We all can do something for Jesus;
The deep, rolling river that flows to the sea
Is made of the brooklet that sparkles so free;
A lesson, dear children, for you and for me,
We all can do something for Jesus.
The deep, rolling river that flows to the sea
Is made of the brooklet that sparkles so free.Refrain
We all can do something for Jesus,
Something, something,
We all can do something for Jesus,
Something for Jesus.A word to the erring, of kindness and love,
May often remind them of Jesus;
A song of our beautiful mansion above,
May lead a poor wand’rer to Jesus;
The acorn, when planted, though small it may be,
How quickly it grows to a wide spreading tree;
A lesson, dear children, for you and for me,
We all can do something for Jesus.
The acorn, when planted, though small it may be,
How quickly it grows to a wide spreading tree.Refrain
Oh! sweeter, far sweeter, than riches or fame,
To feel we are working for Jesus;
The cup of cold water we give in His Name,
Will bring us the blessings of Jesus;
The brook and the acorn, the leaf and the tree
Are teaching a lesson to you and to me;
No matter how simple the effort may be,
We all can do something for Jesus.
The brook and the acorn, the leaf and the tree
Are teaching a lesson to you and to me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Mat 25:40] When Thy Heart, With Joy O’erflowing
When thy heart, with joy o’erflowing,
Sings a thankful prayer,
In thy joy, O let thy brother
With thee share.When the harvest sheaves ingathered
Fill thy barns with store,
To thy God and to thy brother
Give the more.If thy soul, with power uplifted,
Yearn for glorious deed,
Give thy strength to serve thy brother
In his need.Share with him thy bread of blessing,
Sorrow’s burden share;
When thy heart enfolds a brother
God is there.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Mark 3:33-35
[Mar 3:35] We Bear The Strain Of Earthly Care
We bear the strains of earthly care,
But bear it not alone;
Beside us walks our Brother Christ,
And makes our task His own.Through din of market, whirl of wheels,
And thrust of driving trade,
We follow where the Master leads,
Serene and unafraid.The common hopes that make us men
Were His in Galilee;
The tasks He gives are those He gave
Beside the restless sea.Our brotherhood still rests in Him,
The Brother of us all,
And through the centuries we hear
The Master’s winsome call.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Romans 8:29
[Rom 8:29] Can The World See Jesus In You?
Do we live so close to the Lord today,
Passing to and fro on life’s busy way,
That the world in us can a likeness see
To the Man of Calvary?Refrain
Can the world see Jesus in me?
Can the world see Jesus in you?
Does your love to Him ring true,
And your life and service, too?
Can the world see Jesus in you?Do we love, with love to His own akin,
All His creatures lost in the mire of sin?
Will we reach a hand, whatsoe’er it cost,
To reclaim a sinner lost?Refrain
As an open book they our lives will read,
To our words and acts giving daily heed;
Will they be attracted, or turn away
From the Man of Calvary?Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rom 8:29] Holy Lamb, Who Thee Receive
Holy Lamb, who Thee receive,
Who in Thee begin to live,
Day and night they cry to Thee,
As Thou art, so let us be!
Jesu, see my panting breast!
See I pant in Thee to rest!
Gladly would I now be clean,
Cleanse me now from every sin.Fix, O fix my wavering mind!
To Thy cross my spirit bind;
Earthly passions far remove,
Swallow up my soul in love.
Dust and ashes though we be,
Full of sin and misery,
Thine we are, Thou Son of God!
Take the purchase of Thy blood!Who in heart on Thee believes,
He the atonement now receives,
He with joy beholds Thy face,
Triumphs in Thy pardoning grace.
See, ye sinners, see the flame,
Rising from the slaughtered Lamb,
Marks the new, the living way,
Leading to eternal day!Jesus, when this light we see,
All our soul’s athirst for Thee;
When Thy quickening power we prove,
All our heart dissolves in love.
Boundless wisdom, power divine,
Love unspeakable are Thine:
Praise by all to Thee be giv’n,
Sons of earth, and hosts of Heav’n!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rom 8:29] Jesus, My Savior, Let Me Be
Jesus, my Savior, let me be
More perfectly conformed to Thee;
Implant each grace, each sin dethrone,
And form my temper like Thine own.My foe, when hungry, let me feed,
Share in his grief, supply his need;
The haughty frown may I not fear,
But with a lowly meekness bear.Let the envenomed heart and tongue,
The hand outstretched to do me wrong,
Excite no feeling in my breast,
But such as Jesus once expressed.To others let me always give
What I from others would receive;
Good deeds for evil ones return,
Nor when provoked, with anger burn.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rom 8:29] Lord, I Am Fondly, Earnestly Longing
Lord, I am fondly, earnestly longing
Into Thy holy likeness to grow;
Thirsting for more and deeper communion,
Yearning Thy love more fully to know.Refrain
Open the wells of grace and salvation,
Pour the rich streams deep into my heart;
Cleanse and refine my thought and affection,
Seal me and make me pure as Thou art.Dead to the world would I be, O Father!
Dead unto sin, alive unto Thee;
Crucify all the earthly within me,
Emptied of sin and self may I be.Refrain
I would be Thine, and serve Thee forever,
Filled with Thy Spirit, lost in Thy love;
Come to my heart, Lord, come with anointing,
Showers of grace send down from above.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rom 8:29] Lord, Let Thy Spirit
Lord, let Thy Spirit, from earthly passion weaning,
Lead me along Thy will’s all-holy way,
To find by faith, on Jesus’ bosom leaning,
’Mid trial, doubt and need, in Him my stay.Lord, let Thy Spirit, new love and life bestowing,
Create a holy heart my breast within;
That I, into my Savior’s likeness growing,
May bear His image through a world of sin.Lord, let Thy Spirit, Thy Word’s deep wealth unsealing,
Lighten mine eyes with truth’s celestial fire;
In life, in death, the narrow path revealing,
Unto the Promised Land of our desire.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rom 8:29] O Love, Who Formedst Me To Wear
O Love, who formedst me to wear
The image of Thy Godhead here;
Who soughtest me with tender care
Thro’ all my wanderings wild and drear;
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.O Love, who ere life’s earliest dawn,
On me Thy choice hast gently laid;
O Love, who here as Man wast born,
And wholly like to us wast made;
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.O Love, who once in time wast slain,
Pierced through and through with bitter woe;
O Love, who wrestling thus didst gain
That we eternal joy might know;
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.O Love, of whom is truth and light,
The Word and Spirit, life and power,
Whose heart was bared to them that smite,
To shield us in our trial hour:
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.O Love, who thus hast bound me fast
Beneath that easy yoke of Thine;
Love, who hast conquered me at last,
Enrapturing this heart of mine—
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.O Love, who lovest me for aye,
Who for my soul dost ever plead;
O Love, who didst that ransom pay
Whose power sufficeth in my stead;
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.O Love, who once shalt bid me rise
From out this dying life of ours;
O Love, who once o’er yonder skies
Shalt set me in the fadeless bowers;
O Love, I give myself to Thee,
Thine ever, only Thine to be.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rom 8:29] Print Thine Image, Pure And Holy
Print Thine image, pure and holy,
On my heart, O Lord of Grace;
So that nothing, high or lowly,
Thy blest likeness can efface.
Let the clear inscription be:
Jesus, crucified for me,
And the Lord of all creation,
Be my Refuge and Salvation.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 2:11-18
[Heb 2:14] Christians, Sing The Incarnation
Christians, sing the incarnation
Of th’eternal Son of God,
Who, to save us, took our nature,
Soul and body, flesh and blood;
God, He saw man’s cruel bondage,
Who in death’s dark dungeon lay;
Man, He came to fight man’s battle,
And for man He won the day.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To th’incarnate Son of God,
Who for man as Man hath conquered
In our own true flesh and blood.King of kings and Lord of angels,
He put off His glory-crown,
Had a stable-cave for palace,
And a manger for His throne;
Helpless lay, to Whom creation
All its life and being owed,
And the lowly Hebrew maiden
Was the mother of her God.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To th’incarnate Son of God,
Who concealed His dazzling Godhead
’Neath the veil of flesh and blood.Through a life of lowly labor
He on earth was pleased to dwell,
All our want and sorrow sharing;
God with us, Emmanuel:
Yet, a dearer, closer union
Jesus in His love would frame;
He, the Passover fulfilling,
Gave Himself as paschal Lamb.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To th’incarnate Son of God,
Who the heav’nly gifts bequeathed us
Of His own true flesh and blood.Then, by man refused and hated,
God for man vouchsafed to die,
Love divine its depth revealing
On the heights of Calvary;
Through His dying the dominion
From the tyrant death was torn,
When its Victim rose its Victor
On the resurrection morn.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To th’incarnate Son of God,
Who through His eternal Spirit
Offers His own flesh and blood.Forty days of mystic converse
Lived on earth the Risen One,
Speaking of His earthly kingdom,
Ere He sought His heav’nly throne:
Then, His latest words a blessing,
He ascended up on high,
And through rank on rank of angels
Captive led captivity.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To th’incarnate Son of God,
Who the holiest place hath entered
In our flesh and by His blood.Now upon the golden altar,
In the midst before the throne,
Incense of His intercession
He is offering for His own.
And on earth at all His altars
His true presence we adore,
And His sacrifice is pleaded,
Yea, till time shall be no more.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To th’incarnate Son of God,
Who, abiding Priest forever,
Still imparts His flesh and blood.Then, adored in highest Heaven,
We shall see the virgin’s Son,
All creation bowed before Him,
Man upon th’eternal throne:
Where, like sound of many waters
In one ever rising flood,
Myriad voices hymn His triumph,
Victim, Priest, incarnate God.
Worthy He all praise and blessing
Who, by dying, death o’ercame;
Glory be to God forever!
Alleluia to the Lamb!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 2:14] Praise The Savior, Now And Ever
Praise the Savior now and ever;
Praise Him, all beneath the skies;
Prostrate lying, suff’ring, dying
On the cross, a sacrifice.
Vict’ry gaining, life obtaining,
Now in glory He doth rise.Man’s work faileth, Christ’s availeth;
He is all our righteousness;
He, our Savior, has forever
Set us free from dire distress.
Through His merit we inherit
Light and peace and happiness.Sin’s bonds severed, we’re delivered,
Christ has bruised the serpent’s head;
Death no longer is the stronger,
Hell itself is captive led.
Christ has risen from death’s prison,
O’er the tomb He light has shed.For His favor, praise forever,
Unto God the Father sing;
Praise the Savior, praise Him ever,
Son of God, our Lord and King.
Praise the Spirit, through Christ’s merit,
He doth us salvation bring.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Heb 2:16] Now Let Us Join With Hearts And Tongues
Now let us join with hearts and tongues,
And emulate the angels’ songs;
Yea, sinners may address their King
In songs that angels cannot sing.They praise the Lamb Who once was slain,
But we can add a higher strain;
Not only say, “He suffered thus,”
But that He suffered all for us.When angels by transgression fell,
Justice consigned them all to hell;
But mercy formed a wondrous plan,
To save and honor fallen man.Jesus, who passed the angels by,
Assumed our flesh to bleed and die;
And still He makes it His abode,
As man, He fills the throne of God.Our next of kin, our Brother now,
Is He to Whom the angels bow;
They join with us to praise His Name,
But we the nearest interest claim.But ah! how faint our praises rise!
Sure, ’tis the wonder of the skies;
That we, who share His richest love,
So cold and unconcerned should prove.O glorious hour, it comes with speed
When we from sin and darkness freed,
Shall see the God Who died for man,
And praise Him more than angels can.Play source: Cyberhymnal