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Nehemiah 1:1--6:19


Nehemiah <05166> [Nehemiah.]

month <02320> [in the month.]

twentieth <06242> [in the twentieth.]

Susa <07800> [Shushan.]

Shushan, or Susa, was the capital of Susiana, a province of Persia, and the winter residence of the Persian monarchs; situated about 252 miles east of Babylon, and the same distance south-south-east of Ecbatana, in lat. 32 degrees, long. 49 degrees. The circumference of its walls was about 120 stadia. Shouster is supposed to occupy its site.


Hanani <02607> [Hanani.]

asked <07592> [I asked.]

escaped <06413> [that had escaped.]


province <04082> [the province.]

considerable <01419> [in great.]

reproach <02781> [reproach.]

wall <02346> [the wall.]


sat down <03427> [I sat down.]

God <0430> [the God.]


great <01419> [the great.]

keeps ........... obey <08104> [keepeth.]


ear <0241> [thine ear.]

day ... night <03119 03915> [day and night.]

confessing <03034> [confess.]

family <01> [both I.]


behaved corruptly against <02254> [dealt.]

behaved corruptly against <02254> [corruptly.]

commandments <04687> [the commandments.]

commanded <06680> [which thou.]


recall <02142> [Remember.]

unfaithfully <04603> [If ye transgress.]


repent <07725> [if ye turn.]

gather <06908> [yet will I.]

bring <0935> [will bring.]

place <04725> [the place.]


servants <05650> [Now these.]

redeemed <06299> [whom.]

mighty ...... powerful <02389> [thy strong.]


listen <0241> [Let now.]

take pleasure <02655> [who desire.]

show <05414> [grant.]

king <04428> [For I was.]

The office of cup-bearer was one of great trust, honour, and emolument, in the Persian court. To be in such a place of trust he must have been in the king's confidence; for no eastern potentate would have a cup-bearer to whom he could not trust his life, poison being often administered in that way. It was an office much desired, because it gave access to the king in those seasons of hilarity when men are most disposed to grant favours.


Nisan <05212> [Nisan.]

twentieth <06242> [the twentieth.]

took <05375> [I took up.]


appear <06440> [Why is thy.]

sadness <07455> [sorrow.]

very <03966> [Then I.]

Probably the king spoke as if he had some suspicion that Nehemiah harboured some bad design, and that his face indicated some conceived treachery, or remorse; and, indeed, the words rendered sad, and sorrow of heart, might be rendered evil, and wickedness of heart.


king ... king <04428> [Let the king.]

Far from wishing ill to my master, I wish him to live for ever.

city <05892> [the city.]

O .......... dejected <01004> [the place.]


seeking <01245> [For what.]

prayed <06419> [So I prayed.]


inclined <02895> [If it please.]

servant <05650> [and if thy.]


consort <07694> [the queen. Heb. the wife.]

It was probably Esther who was present at this time, and who seconded Nehemiah's request.

<03190> [So it pleased.]

gave .... time <02165 05414> [I set him a time.]

It is probable that this time was no more than six months, or a year; after which he either returned, or had his leave of absence lengthened, as we find he was twelve years governor of the Jews.


letters <0107> [let letters.]

travel <05674> [that they may.]


wall <02346> [the wall.]

temple .......... house <01004> [the house.]

king's ...................................... king <04428> [the king.]


governors <06346> [to the governors.]


king ... king <04428> [Now the.]


Sanballat <05571> [Sanballat.]

Horonite <02772> [Horonite.]

official <05650> [the servant.]

Ammonite <05984> [the Ammonite.]

<03415> [it grieved.]

come <0935> [there was come.]



got <06965> [I arose.]

tell .................. animals <05046 0929> [neither.]

God <0430> [my God.]

This pious and noble-minded man attributes every thing to God. If he purposed any good, it was because God put it into his heart; if he did or received any good, it was because the good hand of his God was upon him; if he expected any good, it was because he earnestly prayed God to remember him for good.


Gate ................ Gate ............. gates <08179> [the gate.]

Gate ............... Dung Gate ............. gates <08179 0830> [the dung port.]

This was the gate on the eastern side of the city, through which the filth was carried to the brook Kidron and valley of Hinnom.

walls <02346> [the walls.]


Gate <05869 08179> [the gate of the fountain.]

The gate leading either to the fountain of Siloam, on the east of the city, or to that of Gihon, on the west.

King's Pool <01295 04428> [the king's pool.]

Probably the aqueduct made by Hezekiah to bring the waters of Gihon to the city of David.


valley <05158> [the brook. The brook Kidron.]

Gate <08179> [the gate.]

The gate leading to the valley of Jehoshaphat, east of the city, through which the brook Kidron flows. It was by this gate he went out; so that he went round the whole of the city, and entered by the same gate.


officials .................................... officials <05461> [the rulers.]


see <07200> [Ye see.]

<03212> [come.]

reproach <02781> [a reproach.]


hand .......................... readied <03027> [the hand.]


<02388> [So they strengthened.]


Sanballat <05571> [Sanballat.]

Geshem <01654> [Geshem.]

[Gashmu. they.]

rebelling <04775> [will ye rebel.]


God <0430> [The God.]

just <02506> [ye have no.]

ancient <02146> [memorial.]

When Nehemiah had prayed for the relief of his countrymen, and perhaps in David's words, Ps 51:18, he did not sit still and say, "Let God now do his own work, for I have no more to do;" but set himself to do what he could towards it; and here we find that the people were of one heart with Nehemiah. Our prayers must be seconded with our serious endeavours, or else we mock God. Nearly four months had passed, namely, from Chisleu to Nisan (November to March), before Nehemiah made his application to the king for leave to go to Jerusalem; either because the winter was not a proper time for such a journey, and he would not make a motion till he could pursue it, or because it was so long before his month of waiting upon the king came, and there was no coming into his presence until called for, Es 4:11. We are not thus limited to certain moments in our addresses to the King of kings, but have liberty of access to him at all times; to the throne of grace we never come unseasonably.


Eliashib <0475> [Eliashib.]

Sheep Gate <06629 08179> [the sheep gate.]

This gate is supposed to have immediately communicated with the temple, and to have been called the sheep gate, because the sheep intended for sacrifice passed through it. But, after all which learned men have written on this subject, which is but of little interest, we scarcely know any thing about these gates: what they were, why called by these names, or in what part of the wall they were situated, beyond what may be learned from the parallel passages.

dedicated .... erected ......... Tower ....... Tower <06942 05975 04026> [sanctified it.]

Tower ....... Tower <04026> [the tower.]


adjacent .......... adjacent <03027> [next unto him. Heb. at his hand. the men.]

Zaccur <02139> [Zaccur.]


Fish Gate <08179 01709> [the fish gate.]

beams <07136> [the beams.]

doors <01817> [the doors.]


Meremoth <04822> [Meremoth.]

Uriah <0223> [Urijah.]

[Uriah. Meshullam.]


Tekoa <08621> [the Tekoites.]

town leaders <0117> [their nobles.]

assist <0935 06677> [put not.]



Gibeonite <01393> [the Gibeonite.]

Mizpah <04709> [Mizpah.]

jurisdiction <03678> [the throne.]

That is, probably, the palace of the Persian governor, west of the Euphrates; the term throne being used to signify any royal abode: for Sir J. Chardin, describing a splendid tent erected by the king of Persia, says "that there was an inscription wrought upon the cornice of the anti-chamber, which gave it the appellation of the throne of the second Solomon." Sitting upon a throne has, however, sometimes been granted to governors.


goldsmiths <06884> [the goldsmiths.]

perfumers <07546> [of the apothecaries.]

plastered <05800> [fortified. or, left. the broad wall.]


head <08269> [the ruler.]


house <01004> [even.]

Hattush <02407> [Hattush.]


Harim <02766> [Harim.]

Pahath-Moab <06355> [Pahath-moab.]

another section <04060 08145> [other piece. Heb. second measure. the tower.]


head <08269> [the ruler.]

daughters <01323> [he and his daughters.]


Valley Gate .............................. Gate <01516 08179> [the valley gate.]

Zanoah <02182> [Zanoah.]

There were two towns of the name of Zanoah in the tribe of Judah: see the parallel passages.


Dung Gate <08179 0830> [the dung gate.]

head <08269> [the ruler.]

Beth Hakkerem <01021> [Beth-haccerem.]

Beth-haccerem was a town of Judah, situated on a mountain, between Jerusalem and Tekoa, according to Jerome on Jer. ch. 6. Dr. Pococke conjectures that the Mountain of the Franks, called also the Mount of Bethulia, from a village of that name near it, west-north-west of Tekoa, is the ancient Beth-haccerem; the position of which seems to agree with the citadel of Herodium, built by Herod, on a moderate-sized hill, sixty furlongs from Jerusalem.


Gate <08179> [the gate.]

head <08269> [the ruler.]

Mizpah <04709> [Mizpah.]


Siloam <07975> [Siloah.]

Siloah was situated under the eastern wall of Jerusalem, between that city and the brook Kedron, and is described by Chateaubriand as lying at the foot of Mount Zion. Dr. Richardson represents the pool of Siloam as occurring higher up the valley of Jehoshaphat, towards the north, than the well of Nehemiah, a little beyond the village of Siloa, and nearly opposite the tombs of Jehoshaphat and Zechariah.


[Siloam. the stairs.]


head <08269> [the ruler.]

Beth Zur <01049> [Beth-zur.]

tombs <06913> [the sepulchres.]

artificial pool <01295> [the pool.]

House <01004> [the house.]


head <08269> [the ruler.]

Keilah <07084> [Keilah.]


Jeshua <03442> [Jeshua.]

Mizpah <04709> [Mizpah.]

buttress <04740> [the turning.]


Zabbai <02079> [Zabbai. or, Zaccai. earnestly.]

Eliashib <0475> [Eliashib.]


Meremoth <04822> [Meremoth.]


Hakkoz <06976> [Koz.]


district <0582 03603> [the men of the plain.]


house ............... house <01004> [over against.]

Azariah <05838> [Azariah.]

Maaseiah <04641> [Maaseiah.]


Binnui <01131> [Binnui.]

another ... from <08145 04060> [another piece.]

That which had been left by Azariah, after he had repaired the wall by his own house. It is probable that some of the principal people were either obliged, or voluntarily offered, to repair those parts of the wall which were opposite, or adjacent, to their own houses. The names of those who repaired the walls are commemorated, because it was an undertaking of piety, virtue, and courage, to restore the holy city.

buttress <04740> [the turning.]


<04428> [the king's.]

court <02691> [by the court.]

Pedaiah <06305> [Pedaiah.]

Parosh <06551> [Parosh.]


temple servants <05411> [Nethinims.]

who ... living <03427> [dwelt, etc. or, which dwelt in Ophel, repaired unto. Ophel. or, the tower.]

Water <04325> [the water.]

The water gate is supposed to have been that by which the Nethinim brought in water for the use of the temple.


Tekoa <08621> [the Tekoites.]


wall <02346> [the wall.]


Horse <05483> [the horse.]

each <0376> [every one.]


son ............ son <01121> [the son.]

Shecaniah <07935> [Shechaniah.]

East Gate <08179 04217> [the east gate.]


another section <08145 04060> [another piece.]

Meshullam <04918> [Meshullam.]



goldsmiths <06885> [the goldsmith's.]

room above ... corner <06438 05944> [going up of the corner. or, corner-chamber.]


Sheep Gate <08179 06629> [the sheep gate.]

Thus the whole city was surrounded with a wall; for Eliashib began at the sheep gate.

goldsmiths <06884> [the goldsmiths.]

The word {tzeraphim} may denote smiths, or refiners, or persons that worked in metals of any kind; but it is generally understood of those who worked in gold. From the remotest period of the history of the Jews, they had artists in all the elegant and ornamental trades; and it appears that goldsmiths, apothecaries, and merchants were formed into companies in the time of Nehemiah.


Sanballat <05571> [Sanballat.]

derided <03932> [mocked.]


<02428> [the army.]

feeble <0537> [feeble.]

left ....... offer sacrifice <05800 02076> [fortify themselves. Heb. leave to themselves. sacrifice.]

life <02421> [revive.]


Tobiah <02900> [Tobiah.]


Hear <08085> [Hear.]

despised <0939> [despised. Heb. despite. turn.]


cover ... iniquity <03680 05771> [cover not.]

sin <02403> [their sin.]

builders <01129> [before the builders.]


wall ..... wall <02346> [and all the wall.]

That is, the whole circuit of the wall was completed unto half the intended height.

people <05971> [for the people.]

The original is very emphatic, {wyhee laiv l‰ƒm l„ƒsoth,} "for the people had a heart to work." Their heart was engaged in it, and they went about it cheerfully and vigorously.

<03820> [had a mind.]


Sanballat <05571> [Sanballat.]

Ammonites <05984> [the Ammonites.]

Ashdod <0796> [Ashdodites.]

When <08085> [heard.]

restoration <0724> [were made up. Heb. ascended. then.]


together <03162> [all.]

create <06213> [hinder it. Heb. make an error to it.]


prayed <06419> [Nevertheless.]

stationed ... guard <04929 05975> [set a watch.]


strength <03581> [The strength.]

laborers <05449> [bearers.]


aware <03045> [They shall not.]


repeatedly <06471 06235> [ten times.]

schemes <04725> [From all places, etc. or, That from all places ye must return to us. ye shall return.]

Houbigant, Michaelis, and Dathe contend, that instead of {tashoovoo,} "ye shall return," we should read {chashevoo,} "they designed."


So ... stationed ............... stationed <05975> [Therefore.]

lower places <04725 08482> [in the lower places. Heb. from the lower parts of the place, etc. their swords.]


[Be ye not afraid.]

Remember <02142> [remember.]

great <01419> [great.]

fight <03898> [fight.]


God <0430> [God.]

each <0376> [every one.]


men <05288> [my servants.]

half .......... half <02677> [and the other half.]

This is no unusual thing in Palestine, even at the present day; people sowing their seed are often attended by armed men, to prevent the Arabs from robbing them of it.

body armor <08302> [habergeons.]

{Habergeon,} from the Teutonic {hals,} the neck, and {bergen,} to cover, defend, may be considered as signifying a breast-plate, though the Franco-Gallic {hautbergon} signifies a coat of mail; the original {shiryon,} we have already seen, denotes a corslet.


carrying loads <05447 05375> [bare burdens.]

one ........ other <0259> [every one.]

That is, he had his arms at hand; and was as fully prepared to fight as to work. The builders could not possibly have made any progress, if they had literally held a weapon in one of their hands; but the expression is evidently figurative, implying that every man was a much a soldier as a builder.

one ........ other <0259> [with one.]


sides <04975> [by his side. Heb. on his loins. he that sounded.]


God <0430> [our God.]


<06213> [So we.]


man <0376> [every one.]


relatives <0251> [So neither I.]

Each <0376> [saving that, etc. or, every one went with his weapon for water.]

The original of this obscure clause is {ish shilcho hammayim,} which is rendered by Montanus, {vir missile suum aquas,} "a man his dart to the waters," of which it is difficult to make sense. It is wholly omitted by the LXX.; and one of De Rossi's MSS. reads, {meshallachah Æ’l hammayim,} "in order to send them to the water."


great outcry <06818 01419> [a great cry.]

fellow <0251> [their brethren.]


sons <01121> [We, our sons.]

must obtain grain <01715 03947> [we take up corn.]


putting up .......... collateral <06148> [mortgaged.]

famine <07458> [because.]


taxes .... king <04060 04428> [the king's tribute.]


flesh ... blood <01320> [our flesh.]

found ... necessary to subject .............. subjected to slavery <03533> [we.]



considered .... carefully <03820 04427> [I consulted with myself. Heb. my heart consulted in me.]

registered a complaint <07378> [I rebuked.]

seizing the collateral <04855 05378> [Ye exact usury.]

called .... great ... assembly <01419 06952 05414> [I set a great assembly.]


<01767> [We after.]

bought <07069> [redeemed.]

fellow ...... sold ........... sell .... countrymen <04376 0251> [sell your.]

sold ........... sell <04376> [shall they.]

silent <02790> [held.]


<02896> [It is not.]

<03212> [walk.]

reproach <02781> [reproach.]


relatives <0251> [I likewise.]

But .... abandon <05800> [I pray you.]

But .... abandon <05800> [leave.]


return <07725> [Restore.]

fields <07704> [their lands.]

interest <03967> [the hundredth.]

This was probably the rate of interest which they obliged their poor debtors to pay each month, which would amount to about 12 per cent. Another author states that this is the lowest rate of interest in Syria: the usual rate is 20; and it is sometimes as high as 30 per cent.


return <07725> [We will restore.]

called <07121> [I called.]


shook out ... garment .......... shake out ....................... shaken out <02684 05287> [I shook my lap.]

So "when the Roman ambassadors entered the senate of Carthage, they had their toga gathered up in their bosom, and said, We carry here peace and war; you may have which you will. The senate answered, You may give which you please. They then shook their toga, and said, We bring you war."--Livy.

God <0430> [So God.]

emptied <07386> [emptied. Heb. empty, or void. Amen.]

praised <01984> [praised.]

people <05971> [the people.]


twentieth <06242> [from the twentieth.]

relatives <0251> [I and my.]

food <03899> [the bread.]


associates ... also <01571 05288> [even their.]

behave <06213> [so did.]

preceded ...................................... due to <06440> [because.]


purchasing <02388> [I continued.]

purchasing <07069> [neither bought.]

associates <05288> [all my.]


dined <07979> [Moreover.]

He kept open house, and entertained all comers; besides having 150 Jews, who had their food constantly at his table, and at his expense.

dined <07979> [at my table.]

150 <03967> [an hundred.]


prepared <06213> [Now that.]

one ox <07794 0259> [one ox.]

This was food sufficient for more than two hundred men. Bp. Pococke says that the bey of Tunis had daily twelve sheep, with fish and fowls, soups, oranges, eggs, onions, boiled rice, etc., etc. His nobles dined with him; after they had done, the servants sat down; and when they had finished, the poor took what was left. Here the bey's twelve sheep are equal to Nehemiah's one ox and six choice sheep; and probably the mode of living between the two was nearly alike. It is still the practice in the East to calculate the expenses of the table, not by the money paid, but by the provisions consumed by the guests.

require <01245> [required.]

work <05656> [because the bondage.]


remember <02142> [Think.]

done <06213> [according to.]


Sanballat <05571> [when Sanballat.]

Geshem <01654> [Geshem.]


[Gashmu. no breach.]

time <06256> [at that time.]


<03212> [Come.]

They wished to get him out of Jerusalem, from his friends, that they might either carry him off or murder him.

Ono <0207> [Ono.]

intended <02803> [they thought.]


sent <07971> [And I sent.]

<06213> [I am doing.]


four times <06471 0702> [four times.]

responded <07725> [and I answered.]


open letter <06605 0107> [with an open letter.]

This was a gross insult to a person of Nehemiah's quality; as the letters sent to chiefs and governors in the East are always carefully folded up, put in silk bags, and then sealed.


rumored <08085> [It is reported.]

Geshem <01654> [Gashmu.]

[Geshem. that thou and.]

become <01933> [that thou mayest.]


established <05975> [appointed.]

king ...... king <04428> [a king.]

talk about this <03212 03289> [Come now.]


engaged <01961> [There are.]

imagination <0908> [thou feignest.]


were .... scare <03372> [For they.]

hands ................. hands <03027> [Their hands.]

strengthen <02388> [Now therefore.]


Shemaiah <08098> [Shemaiah.]

confined ......... up ... time <06113> [shut up.]

meet <03259> [Let us meet.]

house ............................ house <01004> [the house.]

close <05462> [let us shut.]

night <03915> [in the night.]


like ....... like me <03644> [Should such.]

flee .............. go <0935> [would go.]


recognized <05234> [I perceived.]

God .... sent <0430 07971> [God had.]

agent <07936> [hired him.]


scare <03372> [that I should.]

sin <02398> [and sin.]

reproach <07451> [and that they.]

discredited <08034 02778> [report, that.]


God <0430> [My God.]

Remember ..... Tobiah <02142 02900> [think thou.]

prophetess <05031> [on the prophetess.]


wall <02346> [wall.]

fifty-two <02572> [fifty.]


enemies <0341> [when all our enemies.]

knew <03045> [for they perceived.]


aristocrats <02715> [the nobles.]

letters ... Tobiah ... responses ... Tobiah <01980 07235 0107 02900> [sent many letters unto Tobiah. Heb. multiplied their letters passing to Tobiah.]


Arah <0733> [Arah.]

Meshullam <04918> [Meshullam.]


said <0559> [they reported.]

things <01697> [words. or, matters. to put.]

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