NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Revelation 12:10


I heard <191> [I heard.]

kingdom <932> [the kingdom.]

ruling authority <1849> [the power.]

accuses <2723> [the accuser.]

Revelation 15:4


Who <5101> [Who.]

and glorify ............. and <2532 1392> [and glorify.]

alone <3441> [thou only.]

because ...... All ......... for <3754 3956> [for all.]

your ... because ............. you for your <4675 3754> [for thy.]

Revelation 17:14


will make war <4170> [shall make.]

Lamb .... Lamb will conquer <721 3528> [the Lamb shall.]

Lord of lords <2962> [Lord.]

with .... but ............. and ..... and ... accompanying ........ and <2532 3326> [and they.]

but ............. and ..... and .......... and faithful <2532 4103> [and faithful.]

Revelation 20:4


thrones <2362> [thrones.]

souls <5590> [the souls.]

had been beheaded <3990> [beheaded.]

testimony <3141> [the witness.]

Then ..... and ............................... and ........ These .......... and ................. and <2532 3748> [and which.]

Then ..... and seated .............................. and ................. and ............. They came to life and <2532 2523 2198> [and they.]

Psalms 22:27-28


<0657> [All the ends.]

turn <07725> [turn.]

nations <04940> [and all.]


Psalms 72:11


kings <04428> [all kings.]

nations <01471> [all nations.]

Psalms 86:9


nations <01471> [All.]

honor <03513> [glorify.]

Psalms 89:15-17


worship <03045> [know.]

favor <0216> [in the light.]


name <08034> [name.]

justice <06666> [righteousness.]


splendor <08597> [For thou.]

victorious <07161> [our horn.]

Isaiah 2:2-3


future <0319> [And it shall.]

future <0319> [in the last.]

mountain ............. mountains <02022> [the mountain.]

endure <03559> [established. or, prepared. and all.]


up <03212 05927> [Come ye.]

teach <03384> [he will teach.]

Zion <06726> [for out.]

Isaiah 49:6-7


insignificant ......... servant <07043 05650> [It is a light thing that. or, Art thou lighter, than that, etc.]

<05341> [preserved. or, desolations. I will also.]

deliverance <03444> [that thou mayest.]


protector <01350> [the Redeemer.]

one .... despised <05315 0960> [to him whom man despiseth. or, to him that is despised in soul.]

servant <05650> [to a.]

Kings <04428> [Kings.]

chosen <0977> [and he.]

Isaiah 49:22-23


raise ......................... carry <05375> [Behold.]

arms <02684> [arms. Heb. bosom.]


Kings <04428> [kings.]

Cyrus, Darius, Artaxerxes, and other Persian monarchs, as well as Alexander the Great, and his successors, particularly Demetrius, conferred many privileges and immunities on the Jewish people, and were munificent benefactors to their temple. But the prophecy was more remarkably and fully fulfilled in the favour which Constantine the Great, and other Christian princes and princesses from his time to the present day, have shewn to the church of Christ; though it cannot be disputed, that the grand and signal accomplishment of these predictions is yet future.

guardians <0539> [nursing fathers. Heb. nourishers.]

princesses <08282> [queens. Heb. princesses. bow.]

lick <03897> [lick up.]

shame <0954> [for they.]

Isaiah 55:5


summon <07121> [thou shalt.]

nations ....... nations <01471> [nations.]

bestows <06286> [he.]

Isaiah 60:3-14


Nations <01471> [the Gentiles.]

kings <04428> [kings.]


<05375> [Lift.]

come ...... come <0935> [they come.]


look <07200> [thou shalt see.]

your <07337> [be enlarged.]

riches .... lands <03220 02015 01995> [abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee. or, noise of the sea shall be turned towards thee.]

wealth <02428> [forces. or, wealth.]


caravans <08229> [multitude.]

Midian <04080> [Midian.]

Sheba <07614> [all.]

<05375> [bring.]

singing <01319> [they shall shew.]


sheep <06629> [the flocks.]

go up <05927> [they shall.]

honor <06286> [I will.]


fly <05774> [fly.]

cloud <05645> [a cloud.]

doves <03123> [as the.]


coastlands <0339> [the isles.]

ships <0591> [the ships.]

sons <01121> [thy sons.]

honor <08034> [unto.]

bestowed honor <06286> [because.]


Foreigners <01121> [the sons.]

kings <04428> [their kings.]

anger <07110> [in my wrath.]


gates <08179> [Therefore.]

The subject of this chapter, says Bp. Lowth, is the great increase and flourishing state of the church of God, by the conversion and accession of the heathen nations to it; which is set forth in such ample and exalted terms, as plainly shew that the full completion of this prophecy is reserved for future times. This subject is displayed in the most splendid colours, under a great variety of images highly poetical, designed to give a general idea of the glories of that perfect state of the church of God, which we are taught to expect in the latter times; when the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in, and the Jews shall be converted and gathered from their dispersions, and "the kingdom of this world shall become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ."

gates <08179> [thy gates.]

wealth <02428> [forces. or, wealth.]

5 *marg:



splendor <03519> [The glory.]

That is, the cedar; and as the choice timber of Lebanon beautified Solomon's temple, that footstool of Jehovah; so shall the peculiar advantages of every nation, and of every description of men, concur to beautify the church of Christ, which He has determined to make glorious. The language then becomes more energetic, and the images employed more grand and magnificent; and nothing can answer to the glorious description but some future exalted state of the church on earth, or the church triumphant in heaven; though several expressions seem to limit it to the church below.

beautify <06286> [to beautify.]

palace ........ throne room <04725> [the place.]


children <01121> [sons.]

City <05892> [The city.]

Jeremiah 16:19


strength <05797> [my strength.]

Nations <01471> [Gentiles.]

ancestors <01> [Surely.]

help <03276> [wherein.]

Daniel 2:44-45


days <03118> [in the days. Chal. in their days.]

That is, in the days of one of these kingdoms, (see Ru 1:1,) i.e, the Roman; in which the "God of heaven set up" the spiritual kingdom of the Messiah, which shall yet "become a great mountain, and fill the whole earth."

God <0426> [the God.]

raise up ...................................... stand <06966> [set up.]

everlasting ..................................... forever <05957> [which shall never.]

kingdom ......... kingdom ....................... kingdoms <04437> [kingdom. Chal. kingdom thereof. break.]


saw <02370> [thou sawest.]

not ... human hands <03809 03028> [without hands. or, which was not in hands.]

great <07229> [the great.]

[make known.]

future <0311> [hereafter. Chal. after this.]

Daniel 7:14


given <03052> [given.]

All <03606> [that all.]

eternal <05957> [an everlasting.]

Daniel 7:18


holy ones <06922> [the saints.]

Most High <05946> [most High. Chal. high ones, that is, things, or places.]

Daniel 7:22


Ancient <06268> [the Ancient.]

judgment <01780> [judgment]

Daniel 7:27


kingdom authority ...... kingdoms ..................... kingdom ..... kingdom ... authorities <04437 07985> [the kingdom and.]

kingdom ....... kingdoms ..................... kingdom ..... kingdom <04437> [whose kingdom.]

all ........................ all <03606> [and all.]

authority ................................ authorities <07985> [dominions. or, rulers.]

Hosea 2:23


plant <02232> [I will sow.]

pity ..... Lo-Ruhamah <07355> [and I will have.]

say .............. say <0559> [and I will say.]

God <0430> [Thou art my God.]

Amos 9:11-12


day ........................... days <03117> [that day.]

rebuild ............ repair <06965> [raise.]

hut <05521> [the tabernacle.]

seal <01443> [close. Heb. hedge, or wall.]

day ........................... days <03117> [as in.]


conquer <03423> [possess.]

Edom <0123> [Edom.]

subject .... rule <07121 08034> [which are called by my name. Heb. upon whom my name is called.]

Micah 4:1-2


future <0319> [in the last.]

Mount ....... mountain <02022> [the mountain.]

People <05971> [and people.]


saying <0559> [and say.]

teach <03384> [and he.]

instruction <08451> [for.]

Zephaniah 3:9-10


enable <02015> [will.]

praise <08193> [language. Heb. lip.]

Ge 11:1 *marg:

invoke <07121> [that.]

unison <07926> [consent. Heb. shoulder.]


Zechariah 2:11


Many <07227> [many.]

day <03117> [in that day.]

people <05971> [my people.]

know <03045> [thou.]

Zechariah 8:20-23


come <0935> [there.]


<03212> [Let.]

go ...... Let's go ...................... go <01980> [speedily. or, continually. Heb. going.]

favor .... Lord ..... Lord <06440 03068 02470> [pray before the Lord. Heb. intreat the face of the Lord.]

<03212> [I will.]



ten <0582 06235> [ten men.]

languages <03956> [out.]

grasp hold .... grab <02388> [take.]

<03212> [We will.]

heard <08085> [we have.]

Zechariah 14:9


Lord .............. Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

Lord .............. Lord ...... one .... single <03068 0259> [one Lord.]

Lord .............. Lord .......... name <03068 08034> [and.]

Malachi 1:11


east <04217> [from.]

As the preceding verse was a prediction of the abolition of the Levitical priesthood, so this is a prophecy of the conversion of the Gentiles, and the spiritual priesthood of the Gospel times. As none but priests of Aaron's race might burn incense before Jehovah, a total change of the external administration of the sacred ordinances is evidently predicted.

name ................. name ..... name <08034> [my name.]

<04725> [and in.]

Incense <06999> [incense.]

east ...... name ................. name ..... name <04217 08034> [for.]

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