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2 Kings 11:4-12


seventh <07637> [A.M. 3126. B.C. 878. the seventh.]

officers <08269> [rulers.]

Carians <03746> [the captains.]

made ... agreement <01285 03772> [made a covenant.]

swear <07650> [took an oath.]


on duty <0935> [that enter.]

guard <04931> [the watch.]


Foundation Gate ............ gate <05495 08179> [the gate of Sur.]

<04535> [that it be not broken down. or, from breaking up.]


units <03027> [parts. or, companies. Heb. hands. go forth.]


approaches .............. goes <0935> [he that cometh.]


officers <08269> [the captains.]


King David's spears <04428 01732 02595> [king David's spears.]

Josephus states that, for fear of creating suspicion, they came unarmed, "and Jehoiada having opened the arsenal in the temple which David had prepared, he divided among the centurions, priests, and Levites, the spears (arrows), and quivers, and all other kinds of weapons which he found there."


<0376> [every man.]

side ........ side <03802> [corner. Heb. shoulder. by the altar.]


out <03318> [he brought.]

placed ..... crown <05145 05414> [put the crown.]

insignia <05715> [the testimony.]

poured ........ clapped <04886 05221> [anointed him.]

clapped <05221> [and they clapped.]

{Wyyakkoo kaph,} "they clapped the hand," which Mr. Harmer thinks was similar to the mode in which Oriental females express their respect for persons of high rank, by gently applying one of their hands to their mouth. So Pitts relates, that in some of the towns of Barbary, the leaders of the sacred caravan being received with loud acclamations, "the very women get upon the tops of the houses to view the parade, or fine show, where they keep striking their four fingers on their lips, as fast as they can, making a joyful noise all the while."

cried out <0559> [and said.]

king's ................................ live ... king <02421 04428> [God save the king. Heb. Let the king live.]

2 Kings 11:2


Jehosheba <03089> [Jehosheba.]

[Jehoshabeath. Joram.]

[Jehoram. Joash.]

[Jehoash. they hid him.]

room <02315> [in the bed-chamber.]

{Bachadar hammittoth,} "in a chamber of beds;" which Sir J. Chardin thinks does not mean a room to sleep in, but a chamber used as a repository for beds; for, in the East, they sleep upon cotton mattresses, "of which they have several in great houses, against they should have occasion, and a room on purpose for them."

2 Kings 23:1-11


king <04428> [the king.]


youngest .... oldest <06996 01419> [both small and great. Heb. from small even unto great.]

read <07121> [he read.]

scroll <05612> [the book.]


stood .............................................. agreed <05975> [stood.]

renewed ... covenant ............................... covenant ............. covenant <01285 03772> [made a covenant.]

<03212> [to walk.]

commandments <04687> [his commandments.]

heart <03820> [with all their heart.]

being ................ people <05315 05971> [And all.]


priest ... high-ranking priests <04932 03548> [priests of the second order.]

These were either such as occasionally supplied the high priest's office, or those of the second course or order established by David. See the References.

<08104> [the keepers.]

bring out <03318> [to bring.]

Baal <01168> [Baal.]

Kidron <06939> [Kidron.]

[Cedron. Beth-el.]


eliminated <07673> [put down. Heb. caused to cease. the idolatrous priests.]

Heb. Chemarim.

Ho 10:5 *marg:

"Foretold. Zep 1:4, 5."

constellations <04208> [planets. or, twelve signs, or constellations.]

So the Vulgate {duodecim signa,} "the twelve signs," i.e., the zodiac; which is the most probable meaning of the word {mazzaloth,} from the Arabic {manzeel,} a {caravanserai,} house, or dwelling, as being the apparent dwellings of the sun in his annual course; and the Targumists and Rabbins often employ the words {tereysar mazzalaya,} to denote the signs of the zodiac.

stars <06635> [all the host.]


Asherah pole <0842> [the grove.]

Or rather, Asherah, or Astarte.

burned <08313> [and burned.]

graveyard <06913> [the graves.]

public <01121> [the children.]

Probably the common people.


male cultic prostitutes <06945> [the sodomites.]

women <0802> [where.]

quarters .......... temple ...... shrines <01004> [hangings. Heb. houses.]


Geba <01387> [from, etc.]

The northern and southern borders of Judah.

Geba <01387> [Geba.]

Beer Sheba <0884> [Beer-sheba.]


priests <03548> [the priests.]

eat <0398> [but they did.]


Topheth <08612> [Topheth.]

[Tophet. the valley.]

son <01121> [might make.]


sun ............................ sun <08121> [the sun.]

Lord's temple <03068 01004> [house of the Lord.]

Throughout the East, the horse because of his swiftness and utility, was dedicated to the sun; and the Greeks and Romans feigned that the chariot of the sun was drawn by four horses, Pyrous, Eous, Aithon, and Phlegon: and hence also chariots were dedicated to that luminary. Jarchi says, that those who adored the sun had horses, which they mounted every morning, to go out to meet him at his rising. The kings of Judah had imitated these idolatrous customs, and kept the horses of the sun even at the entrance of the temple of the Lord!

eunuch <05631> [chamberlain. or, eunuch, or officer.]

2 Kings 23:2


youngest .... oldest <06996 01419> [both small and great. Heb. from small even unto great.]

read <07121> [he read.]

scroll <05612> [the book.]

Colossians 1:3-4


give thanks <2168> [give.]

when ... pray <4336> [praying.]


heard <191> [we.]

faith <4102> [faith.]

love <26> [the love.]

Ephesians 6:10-18


<3063> [Finally.]

be strengthened <1743> [be.]


Clothe <1746> [Put.]

full armor <3833> [the whole.]

may be able <1410> [able.]

schemes <3180> [the wiles.]


struggle <3823> [wrestle.]

flesh and blood <4561 2532 129> [flesh and blood. Gr. blood and flesh.]

rulers <746> [principalities.]

against ...... against .... against .... against ... world rulers ..... against <2076 4314 2888> [against the.]

spiritual .... evil <4152 4189> [spiritual wickedness. or, wicked spirits. high. or, heavenly.]


take up <353> [take.]

full armor <3833> [the whole.]

[Panoplia <\\See definition 3833\\>,] a complete suit of armour, both offensive and defensive, from [pan,] all, and [hoplon <\\See definition 3696\\>,] armour.

on ... evil <1722 4190> [in the.]

having done everything <537 2716> [done all. or, overcome all. to stand.]


by fastening the belt ....... by putting on <4024 1746> [having.]

breastplate <2382> [the breastplate.]

The [thorax <\\See definition 2382\\>,] or breastplate, consisted of two parts; one of which covered the whole region of the thorax or breast, and the other the back, as far down as the front part extended.


feet <4228> [your.]

good news <2098> [the gospel.]


shield <2375> [the shield.]

The [thureos <\\See definition 2375\\>] was a large oblong shield, or scuta, like a door, [thura <\\See definition 2374\\>,] made of wood and covered with hides.

extinguish <4570> [to quench.]


helmet <4030> [the helmet.]

sword <3162> [the sword.]

<3603> [which.]


pray <4336> [Praying.]

petition ................... requests <1162> [supplication.]

at .... in ... Spirit ........ with <1722 4151> [in the.]

be alert <69> [watching.]

every ....... all ............. all perseverance ..... all <3956 4343> [all perseverance.]

petition ................... requests <1162> [supplication.]

Ephesians 6:1


obey <5219> [obey.]

in <1722> [in.]

for <1063> [for.]

Ephesians 1:18


eyes <3788> [eyes.]

<2076> [is.]

of his calling ...... of his <2821 846> [his calling.]

wealth <4149> [the riches.]

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