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2 Kings 18:1--19:37


third <07969> [A.M. 3278. B.C. 726. in the third.]

Hezekiah <02396> [Hezekiah.]



twenty-five years old .......... twenty-nine years <06242 02568 08141 01121> [Twenty and five years old.]

As Ahaz was 20 years old when he began to reign, and died when he had reigned 16 years, his whole age only amounted to 36 years; and as Hezekiah was, at least, entering on his 25th year when he began to reign, then Ahaz must have been under 12 years of age when his son was born! This is not at all impossible: and there are well-attested facts of men having children at as early a period, especially in eastern countries.

Abi <021> [A.M. 3278-3306. B.C. 726-698. Abi.]



approved <05869 03477> [right in the sight.]

David <01732> [according.]


eliminated <05493> [removed.]

smashed ............... demolished <07665 03807> [brake.]

sacred pillars <04676> [images. Heb. statues. the brasen serpent.]

time <03117> [unto those days.]

Nehushtan <05180> [Nehushtan.]

That is, a piece of brass.


trusted <0982> [trusted.]

kings ....... after <0310 04428> [after him.]


loyal <01692> [he clave.]

None of the kings of Judah, from the time of the division of the kingdom, equalled Hezekiah in the stedfastness and simplicity of his dependence upon the Lord; in which he aspired to an equality with his progenitor David, who had reigned over the whole land. Even Asa, through weakness of faith, sought the assistance of a heathen prince; and Jehoshaphat formed an alliance with idolatrous Ahab; but Hezekiah clave to the Lord, in entire confidence and unreserved obedience, to the end of his life.

him ... obeyed <0310 08104> [from following him. Heb. from after him. kept.]


Lord <03068> [And the Lord.]

endeavors <07919> [he prospered.]

rebelled <04775> [rebelled.]


Philistines <06430> [the Philistines.]

Gaza <05804> [Gaza. Heb. Azzah. from the tower.]


fourth year .......... year <08141 07243> [A.M. 3281. B.C. 723. the fourth year.]

Shalmaneser <08022> [Shalmaneser.]



captured ..... sixth .................. captured <03920 08337> [A.M. 3283. B.C. 721. they took it.]


king <04428> [the king.]

Halah <02477> [Halah.]

It is thought, with much probability, that Halah, or Chalach, is Ptolemy's Calachene, the northern part of Assyria; that Habor, or Chabor, is the mountain or mountainous country, between Media and Assyria, called by Ptolemy, [Chaboras,] Chaboras; and that Gozan is Gauzanitis of Ptolemy, situated between that mountain and the Caspian sea, and between the two channels of the river Cyrus.


obey ............... pay attention <08085 06963> [they obeyed not.]

Moses <04872> [Moses.]


fourteenth <0702> [A.M. 3291. B.C. 713. the fourteenth.]

Sennacherib <05576> [Sennacherib. Heb. Sanherib. come up.]


have violated <02398> [I have offended.]



doors <01817> [gold.]

King ............................. king <04428> [it. Heb. them.]


king .................. King <04428> [A.M. 3294. B.C. 710. the king.]

general <08661> [Tartan.]

Calmet remarks, that these are not the names of persons, but of offices: {Tartan} signifies "he who presides over gifts or tribute;" {Rabsaris,} "the chief of the eunuchs;" and {Rabshakeh,} "the chief cup-bearer."

large <03515> [great. Heb. heavy. the conduit of the upper pool.]

If the Fuller's field were near En-Rogel, or the Fuller's fountain, east of Jerusalem, as is generally supposed, then the conduit of the upper pool may been an aqueduct that brought the water from the upper or eastern reservoir of that fountain, which had been seized in order to distress the city.


Eliakim <0471> [Eliakim.]

Shebna <07644> [Shebna.]

scribe <05608> [the scribe. or, secretary.]

2Sa 8:17 *marg:

secretary <02142> [the recorder.]


chief adviser <07262> [Rab-shakeh.]

He was the chief speaker, being a very eloquent man, and, according to the Hebrews, whom Procopius follows, an apostate Jew; which is not improbable, as he spoke Hebrew so fluently; and when he blasphemed the Divine Majesty, the king and nobles rent their clothes, which was usual unless the blasphemer were an Israelite.

said .... Tell <0559> [Thus saith.]

confidence <0986> [What confidence.]


claim <0559> [sayest. or, talkest. vain words. Heb. word of the lips. I have counsel and strength for the war. or, but counsel and strength are for the war.]

rebel <04775> [rebellest.]


trusting .................................. trust <0982> [trustest. Heb. trustest thee. the staff.]

Egypt ........................... Egypt <04714> [upon Egypt.]

Pharaoh <06547> [so is Pharaoh.]


trusting <0982> [We trust.]

high places <01116> [whose high places.]


deal <06148> [pledges. Heb. hostages.]

give <05414> [I will deliver.]


refuse <07725> [How then.]

trust <0982> [thy trust.]

chariots <07393> [chariots.]


marched up ............ March up <05927> [Am I now.]


Speak ............ speak <01696> [Speak.]

Perceiving that the object of this blasphemous caitiff was to stir up the people to sedition, they mildly and reasonably required him to make his proposals in the Syrian language.

Aramaic <0762> [in the Syrian language.]


eat <0398> [eat.]

<04325> [their own piss. Heb. the water of their feet.]


chief adviser <07262> [Rab-shakeh.]

king ... king ... Assyria <04428 0804> [the king of Assyria.]


says <0559> [saith.]

Hezekiah <02396> [Let not.]


trusting <0982> [make you.]

city <05892> [this city.]


Send .... token of your submission <06213 01293> [Make an agreement with me. or, Seek my favour. Heb. Make with me a blessing.]

each ..... eat .... own ........... own <0398 0376> [eat ye.]

cistern <0953> [cistern. or, pit.]


come <0935> [I come.]

land ....... land ........ land ....... land <0776> [like your own.]

misleading <05496> [persuadeth. or, deceiveth.]


actually <0376> [Hath any.]


gods ......... gods <0430> [the gods.]

Hamath <02574> [Hamath.]

Hamath, there is little doubt, was the Epiphania of the Greeks, as Josephus, Theodoret, and Jerome, expressly assert. It was a celebrated city of Syria, situated on the Orontes, and the present Hamah doubtless occupies its site; as Abulfeda, who was prince or emir of Hamah about A.D. 1345, expressly states, in his Description of Syria, that Hamah is an ancient city mentioned in the writings of the Israelites. It is still a considerable town, situated on both sides of the Orontes, about three days' journey and a half from Tripoli; and must contain, Burckhardt says, at least 30,000 inhabitants.

Arpad <0774> [Arpad.]

Arpad is probably the town of Arphas, mentioned by Josephus as limiting the province of Gamalitis, Gaulanitis, Batanea, and Trachonitis, to the N. E.; and the Raphan, or Raphanea, which Stephanus places near Epiphania.

gods ......... gods <0430> [the gods.]


rescue <05337> [have they delivered.]


gods <0430> [Who are.]

Lord <03068> [that the Lord.]


silent <02790> [held their peace.]


clothes torn <0899 07167> [with their clothes rent.]


King <04428> [when king.]

tore <07167> [he rent.]

<03680> [covered.]

went ..... temple <0935 01004> [went into.]


sent Eliakim <0471 07971> [he sent Eliakim.]

Isaiah <03470> [to Isaiah.]

[Esaias. the son of Amoz.]


day ........ when <03117> [This day.]

humiliation <05007> [blasphemy. or, provocation.]

baby <01121> [for the children.]


Lord ................................. Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

king <04428> [whom the king.]

punish <03198> [reprove.]

perhaps <05375> [lift up.]

remnant <07611> [the remnant.]

remains <04672> [left. Heb. found.]


Isaiah <03470> [Isaiah.]

afraid <03372> [Be not afraid.]

servants <05288> [the servants.]


mind <07307> [a blast.]

receive ... report <08052 08085> [hear a rumour.]

cut ... down <05307> [I will cause.]


Libnah <03841> [Libnah.]

Lachish <03923> [Lachish.]


heard <08085> [when he heard.]

When Sennacherib had levied contributions on Hezekiah, he marched his army into Egypt; where, after several successes, he laid siege to Pelusium, and spent much time in it; but hearing that Tirhakah, king of Ethiopia, whom Strabo calls Therchon, was marching against him with a great army, to assist his kinsman Sevechus, or Sethon, the king of Egypt, he durst not abide his coming, but raised the siege; and returning to Judea, he encamped against Lachish, and afterwards against Libnah. But finding that Tirhakah pursued him as a fugitive, he marched back to encounter him; and having totally routed his army, he returned to wreak his vengeance on Hezekiah.

sent <07971> [sent.]




gods <0430> [Have the gods.]

Gozan <01470> [Gozan.]

Haran <02771> [Haran.]

[Charran. Rezeph.]

Rezeph was probably either Rezapha, which Ptolemy places in the Palmyrene, west of the Euphrates; or rather, Rezipha, in Mesopotamia, east of the Euphrates.

Eden <05729> [Eden.]



king ..... king ...... king <04428> [the king.]

Arpad <0774> [Arpad.]



Hezekiah ............ Hezekiah <02396> [Hezekiah.]

spread .... before <06566 06440> [spread it.]


prayed <06419> [prayed.]

Lord Lord God ............. God <03068 0430> [O Lord God.]

who ... enthroned <03427> [dwellest.]

God ............. God <0430> [thou art the God.]

made <06213> [thou hast made.]


Pay <05186> [bow down.]

Open <06491> [open.]

sent <07971> [which hath sent.]


true <0551> [Of a truth.]

kings <04428> [the kings.]


burned <05414> [have cast. Heb. have given.]

gods .......... gods <0430> [for they were.]


Lord ..................... Lord <03068> [O Lord.]


prayer <06419> [which thou hast.]

heard <08085> [I have heard.]


virgin <01330> [The virgin.]

daughter .......... Daughter <01323> [the daughter.]

shakes ... head <07218 05128> [shaken her head.]


taunted .............. arrogantly <02778 07311> [Whom.]

shouted ..... arrogantly <06963 07311> [exalted thy voice.]

Holy One ... Israel <06918 03478> [the Holy One.]


Through <03027> [By. Heb. By the hand of. messengers.]

<07230> [With the multitude.]

tall cedars <0730 06967> [tall cedar trees thereof. Heb. tallness of the cedar-trees thereof. the forest of his Carmel. or, the forest, and his fruitful field.]


dug <06979> [I have digged, etc.]

I have conquered strange countries, and marched through the driest places, in which I have digged wells for my army.

soles <03709> [with the sole.]

My infantry have been so numerous, that they alone have been sufficient to dry up all the rivers of besieged places, either by drinking them, or by diverting their course into other channels.

Egypt <04693> [besieged places. or, fenced places.]


heard <08085> [Hast thou not, etc. or,]

Hast thou not heard how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and fenced cities to be ruinous heaps? I have done it.


powerless <03027 07116> [of small power. Heb. short of hand.]

terrified ......... plants <02865 06212> [they were.]

plants ............. grass <06212 02682> [the grass.]


know <03045> [I know.]

live <03427> [abode. or, sitting. thy going out.]


rage <07264> [thy rage.]

uproar <07600> [thy tumult.]

I ... put <07760> [I will put.]

This alludes to the method by which the common people manage their beasts in the East, especially the dromedaries, which are governed by a bridle fastened to a ring, which runs through the nostril of the beast.

way <01870> [by the way.]


confirmation <0226> [a sign.]

eat ................................ consume <0398> [Ye shall eat.]


remain <07604 06413> [the remnant that, etc. Heb. the escaping of the house of]

Judah that remaineth.

<03254> [shall yet again.]


Jerusalem <03389> [For.]

come out <06413> [they that escape. Heb. the escaping. the zeal.]


enter <0935> [He shall not come.]

build siege works <05550 08210> [cast a bank.]


way <01870> [By the way.]


shield <01598> [I will defend.]

servant <05650> [for mine.]

servant <05650> [my servant.]


night <03915> [that night.]

messenger <04397> [the angel.]

killed <05221> [and smote.]

got up early <07925> [when they arose.]


Sennacherib <05576> [Sennacherib.]

Nineveh <05210> [Nineveh.]


Nisroch <05268> [Nisroch.]

struck ... down ............. son <01121 05221> [his sons smote.]

land <0776> [the land.]

Armenia or Ararat is a province of Asia, comprising the modern Turcomania and part of Persia; having Georgia on the north, Curdistan, or the ancient Assyria on the south, and Asia Minor, now Natolia, on the west.

Ararat <0780> [Armenia. Heb. Ararat.]

Esarhaddon <0634> [Esar-haddon.]

2 Kings 24:1--25:30


During <03117> [his days.]

Nebuchadnezzar <05019> [Nebuchadnezzar.]

This prince, so famous in the writings of the prophets, was the son of Nabopollasar king of Babylon.


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

<01697> [according.]

servants <05650> [his. Heb. the hand of his.]


announced <06310> [Surely.]

rejected ... because <05493 06440> [remove them.]

sins <02403> [for the sins.]


innocent .............. forgive <05355> [for the innocent.]

stained <04390> [he filled.]

Lord <03068> [which.]


rest <03499> [the rest.]


passed away <07901> [A.M. 3405. B.C. 599. slept]

As Jehoiakim was "buried with the burial of an ass," by being "drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem," without internment, the expression "slept with his fathers," can only mean that the died, or slept the sleep of death. In the East, a body exposed during the night would be a prey to wild animals; if any of it were left till the morning, the carnivorous birds would devour it.

Jehoiachin <03078> [Jehoiachin.]

As this man reigned only three months, and was a mere vassal of the king of Babylon, his reign is scarcely reckoned; and therefore Jeremiah (ch. 31:30) says of Jehoiakim, "he shall have none to sit upon the throne of David."


king .............. king .......... king <04428> [the king.]

Brook <05158> [from the river.]


Jehoiachin <03078> [Jehoiachin.]




eighteen years <08141 08083> [eighteen years.]

In the parallel place, he is said to be only eight years old; but this must be a mistake, for we find that having reigned only three months, he was carried captive to Babylon, and there had wives; and had he been of such a tender age, it could scarcely have been said that, as a king, "he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord."


time <06256> [At that time.]

<0935> [was besieged. Heb. came into siege.]


Jehoiachin <03078> [Jehoiachin.]

eunuchs <05631> [officers. or, eunuchs. took him.]

[eigth year.]

"Nebuchadnezzar's eighth year."


<03318> [he carried.]

removed <07112> [and cut.]

Solomon <08010> [which Solomon.]


Jerusalem ..... officials ..... soldiers .......... craftsmen <03389 08269 01368 02796> [all.]

That is, all the chief men, the nobles, and the artificers. Among these were 7,000 mighty men, and 1,000 craftsmen and smiths.

Jerusalem <03389> [Jerusalem.]

craftsmen <02796> [craftsmen. So]

poorest <01803> [the poorest sort.]


deported <01540> [he carried.]

eunuchs <05631> [officers. or, eunuchs.]


7,000 ..... 1,000 <0505 07651> [seven thousand.]


king <04428> [the king.]

uncle <01730> [his father's brother.]

He was son of Josiah, brother to Jehoiakim, and uncle of Jehoiachin.

<05437> [changed.]

The change of name was to shew Nebuchadnezzar's supremacy, and that Zedekiah was only his vassal or viceroy. The custom of changing names, we are assured by travellers, still exists in the East.


Zedekiah <06667> [A.M. 3405-3416. B.C. 599-588. Zedekiah.]

Hamutal <02537> [Hamutal.]


did ............ done <06213> [And he did.]


anger <0639> [through.]

Zedekiah <06667> [Zedekiah.]


ninth <08671> [A.M. 3414. B.C. 590. in the ninth.]

This according to the computation of Archbishop Usher, was on Thursday, January 30th, A.M. 3414, which was a sabbatical year; wherein they proclaimed liberty to their servants, according to the law, but soon enthralled them again. (See Jer 34:8-10.)

Nebuchadnezzar <05019> [Nebuchadnezzar.]


set up camp <02583> [pitched.]


ninth ...... month <08672 02320> [A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. the ninth day.]

famine <07458> [the famine.]

food <03899> [there was no.]


city ...................................... city <05892> [the city.]

This being the ninth day of the fourth month, corresponded to Wednesday, July 27.

night <03915> [fled.]

<03212> [and the king.]


caught <05381> [and overtook.]


captured <08610> [they took.]

Riblah <07247> [Riblah.]

sentence <04941 01696> [gave judgment upon him. Heb. spake judgment with him.]


executed <07819> [they slew.]

put out <05786> [and put out. Heb. and made blind.]

Thus were fulfilled the apparently contradictory prophecies of Jeremiah and Ezekiel--that his eyes should see the king of Babylon, but Babylon he should not see, though he should die there.

bound .... bronze <0631 05178> [bound him.]


fifth month <02320 02549> [in the fifth month.]

This answered to Wednesday, August 24; and three days after he reduced the temple to ashes, and carried Judah captive; in the 11th year of Zedekiah; the 19th of Nebuchadnezzar; 424 years, 3 months, and 8 days from the foundation of the temple; 468 years from the beginning of the reign of David; 388 years from the division of the ten tribes; and 134 years from their captivity.

nineteenth <08672> [the nineteenth.]

Nebuzaradan <05018> [Nebuzar-adan.]

captain <07227> [captain. or, chief marshal.]


burned down .............. including <08313> [he burnt.]

royal <04428> [the king's.]


tore <05422> [brake.]


rest ...................... rest <03499> [the rest.]

deserted <05307> [fugitives. Heb. fallen away.]


left behind ..... poor <07604 01803> [left of the poor.]


Babylonians ..... bronze pillars .... Lord's temple ...... movable stands ..... bronze .......... bronze <05982 01004 03068 04350 05178 03778> [the.]

pillars <05982> [pillars.]

movable stands <04350> [bases.]


pots <05518> [the pots.]


golden <02091> [and such things.]


[one sea. Heb. the one sea. the brass.]


pillars ........... one ........................ pillar <05982 0259> [one pillar.]


captain <07227> [captain.]

Seraiah <08304> [Seraiah.]

Zephaniah <06846> [Zephaniah.]

priest ..... priest .... second <03548 04932> [the second priest.]

Called by the Jews, {sagan,} who officiated for the high priest in case of any temporary incapacity.

doorkeepers <05592> [door. Heb. threshold.]


eunuch <05631> [officer. or, eunuch. were in the king's presence. Heb. saw the king's face.]

official <08269> [principal. or, scribe of the captain of the host.]


<03212> [and brought.]


king <04428> [the king.]

These men were put to death as accessories to Zedekiah's rebellion; for the king of Babylon had no doubt found that they had counselled him to revolt.

Judah <03063> [So Judah.]


people <05971> [the people.]

Gedaliah <01436> [Gedaliah.]

Ahikam <0296> [Ahikam.]


officers <08269> [And when.]

Mizpah <04709> [Mizpah.]

There were several places of the name of Mizpah, or Mizpeh, and we do not certainly know which of them this was; but it is probable that it was that situated east of Jordan, in the mountains of Gilead, (Ge 31:49,) and most contiguous to Babylon; and therefore the most proper for the residence of Gedaliah.


oath <07650 0582> [sware to them.]

well <03190> [and it shall be.]


seventh <07637> [seventh.]

Ishmael <03458> [Ishmael.]

royal <04410> [royal. Heb. of the kingdom.]



thirty-seventh ............. twenty-seventh <07651> [A.M. 3442. B.C. 562. it came to pass.]

King ............. King .... Babylon .......... King <04428 0894> [king of Babylon.]

pardoned <07218 05375> [lift up the head.]


kindly ..... gave <02896 05414> [kindly to him. Heb. good things with him. the throne.]


took off <08132> [changed.]

ate <03899 0398> [he did eat bread.]


day <03117 01697> [a daily rate.]

life .... day <03117 02416> [all the days of his life.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE TWO BOOKS OF KINGS. The events detailed in these books are highly interesting and important. The account of the wisdom, magnificence, and extended commerce of Solomon; the rash and impolitic conduct of Rehoboam; the disobedient prophet; the widow of Zarephath; Elijah and the prophets of Baal; Ben-hadad's pride and defeat; Elijah's assumption into heaven; Elisha's succession to his ministry, and the series of illustrious miracles he performed; the panic flight of the Syrians; the history of Ben-hadad and Hazael; and the predicted death of Ahab and Jezebel, and their children, are all pregnant with instruction, and have furnished themes for frequent dissertation. We perceive in these impressive histories the characters and qualities of men painted with the utmost fidelity, and the attributes of God displayed with great effect: we contemplate the exact accomplishment of God's promises and threatenings, the wisdom of his dispensations, and the mingled justice and mercy of his government. The particulars and circumstances are sketched out with a brief and lively description, and the imagination lingers with pleasure in filling up the striking outlines presented to our view. The authenticity of these books is attested by the prophecies they contain, which were subsequently fulfilled; by the citation of our Saviour and his Apostles; by their universal reception by the Jewish and Christian churches; and by the corresponding testimonies of profane authors and ancient sculptures.

2 Kings 25:2

2 Kings 1:1


Moab <04124> [Moab.]

After ... died <0310 04194> [after the.]

2 Kings 1:1


Moab <04124> [Moab.]

After ... died <0310 04194> [after the.]

Jeremiah 4:7


lion <0738> [lion.]

destroys <07843> [destroyer.]

lay <07760> [to.]

Jeremiah 39:1-3


ninth <08671> [A.M. 3414. B.C. 590. the ninth.]

tenth <06224> [the tenth.]

This was the month Tebeth, (Es 2:16,) which began with the first moon of January; and it was on the 10th of this month that Nebuchadnezzar invested the city.


fourth <07243> [A.M. 3416. B.C. 588. the fourth.]

This was the month Tammuz, which commences with the first moon of July: the siege had lasted just eighteen months.

broke <01234> [was.]


other officers <08269 07611> [all the.]

Nergal-Sharezer .......... Nergal-Sharezer <05371> [Nergalsharezer.]

Nebo-Sarsekim <08310> [Sarsechim.]

These were the principal commanders; but Dr. Blayney thinks that, instead of six persons, we have in reality but three, as the name that follows each is the title of the office. Thus Nergal-Sharezer, who was Samgar-nebo, or keeper, i.e., priest of Nebo; Sarsechim, who was Rab-saris, or chief eunuch; and Nergal-sharezer, who was Rab-mag, or chief magi; as the words {mog} in Persian, {magoos} in Arabic, {magooshai} in Syriac, and [magos <\\See definition 3097\\>,] in Greek, signify; and we learn from Justin and Curtius that the magi attended the king in war.

Jeremiah 51:34


King <04428> [the king.]

drove .... out <03322> [he hath made.]

swallowed <01104> [swallowed.]

Jeremiah 52:7


city ............. city ........................ city <05892> [the city.]

<0582> [all the men.]

Jeremiah 52:12-14


fifth <02549> [fifth.]

tenth <06218> [the tenth.]

It appears from the parallel passage of Kings, that Nebuzar-adan came from Riblah to Jerusalem on the seventh of the fifth month; but it seems that he did not set fire to the temple and city till the tenth day, being probably occupied on the intervening days in taking the vessels out of the house of the Lord, and collecting together all the riches that could be found. In memory of this calamity, the Jews devote two fasts to this day; the seventeenth of the fourth month, which falls in June, for the destruction of Jerusalem, and the ninth of the fifth month, which falls in July, for the destruction of the temple; both of which are mentioned by Zechariah as kept from this event till his time, a period of seventy years, under the names of the fast of the fourth month, and fast of the fifth month.

nineteenth <08672> [the nineteenth.]

captain .... royal guard <07227 02876> [captain of the guard. or, chief marshal. Heb. chief of the executioners, or slaughtermen, and so.]

14 39:9 Ge 37:36 *margins [All]

served <05975> [served. Heb. stood before.]


burned down .............. including <08313> [burned.]

royal <04428> [the king's.]


tore <05422> [brake.]

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