Genesis 31:1--33:20
Jacob <03290> [Jacob.]
rich <03519> [glory.]
"Glory" is here used for "wealth," riches, or property; since those who possess riches, generally make them the subject of glory. The original word cavod, signifies both "glory" and "weight."
face <06440> [countenance.]
attitude <08543> [it was.]
[as before. Heb. as yesterday and the day before.]
Return <07725> [Return.]
land <0776> [land.]
[with thee.]
can <07200> [I see.]
God <0430> [the God.]
ten times <06235 04489> [ten times.]
The Hebrew, {asereth monim,} is literally, as Aquila renders, "ten numbers;" and Symmachus, "ten times in number;" which probably implies an indefinite number: see ver. 41.
God <0430> [God.]
dream <02472> [a dream.]
male goats <06260> [rams. or, he-goats. ringstraked.]
spotted <01261> [grisled.]
The original word, {beroodim,} from {barad,} "hail" means marked with white spots like hail; to which our word grisled, from the old french {gresle,} now {grele,} hail, perfectly agrees; hence {gresle,} spotted with white on a dark ground.
angel <04397> [the angel.]
[Here am I.]
Observe <05375> [Lift up.]
Observe ................... observed <07200> [I have seen.]
God <0410> [the God.]
return <07725> [return.]
Rachel <07354> [Rachel.]
portion <02506> [yet any.]
sold ..... wasted <04376 0398> [sold us.]
God .................. God <0430> [which God.]
God .................. God <0430> [whatsoever.]
camels <01581> [upon camels.]
set out <0935> [for to go.]
household idols <08655> [images. Heb. teraphim.]
These might have been images devoted to superstitious or idolatrous purposes, as they are termed gods by Laban, in ver. 30. The Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan render it, {tzalmanaya,} "images;" the LXX. and Theodoret, [eidolon <\\See definition 1497\\,] "idols;" Aquilla, [morphomata,] "figures;" and the Persian, {asterlabha,} "astrolabes."
Laban <03820 03837> [unawares to Laban. Heb. the heart of Laban. See references on ver. 27.]
crossed <05674> [passed.]
headed <07760 06440> [set his.]
Gilead <01568> [Gilead.]
Aramean <0761> [the Syrian.]
dream <02472> [dream.]
Be careful <08104> [Take heed.]
bless nor curse <02896 05704 07451> [either good or bad. Heb. from good to bad.]
done <06213> [What.]
You've <05090> [carried.]
run away <01272> [Wherefore.]
deceive ...... tell <01589 05046> [steal away from me. Heb. hast stolen me.]
send <07971> [that I.]
celebration <08057> [with mirth.]
tambourines <08596> [tabret.]
kiss <05401> [kiss.]
foolishly <05528> [foolishly.]
power <0410> [the power.]
God <0430> [the God.]
last night <0570> [yesternight.]
Be careful <08104> [Take.]
gods <0430> [my gods.]
afraid <03372> [Because.]
Whoever has <0834> [whomsoever.]
This was rash, and might have produced fatal effects; but Jacob was partial to Rachel, and did not suspect her; and he was indignant at being accused of a crime which he deeply abhorred. Scott.
presence <05048> [before.]
Jacob <03290> [For Jacob.]
Leah's ..................... Leah's <03812> [Leah's.]
taken <03947> [had taken.]
<03733> [furniture.]
The word, {car,} rendered "furniture," properly denotes "a large round pannier," placed one on each side of a camel, for a person, especially women, to ride in. It is a hamper, like a cradle, having a back, head, and sides, like a great chair. Moryson describes them as "two long chairs like cradles, covered with red cloth, to hang on the two sides of the camel." Hanway calls them {kedgavays,} which "are a kind of covered chairs, which the Persians hang over their camels in the manner of {panniers,} and are big enough for one person to sit in." Thevenot, who calls then {counes,} says that they lay over them a cover, which keeps then both from the rain and sun; and Maillet describes them as covered cages, hanging on each side of a camel. The late Editor of Calmet has furnished a correct delineation of these cars, as seen on one side of a camel, copied from Dalton's Prints of Egyptian Figures.
searched <04959> [searched. Heb. felt.]
lord <0113> [my lord.]
stand up <06965> [rise up.]
having <01870> [custom.]
angry <02734> [was wroth.]
Set <07760 03541> [set it here.]
twenty <06242> [twenty.]
ewes <07353> [ewes.]
rams <0352> [the rams.]
torn ....... brought <02966 0935> [torn of.]
<02398> [I bare.]
absorbed ...... always made me pay ... every missing ..... was taken .... or <01589> [or stolen.]
fourteen <0702> [fourteen.]
ten times <06235 04489> [ten times.]
If <03884> [Except.]
fears <06343> [fear.]
saw <07200> [hath seen.]
<03772> [let us.]
proof <05707> [a witness.]
God can put a bridle into the mouth of wicked man to restrain their malice; and then, though they have no love for his people, they will pretend to it, and try to make a merit of necessity. Scott.
relatives <0251> [brethren.]
Gather <03950> [Gather.]
pile ....... pile <01530> [an heap.]
The word {gal,} rendered "heap," properly signifies a round heap or circle; probably like the Druidical remains in this country, which have been traced in India, Persia, Western Asia, Greece, and Northern Europe. These usually consist of irregular circles of large stones, with a principal one in the midst; the former probably being used for seats, and the latter for an altar; corresponding to the stone set up as a pillar by Jacob, and the heap of stones collected by his brethren. They appear to have been used, as Gilgal undoubtedly was, (Jos 4:5; Jud 2:1; 3:19; ch. 20. 1 Sa 7:16; 10:8, 17; 11:15; 13:7; 15:33. 2 Sa 19:15, 40. 2 Ki 2:1.) as temples, and as places for holding councils, and assembling the people. For a satisfactory elucidation of this subject, consult the Fragments to Calmet, Nos. 156, 735, 736.
Jegar Sahadutha <03026> [Jegar-sahadutha. i.e., the heap of witness. Chald. Galeed. i.e., the heap of witness. Heb.]
pile <01530> [This heap.]
Galeed <01567> [Galeed. or, Gilead.]
Mizpah <04709> [Mizpah. i.e., a beacon, or watch-tower.]
mistreat <06031> [afflict.]
God <0430> [God.]
set <03384> [I have cast.]
For {yarithi,} "I have set up," we may read yaritha, "Thou hast set up," with one Heb. and one Sam. MS: see ver. 45.
God ... Abraham .... god ..... gods <085 0430> [God of Abraham.]
father .............. father <01> [their father.]
For {avihem,} "Their father," several MSS. read avichem, "Your father," for Terah was an idolater: see Jos 24:2.
judge <08199> [judge.]
oath <07650> [sware.]
feared <06343> [fear.]
offered ... sacrifice <02076 02077> [offered sacrifice. or, killed beasts. did eat.]
kissed <05401> [and kissed.]
blessed <01288> [blessed.]
returned <07725> [returned.]
angels <04397> [angels.]
God <0430> [God's.]
named <08034> [the name.]
[Mahanain. i.e., two hosts, or camps.]
Mahanaim was situated between Gilead and the river Jabbok, near the present Djezan.
sent <07971> [sent.]
land <0776> [land.]
The land, or mountains, of Seir was situated south and east of the Dead Sea; forming a continuation of the eastern Syrian chain of mountains, beginning with Antilibanus, and extending from thence to the eastern gulf of the Red Sea.
Seir <08165> [Seir.]
region <07704> [country. Heb. field. Edom.]
lord <0113> [my lord.]
servant <05650> [servant.]
oxen <07794> [have oxen.]
find <04672> [may find.]
hundred <03967> [and four.]
very <03966> [greatly.]
upset <03334> [distressed.]
divided <02673> [and he.]
Jacob <03290> [Jacob.]
God ...... God <0430> [O God.]
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
not worthy ..... faithful love <06994 02617> [not worthy of the least of all. Heb. less than all.]
faithful love <02617> [mercies.]
faithful <0571> [truth.]
walking stick <04731> [my staff.]
two camps <04264 08147> [two bands.]
Rescue <05337> [Deliver.]
mothers <0517> [the mother.]
<05921> [with. Heb. upon.]
said <0559> [thou.]
prosper <03190> [I will.]
sent <0935> [which.]
sent <03027> [to his hand.]
Or, "under his hand" or power; i.e., what Providence had put in his power or possession.
gift <04503> [a present.]
This was a princely present. The "thirty milch camels" were particularly valuable; for among the Arabs they constitute a principal part of their riches; being every way so serviceable, that the providence of God appears peculiarly kind and wise in providing such animals for those countries, where no other animal could be of equal service. The she-camel gives milk continually, not ceasing even when with young; the milk of which, when mixed with three parts of water, affords the most pleasant and wholesome beverage.
distance <07305> [space.]
<03212> [Whose art.]
appease ... by <03722> [I will appease.]
accept <05375> [peradventure.]
ahead <06440> [of me. Heb. my face.]
two wives ... two <08147 0802> [his two wives.]
ford .... Jabbok <04569 02999> [the ford Jabbok.]
Or, "the ford of Jabbok," a stream which takes its rise in the mountains of Gilead, and falls into the Jordan to the south of the lake of Gennesareth. It is now called the Zerka.
across <05674> [sent them. Heb. caused to pass.]
wrestled <079> [wrestled.]
<0376> [man.]
daybreak <07837 05927> [breaking of the day. Heb. ascending of the morning.]
could <03201> [that he.]
struck <05060> [touched.]
Let me ........... let <07971> [Let me go.]
Let me ........... let <07971> [I will not.]
bless <01288> [thou bless.]
name <08034> [Thy name.]
Israel <03478> [Israel. i.e., a prince of God. as a prince.]
Or, according to the LXX., Vulgate, Houbigant, Dathe, and Rosenmuller, "because thou hast power with God, thou shalt also prevail with men." There is a beautiful antithesis between the two terms, with [Elohim,] {Elohim,} god, the Almighty, with [anashim,] {anashim,} weak, feeble men, as the word imports; seeing thou hast had power with the Almighty, surely thou shalt prevail over perishing mortals.
fought <08280> [power.]
<0582> [with men.]
man <02088> [Wherefore.]
blessed <01288> [blessed.]
Jacob <03290> [Jacob.]
Peniel <06439> [Peniel. i.e., the face of God.]
Peniel, or Penuel, was evidently situated near the ford of Jabbok, on the north of that stream, about forty miles from Jerusalem.
seen <07200> [I have.]
rose ............ limping <02224 06760> [rose upon.]
limping <06760> [he halted.]
eat ... sinew ...................... sinew <0398 01517> [eat not.]
Esau ... coming <0935 06215> [Esau came.]
divided <02673> [And he.]
Rachel <07354> [Rachel.]
himself went <05674> [passed.]
bowed <07812> [bowed.]
seven times <07651 06471> [seven times.]
embraced <02263> [embraced.]
hugged ... neck <05307 06677> [fell on.]
asked ......... replied <0559> [with. Heb. to. children.]
[What meanest thou by all this drove? Heb. What is all this band to thee?]
find <04672> [to find.]
have plenty <07227 03426> [have enough.]
brother <0251> [my brother.]
[keep that thou hast unto thyself. Heb. be that to thee that is thine.]
found <04672> [if now.]
accept <03947> [receive.]
To accept a present from an inferior was a customary pledge of friendship; but returning it implied disaffection. It was on this ground that Jacob was so urgent with Esau to receive his present.
seen ............... seen <07200> [I have seen.]
present <01293> [my blessing.]
all <03605> [and because.]
all <03605> [enough. Heb. all things.]
take ........................ urged .... took <06484 03947> [urged him.]
children <03206> [the children.]
pace <07272> [according as, etc.]
Heb. according to the foot of the work, etc.; and according to the foot of the children.
pace <07272> [be able.]
Seir <08165> [unto Seir.]
leave <03322> [leave. Heb. set, or place.]
What needeth it? Heb. Wherefore is this?
kind <02580 04672> [find grace.]
Succoth ..................... Succoth <05523> [Succoth.]
Succoth ..................... Succoth <05523> [Succoth. i.e., Booths.]
Succoth was on the east of Jordan, between the brook Jabbok and that river, about 40 miles from Jerusalem, and consequently near Penuel; where a city was afterwards built, which Joshua assigned to the tribe of Gad. Jerome says, that Succoth was in the district of Scythopolis; and the Jews inform us, that the name of Darala was sometime after applied to it.
<08004> [Shalem.]
The word {Shalem,} in the Samaritan {Shalom,} should probably be rendered "in peace," or "in safety;" as it is translated by the Chaldee, Arabic, Coverdale, and Matthewes.
city ... Shechem ............ city <05892 07927> [a city of Shechem.]
Or, rather, "the city Shechem," which was situated in a narrow valley, abounding with springs, between Mounts Ebal and Gerizim, having the former on the north, and the latter on the south; 10 miles from Shiloh, and 34 from Jerusalem. It became the capital of Samaria, after the ruin of the city of that name.
[Sychem. Padan-aram.]
purchased <07069> [bought.]
Hamor <02544> [Hamor.]
[Emmor. pieces of money. or, lambs.]
altar <04196> [altar.]
[El-elohe-Israel. i.e., God, the God of Israel.]
Genesis 9:17-20
Shem <08035> [Shem.]
Ham ..... Ham <02526> [Ham.]
Canaan <03667> [Canaan. Heb. Chenaan.]
<07969> [These.]
earth <0776> [and of.]
<0376> [an husbandman.]
plant <05193> [planted.]
Isaiah 16:8
fields <07709> [the fields.]
vines <01612> [the vine.]
rulers <01167> [the lords.]
Jazer <03270> [Jazer.]
spread out <05203> [stretched out. or, plucked up.]
Revelation 18:14-20
you greatly desired ..... you ........... you <5590 4675> [thy soul.]
has gone <565> [departed.]
<3588> [which.]
will stand <2476> [shall.]
Woe woe <3759> [Alas.]
<3391> [in one.]
And every .... and all ........ and <2532 3956> [And every.]
<3708> [when.]
Who <5101> [What.]
they threw <906> [they cast.]
with weeping <2799> [weeping.]
because <3754> [for.]
Rejoice <2165> [Rejoice.]
and ... saints and ... and <2532 40> [and ye.]
It is peculiarly worthy of remark, that the apostles, who are idolatrously honoured at Rome, and daily worshipped, should be specially mentioned as rejoicing in her fall; as if it "avenged them" on her, for the dishonour cast on their characters, while it vindicated the glory of God.
God <2316> [God.]