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Genesis 3:15


hostility <0342> [enmity.]

offspring .... offspring <02233> [thy seed.]

offspring .... offspring <02233> [her seed.]

attack ....... attack <07779> [it shall.]

attack ....... attack <07779> [thou.]

Genesis 22:18


descendants <02233> [And in.]

obeyed <08085> [obeyed.]

Genesis 49:10


scepter <07626> [sceptre.]

ruler's staff <02710> [lawgiver.]

feet <07272> [between.]

<03588> [until.]

obey <03349> [the gathering.]

Deuteronomy 18:15-18


prophet <05030> [a Prophet.]

listen <08085> [like unto me.]

listen <08085> [unto him.]


Horeb <02722> [in Horeb.]

hear <08085> [Let me not hear.]



raise <06965> [raise them.]

put <05414> [like unto.]

put <05414> [will put.]

speak <01696> [he shall.]

Psalms 110:1-4


[A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. (Title.)]

This Psalm was probably composed by David after Nathan's prophetic address; and, from the grandeur of the subject and the sublimity of the expressions, it is evident that it can only refer, as the ancient Jews fully acknowledged, to the royal dignity, priesthood, victories, and triumphs of the MESSIAH.

Lord's <03068> [The Lord.]

Sit down <03427> [Sit.]

make <07896> [until.]


dominion <04294> [the rod.]

Zion <06726> [out.]

Rule <07287> [rule.]


people ......... battle ............ youth <05971 02428 03208> [Thy.]

when <03117> [day.]

hills <01926> [beauties.]

sunrise <07358> [from the womb, etc. or, more than the womb of the morning: thou shalt have, etc. thou hast.]


Lord <03068> [Lord.]

revoke <05162> [will not.]

priest <03548> [Thou.]

Isaiah 7:14


young woman <05959> [Behold.]

<07121> [shall call. or, thou, O virgin, shalt call.]

<0410> [Immanuel.]

Isaiah 9:6-7


child <03206> [For unto.]

son <01121> [unto us a son.]

responsibility <04951> [the government.]

called <08034> [his name.]

Strategist <03289> [Counsellor.]

Mighty God <01368 0410> [The mighty God.]

Everlasting <05703 01> [The everlasting Father.]

Prince ... Peace <08269 07965> [The Prince of Peace.]


vast <04766> [the increase.]

strengthening ..... justice <05582 04941> [to establish it.]

intense devotion <07068> [The zeal.]

Isaiah 11:1


grow out <03318> [And there shall.]

The prophet having described the destruction of the Assyrian army under that of a mighty forest, here takes occasion to represent the Great Person, who makes the subject of this chapter, as a slender twig, shooting out of the trunk of an old tree; which tender twig, though weak in appearance, should become fruitful and prosper.

Jesse's <03448> [of Jesse.]

bud <05342> [a Branch.]

Isaiah 40:10-11


sovereign Lord <03069 0136> [the Lord God.]

victorious ..... power <02389 02220> [with strong hand. or, against the strong.]

power <02220> [his arm.]

reward <07939> [his reward.]

prize <06468> [his work. or, recompence for his work.]


shepherd ... tends <07462> [feed.]

gathers up <06908> [he shall gather.]

leads <05095> [shall gently lead.]

A beautiful image, as Bp. Lowth remarks, expressive of the tender attention of the shepherd to his flock. That the greatest care in driving the cattle, in regard to the dams and their young, was necessary, appears clearly from Jacob's apology to his brother Esau, Ge 33:13; which is set in a still stronger light by the following remarks of Sir J. Chardin: "Their flocks feed down the places of their encampments so quick, by the great numbers that they have, that they are obliged to remove them often, which is very destructive to their flocks, on account of the young ones, who have not strength enough to follow."

ewes <05763> [are with young. or, give suck.]

Isaiah 59:20-21


protector <01350> [the Redeemer.]

repent <07725> [unto.]


promise <01285> [this.]

spirit <07307> [My spirit.]

words <01697> [my words.]

Jeremiah 23:5-6


time <03117> [the days.]

raise <06965> [I.]

branch <06780> [Branch.]

rule <04427> [reign.]

do <06213> [and shall.]


Judah <03063> [Judah.]

live <07931> [dwell.]

name <08034> [and this.]


Daniel 9:24-26


Seventy weeks <07657 07620> [Seventy weeks.]

That is, seventy weeks of years, or 490 years, which reckoned from the seventh year of Artaxerxes, coinciding with the 4,256th year of the Julian period, and in the month {Nisan,} in which Ezra was commissioned to restore the Jewish state and polity, (Ezr 7:9-26) will bring us to the month of Nisan of the 4,746th year of the same period, or A.D. 33, the very month and year in which our Lord suffered, and completed the work of our salvation.

atone <03607> [finish. or, restrain.]

bring ...... atone for .... bring ...... seal ........ anoint <08552 03722 0935 02856 04886> [and to.]

sin <08552 02403> [make an end of. or, seal up.]

atone for <08552 03722> [to make.]

bring <0935> [to bring.]

bring ...... atone .......... seal <02856> [seal up.]

prophetic <05030> [prophecy. Heb. prophet.]

anoint <04886> [and to anoint.]

holy ................................. most holy <06944> [the most.]


understand <07919> [and understand.]

issuing <04161> [from.]

restore ... rebuild Jerusalem ...................... again ... built <01129 03389 07725> [restore and to build Jerusalem. or, build again Jerusalem: as.]

anointed one <04899> [the Messiah.]

prince <05057> [the Prince.]

seven weeks .... weeks <07620 07651> [seven weeks.]

The seventy weeks are here divided into three periods. 1. Seven weeks, or 49 years, for the restoration of Jerusalem. 2. Sixty-two weeks, or 434 years, from that time to the announcement of the Messiah by John the Baptist. 3. One week, or seven years, for the ministry of John and of CHRIST himself to the crucifixion.

restore ... rebuild ....................... again ... built <07725 01129> [be built again. Heb. return and be builded. wall. or, breach, or, ditch. even.]

distressful times <06256 06695> [troublous times. Heb. strait of times.]


anointed one <04899> [Messiah.]

people <05971> [but not. or, and shall have nothing.]

people <05971> [and the people, etc. or, and (the Jews) shall be no more his people.]

[or, and the Prince's (Messiah's, ver. 25,) future people.]

The Romans, who under Titus, after the expiration of the 70 weeks, destroyed the temple and the city, and dispersed the Jews.

prince <05057> [the prince.]

end .......... end <07093> [and the end.]

flood <07858> [with.]

decreed ..... destruction <08074 02782> [desolations are determined. or, it shall be cut off by desolations]

Micah 5:2


Bethlehem <01035> [But thou.]

Ephrathah <0672> [Ephratah.]


clans <0505> [among.]

clans <0505> [thousands.]

emerge <03318> [yet.]

rule over <04910> [that is.]

origins <04163> [whose.]

distant past <03117> [everlasting. or, the days of eternity.]

Haggai 2:7


shake up <07493> [I will shake.]

treasures <02532> [and the.]

fill <04390> [I will fill.]

Zechariah 9:9


Rejoice <01523> [Rejoice.]

king <04428> [behold.]

legitimate <06662> [he is.]

victorious <03467> [having salvation. or, saving himself. lowly.]

Malachi 3:1-3


send <07971> [I will.]

clear <06437> [and he.]

clear <06437 0113> [and.]

messenger ....................... messenger <04397> [even.]

come ................. coming <0935> [he shall come.]


endure <03557> [who may abide.]

like ... launderer's <06884> [for.]

[like fullers'.]


act <03427> [sit.]

Levites <01121> [the sons.]

offering <04503> [an.]

Malachi 4:2


respect <03373> [that fear.]

sun <08121> [the Sun.]

healing <04832> [healing.]

wings <03671> [wings.]

released <03318> [ye shall.]

John 4:25


Messiah <3323> [Messias.]

whenever <3752> [when.]

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