Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 44:3-5
- Allah Hadir bagi Kita [KJ.18]
1. Allah hadir bagi kita dan hendak memb'ri berkat,
melimpahkan kuasa RohNya bagai hujan yang lebat.
Bil 6:24-26
Yes 44:3
Yes 57:15
Rm 15:13
2 Kor 13:13
2. Dengan Roh Kudus, ya Tuhan, umatMu berkatilah!
Baharui hati kami; o, curahkan kurnia.
3. Allah hadir, sungguh hadir di jemaatNya yang kudus;
oleh kasih-kurniaNya
biar kita ditebus.
Hab 2:20
4. Dengan Roh Kudus, ya Tuhan, umatMu berkatilah!
Baharui hati kami; o, curahkan kurnia.
5. Allah hadir! O, percaya dan berdoa padaNya
gar kita dikobarkan oleh nyala kasihnya.
6. Dengan Roh Kudus, ya Tuhan, umatMu berkatilah!
Baharui hati kami; o, curahkan kurnia.
7. Penebus, dengarkan kami yang padaMu berseru:
buka tingkap anug'rahMu, b'rikanlah berkat penuh!
Dengan Roh Kudus, ya Tuhan, umatMu berkatilah!
Baharui hati kami; o, curahkan kurnia.
8. Dengan Roh Kudus, ya Tuhan, umatMu berkatilah!
Baharui hati kami; o, curahkan kurnia.Play - Hujan Berkat 'Kan Tercurah [KJ.403]
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
R:Yes 45:8
1. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, itulah janji kudus:
hidup segar dari sorga 'kan diberi Penebus.
Yes 32:15
Yes 44:3
Yeh 34:26
Yl 2:23, 28
Kis 2:17-18
2. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!
3. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah, hidup kembali segar.
Di atas bukit dan lurah bunyi derai terdengar.
4. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!
5. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah. Kini kami berseru,
"B'rilah dengan limpah ruah, agar genap sabdaMu!"
6. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!7. Hujan berkat 'kan tercurah; kami menantikannya.
Hati kami telah buka, Yesus, Kauisi deg'ra!
8. Hujan berkatMu itu yang kami perlu:
Sudah menetes berkatMu, biar tercurah penuh!Play - Kudengar BerkatMu Turun [KJ.235]
Even Me /
Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessmg
1. Kudengar berkatMu turun bagai hujan yang lebat,
menghidupkan padang gurun dan menghibur yang penat.
Aku pun, aku pun, ya, berkati aku pun!
Yes 32:15
Yes 44:3
Yl 2:23, 28
Kis 2:17-18
2. Bapa, jangan Kaulewati aku, walau 'ku cemar;
'ku tak layak Kaudekati namun rahmatMu besar.
Aku pun, aku pun, kasihani aku pun!
Mat 8:8
Mrk 10:48
3. Mampirlah, ya, Jurus'lamat, kau dambaan hatiku;
aku rindu amat sangat mendengar panggilanMu.
Aku pun, aku pun, Yesus, panggil aku pun!
4. Mampirlah, ya Roh perkasa, t'rangi mata hatiku;
sabda Kristus b'ri berkuasa, dalam diri hambaMu.
Aku pun, aku pun, ya, terangi aku pun!
Ef 1:17-18
5. Amat lama tak 'ku sadar menyedihkan hatiMu;
pada dunia 'ku bersandar, o, s'lamatkan diriku!
Aku pun, aku pun, o, s'lamatkan aku pun!
6. Kasih Allah yang sempurna, darah Kristus yang kudus,
kuasa Roh yang tak terduga, biar jaya dalamku.
Aku pun, aku pun, sempurnakan aku pun!
7. Ikatlah hatiku, Tuhan, selamanya padaMu;
b'rilah air kehidupan melimpahi diriku.
Aku pun, aku pun, ya, berkati aku pun!Yeh 47:1-12
Yoh 7:37-39
Why 7:17
Why 22:1-2
Colossians 1:22
- Jurus'lamat, Datanglah [KJ.82]
1. Jurus'lamat, datanglah, Allah da Manusia,
biar dunia terkelu kar'na kelahiranMu.
2. Roh dan Firman yang kudus menghadirkan wujudMu:
Allah mahamulia dalam rupa yang rendah!
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
3. Anak dara bundaMu: Kau manusia penuh,
Kediaman Roh Kudus; dosa kami Kautebus.
Yes 61:1
Luk 4:18
4. Surya Pagi yang permai, Kau bagaikan mempelai
tampil dari kemahMu; jalan raya Kautempuh!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Mzm 19:5-7
5. Dari rumah BapaMu langkah-langkahMu teguh
masuk alam maut seram, pulang naik ke takhta t'rang.
Flp 2:8-9
6. Citra Allah yang kekal, dalam daging Kau menang,
agar kami yang lemah Kaukuatkan s'lamanya.
Kol 1:15, 22
7. PalunganMu berseri: waktu malam Kauberi
sinar kasih yang terang, pengharapan dan iman.
1 Kor 13:13
8. Dimuliakanlah terus Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus:
damai dan sejahtera memenuhi dunia!Play
Galatians 4:6
- BagiMu Tuhan, Nyanyianku [KJ.8]
1. BagiMu, Tuhan, nyanyianku, kar'na setaraMu siapakah ?
Hendak kupuji Kau selalu; padaku Roh Kudus berikanlah,
Supaya dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
kidungku berkenan kepadaMu.
Mzm 89:7
Yes 40:25
Ef 5:18-20
2. O tuntun aku ke PutraMu,
agar padaMu 'ku dituntunNya:
dan RohMu diam dalam rohku,
membuat mata hatiku cerah,
sehingga kurasakan damaiMu
dan kuungkapkan dalam kidungku.
Ef 1:17-18
3. Beri berkatMu, Maha Tuhan,
gar benar kudus puianku,
dan doa juga kulagukan
di dalam Roh dan kebenaranMu,
jiwaku pun padaMu bersyukur,
bersama bala sorga bermazmur.
Yoh 4:23
Mzm 103:20-22
4. Doaku yang tak terucapkan,
Roh kudusMu yang mengungkapkannya
Dan bahwa aku anak Allah,
Roh kudus juga mengatakannya,
sehingga dalam Kristus, PutraMu,
'ku berseru, "Ya Abba, Bapaku!"
Rm 8:26
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
5. Padaku RohMu mengajarkan
berdoa yang sesuai maksudMu;
ya Bapa, pasti Kaudengarkan
doaku dalam nama PutraMu:
di dalam Dia kuterimalah
karunia demi karunia.
Rm 8:26-27
Yoh 16:23-27
Yoh 1:16
6. Betapa aku bahagia
dan sukacita hatiku penuh:
'ku yakin, Kau memperhatikan
semua yang kumohon padaMu.
Berkelimpahan pemberianMu,
Jauh melebihi perkiraanku.
Ef 3:20
7. Di dalam Kristus 'ku terjamin:
Ia sendiri Perantaraku;
di dalam Dia "ya" dan "amin"
yang dalam Roh kuminta padaMu.
Kupuji Dikau kini dan kekal
kar'na bahagia itu kukenal.1 Yoh 2:1
2 Kor 1:20
Play - Datanglah Kepadaku, ya Roh Kudus [KJ.56]
- Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya Hidupku [KJ.405]
Be Thou My Vision
1. Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku; asal Kau ada, yang lain
tak perlu. Siang dan malam Engkau kukenang; di hadiratMu
jiwaku tenang!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
2. Kaulah Hikmatku, Firman hidupku; Kau besertaku dan 'ku
besertaMu. Engkau Bapaku, aku anakMu; denganMu, Tuhan,
'ku satu penuh.
Yoh 6:68
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
Yoh 17:21
3. Kaulah bagiku tempat berteduh; Kaulah perisai dan benteng
teguh. Sukacitaku kekal dalamMu; Kuasa sorgawi,
Engkau kuasaku!
Mzm 18:3
Mzm 46:8, 12
Mzm 91:2
4. Tak kuhiraukan pujian fana; hanya Engkaulah pusaka
baka! Raja di sorga, Engkau bagiku harta abadi, bahagia penuh!
Flp 3:7
Mzm 16:5
Mzm 73:26
5. Bila saatnya 'ku menang, t'rimalah daku di sorga cerlang!
Apa pun kini hendak kutemu, Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku!Why 22:4
Play - T'rang Bintang Fajar Berseri [KJ.139]
Mzm 45; Kdg. Agung
1. T'rang Bintang Fajar berseri, cerminan sorga memberi karunia, kebenaran.
Ya Anak Daud, Rajaku, Engkau Pengantin umatMu; hatiku Kau besarkan!
Mahamurah dan mulia, Kau sedia melimpahkan sukacita pengharapan.
2 Ptr 1:19
Why 22:16-17
Ef 5:25-27
2. Engkaulah mutiaraku, Putra mahkota BapaMu, Pangeran Mahamulia!
Kau bunga bakung hatiku; betapa harum InjilMu, lipuran yang sempurna!
Hosiana! Kau dandanan dan santapan yang sorgawi: Kau sertaku tiap hari!
Mat 13:44-46
Kid 2:1
Yoh 6:32-58
3. Pancarkanlah di batinku cahaya sinar kasihMu, Permata yang abadi!
Ya Pokok-anggur yang benar, buatlah rantingMu segar berbuah yang sejati!
Kaulah Nyala pengasihan, kebajikan dalam hati: rindu lama Kauobati!
Yoh 15:1-8
4. WajahMu mencerminkan t'rus pribadi Allah yang kudus penuh kemurahanNya.
Ya Yesus, b'rilah sabdaMu dan Roh KudusMu yang teguh sertaku selamanya!
Lihat, ingat akan daku dan Kauhapus air mataku: t'rima aku di mejaMu!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
5. Ya Bapa mahamulia, sebelum ada dunia telah Kaupilih aku.
Di dalam Putra TunggalMu Kau menerima diriku: padaNya 'ku terpadu.
Haleluya! Hidup sorga yang sempurna diberiNya: sukacita tak terhingga!
Ef 1:4
Gal 4:4-6
6. Pujianmu, hai dunia, dengan musik iringilah demi PerjamuanNya!
Muliakanlah Sang Mempelai di singgasana yang permai; bersuka, hai umatNya!
Nyanyi, tari bergiliran, bergembira puji Tuhan, Maharaja Keagungan!
Why 19:6-9
7. Alangkah riang hatiku, sebab 'ku jadi milikMu, ya Alfa dan Omega!
Yang Awal dan Yang Akhir Kau dan Pohon Hidup di firdaus, Engkau harapan g'reja!
Amin, amin, Kurindukan Dikau, Tuhan; 'ku berkata: oleh Rohmu:"Maranata!"Why 1:8, 17
Why 22:13
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
1 Kor 16:22
Why 22:20
Play - Ya Sumber Kasih, Roh Kudus [KJ.55]
1. Ya Sumber Kasih, Roh Kudus, pancarkan apiMu,
sehingga hati kami pun penuh semangatMu!
2. Engkau ilhami kaum nabi menulis Alkitab.
O tolong kami mengerti maknanya yang tepat.
2 Tim 3:16
2 Ptr 1:21
3. Ya Roh Kudus, melayanglah di atas yang kelam;
di hati kacau dan resah ciptakanlah terang.
2 Kor 4:6
4. Ya Roh di dalam cah'yaMu Sang Bapa dikenal;
terungkap bagi kami pun kasihNya yang kekal.Rm 8:14-16
Ef 1:17-18
Gal 4:6
Galatians 5:22
- Biar'Ku Tumbuh di BatangMu [KJ.309]
1. Biar 'ku tumbuh di batangMu, ya Pokok Anggur yang benar,
supaya Kau hidupkan daku menjadi ranting yang segar.
Jika Engkau beri berkat, aku berbuah yang lebat.
2. Tak mungkin aku 'kan mandiri, aku lemah di luarMu.
Hanya di dalammu sendiri limpahlah hidup bagiku.
OlehMu buahku lebat; yang tak berbuah dikerat.
Yoh 15:16
Gal 5:22-23
Yak 3:17-18
3. DenganMu saja 'ku bersatu, tak tercerai sesaat pun.
KasihMu pandu di jalanku; 'ku hidup oleh hidupMu.
Dengan salibMu 'ku menang, jikalau Kauberi terang.
4. Diriku milikMu abadi, Engkau tumbuhkan imanku.
Yang dalam aku Kaumulai Kausempurnakan bagiMu.
OlehMu kuncup merekah, hingga berbuah yang lebat.Play - Datanglah, ya Roh Kudus [KJ.228]
1. Datanglah, ya Roh Kudus, b'rikanlah cahayaMu,
Sinar sorga yang baka. O Pengasuh kaum lemah,
Pemberi anugerah, Suluh hati, datanglah!
Rm 8:26
Rm 15:13
2. Kau Penghibur mahabaik dan Sahabat mahabaik,
Penyegar dan Penyejuk, Kau menampung yang lelah,
Kau tenangkan yang resah, Kau melipur yang sendu.
Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
3. Cahya beranugerah, curahkanlah kurnia dalam hati umatMu.
Tanpa daya ciptaMu tiada insan yang kudus,
tiada hidup yang teduh.
1 Kor 12:11
Gal 5:22-23
4. Yang cemar sucikanlah, yang kersang siramilah,
Yang ced'ra sembuhkanlah; yang tegar lunakkanlah,
Yang beku cairkanlah, yang sesat arahkanlah.
Mzm 147:18
5. B'rilah pada umatMu yang percaya padaMu
rahmat dalam tiap hal dan pahala mulia,
mati bersejahtera, sukacita yang kekal.Play - Hai Umat, Nyanyilah [KJ.232]
1. Hai umat, nyanyilah, rayakan hari ini!
Mujizat Allahmu masyhurkanlah disini!
T'lah turun Roh Kudus membangkit laskarNya;
Semoga kini pun semua tergerak.
Kis 2:1-13
2. Ya Roh karunia, Penghibur dan Penolong,
sekarang datanglah; berkatMu kami mohon.
Baptisan dan Firman membangun umatMu,
Supaya kami pun berbuahlah penuh.
Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Ef 5:26
Gal 5:22-23
3. Kaupilih umatMu menjadi tubuh Kristus.
Kembali lahirlah umatMu dalam Yesus.
Di PerjamuanNya. Kau hadir bekerja
membuat hambaMu cerminan kasihNya.
1 Kor 12:13
Yoh 3:5-7
Tit 3:5
1 Ptr 1:3, 23
4. Yang hidup oleh Roh, yang bangkit oleh
Firman dan oleh kurnia berbuah kar'na iman,
Muliakan Allahmu dan puji kasihNya,
Yang baru dan segar selama-lamanya.Rat 3:22-23
Play - Kucoba [KJ.437]
1. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
berkasih sayang! Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
kasih sayangmu! Amin, amin. (2x)
2. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
bersukacita. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia dunia (2x)
sukacitamu! Amin, amin. (2x)
3. Kucoba, teman, di dalam damai (2x)
sejaht'ra. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia damai (2x)
sejaht'ra. Amin, amin. (2x)
4. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
tetap bersabar. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
kesabaranmu! Amin, amin. (2x)
5. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
bermurah hati. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
murah hatimu! Amin, amin. (2x)
6. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
berbuat baik. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
kebaikanmu! Amin, amin. (2x)
7. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
tetap setia. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
tetap setia Amin, amin. (2x)
8. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
lemah lembut. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
lemah lembutmu! Amin, amin. (2x)
9. Kucoba, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
kuasai diri. Amin, amin. (2x)
Buktikan, teman, di dalam dunia (2x)
kuasai diri! Amin, amin. (2x)Play - O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229a]
1. O Roh Pencipta, datanglah, masuki kami, umatMu;
ciptaanMu penuhilah dengan berkat kurniaMu.
Mzm 104:30
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2. Engkau Penolong yang teguh, Kurnia Allah terbesar,
Kau Sumber hidup yang benar, Pengibar kasih umatMu.
Yoh 7:37-39
3. Engkau Roh purna kurnia, Kau Tangan khalik semesta;
Kau janji Bapa mulia; bahasa kasih Kauberi.Kis 1:4-5
Kis 2:33
4. Berilah kami sinarMu dan kasihMu curahkanlah,
supaya kami yang lemah teguh berbudi s'lamanya.
Ef 1:17-18
5. Kuasa jahat halaulah, berilah damaiMu terus dan
pimpin kami, umatMu, hindarkan dari seteru.
Gal 5:22
6. OlehMu kami mengenal Bapa dan Putra TunggalNya.
Kau Roh Ilahi, Roh Kudus, padaMu kami beriman.Rm 8:14-16
Ef 3:16-19
- O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229b]
1. O Roh Pencipta, datanglah, masuki kami, umatMu;
ciptaanMu penuhilah dengan berkat kurniaMu. - Tuhan, Pencipta Semesta [KJ.289]
1. Tuhan, Pencipta semesta, Kaulah Yang Mahamulia;
sungguh besar karunia yang Kauberi.
Why 4:11
2. KasihMu nyata terjelma di sinar surya yang cerah,
di sawah dan tuaiannya yang Kauberi.
Kej 8:22
Mzm 65:10-14
Mzm 67:7-8
3. Puji syukur terimalah atas berkat anugerah
di rumah yang sejahtera yang Kauberi.
4. Kau merelakan Put'raMu, supaya dunia ditebus;
denganNya kurnia penuh t'lah Kuberi.
Rm 8:32
Ef 1:7, 14
5. Kau mencurahkan Roh Kudus dengan segala
yang perlu: hidup, kuasa, kasihMu Engkau beri.
Gal 5:22-23
6. Tidak terbalas kurnia, ampunan dosa dunia
dan pengharapan yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mzm 116:12
Mi 6:6
1 Yoh 2:2
7. Hilanglah harta yang fana; yang kami cari hanyalah
harta sorgawi yang baka yang Kauberi.
Mat 6:19-21
8. Pemb'rian kami s'lamanya dari tanganMu asalnya;
yang Kauterima itulah yang Kauberi.
1 Taw 29:13-14
9. Terima hormat dan sembah, terima hidup dan kerja
serta sekalian benda yang Kauberi.Why 5:12-13
Ephesians 1:13
- Datanglah ya Sumber Rahmat [KJ.240a]
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
1. Datanglah, ya sumber rahmat, selaraskan hatiku menyanyikan
kasih s'lamat yang tak kunjung berhenti. Ajar aku madah indah,
gita balai sorgaMu. Aku puji gunung kokoh, gunung pengasihanMu.
Yeh 47:1-12
2. Hingga kini 'ku selamat dengan kuat yang Kaub'ri.
Kuharapkan akan dapat sampai di neg'ri seri.
Yesus cari akan daku, domba binal yang sesat;
Untuk membela diriku dipikulNya salib b'rat.
1 Sam 7:12
Mzm 119:176
Mat 10:12-14
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-25
3. Tiap hari 'ku berhutang pada kasih abadi.
Rantailah hatiku curang dengan rahmat tak henti.
'Ku dipikat pencobaan meninggalkan kasihMu;
inilah hatiku, Tuhan, meteraikan bagiMu!Hos 11:4
2 Kor 1:21-22
Ef 1:13-14
Ef 4:30
- Datanglah ya Sumber Rahmat [KJ.240b]
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
1. Datanglah, ya sumber rahmat, selaraskan hatiku menyanyikan
kasih s'lamat yang tak kunjung berhenti. Ajar aku madah indah,
gita balai sorgaMu. Aku puji gunung kokoh, gunung pengasihanMu.
Ephesians 3:16-19
- Berlutut di PalunganMu [KJ.115]
1. Berlutut di palunganMu, ya Yesus, Sumber Hidup,
kubawa persembahanku yang memang hak milikMu:
hatiku, roh dan jiwaku, seluruh isi hidupku, padaMu berkenanlah!
2. Dahulu dari lahirku, Kau Yesus, sudah lahir;
dan 'ku terpilih olehMu, meski belum 'ku jadi;
Kau sudah mengasihiku dan Kaurelakan diriMu
Supaya kumiliki.
Ef 1:4
1 Yoh 4:10
3. Di malam maut yang kelam, ya Yesus, Kau Suryaku:
Kaubawa hidup dan terang dan damai kepadaku.
O Surya kasih yang besar, Pemancar iman yang benar,
CahyaMu sungguh indah!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
4. Dengan memandang wajahMu yang suci tak bernoda
tak kunjung puas mataku; padaMu 'ku berdoa.
Andaikan lubuk hatiku seluas laut, Tuhanku,
Hendak kurangkum Dikau!
Yoh 1:14
2 Kor 4:6
5. Setiap kali hatiku berduka tak terhibur,
sabdaMu: "Aku Kawanmu, bebanmu Aku pikul.
Mengapa tersedu-sedan? Kubuat jalanmu terang:
Dosamu Kuampuni!"
Mat 11:28
6. Palungan ini bagiMu terlampau sederhana
dan rumput alas tidurMu tak pantas bagi Raja.
Yang layak bagi Tuhanku: istana, sutra, beledu,
Ayunan mas kencana.
7. Tetapi nikmat dunia, ya Tuhan, tak Kaucari.
Kau datang miskin dan lemah, sengsara Kauhadapi;
Engkau memikul salibMu demi keselamatanku;
Terima kasih, Tuhan!
Yes 53:5
Kol 1:20
8. Yang aku mohon padaMu, ya Yesus, hanya satu:
berdiamlah di hatiku sekarang dan selalu.
Jadikanlah nuraniku palunganMu dan takhtaMu;
Limpahkan sukacita!Ef 3:17
Play - Di Salib Yesus di Kalvari [KJ.34]
Down at the Cross /
Glory to His Name
1. Di salib Yesus di Kalvari kus'rahkan dosa yang keji.
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
3. Kini bahagiaku penuh: Yesus berdiam di dalamku.
Sungguh 'ku s'lamat, 'ku ditebus! Puji namaNya!
Ef 3:17
4. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
5. DarahNya sumber hayat baka; aku dibasuh di dalamnya
dan t'rus dijaga tak bercela. Puji namanya!
6. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
7. Mari semua ke salibNya; jiwa-ragamu serahkanlah
untuk dibasuhi darahNya. Puji namaNya!
8. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!Play - Gapuramu Lapangkanlah [KJ.87]
1. Gapuramu lapangkanlah menyambut Raja mulia,
Sang Maharaja semesta dan Jurus'lamat dunia;
Sejahtera dibawahNya. Dengan meriah nyanyilah,
"Terpuji Penebus, Gembala yang kudus."
Mzm 24:7-10
2. Benar dan adil hukumNya, dan rahmat lambang kuasaNya!
MahkotaNya kekal kudus, keretaNya lemah lembut.
Berakhirlah keluh kesah. Dengan meriah soraklah,
"Terpuji Penebus, Penolong yang kudus."
Zkh 9:9
Mat 21:5
3. Selamat berbahagia neg'ri yang memilikiNya.
Selamat hati yang rendah yang sudah dimasukiNya.
Selaku Surya yang benar dib'riNya nikmat yang besar.
Terpuji Penebus, Pelipur yang kudus.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
4. Gapuramu lapangkanlah, hatimu jadi rumahNya;
lambaikan daun di tanganmu menyongsong Raja Agungmu.
Sang Jurus'lamat t'lah dekat membawa hidup dan berkat.
Terpuji Penebus, Pendamai yang kudus.
Ef 3:17
Yoh 12:13
Why 7:9
5. Ya Kristus, Jurus'lamatku, kubuka hati bagiMu.
Ya Tuhan, masuk dan beri pengasihanMu tak henti
Dan Roh Kudus jadikanlah Penunjuk jalan yang baka.
NamaMu, Penebus terpujilah terus!Play - Hai Dunia, Gembiralah [KJ.119]
Joy to the World
1. Hai dunia, gembiralah dan sambut Rajamu!
Dihatimu terimalah! Bersama bersyukur,
Bersama bersyukur, Bersama sama bersyukur!
Ef 3:17
2. Hai dunia, elukanlah Rajamu, Penebus!
Hai bumi, laut, gunung lembah, bersoraklah terus,
Bersoraklah terus, bersorak-soraklah terus!
Mzm 96:10-13
Mzm 98:7-9
3. Janganlah dosa menetap di ladang dunia,
Sejahtera penuh berkat berlimpah s'lamanya,
Berlimpah s'lamanya, berlimpah-limpah s'lamanya.
Yes 9:6
Yes 11:6-9
Luk 2:14
4. Dialah Raja semesta, besar dan mulia.
Masyhurkanlah, hai dunia, besar anug'rahNya,
Besar anug'rahNya, besar besar anug'rahNya.Why 19:16
Play - Jauh dari Sorga Datangku' [KJ.98]
From Heaven Above to Earth I Come /
Vom Himmel hock da komm ich her
1. Jauh dari sorga datangku dengan berita bagimu,
begitu bagus dan megah: 'ku ingin menyanyikannya!
2. Seorang bayi lahirlah dari perawan Maria
dan Anak itu Kawanmu yang paling akrab dan teguh
3. Dialah Yesus Penebus, Sang Jurus'lamat yang kudus,
Penolong orang yang lemah, Penghapus dosa dunia.
4. Ia membawa bagimu bahagia sorga yang penuh,
supaya juga kaukenal rahasia hidup yang kekal.
5. Inilah tanda bagimu: di kandang kamu bertemu
Sang Bayi di palunganNya; Dialah raja semesta.
6. Dengan gembala marilah ke kandang domba yang rendah,
melihat kasih kurnia di dalam Putra mulia.
7. Dalam palungan lihatlah betapa manis tidurNya.
Siapa itu yang lembut? Itulah Yesus, Kawanku!
8. Selamat datang, Rajaku, yang turun dari takhtaMu.
Kau masuk dunia cemar; betapa kasihMu besar!
Flp 2:6-8
9. Pencipta alam semesta, Kau jadi insan yang rendah;
palungan domba dan lembu Kaubuat petiduranMu.
10. Andaikan muka dunia berlipat ganda luasnya
dengan permata pun penuh, tetap tak layak bagiMu.
11. Bukanlah sutra beledu perlambang kebesaranMu.
Di atas rumput yang kering KerajaanMu tercermin.
Mat 11:8
12. Sekarang aku mengerti teladan yang Engkau beri:
kuasa, harta dan benda bagiMu tiada artinya.
13. Temanku Yesus, marilah, hatiku persiapkanlah
menjadi kediamanMu sepanjang umur hidupku!
Ef 3:17
14. Selalu hatiku senang, seluruh jalanku terang
dan kidung sukacita, ya Yesus, hanya bagiMu!
15. Muliakanlah Allah, pujilah Yang memberikan PuteraNya!
Salam sorgawi menggema di Tahun Baru yang cerah.Play - Kami Berdoa, Ya Roh Kudus [KJ.230]
1. Kami berdoa, ya Roh Kudus, iman kami asuhlah terus;
dalam kegelapan terangi kami sampai masuk damai abadi.
Tolong kami!
Ef 1:17-18
Ef 3:16-19
2. Cahya Ilahi, pancarkanlah kasih Kristus dalam dunia,
agar kami tinggal di dalam Dia yang membuka sorga ceria.
Tolong kami!
Yoh 15:1-8
3. Maha Pengasih, kobarkanlah api suci dan baka,
agar kami hidup dengan sesama dalam damai dan kasih Allah.
Tolong kami!
Ef 4:2-3
4. Maha Penghibur, kuatkanlah hati kami, agar tak resah;
dalam menghadapi kuasa maut, bersamaMu kami tak takut.
Tolong kami!Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Play - Kasih Tuhanku [KJ.185]
- Kau Mutiara Hatiku [KJ.324]
1. Kau Mutiara hatiku, ya Yesus, Kaulah hartaku, tetap mau
kumiliki. Ya, tinggallah selamanya dalam hatiku ini.
Mat 13:44-46
2. Tiada kasih yang teguh setara dengan kasihMu yang kukenal
di dunia; pun dalam maut aku terpaut padaMu sepenuhnya.
Mat 20:28
Yoh 15:13
Ef 3:18-19
3. SabdaMu sungguh dan benar, membuat aku tak gentar, baik hidup
maupun mati. Kau milikku; ku milikmu dengan sebulat hati.
Rm 14:8
4. Sekarang surya terbenam, ya Tuhan, hari pun kelam. O, tinggallah
sertaku! Meski gelap, Kaulah tetap jadi terang umatMu!Luk 24:29
Yoh 8:12
Yoh 12:46
2 Kor 4:6
Play - Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58]
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
1. Maha kasih yang ilahi, nikmat sorga, turunlah
Mendiami hati kami; Kau mahkota kurnia.
Yesus, Kau berlimpah rahmat, Sumber kasih yang besar!
Datanglah membawa s'lamat bagi kami yang gentar.1 Kor 13:13
Play - O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229a]
1. O Roh Pencipta, datanglah, masuki kami, umatMu;
ciptaanMu penuhilah dengan berkat kurniaMu.
Mzm 104:30
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2. Engkau Penolong yang teguh, Kurnia Allah terbesar,
Kau Sumber hidup yang benar, Pengibar kasih umatMu.
Yoh 7:37-39
3. Engkau Roh purna kurnia, Kau Tangan khalik semesta;
Kau janji Bapa mulia; bahasa kasih Kauberi.Kis 1:4-5
Kis 2:33
4. Berilah kami sinarMu dan kasihMu curahkanlah,
supaya kami yang lemah teguh berbudi s'lamanya.
Ef 1:17-18
5. Kuasa jahat halaulah, berilah damaiMu terus dan
pimpin kami, umatMu, hindarkan dari seteru.
Gal 5:22
6. OlehMu kami mengenal Bapa dan Putra TunggalNya.
Kau Roh Ilahi, Roh Kudus, padaMu kami beriman.Rm 8:14-16
Ef 3:16-19
- O Roh Pencipta, Datanglah [KJ.229b]
1. O Roh Pencipta, datanglah, masuki kami, umatMu;
ciptaanMu penuhilah dengan berkat kurniaMu. - Pandang, ya Bapa dalam RahmatMu [KJ.304]
1. Pandang, ya Bapa, dalam rahmatMu kami, umatMu yang berkumpul
ini, membawa anak padaMu di sini dalam percaya akan janjiMu.
Mrk 10:13-16
2. Kami beroleh hidup yang baka dari Engkau, ya Bapa yang di sorga,
dan anak ini Kaukuduskan juga: biarlah Kristus Sumber hidupnya!
3. Kiranya oleh Roh dan FirmanMu anakMu Kauterangi, Kaukuatkan,
hatinya pun kiranya Kaulayakkan untuk menjadi kediamanMu.
Ef 3:17-18
Ef 2:22
4. Buatlah dia anakMu penuh dan namanya yang kini disebutkan
kautulis dalam Kitab Kehidupan jadi anggota tubuh PutraMu.Mzm 139:16
Luk 10:20
Ibr 12:23
Why 3:5
Play - Roh Kudus, Turunlah [KJ.233]
1. Roh Kudus, turunlah dan tinggal dalam hatiku,
dengan cahaya kasihMu terangi jalanku!
ApiMulah pembakar jiwaku,
sehingga hidupku memuliakan Tuhanku.
Rm 8:11
1 Kor 3:16
2 Tim 1:14
2. Bagaikan surya pagi menyegarkan dunia,
kuasaMu membangkitkan jiwa layu dan lemah.
Curahkanlah berkat karunia;
Jadikan hidupku padaMu saja berserah!
Rm 15:13
Ef 3:16-19
3. Syukur padaMu, Roh Kudus, yang sudah memberi
bahasa dunia baru yang sempurna dan suci.
Jadikanlah semakin berseri
Iman dan pengharapan serta kasih yang bersih.Kis 2:11
1 Kor 13:13
Play - T'lah Kutemukan Dasar Kuat [KJ.38]
1. T'lah kutemukan dasar kuat, tempat berpaut jangkarku.
Kekal, ya Bapa, Kau membuat PutraMu dasar yang teguh:
Biarpun dunia lenyap, pegangan hidupku tetap!
Ibr 6:19
1 Kor 3:11
Ibr 1:11
2. Itulah rahmat yang abadi, yang melampaui akalku:
Tuhan, Kaurangkul dalam kasih pedosa yang menjauhiMu!
HatiMu iba tergerak mencari aku yang sesat.
Ef 3:18-19
Luk 15:3-7
Luk 15:11-20
Luk 19:10
3. Tak Kaubiarkan ciptaanMu terkapar dalam dosanya;
telah Kauutus PuteraMu menyelamatkan dunia
da pintu hati Kauketuk, agar terbuka bagiMu.Yoh 3:16
Yoh 17:3
Why 3:20
4. Di dalam maut Tuhan Yesus dosaku sudah terbenam :
'ku s'lamat oleh darah Kristus batal hukuman yang seram.
Luka hatiku t'lah sembuh, ya Tuhan, kar'na rahmatMu!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12-14
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
5. Inilah dasar andalanku, biarpun apa kutempuh:
ya Tuhan, rahmatMu berlaku sepanjang jalan hidupku!
Sampai kekal kupujilah samud'ra rahmat yang baka!Play - Takhta Mulia di Tempat Baka [KJ.108]
Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
1. Takhta mulia ditempat Kautinggalkan, ya Tuhanku.
Tapi tiadalah tempat yang lega menjelang kehadiranMu.
Hatiku, ya Tuhan Yesus, jadikanlah rumahMu.
Flp 2:6-8
Luk 2:7
Yoh 1:11
Ef 3:17
2. Langit bergetar, kidung terdengar menyebut kebesaranMu.
Tapi adakah yang lebih rendah daripada palunganMu.
Hatiku, ya Tuhan Yesus, jadikanlah rumahMu.
Luk 2:14
1 Kor 1:28-31
3. Oleh FirmanMu yang kekal teguh Kaubebaskan manusia.
Tapi hanyalah siksa dan cerca Kauterima di dunia.
SalibMu, ya Tuhan Yesus, tempat perlindunganku.
Ibr 12:2
4. Gita menggegap, bila Kau kelak datang lagi, ya Tuhanku.
SabdaMu benar akan terdengar, "Kuberi tempat bagimu."
Bersuka besar hatiku, ya Tuhan, menyambutMu.Yoh 14:2
Play - Tuhan, Ambil Hidupku [KJ.365c]
Take My Life and Let It Be
1. Tuhan, ambil hidupku dan kuduskan bagiMu;
pun waktuku pakailah memujiMu s'lamanya. - Tuhan, Ambil Hidupku [KJ.365a]
Take My Life and Let It Be
1. Tuhan, ambil hidupku dan kuduskan bagiMu;
pun waktuku pakailah memujiMu s'lamanya.
Rm 6:13, 19
Rm 12:1
1 Kor 6:19-20
2. Tanganku gerakkanlah, kasihMu pendorongnya,
dan jadikan langkahku berkenan kepadaMu.
3. Buatlah suaraku hanya mengagungkanMu dan
sertakan lidahku jadi saksi InjilMu.
Rm 10:9-10
4. Harta kekayaanku jadi alat bagiMu;
akal budi dan kerja, Tuhan, pergunakanlah!
5. KehendakMu sajalah dalam aku terjelma;
jadikanlah hatiku takhta kebesaranMu.
Ef 3:17
6. Limpah-ruah kasihku kuserahkan padaMu:
diriku seutuhnya milikMu selamanya. - Tuhan, Ambil Hidupku [KJ.365b]
Take My Life and Let It Be
1. Tuhan, ambil hidupku dan kuduskan bagiMu;
pun waktuku pakailah memujiMu s'lamanya,
memujiMu s'lamanya. - Turun, Roh Allah, dalam Hatiku [KJ.239]
Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart
1. Turun, Roh Allah, dalam hatiku; sucikan daku dan hidupkanlah;
ubah lemahku oleh kuasaMu; kasihku padaMu murnikanlah.
Yoh 6:63
Ef 3:16-19
2. Tidak kuminta mimpi amat khas, tanda yang hebat, keajaiban pun;
yang aku minta hanya inilah: singkirkan kesuraman jiwaku.
3. Bukankah, Yesus, Dikau berpesan, "Kasihi Allah" ikhlas dan penuh?
Ajar kiranya salib kupegang; biar kucari dan mendapatMu.
Ul 6:5
Mrk 12:30
4. Ajarlah aku bahwa Kau dekat; ajar 'ku tahan di gumulanku,
tidak bersangsi, tidak berkesah, bila tak Kaukabulkan doaku.
5. Ajar 'ku tulus mengasihiMu; diriku dalam Roh baptiskanlah:
Hatiku altar persembahanku, cinta kasihMu nyala apinya.Kis 1:5
Kis 11:16
Play - Ya Yesus, Dikau Kurindukan [KJ.84]
1. Ya Yesus, Dikau kurindukan, lipurkan lara batinku;
seluruh hatiku terbuka menyambut kedatanganMu.
Bahagia, Terang sorgawi, Engkau harapan dunia:
Terbitlah, Surya Mahakasih, dan jiwaku terangilah!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
2. Hatiku biar Kaujadikan palunganMu yang mulia
dan dalam aku Kaucerminkan terang sorgawi yang baka,
sebab dengan kehadiranMu keluhan batinku lenyap.
Kiranya lahir dalam aku dan tinggallah serta tetap!
Ef 3:17
3. Puaskanlah, ya Jurus'lamat, seluruh kerinduanku.
Dengan rendah, jernih dan taat hatiku siap bagiMu;
Hendak padaMu kuabdikan perananku di dunia;
Cemas da duka Kausingkirkan: ya Yesus, ari, masuklah!Play
Ephesians 4:30
- Datanglah ya Sumber Rahmat [KJ.240a]
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
1. Datanglah, ya sumber rahmat, selaraskan hatiku menyanyikan
kasih s'lamat yang tak kunjung berhenti. Ajar aku madah indah,
gita balai sorgaMu. Aku puji gunung kokoh, gunung pengasihanMu.
Yeh 47:1-12
2. Hingga kini 'ku selamat dengan kuat yang Kaub'ri.
Kuharapkan akan dapat sampai di neg'ri seri.
Yesus cari akan daku, domba binal yang sesat;
Untuk membela diriku dipikulNya salib b'rat.
1 Sam 7:12
Mzm 119:176
Mat 10:12-14
Yes 53:3-7
1 Ptr 2:22-25
3. Tiap hari 'ku berhutang pada kasih abadi.
Rantailah hatiku curang dengan rahmat tak henti.
'Ku dipikat pencobaan meninggalkan kasihMu;
inilah hatiku, Tuhan, meteraikan bagiMu!Hos 11:4
2 Kor 1:21-22
Ef 1:13-14
Ef 4:30
- Datanglah ya Sumber Rahmat [KJ.240b]
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
1. Datanglah, ya sumber rahmat, selaraskan hatiku menyanyikan
kasih s'lamat yang tak kunjung berhenti. Ajar aku madah indah,
gita balai sorgaMu. Aku puji gunung kokoh, gunung pengasihanMu. - Lawanlah Godaan [KJ.436]
Yield Not to Temptation
1. Lawanlah godaan, s'lalu bertekun; tiap kemenangan
kau tambah teguh; nafsu kejahatan harus kautentang;
harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Ef 6:10-18
Yak 1:12
Yak 4:7
1 Ptr 5:8-9
2. Tinggalkan yang jahat, dosa dicegah; tindakanmu
tulus tiada bercela: junjung kebenaran, hidup dalam
t'rang, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
Rm 13:12-14
Ef 4:17-32
Kol 3:5-17
1 Tes 5:5-8
1 Yoh 2:8-11
3. Allah memberikan tajuk mulia bagi yang berjaya
di dalam iman; Kristus memulihkan kau yang
tertekan, harap akan Yesus: pasti kau menang.
Mintalah pada Tuhan, agar kau dikuatkan;
Ia b'ri pertolongan: pastilah kau menang.
2 Tim 4:8
Yak 1:12
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Titus 3:5
- 'Ku Berbahagia [KJ.392]
Blessed Assurance
1. "Ku berbahagia, yakin teguh: Yesus abadi
kepunyaanku! Aku warisNya, 'ku ditebus,
ciptaan baru Rohulkudus.
2. Aku bernyanyi bahagia memuji Yesus selamanya.
Aku bernyanyi bahagia memuji Yesus selamanya.
3. Pasrah sempurna, nikmat penuh; suka sorgawi
melimpahiku. Lagu malaikat amat merdu;
kasih dan rahmat besertaku.
4. Aku bernyanyi bahagia memuji Yesus selamanya.
Aku bernyanyi bahagia memuji Yesus selamanya.5. Aku serahkan diri penuh, dalam Tuhanku
hatiku teduh. Sambil menyongsong kembaliNya,
'ku diliputi anugerah.
6. Aku bernyanyi bahagia memuji Yesus selamanya.
Aku bernyanyi bahagia memuji Yesus selamanya.Play - Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37b]
Rock of Ages
1. Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.
Kar'na dosaku berat dan kuasanya menyesak,
Oh, bersihkan diriku oleh darah lambungMu. - Batu Karang Yang Teguh [KJ.37a]
Rock of Ages
1. Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh.
Kar'na dosaku berat dan kuasanya menyesak,
Oh, bersihkan diriku oleh darah lambungMu.
Mzm 62:7-8
Mzm 71:3
1 Kor 10:4
Yoh 19:34
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Walau aku berjerih dan menangis tiada henti,
apapun usahaku, tak menghapus dosaku.
Hanya oleh kurbanMu Kaus'lamatkan diriku.
Rm 3:20, 27
Ef 2:8-9
2 Tim 1:9
Tit 3:5
3. Tiada lain kupegang, hanya salib dan iman;
dalam kehampaanku kudambakan rahmatMu.
Tanpa Dikau, Tuhanku, takkan hidup jiwaku.
Gal 6:14
4. Bila tiba saatnya kutinggalkan dunia
dan Kaupanggil diriku ke hadapan takhtaMu,
Batu Karang yang teguh, Kau tempatku berteduh. - Betapa Indah Harinya [KJ.395]
1. Betapa indah harinya saat kupilih Penebus.
Alangkah sukacitanya, 'ku memb'ritakannya terus.
2. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
3. Betapa indah janjiNya yang t'lah mengikat
hatiku; kub'ri kasihku padaNya serta menyanyi bersyukur!
4. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.5. Sudah 'ku jadi milikNya, Ia pun milikku kekal.
Yakin penuh 'ku ikutlah: suara Tuhan kukenal.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
6. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
7. Sentosalah, hai hatiku, Pelindungmu percayalah!
Jangan tinggalkan Tuhanmu, Sumber segala kurnia.
8. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.
9. Setiap janji hatiku kembali kubaruilah;
sampai kepada ajalku kupuji pengasihanNya.
10. Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku. 'Ku
diajari Penebus berjaga dan berdoa t'rus.
Indahlah harinya Yesus membasuh dosaku.Play - Dihapuskan Dosaku [KJ.36]
1. Dihapuskan dosaku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
aku pulih dan sembuh hanya oleh darah Yesus.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
3. Pengampunan dosaku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
Penyucian hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
4. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
5. Perdamaian bagiku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
bukan oleh amalku: hanya oleh darah Yesus.
Rm 5:8-11
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
Ef 2:8-9
Tit 3:5
6. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
7. Damai dan harapanku hanya oleh darah Yesus;
Allah membenarkanku hanya oleh darah Yesus.
Rm 5:9
8. O, darah Tuhanku, sumber pembasuhku!
Sucilah hidupku hanya oleh darah Yesus.Play - Hai Umat, Nyanyilah [KJ.232]
1. Hai umat, nyanyilah, rayakan hari ini!
Mujizat Allahmu masyhurkanlah disini!
T'lah turun Roh Kudus membangkit laskarNya;
Semoga kini pun semua tergerak.
Kis 2:1-13
2. Ya Roh karunia, Penghibur dan Penolong,
sekarang datanglah; berkatMu kami mohon.
Baptisan dan Firman membangun umatMu,
Supaya kami pun berbuahlah penuh.
Yoh 14:16, 26
Yoh 15:26
Ef 5:26
Gal 5:22-23
3. Kaupilih umatMu menjadi tubuh Kristus.
Kembali lahirlah umatMu dalam Yesus.
Di PerjamuanNya. Kau hadir bekerja
membuat hambaMu cerminan kasihNya.
1 Kor 12:13
Yoh 3:5-7
Tit 3:5
1 Ptr 1:3, 23
4. Yang hidup oleh Roh, yang bangkit oleh
Firman dan oleh kurnia berbuah kar'na iman,
Muliakan Allahmu dan puji kasihNya,
Yang baru dan segar selama-lamanya.Rat 3:22-23
Play - Mahakasih Yang Ilahi [KJ.58]
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
1. Maha kasih yang ilahi, nikmat sorga, turunlah
Mendiami hati kami; Kau mahkota kurnia.
Yesus, Kau berlimpah rahmat, Sumber kasih yang besar!
Datanglah membawa s'lamat bagi kami yang gentar.1 Kor 13:13
Play - Menjulang Nyata Atas Bukit Kala [KJ.183]
Above the Hills of Time
1. Menjulang nyata atas bukit kala t'rang benderang salibMu, Tuhanku.
Dari sinarnya yang menyala-nyala memancarkan kasih agung dan restu.
Seluruh umat insan menengadah ke arah cahya kasih yang mesra.
Bagai pelaut yang karam merindukan di ufuk timur pagi merekah.
Mrk 15:22-26
2. SalibMu, Kristus, tanda pengasihan mengangkat hati yang remuk redam,
membuat dosa yang terperikan di lubuk cinta Tuhan terbenam.
Di dalam Tuhan kami balik lahir, insan bernoda kini berseri,
Teruras darah suci yang mengalir di salib pada bukit Kalvari.Yoh 3:3-8
Tit 3:5
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Play - Pengikut Kristus, Nyanyilah [KJ.284]
1. Pengikut Kristus, nyanyilah, berdendang dan menari,
terhibur oleh kurnia bersatu dalam kasih: Terang Ilahi
berseri, yang dari sorga diberi; harganya paling mahal.
2. Si jahat dan kuasa maut membuatku binasa. 'Ku lahir
dalam kemelut, tersiksa oleh dosa. Semakin aku terjerat:
celaka aku yang sesat, dirasuk kejahatan.
Mzm 51:6-7
2 Tim 2:26
3. Percuma perbuatanku, niatku sudah salah; durhaka keinginanku,
melawan hukum Allah. Berputus asa dan cemas di pintu maut
terhempas, 'ku harus ke neraka!
Rm 7:13-26
Gal 3:1-14
Ef 2:8-9
Tit 3:5
4. Allahku pun terharulah melihatku melarat; Ia mengingat rahmatNya
dan ingin 'ku selamat; berpaling Ia padaku dengan anugerah penuh,
berkurban yang termahal.
Mzm 98:3
2 Tim 1:9
Rm 8:32
1 Kor 6:20
5. SabdaNya pada putraNya: "T'lah tiba zaman rahmat; pergilah Kau
ke dunia, s'lamatkan yang melarat. Supaya dosa tak tetap, kuasa maut
pun lenyap, berilah hidup baru!"
Yes 60:1-2
Yoh 3:16
Gal 4:4-5
2 Tim 1:10
6. Sang Putra patuh segera dan datang kepadaku sebagai Anak Maria
menjadi sesamaku, mengambil rupa terendah dan oleh cara itulah
si Iblis Ia tangkap.
Mzm 40:8-9
Flp 2:5-8
Luk 10:18
Why 12:9
7. SabdaNya: "Dengan kasihKu hatimu kini tabah: diriKu ganti dirimu,
bagimu 'Ku berlaga; engkau dan Aku satulah di dunia dan selamanya;
tiada yang pisahkan."
1 Ptr 2:24
Rm 8:37-39
8. "Telah tercurah darahKu dan rela Aku mati demi keselamatanmu:
percaya dalam hati! Dengan perangai suciKu Kuhapus dosa-dosamu
dan kau beroleh rahmat."
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 15:13
Gal 2:20
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
9. "Kepada Bapa 'Ku pergi sesudah 'Ku berkurban dan kepadamu Kuberi
Roh Kudus penghiburan yang mengajarkan padamu segala makna sabdaKu
Di dalam kebenaran."
Yoh 14:28
Yoh 14:25-26
Yoh 16:13-14
10. "KaryaKu dan ajaranKu mestilah kauterapkan, sehingga dunia penuh
semarak Kerajaan; hartamu pertahankanlah terhadap dalih dunia.
Hayatilah sabdaKu."Kis 1:1
Mat 28:19-20
Why 3:11
Play - Ya Yesus, Tolonglah [KJ.28]
Lord Jesus, Think on Me /
Mnooeo Khriste
1. Ya Yesus, tolonglah, hapuskan dosaku
dan dari nafsu dunia lepaskan hambaMu.
Tit 2:12
Tit 3:3-5
2. Ya Yesus, dengarlah seruan hatiku,
lengkapi aku yang lemah sebagai laskarMu.
Ef 6:11
3. Ya Yesus, yang menang, sertai hambaMu
b'ri di sengsara dan perang percaya yang teguh.
4. Ya Yesus, pimpinlah, tetaplah Kau dekat,
supaya ke neg'ri baka jalanku tak sesat.
Mzm 73:23
5. Ya Yesus, lihatlah serangan seteru,
lumpuhkanlah senjataNya dengan kuasaMu.
1 Ptr 5:8
6. Ya Yesus Penebus, berilah akhirnya
kesukaanMu yang kudus di negeri baka.Luk 23:42-43
Isaiah 44:3-5
[Isa 44:3] Come, Holy Ghost, In Love
Come, Holy Ghost, in love, shed on us from above
Thine own bright ray! Divinely good Thou art;
Thy sacred gifts impart to gladden each sad heart.
O come today!Come, tenderest Friend, and best, our most delightful Guest,
With soothing power. Rest, which the weary know,
Shade, mid the noontide glow. Peace when deep griefs overflow.
Cheer us this hour!Come, Light serene and still, our inmost bosoms fill,
Dwell in each breast. We know no dawn but Thine;
Send forth Thy beams divine on our dark souls to shine
And make us blessed.Exalt our low desires, extinguish passion’s fires,
Heal every wound. Our stubborn spirits bend,
Our icy coldness end, our devious steps attend
While heavenward bound.Come, all the faithful bless, let all who Christ confess
His praise employ; give virtue’s rich reward,
Victorious death accord, and, with our glorious Lord,
Eternal joy!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 44:3] On All The Earth Thy Spirit Shower
On all the earth Thy Spirit shower;
The earth in righteousness renew;
Thy kingdom come, and hell’s o’erpower,
And to Thy scepter all subdue.Like mighty winds, or torrents fierce,
Let it opposers all o’errun;
And every law of sin reverse,
That faith and love may make all one.Yea, let Thy Spirit in every place
Its richer energy declare;
While lovely tempers, fruits of grace,
The kingdom of Thy Christ prepare.Grant this, O holy God and true!
The ancient seers Thou didst inspire;
To us perform the promise due;
Descend, and crown us now with fire!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ezekiel 36:2
[Eze 36:2] Is This The Kind Return?
Is this the kind return,
And these the thanks we owe,
Thus to abuse eternal love,
Whence all our blessings flow?To what a stubborn frame
Has sin reduced our mind!
What strange rebellious wretches we,
And God as strangely kind!On us He bids the sun
Shed his reviving rays;
For us the skies their circles run,
To lengthen out our days.The brutes obey their God,
And bow their necks to men;
But we, more base, more brutish things,
Reject His easy reign.Turn, turn us, mighty God,
And mold our souls afresh;
Break, sov’reign grace, these hearts of stone,
And give us hearts of flesh.Let old ingratitude
Provoke our weeping eyes,
And hourly as new mercies fall
Let hourly thanks arise.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Galatians 4:6
[Gal 4:6] He’s Everything To Me
My Savior’s love is sweeter still,
Each day I try to do His will;
My heart with peace and joy He fills,
He’s everything to me.Refrain
He’s all in all to me today,
Into my heart He’s come to stay;
He’s all in all to me today,
He’s everything to me.Such wondrous blessings o’er me stole,
When Jesus came and made me whole,
His love like billows o’er me roll,
He’s everything to me.Refrain
No good thing does my Lord deny,
I feel His presence ever nigh;
Earth’s pleasures fail to satisfy,
He’s everything to me.Refrain
I’m watching for my King’s return,
To see His face my soul doth yearn,
Yet day by day I live to learn,
He’s everything to me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Galatians 5:22
[Gal 5:22] Lord Of The Hearts Of Men
Lord of the hearts of men,
Thou hast vouchsafed to bless,
From age to age, Thy chosen saints
With fruits of holiness.Here faith, and hope, and love
Reign in sweet bond allied;
There, when this little day is o’er,
Shall love alone abide.O Love, O truth, O light!
Light never to decay!
O rest from thousand labors past!
O endless Sabbath day!Here, amid cares and tears,
Bearing the seed we come;
There, with rejoicing hearts, we bring
Our harvest burdens home.Give, mighty Lord divine,
The fruits Thyself dost love;
Soon shalt Thou, from Thy judgment seat,
Crown Thine own gifts above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gal 5:22] O For A Heart Of Calm Repose
O for a heart of calm repose
Amid the world’s loud roar,
A life that like a river flows
Along a peaceful shore!Come, Holy Spirit! still my heart
With gentleness divine;
Indwelling peace Thou canst impart;
O make the blessing mine.Above these scenes of storm and strife
There spreads a region fair;
Give me to live that higher life,
And breathe that heavenly air.Come, Holy Spirit! breathe that peace
That victory make me win;
Then shall my soul her conflict cease,
And find a heaven within.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Gal 5:22] O Thou Who Hast Thy Servants Taught
O Thou Who hast Thy servants taught
That not by words alone,
But by the fruits of holiness,
The life of God is shown.While in the house of prayer we meet
And call Thee God and Lord,
Give us a heart to follow Thee,
Obedient to Thy Word.When we our voices lift in praise,
Give Thou us grace to bring,
An offering of unfeigned thanks,
And with the spirit sing.And, in the dangerous path of life,
Uphold us as we go;
That with our lips and in our lives
Thy glory we may show.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 1:13
[Eph 1:13] Seal Us, O Holy Spirit
Seal us, O Holy Spirit,
Grant us Thine impress, we pray;
We would be more like the Savior,
Stamped with His image today.Refrain
Seal us, seal us,
Seal us just now, we pray;
Seal us, O Holy Spirit,
Seal us for service today.Seal us, O Holy Spirit,
Help us Thy likeness to show;
Then from our life unto others
Streams of rich blessings shall flow.Refrain
Seal us, O Holy Spirit,
Make us Thine own from this hour;
Let us be useful, dear Master,
Seal us with witnessing power.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 1:13] Spirit Blest, Who Art Adored
Spirit blest, who art adored
With the Father and the Word,
One eternal God and Lord:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Thou by Whom the virgin bore
Him Whom Heav’n and earth adore,
Sent our nature to restore:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Thou Whom Jesus, from His throne,
Gave to cheer and help His own,
That they might not be alone:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Thou Whose grace the Church doth fill,
Showing her God’s perfect will,
Making Jesus present still:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.All Thy gracious gifts bestow,
Gifts of wisdom God to know,
Gifts of strength to meet the foe:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.All our evil passions kill,
Bend aright our stubborn will;
Though we grieve Thee, patient still:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Come to strengthen all the weak,
Give Thy courage to the meek,
Teach our falt’ring tongues to speak:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Holy, loving, as Thou art,
Come, and live within our heart;
Nevermore from us depart:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 1:13] Sweet Assurance
Sweet assurance, Thou hast sealed me
With Thy precious blood divine;
And I know, for Thou hast told me,
I in life or death am Thine.Refrain
Sweet assurance, O my Savior,
How it cheers this heart of mine!
While Thy loving Spirit whispers,
I in life or death am Thine.Perfect peace, no fear alarms me,
Still the blessèd thought is mine;
Though my days be few or many,
I in life or death am Thine.Refrain
Death is but a bright transition,
From a world where joys decline,
To the realm of life eternal,
Where Thy endless glories shine.Refrain
Welcome then the vale and shadow,
Faith, unfalt’ring trust, is mine;
Thro’ the gloom Thy hand will lead me,
I in life or death am Thine.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 3:16-19
[Eph 3:16] Come, Gracious Lord, Descend And Dwell
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
By faith and love in every breast;
Then shall we know, and taste, and feel
The joys that cannot be expressed.Come, fill our hearts with inward strength,
Make our enlargèd souls possess,
And learn the height, and breadth, and length
Of Thine unmeasurable grace.Now to the God Whose power can do
More than our thoughts or wishes know,
Be everlasting honors done
By all the Church, through Christ His Son.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:16] Spirit, Strength Of All The Weak
Spirit, strength of all the weak,
Giving courage to the meek,
Teaching faltering hopes to speak;
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Spirit, aiding all who yearn
More of truth divine to learn
And with deeper love to burn;
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Spirit, Fount of faith and joy,
Giving peace without alloy,
Hope that nothing can destroy;
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Source of love and light divine,
With that hallowing grace of Thine,
More and more upon us shine;
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Holy, loving, as Thou art,
Come and live within our heart,
Never from us to depart;
Hear us, Holy Spirit.May we soon, from sin set free,
Where Thy work may perfect be,
Jesus’ face with rapture see:
Hear us, Holy Spirit.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:17] Come, Dearest Lord
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
By faith and love in every breast;
Then shall we know, and taste, and feel
The joys that cannot be expressed.Come, fill our hearts with inward strength,
Make our enlargèd souls possess,
And learn the height, and breadth, and length
Of Thine unmeasurable grace.Now to the God Whose power can do
More than our thoughts or wishes know,
Be everlasting honors done
By all the church, through Christ His Son.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:17] Into My Heart
Into my heart, into my heart,
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus;
Come in today, come in to stay;
Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.Out of my heart, out of my heart,
Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus;
Shine out today, shine out alway;
Shine out of my heart, Lord Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:17] Jesus Loves Me
Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak, but He is strong.Refrain
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.Jesus loves me! This I know,
As He loved so long ago,
Taking children on His knee,
Saying, “Let them come to Me.”Refrain
Jesus loves me still today,
Walking with me on my way,
Wanting as a friend to give
Light and love to all who live.Refrain
Jesus loves me! He who died
Heaven’s gate to open wide;
He will wash away my sin,
Let His little child come in.Refrain
Jesus loves me! He will stay
Close beside me all the way;
Thou hast bled and died for me,
I will henceforth live for Thee.Refrain
Jesus loves me! Loves me still,
Though I’m very weak and ill,
That I might from sin be free
Bled and died upon the tree.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:17] O Love, How Deep
O love, how deep, how broad, how high,
It fills the heart with ecstasy,
That God, the Son of God, should take
Our mortal form for mortals’ sake!He sent no angel to our race
Of higher or of lower place,
But wore the robe of human frame
Himself, and to this lost world came.For us baptized, for us He bore
His holy fast and hungered sore,
For us temptation sharp He knew;
For us the tempter overthrew.For us He prayed; for us He taught;
For us His daily works He wrought;
By words and signs and actions thus
Still seeking not Himself, but us.For us to wicked men betrayed,
Scourged, mocked, in purple robe arrayed,
He bore the shameful cross and death,
For us gave up His dying breath.For us He rose from death again;
For us He went on high to reign;
For us He sent His Spirit here,
To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer.To Him Whose boundless love has won
Salvation for us through His Son,
To God the Father, glory be
Both now and through eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:17] O The Deep, Deep Love Of Jesus
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o’er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o’er them from the throne!O the deep, deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
’Tis an ocean full of blessing, ’tis a haven giving rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, ’tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:17] O Thou Whose Gracious Presence Blest
O Thou Whose gracious presence blest
The home at Bethany,
This shelter from the world’s unrest,
This home made ready for its Guest,
We dedicate to Thee.When Thou didst pass the temple gate,
To pray beneath its dome,
It was Thy Father’s house, more great
Because by love made consecrate;
It was Thine only home.We build an altar here, and pray
That Thou wilt show Thy face,
Dear Lord, if Thou wilt come to stay,
This home we consecrate today
Will be a holy place.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:18] Jesus, Thy Boundless Love To Me
Jesus, Thy boundless love to me
No thought can reach, no tongue declare;
Unite my thankful heart with Thee
And reign without a rival there.
To Thee alone, dear Lord, I live;
Myself to Thee, dear Lord, I give.O, grant that nothing in my soul
May dwell but Thy pure love alone!
Oh, may Thy love possess me whole,
My joy, my treasure, and my crown!
All coldness from my heart remove;
My every act, word, thought, be love.O love, how cheering is thy ray!
All pain before thy presence flies;
Care, anguish, sorrow, melt away
Wherever thy healing beams arise.
O Jesus, nothing may I see,
Nothing desire or seek, but Thee!This love unwearied I pursue
And dauntlessly to Thee aspire.
Oh, may Thy love my hope renew
Burn in my soul like heavenly fire!
And day and night be all my care
To guard this sacred treasure there.My Savior, Thou Thy love to me
In shame, in want, in pain, hast showed;
For me, on the accursed tree,
Thou pourest forth Thy guiltless blood;
Thy wounds upon my heart impress,
Nor aught shall the loved stamp efface.More hard than marble is my heart,
And foul with sins of deepest stain;
But Thou the mighty Savior art,
Nor flowed thy cleansing blood in vain;
Ah soften, melt this rock, and may
Thy blood wash all these stains away!O that I, as a little child,
May follow Thee, and never rest
Till sweetly Thou hast breathed Thy mild
And lowly mind into my breast!
Nor ever may we parted be,
Till I become as one with Thee.Still let Thy love point out my way;
How wondrous things Thy love hath wrought!
Still lead me, lest I go astray;
Direct my word, inspire my thought;
And if I fall, soon may I hear
Thy voice, and know that love is near.In suffering be Thy love my peace,
In weakness be Thy love my power;
And when the storms of life shall cease,
Jesus, in that important hour,
In death as life be Thou my guide,
And save me, who for me hast died.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Grander Than Ocean’s Story
Grander than ocean’s story,
Or songs of forest trees;
Purer than breath of morning,
Or evening’s gentle breeze;
Clearer than mountain echoes
Ring out from peaks above,
Rolls on the glorious anthem
Of God’s eternal love.Dearer than any friendship
Our truest comrades show;
Stronger than all the yearning
A mother’s heart may know;
Deeper than earth’s foundations,
And far above all thought;
Broader than Heav’n’s high arches—
The love that Christ has brought.Richer than all earth’s treasures,
The wealth my soul receives;
Brighter than royal jewels,
The crown that Jesus gives;
Wondrous the condescension,
And grace beyond degree!
I would be ever singing
The love of Christ to me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] He Is All In All To Me
There is constant joy abiding
In Christ my Lord and King;
Of His love that passeth knowledge
My heart and tongue shall sing.Refrain
He is all in all to me,
And my song of songs shall be,
Hallelujah, O my Savior,
I am trusting only Thee.When my path is veiled in shadows,
And clouds above me roll,
I can smile amid the tempest,
His glory fills my soul.Refrain
I can see his bow of promise
Through tears and trials deep;
I can hear His voice like music,
That lulls my care to sleep.Refrain
I shall yet behold and praise Him,
And dwell in perfect peace
In the golden land of beauty,
Where cloud and wave shall cease.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] His Love Is All I Need
The love of Jesus, who can tell,
Tho’ he may know it, oh, so well?
The love that ev’ry want supplies,
The love that always satisfies;
His love is all I need!Refrain
So wonderful, His love to me!
More wonderful how could it be?
My ev’ry sin on Him was laid;
My ev’ry debt by Him was paid;
His love is all I need!The love of Jesus, oh, what bliss,
To hear Him whisper, I am His!
Tho’ I may falter on the way,
He will not let me go astray;
His love is all I need!Refrain
The love of Jesus, oh, how sweet,
To hide in such a safe retreat!
Tho’ Satan would my hopes destroy,
My Savior’s love is still my joy;
His love is all I need!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] His Love Passeth Knowledge
There is joy in my soul, for the Savior is mine,
I am wearing the pledge of His Spirit divine;
Every promise by faith through His grace I may claim,
Oh, His love passeth knowledge, all praise to His Name.Refrain
There is joy in my soul, there is joy in my song,
I am nearing the gates of the bright, shining throng;
And I list to the music of Eden so fair,
Hallelujah to Jesus, I soon shall be there.There is joy in my soul that will never depart,
My Redeemer has made His abode in my heart;
From the tempter and sin I am kept every hour,
Oh, His love passeth knowledge, so great is its power.Refrain
There is joy in my soul though the clouds may arise,
Yet the bow of His mercy ne’er fades from the skies;
I am standing by faith where the pure waters glide,
Oh, His love passeth knowledge, so deep and so wide.Refrain
There is joy in my soul, there is rapture and rest,
In my Savior and Lord I am perfectly blest;
’Twill be only a step ere my feet press the shore,
Then “His love passeth knowledge,” I’ll shout evermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] In The Heart Of Jesus
In the heart of Jesus, there is love for you,
Love most pure and tender, love most deep and true;
Why should you be lonely, why for friendship sigh,
When the heart of Jesus has a full supply?In the mind of Jesus there is thought for you,
Warm as summer sunshine, sweet as morning dew;
Why should you be fearful, why take anxious thought,
Since the mind of Jesus cares for those He bought?In the field of Jesus there is work for you;
Such as even angels might rejoice to do;
Why stand idly sighing for some life-work grand,
While the field of Jesus seeks your reaping hand?In the home of Jesus there’s a place for you;
Glorious, bright, and joyous, calm and peaceful, too;
Why then, like a wanderer, roam with weary pace,
If the home of Jesus holds for you a place?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] It Passeth Knowledge
It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine!
My Jesus! Savior! yet this soul of mine
Would of that love, in all its depth and length,
Its height and breadth, and everlasting strength
Know more and more.It passeth telling! that dear love of Thine!
My Jesus! Savior! yet these lips of mine
Would fain proclaim to sinners far and near
A love which can remove all guilty fear,
And love beget.It passeth praises! that dear love of Thine!
My Jesus! Savior yet this heart of mine
Would sing a love so rich, so full, so free,
Which brought an undone sinner, such as me,
Right home to God.But though I cannot tell, or sing, or know,
The fullness of Thy love while here below,
My empty vessel I may freely bring:
O Thou, who art of love the living spring,
My vessel fill.I am an empty vessel—not one thought,
Or look of love to Thee I ever brought;
Yet I may come, and come again to Thee,
With this the empty sinner’s only plea—
“Thou lovest me!”Oh! fill me Jesus Savior with Thy love;
Lead, lead me to the living fount above!
Thither may I in simple faith draw nigh
And never to another fountain fly,
But unto Thee.And when my Jesus face to face I see,
When at His lofty throne I bow the knee,
Then of His love, in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth, its everlasting strength,
My soul shall sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Love Surpassing Human Love
O love surpassing human love,
The love divine for sinners lost;
In love God gave His only Son,
His shameful death salvation’s cost.Refrain
O blessèd Savior, by Thy pain,
The sinner reaps eternal gain.God loved us when we would not have
His blessèd Son to be our Lord;
And freely, fully He forgave,
When we believed His holy Word.Refrain
The Son of God in wondrous love,
On Calv’ry’s cross was slain for me;
He paid my debt, He bore my load,
“In His own body on the tree.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] My Song Is Love Unknown
My song is love unknown,
My Savior’s love to me;
Love to the loveless shown,
That they might lovely be.
O who am I, that for my sake
My Lord should take, frail flesh and die?He came from His blest throne
Salvation to bestow;
But men made strange, and none
The longed for Christ would know:
But O! my Friend, my Friend indeed,
Who at my need His life did spend.Sometimes they strew His way,
And His sweet praises sing;
Resounding all the day
Hosannas to their King:
Then “Crucify!” is all their breath,
And for His death they thirst and cry.Why, what hath my Lord done?
What makes this rage and spite?
He made the lame to run,
He gave the blind their sight,
Sweet injuries! Yet they at these
Themselves displease, and ’gainst Him rise.They rise and needs will have
My dear Lord made away;
A murderer they saved,
The Prince of life they slay,
Yet cheerful He to suffering goes,
That He His foes from thence might free.In life, no house, no home
My Lord on earth might have;
In death no friendly tomb
But what a stranger gave.
What may I say? Heav’n was His home;
But mine the tomb wherein He lay.Here might I stay and sing,
No story so divine;
Never was love, dear King!
Never was grief like Thine.
This is my Friend, in Whose sweet praise
I all my days could gladly spend.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] O The Depth Of Love Divine
O the depth of love divine, th’unfathomable grace!
Who shall say how bread and wine God into us conveys!
How the bread His flesh imparts, how the wine transmits His blood,
Fills His faithful people’s hearts with all the life of God!Let the wisest mortals show how we the grace receive;
Feeble elements bestow a power not theirs to give.
Who explains the wondrous way, how through these the virtue came?
These the virtue did convey, yet still remain the same.How can spirits heavenward rise, by earthly matter fed,
Drink herewith divine supplies and eat immortal bread?
Ask the Father’s wisdom how: Christ Who did the means ordain;
Angels round our altars bow to search it out, in vain.Sure and real is the grace, the manner be unknown;
Only meet us in thy ways and perfect us in one.
Let us taste the heavenly powers, Lord, we ask for nothing more.
Thine to bless,’ tis only ours to wonder and adore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Precious Love Of Jesus, The
O sing the power of love divine,
The precious love of Jesus,
That bids the light in darkness shine,
And wins the lost to Jesus.Refrain
O precious, pure, unchanging love,
The boundless love of Jesus;
It binds our heart in union sweet,
And makes us one in Jesus.’Tis love that conquers every fear,
The precious love of Jesus,
And now by faith has brought us near
The bleeding side of Jesus.Refrain
’Tis love that fills the joyful heart,
And draws it up to Jesus,
Where neither life nor death can part
The sacred bonds of Jesus.Refrain
When faith and hope have ceased to shine,
And we are safe with Jesus,
We’ll praise the power of love divine
That brought us home to Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Sweeter As The Days Go By
O the love of Jesus means so much to me,
Keeps my pathway shining, keeps me pure and free;
More and more I praise Him, for He seems to be
Sweeter as the days go by.Refrain
Sweeter as the days go by,
Sweeter as the moments fly;
He’s always drawing nearer,
And to me His love is dearer,
Sweeter as the days go by.Precious, loving Savior, all along the way,
Words of cheer and comfort I have heard Him say;
And He grows more precious to my soul each day,
Sweeter as the days go by.Refrain
He, I know, will keep me, He will hold me fast
Till my earthly trials be forever past;
He will be, until I see His face at last,
Sweeter as the days go by.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 3:19] Tender Love Of Jesus
Tender love of Jesus, so lovely and so pure;
Flowing thru this vessel to strengthen, fill and cure
All the doubt and turmoil that’s caused by sin and shame,
Making me a witness to His most holy Name.
Yes, love, Christ’s love, pure love, great love;
With joy my heart is singing, the things of life grow dim,
For Christ is love!Thru the passing ages flowed down this love divine,
Lighting men and angels and causing them to shine,
What a heav’nly radiance, His glory from above,
Sunshine of the Spirit, the holy light of love.
Yes, love, Christ’s love, pure love, great love;
With joy my heart is singing, the things of life grow dim,
For Christ is love!Tender love from Heaven in Jesus came to live,
Showing us how God loves, and then His life to give;
Came to be a servant, with God’s great pow’r and peace
Leads us to the Father, whose love will never cease.
God’s love, sweet love from Heav’n above.
This love is like an ocean, its waves are reaching me;
Christ came this love to be.Love is mine in Jesus, this Babe of Bethlehem,
Prince of Peace forever, the Christ, the great I Am.
Angels gave the message, and shepherds passed it on,
Love will be the story when Heav’n and earth are gone.
God’s love, sweet love from Heav’n above.
This love is like an ocean, its waves are reaching me;
Christ came this love to be.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Ephesians 4:30
[Eph 4:30] Holy Spirit, The
The Spirit, oh, sinner,
In mercy doth move,
Thy heart, so long hardened,
Of sin to reprove;
Resist not the Spirit,
Nor longer delay;
God’s gracious entreaties,
May end with today.Oh, child of the kingdom,
From sin service cease:
Be filled with the Spirit,
With comfort and peace.
Oh, grieve not the Spirit,
Thy Teacher is He,
That Jesus, Thy Savior,
May glorified be.Defiled is the temple,
Its beauty laid low,
On God’s holy altar
The embers faint glow.
By love yet rekindled,
A flame may be fanned;
Oh, quench not the Spirit,
The Lord is at hand.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 4:30] I Want A Principle Within
I want a principle within of watchful, godly fear,
A sensibility of sin, a pain to feel it near.
I want the first approach to feel of pride or wrong desire,
To catch the wandering of my will, and quench the kindling fire.From Thee that I no more may stray, no more Thy goodness grieve,
Grant me the filial awe, I pray, the tender conscience give.
Quick as the apple of an eye, O God, my conscience make;
Awake my soul when sin is nigh, and keep it still awake.Almighty God of truth and love, to me Thy power impart;
The mountain from my soul remove, the hardness from my heart.
O may the least omission pain my reawakened soul,
And drive me to that blood again, which makes the wounded whole.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 4:30] O Lord, While We Confess The Worth
O Lord, while we confess the worth
Of this the outward seal,
Do Thou the truths herein set forth
To every heart reveal.Death to the world we here avow,
Death to each fleshly lust;
Newness of life our calling now,
A risen Lord our trust.And we, O Lord, who now partake
Of resurrection life,
With every sin, for Thy dear sake,
Would be at constant strife.Baptized into the Father’s Name,
We’d walk as sons of God;
Baptized in Thine, we own Thy claim
As ransomed by Thy blood.Baptized into the Holy Ghost,
We’d keep His temple pure,
And make Thy grace our only boast,
And by Thy strength endure.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Eph 4:30] Stay, Thou Insulted Spirit, Stay
Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay,
Though I have done Thee such despite,
Nor cast the sinner quite away,
Nor take Thine everlasting flight.Though I have steeled my stubborn heart,
And still shook off my guilty fears,
And vexed, and urged Thee to depart,
For many long rebellious years;Though I have most unfaithful been
Of all who e’er Thy grace received,
Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen,
Ten thousand times Thy goodness grieved;Yet O! the chief of sinners spare,
In honor of my great High Priest,
Nor in Thy righteous anger swear
T’exclude me from Thy people’s rest.This only woe I deprecate.
This only plague I pray remove;
Nor leave me in my lost estate,
Nor curse me with this want of love.If yet Thou canst my sins forgive,
From now, O Lord, relieve my woes,
Into Thy rest of love receive,
And bless me with calm repose.Now, Lord, my weary soul release,
Upraise me with Thy gracious hand.
And guide into Thy perfect peace,
And bring me to the promised land.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Titus 3:5
[Tit 3:5] Depth Of Mercy
Depth of mercy! Can there be
Mercy still reserved for me?
Can my God His wrath forbear,
Me, the chief of sinners, spare?I have long withstood His grace,
Long provoked Him to His face,
Would not hearken to His calls,
Grieved Him by a thousand falls.I my Master have denied,
I afresh have crucified,
And profaned His hallowed Name,
Put Him to an open shame.I have spilt His precious blood,
Trampled on the Son of God,
Filled with pangs unspeakable,
I, who yet am not in hell!Lo! I still walk on the ground:
Lo! an Advocate is found:
“Hasten not to cut him down,
Let this barren soul alone.”Jesus speaks, and pleads His blood!
He disarms the wrath of God;
Now my Father’s mercies move,
Justice lingers into love.Kindled His relentings are,
Me He now delights to spare,
Cries, “How shall I give thee up?”
Lets the lifted thunder drop.Whence to me this waste of love?
Ask my Advocate above!
See the cause in Jesus’ face,
Now before the throne of grace.There for me the Savior stands,
Shows His wounds and spreads His hands.
God is love! I know, I feel;
Jesus weeps and loves me still.Jesus, answer from above,
Is not all Thy nature love?
Wilt Thou not the wrong forget,
Permit me to kiss Thy feet?If I rightly read Thy heart,
If Thou all compassion art,
Bow Thine ear, in mercy bow,
Pardon and accept me now.Pity from Thine eye let fall,
By a look my soul recall;
Now the stone to flesh convert,
Cast a look, and break my heart.Now incline me to repent,
Let me now my sins lament,
Now my foul revolt deplore,
Weep, believe, and sin no more.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:5] Lord, In This Thy Mercy’s Day
Lord, in this Thy mercy’s day,
Ere for us it pass away,
On our knees we fall and pray.Holy Jesus, grant us tears,
Fill us with heart searching fears,
Ere the hour of doom appears.Lord, on us Thy Spirit pour,
Kneeling lowly at Thy door,
Ere it close forevermore.By Thy night of agony,
By Thy supplicating cry,
By Thy willingness to die,By Thy tears of bitter woe,
For Jerusalem below,
Let us not Thy peace forego.Judge and Savior of our race,
Grant us, when we see Thy face,
With Thy ransomed ones a place.Grant us ’neath Thy wings a place,
Lest we lose this day of grace,
Ere we shall behold Thy face.On Thy love we rest alone,
And that love shall then be known,
By the pardoned, round Thy throne.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:5] My Only Plea
O theme with love and mercy fraught,
Salvation full and free,
That Christ upon the cross has wrought
For me, for me:Refrain
This shall be my only plea,
This shall be my only plea,
That Christ was crucified for me,
For me, for me.When dreadful sin my soul assails,
And death shall compass me,
That Christ o’er sin and death prevails
For me, for me:Refrain
And when before the throne I stand,
And judgment set shall be,
That Christ fulfilled the law’s command
For me, for me:Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Tit 3:5] ’tis Done! The New And Heavenly Birth
’Tis done! that new and heavenly birth,
Which re-creates the sons of earth,
Has cleansed from guilt of Adam’s sin
A soul which Jesus died to win.’Tis done! the cross upon the brow
Is marked for weal or sorrow now,
To shine with heavenly luster bright,
Or burn in everlasting night.O ye who came that babe to lay
Within a Savior’s arms today,
Watch well and guard with careful eye
The heir of immortality.Teach him to know a Father’s love,
And seek for happiness above,
To Christ his heart and treasures give
And in the Spirit ever live.That so before the judgment seat
In joy and triumph ye may meet;
The battle fought, the struggle o’er,
The kingdom yours forevermore.Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below,
Praise Him above, angelic host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Play source: Cyberhymnal