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Leviticus 7:11-21



thanksgiving ..... thank offering <08426> [a thanksgiving.]

unleavened ....... unleavened wafers <04682 07550> [unleavened wafers.]


leavened <02557> [leavened.]


contribution <08641> [an heave.]

priest <03548> [the priest's.]


eaten <0398> [be eaten.]

[See on]

set <03240> [he shall not.]

Mr. Harmer supposes that this law refers to the custom of drying flesh, that had been devoted to a religious purpose, which is practised among the Mohammedans at the present day, on the their pilgrimage to Mecca. "It would not have suited," he observes, "the genius of the Mosaic dispensation, to have allowed them to have dried the flesh of their peace offerings, whether in thanksgiving, in consequence of a vow, or merely voluntary, and have afterwards eaten the flesh very commonly in a sparing manner, or communicated only some small portion of it to their particular friends: their peace offerings were to be eaten, on the contrary, with festivity, communicated to their friends with liberality, and bestowed on the poor with great generosity, that they might partake with them of these sacred repasts with joy before the Lord."


votive <05088> [be a vow.]

freewill <05071> [a voluntary.]

leftovers <03498> [also the.]


third <07992> [on the third.]

burned up <08313> [burnt.]


accepted ................ spoiled .......... bear <07521 06292 05375> [it shall.]

accounted <02803> [be imputed.]

spoiled <06292> [an abomination.]

bear <05375> [bear.]



uncleanness <02932> [having.]

cut off <03772> [shall be.]


uncleanness <02932> [the uncleanness.]

uncleanness <02932> [any unclean.]

detestable <08263> [abominable.]

cut off <03772> [cut off.]

Leviticus 7:29-34



hands <03027> [own hands.]

breast ..... breast <02373> [with the breast.]

[See on]


priest <03548> [the priest.]

breast <02373> [the breast.]



presents <07126> [that offereth.]


wave offering <08573> [the wave.]

[by a statue.]

Leviticus 22:19-21




peace offering <08002> [peace.]

for ... special <06381> [to accomplish.]

flock <06629> [sheep. or, goats. it shall be perfect.]

This law is so founded on the nature of the thing itself, that it has been in force among all nations that sacrificed victims to their deities.

Exodus 20:24


altar <04196> [altar.]

burnt offerings <05930> [burnt.]

place <04725> [in all places.]

bless <01288> [will bless thee.]

Exodus 24:5


young ... men <05288> [young men.]

burnt offerings <05930> [burnt offerings.]

peace offerings <08002 02077> [peace offerings.]

Exodus 29:28


Aaron <0175> [Aaron's.]

contribution ....... contribution .......... contribution <08641> [is an heave.]

<02077> [sacrifice.]

Numbers 6:14


lamb ............ one ...... first ......... one <0259 03532> [one he.]

one ewe lamb .... first ......... one <0259 03535> [one ewe.]

one ...... first ......... one ram <0259 0352> [one ram.]

Numbers 7:17


peace offerings <08002> [peace.]

offering <07133> [this was the offering.]

It is worthy of remark, that the different tribes are represented here as bringing their offerings precisely in the same order in which they encamped about the tabernacle, (see ch. 2; 10;) beginning at the East, then proceeding to the South, then to the West, and ending with the North, according to the course of the sun. Their order may be thus viewed: East. 1. Judah: Nahshon. 2. Issachar: Nathaneel. 3. Zebulun: Eliab. South. 4. Reuben: Elizur. 5. Simeon: Shelumiel. 6. Gad: Eliasaph. West. 7. Ephraim: Elishama. 8. Manasseh: Gamaliel. 9. Benjamin: Abidan. North. 10. Dan: Ahiezer. 11. Asher: Pagiel. 12. Naphtali: Ahira. Thus God evinces that he "is not the author of confusion, but of peace." (1 Co 14:33.) It is also worthy of remark, that every tribe offers the same kind of offering, and in the same quantity, to shew, that as every tribe was equally indebted to God for its support, so each should testify an equal sense of obligation. Besides, the vessels were all sacrificial vessels, and the animals were all clean animals, such as were proper for sacrifices; and therefore everything was intended to point out, that the people were to be a holy people, fully dedicated to God, and that God was to dwell among them. Thus, as the priests, altar, etc. were anointed, and the tabernacle dedicated, so the people, by this offering, became consecrated to God. Therefore every act here was a religious act.

Jude 1:1


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]

Jude 1:4


have secretly slipped in <3921> [crept.]

<3588> [who.]

ungodly men <765> [ungodly.]

have turned <3346> [turning.]

deny <720> [denying.]

only <3441> [only.]

Jude 1:1


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]

Jude 1:1


[A. D. 66. A. M. 4070.]

Jude <2455> [Jude.]

[Lebbeus, Thaddeus.]


a slave <1401> [the servant.]

<37> [them.]

kept <5083> [preserved.]

called <2822> [and called.]

Proverbs 7:14


fresh meat <08002 02077> [I have peace offerings with me. Heb. Peace-offerings are upon me.]

today <03117> [this.]

Ezekiel 45:15


sheep <07716> [lamb. or, kid. out of the fat.]

peace offering <08002> [peace offerings. or, thank offerings.]

atonement <03722> [to make.]

Amos 5:22


offer <05927> [offer.]

peace offerings <08002> [peace offerings. or, thank offerings.]

Romans 5:1-2


have been declared righteous <1344> [being.]

we have <2192> [we have.]

through <1223> [through.]


through whom ............. which <1223 3739> [By whom.]

in <1722> [wherein.]

also ............. and we rejoice <2532 2744> [and rejoice.]

glory <1391> [the glory.]

Colossians 1:20


by making peace <1517> [having made peace. or making peace.]

to reconcile <604> [reconcile.]

all things ................. on earth .... in <1093 1722 3956 1909> [things in earth.]

Colossians 1:1


an apostle <652> [an.]

Timothy <5095> [Timotheus.]

Colossians 1:3


give thanks <2168> [give.]

when ... pray <4336> [praying.]

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