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1 Corinthians 13:2


I have prophecy ........... I have ........... do ... have <2192 4394> [I have the.]

know <1492> [understand.]

I have ... and ... all ... and all ..... I have all ......... but do ... have <2532 1437 2192 3956 1161> [and though I have all.]

I have ... and ..... and ...... I have .......... but do ... have <2532 1161 2192> [and have.]

I am <1510> [I am.]

1 Corinthians 14:1


Pursue <1377> [Follow.]

love <26> [charity.]

be eager <2206> [desire.]

you may prophesy <4395> [prophesy.]

1 Corinthians 14:3


strengthening <3619> [edification.]

encouragement <3874> [exhortation.]

consolation <3889> [comfort.]

1 Corinthians 14:5


I wish <2309> [would.]

<1063> [for.]

<1622> [except.]

1 Corinthians 14:24


he will be convicted <1651> [he is convinced.]

1 Corinthians 14:31-32


all ....... all can learn <3956 3129> [all may learn.]

all ....... all ..... be encouraged <3956 3870> [all may be.]


1 Corinthians 14:39


be eager <2206> [covet.]

Numbers 11:25-29


came down <03381> [came down.]

took <0680> [took.]

put ..... seventy <05414 07657> [gave it.]

From this place, Origen and Theodoret take occasion to compare Moses to a lamp, at which seventy others were lighted, without any diminution of its lustre.

prophesied <05012> [they prophesied.]

By prophesying here we are to understand, their performing those civil and sacred functions for which they were qualified; exhorting the people to quiet and peaceable submission, and to trust and confidence in the providence of God.


gone <03318> [went not out.]


Joshua <03091> [Joshua.]

lord <0113> [My Lord.]


jealous <07065> [Enviest.]

put <05414> [would.]

Lord's ....... Lord <03068> [that the.]

Numbers 11:1


people <05971> [And when.]

complained <0596> [complained. or, were as it were complainers. it displeased the Lord. Heb. it was evil in the ears of the Lord.]

fire <0784> [and the fire.]

outer parts <07097> [the uttermost.]

Numbers 10:10-13


time <03117> [in the day.]

memorial <02146> [a memorial.]


twentieth <06242> [An. Ex. Is 2. Ijar. on.]

The Israelites had lain encamped in the wilderness of Sinai about eleven months and twenty days (comp. Ex 19:1); and they now received the order of God to decamp, and proceed to the promised land: the Samaritan, therefore, introduces at this place, nearly the words of De 1:6-8: "And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount; turn, and take your journey, etc."

cloud <06051> [the cloud.]


So .... set <05265> [took.]

wilderness .......... wilderness <04057> [out of the.]

wilderness .......... wilderness <04057> [the wilderness.]


Numbers 19:20


purify <02398> [shall not.]

Numbers 19:2


ordinance <02708> [the ordinance.]

red heifer <06510 0122> [a red heifer.]

The following curious particulars have been remarked in this ordinance: 1. A heifer was appointed for sacrifice, in opposition to the Egyptian superstition, which held these sacred, and worshipped their goddess Isis under this form; and this appears the more likely, because males only were chosen for sacrifice. So Herodotus says, they sacrifice males, both old and young; but it is not lawful for them to offer females. 2. It was to be a red heifer, because the Egyptians sacrificed red bulls to the evil demon Typhon. 3. It was to be without spot, having no mixture of any other colour. Plutarch says, the Egyptians "sacrifice red bulls, and select them with such scrupulous attention, that if the animal has a single black or white hair, they reckon it [athuton,] unfit to be sacrificed." 4. Without blemish. (See note on Le 22:21.) 5. On which never came yoke: because an animal which had been used for a common purpose was deemed improper for sacrifice.

defect <03971> [no blemish. See on]

never <03808> [upon which.]

Numbers 23:1-2


Build ... seven ......... seven .... seven <01129 07651> [Build me.]

seven altars ........ seven .... seven <04196 07651> [seven altars.]

seven ......... seven bulls ... seven <06499 07651> [seven oxen.]


offered <05927> [offered.]

Joel 2:28


pour <08210> [that I.]

kinds <01320> [upon.]

daughters <01323> [your daughters.]

have revelatory <02492> [dream.]

John 16:13


Spirit <4151> [Spirit.]

he will guide <3594> [will guide.]

For <1063> [for.]

will tell <312> [he will shew.]

Acts 2:17-18


in <1722> [in.]

I will pour out <1632> [I will.]

all <3956> [all.]

your sons ... your ...... your ........ your <5216 5207> [your sons.]


on my .... men ........ my <1909 3450 1401> [on my servants.]

both .............. and they will prophesy <2532 4395> [and they.]

Acts 2:29-30


[let me. or, I may. freely.]

forefather <3966> [the patriarch.]

David <1138> [David.]


was <5225> [being.]

knew <1492> [knowing.]

with an oath <3727> [with.]

<450> [he.]

Acts 11:28


Agabus <13> [Agabus.]

severe <3173> [great.]

This was probably the famine which took place in the fourth year of Claudius, which continued for several years, and in which, says Josephus, "many died for want of food."

Claudius <2804> [Claudius.]

Claudius Caesar succeeded C. Caligula, A.D. 41; and after a reign of upwards of 13 years, he was poisoned by his wife Agrippina, and succeeded by Nero.

Acts 21:9-10


unmarried <3933> [virgins.]

who prophesied <4395> [which.]


<2257> [as.]

Agabus <13> [Agabus.]

Romans 12:6


And <1161> [then.]

different ... according <1313 2596> [differing according.]


<1535> [whether.]

according ................... proportion <2596 356> [according to the proportion.]

Romans 12:1


I exhort <3870> [beseech.]

by ... mercies <1223 3628> [by the.]

to present <3936> [that ye.]

alive <2198> [a living.]

pleasing <2101> [acceptable.]

Romans 5:20


law <3551> [the law.]

Now ............. where <1161> [But.]

Romans 5:2


through whom ............. which <1223 3739> [By whom.]

in <1722> [wherein.]

also ............. and we rejoice <2532 2744> [and rejoice.]

glory <1391> [the glory.]

Romans 1:20-21


For ......... invisible attributes <1063 517> [For the.]

since ... creation <575 2937> [from the.]

his .... his ..................... people <5037 846> [even his.]

divine <2305> [Godhead.]

his .... his ..................... people <1519 846 1511> [so that they are. or, that they may be.]

without excuse <379> [without.]

Ac 22:1 *Gr:


knew <1097> [when.]

they did ... glorify <1392> [they glorified.]

but they became futile <235 3154> [but became.]

their .... their senseless <846 801> [their foolish.]

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