Colossians 3:1-23
you have been raised <4891> [risen.]
keep seeking <2212> [seek.]
where <3757> [where.]
Keep thinking <5426> [Set.]
Keep thinking <5426> [affection. or, mind. not.]
you have died <599> [are.]
your <5216> [your.]
is hidden <2928> [hid.]
your <2257> [our.]
is .... appears ..... will be revealed <5319> [appear.]
you <5210> [ye.]
put to death <3499> [Mortify.]
<3196> [members.]
sexual immorality <4202> [fornication.]
shameful passion <3806> [inordinate.]
evil <2556> [evil.]
greed <4124> [covetousness.]
<3739> [which.]
<5207> [children.]
put off <659> [put.]
anger <3709> [anger.]
slander <988> [blasphemy.]
abusive language <148> [filthy.]
Do ... lie <5574> [Lie.]
you have put off <554> [ye.]
have been clothed <1746> [put.]
new man <3501> [the new.]
is being renewed <341> [renewed.]
knowledge <1922> [knowledge.]
according to <2596> [after.]
there is <1762> [there.]
circumcised <4061> [circumcision.]
barbarian <915> [Barbarian.]
slave <1401> [bond.]
but <235> [but.]
nor .... or ............ and <2532> [and.]
clothe <1746> [Put.]
as <5613> [as.]
holy <40> [holy.]
dearly loved <25> [beloved.]
a heart <4698> [bowels.]
of mercy <3628> [mercies.]
bearing <430> [Forbearing.]
forgiving .................. has forgiven <5483> [forgiving.]
a complaint <3437> [quarrel. or complaint.]
Just as <2531> [even.]
love <26> [charity.]
bond <4886> [the.]
peace <1515> [the peace.]
word <3056> [the word.]
Let ...... dwell <1774> [dwell.]
richly <4146> [richly.]
all <3956> [all.]
teaching <1321> [teaching.]
psalms <5568> [in psalms.]
and ............ spiritual <2532 4152> [and spiritual.]
singing <103> [singing.]
<2962> [to the.]
<3748> [whatsoever.]
in word ....... in <1722 3056> [in word.]
in ........ in ... name <1722 3686> [in the.]
giving thanks <2168> [giving.]
God <2316> [God.]
submit <5293> [submit.]
as <5613> [as.]
love <25> [love.]
do ... be embittered <4087> [bitter.]
obey <5219> [obey.]
in <2596> [in.]
pleasing <2101> [well pleasing.]
obey <5219> [obey.]
people-pleasers <441> [menpleasers.]
in ................. with a sincere <2596 1722 572> [in singleness.]
fearing <5399> [fearing.]
<3956> [whatsoever.]
as <5613> [as.]