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Genesis 41:38-39


whom <0834> [in whom.]


Exodus 36:1-2


[An. Ex. Is. 1. Tisri to Adar. Bezaleel.]

[wise-hearted man.]

service <05656> [for the service.]

Lord ............................... Lord <03068> [according.]


person ........... heart <03820> [in whose.]

person ........... heart <03820> [one whose.]

Numbers 27:16-17


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

{Yehowah elohey haroochoth lechol basar,} "Jehovah, the God of the spirits of all flesh." This address sufficiently proves, that this holy man believed man to be compounded of flesh and spirit, and that these principles are perfectly distinct. Either the materiality of the soul is a human fable, or, if it be a true doctrine, Moses did not pray under the influence of the Divine Spirit. There is a similar form of expression in ch. 16:22: "O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh;" and in Job 12:10, "In whose hand is the soul {nephesh} of all living; and the spirit {rooach} of all flesh of man." These seem decisive proofs, among many others, that the Old Testament teaches that there is an immortal spirit in man; for though {rooach} sometimes denotes breath or wind, yet it certainly has not that signification here, nor in the other passages cited.

God <0430> [the God.]

Let ............ appoint ... man <06485 0376> [set a man.]


out ................ out <03318> [go out.]

sheep <06629> [as sheep.]

Numbers 27:1


daughters .................................... daughters <01323> [the daughters.]

In the orders for the division of the land, just given, no provision had been made for females, in case of failure of male issue. The five daughters of Zelophehad, therefore, considered themselves as destitute, having neither father nor brother, and being themselves entirely overlooked; and they agreed to refer the case to Moses and the rulers, whether it were not equitable that they should inherit their father's portion. This led to the enactment of an additional law to the civil code of Israel, which satisfactorily ascertained and amply secured the right of succession in cases of inheritance. This law, which is as reasonable as it is just, stands thus:--1. On the demise of the father, the estate descends to the sons. 2. If there be no son, the daughters succeed. 3. If there be no daughter, the brothers of the deceased inherit. 4. If there be no brethren, or paternal uncles, the estate goes to the grand uncles, or brothers of his father. 5. If there be no grand uncles, then the nearest of kin succeeds to the inheritance. Beyond this fifth degree the law does not extend, because there must always have been some among the Israelites who could be called kinsmen.

Zelophehad <06765> [Zelophehad.]

Numbers 22:12


Balaam <01109 03212> [Balaam, Thou shalt.]

curse <0779> [thou shalt not curse.]

blessed <01288> [for they.]

Numbers 29:19


Numbers 29:2


Numbers 1:8-12


Nethanel <05417> [Nethaneel.]


Eliab <0446> [Eliab.]


Elishama <0476> [Elishama.]

Gamaliel <01583> [Gamaliel.]


Abidan <027> [Abidan.]


Ahiezer <0295> [Ahiezer.]

Psalms 119:73


hands <03027> [Thy hands.]

understanding <0995> [give me.]

learn <03925> [that I may.]

Psalms 119:125


servant <05650> [I am thy.]

insight <0995> [give.]

understand <03045> [that I.]

Psalms 119:144


just <06664> [righteousness.]

insight <0995> [give me.]

insight <0995> [understanding.]

Psalms 143:8-9


hear <08085> [to hear.]

hear .............. Show <08085 03045> [cause me.]

long for you <05375> [for I lift.]


protection <03680> [flee unto thee. Heb. hide me with thee.]

Proverbs 2:3-6


call <07121> [if.]

raise ... voice <06963 05414> [liftest up thy voice. Heb. givest thy voice.]


seek <01245> [thou.]

search <02664> [searchest.]


understand <0995> [shalt.]

fear <03374> [the fear.]

discover <04672> [find.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

mouth <06310> [out.]

Isaiah 28:26


God <0430> [For his God, etc. or, And he bindeth it in such sort as his]

God doth teach him.

Daniel 1:17


God <0430> [God.]

knowledge <04093> [knowledge.]

Daniel ... insight <0995 01840> [Daniel had understanding. or, he made Daniel understand.]

Luke 21:15


I will give <1473 1325> [I will.]

that ........... or <3739> [which.]

Luke 24:45


John 14:26


Advocate <3875> [the Comforter.]

Holy Spirit <4151 40> [Holy Ghost.]

whom <3739> [whom.]

<1565> [he.]

will cause <5279> [bring.]

John 16:13


Spirit <4151> [Spirit.]

he will guide <3594> [will guide.]

For <1063> [for.]

will tell <312> [he will shew.]

Acts 7:10


rescued <1807> [delivered.]

granted <1325> [gave.]

Acts 7:1


Are <1487> [Are.]

Colossians 1:8


Ephesians 1:17-18


God <2316> [the God.]

3 Joh 20:17

Father <3962> [the Father.]

spiritual <4151> [the spirit.]

revelation <602> [revelation.]

in ... growing knowledge <1722 1922> [in the knowledge. or, for the acknowledgement.]


eyes <3788> [eyes.]

<2076> [is.]

of his calling ...... of his <2821 846> [his calling.]

wealth <4149> [the riches.]

Colossians 1:9


from <575> [since.]

you have ... ceased <3973> [do.]

fill <2443 4137> [that ye.]

his <846> [of his.]

wisdom <4678> [wisdom.]

spiritual <4152> [spiritual.]

James 1:5


<1536> [any.]

he should ask <154> [let.]

But ................. and ... reprimand and <1161 2532 3679> [and upbraideth.]

James 3:15


wisdom <4678> [wisdom.]

but <235> [but.]

natural <5591> [sensual. or, natural.]

demonic <1141> [devilish.]

James 3:17


wisdom <4678> [the wisdom.]

first <4412> [first.]

peaceable <1516> [peaceable.]

gentle <1933> [gentle.]

full <3324> [full.]

impartial ... not hypocritical <87 505> [without.]

impartial <87> [partiality. or, wrangling. hypocrisy.]

James 3:1


should become <1096> [be.]

know <1492> [knowing.]

judged <2917> [condemnation. or, judgement.]

James 5:20


that ..... turns .... back <3754 1994> [that he.]

will save <4982> [shall save.]

from .......... from death <1537 2288> [from death.]

will cover <2572> [hide.]

CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE EPISTLE OF JAMES. James, the son of Alphaeus, the brother of Jacob, and the near relation of our Lord, called also James the Less, probably because he was of lower stature, or younger, than the other James, the son of Zebedee, is generally allowed to be the writer of this Epistle; and the few that have doubted this have assigned very slight reasons for their dissent, and advanced very weak arguments on the other side. It is recorded in ecclesiastical history, and the book of the Acts of the Apostles confirms the fact, that he generally resided at Jerusalem, superintending the churches in that city, and in the neighbouring places, to the end of his life, which was terminated by martyrdom about A.D. 62. This epistle appears to have been written but a short time before his death; and it is probable that the sharp rebukes and awful warnings given in it to his countrymen excited that persecuting rage which terminated his life. It is styled Catholic, or General, because it was not addressed to any particular church, but to the Jewish nation throughout their dispersions. Though its genuineness was doubted for a considerable time, yet its insertion in the ancient Syriac version, which was executed at the close of the first, or the beginning of the second century, and the citation of, or allusion to it, by Clement of Rome, Hermas, and Ignatious, and its being quoted by Origen, Jerome, Athanasius, and most of the subsequent ecclesiastical writers, as well as its internal evidence, are amply sufficient to prove the point.

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