Matthew 14:13--16:20
and he had compassion .... and <2532 4697> [and was.]
to him <846> [his.]
Send .... away <630> [send.]
need <5532> [they.]
he instructed <2753> [he commanded.]
looking up <308> [looking.]
he gave thanks <2127> [he blessed.]
were satisfied <5526> [were.]
and .... and they picked up <2532 142> [and they took.]
about <5616> [about.]
<2424> [Jesus.]
while <2193> [while.]
he went up <305> [he went.]
<2258> [he was.]
beating <928> [tossed.]
was ending <5438 5067> [the fourth watch.]
The Jews at this time divided the night into four watches; the first was from six o'clock in the evening till nine, the second from nine to twelve, the third from twelve till three, and the fourth from three till six; so that it probably began to be daylight before our Lord came to his disciples.
walking <4043> [walking.]
This suspension of the laws of gravitation was a proper manifestation of omnipotence.
they were terrified <5015> [they were.]
Have courage ..... Do ... be afraid <2293 5399> [Be.]
I <1510> [it.]
order <2753> [bid.]
walked <4043> [he walked.]
when ... saw <991> [when.]
<2478> [boisterous. or, strong. Lord.]
reached out <1614> [stretched.]
caught <1949> [and caught.]
You of little faith <3640> [O thou.]
<1684> [come.]
worshiped <4352> [worshipped.]
Truly ...... of God <230 2316> [Of.]
After ... had crossed over <1276> [when.]
land ... Gennesaret <1093 1082> [the land of Gennesaret.]
Gennesaret was a fertile district, in which were situated the cities of Tiberias and Capernaum, extending along the western shore of the lake to which it gave name, about 30 stadia, or nearly four miles, in length, and twenty stadia, or two miles and a half, in breadth, according to Josephus.
only <3440> [only.]
edge <2899> [hem.]
were healed <1295> [perfectly.]
came <4334> [came.]
experts in the law <1122> [scribes.]
from <575> [which.]
do .... disobey <3845> [transgress.]
tradition <3862> [tradition.]
Tradition, in Latin {traditio,} from {trado,} I deliver, hand down, exactly agreeing with the original [paradosis <\\See definition 3862\\>,] from [paradidomi <\\See definition 3860\\>,] I deliver, transmit. Among the Jews it signifies what is called oral law, which they say has been successively handed down from Moses, through every generation, to Judah the Holy, who compiled and digested it into the Mishneh, to explain which the two Gemaras, or Talmuds, called the Jerusalem and Babylonish, were composed. Of the estimation in which these were held by the Jews, the following may serve as an example: "The words of the Scribes are lovely beyond the words of the law, for the words of the law are weighty and light, but the words of the Scribes are all weighty."
<1302> [Why.]
God <2316> [God.]
Honor <5091> [Honour.]
insults <2551> [He.]
given to God <1435> [It is.]
<5091> [honour.]
<2532> [Thus.]
Hypocrites <5273> [hypocrites.]
correctly <2573> [well.]
<1448> [draweth.]
but <1161> [but.]
in vain <3155> [in.]
teaching <1321> [teaching.]
called <4341> [he.]
Listen <191> [Hear.]
is .... goes <1525> [that which goeth.]
it is what <235> [but.]
Do you know <1492> [Knowest.]
Every <3956> [Every.]
Leave <863> [Let.]
<1526> [they.]
Explain <5419> [Declare.]
that <3754> [that.]
and ... passes out <2532 1544> [and is.]
out <1537> [out.]
evil <4190> [evil.]
<3588> [which.]
<1161> [but.]
went <402> [and departed.]
of Tyre <5184> [Tyre.]
woman <1135> [a woman.]
Have mercy <1653> [Have.]
Son <5207> [son.]
My <3450> [my.]
Send ... away <630> [Send.]
I was sent <649 3756> [I am not.]
came <2064> [came.]
bowed down <4352> [worshipped.]
Lord <2962> [Lord.]
dogs <2952> [dogs.]
[Tois kunarion <\\See definition 2952\\>,] "to the little dogs," lap dogs, etc., the diminutive of [kuon <\\See definition 2965\\>,] a dog. The Jews, while they boasted of being the children of God, gave the name of dogs to the heathen, for their idolatry, etc.
Yes <3483> [Truth.]
but <2532> [yet.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
Our Lord's purpose being now answered, he openly commended her faith, and assured her that her daughter was healed.
great <3173> [great.]
be done <1096> [be it.]
went <2064> [and came.]
along <3844> [unto.]
[lake of Gennesaret.]
went up <305> [went.]
large ............... many <4183> [great.]
mute <2974> [the dumb.]
<2948> [the maimed.]
lame <5560> [the lame.]
and ..... and they praised <2532 1392> [and they.]
God <2316> [God.]
Jesus <2424> [Jesus.]
I have compassion <4697> [I have.]
three <5140> [three.]
and they have <2532 2192> [and have.]
since <3379> [lest.]
Where <4159> [Whence.]
to satisfy <5526> [to fill.]
How many <4214> [How.]
a few <3641> [few.]
to sit down <377> [to sit.]
after giving thanks <2168> [and gave thanks.]
all <3956> [all.]
seven <2033> [seven.]
After sending away <630> [he sent.]
Pharisees <5330> [Pharisees.]
Sadducees <4523> [Sadducees.]
to test <3985> [tempting.]
a sign <4592> [a sign.]
comes <1096> [When.]
<5273> [O ye.]
signs <4592> [the signs.]
A wicked <4190> [wicked.]
<1508> [but.]
and ........ but .............. Then ... left <2532 2641> [And he.]
Watch out <3708> [Take.]
yeast <2219> [the leaven.]
Pharisees <5330> [the Pharisees.]
they began to discuss <1260> [they.]
because <3754> [It is.]
When <1161> [when.]
have such little faith <3640> [O ye.]
Do you still not understand <3539 3768> [ye not.]
five loaves <4002 740> [the five loaves.]
but <235> [but.]
came <2064> [came.]
of Caesarea Philippi <5376 2542> [Caesarea Philippi.]
C‘sarea Philippi was anciently called Paneas, from the mountain of Panium, or Hermon, at the foot of which it was situated, near the springs of Jordan; but Philip the tetrarch, the son of Herod the Great, having rebuilt it, gave it the name of C‘sarea in honour of Tiberius, the reigning emperor, and he added his own name to it, to distinguish it from another C‘sarea on the coast of the Mediterranean. It was afterwards named Neronias by the young Agrippa, in honour of Nero; and in the time of William of Tyre, it was called Belinas. It was, according to Josephus, a day's journey from Sidon, and 120 stadia from the lake of Phiala; and, according to Abulfeda, a journey of a day and a half from Damascus. Many have confounded it with Dan, or Leshem; but Eusebius and Jerome expressly affirm that Dan was four miles from Paneas, on the road to Tyre. It is now called Banias, and is described, by Seetzen, as a hamlet of about twenty miserable huts, inhabited by Mohammedans; but Burckhardt says it contains about 150 houses, inhabited by Turks, Greeks, etc.
Who <5101> [Whom.]
John <2491> [John.]
Elijah <2243> [Elias.]
But <1161> [But.]
You <4771> [Thou.]
living <2198> [the living.]
blessed <3107> [Blessed.]
Simon <4613> [Simon.]
because <3754> [for.]
but <235> [but.]
you <4771> [thou.]
on <1909> [upon.]
I will build <3618> [I will.]
my <3450> [my.]
and .......... and ... gates <1161 2532 4439> [and the.]
will not overpower <2729 3756> [shall not.]
I will give <1325> [give.]
keys <2807> [the keys.]
and <2532 3739> [and whatsoever.]
<1291> [charged.]
<2424> [Jesus.]