Leviticus 1:3--7:37
burnt offering <05930> [a burnt.]
male <02145> [a male.]
acceptance <07522> [his own.]
entrance <06607> [at the.]
lay <05564> [put.]
accepted <07521> [be accepted.]
atonement <03722> [atonement.]
slaughter <07819> [kill.]
priests <03548> [the priests.]
splash <02236> [sprinkle.]
fire .......... fire <0784> [fire.]
wood <06086> [lay.]
entrails <07130> [inwards.]
offer .......... altar <06999 04196> [burn all.]
aroma <05207> [a sweet.]
flock <06629> [of the flocks.]
burnt offering <05930> [a burnt sacrifice.]
{Olah,} a burnt offering, from {ƒlah,} to ascend, because this offering ascended, as it were, to God in flame and smoke, being wholly consumed; for which reason its is called in the Septuagint, [holo kaut¢ma,] a whole burnt offering. This was the most important of all the sacrifices; and no part of it was eaten either by the priest or the offerer, but the whole was offered to God. It has been sufficiently shown by learned men, that almost every nation of the earth, in every age, had their burnt offerings, from the persuasion that there was no other way to appease the incensed gods; and they even offered human sacrifices, because they imagined that life was necessary to redeem life, and that the gods would be satisfied with nothing less.
male <02145> [a male.]
slaughter <07819> [he shall.]
north <06828> [northward.]
priests <03548> [and the.]
birds <05775> [of fowls.]
pinch .... head <07218 04454> [wring off his head. or, pinch off the head with the nail.]
feathers <05133> [his feathers. or, the filth thereof.]
place <04725> [by the place.]
dividing <0914> [shall not.]
burnt offering <05930> [it is.]
grain offering ...... offering <07133 04503> [meat offering.]
{Minchah,} from the Arabic {manacha,} to give, especially as a reciprocal gift, a gift, oblation, or eucharistical or gratitude offering, for the bounties of providence displayed in the fruits of the earth. It is termed a meat offering by our translators, because the term meat in their time was the general name for food.
choice wheat flour <05560> [fine flour.]
pour olive oil <08081 03332> [pour oil.]
frankincense <03828> [frankincense.]
memorial portion <0234> [the memorial.]
remainder <03498> [the remnant.]
most holy <06944> [most holy.]
offering of grain <04503> [meat offering.]
oven <08574> [the oven.]
{Tannur}, probably such an oven as that described by D'Arvieux, as used by the Arabs. He states that they make a fire in a great stone pitcher, and when heated, mix meal and water, which they apply with the hollow of their hands to the outside, and this soft paste spreading itself upon it, is baked in an instant, and the bread comes of as thin as our wafers.
wafers <07550> [wafers.]
griddle <04227> [in a pan. or, on a flat plate, or slice.]
{Machavath,} a flat iron plate, such as the Arabs still use to bake their cakes on, and which is called a griddle in some of our counties.
pan <04802> [the frying-pan.]
{Marchesheth}, a shallow earthen vessel, like a frying pan, which the Arabs call a {tajen.}
choice wheat flour <05560> [of fine.]
memorial <0234> [a memorial.]
gift <0801> [an offering.]
yeast <07603> [no leaven.]
honey <01706> [honey.]
offering <07133> [the oblation.]
up <05927> [be burnt. Heb. ascend.]
salt ....... salt ......................... salt <04417> [with salt.]
salt ....... salt ......................... salt <04417> [the salt.]
offerings <07133> [with all thine.]
grain offering ............. grain offering <04503> [a meat offering.]
These first fruits seem to have been the voluntary oblation brought by individuals, of the finest ears of corn out of the field, before the harvest was ripe.
crushed bits <01643> [corn beaten.]
sacrifice <02077> [a sacrifice.]
flawless <08549> [without.]
lay <05564> [lay.]
slaughter ..... entrance <07819 06607> [kill it.]
fat ......... fat <02459> [the fat. or, suet.]
kidneys .......... protruding lobe .... liver .......... kidneys <03629 03516 03508> [caul above the liver, with the kidneys. or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys.]
Aaron <0175> [Aaron's.]
burnt offering <05930> [upon the burnt.]
sacrifice <02077> [a sacrifice.]
flock <06629> [be of.]
male <02145> [male.]
present <07126> [he shall.]
presents ......... present ... before <07126 06440> [offer it.]
lay <05564> [he shall.]
slaughter ... before <07819 06440> [kill it.]
splash <02236> [sprinkle.]
fatty ........... fat ........ fat <02459> [the fat.]
must ..... fatty tail <0451 08549> [the whole rump.]
To what has already been said on the tails of eastern sheep, we may add the testimony of Ludolf, who states that they are so very large, some of them weighing from twelve to fourteen pounds, "that the owners are obliged to tie a little cart behind them, whereupon they put the tail of the sheep, as well for the convenience of carriage, and to ease the poor creatures, as to preserve the wool from dirt, and the tail from being torn among the bushes and stones." The same is testified by Dr. Russell, who says, "In some other places where they feed in the fields, the shepherds are obliged to fix a piece of thin board to the under part of the tail, to prevent its being torn by bushes, thistles, etc., as it is not covered underneath with thick wool, like the upper part; and some have small wheels to facilitate the dragging of the board after them."
protruding lobe <03508> [the caul.]
smoke <06999> [burn.]
food <03899> [the food.]
goat <05795> [a goat.]
lay ... hand <03027 05564> [lay his hand.]
splash <02236> [sprinkle.]
fat ... covers ....... fat <02459 03680> [the fat that covereth.]
food <03899> [it is the food.]
fat <02459> [all the fat.]
perpetual <05769> [a perpetual.]
eat ... fat <0398 02459> [eat neither.]
That is, neither the blood which is contained in the larger veins and arteries, nor the fat or suet which is within the animal, which exists in a separate or unmixed state, as the {omentum} or {caul,} the fat of the {mesentery,} or fatty part of the substance which connects the convolutions of the alimentary canal or small intestines, the fat of the kidneys, and whatever else of the internal fat was easily separable, together with the whole of the tail already described; for the blood which assumes the form of gravy, and the fat which is intermixed with the other flesh, might be eaten. This law not only related to the sacrifices, but to all the cattle which the Israelites slaughtered for food.
blood <01818> [blood.]
unintentionally <07684> [through.]
violated ... violates <06213> [which ought.]
priest <03548> [the priest.]
bull <01241 06499> [a young bullock.]
sin ................. sin offering <02403> [for a sin.]
bring <0935> [bring.]
lay ... hand <03027 05564> [lay his hand.]
dip <02881> [dip.]
seven times <07651 06471> [seven times.]
The number seven is what is called a number of perfection among the Hebrews; and is often used to denote the completion, fulness, or perfection of a thing.
horns <07161> [the horns.]
blood ........................... blood <01818> [all the blood.]
[without the camp. Heb. to without the camp.]
This was intended, figuratively, to express the enormity of this sin, and the availableness of the atonement. The sacrifice, as having the sin of the priest transferred from himself to it, by his confession and imposition of hands, was become unclean and abominable, and was carried, as it were, out of God's sight; and thus its own offensiveness was removed, with the sin of the person in whose behalf it was offered.
fatty ash .................. fatty ash <01880> [the ashes.]
burn ..... wood ...... burned <08313 06086> [burn him.]
to ...... to ... fatty ash pile ................. fatty ash pile <01880 08211 0413> [where the ashes are poured out. Heb. at the pouring out of the ashes.]
congregation <05712> [the whole congregation.]
This may refer to some oversight in acts of religious worship, or to some transgression of the letter of the law, which arose out of the peculiar circumstances in which they were found, as in the case mentioned in 1 Sa 14:32, et seq. The sacrifices and rites in this case were the same as in the preceding; only here the elders laid their hands on the head of the victim, in the name of all the congregation.
unintentionally <07686> [through ignorance.]
guilty <0816> [and are guilty.]
young bull <06499 01241> [young bullock.]
elders <02205> [the elders.]
lay <05564> [lay.]
horns <07161> [upon the.]
pour <08210> [and shall pour out.]
The reason for pouring out the blood, which is so constantly and strictly required by the law, was in opposition to an idolatrous custom of the ancient Zabii, who "were accustomed to eat of the blood of their sacrifices, because they imagined this to be the food of their gods, with whom they thought they had such communion, by eating their meat, that they revealed to them future things."--Maimonides
bull ........ bull <06499> [with the.]
atonement <03722> [an atonement.]
burn ...... burned <08313> [as he.]
sin offering <02403> [a sin offering.]
leader ..... sins <02398 05387> [a ruler hath sinned.]
Under the term {nasi,} that is, one preferred or elevated above others, from {nasa,} to exalt, it is probable that any person is meant who held any kind of political dignity among the people; and it evidently means the head of a tribe as in Nu 1:4, 16; 7:2. But the Rabbins generally understand it of the prince of the great sanhedrin, who, when they were under the regal form of government, was the king. A kid of the goats was the sacrifice in this case; and the rites were nearly the same as in the preceding, only the fat was burnt as that of the peace offering. (ver. 26.)
violates ............... violated <06213> [and done.]
sin <02403> [if his sin.]
male <08163> [a kid.]
lay <05564> [And he.]
place <04725> [in the place.]
sin offering <02403> [it is a sin.]
put <05414> [put.]
fat .......... fat <02459> [the fat.]
[See on ch.]
atonement <03722> [an atonement.]
[any one. Heb. any soul.]
<05971 0776> [common people. Heb. people of the land .]
{Am ha„retz;} that is, any individual who was not a priest, king, or ruler among the people; an ordinary person. Any of these having transgressed, was obliged to bring a lamb or kid, the ceremonies being nearly the same as in the preceding cases.
<08166> [a kid.]
female <05347> [a female.]
horns <07161> [upon the horns.]
pour <08210> [pour out.]
There may have been some place at the bottom of the altar to receive and carry off the blood.
fat .... fat <02459> [all the fat.]
aroma <05207> [a sweet.]
priest .................... priest <03548> [and the priest.]
sheep <03532> [a lamb.]
flawless <08549> [without blemish.]
horns .... altar ..................... altar <04196 07161> [the horns of the altar.]
remove ............. removed <05493> [And he.]
gifts <0801> [according.]
priest ...................... priest .... atonement <03548 03722> [and the priest shall make.]
person <05315> [a soul.]
hears <08085> [hear.]
curse <06963 0423> [the voice of swearing.]
{Kol alah,} rather, "the voice of adjuration," [ph¢n‚n orkismou,] as the LXX. render; for this does not relate to the duty of informing against a common swearer, but to the case of a person who, being adjured by the civil magistrate to answer upon oath, refuses to declare what he knows upon the subject--such an one shall bear his iniquity--shall be considered as guilty in the sight of God of the transgression which he has endeavoured to conceal, and must expect to be punished for hiding the iniquity with which he was acquainted.
bear <05375> [bear.]
touches <05060> [touch.]
realize <05956> [hidden.]
guilty <0816> [and guilty.]
uncleanness <02932> [the uncleanness.]
person <05315> [if a soul.]
This relates to rash oaths or vows, which a man was afterwards unable, or which it would have been sinful, to perform.
evil <07489> [to do evil.]
confess <03034> [confess.]
penalty for guilt <0817> [trespass offering.]
It is remarkable, that in this and the following verse, the sacrifice offered is indifferently called {asham,} a trespass offering, and {chattath,} a sin offering; yet the Marginal References show that these differ in several respects. Sin offerings were sometimes offered for the whole congregation; trespass offerings never, but only for particular persons. Bullocks were sometimes used for sin offerings, never for trespass offerings. The blood of the sin offerings was put on the horns of the altar, that of the trespass offerings was only sprinkled round the bottom of the altar. The sin offering seems to have been for the expiation of offences committed in matters of religion, from a mistake or inadvertency respecting the law; but the trespass offering was required for the casual deviations from the ritual law, when well known, or for crimes against moral precepts, implying injustice to man.
female <05347> [a female.]
priest <03548> [the priest.]
afford ...... flock <01767 05060 07716 03027> [he be not able to bring a lamb. Heb. his hand cannot reach to the sufficiency of a lamb.]
two turtledoves ... two <08147 08449> [two turtle-doves.]
one ....... one <0259> [one.]
pinch <04454> [wring off.]
sprinkle <05137> [sprinkle.]
remainder <07604> [the rest.]
make <06213> [offer.]
regulation <04941> [manner. or, ordinance.]
atonement <03722> [make.]
forgiven <05545> [it.]
afford <03027> [But if.]
tenth .... ephah <06224 0374> [the tenth part.]
choice wheat flour <05560> [fine flour.]
olive oil <08081> [no oil.]
sin offering ...................... sin offering <02403> [for it is.]
memorial portion <0234> [a memorial.]
gifts <0801> [according.]
priest ................................... priest <03548> [the priest.]
priest ......................... forgiven ........... priest <05545 03548> [shall be.]
person <05315> [a soul.]
holy .............................. sanctuary <06944> [in the.]
ram <0352> [ram.]
convertible <06187> [thy estimation.]
shekels ......... shekel <08255> [the shekel.]
thing ...... restore .................... atonement <07999 03722> [make.]
fifth <02549> [the fifth.]
priest .... priest <03548> [and the priest.]
person sins <02398 05315> [a soul sin.]
This case is supposed to differ from the preceding, merely in that the person concerned was not certain whether he had or had not committed the trespass. It is therefore called by the Hebrews a doubtful trespass offering.
know <03045> [though.]
guilty <0816> [yet is he.]
bring <0935> [And he.]
guilt offering <0817> [for a trespass.]
priest .... priest <03548> [and the priest.]
guilty <0816> [trespassed.]
deceiving <03584> [lie.]
in <06487> [in that.]
pledge <08667> [in fellowship. or, in dealing. Heb. in putting of the hand.]
extorting <06231> [deceived.]
found <04672> [have found.]
swears <07650> [sweareth.]
sins <02398> [because.]
stolen ...... extorted .................. found <01497 06231 04672> [which he.]
restore <07999> [restore.]
full <07218> [in the principal.]
The property itself, if still remaining, or its full value, to which a fifth part more was to be added, to compensate the owner for the loss he had sustained by being deprived of the use of his goods. He must also bring a trespass offering to the Lord; which was intended to show that disobedience to God is the great evil, even of those crimes which are injurious to man, and that repentance, and even restitution, though needful in order to forgiveness, cannot atone for sin.
guilty <0819> [of his trespass offering. or, of his being found guilty.]
Heb. of trespass.
ram <0352> [a ram.]
atonement <03722> [make.]
forgiven <05545> [it shall be.]
At this verse the Jews begin the twenty-fifth section of the law, and also, in the best Hebrew Bibles, the sixth chapter, which undoubtedly ought to begin here, as the inspired writer enters upon a new subject; the former part of the book being intended for the instruction of the people relative to the several sacrifices to be brought; but this for the instruction of the priests respecting some particulars of their official services.
burnt offering ... burnt offering <05930> [of the burnt.]
hearth <04169> [because of the burning. or, for the burning.]
linen robe ..... linen <04055 0906> [linen garment.]
consumed <0398> [consumed.]
beside <0681> [beside.]
off <06584> [put off.]
outside <02351> [without.]
fire <0784> [the fire.]
kindle wood <06086 01197> [burn wood.]
The efficacy of the priesthood and mediation of Christ is perpetual, and we can never approach to God in his name, by day or night, unseasonably. The ministers of Christ should have the fire of their zeal constantly burning.
grain offering <04503> [the meat offering.]
memorial <0234> [the memorial.]
left over <03498> [the remainder.]
unleavened <04682> [unleavened.]
eat ........... eaten .......... eat <0398> [shall it.]
baked <0644> [baken.]
given <05414> [I have.]
most holy <06944> [it is most holy.]
male <02145> [the males.]
portion <02706> [It shall.]
touches <05060> [every one.]
{Kol asher yiggÆ’ bahem yikdash,} "all (whether person or thing) that toucheth them shall be (or must be) holy;" that is, the priests must not eat of these oblations when under any ceremonial defilement, and the sacred utensils used about them must not be employed for any other purpose, or in any other way.
offering <07133> [the offering.]
This oblation, which the Jews call a {mincha} of initiation, seems to have been required of the high priest alone "on the day in which he was anointed," and from that time, every morning and evening, as long as he continued in office, and then in like manner of his successor; for, by "the sons of Aaron," may be understood his descendants and successors in the high priesthood, in their generations.
day <03117> [in the day.]
The word {beyom} signifies not only in the day, but from that day forward; for it was a daily oblation, and for them and their successors, a statue for ever.
tenth <06224> [the tenth.]
grain offering <04503> [a meat offering.]
high <04899> [is anointed.]
whole offering <03632> [wholly.]
whole offering <03632> [shall be.]
The meat offering of the people was eaten by the priests, who typically bore and expiated their sins; but as no priest, being a sinner, could make atonement for himself, his meat offering must not be eaten, but wholly burnt on the altar, which was a typical transfer of his guilt to the great antitype who actually bore and expiated it.
eaten <0398> [it shall not be.]
law <08451> [the law.]
place <04725> [In the.]
most holy <06944> [it is.]
priest <03548> [priest.]
holy <06918> [in the holy.]
court <02691> [in the court.]
touches <05060> [touch.]
wash <03526> [wash.]
male <02145> [the males.]
most holy <06944> [it is.]
law <08451> [the law.]
most holy <06944> [it is.]
place <04725> [in the place.]
must .... blood <01818> [and the.]
male <02145> [male.]
most holy <06944> [it is most holy.]
guilt offering <0817> [the trespass.]
priest .................. him <03548> [even the priest.]
All the flesh of the burnt offerings being consumed upon the altar, as well as the fat, there could nothing fall to the share of the priest but the skin; which must have been very valuable, as they were used as mattresses (ch. 15:17,) or as carpets to sit upon in the day. They are still used for the same purpose by some of the inhabitants and dervishes of the East. Bishop Patrick remarks, that Adam himself offered the first sacrifice, and had the skin given him by God, to make garments for him and his wife; in conformity with which, the priests ever after had the skin of the whole burnt offerings for their portion.
hide <05785> [skin.]
grain offering <04503> [the meat.]
pan <04227> [in the pan. or, on the flat plate, or slice.]
priest <03548> [shall be.]
each <0376 0251> [one as much.]
thanksgiving ..... thank offering <08426> [a thanksgiving.]
unleavened ....... unleavened wafers <04682 07550> [unleavened wafers.]
leavened <02557> [leavened.]
contribution <08641> [an heave.]
priest <03548> [the priest's.]
eaten <0398> [be eaten.]
[See on]
set <03240> [he shall not.]
Mr. Harmer supposes that this law refers to the custom of drying flesh, that had been devoted to a religious purpose, which is practised among the Mohammedans at the present day, on the their pilgrimage to Mecca. "It would not have suited," he observes, "the genius of the Mosaic dispensation, to have allowed them to have dried the flesh of their peace offerings, whether in thanksgiving, in consequence of a vow, or merely voluntary, and have afterwards eaten the flesh very commonly in a sparing manner, or communicated only some small portion of it to their particular friends: their peace offerings were to be eaten, on the contrary, with festivity, communicated to their friends with liberality, and bestowed on the poor with great generosity, that they might partake with them of these sacred repasts with joy before the Lord."
votive <05088> [be a vow.]
freewill <05071> [a voluntary.]
leftovers <03498> [also the.]
third <07992> [on the third.]
burned up <08313> [burnt.]
accepted ................ spoiled .......... bear <07521 06292 05375> [it shall.]
accounted <02803> [be imputed.]
spoiled <06292> [an abomination.]
bear <05375> [bear.]
uncleanness <02932> [having.]
cut off <03772> [shall be.]
uncleanness <02932> [the uncleanness.]
uncleanness <02932> [any unclean.]
detestable <08263> [abominable.]
cut off <03772> [cut off.]
fat <02459> [fat.]
Any other fat they might eat; but the fat of these was sacred, because they were the only animals which were offered in sacrifice, though many others ranked among the clean animals as well as these. This prohibition may, however, be understood of these animals when offered in sacrifice, and then only in reference to the inward fat, described in ver. 4. Of the fat in any other circumstances, it cannot be intended, as it was one of the especial blessings which God gave to his people.--"Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats," were the provision which he graciously bestowed on his followers. (See De 32:12-14.)
died of natural causes <05038> [beast. Heb. carcase.]
cut off <03772> [shall be cut off.]
eat <0398> [ye shall eat.]
The prohibition of the fat or suet, which was restricted to animals offered in sacrifice, taught reverence to the altar and ordinances of God; but that of blood, which was extended to all land animals, had especial respect to the atoning blood of the sacrifice, and of the great antitype which the sacrifice prefigured.
person <05315> [that soul.]
cut off <03772> [shall be.]
Shall be excommunicated or cut off from the people of God, and so deprived of any part of their inheritance or of their blessings.
hands <03027> [own hands.]
breast ..... breast <02373> [with the breast.]
[See on]
priest <03548> [the priest.]
breast <02373> [the breast.]
presents <07126> [that offereth.]
wave offering <08573> [the wave.]
[by a statue.]
allotment ...... allotment <04888> [portion.]
presented <07126> [he presented.]
day <03117> [in the day.]
law <08451> [the law.]
grain offering <04503> [meat.]
sin offering <02403> [sin.]
guilt offering <0817> [trespass.]
ordination <04394> [consecrations.]
sacrifice <02077> [sacrifice.]