NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Numbers 1:1--10:36


wilderness <04057> [wilderness.]

tent <0168> [tabernacle.]

first ..... second ..... second ... after <0259 08145> [on the first day.]

As the tabernacle was erected on the first day of the first month, in the second year of their departure from Egypt, (Ex 40:17,) and this happened on the first day of the second month, in the same year, it is evident that the transactions related in the preceding book must all have taken place in the space of one month, and during the time the Israelites were encamped at mount Sinai.


Take ... census <05375 07218> [Take ye the sum.]

This numbering was probably intended to illustrate the Divine faithfulness in thus increasing the seed of Abraham; to prepare them to preserve due order in their march; and to distinguish the tribes and families.

Israelite <01121> [the children.]

clans <04940> [after.]


twenty <06242> [twenty.]

serve <03318> [able.]

army ............ divisions <06635> [by their.]



Elizur <0468> [Elizur.]


Shelumiel <08017> [Shelumiel.]


Nahshon <05177> [Nahshon.]



Nethanel <05417> [Nethaneel.]


Eliab <0446> [Eliab.]


Elishama <0476> [Elishama.]

Gamaliel <01583> [Gamaliel.]


Abidan <027> [Abidan.]


Ahiezer <0295> [Ahiezer.]


Pagiel <06295> [Pagiel.]


Eliasaph <0460> [Eliasaph.]

son <01121> [Son of Reuel.]

Deuel <01845> [Deuel.]

As the [d,] {daleth} is very like the [r,] {resh,} they might be easily mistaken for each other; and hence this person being called both D‰uel and R‰uel, may be easily accounted for. The Septuagint and Syriac have Reuel, in this chapter; and in ch. 2:14, the Samaritan, Vulgate, and Arabic have Deuel, instead of Reuel, with which reading a vast number of MSS. concur, and which is also supported by ch. 7:42, 10:20. We may therefore safely conclude, the D‰uel, and not R‰uel, was the original reading.


Ahira <0299> [Ahira.]


<07121> [the renowned.]

{Keruey h„ƒidah,} literally "the called of the congregation," those who were summoned by name to attend.

heads <07218> [heads.]



ancestry <03205> [their pedigrees.]

families <01004> [by the.]


listed <04557> [according.]

twenty <06242> [from twenty.]

In this census no women were reckoned, nor children, nor minors, nor strangers, nor Levites, nor old men; which, collectively, must have formed an immense multitude; the Levites alone amounted to 22,300 men.




That a comparative view may be easily taken of the state of the tribes, we will here produce them, compared with that of the second census, (ch. 26,) in their decreasing proportion, beginning with the greatest and proceeding to the least. 1st Census 2nd Census 1. Judah, 74,600 76,500 2. Dan, 62,700 64,400 3. Simeon, 59,300 22,200 4. Zebulun, 57,400 60,500 5. Issachar, 54,400 64,300 6. Naphtali, 53,400 45,400 7. Reuben, 46,500 43,730 8. Gad, 45,650 40,500 9. Asher, 41,500 53,400 10. Ephraim, 40,500 32,500 11. Benjamin, 35,400 45,600 12. Manasseh, 32,200 52,700 _______ _______ Totals: 603,550 601,730 ------- ------- Thus we find Judah the most populous tribe, and Manasseh the least so; the difference between them being as great as 42,000. Jacob had given Judah the pre-eminence in his prophetic blessing; and that tribe was to have the precedency in the encampments of Israel: accordingly God had increased them more than any of their brethren. Ephraim and Manasseh, according to the same prophecy, were numbered as distinct tribes, Ephraim having the superiority, as it was foretold; and Joseph indeed appears "a fruitful bough."




The tribe of Gad marched, along with that of Simeon, under the standard of Reuben; and it seems, on that account, to have been introduced in this order. The other tribes also, are here classed together according to their encampments, and the order of their subsequent march.










tribe <04294> [the tribe.]

40,500 <0705> [were forty.]









Naphtali <05321> [Naphtali.]

Respecting the manner in which this vast multitude sprang from 75 person, Scheuchzer has some valuable calculations, with the results of which we present the reader:-- 1. Judah. 7. Ruben. 1 Generation . . 25 1 Generation . . 31 2 . . . . . . . 238 2 . . . . . . . 215 3 . . . . . . . 3,865 3 . . . . . . . 2,583 4 . . . . . . . 70,735 4 . . . . . . . 43,917 ------ ------ Total of 3 and 4, 74,600 Total of 3 and 4, 46,500 2. Dan. 8. Gad. 1 Generation . . 11 1 Generation . . 67 2 . . . . . . . 132 2 . . . . . . . 475 3 . . . . . . . 2,508 3 . . . . . . . 3,804 4 . . . . . . . 60,192 4 . . . . . . . 41,846 ------ ------ Total of 3 and 4, 62,700 Total of 3 and 4, 45,650 3. Simeon. 9. Asher. 1 Generation . . 39 1 Generation . . 39 2 . . . . . . . 359 2 . . . . . . . 310 3 . . . . . . . 3,953 3 . . . . . . . 3,192 4 . . . . . . . 55,347 4 . . . . . . . 38,308 ------ ------ Total of 3 and 4, 59,300 Total of 3 and 4, 41,500 4. Zebulun. 10. Ephraim. 1 Generation . . 20 1 Generation . . 16 2 . . . . . . . 143 2 . . . . . . . 160 3 . . . . . . . 2,296 3 . . . . . . . 1,928 4 . . . . . . . 55,104 4 . . . . . . . 38,572 ------ ------ Total of 3 and 4, 57,400 Total of 3 and 4, 40,500 5. Issachar. 11. Benjamin. 1 Generation . . 27 1 Generation . . 98 2 . . . . . . . 251 2 . . . . . . . 885 3 . . . . . . . 3,022 3 . . . . . . . 4,425 4 . . . . . . . 51,378 4 . . . . . . . 30,975 ------ ------ Total of 3 and 4, 54,400 Total of 3 and 4, 35,400 6. Naphtali. 12. Manasseh. 1 Generation . . 26 1 Generation . . 10 2 . . . . . . . 296 2 . . . . . . . 134 3 . . . . . . . 3,560 3 . . . . . . . 1,610 4 . . . . . . . 49,840 4 . . . . . . . 30,590 ------ ------ Total of 3 and 4, 53,400 Total of 3 and 4, 32,200 13. Levi. 1 Generation . . 8 2 . . . . . . . 96 3 . . . . . . . 1,240 4 . . . . . . . 21,060 ------ Total of 3 and 4, 22,300




What an astonishing increase from seventy persons who went down into Egypt about 215 years before, where they had latterly endured the greatest hardships! Such was the effect of God's promise, which cannot fail.




appoint <06485> [thou shalt.]

tabernacle .................. tabernacle ............... it <04908> [the tabernacle.]

camp <02583> [shall encamp.]


Levites ............... Levites <03881> [the Levites.]

unauthorized person <02114> [the stranger.]



camp <02583> [shall pitch.]

anger <07110> [there be]

Levites ....................... Levites <03881> [and the.]





one <0376> [Every man.]

The Israelites, it appears, encamped in four grand divisions, with the tabernacle in the centre; though at some distance from it. The form of the camp was quadrangular, containing, according to Scheuchzer, a little more than twelve square miles. Under each of the four divisions, three tribes were placed, under one general standard. Between these four great camps and the tabernacle, were pitched four smaller camps of the priests and Levites, who were in immediate attendance upon it; the camp of Moses, and of Aaron and his sons, being on the east side of the tabernacle, where the entrance was. Judah was placed on the east, and under him he had Issachar and Zebulun; on the south was Reuben, and under him Simeon and Gad; on the west was Ephraim, and under him Manasseh and Benjamin; and Dan was on the north, and under him Asher and Naphtali. Every tribe had its particular standard, probably with the name of the tribe embroidered with large letters. It seems highly improbable that the figures of animals should have been painted on them, as the Jewish writers assert; for even in after ages, when Vitellius wished to march through Judea, their great men besought him to march another way, as the law of the land did not permit images (such as were on the Roman standard) to be brought into it. Josephus Ant. 1. xviii. c. 7.

camp ......... meeting <02583> [shall pitch.]

emblems <0226> [the ensign.]

some distance <05048> [far off. Heb. over against.]

around ... tent <05439 0168> [about the.]


standard <01714> [the standard.]

Nahshon <05177> [Nahshon.]








front <07223> [These shall.]


camp ... Reuben ........... Reuben <07205 04264> [camp of Reuben.]

Elizur <0468> [Elizur.]



Shelumiel <08017> [Shelumiel.]



Eliasaph <0460> [Eliasaph.]

people ...... son <01121> [Son of Deuel.]



151,450 <03967> [an hundred.]

travel <05265> [they shall.]


tent <0168> [tabernacle.]


camp ... Ephraim ........... Ephraim <0669 04264> [camp of Ephraim.]

Elishama <0476> [Elishama.]



Gamaliel <01583> [Gamaliel.]



Abidan <027> [Abidan.]



108,100 <03967> [an hundred.]

108,100 .... travel <08083 03967 05265> [And.]


Ahiezer <0295> [Ahiezer.]



Pagiel <06295> [Pagiel.]


41,500 <0705> [forty.]

Reyher, who is followed by Scheuchzer, assigns the following space to the soldiers of each of the tribes, whilst remaining close to each other in their ranks, allowing one square cubit to each; but if we take in the arrangement, not only the soldiers, but the tents, the families, etc., a much larger extent of ground is requisite: Tribe of Judah. Tribe of Manasseh. Breadth 298 3/5 cubits Breadth 161 cubits Length 250 Length 200 ------ ------ Total 74,600 Total 32,200 Tribe of Issachar. Tribe of Simeon. Breadth 217 3/5 cubits Breadth 182 6/13 cubits Length 250 Length 325 ------ ------ Total 54,400 Total 59,300 Tribe of Gad. Tribe of Benjamin. Breadth 140 5/11 cubits Breadth 177 cubits Length 325 Length 200 ------ ------ Total 45,650 Total 35,400 Tribe of Zebulun. Tribe of Dan. Breadth 229 3/4 cubits Breadth 156 3/4 cubits Length 250 Length 400 ------ ------ Total 57,400 Total 62,700 Tribe of Ephraim. Tribe of Asher. Breadth 202 1/2 cubits Breadth 103 3/4 cubits Length 200 Length 400 ------ ------ Total 40,500 Total 41,500 Tribe of Reuben. Tribe of Naphtali. Breadth 143 1/5 cubits Breadth 133 1/2 cubits Length 325 Length 400 ------ ------ Total 46,500 Total 53,400


tribe <04294> [the tribe.]

Ahira <0299> [Ahira.]



157,600 <03967> [an hundred.]

numbered ........... travel <06485 05265> [They.]




Lord ......................... family <03068 01004> [according.]

camped ........... traveled <02583 05265> [so they.]


records <08435> [generations.]

spoke <01696> [spake.]



priests <03548> [the priests.]

consecrated <04390> [whom he consecrated. Heb. whose hand he filled.]


Nadab <05070> [Nadab.]


The word {hakraiv,} here rendered bring near, is properly a sacrificial word, and signifies the presenting of a sacrifice or offering to the Lord. As an offering, the tribe of Levi was entirely given up to the service of the sanctuary, to be no longer their own, but the Lord's.


responsible <08104> [keep.]

attending .... service <05647 05656> [to do the.]




be responsible <08104> [they shall.]

unauthorized <02114> [and the stranger.]


When God miraculously destroyed all the first-born of the Egyptians, (Ex 12:29,) he spared those of the Israelites; and, in commemoration of that event, he was pleased to appoint that all the first-born males "should be set apart unto himself." (Ex 13:12-16.) God is here pleased to relinquish this claim, and to appoint the whole tribe of Levi to attend his immediate service in their stead.


firstborn ......... firstborn .............. firstborn <01060> [Because.]

When <03117> [on the day.]



<06310> [word. Heb. mouth.]







month old <02320 01121> [from a month old.]

The males of all the other tribes were numbered from twenty years old and upwards; but, had the Levites been numbered in this way, they would not have been nearly equal in number to the first-born of the twelve tribes. Add to this, that as there must have been first-born of all ages in the other tribes, it was necessary that the Levites, who were to be their substitutes, should also be of all ages; and it appears to have been partly on this ground, that the Levites were numbered from a month old and upwards.



responsibilities <04931> [the charge.]

From this and the next chapter, we see the very severe labour which the Levites were to perform, while the journeyings of the Israelites lasted. When we consider, that there was not less than 14 tons 266 lbs. of metal employed in the tabernacle, (see note on Ex 38:24,) besides the immense weight of the skins, hangings, cords, boards, and posts, we shall find it was no easy matter to transport this moveable temple from place to place. The Gershonites, who were 7,500 in number had to carry the tent, coverings, vail, hangings of the court, cords, etc. (ver. 25, 26); the Kohathites, who were 8,600, the ark, table, candlestick, altars, and instruments of the sanctuary (ver. 31); and the Merarites, who were 6,200, the boards, bars, sockets, and all matters connected with these belonging to the tabernacle, with the pillars of the court, their sockets, pins, and cords (ver. 36, 37).

tent ........ tent ............ tent <0168> [the tabernacle and.]

curtain <04539> [and the hanging.]


hangings <07050> [the hangings.]

ropes <04340> [the cords.]



8,600 <0505 08083> [eight thousand.]

responsible <08104> [keeping.]



ark <0727> [the ark.]

altars <04196> [the altars.]

curtain <04539> [and the hanging.]





camp <02583> [shall.]

north <06828> [northward.]


appointed responsibilities <04931 06486> [under the custody and charge. Heb. the office of the charge. the boards.]


east <06924> [toward.]

responsible <08104> [keeping.]

needs ........ needs <04931> [for the charge.]


Aaron <0175> [and Aaron.]

The word [w'hrn,] {we„haron,} and "Aaron," has a point over each of its letters, probably designed as a mark of spuriousness. The word is wanting in the Samaritan, Syriac, and Coptic, and also in eight of Dr. Kennicott's and in four of De Rossi's MSS. Moses alone, as Houbigant observes, was commanded to number the Levites, (ver. 5, 11, 40, 44, 51:) for as the money with which the first-born were redeemed was to be paid to Aaron and his sons, (ver. 48,) it was decent that he, whose advantage it was that the number of the first-born should exceed, should not be authorized to take that number himself. twenty and two thousand. This total does not agree with the particulars; for the Gershonites were 7,500, the Kohathites 8,600, and the Merarites 6,200, which make a total of 22,300. Several methods of solving this difficulty have been proposed by learned men. Houbigant supposes there is an error in the enumeration of the Kohathites in ver. 28; the numeral {shesh,} "six," being written instead of {shalosh,} "three," before "hundred." Dr. Kennicott's mode of reconciling the discrepancy, however, is the most simple. He supposes that an error has crept into the number of the Gershonites in ver. 22, where instead of 7,500 we should read 7,200, as [k,] {caph} final, which stands for 500, might have been easily mistaken for [r,] resh, 200. (Dr. Kennicott on the Hebrew Text, vol. II. p. 212.) Either of these modes will equally reconcile the difference.





redemption <06302> [redeemed.]

273 <03967> [the two hundred.]

As the number of the Levites was 22,000, and the first-born males of the Israelites were 22,273, there were therefore 372 more of the latter than of the former, which are here ordered to be redeemed. The price of redemption is fixed at five shekels, or about 15s. each, in ver 47. This money, amounting to 1,365 shekels, equal to Å“204. 15s. English, was taken of the first-born. There is some difficulty, however, in determining which of the first-born should be redeemed by paying this sum, and which should be exchanged for the Levites; for every Israelite, no doubt, would rather have his first-born redeemed by a Levite, than pay five shekels; and yet some of them must have incurred this expense. Rabbi Solomon Jarchi says, to prevent contention, Moses took 22,000 slips of parchment, and wrote on each a son of Levi, and 273 more, on which he wrote five shekels; then putting them in an urn, and shaking them together, he ordered every one of the first-born to draw out a slip. If he drew out one with the first inscription, he said to him, a Levite hath redeemed thee: but if he drew out one of the latter, he said, pay the price. This is pronounced by Dr. A. Clarke to be a stupid, silly tale; but when we know that the determination by lot was used among the Israelites, it does not seem improbable that it was now resorted to, though we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the detail. This species of redeeming men is referred to by St. Peter in his 1st Epistle, ch. 1:18, 19.

273 ....... who <05736> [which are.]


five shekels .................. shekel ... shekel <02568 08255> [five shekels.]

shekels .................. shekel ... shekel <08255> [the shekel.]



Moses ....................... Moses <04872> [Moses.]

Lord .... Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]





thirty years ....... years <08141 07970> [thirty years.]

enter <0935> [enter.]

do <06213> [to do.]



camp <04264> [And when.]

Aaron ...... come <0175 0935> [Aaron shall come.]

The law prohibiting any person, except the high priest on one day in the year, to enter into the most holy place, must have admitted an exception while the Israelites were in the wilderness: that exception, therefore, is here expressly made; and the directions given respecting it must be religiously observed, or the service could not be safely performed. While the cloud rested on the tabernacle, the general rule was in force; but when it was removed, then the priests might enter to prepare the sacred vessels for removal.

down <03381> [they shall.]

cover <03680> [and cover.]


fine leather <05785 08476> [badgers' skins.]

This was not the covering of badgers' skins made for the tabernacle, which was carried by the Gershonites, (ver. 24, 25,) but one made for the purpose of concealing and sheltering the ark when it was to be carried.

cloth <0899> [a cloth.]

put ...................... insert <05414 07760> [and shall put.]

{Wesamoo baddaiv,} rather, "and adjust the staves thereof;" i.e., dispose them rightly under the covering, that they might be laid on their shoulders: for the staves were never taken out of the rings.

poles <0905> [the staves.]


table <07979> [the table.]

pouring <05262> [cover withal. or, pour out withal. the continual.]

The Israelites, without doubt, were able to procure corn enough from the adjacent countries, even when in the wilderness, to make the shewbread, and to present the daily meat offerings.







The embers of the sacred fire seem to have been removed in the grate, which was carried apart from the brazen altar; both being covered from view by purple cloths.


implements ..... serve ............... utensils <03627 08334> [all the vessels thereof.]

basins <04219> [basons. or, bowls.]


sons .................. ready ...... Kohathites ......................... Kohathites <0310 01121> [after that.]

touch <05060> [they shall.]

responsibilities <04853> [These things.]


responsibility .................................. responsibility <06486> [the office.]

Eleazar himself, perhaps with the other priests, was required to carry the oil for the light, the incense, and the flour for the daily meat offering, and the holy ointment; besides superintending the Levites. It may be supposed, that he himself carried no more of the oil than for present use. (see ver. 9.)

oil ................. oil <08081> [the oil.]

spiced <05561> [the sweet.]

daily <08548> [the daily.]

anointing <04888> [the anointing.]

responsibility .................................. responsibility <06486> [the oversight.]


Eleazar and the priests would be chargeable with the death of the Kohathites, if they failed to give them proper cautions and directions; or permitted them to gaze with irreverence or curiosity upon the holy things, which they might carry, but not see. (ver. 20.)


most holy things <06944> [the most holy.]



go <0935> [they shall.]

holy <06944> [the holy things.]

{Hakkodesh,} "the holy," or "sanctuary," i.e., the ark, as the Jews generally understand it; and with good reason, as any one may be convinced, who compares 1 Ki 8:8 with 2 Ch 5:9, where that which is called the holy in the former, is called the ark in the latter.



thirty years ....... years <08141 07970> [thirty years.]


company <06633 06635> [to perform the service. Heb. to war the warfare.]


carry <04853> [burdens. or, carriage.]


curtains <03407> [the curtains.]

covering ... covering <04372> [the covering.]


hangings <07050> [the hangings.]

ropes <04340> [and their cords.]


<06310> [appointment. Heb. mouth.]

The Levites were under the command of the priests. Eleazar exercised this authority in general, as next in succession to Aaron: and he in particular was placed over the Kohathites; while Ithamar, his younger brother, commanded the Gershonites and Merarites. (ver. 33.)




company <06635> [service. Heb. warfare.]


responsible <04931> [the charge.]

frames <07175> [the boards.]


names <08034> [and by name.]

An inventory was taken of every particular, even to the very pins belonging to each part, that nothing might be wanting when the tabernacle was set up.

furnishings .............. items <03627> [the instruments.]


authority <03027> [under the hand.]



In the third chapter we have an account of the whole number of the Levites; and here of those only who were able to serve the Lord in the sanctuary. By comparing the two places, we find the number of the effective and ineffective males to stand thus:-- Kohathites. Effective men . . . . . . . 2,750 Ineffective . . . . . . . . 5,850 ----- Total 8,600 Gershonites. Effective men . . . . . . . 2,630 Ineffective . . . . . . . . 4,870 ----- Total 7,500 Merarites. Effective men . . . . . . . 3,200 Ineffective . . . . . . . . 3,000 ----- Total 6,200 Thus we find that the whole number of the Levites amounted to 22,300; of whom 8,580 were fit for service and 13,720 unfit, being either too old or too young. What an astonishing number of men, all performing some service by which God was glorified, and the congregation at large benefited!



The family of Merari, though smaller than either of the other families of Levi, yet had a greater number of able men than any of them; for out of 6,200 males of a month old and upwards, we find 3,200 who were neither too young nor too old for the service of the sanctuary; which was more than one-half of their whole number. In this the wisdom and providence of God appear most conspicuously; for the Merarites were charged with the heaviest part of the sanctuary, as the boards, bars, sockets, etc; and though waggons were afterwards provided for them, yet the loading and unloading of the sockets, and other things of great weight, would require much strength, both bodily and numerical. (Compare ver. 36, 40, with ch. 3:22, 28, 24.) Thus God ever manifests his wisdom, in fitting men for the work to which they are appointed, whether with respect to number or gifts: "For to one is given, by the Spirit, the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit; to another faith, by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing, by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: but all these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will."


thirty <07970> [From thirty.]

entered <0935> [every one.]



word <06310> [According to the.]

each <0376> [every one.]

Lord ............................... Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]




expel .... camp <04264 07971> [put out of the camp.]

The camp of Israel being now formed, with the sanctuary of God in the centre, orders were given that the lepers and unclean persons should be excluded from the camp, according to the laws given at different times on these subjects. See the Marginal References.) This expulsion was founded, 1. On a purely physical reason; for the diseases were contagious, and therefore there was a necessity of putting those afflicted with them apart, that the infection might not be communicated. 2. There was also a spiritual reason: the camp was the habitation of God; and therefore, in honour of Him who had thus condescended to dwell with them, nothing impure should be permitted to remain. 3. Further, there was a typical reason; for the camp was the emblem of the church, where nothing that is defiled should enter, and in which nothing that is unholy should be tolerated.

discharge <02100> [and every.]

defiled <02931> [and whosoever.]


outside <02351> [without.]

camp ....... defile ... camps <02930 04264> [defile not.]

among <08432> [in the midst.]


man <0376> [When.]

person <05315> [and that person.]

This expression does not merely refer to the actual criminality of the person, but to his consciousness of guilt respecting it: for this case must be distinguished from that of a person detected in dishonesty, which he attempted to conceal.


confess <03034> [confess.]

<07725> [and he shall.]

Not only confession, but restitution, in every possible case, is necessary in order to obtain forgiveness.

full <07218> [with the principal.]


close relative <01350> [have no.]

ram <0352> [beside the ram.]


offering <08641> [offering. or, heave offering.]




exciting him to jealousy, or, rather, the passion or affection of jealousy.


offering ...... tenth <07133 06224> [her offering for her.]

This coarse offering, without oil or frankincense, implied the baseness of the crime of which the woman was suspected, and the mournful state of her family. It was not an atoning sacrifice, but an oblation for a memorial, as solemnly referring the decision to God, and calling upon him either to acquit or punish.

remembrance <02142> [bringing.]


Then <07126> [bring her near. or, rather, "bring it near;" i.e., her offering. set her.]

Rather, "set it," i.e., the offering; for the woman is afterwards ordered to be set before the Lord. (ver. 18.)


holy water ......................... water <06918 04325> [holy water.]

That is, water from the laver; called holy, because separated from common to sacred uses. This is the most ancient account of the trial by ordeal, which obtained so generally among various nations; and it was calculated to fortify the minds of the Israelitish women in the hour of temptation, and to render them watchful against all occasions of exciting suspicion in the breasts of their husbands.

dust <06083> [of the dust.]


priest ................................ priest <03548> [the priest.]

uncover <06544> [uncover.]

put <05414> [and put.]

bitter water <04751 04325> [the bitter water.]

So called from the bitter effects which it had upon the guilty.


oath <07650> [charge her.]

man ..................... husband's <0376> [with another. or, being in the power of they husband. Heb. under thy husband.]

Ro 7:2 *Gr:


oath <07621> [an oath.]

Lord make ........... Lord makes <03068 05414> [The Lord make.]

fall away <05307> [rot. Heb. fall.]


go into ... stomach <0935 04578> [go into.]

woman <0802> [the woman.]

Amen amen <0543> [Amen.]


write ... curses <03789 0423> [write these.]

scrape <04229> [blot.]



priest <03548> [priest.]

wave <05130> [wave.]



defiled <02930> [if she be defiled.]

woman <0802> [the woman.]


woman <0802> [And if.]

effects <02232> [and shall.]


law <08451> [the law.]

wife ....... goes astray <0802 07847> [when a wife goeth.]


free <05352> [be guiltless.]

bear <05375> [bear.]




man <0376> [When.]

special .... take ........ separate <06381 05087 05144 03068> [separate themselves.]

The word {yaphli,} rendered "shall separate themselves," signifies, "the doing of something extraordinary," and is the same word as is used concerning the making a singular vow. (Le 27:2); it seems to convey the idea of a person's acting from extraordinary zeal for God and religion.

take <05087> [to vow.]

separate <05144 03068> [to separate themselves. or, to make themselves Nazarites.]

{Lahazzir,} from {nazar,} to be separate; hence {nazir,} a Nazarite, i.e., a person separated; one peculiarly devoted to the service of God by being separated from all servile employments. The Nazarites were of two kinds: such as were devoted to God by their parents in their infancy, or even sometimes before they were born; and such as devoted themselves. The former were Nazarites for life; and the latter commonly bound themselves to observe the laws of the Nazarites for a limited time. The Nazarites for life were not bound to the same strictness as the others, concerning whom the laws relate.


Besides the religious nature of this institution, it seems to have been partly of a civil and prudential use. The sobriety and temperance which the Nazarites were obliged to observe were very conducive to health. Accordingly, they were celebrated for their fair and ruddy complexion; being said to be both whiter than milk and more ruddy than rubies (La 4:7); the sure signs of a sound and healthy constitution. It may here be observed, that when God intended to raise up Samson, by his strength of body, to scourge the enemies of Israel, he ordered, that from his infancy he should drink no wine, but live by the rule of the Nazarites, because that would greatly contribute to make him strong and healthy; intending, after nature had done her utmost to form this extraordinary instrument of his providence, to supply her defect by his own supernatural power. See Jenning's Jewish Antiquities, B. I. c. 8.


separation <05145> [separation. or, Nazariteship.]

grapevine <01612 03196> [vine tree. Heb. vine of the wine.]


razor <08593> [razor.]


contact <0935> [he shall come.]


defile <02930> [unclean.]

separation <05145> [consecration. Heb. separation.]

This expression, "the consecration, or separation, of God is on his head," denotes his hair, which was the proof and emblem of his separation, and of his subjection to God through all the peculiarities of his Nazarate. St. Paul probably alludes to this circumstance in 1 Co 11:10 by considering a married woman as a Nazarite for life, i.e., separated from all others, and united to her husband, to whom she is subject.



defiles <02930> [and he.]

shave ................ shave <01548> [shave.]



Then ..... offer <06213> [offer.]

reconsecrate <06942> [and shall.]



reparation <0817> [a trespass.]

days ..................... days <03117> [but the.]

will .... counted <05307> [lost. Heb. fall.]


fulfilled <04390> [are fulfilled.]


lamb ............ one ...... first ......... one <0259 03532> [one he.]

one ewe lamb .... first ......... one <0259 03535> [one ewe.]

one ...... first ......... one ram <0259 0352> [one ram.]


basket <05536> [a basket.]

smeared <04886> [anointed.]

drink offerings <05262> [drink.]


shave .... head .................. head <07218 01548> [shave the head.]

The hair, which was permitted to grow for this purpose, was shaven off, as a token that the vow was accomplished.

put ..... fire <05414 0784> [and put it.]


boiled <01311> [the sodden.]

put ..... hands <05414 03709> [put them.]


then ... priest ... wave ................. priest <03548 05130> [the priest shall.]

wave offering ................... wave offering <08573> [with the wave.]

After <0310> [and after.]


law .................................... law <08451> [the law.]

else <03027> [beside that.]



Lord <03068> [The Lord.]

protect <08104> [keep thee.]


Lord <03068> [The Lord.]

gracious <02603> [gracious.]


lift up <05375> [lift up.]

give ... peace <07760 07965> [give thee.]


put ... name <07760 08034> [put my.]

bless <01288> [and I will.]


completed <03615> [had fully.]

anointed .... consecrated ......... anointed ... consecrated <04886 06942> [anointed it.]

consecrated ........... consecrated <06942> [sanctified them.]


leaders ............... leaders <05387> [the princes.]

ones ..... supervising <05975> [and were over, etc. Heb. who stood. offered.]


covered <06632> [covered waggons.]

The Hebrew {egloth tzav,} signifies "tilted wagons;" so LXX. [hamaxas lamp‚nikas,] with which the Coptic agrees. These were given for the more convenient exporting of the heavier parts of the tabernacle.



Receive .......... used <03947 05647> [Take it.]

give ..... Levites <05414 03881> [give them. i.e. distribute them among the Levites as they need them; giving most to those who have the heaviest burdens to bear.]


two carts <08147 05699> [Two wagons.]

Gershonites <01648 01121> [sons of Gershon.]

The Gershonites being fewest in number of able men, had the less burdensome things to carry; for they carried only the curtains, coverings, and hangings, (ch. 4:25, 40.) And although this was a cumbersome carriage, and they needed waggons, yet it was not a heavy one, and they needed few.


four carts <05699 0702> [four wagons.]

Merarites ........... son <01121> [the sons.]

Though the Merarites were the most numerous, yet they had the greatest burden, namely, the boards, bars, pillars, and sockets, to carry, (ch. 4:31, 32, 48.) Therefore they had double the number of waggons to what the Gershonites had assigned them.


Kohathites <01121> [unto the.]

Because they had the charge of the ark, table, candlestick, altars, etc. (ch. 4:4-15,) which were to be carried upon their shoulders: for those sacred things must not be drawn by beasts.

service <05656> [because.]


leaders ................ leaders <05387> [princes.]

Every prince, or chief, offered in the behalf, and doubtless at the expense, of his whole tribe.

dedication <02598> [dedicating.]





platter <07086> [charger.]

shekels ....... shekel <08255> [the shekel.]

grain offering <04503> [a meat offering.]


pan <03709> [spoon.]

incense <07004> [incense.]




peace offerings <08002> [peace.]

offering <07133> [this was the offering.]

It is worthy of remark, that the different tribes are represented here as bringing their offerings precisely in the same order in which they encamped about the tabernacle, (see ch. 2; 10;) beginning at the East, then proceeding to the South, then to the West, and ending with the North, according to the course of the sun. Their order may be thus viewed: East. 1. Judah: Nahshon. 2. Issachar: Nathaneel. 3. Zebulun: Eliab. South. 4. Reuben: Elizur. 5. Simeon: Shelumiel. 6. Gad: Eliasaph. West. 7. Ephraim: Elishama. 8. Manasseh: Gamaliel. 9. Benjamin: Abidan. North. 10. Dan: Ahiezer. 11. Asher: Pagiel. 12. Naphtali: Ahira. Thus God evinces that he "is not the author of confusion, but of peace." (1 Co 14:33.) It is also worthy of remark, that every tribe offers the same kind of offering, and in the same quantity, to shew, that as every tribe was equally indebted to God for its support, so each should testify an equal sense of obligation. Besides, the vessels were all sacrificial vessels, and the animals were all clean animals, such as were proper for sacrifices; and therefore everything was intended to point out, that the people were to be a holy people, fully dedicated to God, and that God was to dwell among them. Thus, as the priests, altar, etc. were anointed, and the tabernacle dedicated, so the people, by this offering, became consecrated to God. Therefore every act here was a religious act.









offering .................................... grain offering <07133 04503> [offering.]

platter <07086> [charger.]

{K„ƒrah,} in Arabic, {kƒran,} from {kƒra,} to be deep, a large deep dish or bowl. It appears by the metal of which this charger and bowl were made, that they were for the use of the altar of burnt offerings in the outer court; for all the vessels of the sanctuary were of gold. It was probably used for receiving the flesh of the sacrifices upon which the priests feasted, or the fine flour for the meat offerings.

sprinkling bowl <04219> [Bowl.]

{Mizrak,} from {zarak,} to sprinkle, a bowl or bason, used in sprinkling the blood of the sacrifice. (Ex 27:23.)


pan <03709> [spoon.]

{Kaph,} in Syriac, {kaphtho,} a pan or censer, on which the incense was put. Both the metal of which it was made, and that which it contained, shew that it was for the use of the golden altar in the sanctuary.

incense <07004> [incense.]


sacrifice <02077> [And for a sacrifice.]

These sacrifices were more numerous than the burnt offering or the sin offering; because the priests, the princes, and as many of the people as they invited, had a share of them, and feasted, with great rejoicing, before the Lord. This custom, as Mr. Shelden observes, seems to have been imitated by the heathen, who dedicated their altars, temples, statues, etc., with much ceremony.





son <01121> [Son of Reuel.]


offering .................................... grain offering <07133 04503> [offering.]

mixed ... olive oil <01101 08081> [mingled with oil.]



seventh <07637> [On the seventh.]

Both Jewish and Christian writers have been surprised that this work of offering went forward on the seventh day (which they suppose to have been a sabbath), as well as on the other days. But, 1. there is no absolute proof that this seventh day of offering was a sabbath. 2. Were it even so, could the people be better employed than in thus consecrating themselves and their services to the Lord? We have already seen that every act was a religious act; and we may rest assured, that no day was too holy for the performance of such acts as are here recorded. Here it may be observed, that Moses has thought fit to set down distinctly, and at full length, the offerings of the princes of each tribe, though, as we have already observed, they were the very same, both in quantity and quality, that an honourable mention might be made of every one apart, and that none might think himself in the least neglected.

Elishama <0476> [Elishama.]



Whether there were any prayers made for the gracious acceptance of the sacrifices which should be hereafter offered on the altar, we are not informed; but the sacrifices themselves were of the nature of supplications, and it is probable, that they who offered them, made humble petitions along with them.







tenth day <06224 03117> [On the tenth day.]

When the twelve days of the dedication commenced cannot be easily determined; but the computation of F. Scacchus seems highly probable. He supposes, that the tabernacle being erected the first day of the first month of the second year after the departure from Egypt, seven days were spent in the consecration of it, and the altar, etc.; and that on the eight day, Moses began to consecrate Aaron and his sons, which lasted seven days more. Then, on the fourteenth day of that month, was the feast day of unleavened bread; which God commanded to be observed in the first month (ch. 9), and which lasted till the 22nd. The rest of the month, we may well suppose, was spent in giving, receiving, and delivering the laws contained in the book of Leviticus; after which, on the first day of the second month, Moses began to number the people, according to the command in the beginning of this book; which may be supposed to have lasted three days. On the fourth, the Levites were numbered; on the next day we may suppose they were offered to God, and given to the Priests; and on the sixth, they were expiated and consecrated, as we read in the following chapter. On the seventh day, their several charges were assigned them, (ch. 4;) after which, he supposes the princes began to offer, on the eight day of the second month, for the dedication of the altar, which lasted till the nineteenth day inclusively; and on the twentieth day of this month, they removed from Sinai to the wilderness of Paran. (ch. 10:11, 12.)

Ahiezer <0295> [Ahiezer.]



On ... eleventh day <03117 06249> [eleventh day.]

Dr. Adam Clarke remarks, that the Hebrew form of expression here, and in the 78th verse, has something curious in it; {beyom Æ’shtey Æ’sar yom,} "in the day, the first and tenth day;" {beyom shenim Æ’sar yom,} "in the day, two and tenth day." But this is the idiom of the language; and to an original Hebrew, our almost anomalous words eleventh and twelfth, would appear as strange.

Pagiel <06295> [Pagiel.]


The oblations and sacrifices enumerated in verses 13 to 88 were simple and plain, though costly and magnificent. On this occasion we find there were offered 12 silver chargers, each weighing 130 shekels; 12 silver bowls, each 70 shekels; 12 golden spoons, each 10 shekels; making the total amount of silver vessels 2,400 shekels, and that of golden vessels, 120 shekels. A silver charger, at 130 shekels, reduced to troy weight, makes 75 oz. 9 dwts. 16 8/31 gr.; and a silver bowl, at 70 shekels, amounts to 40 oz. 12 dwts. 21 21/31 gr. The total weight of the 12 chargers is therefore 905 oz. 16 dwts. 3 3/31 gr.; and that of the 12 bowls, 487 oz. 14 dwts. 20 4/31 gr.; making the total weight of silver vessels 1,393 oz. 10 dwts. 23 7/31 gr. The golden spoons, allowing each to be 5 oz. 16 dwts. 3 3/31 gr., amount to 69 oz. 3 dwts. 13 5/31 gr. Besides these, there were for sacrifice-- Bullocks . . . . . . 12 Rams . . . . . . 12 Lambs . . . . . . 12 Goats . . . . . . 24 Rams . . . . . . 60 He goats . . . . . . 60 Lambs . . . . . . 60 By this we may at once see, that though the place in which they now sojourned was a wilderness as to cities, villages, and regular inhabitants, yet there was plenty of pasturage; else the Israelites could not have furnished these cattle, with all the sacrifices necessary for different occasions, and especially for the passover, which must of itself have required an immense number of lambs, when each family of 600,000 males was obliged to provide one. (ch. 9.)




dedication <02598> [the dedication.]

leaders <05387> [the princes.]


2,400 <0505> [two thousand.]

shekel <08255> [after the shekel.]


anointed <04886> [that it was anointed.]


speak ......... speaking ........................ spoke <01696> [to speak.]

heard .......... atonement lid <08085 03727> [him. that is, God. he heard.]

two cherubim <03742 08147> [two cherubims.]


When this was spoken, says Bp. Patrick, is not certain. If Moses went into the tabernacle immediately after the princes had offered, (ch. 7:89,) it may be thought he then spake these things unto him; but both this and what follows, concerning the Levites, seem rather to have been delivered after the order for giving them to the priests, and appointing their several charges. (ch. 3; 4.) But some other things intervening, which depended upon what had been ordered respecting their camp, and that of the Israelites, Moses omits this until he had stated them, and some other matters which he had received from God. (See ch. 7:11.)




work <04639> [this work.]

beaten ............. beaten work <04749> [beaten work.]

pattern <04758> [the pattern.]


purify <02891> [cleanse them.]


Sprinkle <05137> [Sprinkle.]

water <04325> [water.]

shave <08593> [let them shave. Heb. let them cause a razor to pass over, etc.]

wash ... clothes <03526 0899> [wash their.]


young ..................... young <01121> [a young.]

grain offering <04503> [his meat.]

second <08145> [another.]


bring <07126> [thou shalt bring.]

assemble .... community <06950 05712> [shalt gather the whole.]

The words, {kol Æ’dath,} which are rendered "the whole assembly," often signify all the elders, or principal persons in the several tribes. (ch. 15:4; 25:7; 35:12.) And they cannot well have any other sense here; for it would be impossible for all the children of Israel to put their hands on the Levites, as stated in the next verse.



offer <05130> [offer. Heb. wave. offering. Heb. wave-offering.]

Not that they were actually waved, but they were presented to God, as the God of heaven, and the Lord of the whole earth, as the wave offerings were; and in calling them wave-offerings, it was intimated to them that they must move to and fro with readiness in the business of their profession.

they may <05647> [they may execute. Heb. they may be to execute, etc.]


Levites .................................. Levites <03881> [Levites.]

one ........ other <0259> [the one.]

atonement <03722> [atonement.]


then offer them .... wave offering <05130 08573> [offer them.]

{Wehainaphta othom tenoophath,} literlly, as in ver. 11, "and thou shalt wave them for a wave-offering;" manifestly in allusion to the ancient sacrificial rite of waving the sacrifices before the Lord; and it is probable, that some significant action, analogous to the waving of the sacrifice, was employed on this occasion; for the Levites were considered as an offering to the Lord, to whose service they were wholly dedicated. To this the apostle Paul manifestly alludes, when, in writing to the Romans, he says, (ch. 12:1,) "I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service."


separate <0914> [separate.]

Levites ........ Levites <03881> [and the Levites.]


go <0935> [go in.]

them ... offer them like <05130> [and offer.]


entirely given <05414> [wholly given.]

{Nethunim, nethunim,} "given; given;" The word being repeated, "because," says Bp. Patrick, "the children of Israel had devoted them to him, by laying their hands upon them, (ver. 10,) and Aaron had waved them as a wave-offering to the Lord." (ver. 11.)

open <06363> [instead of such.]

Houbigant, on the authority of the Samaritan, reads, "instead of every first-born of the children of Israel, who openeth the womb."


firstborn males ................ firstborn <01060> [all the.]

when <03117> [on the day.]

apart <06942> [I sanctified.]


given <05414> [I have given.]

given <05414> [a gift. Heb. given. that there.]


purified <02398> [were purified.]

then ... presented them like <05130> [offered.]

Aaron ............ Aaron ... atonement <0175 03722> [Aaron made.]


After ..... went <0310 0935> [after that.]

Lord <03068> [as the Lord.]


twenty-five <06242> [from twenty.]

In ch. 4:3, the Levites are appointed to the service of the tabernacle at the age of 30 years; and in 1 Ch 23:24, they are ordered to commence their work at 20 years of age. In order to reconcile this apparent discrepancy, it is to be observed, 1. At the time of which Moses speaks in ch. 4:3, the Levitical service was exceedingly severe, and consequently required full grown, robust men, to perform it; the age of 30 was therefore appointed as the period for commencing this service, the weightier part of which was probably there intended. 2. In this place God seems to speak of the service in a general way: hence the age of 25 is fixed. 3. In David's time, and afterwards, in the fixed tabernacle and temple, the laboriousness of the service no longer existed, and hence 20 years was the age appointed.

company .... work <06633 05656> [wait upon. Heb. war the warfare of, etc.]


must retire ... performing ... work <06635 05656 07725> [cease waiting upon the service thereof. Heb. return from the warfare of the service.]

The Levites, above fifty years of age, might superintend and assist their junior brethren in the ordinary offices, and give them and the people counsel and instruction; but they were exempted from carrying the tabernacle and from other laborious services. It is remarkable, that no law was made concerning the age at which the priests should begin to officiate, and though various blemishes disqualified them for the service of the sanctuary, yet they continued their ministrations till death, if capable. On the other hand, nothing is said concerning any bodily defects or blemishes disqualifying the Levites; but the time of their service is expressly settled. Their work was far more laborious than that of the priests; it is therefore likely that the priests would not begin very early to officiate; and the wisdom and experience of age would increase, rather than diminish, their fitness for the sacred duties of their office.


attend <08104> [to keep.]

work <05647> [and shall.]


[A.M. 2514. B.C. 1490. An. Ex. Is. 2. Abib. in the first month.]

The fourteen first verses of this chapter evidently refer to a time previous to the commencement of this book; but as there is no evidence of a transposition, it is better to conclude with Houbigant, that "it is enough to know, that these books contain an account of things transacted in the days of Moses, though not in their regular or chronological order."


observe <06213> [keep.]

appointed time <04150> [his appointed.]


fourteenth <0702> [the fourteenth.]

twilight <06153> [at even. Heb. between the two evenings.]

statutes <02708> [according to all the rites.]

[See on]


observed ................................ did <06213> [they kept.]

Lord <03068> [according.]


ceremonially defiled <02931> [defiled.]

came <07126> [they came.]


<07126> [we may not offer.]


Remain <05975> [Stand.]

hear <08085> [I will.]


ceremonially defiled <02931> [be unclean.]

<06213> [yet he shall keep.]


fourteenth <0702> [fourteenth.]

eat .... bread ... without yeast <0398 04682> [and eat it.]


leave <07604> [shall leave.]

break ..... bones <06106 07665> [break any bone.]

In the East, Belon says, he "met with shepherds who were roasting sheep whole, which they sold to travellers stuck upon sticks of willow tree. The entrails were taken out, and the body again sewed up."

statute <02708> [according.]


fails <02308> [forbeareth.]

bring <07126> [because.]

bear ... sin <02399 05375> [bear his sin.]



day <03117> [on the day.]

cloud <06051> [the cloud.]

evening <06153> [at even.]


This cloud not only enlightened the Israelites, but also protected them, and was a continual pledge of God's presence and protection. To this manifestation of the Divine glory, the prophet Isaiah alludes, when he says, (Isa 4:5,) "The Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night." God is the director, protector, and glory of his church.


Whenever ... cloud ...................... cloud <06051 06310> [when the cloud.]

place <04725> [and in the.]


commandment .............. commandment <06310> [and at the.]

long <03117> [as long as.]

There is no time lost, while we are waiting God's time. It is as acceptable a piece of submission to the will of God, to sit still contentedly when our lot requires it, as to work for him when we are called to it.


remained <0748> [tarried long. Heb. prolonged. kept the.]


evening <06153> [abode. Heb. was.]


camped <02583> [abode.]


kept <08104> [they kept.]

Some of the Levites may have been appointed to watch the moving of the pillar, and to give timely notice to the camp of its beginning to stir; and this is called "keeping the charge of the Lord." It is uncomfortable staying when God is departed, but very safe and pleasant going, when we see God go before us, and resting where he appoints us to rest.




two trumpets <02689 08147> [two trumpets.]

The necessity of such instruments will at once appear, when the amazing extent of this army is considered. There were various kinds of trumpets among the ancients, of different forms and materials, as Eustathius shews on Homer, where he mentions six; the second of which was [stroggule,] turned up round, like a ram's horn; which he says the Egyptians used (from being invented by Osiris) when they assembled the people to their sacrifices. But in opposition to that form, Moses commands these to be made long, in the shape of those used at present. So Josephus informs us, who says they were near a cubit long; the tube of the thickness of a common pipe or flute; the mouth no wider than just to admit blowing into them; and their ends wide like those of a modern trumpet.

hammered <04749> [of a whole piece.]

assembling <04744> [the calling.]




blow <08628> [blow.]

camps <04264> [camps.]


blow ......................... sounded <08628> [ye blow.]

A single alarm was a signal for the eastward division to march; two such alarms the signal for the south; and probably three for the west, and four for the North. There appears therefore, a deficiency in the Hebrew Text, which is thus supplied by the LXX.: [kai salpieite semasian triten, kai exarousin ai parembolai ai paremballousai para thalassan. kai salpieite semasian tetarten, kai exarousin ai parembolai ai paremballousai pros bomran.] "And when ye blow a third alarm, or signal, the camps on the west shall march; and when ye blow a fourth alarm, the camps on the north shall march." This addition, however, is not acknowledged by the Samaritan, nor any other version than the Coptic, nor any MS. yet collated.

camps <04264> [the camps.]


blow <08628> [ye shall blow.]

alarm <07321> [sound.]



go <0935> [if ye go.]

opposes <06887> [oppresseth.]

alarm <07321> [then ye shall.]

remembered <02142> [remembered.]


time <03117> [in the day.]

memorial <02146> [a memorial.]


twentieth <06242> [An. Ex. Is 2. Ijar. on.]

The Israelites had lain encamped in the wilderness of Sinai about eleven months and twenty days (comp. Ex 19:1); and they now received the order of God to decamp, and proceed to the promised land: the Samaritan, therefore, introduces at this place, nearly the words of De 1:6-8: "And Jehovah spake unto Moses, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount; turn, and take your journey, etc."

cloud <06051> [the cloud.]


So .... set <05265> [took.]

wilderness .......... wilderness <04057> [out of the.]

wilderness .......... wilderness <04057> [the wilderness.]



first <07223 05265> [the first place.]

The following is the order in which this vast company marched: Judah:----Issachar, Zebulun, Gershonites, and Merarites, bearing the tabernacle. Reuben:---Simeon, Gad, Kohathites, with the sanctuary. Ephraim:--Manasseh, Benjamin. Dan:------Asher, Naphtali. Among other things, it should be remarked, that, according to a well-known rule of military tactics, the advanced, and rear-guards, were stronger then the centre.


Nahshon <05177> [Nahshon.]




tabernacle .................. tabernacle <04908> [the tabernacle.]

sons ...... sons <01121> [the sons.]


camp <04264> [the camp.]

Elizur <0468> [Elizur.]


Simeonites <08095> [Simeon.]


Eliasaph <0460> [Eliasaph.]

tribe ....... son <01121> [son of Reuel.]


Kohathites <06956> [the Kohathites.]

articles .......... set up <06965> [the other did. that is, the Gershonites and the Merarites.]


camp <04264> [the camp.]

Elishama <0476> [Elishama.]


Gamaliel <01583> [Gamaliel.]


Abidan <027> [Abidan.]


camp ............... camps <04264> [the camp.]

guard <0622> [the rereward.]

Ahiezer <0295> [Ahiezer.]


Pagiel <06295> [Pagiel.]


Ahira <0299> [Ahira.]


These <0428> [Thus were. Heb. These. according.]



Lord .................... Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

<03212> [come.]

Lord .................... Lord <03068> [for the Lord.]



places <03651> [forasmuch.]

As the Israelites were under the immediate direction of God himself, and were guided by the pillar of cloud and fire, it might be supposed that they had no need of Hobab. But it should be remembered, that the cloud directed only their general journeys, not their particular excursions. Parties took several journeys while the grand army lay still. (ch. 13; 20; 31; 32.)

guide <05869> [instead of eyes.]



mountain <02022> [the mount.]

ark <0727> [the ark.]

traveled ..................... traveling before <05265 06440> [went before.]

resting place <04496> [a resting place.]



Rise .... Lord <06965 03068> [Rise up, Lord.]


Return ... Lord <07725 03068> [Return, O Lord.]

thousands ... Israel <0505 03478 07233> [many thousands of Israel. Heb. ten thousand thousands.]

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