Kidung Jemaat
Philippians 1:27--4:9
Abraham, Abraham [KJ.71]
1. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram,
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Jumlah bintang tak terbilang, turunanmu pun demikian;
Ikutlah petunjukKu ke neg'ri pusakamu!
Kej 12:1-9
Kis 7:3
Ibr 11:8-10
2. Abraham, Abraham, tinggalkanlah neg'ri tentram;
Abraham, Abraham, berjalanlah dengan iman!
Bangsa-bangsa dunia nanti; dalam dikau Kuberkati;
Ingat akan sabdaKu di sepanjang jalanmu!
Gal 3:7-8, 14
3. Abraham, Abraham, berangkat sungguh beriman;
Abraham, Abraham menuju tanah Kanaan.
Yakin, tanpa keraguan ia ikut sabda Tuhan.
Mari, ikutlah serta ke neg'ri sejahtera!Play Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222b]
1. Agungkan kuasa namaNya; malaikat bersujud!
Nobatkan Raja mulia dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
2. Hai bintang-bintang fajar t'rang, bersoraklah terus!
Agungkan Dia yang menang dan puji, puji, puji, Yesus, Tuhanmu!
3. Kaum Israel pilihanNya, dosamu ditebus!
Mesiasmu terimalah dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
4. Jemaat yang tak melupakan derita Penebus,
b'ri hormat di hadiratNya dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
5. Yang mati kar'na namaNya, hai martir yang kudus,
di dalam salib bermegah dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
6. Hai waris KerajaanNya, agungkan Putra Daud!
Allahmulah permuliakanlah dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!7. Hai bangsa-bangsa dunia, sekarang bertelut;
akui KerajaanNya dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
8. Kiranya kita k'lak serta di sana bersujud.
Hai ikut, alam semesta, dan puji, puji, puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!Agungkan Kuasa NamaNya [KJ.222a]
1. Agungkan kuasa namaNya; malaikat bersujud!
Nobatkan Raja mulia dan puji Tuhanmu!
Nobatkan Raja mulia dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
1 Tim 3:16
Ibr 1:6
Why 19:16
2. Hai bintang-bintang fajar t'rang, bersoraklah terus!
Agungkan Dia yang menang dan puji Tuhanmu!
Agungkan Dia yang menang dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Ayb 38:7
3. Kaum Israel pilihanNya, dosamu ditebus!
Mesiasmu terimalah dan puji Tuhanmu!
Mesiasmu terimalah dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Yes 40:1-2
4. Jemaat yang tak melupakan derita Penebus,
b'ri hormat di hadiratNya dan pujian Tuhanmu!
B'ri hormat di hadiratNya dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
1 Kor 11:26
5. Yang mati kar'na namaNya, hai martir yang kudus,
di dalam salib bermegah dan puji Tuhanmu!
Di dalam salib bermegah dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Mat 24:9
Rm 8:36
Why 6:9
Why 18:24
Gal 6:14
6. Hai waris KerajaanNya, agungkan Putra Daud!
Allahmu permuliakanlah dan puji Tuhanmu!
Allahmu permuliakanlah dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Mat 5:3, 10
Yak 2:5
7. Hai bangsa-bangsa dunia, sekarang bertelut;
akui KerajaanNya dan puji Tuhanmu!
Akui KerajaanNya dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!
Flp 2:9-11
8. Kiranya kita k'lak serta di sana bersujud.
Hai ikut, alam semesta, dan puji Tuhanmu!
Hai ikut, alam semesta, dan puji Yesus, Tuhanmu!Why 5:13
Alangkah Indahnya [KJ.448] ( Blest Be the Tie That Binds )
1. Alangkah indahnya serikat beriman, cerminan kasih
Tuhannya di dalam sorga t'rang.
Mzm 16:3
Mzm 133
Flp 2:1-5
2. Baik suka, baik keluh berpadu berserah;
segala doa bertemu di takhta rahmatNya.
Rm 12:15
1 Kor 12:26-27
Ibr 4:16
3. Sengsara dan beban 'kan ringan rasanya,
sebab saudara seiman memikulnya serta.
Rm 15:1
Gal 6:2
4. Kendati sebentar berpisah tersedu,
di dalam Kristus kita k'lak kembali bertemu!
Play Berbahagia Tiap Rumah Tangga [KJ.318]
1. Berbahagia tiap rumah tangga, di mana Kaulah Tamu yang tetap:
dan merasakan tiap sukacita tanpa Tuhannya tiadalah lengkap;
di mana hati girang menyambutMu dan memandangMu dengan
berseri; tiap anggota menanti sabdaMu dan taat akan Firman yang Kaub'ri.
Yos 24:15
2. Berbahagialah rumah yang sepakat hidup sehati dalam kasihMu,
serta tekun mencari hingga dapat damai kekal di dalam sinarMu;
di mana suka-duka 'kan dibagi; ikatan kasih semakin teguh; diluar
Tuhan tidak ada lagi yang dapat memberi berkat penuh.1 Kor 13
Flp 2:1-5
Play Berkereta Awan Putih [KJ.225]
1. Berkereta awan putih, Yesus naik dari bumi
dan menuju takhtaNya, dan menuju takhtaNya.
Kis 1:9
Ibr 1:3-4
1 Ptr 3:22
2. Bertelutlah tiap mahluk, tiap lidah pun mengaku:
Yesus Tuhan semesta, Yesus Tuhan semesta!
Flp 2:9-11
3. Penguasa dalam dunia dan malaikat dalam sorga
mengagungkan namaNya, mengagungkan namaNya.
4. Yesus Raja Mahakuasa: bersujudlah bangsa-bangsa
dan menjadi muridNya, dan menjadi muridNya.
Ef 1:20-22
Mat 28:19
5. Hai pedosa, s'rahkan hati, berimanlah, orang sakit,
orang miskin, haraplah, orang miskin, haraplah!
Yes 35:3-6
6. Yang tersalib menyampaikan sukacita kedamaian,
hidup baru yang kekal, hidup baru yang kekal!2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:22
Play Bila Topan K'ras Melanda Hidupmu [KJ.439] ( Count Your Blessings / When upon Life's Billows )
R:Mzm 40:6
1. Bila topan k'ras melanda hidupmu, bila putus asa dan letih lesu,
berkat Tuhan satu-satu hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
2. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
3. Adakah beban membuat kau penat, salib yang kaupikul menekan berat?
Hitunglah berkatNya, pasti kau lega dan bernyanyi t'rus penuh bahagia!
Mat 11:28
4. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
5. Bila kau memandang harta orang lain, ingat janji Kristus yang lebih permai;
hitunglah berkat yang tidak terbeli milikmu di sorga tiada terperi.
Mat 6:19-21
6. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.
7. Dalam pergumulanmu di dunia janganlah kuatir, Tuhan adalah!
Hitunglah berkat sepanjang hidupmu, yakinlah, malaikat menyertaimu!
Mat 6:25-34
Flp 4:6
8. Berkat Tuhan, mari hitunglah, kau 'kan kagum oleh kasihNya.
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah, kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya.Play Dalam Kota Raja Daud [KJ.113]
1. Dalam kota raja Daud ada kandang yang rendah.
Di palungan dibaringkan Bayi mungil yang lemah.
Yesus Kristus namaNya dan Maria bundaNya
Luk 2:11-12
2. Ia turun dari sorga, Tuhan alam semesta.
Dan palungan dalam kandang tempat tidur bagiNya.
Ia hidup beserta orang hina dan rendah.
Flp 2:6-8
3. Waktu Ia kanak-kanak, Ia patuh dan benar;
menghormati orang tua Ia tumbuh dan besar.
Anak-anak, marilah mengikuti contohNya!
Luk 2:51
4. Tak berbeda dari kita, dari aku dan engkau,
tawa riang dan tangisan semuanya Ia tahu.
Suka duka dunia dirasakan olehNya.
Ibr 4:15
5. Nanti kita pun melihat Anak ini yang lemah
jadi Jurus'lamat kita, Raja sorga mulia.
Kita pun dipimpinNya masuk sorga s'lamanya.
1 Tes 4:16-17
6. Bukan dalam kandang hina kita lihat kuasaNYa,
tapi k'lak di dalam sorga dengan Allah, BapaNya.
Nanti kita menyembah di keliling takhtaNya.1 Kor 13:12
Mat 16:27
Why 1:7
Why 22:4
Play Dari Terbitnya Surya T'rang [KJ.137]
1. Dari terbitnya surya t'rang sampai dibarat terbenam
Sang Kristus dimuliakanlah, yang dilahirkan Maria.
Mzm 113:3
Mal 1:11
2. Maha Pencipta dunia menjadi hamba terendah
dan menebus manusia dari bencana dosanya.
Flp 2:6-8
3. T'lah lahir Sang Imanuel yang diwartakan Gabriel;
Yohanes mengelukanNya dalam kandungan bundanya.
Mat 1:32Luk 1:26-38
Luk 1:41, 44
4. Walaupun Raja semesta, palungan tak ditolakNya;
Yang menghidupi burung pun, kini menyusu tersenyum.
Mzm 147:9
Luk 2:7
5. Biduan sorga mulia memuji Allah, BapaNya,
dan kaum gembala mendengar tentang Gembala yang Besar.
Luk 2:8-14
6. Orang Majusi dari jauh melihat bintang Putra Daud,
pergi memandang T'rang Baka, mempersembahkan hartanya.
Mat 2:1-11
7. Herodes, kau mengapakah cemas menyambut datangNya
yang sungguh tidak akan mau berkuasa seperti engkau?
Mat 2:3
8. Ratapan ibu terdengar di pembunuhan yang besar
oleh Herodes yang kejam terhadap tunas Betlehem.
Yer 31:15
Mat 2:16-18
9. Para sarjana Alkitab menguji Dia yang berhak
bermukim s'lama-lamanya di dalam rumah BapaNya.
Luk 2:46-49
10. Berdiri, putih cemerlang, Sang Anakdomba di Yordan:
pertanda kerelaanNya menghapus dosa dunia.
Mrk 1:9-11
Yoh 1:29
11. Air jadi anggur yang terbaik mukjizat kuasaNya ajaib:
yang kosong dipenuhiNya dengan berkat karunia!Yoh 2:1-11
Play Dengan Lembut Tuhanku [KJ.354] ( In Tenderness He Sought Me )
1. Dengan lembut tuhanku di dalam kasihNya mencari akan
daku yang hilang, bercela. Bahana syukur terdengar,
seisi sorga mengg'legar.
Mat 18:12-14
Luk 15:3-10
Luk 19:10
2. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
3. Dosaku t'lah dibasuh sehingga 'ku sembuh; bisikNya kepadaku,
"Engkaulah milikKu!" SuaraNya yang lembut merdu
telah menghibur hatiku.
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
1 Ptr 2:9
4. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
5. Padaku ditunjukkan semua lukaNya, mahkota duri tajam,
curahan darahNya. 'Ku takjub kar'na Tuhanku menjadi
kurban bagiku.
Yoh 15:13
6. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
7. Di haribaan Tuhan kulihat kasihNya dan dalam kekaguman
kuhitung berkatNya. Tak kunjung puas rasanya memuji-
muji namaNya.
8. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
9. Kunanti hari Tuhan yang indah dan cerah di kala Tuhan
datang memanggil umatNya berkumpul pada sisiNya
jadi pengantin suciNya.
Flp 3:20
Mat 25:34
Ef 5:25-27
10. KasihNya mencari, darah melunasi; 'ku diraih kembali
PadaNya, 'ku selamat oleh rahmatNya.
Play Di Salib Yesus di Kalvari [KJ.34] ( Down at the Cross / Glory to His Name )
1. Di salib Yesus di Kalvari kus'rahkan dosa yang keji.
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
2. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
3. Kini bahagiaku penuh: Yesus berdiam di dalamku.
Sungguh 'ku s'lamat, 'ku ditebus! Puji namaNya!
Ef 3:17
4. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
5. DarahNya sumber hayat baka; aku dibasuh di dalamnya
dan t'rus dijaga tak bercela. Puji namanya!
6. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!
7. Mari semua ke salibNya; jiwa-ragamu serahkanlah
untuk dibasuhi darahNya. Puji namaNya!
8. Puji, puji namaNya! Puji, puji namaNya!
Oleh darahNya aku bersih! Puji namaNya!Play Di Seluruh Dunia [KJ.255]
1. Di seluruh dunia satu umatNya, satu dalam baptis
dan satu Jalannya; menuju sejahtera sorga yang senang
kita maju dalam cah'ya sinar yang terang.
Yoh 17:11-23
Rm 12:5
Ef 4:3-6
Kol 3:11
Yoh 14:6
2. Beda bangsa, bahasa, kulit dan tempat, namun satu iman
kita dalam kasihNya. Di dunia yang t'rus resah ada harapan:
Yesus-Kebenaran kita-Tuhan Dialah!
1 Kor 12:12-13
Gal 3:27-28
Kol 3:11
Why 5:9
Flp 2:11
3. Manusia berlelah dalam dunia, tapi damai yang sentosa
tak didapatnya. Kenallah Pelindungmu, Damai yang benar:
Yesus-Jalan, Kebenaran, Hidup yang kekal!Ef 2:14
Yoh 14:6
Play Dia Nobatkanlah [KJ.226] ( Crown Him with Many Crowns )
1. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja Penebus;
bahana sorga bergema memuji Dia t'rus.
Hai bangun, jiwaku, bernyanyilah serta,
Memuji Jurus'lamatmu kekal selamanya.
Ef 1:20-22
Flp 2:9-11
Ibr 2:9
Why 17:14
Why 19:12
2. Dia nobatkanlah Pengasih abadi;
di dalam darah lukaNya kasihNya berseri.
Malaikat tercengang melihat dashyatnya
Rahasia Allah terbentang demi manusia.
1 Ptr 1:12
3. Dia nobatkanlah Raja sejahtera,
yang memerintah dunia, perang pun mereda.
Di bumi terdengar pujian mulia kepada
Dia yang besar kekal kuasaNya.
Yes 9:3-6
Mat 28:18
4. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja hidupmu;
sang maut dikalahkanNya demi selamatmu.
Muliakan namaNya yang mati dan menang,
Memb'rikan hidup yang kekal menghalau maut kejam.
1 Kor 15:26
2 Tim 1:10
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 1:18
5. Dia nobatkanlah Sang Raja yang baka,
Pencipta alam semesta sempurna dan megah.
Hormati Penebus yang agung mulia;
Sang Anakdomba yang kudus terpuji s'lamanya.Ef 1:20-22
Kol 1:16
Why 5:12
Play Dunia Dalam Rawa Paya [KJ.343]
1. Dunia dalam rawa paya berjuang t'rus. Kristen, manakahcahaya Injil kudus?
Biar dalam g'lap gulita bergemilang
t'rang berita: Satu saja Tuhan kita, Sang Penebus.
Mat 5:14-16
Flp 2:15
Flp 2:11
2. Bangunkan persekutuan sidang Jemaat dan kumpulkan dombaTuhan yang tersesat.
Satu Sabda berkuasa mempersatukan bahasa
Sekalipun kaum dan masa, jauh dan dekat.
1 Kor 14:12
Ef 2:19-22
Ef 4:11-16
1 Tes 5:11
Yoh 10:16
3. Yang menunjuk ujung jalan: T'rang Al Kalam. Yang memimpinpekerjaan: Raja Imam.
Jangan turut cita-cita dunia yang bergempita.
Satu saja Tuhan kita: Raja Salam.Ef 4:3-6
Play Gita Sorga Bergema [KJ.99] ( Hark! The Herald Angels Sing )
1. Gita sorga bergema, "Lahir Raja mulia!
Damai dan sejahtera turun dalam dunia."
Bangsa-bangsa, bangkitlah dan bersoraklah serta,
Permaklumkan Kabar Baik; Lahir Kristus, T'rang ajaib!
Gita sorga bergema, "Lahir Raja mulia!"
Luk 2:14
Ef 2:17
2. Yang di sorga disembah Kristus, Raja yang baka,
lahir dalam dunia dan Maria bundaNya.
Dalam daging dikenal Firman Allah yang kekal;
dalam Anak yang kecil nyatalah Imanuel!
Gita sorga bergema, "Lahir Raja mulia!"
Flp 2:6-11
Yoh 1:14
Yes 7:14
Mat 1:23
3. Raja Damai yang besar, Suraya Hidup yang benar,
menyembuhkan dunia di naungan sayapNya,
tak memandang diriNya, bahkan maut dit'rimaNya,
lahir untuk memberi hidup baru abadi!
Gita sorga bergema, "Lahir Raja mulia!"Yes 9:5
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Play Golgota, Tempat Tuhanku Disalib [KJ.177]
1. Golgota, tempat Tuhanku disalib dan dicela,
agar dunia damai pula dengan Allah, Khaliknya.
Dari sanalah mengalir sungai kasih kurnia
Bagi orang berdosa, yang memandang Golgota.
Mrk 15:22-24
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
Yeh 47:1-12
2. O samud'ra kasih Allah: bagi isis dunia
diberiNya Putra Tunggal, agar kita s'lamatlah!
Yesus, Jalan, Kebenaran, Sumber Hidup yang baka,
t'lah berkurban bagi kita pada salib Golgota.
Yoh 3:16
Yoh 14:6
3. Mari kita muliakan cinta kasih Penebus:
dosa kita Dia hapus dengan darah yang kudus.
Ia taat sampai mati pada salib Golgota.
Kita hidup oleh Dia: Puji Tuhan s'lamanya!Ibr 9:11-14
Flp 2:8
Ef 2:1-10
1 Ptr 2:22-24
Play Hai Mari Berhimpun [KJ.109] ( Adeste fideles / O Come, All Ye Faithful )
1. Hai mari, berhimpun dan bersukaria!
Hai mari semua ke Betlehem!
Lihat yang lahir, Raja Balasorga!
Sembah dan puji Dia, sembah dan puji Dia,
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Yes 30:29
Yes 60:1-5
Luk 2:15
2. Terang yang ilahi, Allah yang sejati,
t'lah turun menjadi manusia.
Allah sendiri dalam rupa insan!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Yoh 1:9, 14
Yoh 8:12
2 Kor 4:6
Flp 2:6-8
3. Gembala dipanggil dari padang raya
menuju palunganNya yang rendah.
Kita pun turut bergegas ke sana!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Luk 2:8-12
4. Melihat bintangNya, datang orang Majus
menghantar emas, kemenyan dan mur.
Marilah kita persembahkan hati.
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Mzm 72:15
Mat 2:1-11
5. Cahaya abadi dari Allah Bapa
kentara berwujud di dunia:
Anak ilahi berbalutkan lampin.
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Yoh 1:9
Luk 2:7, 12
6. Demi kita ini Ia sudah lahir.
Peluk Dia dalam iman teguh:
Cinta kasihNya patut kita balas
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
7. Hai para malaikat, angkatlah suaramu,
biduan sorgawi, bernyanyilah!
Muliakanlah Allah, Bapa dalam sorga!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!
Luk 2:14
8. Ya Tuhan yang lahir pada hari ini,
ya Yesus, terpujilah namaMu!
Firman abadi yang menjadi daging!
Sembah dan puji Dia, Tuhanmu!Yoh 1:14
Play Hari Ini Tuhan Berkati [KJ.317]
1. Hari ini Tuhan berkati mempelai mengikat janji.
Moga-moga rumah tangganya Kauberi tent'ram bahagia!
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.
2. Yesus Kristus, Pengantin sorga, memberi kasih sempurna
dan berkurban untuk umatNya, tak pernah meninggalkannya.
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.
Ef 5:22-23
3. Bapa kami yang Mahakasih, cintaMu kekal abadi;
dalam suka ataupun duka rahmatMu takkan berubah!
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.
4. Dalam Dikau, Sumber Kurnia, mempelai tetap setia.
Dalam Dikau, ya Jurus'lamat, umatMu beroleh rahmat!
Puji Tuhan, Puji Dia, Sang Pencipta manusia! Ia suka
Memberkati yang bersatu dalam kasih! Amin.Play Haruskah Hanya Penebus [KJ.430]
1. Haruskah hanya hanya Penebus memikul salib b'rat?
O, tidak, tapi kita pun tak luput berpenat.
Kol 1:24
Ibr 13:13
1 Ptr 4:13
2. Kupikul salibku terus sehingga akhirnya kudapat
dari Penebus mahkota yang baka.
Mrk 8:34
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:1
3. Kelak di pinggir laut kristal mahkota itu pun
kus'rahkan sambil bersyukur di kaki Penebus.
Why 4:6, 10
4. Betapa orang yang kudus, sehabis berlelah,
di sorga berbahagia terhapus d'ritanya.
Why 7:17
5. O, salib, kau junjunganku, mahkota mulia.
Kau, Yesus, kebangkitanku, hidupku s'lamanya.Yoh 11:25
Rm 6:6
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 1:3
Play Indahnya Saat yang Teduh [KJ.454] ( Sweet Hour of Prayer )
1. Indahnya saat teduh menghadap takhta Bapaku:
kunaikkan doa padaNya, sehingga hatiku lega.
Di waktu bimbang dan gentar, jiwaku aman dan
Segar; 'ku bebas dari seteru di dalam saat yang teduh.
Ibr 4:16
Flp 4:6
2. Indahnya saat yang teduh dengan bahagia penuh.
Betapa rindu hatiku kepada saat doaku.
Bersama orang yang kudus kucari wajah Penebus;
Dengan gembira dan teguh kunanti saat yang teduh.
Mzm 16:3
Mzm 133
3. Indahnya saat yang teduh penampung permohonanku
kepada yang Mahabenar yang bersedia mendengar.
Sejak kulihat wajahNya, 'ku yakin pada firmanNya
dan menyerahkan bimbangku di dalam saat yang teduh.Mzm 65:3
Mzm 27:8
Play Insan, Tangisi Dosamu [KJ.157]
1. Insan, tangisi dosamu! Ingatlah, Kristus menempuh jalan
penuh sengsara dan bagai hamba terendah Ia kosongkan diriNya
menjadi Perantara. Yang mati dihidupkanNya, yang sakit disembuhkanNya,
yang hilang Ia cari, berkurban diri akhirnya, memikul dosa dunia diatas kayu salib.
Rat 3:39
Yak 4:9
Flp 2:7
Ibr 12:24
Mat 11:5
Luk 15:3-10
Yoh 1:29
2. Syukur, pujian dan sembah kepada Dia angkatlah yang mati bagi kita.
Ikutlah Dia yang menang, pikullah salib dan beban dengan bersukacita!
KasihNya perkenankanlah dan dalam kuasa namaNya kalahkanlah yang jahat.
Ingat darahNya yang kudus, yang bagi Allah, Bapamu, berharga tinggi amat!Why 5:12
Mrk 8:34
Play Jauh dari Sorga Datangku' [KJ.98] ( From Heaven Above to Earth I Come / Vom Himmel hock da komm ich her )
1. Jauh dari sorga datangku dengan berita bagimu,
begitu bagus dan megah: 'ku ingin menyanyikannya!
2. Seorang bayi lahirlah dari perawan Maria
dan Anak itu Kawanmu yang paling akrab dan teguh
3. Dialah Yesus Penebus, Sang Jurus'lamat yang kudus,
Penolong orang yang lemah, Penghapus dosa dunia.
4. Ia membawa bagimu bahagia sorga yang penuh,
supaya juga kaukenal rahasia hidup yang kekal.
5. Inilah tanda bagimu: di kandang kamu bertemu
Sang Bayi di palunganNya; Dialah raja semesta.
6. Dengan gembala marilah ke kandang domba yang rendah,
melihat kasih kurnia di dalam Putra mulia.
7. Dalam palungan lihatlah betapa manis tidurNya.
Siapa itu yang lembut? Itulah Yesus, Kawanku!
8. Selamat datang, Rajaku, yang turun dari takhtaMu.
Kau masuk dunia cemar; betapa kasihMu besar!
Flp 2:6-8
9. Pencipta alam semesta, Kau jadi insan yang rendah;
palungan domba dan lembu Kaubuat petiduranMu.
10. Andaikan muka dunia berlipat ganda luasnya
dengan permata pun penuh, tetap tak layak bagiMu.
11. Bukanlah sutra beledu perlambang kebesaranMu.
Di atas rumput yang kering KerajaanMu tercermin.
Mat 11:8
12. Sekarang aku mengerti teladan yang Engkau beri:
kuasa, harta dan benda bagiMu tiada artinya.
13. Temanku Yesus, marilah, hatiku persiapkanlah
menjadi kediamanMu sepanjang umur hidupku!
Ef 3:17
14. Selalu hatiku senang, seluruh jalanku terang
dan kidung sukacita, ya Yesus, hanya bagiMu!
15. Muliakanlah Allah, pujilah Yang memberikan PuteraNya!
Salam sorgawi menggema di Tahun Baru yang cerah.Play Jurus'lamat, Datanglah [KJ.82]
1. Jurus'lamat, datanglah, Allah da Manusia,
biar dunia terkelu kar'na kelahiranMu.
2. Roh dan Firman yang kudus menghadirkan wujudMu:
Allah mahamulia dalam rupa yang rendah!
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
3. Anak dara bundaMu: Kau manusia penuh,
Kediaman Roh Kudus; dosa kami Kautebus.
Yes 61:1
Luk 4:18
4. Surya Pagi yang permai, Kau bagaikan mempelai
tampil dari kemahMu; jalan raya Kautempuh!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Mzm 19:5-7
5. Dari rumah BapaMu langkah-langkahMu teguh
masuk alam maut seram, pulang naik ke takhta t'rang.
Flp 2:8-9
6. Citra Allah yang kekal, dalam daging Kau menang,
agar kami yang lemah Kaukuatkan s'lamanya.
Kol 1:15, 22
7. PalunganMu berseri: waktu malam Kauberi
sinar kasih yang terang, pengharapan dan iman.
1 Kor 13:13
8. Dimuliakanlah terus Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus:
damai dan sejahtera memenuhi dunia!Play Kau Sukacita [KJ.443]
1. Kau sukacita dalam derita, Yesus Kristus mulia.
Sudah Kaubawa kurnia sorga, Jurus'lamat dunia.
Kau melepaskan kami yang malang; padaMu saja
kami percaya, tidak 'kan jatuh. Haleluya! Dalam
kasihMu kami berlindung. Tiada kuasa yang
memisahkan kami daripadaMu. Haleluya!
Flp 2:17-18
Rm 8:37-39
2. Bila Kau hadir, kami tak kuatir kuasa Iblis,
kuasa maut. Kau mengalahkan tiap ancaman;
Kau enyahkan kemelut. NamaMu, Tuhan, kami
Agungkan. Di hadapanMu kami umatMu bersukaria.
Haleluya! Kar'na percaya kami pun jaya; puji-pujian
Kami nyanyikan: Tuhan setia! Haleluya!1 Kor 15:54-57
2 Tim 1:10
Why 1:18
Play Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya [KJ.297]
1. Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
TakhtaMulah palungan saja, kandang rendah istanaMu.
Kau, Yesus, Raja Mahakaya, kau jadi miskin bagiku.
Flp 2:6-8
2 Kor 8:9
Luk 2:7, 12
2. Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yang Kautebus di dalam dunia hidup kekal bersamamu.
Kau, Tuhan, Allah Mahamulia, Kau jadi insan bagiku.
Yoh 1:14
Yoh 12:32
Yoh 14:2-3
Yoh 17:24
Rm 6:8
1 Tes 4:17
2 Tim 2:11
3. Kau, Surya Kasih Mahatinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah
Imanuel, hatiku ini buatlah suci berserah. Kau, Surya Kasih
Maha tinggi, Kau, Jurus'lamat, kusembah.
Mal 4:2
Yoh 8:12
Yes 7:14
Mat 1:23
Play Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya Hidupku [KJ.405] ( Be Thou My Vision )
1. Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku; asal Kau ada, yang lain
tak perlu. Siang dan malam Engkau kukenang; di hadiratMu
jiwaku tenang!
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
2. Kaulah Hikmatku, Firman hidupku; Kau besertaku dan 'ku
besertaMu. Engkau Bapaku, aku anakMu; denganMu, Tuhan,
'ku satu penuh.
Yoh 6:68
Rm 8:14-16
Gal 4:6
Yoh 17:21
3. Kaulah bagiku tempat berteduh; Kaulah perisai dan benteng
teguh. Sukacitaku kekal dalamMu; Kuasa sorgawi,
Engkau kuasaku!
Mzm 18:3
Mzm 46:8, 12
Mzm 91:2
4. Tak kuhiraukan pujian fana; hanya Engkaulah pusaka
baka! Raja di sorga, Engkau bagiku harta abadi, bahagia penuh!
Flp 3:7
Mzm 16:5
Mzm 73:26
5. Bila saatnya 'ku menang, t'rimalah daku di sorga cerlang!
Apa pun kini hendak kutemu, Kaulah, ya Tuhan, Surya hidupku!Why 22:4
Play Ketika Tuhanku Disalib [KJ.435]
1. Ketika Tuhanku disalib, dosaku pun dipaku serta.
Terharu hatiku menjerit: kasihMu tiada imbangannya!
Kol 2:14
Yoh 10:11, 15
Yoh 15:13
2. Tetapi dari maut ngeri Tuhanku bangkit agung megah
dan kidung baru 'ku diberi: kasihMu jaya selamanya!
Mrk 16:6
Kis 2:24
1 Kor 15:3-4
Mzm 40:4
3. Di sorga tinggi mahaterang Tuhanku naik takhta baka.
Bergaung madah dengan tembang: kasihMu adil dan mulia!
Mrk 16:19
Rm 8:34
Flp 2:9-11
Ibr 1:3-4
Why 5:12
4. SabdaMu kuamalkan terus dan dari pagi sampai petang
'ku ikut dikau, o Penebus: di dalam kasihMu 'ku menang!Play Kita, Anak Adam [KJ.156]
1. Kita, anak Adam, insan bercela, lahir dalam dosa dan akibatnya,
kita kehilangan bahagia firdaus dan menjadi takluk pada kuasa maut.
Mzm 51:4-7
Kej 3:23-24
Rm 5:12, 17
2. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
3. Walau berusaha sampai berlelah, tidaklah menolong kita yang lemah,
hanya Tuhan Allah yang Mahakurnia, yang dalam kasihNya mengutus PutraNya.
Ef 2:8-9
4. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!5. Andaikata Kristus tidak menjelma dalam rupa hamba, masuk dunia,
jika bukan Dia menjadi Penebus, maka kita insan binasalah terus.
Flp 2:6-8
6. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
7. Sungguh, kasih Allah sangatlah besar, nyata bagi kita yang t'lah mendengar
bahwa PuteraNya di salib Golgota menghapuskan dosa seluruh dunia.
Yoh 3:16
8. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!
9. KepadaMu, Kristus, puji s'lamanya: kau telah disalib bagi dunia,
Kau kekal bertakhta bersama BapaMu; t'rima kami ini di KerajaanMu!
Why 5:12
Mrk 16:19
Luk 23:42
10. Kyrie, eleison, Khriste, eleison, Kyrie, eleison!
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Kristus, kasihilah! Tuhan, kasihanilah!Play Kota Sion, Kota Allah [KJ.262] ( Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken )
1. Kota Sion, kota Allah, puri agung dan tenar,
kau dipilih tempat tinggal oleh Yang Maha Besar.
Kau berdiri atas Cadas yang abadi dan teguh,
Tiada tertembus musuhmu tembok kes'lamatanmu.
Mzm 48
Mzm 78:13
Mzm 87
Mzm 122
Mzm 132:13
Yes 25:6-8
Yes 33:20-21
Yes 60:14
Yl 3:17
Why 3:12
Yes 28:16
Mat 16:18
2. Putera serta putrimu cukup akan air sejuk.
Yang bersumber pada kasih, pantang takut dan keluh.
Siapa akan haus lagi, bila ada air sedap?
Rahmat, seperti Sumbernya tak henti, akan tetap.
Yeh 47:1-12
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:1-2
Why 22:17
3. Tiap rumah terselubung oleh awan yang pekat.
Ada api menerangi Allah pun tetap dekat.
B'ri naungan pada siang, b'ri terang dalam gelap;
Manna pun dib'ri makanan atas doa yang tetap.
Bil 14:14
Kel 13:21-22
Kel 16:15
Yoh 6:32-58
Why 2:17
4. Yesus, bila k'lak pun aku jadi warga kotaMu,
walau dunia menekanku, 'ku kupuji namaMu.
Kebesaran anak dunia akan hilang dan lenyap.
Hanya harta warga Sion dan sukanya yang tetap.Mzm 87:6
Flp 3:20
Ibr 12:23
1 Yoh 2:16-17
Play Kristus Bangkit! Soraklah' [KJ.188]
1. Kristus bangkit! Soraklah: Haleluya!
Bumi, sorga bergema: Haleluya!
Berbalasan bersyukur: Haleluya!
Muliakan Tuhanmu! Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Karya kasihNya genap, kemenanganNya tetap.
Surya s'lamat jadi t'rang takkan lagi terbenam.
Yoh 19:30
Yes 60:20
3. Kuasa kubur menyerah dan neraka takluklah.
Kristus jaya atas maut dan terbukalah Firdaus.
Ibr 2:14
Why 1:18
4. Hidup Raja mulia: kita s'lamat OlehNya.
Maut, di mana jayamu? Kubur, mana kuasamu?
1 Kor 15:54-56
5. Hai tinggalkan maut kelam; ikut Dia yang menang!
Bangkitlah, manusia, dalam kebangkitanNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
6. Raja agung, t'rimalah sorak puji semesta!
Hormat kami bergema: Kaulah Hidup yang baka.Flp 2:9-11
Yoh 11:25
Play Kudaki Jalan Mulia [KJ.400] ( Higher Ground / I'm Pressing on the Upward Way )
1. Kudaki jalan mulia; tetap doaku inilah:
"Ke tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan, mantapkan langkahku!"
Flp 3:14
2. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!
3. Ku tidak mau menetap di dalam bimbang dan gelap;
rinduanku, tujuanku: tempat yang tinggi dan teguh.
4. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!
5. 'Ku ingin hidup yang benar, jauh dari tindak yang cemar;
umatku kudus memanggilku ke tempat tinggi dan teguh.
Ibr 12:1
6. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!
7. Ingin kucapai puncak t'rang yang paling agung cemerlang.
Ya Tuhan, bimbing diriku makin dekat kepadaMu.
8. Ya Tuhan, angkat diriku lebih dekat kepadaMu;
Di tempat tinggi dan teguh, Tuhan mantapkan langkahku!Play Kusongsong Bagaimana [KJ.85]
1. Kusongsong bagaimana, ya Yesus, datangMu?
Engkau Terang buana, Kau Surya hidupku!
Kiranya Kau sendiri Penyuluh jalanku,
Supaya kuyakini tujuan janjiMu.
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
2. Kaum Sion menaburkan kembang di JalanMu;
'ku ikut mengelukan Dikau di hatiku.
Kunyanyi Hosiana, ya Raja, tolonglah!
PadaMulah kiranya hambaMu berserah.
Mrk 11:8-10
3. Betapa Kau berkorban hendak menghiburku
di kala 'ku di jurang sengsara kemelut.
Kau datang, Jurus'lamat dengan sejahtera:
Keluh-kesahku tamat dan hatiku cerah.
4. Di saat 'ku terpasung, Kau membebaskanku;
segala aib dan malu terhapus olehMu.
Padaku Kautambahi mahkota mulia,
Bahagia abadi, pusaka yang baka!
Rm 5:8-10
Rm 6:12-23
1 Ptr 5:4
5. Sebabnya Kautinggalkan takhtaMu yang megah,
kasihMulah belaka terhadap dunia.
Kau rela menderita sengsara dan cela,
Segala dukacita dengan manusia.
Flp 2:6-8
1 Yoh 4:10
6. Hai insan yang berduka, tabahkan hatimu,
dan pandanglah ke muka. Hai kamu yang lesu:
telah di ambang pintu Penolong mulia;
dengan harapan itu jiwamu pun lega.
Yes 61:1-3
Yak 5:8-9
7. Tak usah cari jalan, tak usah berlelah,
bersusah siang-malam mengatur datangNya.
Sengaja Ia datang melipur laramu,
Menaruh kasih sayang, membuka belenggu.
8. Kendati hutang dosa membuatmu gentar,
padaNya kau sentosa, anug'rahNya besar!
Bagimu Ia datang menjadi Penebus;
Sejaht'ra kerajaan warisanmu terus!
Yak 2:5
9. Tak lagi menakutkan kuasa yang gelap:
semua lawan Tuhan menghilang serempak.
Seg'ra Rajamu datang penuh karunia
Membawa kemenangan selama-lamanya!
10. Yang datang menghakimi seisi dunia,
rahmani dan rahimi membela umatNya.
Ya datang, Matahari, sinari umatMu;
PadaMu kami cari bahagia penuh.Kis 10:42
Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
Play Lahir Putera Mulia [KJ.132] ( Puer nobis nascitur / Unto Us a Boy Is Born )
1. Lahir Putra mulia, Raja bala sorga; Tuhan dalam
dunia kena sengsara juga, kena sengsara juga.
Yes 9:6
2. Sorga ditinggalkanNya, walau Ia Tuhan;
kandang domba rumahNya dan ranjangNya palungan,
dan ranjangNya palungan.
Flp 2:6-8
Luk 2:7, 12
3. Sang Herodes menggeram kar'na iri hati,
menggeledah Betlehem, dan banyak anak mati,
dan banyak anak mati.
Mat 2:16-18
4. Lahir dari Maria Putera Ilahi
yang menuntun umatNya ke damai yang abadi,
ke damai yang abadi.
Why 7:17
5. Mari kita bersyukur nyanyilah semua,
kumandangkanlah mazmur memuji nama Tuhan,
memuji nama Tuhan.Play Mahkota Duri yang Kejam [KJ.219] ( The Head That Once Was Crowned )
1. Mahkota duri yang kejam menyiksa Penebus,
di ganti tajuk pemenang yang agung dan kudus.
Mrk 15:17
Why 14:14
2. Tempat tertinggi pemenang yang baka padaNya diberi,
Sang Maharaja semesta dan Surya abadi.
Flp 2:9-11
Ef 1:20-22
1 Ptr 3:22
Why 19:16
Mal 4:2
3. Di sorga dan di dunia namaNya dikenal;
terpancar dari kasihNya bahagia kekal.
4. Salib yang hina dan seram penuh anugerah;
dan nama orang beriman di sorga tertera.
Luk 10:20
Ibr 12:23
Why 3:5
Why 21:27
5. Mengikut Tuhan, kita pun sengsara dan menang.
Bahagialah yang bertekun di dalam kasihNya.2 Kor 2:14
Flp 3:10-11
Rm 2:6-7
6. SalibNya pohon alhayat, pembawa kurnia,
penuh harapan dan berkat, pujian umatNya.Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
Play Mari, Bersukacita [KJ.200]
1. Mari bersukacita, terima kabar baik! Habislah dukacita;
terbitlah t'rang ajaib! Yesus yang tersekap di kubur yang gelap
disambut fajar t'rang sebagai Pemenang!
Mrk 15:46
Mrk 16:1-8
Kol 2:15
Why 1:18
2. Ia pun dimakamkan; puaslah seteru. Tiada mereka sangka
t'lah bangkit Penebus! Kumandang jayaNya mengisi dunia
dan panji Pemenang berkibar cemerlang!
Mat 28:18-20
Mrk 16:20
Kis 1:8
Kis 4:33
Kol 1:6, 23
1 Tim 3:16
3. Oleh adegan ini gembira hatiku; tak lagi kutakuti ancaman seteru.
'Ku beriman teguh: Yesus jaminanku.
SalibNya kupegang, niscaya 'ku menang.
Rm 8:37
1 Kor 15:57
1 Yoh 5:4-5
Why 17:14
4. Bagai anggota Kristus, terpaut padaNya, tanpa cemas kuikut
di jalan jayaNya. Di maut yang kelam, betapa pun seram,
Tuhanku beserta dengan kuasaNya!
Rm 6:3-4
Flp 3:10-11
Mzm 23:4
5. Rajaku sudah masuk kemuliaanNya: amanlah tujuanku di jalan dunia!
Jauhlah, hai lawanku! Tuhan di pihakku: Perisai dan Teman;
OlehNya 'ku tent'ram!
Mat 25:31
Mrk 16:19
Mzm 6:9
6. Sampai ke dalam sorga 'ku ikutlah terus; di pintuNya tersurat
amanat Penebus: "Yang tadi berlelah, dapat mahkotanya;
yang mati dalamKu, bahagia penuh!"1 Kor 9:25
2 Tim 4:8
Why 14:13
Play Mari, Lihatlah Semua [KJ.114]
1. Mari, lihatlah semua tanda kasih Allahmu;
lihatlah harapan dunia dalam Bayi yang kudus!
Firman, namun tanpa kata, Tuan, namun tanpa hak,
Raja, namun tanpa takhta, Nur di malam yang gelap.
Lihat Dia, Yang Mulia, tidak diberi tempat.
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Yoh 1:5
Luk 2:7
2. Lihat Dia dalam lampin, bersahaja dan lemah
Yang menunggang sayap angin dan di sorga disembah.
Lihat Bayi ditidurkan, tidak sadar harkatNya,
Yang di sorga diluhurkan: Hikmat Allah yang baka!
Lihat Tuhan di palungan: Yang memangku semesta.
Luk 2:7, 12
Mzm 104:3
Flp 2:6
Ams 8:22-31
3. Bayi Yesus, ya Tuhanku dalam rupa yang lemah,
b'rilah daku itikadMu, b'rilah hati yang rendah.
Buat aku asuhanMu, suci oleh kurbanMu,
Bebas oleh tanggunganMu, Buat aku jadi baru,
Hidup oleh matiMu!Ibr 10:10, 14
2 Kor 8:9
1 Tes 5:10
Play Marilah, Marilah, Hai Saudara [KJ.338]
R:Mat 5:14-16; Flp 2:15; Yak 2:14-18; 2 Kor 9:8-9; 1 Ptr 4:9-10; 1 Yoh 3:17-18
1. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
2. Banyak orang kemalangan menderita, diliputi kegelapan kemelut. (2x)
Kembali ke Reff.
3. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
4. Ada juga yang digoda kemewahan, tapi tidak mengenal bahagia. (2x)
Kembali ke Reff.
1 Tim 6:9-10
2 Tim 3:2
Yak 5:1-6
5. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
6. Tak terbilang yang sengsara dalam hati, kekurangan cinta kasih yang benar. (2x)
Kembali ke Reff.
7. Marilah, marilah, hai saudara, menyebarkan terang dunia! (2x)
8. Tuhan Allah mengasihi dunia ini, Yesus Kristus menerangi yang gelap. (2x)
Kembali ke Reff.Yoh 3:16
Yoh 8:12
Yoh 12:46
Play Masyhurkan RajaMu [KJ.224] ( Rejoice, the Lord Is King )
1. Masyhurkan Rajamu, Allah Maha besar;
ucapkan syukurmu, bernyanyi bergemar!
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mzm 47
2. Tuhanmu Penebus, yang melepaskan kau,
memb'rikan darahNya pembasuh dosamu.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 26:28
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
3. Buana, langit pun di bawah kuasaNya.
Kunci neraka, maut, dib'rikan padaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Kol 1:16
Why 1:18
4. Di muka takhtaNya semua bertelut;
musuhNya menyembah tersungkur bersujud.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!
Rm 14:11
Flp 2:9-11
5. Nantikan bersyukur Sang Hakim semesta,
yang datang menjemput semua hambaNya.
Suaramu dan hatimu berpadu 'muji Tuhanmu!Mat 25:31-33
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Yoh 14:2-3
Play Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31a]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!Mungkinkah Aku pun Serta [KJ.31b]
1. Mungkinkah aku pun serta tertolong oleh darahNya?
Akulah pangkal siksaNya, yang menyebabkan matiNya.
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Agung benar, ya Tuhanku: Engkau tersiksa gantiku!
Rm 7:24-25
Mrk 15:15
Flp 2:6-8
2. Para malak sekalipun tiada dapat mengerti
apa sebabnya Yang Kudus menanggung siksa yang keji.
KasihNyalah alasannya menanggung dosa dunia.
1 Ptr 1:12
1 Yoh 4:9-10
3. DitinggalkanNya takhtaNya dan masuk kedunia yang cemar;
ditinggalkanNya kuasaNya, terdorong kasih yang besar
dan aku pun tertolonglah terpilih jadi milikNya.
Ef 2:4-5
Yes 43:1
Rm 14:8
4. Jiwaku lama menjerit, dipasung dosa yang seram.
SuryaMu bagiku terbit; penjaraku pun benderang.
Terbukalah pasunganku ; 'ku bangkit dan mengikutMu.
Rm 6:12-23
Rm 7:13-26
Yes 42:7
5. Di dalam Yesus Penebus hukuman dosa hilanglah.
Kudapat hidup yang kudus, jubahku kebenaranNya;
'ku mendekat ke takhtaMu hendak terima tajukku.Yes 53:5
Why 7:14
1 Ptr 5:4
Naikkan Doa Tak Enggan [KJ.452] ( Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare )
1. Naikkan doa tak enggan; Yesus pasti berkenan.
Doa itu p'rintahNya: Ia tak menolaknya.Mat 7:7-11
Mrk 11:24
Ef 6:18
Flp 4:6
Kol 4:2-3
1 Tim 2:1-3
Ibr 4:16
2. Maharaja Dialah, tak terbatas kuasaNya:
minta saja apapun; pasti sanggup Tuhanmu!
Mat 28:18
Why 19:16
Yoh 14:13-14
Yoh 16:23-24
3. Dosa sarat menekan; Tuhan, angkatlah beban
dan sucikan diriku oleh curah darahMu!
1 Yoh 1:7
4. B'rikanlah sentosaMu dan kuasai diriku.
Penebusku, Kau berhak jadi Rajaku tetap.
5. Biar oleh kasihMu bersemangat langkahku:
Kau Pembimbing dan Teman hingga akhir yang terang.
Ibr 12:1-3
6. JalanMu tunjukkanlah, jiwaku kuatkanlah,
hingga hidup matiku memenuhi maksudMu.Play O Berkati Kami [KJ.350]
1. O, berkati kami dan lindungi kami, Tuhan,
b'rilah rahmatMu oleh sinar wajahMu!
Bil 6:24-26
2. WajahMu kiranya ramah bercahaya,
pada kami b'rikanlah damai dan sejahtera!
Flp 4:7
3. Amin, amin, amin. Kami sungguh yakin
dan padaMu bersyukur dalam nama Put'raMu!Play Pataka Raja MajuLah [KJ.171]
1. Pataka Raja majulah, Salib menjulang cemerlang:
tergantung Khalik semesta di dalam rupa mahlukNya.
Mrk 15:22-26
Flp 2:6-8
2. Di salib itu lihatlah terpaku Kurban mulia;
tanganNya direntangkanNya demi berkat anugerah.
3. Ditikam tombak yang kejam, mengucur dari lambungNya
campuran air-darahNya membasuh dosa manusia.
Yoh 19:34
4. Nubuat Mazmur Daud genap: "Hai bangsa-bangsa dunia,
akui Tuhan Rajamu; sebatang kayu takhtaNya."
Mzm 96:10
5. O pohon elok dan megah, berhias merah mulia,
terpilih agar dahanmu, menjamah tubuh Rajaku.
6. Ditimbang pada cabangmu Tebusan bagi dunia:
tawanan maut bebaslah, terangkat di neracamu.
7. Harumlah damar kayumu, aroma madu kalahlah;
penuh berkatlah Buahmu, o pohon hayat yang megah!2 Kor 2:16
Kej 2:9
Why 2:7
8. Salam, mezbah dan Kurbannya, sebab sengsara mulia:
Yang Hidup memasuki maut; terbitlah hidup abadi.
9. O salib, kau harapanku di waktu 'ku memanggulmu:
limpahkanlah karunia dan dosaku tutuplah.
10. Tritunggal Allah, t'rimalah syukur seluruh mahlukMu!
Yang Kaus'lamatkan pimpinlah kekal selama-lamanya.Play Pencipta Bintang Semesta [KJ.86]
1. Pencipta bintang semesta, Terang abadi umatMu.
ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, sembah dan puji t'rimalah.
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
2. Kar'na sengsara dunia telah tergugah hatiMu;
supaya dunia sembuh, Kaujadi Obat baginya.
3. Kau lahir bagi dunia menjadi kurban yang kudus:
di kayu salib Kautebus segala dosa dan cela.
4. Atas kumandang namaMu penghuni sorga bersujud,
pun alam maut betelut dengan mengaku kuasaMu.
Flp 2:10
5. Di Hari KedatanganMu, ya Hakim Mahamulia,
jemaatMu lindungilah terhadap niat seteru.
Kis 10:42
6. Syukur, pujian dan sembah padaMu diberi terus,
ya Bapa, Put'ra, Roh Kudus, sekarang dan selamanya!Play Pengikut Kristus, Nyanyilah [KJ.284]
1. Pengikut Kristus, nyanyilah, berdendang dan menari,
terhibur oleh kurnia bersatu dalam kasih: Terang Ilahi
berseri, yang dari sorga diberi; harganya paling mahal.
2. Si jahat dan kuasa maut membuatku binasa. 'Ku lahir
dalam kemelut, tersiksa oleh dosa. Semakin aku terjerat:
celaka aku yang sesat, dirasuk kejahatan.
Mzm 51:6-7
2 Tim 2:26
3. Percuma perbuatanku, niatku sudah salah; durhaka keinginanku,
melawan hukum Allah. Berputus asa dan cemas di pintu maut
terhempas, 'ku harus ke neraka!
Rm 7:13-26
Gal 3:1-14
Ef 2:8-9
Tit 3:5
4. Allahku pun terharulah melihatku melarat; Ia mengingat rahmatNya
dan ingin 'ku selamat; berpaling Ia padaku dengan anugerah penuh,
berkurban yang termahal.
Mzm 98:3
2 Tim 1:9
Rm 8:32
1 Kor 6:20
5. SabdaNya pada putraNya: "T'lah tiba zaman rahmat; pergilah Kau
ke dunia, s'lamatkan yang melarat. Supaya dosa tak tetap, kuasa maut
pun lenyap, berilah hidup baru!"
Yes 60:1-2
Yoh 3:16
Gal 4:4-5
2 Tim 1:10
6. Sang Putra patuh segera dan datang kepadaku sebagai Anak Maria
menjadi sesamaku, mengambil rupa terendah dan oleh cara itulah
si Iblis Ia tangkap.
Mzm 40:8-9
Flp 2:5-8
Luk 10:18
Why 12:9
7. SabdaNya: "Dengan kasihKu hatimu kini tabah: diriKu ganti dirimu,
bagimu 'Ku berlaga; engkau dan Aku satulah di dunia dan selamanya;
tiada yang pisahkan."
1 Ptr 2:24
Rm 8:37-39
8. "Telah tercurah darahKu dan rela Aku mati demi keselamatanmu:
percaya dalam hati! Dengan perangai suciKu Kuhapus dosa-dosamu
dan kau beroleh rahmat."
Mrk 14:24
Yoh 15:13
Gal 2:20
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
9. "Kepada Bapa 'Ku pergi sesudah 'Ku berkurban dan kepadamu Kuberi
Roh Kudus penghiburan yang mengajarkan padamu segala makna sabdaKu
Di dalam kebenaran."
Yoh 14:28
Yoh 14:25-26
Yoh 16:13-14
10. "KaryaKu dan ajaranKu mestilah kauterapkan, sehingga dunia penuh
semarak Kerajaan; hartamu pertahankanlah terhadap dalih dunia.
Hayatilah sabdaKu."Kis 1:1
Mat 28:19-20
Why 3:11
Play Pujilah Tuhan, Muliakan Dia [KJ.315]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, muliakan Dia yang telah menjamu kita:
Tubuh kudusNya sudah dipecahkan dan darahNya dicurahkan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kau menjadi insan dilahirkan
oleh Maria, tubuhMu, darahMu kes'lamatan umatMu.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mrk 14:22-25
1 Kor 11:23-26
Mrk 10:47-48
Gal 4:4
2. Tubuh kudusNya mati disalibkan; kita hidup kar'na Dia.
Dialah Roti kurnia sorgawi, Dia kita peringati, Tuhan,
kasihanilah! Tuhan, Kauberi darahMu yang menghapus
dosa umatMu; olehMu nyatalah kasih Allah yang baka.
Tuhan, kasihanilah!
Mat 20:28
Yoh 6:32-58
Rm 5:8-10
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
1 Yoh 1:7
2 Tim 2:11
1 Yoh 4:9
3. Allah kiranya memberkati kita, hingga kita ikut Dia,
sungguh terpadu dalam kasih Tuhan, satu oleh Perjamuan.
Tuhan, kasihanilah! Tuhan, jangan Roh KudusMu
Meninggalkan kami, umatMu. B'rikanlah slamanya
Damai sejahtera. Tuhan, kasihanilah!Mzm 51:13
Bil 6:24-26
Rm 15:33
Flp 4:7
Play S'lamat di Tangan Yesus [KJ.388] ( Safe in the Arms of Jesus )
1. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia. Lagu merdu malaikat
olehku terdengar dari neg'ri mulia: damai sejahtera.
2. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia.
3. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aku tent'ram penuh; dosa pun
dan cobaan jauh dari diriku. Duka, cemas dan bimbang,
kuasanya tak tetap; goda dan air mata akan seg'ra lenyap.
Yes 25:8
Why 7:17
Why 21:4
4. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia.
5. Yesus, Perlindunganku, t'lah mati bagiku; padaNya
'ku percaya: Yesus kekal teguh. Biar bertabah hati
'ku menantikanNya sampai hariNya tiba dan fajar merekah.
Yoh 15:13
Gal 2:20
1 Tes 5:10
1 Kor 1:7
Flp 3:20
2 Ptr 3:10-13
6. S'lamat di tangan Yesus, aman pelukanNya; dalam
teduh kasihNya aku bahagia.Play Sebelum Semua Jadi [KJ.136]
1. Sebelum semua jadi ada Firman Mulia;
Dia Alfa dan Omega, citra Allah BapaNya.
Dia itu Yang Pertama, pun Yang Akhir
Dialah selamanya dan abadi.
Ams 8:23
Yoh 1:1-2
Why 1:8
Why 22:13
2. Oleh Firman diciptakan yang mengisi semesta:
langit, bumi dan samud'ra beserta penghuninya.
Oleh Dia, untuk Dia terbentuk semuanya
selamanya dan abadi.
Kej 1:3-31
Mzm 33:6
Yoh 1:3
Ibr 1:2
Kol 1:16
3. Ia ambil rupa insan, rupa Adam yang fana,
menderita sampai mati menebus manusia,
agar kita tak binasa, tapi hidup olehNya
selamanya dan abadi.
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Yoh 3:16
4. Ia pun telah dikandung dar pada Roh Kudus
dan perawan terberkati melahirkan penebus.
Tampak wujud Jurus'lamat di wajahNya yang kudus
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:20
Luk 1:35, 42
2 Kor 4:6
5. Puji, hai malaikat sorga, puji Raja semesta!
Penguasa duniawi, puji Allah Yang Esa!
Biarlah segala lidah mengagungkan Tuhannya
selamanya dan abadi.
Mzm 148
Luk 2:14
Flp 2:9-11
6. Janji pada masa lampau dalam Dia t'lah genap.
Dialah yang disyairkan di halaman Alkitab.
Sudah datang Jurus'lamat; puji syukur menggegap
selamanya dan abadi.
Mat 1:22-23
7. Maha Hakim orang mati, Raja orang hidup pun,
Kau di takhta Allah Bapa mengalahkan lawanMu.
Unsur jahat Kauenyahkan dalam penghakimanMu
selamanya dan abadi.
2 Kor 5:10
Why 20:11-15
Kis 2:33-35
8. Biar kami, tua-muda, umatMu, kecil-besar,
bersyukur memuji Dikau, Raja adil dan benar:
biar madah orang s'lamat silih-ganti terdengar
selamanya dan abadi.Mzm 148:12-13
Why 19:5
Why 15:2-4
9. KepadaMu, Yesus Kristus, dan kepada BapaMu
dan kepada Roh Penghibur layak diberi syukur,
puji, hormat dan kuasa dalam KerajaanMu
selamanya dan abadi.Play Segala Benua dan Langit Penuh [KJ.281]
1. Segala benua dan langit penuh dengan bunyi Nama yang sangat
merdu, penghiburan orang berhati penat, pegharapan orang
yang sudah sesat. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?Kis 4:12
Mat 11:28
Luk 19:10
2. Sesungguhnya Yesus yang layak benar dib'ri Nama itu, kudus dan
besar, yang oleh sengsara kematianNya memb'ri keampunan
dan damai baka. Nama itu suci kudus. Siapa belum mengenal Penebus?
Rm 5:10-11
2 Kor 5:18-19
Ef 1:7
1 Yoh 2:2
3. Sekalian bangsa sekali hendak berlutut di hadapan Yesus kelak,
dan kita kiranya menyanyi serta malaikat di sorga pujian sembah:
"Yesus, Yesus, Tuhan Kudus, dipuji kekal namaMu, Penebus!"Flp 2:9-11
Play Seluruh Umat Tuhan olehNya Dikenal [KJ.282]
1. Seluruh umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal: besar kecil semua, sekarang
kekal. Mereka dijagai di dalam dunia; baik hidup maupun mati mereka
milikNya. Baik hidup maupun mati mereka milikNya.
Yoh 10:14, 27
2 Tim 2:19
Mrk 10:13-16
Rm 14:8
2. Mereka dikenalNya yang hidup beriman, yang patuh dan percaya
berdasarkan Firman. Firmanlah yang menjadi santapan baka,
Firmanlah yang menjamin bertahan s'lamanya.
Hab 2:4
Rm 1:16-17
Mat 4:4
3. Mereka dikenalNya yang harapnya teguh, mengaku Yesus saja
Tuhannya yang kudus. Mereka disinari sabdaNya yang benar dan
Tumbuh tiap hari menghijau dan segar.
Mzm 52:10
Mzm 92:13-16
4. Mereka dikenalNya yang kasihnya penuh, yang ikut kehendakNya
dan hidup dalam Roh, berjalan dalam kasih dengan sesamanya dan
suka memberkati menurut contohNya.
Mrk 3:35
Mrk 12:31
Yoh 13:34
Rm 12:10
Flp 2:1-6
Mat 5:44
Rm 12:14
5. Begitu umat Tuhan olehNya dikenal besar-kecil semua, sekarang dan
kekal; mereka menghayati kuasa Roh Kudus iman, harapan, kasih
pegangannya terus.
Mrk 10:13-16
6. Berikanlah, ya Tuhan, iman tetap teguh, harapan tak berkurang dan
kasih yang penuh. Di saat Kau kembali, tempatkan umatMu yang
sudah Kaukenali di sisi kananMu.1 Kor 13:13
Mat 25:33-34
Play Sungguh Kerajaan Allah [KJ.247]
1. Sungguh, Kerajaan Allah di bumi tak kalah.
Yesus yang bangkit dilantik menjadi kepala.
Ia menang; g'lapmu menjadi terang:
Lihatlah fajar menyala.
Mat 28:18
Ef 1:22
Kol 2:10
Why 19:16
Yoh 8:12
Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Sambil menyangkal dirimu tetaplah percaya.
Jangan pengharapan hilang di p'rang dan bahaya.
Biar gentar, hatimu pun berdebar,
Akhirnya kamu berjaya.
Mrk 8:34
Ef 6:10-20
Kol 1:23
1 Ptr 5:8-11
3. Akhirnya Yesus memulihkan orang terluka,
kaumnya lepas dari nista, sengsara dan duka.
Nantikanlah hari kedatanganNya:
Langit gemilang terbuka!Why 7:17
1 Kor 1:7
Flp 3:20
1 Tes 1:10
Play Takhta Mulia di Tempat Baka [KJ.108] ( Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne )
1. Takhta mulia ditempat Kautinggalkan, ya Tuhanku.
Tapi tiadalah tempat yang lega menjelang kehadiranMu.
Hatiku, ya Tuhan Yesus, jadikanlah rumahMu.
Flp 2:6-8
Luk 2:7
Yoh 1:11
Ef 3:17
2. Langit bergetar, kidung terdengar menyebut kebesaranMu.
Tapi adakah yang lebih rendah daripada palunganMu.
Hatiku, ya Tuhan Yesus, jadikanlah rumahMu.
Luk 2:14
1 Kor 1:28-31
3. Oleh FirmanMu yang kekal teguh Kaubebaskan manusia.
Tapi hanyalah siksa dan cerca Kauterima di dunia.
SalibMu, ya Tuhan Yesus, tempat perlindunganku.
Ibr 12:2
4. Gita menggegap, bila Kau kelak datang lagi, ya Tuhanku.
SabdaMu benar akan terdengar, "Kuberi tempat bagimu."
Bersuka besar hatiku, ya Tuhan, menyambutMu.Yoh 14:2
Play Terbitlah dalam Kegelapan [KJ.107]
1. Terbitlah dalam kegelapan Terang yang mahamulia!
Hai bangsa-bangsa, mari datang, bersama-sama menyembah!
Duka nestapa akan hilang, kuasa dosa menyerah.
Berlalu malam kematian dan fajar hidup merekah.
Yoh 1:9
Yoh 8:12
1 Yoh 2:8
2. Engkau membawa sukacita, ya Tuhan, oleh kuasaMu.
Pekik menang gegap gempita: Kau mengalahkan seteru!
Tongkat penindas sudah patah dan tamat pembudakannya;
Terbakar habislah senjata dan bumi bersejahtera.
Mzm 46:10
Mzm 76:4
Yes 2:4
Mi 4:3-4
Zkh 9:10
3. Seorang anak sudah lahir menghibur isi dunia;
KerajaanNya tak berakhir dan mahaagung namaNya:
"Sang Penasihat yang Ajaib, Allah Perkasa Mulia,
dan Bapa yang Kekal Abadi, Sang Raja Damai s'lamanya!"
4. Ya Raja Damai Mahamulia, beri sejahtera penuh,
supaya bangsa-bangsa dunia bersujud di hadapanMu.
Allah sendiri melakukan rencana keadilanNya
Dan takhta Daud diteguhkan kekal selama-lamanya!Flp 2:9-11
Play Tolong Aku, Tuhan [KJ.462]
1. Tolong aku, Tuhan, bimbing tanganku,
jangan sia-sia karya hidupku.
2. Ajar aku, Tuhan, rajin bekerja,
menunaikan tugas dalam dunia.
3. Ajar 'ku mengatur maksud hidupku,
jangan mementingkan hanya diriku.Flp 2:4
4. Tuhan yang abadi, bina hatiku
menunjukkan kasih 'kan sesamaku.Gal 6:2
1 Yoh 3:17-18
Play Tuhanku Bangkit! Nyanyilah [KJ.211]
1. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah: Haleluya!
Kubur ditinggalkanNya, maut dikalahkanNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah: Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-82
2 Tim 1:10
2. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Tiga ibu datanglah, tidak menemukanNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:1-4
3. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Sang malaikat mulia membukakan kuburNya.
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mat 28:2
4. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Jangan takut dan sedih: Yang kaucari t'lah pergi!"
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:6
5. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Ingat akan sabdaNya yang pernah diucapNya."
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Mrk 16:7
6. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
"Setelah sengsaraNya Allah memuliakanNya."
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Flp 2:9-11
7. Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!
Yang tersalib hiduplah! Kita hidup olehNya!
Tuhanku bangkit! Nyanyilah Haleluya!Rm 6:3-4
Kol 2:12
Play UmatMu Bersembah Sujud [KJ.227]
1. UmatMu bersembah sujud, berdoa dan bernyanyi,
menghadap singgasanaMu, ya Kristus, Tuhan kami.
Segala kuasa dunia akhirNya 'kan mengaku
Engkaulah raja mulia, kar'na kebangkitanMu.
Luk 24:52
Flp 2:9-11
Why 17:14
2. Dengan darahMu yang kudus Engkau sucikan kami
membuat kami bagiMu imamat yang rajawi.
PadaMu diberikanlah mahkota kemenangan:
Di sorga dan di dunia namaMu berkumandang.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
1 Ptr 2:9
Why 5:10
Why 14:14
3. Ya, Jurus'lamat dunia, penuh kemuliaan
Kau datang lagi segera di atas awan-awan.
Semua 'kan memandangMu, termasuk yang menikam;
Semua mengagungkanMu dan mohon pengasihan.
Dan 7:13-14
Mrk 13:26
Za 12:10
Why 1:7
4. Baik lambat atau segera, hariMu pasti datang;
cahaya fajar yang cerah semakin kelihatan.
Ya, haleluya, datanglah, umatMu sudah yakin.
Malaikat dan manusia bersorak, "Amin, amin!"1 Yoh 2:8
Why 22:20
Play Ya Allah Yang Mahatinggi [KJ.246]
1. Ya Allah yang Mahatinggi, Kau Pencipta dunia ini;
kami juga Tuhan ciptakan, agar Dikau tetap dipuji.
Engkau Bapa yang memberkati tiap orang yang endah hati.
Tolonglah kami sekarang ini dan selamanya.
Why 4:11
1 Kor 8:6
2 Kor 1:3
Yak 1:17
Mat 5:3
2. Ya Allah yang Mahakasih, Engkau lahir di dunia ini;
Engkau mati di kayu salib; Engkau rela mengganti kami.
Dari kubur telah Kau bangkit; kuasa maut tiada lagi.
Pimpinlah kami sebab Engkaulah Jalan yang benar.
Gal 4:4
Ibr 12:2
Flp 2:6-8
1 Kor 15:54-56
Yoh 14:6
3. Ya Allah yang Mahasuci, Engkau turun ke dunia ini;
Kau menyala bagaikan api; memurnikan nurani kami,
Mengobarkan semangat kami agar kami menjadi b'rani.
Utuslah kami ke dunia ini dengan kuasaMu.Kis 2:1-4
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 2:17-18
1 Ptr 1:2
Ef 6:19
Yes 6:7-8
Kis 1:8
Play Yang Dipuji Kaum Gembala [KJ.116]
1. Yang dipuji kaum gembala dan disambut malak Allah.
Yakni Raja Kemuliaan juga lahir bagimu.
Luk 2:20
Luk 2:14
2. Orang Majus juga datang dan membawa persembahan
bagi Raja Kemuliaan: mur, mas dan kemenyan.
3. Marilah bersukaria ikut malak dan Maria;
bagi Raja yang mulia angkat lagu yang merdu.
4. Kristus Raja, Allah kita yang menjadi manusia,
puji, hormat dan syukur.Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Why 5:12
Play Yang Mahakasih [KJ.381]
1. Yang Mahakasih ya itu Allah; Allah Pengasih pun bagiku.
Yoh 3:16
1 Yoh 4:8, 16
2. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
3. Walau dirantai oleh dosaku, walau dirantai tak terlepas,
Rm 6:15-23
4. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
5. Walaupun maut upah dosaku, walaupun maut mengancamku,
Rm 6:23
6. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
7. Allah mengutus Yesus, Tuhanku; Allah mengutus Sang Penebus.
Kis 3:26
1 Yoh 4:9
8. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
9. Yesuslah Kurban Tebusan dosa; Yesuslah Kurban pun bagiku.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Ptr 1:18-19
10. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
11. Sabda dan RohNya penuh anug'rah; Sabda dan RohNya mengundangku.
12. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
13. Sabda kasihNya penawar haus; Sabda KasihNya air hidupku.
Yoh 4:10-14
Yoh 7:37-38
Why 7:17
Why 21:6
Why 22:17
14. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
15. Kasih sorgawi sumber selamat; Kasih sorgawi penghiburku.
16. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
17. O Kasih Allah, pelipur lara; o Kasih Allah, bahagiaku!
18. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
19. Hati dan jiwa bersukacita; hati dan jiwa sejahtera.
Flp 4:4, 7
20. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
21. Akulah waris suka sorgawi; akulah waris tempat kekal.
Rm 8:17
Yak 2:5
22. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku.
23. Engkau kupuji kasih abadi; Engkau kupuji selamanya.
24. Aku selamatlah oleh kasihNya, oleh kasihNya kepadaku. Play Yesus Berpesan [KJ.422]
1. Yesus berpesan: Dalam malam g'lap kamu harus jadi
lilin gemerlap; anak masing-masing di sekitarnya,
dalam dunia ini bersinarlah!
Mat 5:14-16
Ef 5:8
Flp 2:15
1 Tes 5:5
2. Yesus berpesan: Bersinarlah t'rang; lilinmu Kulihat
malam dan siang. Anak masing-masing di sekitarnya,
untuk hormat Tuhan bersinarlah!
3. Yesus berpesan: Dunia penuh banyak macam dosa,
duka dan keluh; anak masing-masing di sekitarnya,
untuk sesamamu bersinarlah!Play Yesus Kawan yang Sejati [KJ.453] ( What a Friend We Have in Jesus )
1. Yesus Kawan yang sejati bagi kita yang lemah.
Tiap hal boleh dibawa dalam doa padaNya.
O, betapa kita susah dan percuma berlelah,
Bila kurang pasrah diri dalam Doa padaNya.
Yoh 15:13
Flp 4:6
2. Jika oleh pencobaan kacau-balau hidupmu,
jangan kau berputus asa; pada Tuhan berseru!
Yesus Kawan yang setia, tidak ada taraNya.
Ia tahu kelemahanmu; naikkan doa padaNya!
Ibr 4:15-16
3. Adakah hatimu sarat, jiwa-ragamu lelah?
Yesuslah Penolong kita; naikkan doa padaNya!
Biar kawan lain menghilang, Yesus Kawan yang baka.
Ia mau menghibur kita atas doa padaNya.Mat 11:28
Play Yesus Kristus Memerintah [KJ.220]
1. Yesus Kristus memerintah tak terbatas, tak terhingga:
alam semesta sujud. Dunia patut memaklumkan:
"Yesus Kristus itu Tuhan!" Bangsa-bangsa, bertelut!
Yes 9:6
Ef 1:20-22
Mzm 96:10
Flp 2:9-11
2. Raja-raja yang perkasa dan segala yang berkuasa
mengagungkan namaNya; baik di sorga, baik di bumi
kehendakNya dipenuhi; tiap mahluk menyembah!
Mat 28:18
Why 5:13-14
3. Mahakuasa hanya Allah, tidak ada yang setara:
Ia Tuhan Yang Esa. Yang setara hanya Kristus,
Putra Tunggal Allah itu: KerajaanNya baka!
Yer 10:6-7
Flp 2:6
4. Ia Raja yang bertakhta beserta dengan BapaNya,
dikitari kerubim, dan kuasa yang sempurna
atas bumi maupun sorga kepadaNya diberi.
Ibr 1:3-4
Ibr 12:2
Why 5:6
Why 22:1, 3
5. Kita s'lamat dalam Dia, ditebus dengan kasihNya
dan darahNya yang kudus. Pendamaian yang lestari,
t'rang dan hidup yang abadi disampaikan Penebus.
Ibr 9:11-14
Why 5:9
2 Kor 5:18-19
1 Yoh 2:2
6. Hanya Yesus Kristus saja yang menjadi dasar G'reja
dan Kepala umatNya. Dibeli dengan darahNya
dan dibaptis dengan RohNya, kita hidup s'lamanya!
1 Kor 3:10-11
Kol 1:18
1 Kor 6:20
1 Kor 7:23
Kis 1:4-5
Kis 11:16
7. Hai pedosa, buka hati, orang sakit, harap lagi
dan yang miskin, bangunlah! Lubuk hati dibersihkan
dan yang sakit dipulihkan, adil hukum rahmatNya.
Yes 35:3-6
8. Walau salib dunia ini sementara mengiringi hidup
orang beriman, takkan dapat memisahkan kita dari
kasih Tuhan, hingga ringanlah beban.
2 Kor 1:5-7
Flp 3:10-11
1 Ptr 4:13
Rm 8:37-39
9. Bersyukur, bersukaria, umat Tuhan, puji Dia
di seluruh dunia! Persiapkanlah jalanNya
dan lambaikan daun palma: Ia datang segera!
Yes 40:3
Mrk 1:3
Yoh 12:13
Why 7:9
Why 22:7, 12, 20
10. Aku pun tak ketinggalan mengelukanNya di jalan,
aku pun mengikutNya.Yesus Kristus memerintah
tak terbatas, tak terhingga! Puji Raja mulia!Play Yesus Menginginkan Daku [KJ.424]
1. Yesus menginginkan daku bersinar bagiNya,
di mana pun 'ku berada, 'ku mengenangkanNya.
Mat 5:14-16
Ef 5:8
Flp 2:15
1 Tes 5:5
2. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.
3. Yesus menginginkan daku menolong orang lain,
manis dan sopan selalu, ketika 'ku bermain.
Gal 6:2
1 Ptr 4:10
4. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.
5. Ku mohon Yesus menolong menjaga hatiku,
agar bersih dan bersinar meniru Tuhanku.
6. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.
7. Aku ingin bersinar dan melayaniNya,
hingga di sorga 'ku hidup senang bersamaNya.
8. Bersinar, bersinar; itulah kehendak Yesus;
bersinar, bersinar, aku bersinar terus.Play Yesus T'lah Datang [KJ.138]
1. Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita;
Alfa, Omega dan Firman kekal. Allah sejati dan Maha Pencipta
Bagaimana manusia kita kenal! Sorga dan bumi, siarkan berita:
Yesus t'lah datang memb'ri sukacita!
Why 1:8
Yoh 1:14
Flp 2:6-8
Kol 1:19
Kol 2:9
2. Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan
yang dalam dosa dan maut menjerat! Rantai diganti dengan kelepasan
dari kungkungan kuasa gelap. Habislah duka, lenyap kecemasan:
Yesus t'lah datang! Terputus ikatan!
Mzm 107:10-16
Yes 42:7
Yes 61:1
Rm 6:12-23
3. Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa;
Ia mendobrak penjara teguh! Benteng neraka pun porak poranda,
Jalan merdeka terbuka penuh! Sudahkah kini, hai Iblis, kaurasa?
Yesus t'lah datang dengan berkuasa!
Ibr 2:14-15
Why 9:12
4. Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia;
puji kuasaNya, seg'nap mahlukNya! Juruselamatmu hanyalah Dia;
pintu hatimu bukakan seg'ra! Lihat, mahkotamu sudah sedia;
Yesus t'lah datang, Pahlawan mulia!2 Tim 4:8
1 Ptr 5:4
Why 2:10
Play Yesus, Tuhan, Engkaulah Mesias [KJ.141]
1. Yesus, Tuhan, Engkaulah Mesias, diurapi dengan Roh Ilahi,
Kaulah Nabi, Imam, Raja kami, Putra Allah, sempurna dan Ikhlas.
Mrk 8:29
Luk 4:18
2. Kau setara dengan Allah Bapa, Takhta sorga Kekal Kaumiliki,
rela turun ke dunia ini, Kau menjadi rendah bagai hamba.
Flp 2:6-8
Mrk 10:45
3. Dalam Yordan Engkau dibaptiskan menggenapkan amanat BapaMu;
sampai mati setia dan patuh bagi kami Engkau disalibkan.
Mrk 1:9-11
4. Kau terima baptisan Yohanes. Agar kami selamat abadi,
terbenamlah Engkau bagi kami yang ke dalam tubuhMu dibaptis.
Rm 6:3-4
5. Dari maut Engkau dibangkitkan, mahaagung namaMu, ya Tuhan;
dalam Dikau kekal ditemukan hidup baru penuh kesucian.Flp 2:9-11
Yoh 3:16
Yoh 6:68
Philippians 1:27--4:9
[Phi 1:27] Call To Arms Is Sounding, The
The call to arms is sounding,
The foemen muster strong;
While saints beneath the altar
Are crying, “Lord, how long?”
The living and the loving
Christ’s royal standard raise,
And marching on to conflict
Shout forth their Captain’s praise.No time for self-indulgence,
For resting by the way;
Repose will come at even,
But toil is for the day;
Work, like the blessèd Jesus,
Who from His earliest youth
Would do His Father’s business
And witness for the truth.For the one Faith, the true Faith,
The Faith which cannot fail,
For the one Church, the true Church,
’Gainst which no foes prevail;
Made one with God incarnate,
We in His might must win
The glory of self-conquest,
Of victory over sin.Behold! upon Mount Sion
A glorious people stand,
A crown on every forehead,
A palm in every hand;
Lo! these are they who boldly
The Name of Christ confessed,
And now triumphant praise Him
In Heav’n’s unresting rest.O Jesu! Who art waiting
Thy faithful ones to crown,
Vouchsafe to bless our conflict,
Our loving service own;
Come in each heart forever
As King adored to reign,
Till we with saints triumphant
Uplift the victor strain.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 1:27] We Are Soldiers Of Christ
We are soldiers of Christ, who is mighty to save,
And His banner the Cross is unfurled;
We are pledged to be faithful and steadfast and brave
Against Satan, the flesh, and the world.We are brothers and comrades, we stand side by side,
And our faith and our hope are the same;
And we think of the Cross on which Jesus has died,
When we bear the reproach of His Name.At the font we were marked with the Cross on our brow,
Of our grace and our calling the sign;
And the weakest is strong to be true to his vow,
For the armor we wear is divine.We will watch ready armed if the Tempter draw near,
If he comes with a frown or a smile;
We will heed not his threats, nor his flatteries hear,
Nor be taken by storm or by wile.We will master the flesh, and its longings restrain,
We will not be the bond slaves of sin,
The pure Spirit of God in our nature shall reign,
And our spirits their freedom shall win.For the world’s love we live not, its hate we defy,
And we will not be led by the throng;
We’ll be true to ourselves, to our Father on high,
And the bright world to which we belong.Now let each cheer his comrade, let hearts beat as one,
While we follow where Christ leads the way;
’Twere dishonor to yield, or the battle to shun,
We will fight, and will watch, and will pray.Though the warfare be weary, the trial be sore,
In the might of our God we will stand;
Oh! what joy to be crowned and be pure evermore,
In the peace of our own Fatherland.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:1] Jesus, United By Thy Grace
Jesus, united by Thy grace,
And each to each endeared,
With confidence we seek Thy face
And know our prayer is heard.Still let us own our common Lord,
And bear Thine easy yoke,
A band of love, a threefold cord,
Which never can be broke.Make us into one spirit drink;
Baptize into Thy Name;
And let us always kindly think,
And sweetly speak, the same.Help us to help each other, Lord,
Each other’s cross to bear;
Let all their friendly aid afford,
And feel each other’s care.Up onto Thee, our living Head,
Let us in all things grow;
Till Thou hast made us free indeed
And spotless here below.Touched by the lodestone of Thy love,
Let all our hearts agree,
And ever toward each other move,
And ever move toward Thee.To Thee, inseparably joined,
Let all our spirits cleave;
O may we all the loving mind,
That was in Thee receive.This is the bond of perfectness,
Thy spotless charity;
O let us, still we pray, possess
The mind that was in Thee.Grant this, and then from all below
Insensibly remove:
Our souls their change shall scarcely know,
Made perfect first in love!With ease our souls through death shall glide
Into their paradise,
And thence, on wings of angels, ride
Triumphant through the skies.Yet, when the fullest joy is given,
The same delight we prove,
In earth, in paradise, in Heaven,
Our all in all is love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:5] Be Thou Supreme
Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ,
Nor creed, nor form, nor word,
Nor holy church, nor human love,
Compare with Thee, my Lord.Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ,
Thy love has conquered me;
Beneath Thy cross I die to self,
And live alone to Thee.Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ,
My inmost being fill;
So shall I think as Thou dost think,
And will as Thou dost will.Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ,
Thy life transfigure mine;
And through this veil of mortal flesh,
Lord, let Thy splendors shine.Be Thou supreme, O Jesus Christ,
My soul exults in Thee;
To be Thy slave, to do Thy will,
Is my felicity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:5] From Highest Heaven
The call goes out from highest Heaven,
From that great Voice whose vast decree
Calls out of nothing all creation,
And brings to birth eternity.
“Go down, My Son, go down from Heaven,
Bring My belovèd home to Me.
Go find her, lost, abandoned, ruined,
Storm-tossed in sin’s relentless sea.”Now speaks the Prince of highest Heaven,
Whose light no seraph can endure—
Who owns the glories of the Godhead
By right and title all-secure.
“Yes, I will go, go down from Heaven,
To find our lost, our wand’ring bride,
I’ll bring her home, whate’er it cost Me—
I’ll bring her home, though I must die.”Now see Him plunge from highest Heaven,
Through light-years dark, to virgin’s womb,
Enfleshed in dust and human weakness:
A body destined for a tomb.
A long, long way from highest Heaven,
He walks the ground from which He made
The Man whose sons He has come seeking,
The captives Satan has betrayed.With tears He cries to highest Heaven,
”Lord, let this cup now pass from Me!”
His blood pours down His sweating forehead;
At horror’s brink, oh, what He sees!
But He submits to highest Heaven,
“Not Mine, but Thy own will be done.”
He rises, strengthened by an angel:
Ahead there’s battle to be won.The mighty wrath of highest Heaven
Falls down upon bright Heaven’s Son.
A rage omnipotent and righteous
Burns down upon the chosen One.
The Enemy of highest Heaven
With snarling teeth and slashing claw,
With howls of savage accusation,
Calls down the curses of the Law!Before the bar of highest Heaven,
The Son of God convicted stands;
My guilty conscience burns within Him
Because my crimes are on His hands.
The sentence falls from highest Heaven,
Unleashing Hell upon His own,
The Second Death consumes the Sacrifice.
So perfect mercy can be shown.Again the Voice of highest Heaven
Speaks life into a three-days’ grave,
And there triumphant, death defeating,1
The God-man comes, mighty to save!
He will return from highest Heaven,
Ten million angels in His train:
He’ll claim the blood-bought bride He ransomed,
To love while highest Heav’n remains.1Originally, And there, triumphant over sin and death
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:5] Let Your Mindset Be The Same
Let your mindset be the same
As that of Jesus Christ;
Though in very nature God,
He did not cling to His rights.Refrain
He became a man,
In humility,
Was obedient unto death,
And Lord of all will be.He made nothing of himself,
Took on a servant’s form;
Found in likeness as a man,
On the cross He died forlorn.Refrain
Therefore God exalted Christ
Up to the highest place,
Gave the Name above all names;
All His shame, He did erase.Refrain
One day at the Name of Christ
All men will bow their knee.
Those in Heaven, on the earth,
And beneath, their Lord will see.Refrain
Every tongue will then confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
He will be exalted e’er,
To the glory of our God.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:5] May The Mind Of Christ, My Savior
May the mind of Christ, my Savior,
Live in me from day to day,
By His love and power controlling
All I do and say.May the Word of God dwell richly
In my heart from hour to hour,
So that all may see I triumph
Only through His power.May the peace of God my Father
Rule my life in everything,
That I may be calm to comfort
Sick and sorrowing.May the love of Jesus fill me
As the waters fill the sea;
Him exalting, self abasing,
This is victory.May I run the race before me,
Strong and brave to face the foe,
Looking only unto Jesus
As I onward go.May His beauty rest upon me,
As I seek the lost to win,
And may they forget the channel,
Seeing only Him.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:5] Now Praise We Christ, The Holy One
Now praise we Christ, the Holy One,
The blessed virgin Mary’s Son,
Far as the glorious sun doth shine,
E’en to the world’s remote confine.He Who Himself all things did make
A servant’s form vouchsafed to take
That He as man mankind might win
And save His creatures from their sin.The grace and power of God the Lord
Upon the mother was outpoured;
A virgin pure and undefiled
In wondrous wise conceived a Child.The noble mother bore a Son—
For so did Gabriel’s promise run—
Whom John confessed and leaped with joy
Ere yet the mother knew her Boy.Upon a manger filled with hay
In poverty content He lay;
With milk was fed the Lord of all,
Who feeds the ravens when they call.The heavenly choirs rejoice and raise
Their voice to God in songs of praise.
To humble shepherds is proclaimed
The Shepherd Who the world hath framed.All honor unto Christ be paid,
Pure Offspring of the favored maid,
With Father and with Holy Ghost,
Till time in endless time be lost.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:5] O Mind Of God
O mind of God, broad as the sky,
The earth, the air, the sea,
Give us Thy broadening Spirit’s grace,
In sweet simplicity.O heart of God, deep as the needs
Of all humanity,
Give unto us the kindlier soul,
The larger sympathy.O will of God, high as all Heav’n,
With power superb and free,
Give us the will to do and dare,
In fullest liberty.O large and free and glorious God,
With ways exceeding kind,
Give unto us Thy breadth of love,
In loving all mankind.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:5] Ye Who The Name Of Jesus Bear
Ye who the Name of Jesus bear,
His sacred steps pursue;
And let that mind which was in Him
Be also found in you.Though in the form of God He was,
His only Son declared,
Nor to be equally adored
As robbery did regard;His greatness He for us abased,
For us His glory veiled;
In human likeness dwelt on earth,
His majesty concealed:Nor only as a man appears,
But stoops a servant low;
Submits to death, nay, bears the cross,
In all its shame and woe.Hence God this generous love to men
With honors just hath crowned,
And raised the Name of Jesus far
Above all names renowned:That at this Name, with sacred awe,
Each humble knee should bow
Of hosts immortal in the skies,
And nations spread below:That all the prostrate powers of hell
Might tremble at His Word,
And every tribe, and every tongue,
Confess that He is Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:6] Advent Of Our God, The
The advent of our God
Our prayers must now employ,
And we must meet Him on His road
With hymns of holy joy.The everlasting Son
Incarnate deigns to be;
Himself a servant’s form puts on
To set His people free.Daughter of Zion, rise
To meet thy lowly King,
Nor let thy faithless heart despise
The peace He comes to bring.As Judge, on clouds of light,
He soon will come again,
And all His scattered saints unite
With Him in Heaven to reign.Before the dawning day
Let sin’s dark deeds be gone;
The old man all be put away,
The new man all put on.All glory to the Son
Who comes to set us free,
With Father, Spirit, ever One,
Through all eternity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:6] Jesu Hail! O God Most Holy
Jesu hail! O God most holy,
Gentle Lamb, an Infant lowly;
Born, great God, a human stranger,
Laid within the narrow manger:Refrain
Might transcending, weakness blending,
Greatness bending from the sky;
Love unending, man befriending,
God most High, God most High.To enrich my desolation,
To redeem me from damnation,
Wrapt in swathing bands Thou liest,
Thou in want and weakness sighest:Refrain
Low abased, where brutes are sleeping,
God’s belovèd Son is weeping;
Judge supreme, true Godhead sharing,
Sinner’s likeness for us wearing!Refrain
Jesu, Thine my heart is solely;
Draw it, take it to Thee wholly;
With Thy sacred fire illume me,
Let it inwardly consume me.Refrain
Hence let idle fancies vanish,
Hence all evil passions banish;
Make me like Thyself in meekness,
Bind to Thee my human weakness,Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:6] Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown,
When Thou camest to earth for me;
But in Bethlehem’s home was there found no room
For Thy holy nativity.Refrain
O come to my heart, Lord Jesus,
There is room in my heart for Thee.Heaven’s arches rang when the angels sang,
Proclaiming Thy royal degree;
But of lowly birth didst Thou come to earth,
And in great humility.Refrain
The foxes found rest, and the birds their nest
In the shade of the forest tree;
But Thy couch was the sod, O Thou Son of God,
In the deserts of Galilee.Refrain
Thou camest, O Lord, with the living Word,
That should set Thy people free;
But with mocking scorn and with crown of thorn,
They bore Thee to Calvary.Refrain
When the heav’ns shall ring, and her choirs shall sing,
At Thy coming to victory,
Let Thy voice call me home, saying “Yet there is room,
There is room at My side for thee.”My heart shall rejoice, Lord Jesus,
When Thou comest and callest for me.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:6] When Jesus Left His Father’s Throne
When Jesus left His Father’s throne,
He chose a humble birth;
Like us, unhonored and unknown,
He came to dwell on earth.
Like Him may we be found below,
In wisdom’s path of peace;
Like Him in grace and knowledge grow,
As years and strength increase.Sweet were His words and kind His look,
When mothers round Him pressed;
Their infants in His arms He took,
And on His bosom blessed.
Safe from the world’s alluring harms,
Beneath His watchful eye,
Thus in the circle of His arms
May we forever lie.When Jesus into Zion rode,
The children sang around;
For joy they plucked the palms and strewed
Their garments on the ground.
Hosanna our glad voices raise,
Hosanna to our King!
Should we forget our Savior’s praise,
The stones themselves would sing.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] All Wise, All Good, Almighty Lord
All wise, all good, almighty Lord,
Jesus, by highest Heav’n adored,
Ere time its course began;
How did Thy glorious mercy stoop,
To take Thy fallen children up,
When Thou Thyself wert man?Th’eternal God from Heav’n came down;
The King of glory dropped His crown
And veiled His majesty;
Emptied of all but love He came,
Jesus, I call Thee by the Name,
Thy pity bore for me.O holy Child, still let Thy birth
Bring peace to us poor worms of earth,
And praise to God on high!
Come, Thou who didst my flesh assume;
Now to the abject sinner come,
And in a manger lie.Didst Thou not in person join
The natures human and divine,
That God and man might be
Henceforth inseparably one?
Haste then and make Thy nature known
Incarnated in me.In my weak, sinful flesh appear,
O God, be manifested here,
Peace, righteousness and joy;
Thy kingdom, Lord, set up within
My faithful heart; and all my sin,
The devil’s work, destroy.I long Thy coming to confess,
The mystic power of godliness,
The life divine to prove:
The fulness of Thy life to know,
Redeemed from all my sins below,
And perfected in love.O Christ, my Hope, make known to me
The great, the glorious mystery
The hidden life impart;
Come, Thou Desire of nations, come,
Formed in a spotless virgin’s womb,
A pure, believing heart.Come quickly, dearest Lord, that I
May own, tho’ Antichrist deny,
Thy incarnation’s power:
May cry, a witness to my Lord,
“Come in my flesh is Christ the Word,
And I can sin no more!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Behold The Great Creator Makes
Behold the great Creator makes
Himself a house of clay,
A robe of virgin flesh He takes
Which He will wear for ay.Hark, hark, the wise eternal Word,
Like a weak infant cries!
In form of servant is the Lord,
And God in cradles lies.This wonder struck the world amazed,
It shook the starry frame;
Squadrons of spirits stood and gazed,
Then down in troops they came.Glad shepherds ran to view this sight;
A choir of angels sings,
And eastern sages with delight
Adore this King of kings.Join then, all hearts that are not stone,
And all our voices prove,
To celebrate this holy One
The God of peace and love.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Down From His Glory
Down from His glory,
Ever living story,
My God and Savior came,
And Jesus was His Name.
Born in a manger,
To His own a stranger,
A Man of sorrows, tears and agony.Refrain
O how I love Him! How I adore Him!
My breath, my sunshine, my all in all.
The great Creator became my Savior,
And all God’s fullness dwelleth in Him.What condescension,
Bringing us redemption;
That in the dead of night,
Not one faint hope in sight,
God, gracious, tender,
Laid aside His splendor,
Stooping to woo, to win, to save my soul.Refrain
Without reluctance,
Flesh and blood His substance,
He took the form of man,
Revealed the hidden plan,
O glorious myst’ry
Sacrifice of Calv’ry,
And now I know Thou art the great “I Am.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Down From The Worlds Of Radiant Light
Down from the worlds of radiant light
Behold the Savior come,
To ransom souls from endless night
And bring the wand’rers home.He calls us to His dear embrace
From mis’ry and despair,
Bids us receive His wondrous grace,
And seek salvation there.We come, Emmanuel, at Thy call,
Believe Thy glad’ning Word,
Renounce our sins, ourselves, our all,
And glory in our Lord.Salvation to Messiah’s Name
With grateful hearts we sing,
And join our voices to proclaim
Our Saviour and our King.Immortal praise to God belongs
For such unfathomed love;
Join, all below, in rapturous songs,
And shout, ye hosts above.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] He Became Incarnate
He became incarnate, Christ the King of glory,
He became incarnateShepherds were keeping their nightly watch on Bethlem’s plain,
“Fear not, O brothers,” the angel addressed them,
Wonderful brightness around them shone so marv’lously.
“Joy I proclaim through the birth of the Savior.”Refrain
He became incarnate, Christ the King of glory,
He became incarnate“This sign I’ll show you by which you’ll find the Lord of all.”
Suddenly heavenly hosts sang forth praises.
“In David’s city you’ll find Him in a lowly stall.”
“Glory to God Who gives peace on earth good will.”Refrain
Lína awatárá soí jagaraijá
Lína awatárá.Desha Yahúdamen
Kitane gareriye
Kheton men jo saba basa rarayá.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Holy Son Of God Most High, The
The holy Son of God most high,
For love of Adam’s lapsèd race,
Quit the sweet pleasures of the sky
To bring us to that happy place.His robes of light He laid aside,
Which did His majesty adorn,
And the frail state of mortals tried,
In human flesh and figure born.Whole choirs of angels loudly sing
The mystery of His sacred birth,
And the blest news to shepherds bring,
Filling their watchful souls with mirth.The Son of God thus man became,
That men the sons of God might be,
And by their second birth regain
A likeness to His deity.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] I Cannot Tell Why
I cannot tell why He whom angels worship,
Should set His love upon the sons of men,
Or why, as Shepherd, He should seek the wanderers,
To bring them back, they know not how or when.
But this I know, that He was born of Mary
When Bethlehem’s manger was His only home,
And that He lived at Nazareth and labored,
And so the Savior, Savior of the world is come.I cannot tell how silently He suffered,
As with His peace He graced this place of tears,
Or how His heart upon the cross was broken,
The crown of pain to three and thirty years.
But this I know, He heals the brokenhearted,
And stays our sin, and calms our lurking fear,
And lifts the burden from the heavy laden,
For yet the Savior, Savior of the world is here.I cannot tell how He will win the nations,
How He will claim His earthly heritage,
How satisfy the needs and aspirations
Of East and West, of sinner and of sage.
But this I know, all flesh shall see His glory,
And He shall reap the harvest He has sown,
And some glad day His sun shall shine in splendor
When He the Savior, Savior of the world is known.I cannot tell how all the lands shall worship,
When, at His bidding, every storm is stilled,
Or who can say how great the jubilation
When all the hearts of men with love are filled.
But this I know, the skies will thrill with rapture,
And myriad, myriad human voices sing,
And earth to Heaven, and Heaven to earth, will answer:
At last the Savior, Savior of the world is King!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] I Know Not How That Bethlehem’s Babe
I know not how that Bethlehem’s Babe
Could in the Godhead be;
I only know the manger Child
Has brought God’s life to me.I know not how that Calvary’s cross
A world from sin could free;
I only know its matchless love
Has brought God’s love to me.I know not how that Joseph’s tomb
Could solve death’s mystery;
I only know a living Christ,
Our immortality.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Immortal Babe, Who This Dear Day
Immortal Babe, who this dear day
Didst change Thine Heaven for our clay,
And didst with flesh Thy Godhead veil,
Eternal Son of God, all hail!Shine, happy star, ye angels sing
Glory on high to Heaven’s King;
Run, shepherds, leave your nightly watch,
See Heaven come down to Bethlehem’s cratch.Worship, ye sages of the east,
The King of gods in meanness dressed;
O blessèd maid, with smiles adore
The God thine arms, thy bosom bore.Star, angels, shepherds, sages wise,
Thou virgin glory of all eyes,
Restorèd frame of Heaven and earth,
Rejoice in your Redeemer’s birth!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Incarnation Hymn
In mute astonishment and awe,
The angels learn God’s plan
To send His Uncreated Son
Down to the Earth—as Man!From Light Eternal shines the Light,
And Satan’s night is ended;
Its brilliance breaks upon the world
In day uncomprehended.The Word, enfleshed, invades His world,
And speaks the words of life:
“Lay down your arms, my rebel sons;
Be reconciled from strife.”Immortal God, yet mortal man,
With men He makes His dwelling,
And we behold His glory here,
In grace beyond all telling.His grace and truth, His abundant love,
His grand, gigantic meekness
Appear to us in human form,
In omnipotent weakness.Incarnate God, embrace me now,
And by your Spirit’s art,
Enflesh the Word of God anew
Within my yielded heart.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Let Earth And Heaven Combine
Let earth and Heaven combine,
Angels and men agree,
To praise in songs divine
The incarnate Deity,
Our God contracted to a span,
Incomprehensibly made Man.He laid His glory by,
He wrapped Him in our clay;
Unmarked by human eye,
The latent Godhead lay;
Infant of days He here became,
And bore the mild Immanuel’s Name.See in that Infant’s face
The depths of deity,
And labor while ye gaze
To sound the mystery
In vain; ye angels gaze no more,
But fall, and silently adore.Unsearchable the love
That hath the Savior brought;
The grace is far above
Of men or angels’ thought:
Suffice for us that God, we know,
Our God, is manifest below.He deigns in flesh t’appear,
Widest extremes to join;
To bring our vileness near,
And make us all divine:
And we the life of God shall know,
For God is manifest below.Made perfect first in love,
And sanctified by grace,
We shall from earth remove,
And see His glorious face:
His love shall then be fully showed,
And man shall all be lost in God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] O Christmas Night!
O Christmas night! Day’s light transcending,
Who no beginning had or end
Till He a man became, was God.
Then He Who ne’er before was human
Was born in Bethlehem of woman,
When nips the frost the verdant sod.This richest Babe comes poor in being,
More pearled within than to the seeing
With diadem and royal power;
He takes no heed of greater places,
But that small spot alone embraces,
Where light illumes the midnight hour.This Prince, do they desire to find Him?
They’re worn out swaddling clothes that bind Him.
A manger, spread with hay’s His bed.
His throne is higher than the highest,
Yet He among the cattle lieth;
What Him to such a lot has led?Now seeks He God with chaste affection
Who takes before such crib direction,
Are better than this Bethlehem,
Which Christ no resting place shall give;
For they, the after life, shall live
With Him, in Jerusalem.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] O Mercy Divine, O Couldst Thou Incline
O mercy divine, O couldst Thou incline,
My God, to become such as infant as mine?
What wonder of grace: The Ancient of Days
Is found in the likeness of Adam’s frail race!He comes from on high, who fashioned the sky,
And meekly vouchsafes in a manger to lie;
Our God ever blest, with oxen doth rest,
Is nursed by His creature and hangs at the breast.So heavenly-mild, His innocence smiled,
No wonder the mother would worship the Child,
The angels she knew had worshipped Him, too,
And still they confess adoration His due.On Jesus’ face, with eager amaze,
And pleasure ecstatic the cherubim gaze;
Their newly born King, transported they sing,
And Heaven and earth with the triumph doth ring.The shepherds behold Him, the promised of old,
By angels attended, by prophets foretold;
The wise men adore now, and bring Him their store,
The rich are permitted to follow the poor.To the inn they repair, to see the young Heir;
The inn is a palace, for Jesus is there!
Who now would be great, and not rather wait
On Jesus their Lord in His humble estate?Like Him would I be, my Master I see
In a stable; a manger shall satisfy me;
And here will I lie, till raised up on high,
With Him on the cross I recover the sky.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:7] Savior, When Night Involves The Skies
Savior, when night involves the skies,
My soul, adoring, turns to Thee;
Thee, self abased in mortal guise,
And wrapped in shades of death for me.On Thee my waking raptures dwell,
When crimson gleams the east adorn,
Thee, Victor of the grave and hell,
Thee, Source of life’s eternal morn.When noon her throne in light arrays,
To Thee my soul triumphant springs;
Thee, throned in glory’s endless blaze,
Thee, Lord of lords and King of kings.O’er earth, when shades of evening steal,
To death and Thee my thoughts I give;
To death, whose power I soon shall feel,
To Thee, with Whom I trust to live.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:8] Behold A Little Child
Behold a little child, laid in a manger bed;
The wintry blasts blow wild around His infant head;
But who is this so lowly laid?
’Tis He by Whom the worlds were made.Alas! in what poor state the Son of God is seen;
Why did the Lord so great choose out a home so mean?
That we may learn from pride to flee,
And to follow His humility.Where Joseph plies his trade, lo, Jesus labors, too;
The hands that all things made an earthly craft pursue,
That weary men in Him may rest,
And faithful toil through Him be blessed.Among the doctors see the Boy so full of grace;
Say, wherefore taketh He the scholar’s lowly place?
That children all, with reverence meet,
May sit and learn at Jesus’ feet.Christ, once Thyself a boy, our childhood Guard and Guide;
Be Thou its Light and Joy, and still with us abide,
That Thy dear love, so great and free,
May draw us evermore to Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:8] Christ, Who Left His Home In Glory
Christ who left His home in glory,
And upon the cross was slain,
Now is ris’n! Oh, tell the story,
That the Savior lives again.Refrain
Hail Him! Hail Him!
Tell the story!
Hail! all hail!
Jesus lives forevermore.While the world in peace was sleeping,
Early on that Easter day,
Came the faithful women weeping,
But the stone was rolled away.Refrain
Christ, our loving Mediator,
Now with God for you and me
Intercedes, and our Creator
Hears and answers every plea.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:8] Throne For Calvary, A
O the wondrous story of a Savior’s love,
Coming from a throne to Calvary;
Leaving all the glories of that home above,
Died to save and set a lost world free.Refrain
O love divine, His love to prove,
Christ paid the debt for you and me;
All praise to His redeeming love,
He left a throne for Calvary.Thro’ God’s tender mercy and His boundless love,
Jesus left a throne for Calvary;
But he conquered death, and lives, and reigns above,
Now His blood atones for you and me.Refrain
O the precious knowledge of a Savior’s love,
And a peace the world cannot destroy;
While the blest assurance of a home above,
Fills the heart and soul with praise and joy.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name! Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all.
Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all.Let highborn seraphs tune the lyre, and as they tune it, fall
Before His face Who tunes their choir, and crown Him Lord of all.
Before His face Who tunes their choir, and crown Him Lord of all.Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, who fixed this floating ball;
Now hail the strength of Israel’s might, and crown Him Lord of all.
Now hail the strength of Israel’s might, and crown Him Lord of all.Crown Him, ye martyrs of your God, who from His altar call;
Extol the Stem of Jesse’s Rod, and crown Him Lord of all.
Extol the Stem of Jesse’s Rod, and crown Him Lord of all.Ye seed of Israel’s chosen race, ye ransomed from the fall,
Hail Him Who saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all.
Hail Him Who saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all.Hail Him, ye heirs of David’s line, whom David Lord did call,
The God incarnate, Man divine, and crown Him Lord of all,
The God incarnate, Man divine, and crown Him Lord of all.Sinners, whose love can ne’er forget the wormwood and the gall,
Go spread your trophies at His feet, and crown Him Lord of all.
Go spread your trophies at His feet, and crown Him Lord of all.Let every tribe and every tongue before Him prostrate fall
And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all.
And shout in universal song the crownèd Lord of all.O that, with yonder sacred throng, we at His feet may fall,
Join in the everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of all,
Join in the everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of all!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Dearest Of All The Names Above
Dearest of all the names above,
My Jesus, and my God,
Who can resist Thy heav’nly love,
Or trifle with Thy blood?’Tis by the merits of Thy death
The Father smiles again;
’Tis by Thine interceding breath
The Spirit dwells with men.Till God in human flesh I see,
My thoughts no comfort find;
The holy, just, and sacred Three
Are terrors to my mind.But if Immanuel’s face appear,
My hope, my joy begins;
His Name forbids my slavish fear,
His grace removes my sins.While Jews on their own law rely,
And Greeks of wisdom boast,
I love th’incarnate mystery
And there I fix my trust.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!
Sing aloud the Name;
Till it softly, slowly,
Sets all hearts aflame.Jesus! Name of cleansing,
Washing all our stains;
Jesus! Name of healing,
Balm for all our pains.Jesus! Name of boldness,
Making cowards brave;
Name! that in the battle,
Certainly must save.Jesus! Name of victory,
Stretching far away,
Right across earth’s war-fields,
To the plains of day.Jesus! Name of beauty,
Beauty far too bright
For our earth-born fancy,
For our mortal sight.Jesus! be our joy-note
In this vale of tears;
Till we reach the homeland,
And th’eternal years.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Jesus! The Name High Over All
Jesus! the Name high over all,
In hell or earth or sky;
Angels and men before it fall,
And devils fear and fly.Jesus! the Name to sinners dear,
The Name to sinners giv’n;
It scatters all their guilty fear,
It turns their hell to Heav’n.Jesus! the prisoner’s fetters breaks,
And bruises Satan’s head;
Power into strengthless souls it speaks,
And life into the dead.O that mankind might taste and see
The riches of His grace!
The arms of love that compass me
Would all the world embrace.O that my Jesu’s heavenly charms
Might every bosom move!
Fly, sinners, fly into those arms
Of everlasting love.Thee I shall constantly proclaim,
Though earth and hell oppose;
Bold to confess Thy glorious Name
Before a world of foes.His only righteousness I show,
His saving grace proclaim;
’Tis all my business here below
To cry “Behold the Lamb!”Happy, if with my latest breath
I may but gasp His Name,
Preach Him to all and cry in death,
“Behold, behold the Lamb!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Join All The Glorious Names
Join all the glorious names
Of wisdom, love, and power,
That ever mortals knew,
That angels ever bore:
All are too mean to speak His worth,
To poor to set my Savior forth.But O what gentle terms,
What condescending ways,
Doth our Redeemer use
To teach his heav’nly grace!
Mine eyes with joy and wonder see
What forms of love He bears for me.Arrayed in mortal flesh,
He like an angel stands,
And holds the promises
And pardons in His hands;
Commissioned from His Father’s throne
To make His grace to mortals known.Great Prophet of my God,
My tongue would bless Thy Name,
By Thee the joyful news
Of our salvation came,
The joyful news of sin forgiv’n
Of hell subdued, and peace with Heav’n.Be Thou my Counsellor,
My Pattern, and my Guide,
And through this desert land
Still keep me near thy side:
Nor let my feet e’er run astray
Nor rove nor seek the crooked way.I love my Shepherd’s voice,
His watchful eyes shall keep
My wand’ring soul among
The thousands of His sheep:
He feeds His flock, He calls their names,
His bosom bears the tender lambs.To this dear Surety’s hand
Will I commit my cause;
He answers and fulfils
His Father’s broken laws:
Behold my soul at freedom set!
My Surety paid the dreadful debt.Jesus, my great High Priest,
Offered His blood, and died;
My guilty conscience seeks
No sacrifice beside:
His powerful blood did once atone,
And now it pleads before the throne.My Advocate appears
For my defense on high;
The Father bows his ears,
And lays his thunder by:
Not all that hell or sin can say
Shall turn his heart, his love away.My dear almighty Lord,
My Conqueror and my King,
Thy scepter and Thy sword,
Thy reigning grace I sing:
Thine is the power; behold I sit
In willing bonds beneath Thy feet.Now let my soul arise,
And tread the tempter down;
My Captain leads me forth
To conquest and a crown:
A feeble saint shall win the day,
Though death and hell obstruct the way.Should all the hosts of death,
And powers of hell unknown,
Put their most dreadful forms
Of rage and mischief on,
I shall be safe, for Christ displays
Superior power, and guardian grace.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] O God, We Praise Thee, And Confess
O God, we praise Thee, and confess
That Thou the only Lord
And everlasting Father art,
By all the earth adored.To Thee all angels cry aloud;
To Thee the powers on high,
Both cherubim and seraphim,
Continually do cry.O holy, holy, holy, Lord,
Whom heavenly hosts obey,
The world is with the glory filled
Of Thy majestic sway!Th’apostles’ glorious company,
And prophets crowned with light,
With all the martyrs’ noble host,
Thy constant praise recite.The holy Church throughout the world,
O Lord, confesses Thee,
That thou eternal Father art,
Of boundless majesty.Thine honored, true and only Son;
And Holy Ghost, the Spring
Of never ceasing joy; O Christ
Of glory Thou art King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Of All In Earth Or Heaven
Of all in earth or Heaven,
The dearest name to me,
Is the matchless Name of Jesus,
The Christ of Calvary.Refrain
The Christ of Calvary,
The dearest name to me,
Is the matchless Name of Jesus,
The Christ of Calvary.I cannot help but love Him,
And tell His love to me;
For He became my ransom,
The Christ of Calvary.Refrain
I could not live without Him,
His love is life to me;
My blood-bought life I give Him,
The Christ of Calvary.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Precious Name
Take the Name of Jesus with you,
Child of sorrow and of woe,
It will joy and comfort give you;
Take it then, where’er you go.Refrain
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n.
Precious Name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n.Take the Name of Jesus ever,
As a shield from every snare;
If temptations round you gather,
Breathe that holy Name in prayer.Refrain
O the precious Name of Jesus!
How it thrills our souls with joy,
When His loving arms receive us,
And His songs our tongues employ!Refrain
At the Name of Jesus bowing,
Falling prostrate at His feet,
King of kings in Heav’n we’ll crown Him,
When our journey is complete.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] Speak To Me Only Of Jesus
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of the cross that He wore,
Tell of the shame and the sorrow,
Tell of the burden He bore.Refrain
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Dying on Calvary’s tree,
Speak to me only of Jesus,
His Name is so precious to me.Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of His grace day by day,
Tell how the blood of atonement
Washes my guilt all away.Refrain
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of His wonderful love,
Tell how He came as a Savior,
Down from the glory above.Refrain
Speak to me only of Jesus,
Tell of His mercy so free,
Tell how, when lost in the darkness,
Jesus came seeking for me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] There Is No Name So Sweet On Earth
There is no name so sweet on earth,
No name so sweet in Heaven,
The Name, before His wondrous birth
To Christ the Savior given.Refrain
We love to sing of Christ our King,
And hail Him, blessèd Jesus;
For there’s no word ear ever heard
So dear, so sweet as “Jesus.”His human name they did proclaim,
When Abram’s son they sealed Him;
The name that still by God’s good will,
Deliverer revealed Him.Refrain
And when He hung upon the tree,
They wrote this Name above Him;
That all might see the reason we
Forevermore must love Him.Refrain
So now, upon His Father’s throne,
Almighty to release us
From sin and pain, He gladly reigns,
The Prince and Savior, Jesus.Refrain
O Jesus, by that matchless Name,
Thy grace shall fail us never;
Today as yesterday the same,
Thou art the same forever.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:9] There’s No Other Name Like Jesus
There’s no other name like Jesus,
’Tis the dearest name we know,
’Tis the angel’s joy in Heaven,
’Tis the Christian’s joy below.Refrain
Sweet name (sweet name), dear name (dear name),
There’s no other name like Jesus,
Sweet name (sweet name), dear name (dear name),
There’s no other name like Jesus.There’s no other name like Jesus,
When the heart with grief is sad,
There’s no other name like Jesus
When the heart is free and glad.Refrain
’Tis the hope that I shall see Him
When in glory He appears,
’Tis the hope to hear His welcome
That my fainting spirit cheers.Refrain
If He wills that I should labor
In His vineyard day by day,
Then ’tis well if only Jesus
Blesses all I do or say.Refrain
If he wills that death’s cold finger
Touch my feeble, mortal clay,
Then ’tis well if only Jesus
Is my dying trust and stay.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:10] Again The Morn Of Gladness
Again the morn of gladness,
The morn of light, is here;
And earth itself looks fairer,
And Heaven itself more near;
The bells, like angel voices,
Speak peace to every breast;
And all the land lies quiet
To keep the day of rest.Refrain
Glory be to Jesus,
Let all His children say;
He rose again, He rose again,
On this glad day.Again, O loving Savior,
The children of Thy grace
Prepare themselves to seek Thee
Within Thy chosen place.
Our song shall rise to greet Thee,
If Thou our hearts wilt raise;
If Thou our lips wilt open,
Our mouth shall show Thy praise.Refrain
The shining choir of angels
That rest not day or night,
The crowned and palm-decked martyrs,
The saints arrayed in white,
The happy lambs of Jesus,
In pastures fair above,
These all adore and praise Him,
Whom we, too, praise and love.Refrain
The Church on earth rejoices
To join with these today;
In every tongue and nation
She calls her sons to pray;
Across the northern snow fields,
Beneath the Indian palms,
She makes the same pure offering,
And sings the same sweet psalms.Refrain
Tell out, sweet bells, His praises!
O let us sing His Name!
Still louder and still farther
His mighty deeds proclaim;
Till all whom He redeemèd
Shall own Him Lord and King,
Till every knee shall worship,
And every tongue shall sing.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:10] At The Name Of Jesus
At the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow,
Every tongue confess Him King of glory now;
’Tis the Father’s pleasure we should call Him Lord,
Who from the beginning was the mighty Word.Mighty and mysterious in the highest height,
God from everlasting, very light of light:
In the Father’s bosom with the spirit blest,
Love, in love eternal, rest, in perfect rest.At His voice creation sprang at once to sight,
All the angel faces, all the hosts of light,
Thrones and dominations, stars upon their way,
All the heavenly orders, in their great array.Humbled for a season, to receive a name
From the lips of sinners unto whom He came,
Faithfully He bore it, spotless to the last,
Brought it back victorious when from death He passed.Bore it up triumphant with its human light,
Through all ranks of creatures, to the central height,
To the throne of Godhead, to the Father’s breast;
Filled it with the glory of that perfect rest.Name Him, brothers, name Him, with love strong as death
But with awe and wonder, and with bated breath!
He is God the Savior, He is Christ the Lord,
Ever to be worshipped, trusted and adored.In your hearts enthrone Him; there let Him subdue
All that is not holy, all that is not true;
Crown Him as your Captain in temptation’s hour;
Let His will enfold you in its light and power.Brothers, this Lord Jesus shall return again,
With His Father’s glory, with His angel train;
For all wreaths of empire meet upon His brow,
And our hearts confess Him King of glory now.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:11] Glory To God The Father
“For God so loved!” Oh, wondrous theme!
Oh! wondrous key to wondrous scheme!
A Savior sent to sinful men—
Glory to God the Father!Refrain
Glory to God the Father!
Glory to God the Father!
Glory, glory, glory to God the Father!In love God gave, in love Christ came,
That man might know the Father’s Name,
And in the Son salvation claim—
Glory to God the Father!Refrain
As man He tarried here below,
The pow’r and love of God to show;
To help and heal all human woe—
Glory to God the Father!Refrain
Upon the cross His life He gave,
His people from their sins to save;
For them descended to the grave—
Glory to God the Father!Refrain
By God exalted from the dead,
He reigns on high, the living Head
Of every soul for whom He bled—
Glory to God the Father!Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:15] O Thou Who Makest Souls To Shine
O Thou Who makest souls to shine
With light from brighter worlds above,
Now send Thy glistening dew divine
On all who seek a Savior’s love!Do Thou Thy benediction give
On all who teach, on all who learn,
That all Thy Church may holier live,
And every lamp more brightly burn.Give those that teach pure hearts and wise,
Faith, hope, and love, all warmed by prayer;
Themselves first training for the skies,
They best will raise their people there.Give those, who learn, the willing ear,
The spirit meek, the guileless mind;
Such gifts will make the lowliest here
Far better than a kingdom find.O bless the shepherd, bless the sheep,
That guide and guided both be one—
One in the faithful watch they keep,
Until this hurrying life be done.If thus, good Lord, Thy grace be giv’n,
In Thee to live, in Thee to die,
Before we upward pass to Heav’n,
We taste our immortality.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:15] Shining For Jesus
Shining for Jesus everywhere I go,
Shining for Jesus in this world of woe;
Shining for Jesus, more like Him I grow;
Shining all the time for Jesus.Refrain
Shining all the time, shining all the time;
Shining for Jesus, beams of love divine;
Glorifying Him every day and hour;
Shining all the time for Jesus.Shining for Jesus when the way is bright;
Shining for Jesus in the darkest night;
Shining for Jesus, making burdens light;
Shining all the time for Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 2:15] Wonderful Words Of Life
Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life,
Let me more of their beauty see, wonderful words of life;
Words of life and beauty teach me faith and duty.Refrain
Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life,
Beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life.Christ, the blessèd One, gives to all wonderful words of life;
Sinner, list to the loving call, wonderful words of life;
All so freely given, wooing us to heaven.Refrain
Sweetly echo the Gospel call, wonderful words of life;
Offer pardon and peace to all, wonderful words of life;
Jesus, only Savior, sanctify us forever.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:8] Blessed Savior, Thee I Love
Blessèd Savior, Thee I love,
All my other joys above;
All my hopes in Thee abide,
Thou my Hope, and naught betide;
Ever let my glory be,
Only, only, only Thee.Once again beside the cross,
All my gain I count but loss;
Earthly pleasures fade away,
Clouds they are that hide my day;
Hence, vain shadows! let me see
Jesus, crucified for me.Blessèd Savior, Thine am I,
Thine to live, and Thine to die;
Height or depth, or creature power,
Ne’er shall hide my Savior more;
Ever shall my glory be,
Only, only, only Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:8] Deeper And Deeper
Into the heart of Jesus
Deeper and deeper I go,
Seeking to know the reason
Why He should love me so,
Why He should stoop to lift me
Up from the miry clay,
Saving my soul, making me whole,
Though I had wandered away.Into the will of Jesus,
Deeper and deeper I go,
Praying for grace to follow,
Seeking His way to know;
Bowing in full surrender
Low at His blessèd feet,
Bidding Him take, break me and make,
Till I am molded, complete.Into the cross of Jesus
Deeper and deeper I go,
Following through the garden,
Facing the dreaded foe;
Drinking the cup of sorrow,
Sobbing with broken heart,
“O Savior, help! Dear Savior, help!
Grace for my weakness impart.”Into the joy of Jesus
Deeper and deeper I go,
Rising, with soul enraptured,
Far from the world below.
Joy in the place of sorrow,
Peace in the midst of pain,
Jesus will give, Jesus will give;
He will uphold and sustain.Into the love of Jesus
Deeper and deeper I go,
Praising the One Who brought me
Out of my sin and woe;
And through eternal ages
Gratefully I shall sing,
“O how He loved! O how He loved!
Jesus, my Lord and my King!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:8] He Is So Precious To Me
So precious is Jesus, my Savior, my King;
His praise all the day long with rapture I sing.
To Him in my weakness for strength I can cling,
For He is so precious to me.Refrain
For He is so precious, so precious to me;
For He is so precious, so precious to me.
’Tis heaven below, my Redeemer to know,
For He is so precious to me.He stood at my heart’s door ’mid sunshine and rain,
And patiently waited an entrance to gain.
What shame that so long He entreated in vain,
For He is so precious to me.Refrain
I stand on the mountain of blessing at last,
No cloud in the heavens a shadow to cast,
His smile is upon me; the valley is past,
For He is so precious to me.Refrain
I praise Him because He appointed a place
Where some day, through faith in His wonderful grace,
I know I shall see Him, shall look on His face,
For He is so precious to me.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:8] Lord Jesus, When We Stand Afar
Lord Jesu, when we stand afar
And gaze upon Thy holy cross,
In love of Thee, and scorn of self,
O may we count the world as loss!When we behold Thy bleeding wounds,
And the rough way that Thou hast trod,
Make us to hate the load of sin
That lay so heavy on our God.O holy Lord, uplifted high,
With outstretched arms in mortal woe,
Thou dost embrace in wondrous love
The sinful world that lies below.Give us an ever living faith
To gaze beyond the things we see;
And in the mystery of Thy death
Draw us and all men unto Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:8] Many Thoughts Stir My Heart
Many thoughts stir my heart as I ponder alone;
Many places attract me with charms all their own;
But the thought of all thoughts is of Christ crucified,
The place of all places, the hill where He died.Refrain
O the charm of the cross! How I love to be there!
With the love that shines from it, what love can compare?
The seal of my ransom in Calvary I see,
All my sin, O my Savior, laid upon Thee!’Tis the end of my sin and the source of all grace;
’Tis the word of God’s love to a prodigal race;
’Tis the greatest, the grandest gift God could impart,
Surpassing my reason, but winning my heart.Refrain
For the sake of the Christ and the love of His cross
I have yielded my all and not reckoned it loss;
There’s a place in my heart which the Savior must fill;
No other can take it, and none ever will.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:8] O Jesus, We Adore Thee
O Jesus, we adore Thee,
Upon the cross, our King!
We bow our hearts before Thee,
Thy gracious Name we sing.
That Name hath brought salvation,
That Name in life our stay,
Our peace, our consolation,
When life shall fade away.Yet doth the world disdain Thee,
Still passing by the cross;
Lord, may our hearts retain Thee;
All else we count but loss.
Ah, Lord, our sins arraigned Thee,
And nailed Thee to the tree;
Our pride, our Lord, disdained Thee;
Yet deign our Hope to be.O glorious King, we bless Thee,
No longer pass Thee by;
O Jesus, we confess Thee
The Son enthroned on high.
Lord, grant to us remission;
Life through Thy death restore;
Yea, grant us fruition
Of life forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:8] We Sing The Praise Of Him Who Died
We sing the praise of Him Who died,
Of Him Who died upon the cross;
The sinner’s hope let men deride,
For this we count the world but loss.Inscribed upon the cross we see
In shining letters, “God is Love”;
He bears our sins upon the tree;
He brings us mercy from above.The cross! it takes our guilt away;
It holds the fainting spirit up;
It cheers with hope the gloomy day,
And sweetens every bitter cup.It makes the coward spirit brave,
And nerves the feeble arm for fight;
It takes the terror from the grave,
And gilds the bed of death with light.The balm of life, the cure of woe,
The measure and the pledge of love,
The sinner’s refuge here below,
The angels’ theme in Heav’n above.To Christ, who won for sinners grace
By bitter grief and anguish sore,
Be praise from all the ransomed race
Forever and forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:9] No Righteousness Of Mine
No righteousness of mine
Can stand before the Throne,
But Christ’s own perfect works are now my very own!
In Christ I’m free!
The Cross of Christ made peace with God for even me!The holy law of God
That once declared my death
Now whispers “All is well” with Jesus’ dying breath!
Once dead, now raised!
His glorious Cross puts Death to death! Let Christ be praised!Now Sinai holds no fear!
Its fiery curses fade,
Outshined by rays of grace in Calv’ry’s love displayed!
In worship, fall!
Adore the Son of God whose outpoured blood heals all!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:13] I Have Settled The Question
I remember when the Lord spoke to my soul,
I could feel the heavy burden from me roll
When He spoke the gracious words, “Wilt thou be whole?”
Then I settled the question forever.Refrain
I have settled the question, hallelujah!
I will never turn back from the narrow way.
I am going through with Jesus, hallelujah!
Till I reach the gates of glory some sweet day.I no longer walk the ways of sinfulness,
But I daily tread the paths of righteousness
Since the day the Lord has come my life to bless
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
I will choose the holy joys that always last,
And reject sin’s pleasures that will soon be past,
To the treasures of true worth I’m holding fast,
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
Others may deny the Lord and live in sin,
But the race that I have entered I must win,
Through the pearly gates I mean to enter in,
I have settled the question forever.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:14] With Gladsome Feet We Press
With gladsome feet we press to Sion’s holy mount,
Where gushes from its deep recess the cooling fount;
Oh! happy, happy hill, the joy of every saint!
With sweet Siloam’s crystal rill, that cheers the faint.Great city, blest of God! Jerusalem the free!
With ceaseless step the path be trod that leads to thee!
The martyr’s bleeding feet, the saints with woundless breast,
Alike have sought thy golden seat to win their rest.There, calming all alarms, thy cross of love is traced,
Outstretching salutary arms, to bless the waste;
The sinner there can plead in ever listening ears;
On hope and thee, can sweetly feed, and dry his tears.So this our festal day celestial joy shall raise,
While lips and hearts, conjoined, essay to hymn thy praise!
The very stones shall ring, resound each holy wall,
With Thee, Thyself the Rock, our Heaven, our All!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 3:20] Jerusalem On High
Jerusalem on high, my song that city is,
My home whene’er I die, the center of my bliss;
O happy place! When shall I be,
My God, with Thee, to see Thy face?There dwells my Lord, my King, judged here unfit to live;
There angels to Him sing and lowly homage give;
O happy place! When shall I be,
My God, with Thee, to see Thy face?The patriarchs of old there from their travels cease;
The prophets there behold their longed for Prince of peace;
O happy place! When shall I be,
My God, with Thee, to see Thy face?The Lamb’s Apostles there I might with joy behold,
The harpers I might hear harping on harps of gold;
O happy place! When shall I be,
My God, with Thee, to see Thy face?The bleeding martyrs, they within those courts are found,
Clothèd in pure array, their scars with glory crowned;
O happy place! When shall I be,
My God, with Thee, to see Thy face?Ah me! ah me! that I in Kedar’s tent here stay;
No place like that on high; Lord thither guide my way;
O happy place! When shall I be,
My God, with Thee, to see Thy face?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 4:1] Stand Fast For Christ Thy Savior
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
Stand fast whate’er betide!
Keep thou the Faith, unstained, unshamed,
By keeping at His side;
Be faithful, ever faithful,
Where’er thy lot be cast,Refrain
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
Stand faithful to the last!Strong founded like a lighthouse,
That stands the storm and shock,
So be thy soul as if it shared
The granite of the rock.
Then far beyond the breakers
Let thy calm light be cast,Refrain
Stout-hearted like a soldier,
Who never leaves the fight,
But meets the foeman face to face
And meets him with his might,
So bear thee in thy battles
Until the war be past,Refrain
Stand fast for Christ thy Savior!
He once stood fast for thee,
And standeth still, and still shall stand
For all eternity;
Be faithful, O be faithful,
To love so true, so vast,Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 4:4] Rejoice, Rejoice, Believer
Rejoice, rejoice, believer,
And let thy joy and glory ever be
In Him, the great Deliverer,
Who gave Himself a sacrifice for thee.Refrain
Rejoice, believer, rejoice and sing,
Of Him who lives forever,
Thy great High Priest and King.Rejoice in thy Redeemer,
Thou hast a place that nothing can remove;
He bids thee dwell in safety,
And rest beneath the shadow of His love.Refrain
Rejoice, rejoice, believer,
A home on high is waiting now for thee;
And there, in all His beauty,
The King of saints with wonder thou shalt see.Refrain
Rejoice, rejoice, believer,
Press on to join the happy, happy throng;
Where soon Thy Lord shall call thee
To realms of joy and everlasting song.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 4:4] Rejoice, The Lord Is King
Rejoice, the Lord is King! Your Lord and King adore;
Mortals give thanks and sing, and triumph evermore;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!Jesus, the Savior, reigns, the God of truth and love;
When He had purged our stains He took His seat above;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!His kingdom cannot fail, He rules o’er earth and Heav’n,
The keys of death and hell are to our Jesus giv’n;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!He sits at God’s right hand till all His foes submit,
And bow to His command, and fall beneath His feet:
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice;
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!He all His foes shall quell, shall all our sins destroy,
And every bosom swell with pure seraphic joy;
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice,
Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!Rejoice in glorious hope! Jesus the Judge shall come,
And take His servants up to their eternal home.
We soon shall hear th’archangel’s voice;
The trump of God shall sound, rejoice!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 4:4] Rejoice, Ye Pure In Heart
Rejoice ye pure in heart;
Rejoice, give thanks, and sing;
Your glorious banner wave on high,
The cross of Christ your King.Refrain
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,
Give thanks and sing.Bright youth and snow crowned age,
Strong men and maidens meek,
Raise high your free, exultant song,
God’s wondrous praises speak.Refrain
Yes onward, onward still
With hymn, and chant and song,
Through gate, and porch and columned aisle,
The hallowed pathways throng.Refrain
With all the angel choirs,
With all the saints of earth,
Pour out the strains of joy and bliss,
True rapture, noblest mirth.Refrain
Your clear hosannas raise;
And alleluias loud;
Whilst answering echoes upward float,
Like wreaths of incense cloud.Refrain
With voice as full and strong
As ocean’s surging praise,
Send forth the hymns our fathers loved,
The psalms of ancient days.Refrain
Yes, on through life’s long path,
Still chanting as ye go;
From youth to age, by night and day,
In gladness and in woe.Refrain
Still lift your standard high,
Still march in firm array,
As warriors through the darkness toil,
Till dawns the golden day.Refrain
At last the march shall end;
The wearied ones shall rest;
The pilgrims find their heavenly home,
Jerusalem the blessed.Refrain
Then on, ye pure in heart!
Rejoice, give thanks and sing!
Your glorious banner wave on high,
The cross of Christ your King.Refrain
Praise Him Who reigns on high,
The Lord Whom we adore,
The Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
One God forevermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 4:6] Spend One Hour With Jesus
Weary soul by sin oppressed,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
He will give your spirit rest,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
He has felt your grief before,
Numbered all your sorrows o’er,
He will ev’ry joy restore;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Do you fear the gath’ring gloom?
Spend one hour with Jesus;
In the silent inner room,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
He will speak unto your soul,
Make your ev’ry heartache whole,
Point you to the heav’nly goal;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Ev’ry need He will supply,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
He alone can satisfy,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
Oh, the mercy He will show,
Oh, the grace He will bestow,
Grace to conquer ev’ry foe;
Spend one hour with Jesus.All along life’s stormy way,
Spend one hour with Jesus;
Call upon Him day by day,
Spend one hour with Jesus:
Tell Him all—He is your Friend,
He will countless blessings send,
He will keep you to the end;
Spend one hour with Jesus.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Phi 4:7] Hidden Peace
I cannot tell thee whence it came,
This peace within my breast;
But this I know, there fills my soul
A strange and tranquil rest.Refrain
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
There’s a deep, settled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the billows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.Beneath the toil and care of life,
This hidden stream flows on;
My weary soul no longer thirsts,
Nor am I sad and lone.Refrain
I cannot tell the half of love,
Unfeigned, supreme, divine,
That caused my darkest inmost self
With beams of hope to shine.Refrain
I cannot tell thee why He chose
To suffer and to die,
But if I suffer here with Him
I’ll reign with Him on high.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal