Genesis 1:1--6:22
beginning <07225> [beginning.]
God <0430> [God.]
without shape <08414> [without.]
Spirit <07307> [Spirit.]
God <0430> [God.]
be .... there <01961> [Let.]
that <03588> [that.]
light ........ light .... darkness <0216 0996 02822> [the light from the darkness. Heb. between the light and between the darkness.]
day .... darkness ............. day <03117 02822> [Day, and.]
evening ..... morning <06153 01242> [And the evening and the morning were. Heb. And the evening was, and the morning was.]
expanse <07549> [Let there.]
expanse <07549> [firmament. Heb. expansion.]
separated <0914> [divided.]
above <05921> [above.]
so <03651> [and it.]
God <0430> [God.]
evening <06153> [evening.]
God .............. God saw <07200 0430> [God saw.]
land <0776> [Let the.]
vegetation <01877> [grass. Heb. tender grass. fruit.]
land <0776> [earth.]
plants <06212> [herb.]
lights <03974> [Let there.]
lights <03974> [lights.]
Or, rather, luminaries or light-bearers; being a different world from that rendered light, in ver. 3, the day from the night.
[between the day and between the night. and let.]
rule over ......... rule over <04475> [to rule. Heb. for the rule, etc.]
made ......................... stars <06213 03556> [he made the stars also. Or, with the stars also.]
water <04325> [Let the waters.]
swarms <08318> [moving. or, creeping.]
living <02416> [life. Heb. a living soul.]
birds fly <05774 05775> [fowl that may fly. Heb. let fowl fly.]
This marginal reading is more conformable to the original, and reconciles this passage with ch. 2:19. The word fowl, from the Saxon {fleon,} to fly, exactly corresponds to the original, which denotes every thing that flies, whether bird or insect.
across ... expanse <07549 06440> [open firmament. Heb. face of the firmament.]
great <01419> [great.]
swarmed <08317> [brought.]
God .............................. God saw <07200 0430> [God saw.]
land <0776> [Let.]
Cattle, denotes domestic animals living on vegetables;--Beasts of the earth, wild animals; especially such as live on flesh; and--Creeping things, reptiles; or all the different genera of serpents, worms, and such animals as have no feet.
make <06213> [Let us.]
humankind <0120> [man.]
In Hebrew, Adam; probably so called either from the red earth of which he was formed, or from the blush or flesh-tint of the human countenance: the name is intended to designate the species.
image <06754> [in our.]
rule <07287> [have dominion.]
image .... image <06754> [in the image.]
male <02145> [male.]
moves <07430> [moveth. Heb. creepeth.]
give <05414> [I have.]
seed-bearing <02232> [bearing. Heb. seeding. to you.]
animals ............................ life <02416> [life. Heb. a living soul.]
very good <02896 03966> [very good.]
evening ..... morning <06153 01242> [and the.]
heavens <08064> [Thus.]
that was in them <06635> [host.]
seventh ................. seventh <07637> [And on.]
seventh day God ............. on ... seventh day <03117 0430 07637> [seventh day God.]
The LXX., Syriac, and the Samaritan Text read the sixth day, which is probably the true reading; as [vav <\\See definition 02053\\>,] which stands for six, might easily be changed into [zayin,] which denotes seven.
ceased <07673> [rested.]
Or, rather, ceased, as the Hebrew word is not opposed to weariness, but to action; as the Divine Being can neither know fatigue, nor stand in need of rest.
blessed <01288> [blessed.]
made ............... been doing ... creation <01254 06213> [created and made. Heb. created to make.]
account <08435> [the generations.]
Lord <03068> [Lord.]
shrub <07880> [plant.]
not <03808> [had not.]
cultivate <05647> [to till.]
Springs ... well up <0108 05927> [there went up a mist. or, a mist which went up.]
formed ... man ................... man <03335 0120> [formed man.]
[of the dust. Heb. the dust of, etc. dust.]
breathed <05301> [and breathed.]
nostrils <0639> [nostrils.]
life ....... living <02416> [a living.]
orchard <01588> [a garden.]
east <06924> [eastward.]
placed ... man <07760 0120> [put the.]
tree .............. tree ...... tree <06086> [every.]
tree .............. tree ... life .... tree <02416 06086> [tree of life.]
tree .............. tree ...... tree .... knowledge <01847 06086> [tree of knowledge.]
river <05104> [a river.]
Eden <05731> [Eden.]
Eden denotes pleasure or delight; but was certainly the name of a place, and was, most probably, situated in Armenia, near the sources of the great rivers Euphrates, Tigris, Phasis, and Araxes.
Havilah <02341> [Havilah.]
Bdellium is a transparent aromatic gum. The onyx is a precious stone, so called from a Greek word signifying a man's nail, to the colour of which it nearly approaches.
lazuli <07718> [onyx.]
Gihon <01521> [Gihon.]
The Araxes, which runs into the Caspian sea.
Cush <03568> [Ethiopia. Heb. Cush.]
The country of the ancient Cussaei.
Tigris <02313> [Hiddekel.]
[The Tigris. toward the east of. or, eastward to.]
Euphrates <06578> [Euphrates.]
man <0120> [the man. or, Adam.]
placed <03240> [put.]
God <0430> [God.]
freely eat <0398> [thou mayest freely eat. Heb. eating thou shalt eat.]
tree <06086> [of the tree.]
surely die <04191> [thou shalt surely die. Heb. dying thou shalt die. surely.]
good <02896> [good.]
make <06213> [I will.]
companion for him <05828> [meet for him. Heb. as before him.]
ground <0127> [And out.]
brought <0935> [brought.]
man ............ man <0120> [Adam. or, the man.]
So .... named <07121 08034> [gave names to. Heb. called. but.]
Then <01129> [made. Heb. builded.]
brought <0935> [brought.]
bone .... bones <06106> [bone.]
flesh .... flesh <01320> [flesh.]
woman <0802> [Woman. Heb. Isha.]
taken out <03947> [taken.]
man <0376> [Man. Heb. Ish.]
leaves <05800> [leave.]
unites <01692> [cleave.]
a ... family <0259 01320> [and they shall be one flesh.]
The LXX., Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, and Samaritan read, "they two;" as is also read in several of the Parallel Passages.
naked <06174> [naked.]
ashamed <0954> [ashamed.]
serpent <05175> [Now.]
serpent <05175> [serpent.]
The Samaritan Copy, instead of {nachash,} "a serpent," reads {cachash,} "a liar or deceiver," read Joh 8:44.
said ........... said <0559> [he said.]
God ........... really .... God <0637 0430> [Yea, hath. Heb. Yea, because, etc. hath.]
serpent <05175> [serpent.]
fruit <06529> [But.]
touch <05060> [touch.]
serpent <05175> [serpent.]
Surely ..... die <04191> [Ye.]
God .................. divine <0430> [God.]
eyes <05869> [your.]
God .................. divine <0430> [as gods.]
knows .................... know <03045> [knowing.]
saw <07200> [saw.]
attractive <08378> [pleasant. Heb. a desire.]
eye <05869> [to the eyes.]
ate .................. ate <0398> [and did.]
ate .................. ate <0398> [and he did eat.]
eyes <05869> [And the.]
knew <03045> [knew.]
they ...... sewed <01992 08609> [and they.]
coverings <02290> [aprons. or, things to gird about.]
heard <08085> [And they.]
breezy ..... day <03117 07307> [cool of the day. Heb. wind.]
hid <02244> [hid.]
afraid <03372> [and I was.]
I <0595> [because.]
done <06213> [What.]
serpent <05175> [The serpent.]
cursed <0779> [thou art.]
dust <06083> [dust.]
hostility <0342> [enmity.]
offspring .... offspring <02233> [thy seed.]
offspring .... offspring <02233> [her seed.]
attack ....... attack <07779> [it shall.]
attack ....... attack <07779> [thou.]
pain <06089> [in sorrow.]
want <08669> [thy desire.]
husband <0376> [to. or, subject to. rule.]
obeyed <08085> [Because.]
ate ............. eat ................ eat <0398> [and hast.]
cursed <0779> [cursed.]
toil <06093> [in sorrow.]
thorns <06975> [Thorns.]
produce <06779> [bring forth. Heb. cause to bud. herb.]
sweat <02188> [In.]
until <05704> [till.]
dust .... dust <06083> [for dust.]
dust .... dust <06083> [and.]
man <0120> [Adam.]
Eve <02332> [Eve. Heb. Chavah; that is, living. of.]
made <06213> [make.]
one <0259> [as one.]
tree <06086> [tree.]
eat <0398> [eat.]
cultivate <05647> [till.]
eastern <06924> [east.]
angelic sentries <03742> [Cherubims.]
flame <03858> [a flaming.]
guard <08104> [to keep.]
marital relations <03045> [knew.]
Cain <07014> [Cain.]
That is, gotten or acquired.
I ... created <07069> [I have.]
Abel Abel <01893> [Abel. Heb. Hebel. And Abel.]
care <07462> [a keeper. Heb. a feeder.]
cultivated <05647> [tiller.]
designated time <03117 07093> [A.M. 129. B.C. 3875. in process of time. Heb. at the end of days.]
Either at the end of the year, or of the week, i.e., on the Sabbath.
fruit <06529> [the fruit.]
firstborn <01062> [the firstlings.]
flock <06629> [flock. Heb. sheep, or, goats. fat.]
<08159> [had.]
Cain .......... Cain <07014> [But.]
angry <02734> [wroth.]
if ...... right ....... if ........ right <0518 03190> [If thou doest well.]
<07613> [be accepted. or, have the excellency.]
sin <02403> [sin.]
[unto thee, or, subject unto thee.]
said <0559> [talked.]
Cain ................... Cain attacked <07014 06965> [Cain rose.]
Where ..... Abel <0335 01893> [Where is.]
know <03045> [I know.]
What <04100> [What.]
blood <01818> [blood. Heb. bloods. crieth.]
opened <06475> [opened.]
longer <03254> [it.]
homeless wanderer <05128> [a fugitive.]
My punishment is greater than I can bear. or, Mine iniquity is greater than that it may be forgiven.
driving <01644> [driven.]
presence <05921 06440> [from thy.]
<05128> [fugitive.]
finds <04672> [that.]
if <03651> [Therefore.]
seven <07659> [sevenfold.]
put ... special mark <07760 0226> [set a mark, etc.]
Or, rather, "gave a sign or token to Cain, that those who found him should not kill him."
out <03318> [went.]
Nod <05113> [Nod.]
So called from {nad,} "a vagabond," which Cain is termed in ver. 12.
Enoch ............... Enoch <02585> [Enoch.]
building <01129> [and he.]
named .... after <08034> [the name.]
Lamech <03929> [A.M. cir. 194. B.C. cir. 3810. Lamech.]
two wives <0802 08147> [two wives.]
first <01> [the.]
first <01> [father.]
The inventor or teacher, 1 Sa 10:12.
live in <03427> [dwell.]
first <01> [A.M. cir. 500. B.C. cir. 3504. father.]
harp <03658> [the harp.]
<03913> [instructer. Heb. whetter. brass.]
Listen <08085> [hear.]
I have slain a man to my wounding. or, I would slay a man in my wound, etc. .# 49:6
hurting <02250> [to my hurt. or, in my hurt.]
If <03588> [if.]
seventy-seven <07657> [seventy.]
named <07121> [A.M. 130. B.C. 3874. and called.]
Seth <08352> [Seth. Heb. Sheth; i.e., appointed, or put. God.]
<01931> [A.M. 235. B.C. 3769. To him.]
Enosh <0583> [Enos. Heb. Enosh. to call upon the name of the Lord. or, call themselves by the name of the Lord.]
.# De 26:17,18 1Ki 18:24 Ps 116:17 Isa 44:5 48:1 63:19 Jer 33:16
record <05612> [book.]
The original word rendered "book," signifies a register, account, history, or any kind of writing.
likeness <01823> [in the likeness.]
male <02145> [Male.]
named <08034> [their.]
130 <03967> [A.M. 130. B.C. 3874. hundred.]
The chronology differs in the Hebrew Text, the Samaritan, the LXX., and Josephus. The LXX. adds 100 years to each of the patriarchs Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, and Enoch, before the birth of their sons; while they take 20 from the age of Methuselah, and add 6 to that of Lamech. Thus the space from the creation to the deluge is made 2,242 years, according to the Vatican copy, but 2,262 by the Alexandrine; and the sum total by Josephus is 2,265, by the Samaritan 1,307, and the Hebrew Text, 1,656. The sum total from the Deluge to the 70th year of Terah, according to these authorities, is, Heb. 292; Sam. 942; Sept. Vat. 1,172; Alex. 1,072, and Josephus 1,002.
likeness <01823> [in his.]
<07121> [called.]
time <03117> [And the.]
father ............ other <03205> [and he.]
930 <08672> [A.M. 930. B.C. 3074. nine.]
died <04191> [and he died.]
father <03205> [A.M. 235. B.C. 3769. begat.]
[A.M. 1042. B.C. 2962.]
Kenan <07018> [A.M. 325. B.C. 3679. Cainan. Heb. Kenan.]
father ....... other <03205> [begat.]
died <04191> [A.M. 1140. B.C. 2864. died.]
Mahalalel <04111> [A.M. 395. B.C. 3609. Mahalaleel. Gr. Maleleel.]
father ...... had <03205> [and begat.]
[A.M. 1235. B.C. 2769.]
Jared <03382> [A.M. 460. B.C. 3544. Jared. Heb. Jered.]
father ....... other <03205> [and begat.]
died <04191> [A.M. 1290. B.C. 2714. died.]
Enoch <02585> [A.M. 622. B.C. 3382. Enoch.]
became the father ...... had other <03205> [and begat.]
died <04191> [he died.]
Methuselah <04968> [A.M. 687. B.C. 3317. Methuselah. Gr. Mathusala.]
[A.M. 987. B.C. 3017.]
walked <01980> [walked.]
God ....... God <0430> [he was not.]
The same expression occurs,
God ....... God <0430> [for.]
[A.M. 874. B.C. 3130.]
father ....... other sons <01121 03205> [begat sons.]
died <04191> [A.M. 1656. B.C. 2348. he died.]
[A.M. 1056. B.C. 2948.]
<07121> [he called.]
Noah <05146> [Noah. Gr. Noe, i.e., rest or comfort. because.]
father ....... other sons <01121 03205> [begat sons.]
died <04191> [A.M. 1651. B.C. 2353. he died.]
Shem <08035> [A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. Shem.]
multiply <07231> [A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. to multiply.]
sons <01121> [the sons.]
saw <07200> [saw.]
Thus <02007> [that they.]
took <03947> [and they.]
spirit <07307> [My.]
mortal <01320> [is.]
Nephilim <05303> [giants.]
after <0310> [after.]
Lord <03068> [God.]
inclination <03336> [every imagination. or, the whole imagination.]
The Hebrew word signifies not only the imagination, but also the purposes and desires.
thoughts <04284> [thoughts.]
time <03117> [continually. Heb. every day.]
regretted <05162> [repented.]
offended <06087> [grieved.]
wipe <04229> [I will.]
humankind .............. humankind to animals including <0120 05704 0929> [both man, and beast. Heb. from man unto beast.]
account <08435> [These.]
godly <06662> [just.]
blameless <08549> [perfect. or, upright.]
Noah Noah ............ He <05146> [and Noah.]
Shem <08035> [A.M. 1556. B.C. 2448. Shem.]
sight <06440> [before.]
filled <04390> [filled.]
God <0430> [God.]
creatures <01320> [for all.]
decided <07093> [The end.]
filled <04390> [filled.]
destroy <07843> [and behold.]
filled <04390 0854> [with. or, from.]
earth .................. earth <0776> [the earth.]
Make ......... Make <06213> [A.M. 1536. B.C. 2468. Make.]
rooms <07064> [rooms. Heb. nests. shalt pitch.]
450 feet ... 75 feet .... 45 feet <0520> [cubits.]
roof <06672> [window.]
door <06607> [the door.]
lower <08482> [with.]
<02009> [behold.]
bring <0935> [bring.]
breath <07307> [is the.]
die <01478> [shall die.]
confirm <06965> [establish.]
enter <0935> [come.]
The cubit being nearly 22 inches, and the ark being 300 cubits in length, 50 in breadth, and 30 in height, (ver. 15,) its size was equal to 547 feet long, 91 feet broad, and 54 feet high; and it is computed to had been 81,062 tons burthen. These dimensions were sufficient to contain all the persons and animals in it, and food for more than a year.
two <08147> [two.]
birds <05775> [fowls.]
two <08147> [two.]
Genesis 41:2
coming up <05927> [there came.]
reeds <0260> [a meadow.]
Or, rather, "on, or among the reeds or sedges;" for so {achoo} is generally supposed to denote (see Job 8:11); so called, according to Mr. Parkhurst, from its fitness for making ropes, or the like, to connect or join things together, from {achah,} to join, connect: thus the Latin {juncus,} a bulrush, {a jungendo,} from joining, for the same reason. He supposes it to be that sort of reed growing near the Nile which Hasselquist describes as "having scarce any branches, but numerous leaves, which are narrow, smooth, channelled on the upper surface, and the plant about eleven feet high. The Egyptians make ropes of the leaves."
Genesis 41:25
God <0430> [God.]
Genesis 46:11
Levi <03878> [Levi.]
Gershon <01648> [Gershon. or, Gershom.]
Genesis 48:14-15
right hand <03225> [his right hand.]
placed <07896> [and laid.]
<07919> [guiding.]
firstborn <01060> [firstborn.]
blessed <01288> [blessed.]
walked <01980> [did walk.]
shepherd .... life <07462 05750> [fed me.]